5 00 p. M. On monday. He is expected to fly out soon. At the airport the ambassador told reporters he regret what is he called an excessive reaction by the government. He repeatedly blasted malaysias investigation into Kim Jong Nams death. Malaysia recalled his ambassador to north korea last month. It also cancelled visa free entry for those traveling to malaysia. It hasnt cooperated with malaysias request to two other north koreas connected to the case. Japans Prime Minister says north koreas latest Missile Launch is unacceptable. Shinzo abe issued the strong rebuke after they fired off four bla listic missiles on monday morning. We have confirmed and analyzed more facts agent north koreas ballistic Missile Launches. We held discussions about the best course of action and agreed to make the upmost efforts to secure public safety. We also agreed to gather information and continue moni r monitoring to prepare for any other attacks by the north. The missiles travelled about a thousand kill meters before splashing down in the sea of japan. Officials in tokyo say three landed within japans exclusive economic zone. Our camera man has sent footage from the area. I can see Japanese Selfdefense force airplane. South koreas acting president announced the launches as a correct challenge to the International Community. Last month north korea fired a Ballistic Missile from its launch site in the same province and also fell in the sea of japan. They spotted a cylinder shaped object in the area that might be part of the missile. Theyre trying to retrieve it for analysis. He offered his insights on why the north has carried out Missile Launches at this time. I think of two common sense reasons and one special reason. Number one, common sense, north korea is protesting against and responding to the drill that began a few days ago. Second, north korea will go ahead with Nuclear Weapon and Missile Development despite the International Sanctions and implementing what kim jong un promised in his nuclear address. He said we would not just wait and see the south koreau. S. Nuclear war practice. Finally im paying attention to the Chinese Foreign ministers meeting in beijing with north korea Deputy Foreign minister ri kil song on february 28th. I presume china must have given a glim light to north Koreas Nuclear development. So for china participated in the un sanction but has unofficially supported the survival of the north korean regime. Well what is your take on north koreas Missile Development . You just talked a bit about that. The country seems to be rushing to develop various types of missiles. Yes, north korea has developed and accumulated various technologies. The full operation of its military forces related to testing its nuclear war heads, preciseness of reentry, use of the fuel, extension and adjustment of missile range, et cetera. But i think sit very unlikely to be icbm this time. The missile went up to 260 kilometers and flew 1,000 kilometers. Though theres facilities for centralized launch we know that they are not interested in a peaceful space development. So they shot it in 2013 and 2016. We know that their motives is not peaceful but military. Well, what do you see then as north koreas next move . Do you think the north will continue this provocative behavior . We can think of two major variables. Deciding north koreas future trajectory of action. The first one is of course how tougher or stronger it will be. More importantly second variable will be chinas future behavior. If china continues to support survival of north korea regime unofficially even while officially joining the un sanction i think north korea will stick on its career ambition. Personally i see china is not likely to change its current behavior. A special prosecutor in south korea says President Park colluded with her longterm friend to receive bribes from the samsung group. The allegations are included in findings of the 90 day investigation. The special Prosecution Team released the details on monday. Translator the focus of this special prosecutor probe is the scandal caused by using the personal interest and collusion of government and business which is a chronic cycle of corruption in our society. The vice chairman of Samsung Electronics wanted support as head of the samsung group. In return they received bribes worth 25 million which were partly in the form of contributions to foundations lead by choi. They charged him with bribery last week. Company representatives denied the charges. The team also linked them to illegal blacklisting of cultural figureres deemed critical o of government. The government cutoff subsidies to film directors actors and writers on the list. Regular prosecutors will take over the investigation. Park was impeached in decemembe and is suspended from office. The Constitutional Court will rule onn w whether to upholold impeachment. If park is removed from office she could face arrest and prosecution. Local media say the court is expected to handout its decision as early as this week. The president says she was never involved in corruption in her more than 20 years in politics. Chinese Authorities Say their countrys Defense Budget for 2017 topped 1 trillion yuan or 151 billion for the first time. They announced the figure on monday. The countrys Defense Budget increased by 7 from last year. It has tripled in ten years. Military experts say chinas actual dense spending is higher than the official figure which does not include costs for procuring foreign Fighter Aircraft or research and development. The International Community has raised concerns about china as it has been building aircraft carriers and cutting edgdge military eqequipment. He clearly mentioned the build up in a report in the National Peoples congress on sundnday. China will quickly become a marine power and protect its maritime interest and step up defense of its waters, air space and borders. Turning now to business, geo political business effected markets here in japan. Were joined with the details and other business updates for the day. North koreas