this kind of review. and where the public can feel as though this review was done comprehensively, properly, and in a way that can be trusted. >> a reminder to our viewers, you're the state ag, the oakland county prosecutor, karen mcdonald, said friday she may bring charges against school officials. what was your reaction when you heard that? what types of charges could those even be? >> well, i don't want to speculate yet, because i don't have the information. and again, i don't know to what extent our department will be involved in this. i will say i've been in close contact with oakland county prosecutor karen mcdonald. we've talked consistently throughout the course of these events. she knows we're here to assist in any way possible. and i think if you ask her, she would welcome our involvement. >> these charges against the crumbley parents, which have already been filed, they're unusual. do you think these charges, and if any charges are filed against school officials, but still, even with the parents being charged, would these perhaps help move the needle at all on