the threats got so bad they had to actually make an arrest, a man in alabama was arrested for allegedly leaving threatening messages for d.a. willis, and saying things like, when you charge trump on that fourth indictment, anytime you are alone, be looking over your shoulder. >> that connection between trump's vilification of these men and women and the death threats made against them, seems pretty cut and dry. but rather than denouncing any of it, trump fans the flames. here's a snippet from another video that trump posted online, a week ago, today. >> god gave us trump, god said, i need somebody willing to get up before dawn, fix this country, work all day, fight the marxists. >> i'm not going to show you that whole thing. i know it's sort of amazing to imagine donald trump getting up before dawn to go do god's work, or whatever the idea is there. it is less i'm using that this clip shows images of jack smith,