Missile Launch carey yatd caution in the markets. The nikkei average closed lower and we saw the yen remain strengthth. Ouour Business Reporter hasas m from the tokyo stock exchange. Traders werent afraid to launch any moves and reached for the yen. That offset optimism after comments by fed chair janet yellen on friday reaffirmed expectations for a rate hike this month. Lets see the closing levels for monday march 6th. Nikkei 225 lost. 46 . The broader topix shed. 2 . Lets check on currencies. The dollar yen pair slipped off a two week high but high Market Expectations for a rate hike in the u. S. Provided support. Looking at individual stocks, shares dived 5 . Thats after media reports that the president is expected to resign attend of the month but optimism over Growth Prospects in the u. S. And china gave a boost to energy and industrial metals. Kobe steel and jx holdings rose over 2 . It was a fairly muted start to the weeeek but we may see a mor positive turn now that investors think that a rate hike for month march looks to be a done deal. Lets move on to south korea. Investors seem to shrug off the missile laumplgs. Kospi up to 2,081. The closing number there and the countrys currency didnt reflect volatility. The shanghai composite ended in the positive. Hong kong meanwhile tracked gains in shanghai on hopes for beijings economic reform plans and sydney was also up supported by gains and resource companies. China indicated the government will l be puttingng priority on jobs this year. Translator employment is an importantt issue in china with population of n nearly 1. 4 billion. Without a certain level of economic growth, it will be difficult to securure new jobs. The government aims to create morere than 1 11 million new jon urban areas this year. Thats 1 milillion more new job than last year. Another senior official with the commission talked about the plan to cut steel productioion c capy by about 50 million tons. He said this would put capacity at 80 . He said this is a standard level for market economy. Pilots at Japan Airlines are preparing to fly a route they havent taken in nearly four decades. Theyre launching a direct flight in april. The move comes 7 years after they filed for bankruptcy. It received a 3 million bailout from a state banked fund. The transport ministry has limited routes until now. Ministry officials impose the limit to keep things fair for competitors but the restriction expires at the end of the month. The rival already started service on the same route last october. Competition is expected to increase between japans two biggest airlines. The japanese government has drawn up a five year plan for the operation of its own satellite based navigation system. People in japan use the one by the u. S. Government. Theyre developing an original system that involves four satellites and will start full flej operations in fiscal 2018. During the five year plan theyll use the system during disasters to check and collect information to help and rescue operations. They also want to use it during the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and pair olympics. Theyll monitor so people can be guided to their destinations smoothly. They also plan to promote the development and use of driverless agricultural machines to improve productive. Japans Business Leaders are asking the government to continue supporting industries and areas devastated by the massive earthquake and tsunami six years ago. The chamber of commerce and industry chairman made the request Marine Products are a core industry hit by the 2011 disaster. Hes askining the government to help expand sales. He also asks for subsidies to address the shortage of construction enengineers. Transnslator reconstruction takes time. People have been solving problems but they are facing new challenges one after another. He said sustained government assistance is needed to reenergize rather than simply restore local industries. Lets check our global economical lan Economic Calendar for the week. This is the same day theyll release export and import figures in february. Thats the Consumer Price index and Producer Price index on february. Also a policy decision from the European Central bank is out. Mario draghi will speak to reporters following the evening. Policy makers at the Federal Reserve will be watching closely and theyll be meeting the following week to decide Interest Rates among other matters. At the start of each week we ask specialists to share their perspective of whats ahead. We hear from the senior economists. Exports from china jumped almost 8 in january. For the upcoming february data he believes shipments will continue to expand in line way recovering global economy. Translator january and february figures tend to be volatile because of the effects of the Lunar New Year holiday but o one thing is certain. Chinese exports have been gathering momentum since the second half of last year. China is the worlds factory. External demand similar proving and that is the main reason for the recovery in exports. Strong export data could invite further criticism from donald trump. P. The trade imbalance between the two countrieses is deeply ingrained and chinese factories are just providing what americans want. Translator american versus a big appetite for u. S. Goods. Some may bring factories back from china that may suppress imports from china in a certain extent but its unlikely that the overall trends will change. He says both sides need to work on diffusing trade tension. One action is to open the door to more u. S. Agriculture products. Importing more from the u. S. , that may be a break through china is already buying a significant amount of soybeans but im talking about a greater variety of Agricultural Produce including u. S. Beef and oranges. The trade imbalance cannot be resolved by threats or retaliation its to discuss how much compromise each side is willing to make. You can catch the report online together with a full transcript. Look for nhk world and business wrap. Thats a look at business news. Ill leave you the markets. Investigators are trying to determine the cause of a deadly Helicopter Crash over the weekend in the mountains of central japapan. Police say all nine men on board a rescue helicopter were killed. The helicopter was on a training flight for rescue personnel. It was found sunday afternoon. Local Officials Say the chopper belongs to the fire and Disaster Management and aviation center. The local governor says authorities are trying to learn more about the accident. Well work fully with police to investigate the cause of this crash. Authorities say there was no distress call or report of trouble with the aircraft. People in new york paid their respects to the victims of the march 11th earthquake and tsunami disaster in japans northeheast. 