Announcer the following program is an n original production ofof link tv. Next up, witchcraft, hiv, and some hardrd lessons learned. man l laughing an awardwinning comedy and other short films from link tvs viewchange film contntest. Narrator viewchange is about people making Real Progress in tackling the Worlds Toughest issues. Can a story change the world . See for yourself in viewchange. Health is hope. Announcer around the world, good healthcare is about reachingeople wi w whater they mayay need. Sometimeses, s getting food to malnlnourished children or getting support to teens with hiv, or even sending e e hospal t to e patitit. From malawto ecuor, see some healtares st invenve soluons and st tunedo see the winner of the viewchange film contest leadership prize. Second narrator malnutrition. Every year, malnutrition kills twice as many children as aids, tuberculosis, and malaria combined. Yet there is hope. An inexpensive, revolutionary therapy is saving childrens lives right now. rooster crows since 2004, project Peanut Butter has been treating children in malawi, a country with one of the highest malnutrition rates in the world. speaking native languguage second narrator as a faculty member at Washington University medical school, dr. Manary founded project Peanut Butter to bring the most effective malnutrition therapy to the children who need it most. Alefa is 7 months old. She is just entering the critical 6monthtotwoyearold window where children are most vulnerable to the impact of malnutrition. Jason alefa is, uh, severely malnourished and, um, unclear , as you can see from the extremely small arms. Second narrator severely malnourished children at this age are at great risk. Untreated, more than half will die. Pilirani is two years old. Severely malnourished kids often swell up with edema, a painful buildup of fluid under the skin. Piliranis swelling is so severe he can barely walk. Until recently, the best treatment available for pilirani and alefa was one to two months of hospitalization. But even in the best rural hospitals, only 2525 to 40 of children fully recover. Project peanut t butter gets much better results by distributing a special readytouse theraputic food to the mothers who will take it with them and treat their own children at home. Readytouse theraputic food is powerful medicine. This peanutbased formula is effective, easy to use, and empowers mothers. And most kids love it. Its more than just Peanut Butter. Over years of careful experiments and testing, d dr. Manary and his colleagues developed a new formula. Its a precise blend ideal for bringing children back from the edge of starvation. The results are dramatic. 6 weeks after their first visit, alefa and pilirani return for one of their checkups. Jason what weve seen over the course of the last 6 weeks has been, uh, really good progress. So, were hopopeful that shell come completely up to a healthy weight with this check. womoman speaking native langua second narrator after 6 weeks of treatment, pilirani is on a promising path. He is now likely to remain healthy and avoid lingering consequences. Dr. Manary 95 of these children are recovering. 95 . That is really something powerful. singing in native language second narrator and this success rate comes at a fraction of the old therapys cost. Today, saving one child costs the project a total of about 25. Projectct Peanut Butter has an ambitious vision to save over 2 million children from severe malnutrition by 2015. Woman i wish project Peanut Butter would grow like a unclear tree, which is unclear and grows big, big, big, big and biggegest. So it cn reach every needy child. Second narrator you can make a difference. Please, go to projectpeanutbutter. Org. Learn more about this urgent, lifesaving work. Remember, there is hope. speakg nativeanguage speaking native language speaking native language speaking g native lananguage speakining native l lanage speakaking nativeve language e applause e singing in native language speaking native language speaking native language all lauaughing macachine beepiping s speakg spanis speing english macne beeng mhine whiing dr. Rodas thats a ry h hume y to deliver sgery, i think. Ople itheir own environment. Th dont have tbe separed om theheamily, fm the home. hn beepin thd d narror alst 5 m mlion ecuadoanans li inn impoverieded, rul arareawith litt o or noccesess basicic healtherervice dr. R. Ear rodod tackles thisroroblemy brbrinng the hospitalo o the oplele. Since 94, his ulear fodation has been providg surgical carfofor ha to o reh communits s spre acrcros ecuar. R. speining spish h thirnanarrat ososcafuertetes a shsh trar. S sufring f fm a condition atat reqres s suery, he cannowowork tsupppporhis family speining spish h peakaking anish sakaking anisish dr. Ros s whewe g go townsns that arearar awaand d ve poor,r, dont char a absolelyy ytythingthe e id is thth nobody, nodydy canot h havan opoperatn n beuse they d veve mon. speaking spisish thd nanarrat after montnths of l livg withth disabling herniaososcar reaeadyor hisis opereratn. sakaking anisish drrodas scar fuee is a lead in the mmunity d has lotsf friends. Ll the community wacoconcerd ababou m. M. speakinspanisis vehlele racg byby speing spanh speaking anish speakg spanish peakakinspanisis sizzlin speing spanh drrorodas or t theeneralal public, health is ju t the absencofof disse. Toe, alalth irelated th e eve humaactivity. We havanan ande d definion n ofealth. H. Peaking spish announcer dont go away. When we return, a comedy routine about aids prevention and see the winner of the viewchange film contest leadership prize. First narrator like what you sasaw . Then visit viewchchange. , link tvs brand new multimedia website. Watch over 200 stories about new solutions s to the developing worlds biggest challenges. Get involved with the issues. Share the stories with friends and help change the world. All at viewchange. Org. rooster crowing man on eaearth, two t things involvlved. You may either borna woman n or a manan. If youre bn woman, youou are self. If you ae born a man, two things involv. speaking native language aha umoza if you accuse someoneno, so, ok. If you accuse someone, you are self. Im stuck. Second m man when y you come to unclelear , there a a two t ths involved. Youll either get stas or hiv. When you get other stas, you are safe. But when you get hiv, there is one thing involved. You develop aids, you will die. It end there. speaking native language ththird man . 