>> overall inflation picked up steam over the beginning o 2020, to clocking in at 9% i june, the fastest pace of pric increases since the 19 80s food prices soared, a gallon o milk now averaging $4.22 chicken, $1.84 pound, and dozen great a egg $3.59 dozen. all more expensive than this time last year gas prices topped $5 a gallo in the summer before childre below $3.50 in the later par of the ear and then rand, th biggest express our most hel souls joining seven to 8%. inflation did show - in the later part of the air a the federal reserve exhilarate the base of its interest rat increases. >> one quarter point, thre quarters of a percentage point >> the fed continue to raise rates at that pace, a speed no seen in decades. the idea, to make borrowin costs more expensive to slow the economy, and inflation among the sharpest slowdowns i the housing market were home