400 people attended a memorial event on sunday at a church in manhattan. It was organized byapanese residents. People offered silent prayers and watched video messages from residents of the effected area. This town was evacuated after the disaster. I want more people in the world to know about our traditional local pottery so they can remember our town. This woman was in tokyo when the earthquake hit. Its difficult their lives. But trying to take each step by step toward a Better Future so theyre very strong. Ceremonies of remembrance will take place in japan this coming saturday. Massive tsunami devastates northeastern japan. Six years later workers at the plant are still struggling to contain the radiation but in the wake of this unprecedented tragedy new ideas and initiatives for disaster prevention and recovery are shedding light and hope. Dont miss confronting challenges. Be sure to watch those special programs right here on nhk newsline. Its time now for World Weather with jonathan oh starting off with two storms in the tropics. When we continue to monitor tropical systems we talk about the winds but right now both of these systems primary threat is the rainfall. The heavy rains that come with the tropical systems one is about to make land fall and now will continue to make its way in ward. We are looking at very strong winds. Wind speeds of 148 Kilometers Per Hour with pressure down to 161. As this moved down toward the south and west, as s we go throughouttuesday, this will weaken to a low pressuree and i will alsoo slow down i in its trajectories. So as it moves southward it is going to bring a tremendouss amount of rainfall along the eastern coast of madagascar. With the primary focus taking place tuesday into wednesday and throughout the dayednesday as well. So for those of you along the coasastal areas be on tlook outs this system continues to move down to the south now this is another system already on land. This is a Tropical Cyclone category 2 named blanche. Winds of 95 with gusts up to 130. Wind wise may not seem particularly impressive but you have to rememember its packing bit of a pununch and its also going to slowly move to the southndnd westt this which mean a lot of rainfall will be taking place throughout the next couple of days so y you may be dealing with close to 200 millimeters of rainfall especially over the next 24 to 48 hours so flooding is a big concern but then as it continues to move to the south and west it will start to weaken and no longer be a huge threat but its going to be wet for the next couple of days. In japan its been cloudy and groommy and misty from time to time especially herere in tokok but the secondary low thats dedeveloped thats bngining a noherly f flow so were looking at the possibility of seeing snowfall for the Northern Areas of japan as we go throughout tuesday. Overnight monday through tuesday well see snowfall as well ranging from 10 centimeters all the way up to 30 centimeters of snowfall as we go into Tuesday Morning so if youre a snow lover this maybe the last few chances you get before we start warming up as we go through the month of march. As you look at whats happening over the United States it was really busy, especially for the first part of last week when it came to strong thunderstorms. Were getting the set up to where were looking at the possibility of seeing more unstable weather. Especially through arkansas and east and midwest and to the central plains. The reason is a low pressure system coming out of the midwest. We have fire danger weather on monday and from omaha nebraska to El Paso Texas and to the east the threat of Severe Weather so be on the look out as we go forward in time. Theres a lot of rain down toward houston through the first day of the work week also joining in on the rainfall as we go throughout the day. I hope you have a good day where ever you are. Heres your extended outlook. Our top story once again north koreas ambassador to malaysia is on the way out of the country. They ordered he leave after he criticized their investigation into the killing of the half brother of north koreas leader. The ambassador arrived at the airport before 5 00 p. M. On monday. He is expected to fly out soon. At the airport, the ambassador told reporters that he regrets what he called an excessive reaction from malaysias government. He said it was damaging friendly relations of 40 year standing between the two countries. He repeatedly blasted malaysias investigation into Kim Jong Nams death. Its triggered tensions between the countries. Malaysia recalled its ambassador to north korea last month. Also cancelled visa free entry for north koreans traveling to malaysia. They havent cooperated with malaysias request to question an Embassy Official and two others connected to the case. More updates on that and other stories as well as speciaa genie welcome to france 24. Time for 60 minutes live around the world. Im genie godula. These are the headlines. The former french Prime Minister alain juppe rules himself out as a president ial candidate. Campaign hasons been thrown into chaos over allegations he gave his wife and children fake jobs. Has askedf the fbi the u. S. Justice department to publicly refute Donald Trumps exclusive claim barack obama

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