7 years now. speaking native language laughing speaking native language speaking native language audience laughing speaking native language umoza the name of our group is umoza youth organization. Our group started in late 1999. singing in native language umoza thehe objectives of t the group are to fight against hivaids, to prevent mothertochild transmsmission f hiv, aidids. Second man so, we try to make some songs. Third man mainly, w we perform drama before theheypeople areo get testeded. Umoza people geget entertained while they getet the message. speaking g native lananguage singing in native languguage singing in natiti language fourth man so, i wanted to say this leg, this carposis, is stage 4 of hiv and aids, see . So ifi know if i could have taken the drugs unclear i think i could have notit would have not come to this extent. Thats just because it was too late. So, i used to say, if i could find my friends unclear go there. I used to say, please, guys, go to the hospital just so that they should discover unclear . God also give me a talent of composing songs, so, ive got a task of composing songs and spreading the message. And, um, teaching my friends songs and the like. This song is unclear . And it is advising some unclear take care of themselvlves just because this time the worldld is full of hiv and aids. So, thisis is the numbmber. Play, guys. jazz music playing singing in native language so, unclear , there are two things involved, you know. woman laughing man yeah, yeah. There are two things involved. unclear sesecond woman keeping involve, unclear . Fourth m man if you contract hv and aids, there are two things involved. You can stay longer or die. If you areyou die, you are safe. But you stay wrong, there are two things involved. Interviewer and you can improvise . Fourth man yes, unclear . There are two things invved. If heyou follow the instructions for the doctor or joinin in groupsps whi a are involved in the hiv and aids. Something like that. all laughing g singing in native language first narrator and now, the winner of the viewchange film contest leadership prize. Robby brassons the w witch doctotor doctor have a seat, please. Mr. unclearar , first of all,d like t to congratulate y you for coming in voluntarily, and like i said, you can still live a normal, healthy, productive life with hiv. Is therere anything youd like to know . Man no. O. Theres noththing. Jt tellll me. Doctor there is also clear and you are hiv posititive. Man d do you meanan positive . E . Doctor it j just means s that e vivirus is actctive in youour b, but it does not automatically meanan that you have aids. And i. baby wailing children crying doctor . May i advise that y u go to hospital andnd have your cell count taken so that we can immediately start you on aivs. This is a brochure. It has everything that you need to know about how w to live popositively wiwith hiv. childreren crying speaking native language speaking native language chanting in native langauge witch doctor come in, my son. Tell me whwhat ails yoyou. Man ii want you to help m. Ive been unwell for quite some time now. I had this persistent cold, and after that, i developed someme swellingsgs. Witch dodoctor hmm. Man now t they want me to takae ththis t couount test fofor m sure theres anotother after r. Witch doctor defifinitely. Yes, most d definitely. Y. Maman we can do it traditional, spiritually. Id pay. Just tell me what you u want me to do and im going to do it. Witch doctor we shall consult the ancestorors. chanting in native language ahh man whatwhat do i have to do . Ok, back. I hear if i sleep with a vivirgin i canan cleanse myse. Oh, my god. Witch doctor give m me your rit hand. Connect with your ancestors. Man yes no i wont do some of the sacrifices. Ststop it, plea there are some things i cant do. I wont cut anybodys genitals a and i wont brining unclearar blood in witch doctor but you mighght he toto. What then . You cannot back out now. Please, will y you hold this with yoyour left hand . This is h how you wil connect with your ancestors from your head to your heart right down to. woman laughing crazily come chanting laughing ohh ohh ohh chanting gasps it is now too late to go back. The anancestors hahave spoken. Your answer is right here. Ahh. Yes, young man. Let us go. Let us movnow. W. Ancestotors unclear . Ha ha. Do not worry, young man. You see, as the pamphlet says, you can still lead a fully productive life even if you are hiv posisitive. l laughing first narrator like what you saw . Then visit viewchanange. Or, link tvs brand new multimedia website. Watch over 200 stories about new w solutions to the developing worlds biggest challenges. Get involved with the issues. Share the stories with friends and help change the world. All at viewchange. Org. Hello and welcome. Tributes have been flooding in for a man loved by millions. George michael has died at the age of 53. The very next day to give it away the british superstar sold more than 100 million albums during his career. We will get a personal

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