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Paul ryan from wisconsin as speaker for the upcoming 2017 session. The entire House Republican conference is unified, and we are so eager to get to work with our new president elect to fix americas pressing problems. Meanwhile, the Incoming Trump administration already in disarray as key figures disappear. New Jersey Governor Chris Christie was abruptly demoted from his position as transition chief, those duties going to Vice President elect mike pence. Memo necessary for the transition previously signed by Chris Christie waited until tuesday night for mike pences signature. The truck team fired to National Security directors with ties to Chris Christie, including michael rodgers. One of the trump campaigns most , rudy giuliani, has been rumored to be a top contender for secretary of state , but business ties with foreign governments have raised concerns within the Transition Team and with congress. Meanwhile, trumps appointment to elicitcontinues outrage over his ties to white supremacist ideology. Aroundim joined by hes brown. H all these are these reports of infighting worrying at what is quite a late stage . Shouldnt donald trump already have his team lined up . Its exaggerated right now, but all of this is an inherently chaotic process. Every president ial transition weve hadver recent years has had some level of chaos. Hows just the nature of many things need to get done in such a short amount of time. I think its too early to call it chaos. There is a lot that has to go on and the decisions they made raise some questions, but calling it chaos is not quite right yet. Laura what about reports that trump is planning to give family members of great deal of influence in his administration . What do you make of that . That raises a very different set of concerns. Questions of conflict of interest. The other thing we know about this time is that its right for the kind of conflict of interest questions that people raise because theyre so much change happening. The questions people have raised about the access his family theers might have, both to transition and the white house, or ones that people have always worried about in the past about the transition. These are worthwhile concerns right now. Laura youve written about the role of lobbyists in washington and how it changed under the Obama Administration. How do you see that developing under a president trump, given that hes come out with very strong views on Climate Change that tends to go against the grain. Will he be surrounding people surrounding himself with people that agree with him, or will he be listening to all sides of the argument . Teame obama transition ethics wide ranging positions. This was unprecedented in many ways that many of those decisions led to similar procedures once the administration was up and running. The early steps that have been taken by the trump Transition Team suggest that some of their concerns about ethics and the seemof lobbyists dont nearly as important as the obama Transition Team. That is ironic, given what trump said himself during the campaign about some of the negative withts of having lobbyists too much access. The difference between 20th said already and some of his decisions right now to appoint a pretty powerful lobbyist to important positions in the transition raises some questions about how influential these lobbyists might be over some key policy areas. Climate change is just one of a number of areas we might worry about this with. Laura thanks for talking with us. In law, outgoing president barack obama is in germany on the second leg of his final foreign trip. Hes Holding Private talks with chancellor angela merkel. They will be joined by the leaders of france and the u. K. Tomorrow. Before leaving athens this on populism. Spoke ineven as his legacy is doubt after Donald Trumps when, on his final trip abroad, u. S. President brock upon a barack obama spoke about democracy. Riseew parallels about the of populist movements in europe, if resizing the need to make sure that people are not left behind by globalization. When the rich and powerful appeared to game the system and accumulate mass wealth while middle and working class family struggle to make ends meet, this feeds a profound sense of injustice and a feeling that our economies are increasingly unfair. This inequality now constitutes one of the greatest challenges to our economies and to our democracies. Reassurances that u. S. Commitment to nato would continue. President obama im confident ,ust that americas commitment whether under democratic or republican administration, that commitment will continue, including our pledge and our treaty obligation to defend every ally. As a president prepares to leave office, his words are being watched closely by World Leaders still unsure of what a Trump Administration will bring. Laura the french elections are just a few months away. Emmanuelyearold announced hes running for president. He wants to move away from what he calls plan politics. Economy minister earlier this year in is now standing as an independent. Here he is launching his bed earlier today. A president doesnt just , but also in ans less visible way, he carries within himself the values of his country. History, andy of the vigor and dignity of the public life. I know i am ready. Thats why i am a candidate for the french presidency. So who is emmanuelle macron . Until recently he was a member of the socialist government. Emmanuel macron grew up in a northern city, the son of two doctors, but his like calling was politics. Come from a family of civil servants. I grew up in regional france and when i was 13 or 15, i never there. I would go he went to the most Prestigious School for civil servants. Then began a lucrative career as a banker for rothschilds and 31 at 35 he was a millionaire. What he really wanted was a career in politics, and he got when he was presented president francois lond hollande. He became a close confidant and advisor. Then, on august 20 6, 2014, he got his big chance. He was named frances new economy minister. Judge me by my actions and words. As minister, he attacked several pillars of French Society like the 35 hour work week and the status of civil servants. Distanced himself further from his mentor. Our country no longer believes in the promises that were made. Reporter in april this year he launched his own movement. By august, he was no longer in economy minister. His Media Presence increased, his personal life became the source of gossip magazines and he prepared to publish a book by the end of the year. His political ambitions have clearly become president ial ones. Laura to syria now where at least 32 people have been killed after airstrikes hit a Childrens Hospital and school in rebel held eastern aleppo, according to activists and medics in the besieged eastern part of that city. Its the second day of renewed bombing by either regime or Russian Forces. Moscow is denying responsibility and claims it is still observing a ceasefire. Meanwhile the syrian president says he hopes to Work Together with donald trump to combat terrorism in syria. The Obama Administration has vigorously opposed ass and his regimead, but comments during the campaign suggest the president elect and be open to siding with russia and damascus. Bethe United States could syrias natural ally in the fight against terrorism. Stateng on portugal television, Bashar Alassad said he would be ready to cooperate with Donald Trumps administration to combat the Islamic State group. If the have the will and the ability, we have suffered more than anyone in the world from terrorists. What about the contravening forces . The Mainstream Media were against him. How can he deal with this . Outlined trump has not a clear Foreign Policy plan for syria, but the u. S. President elect has on several occasions just that he would be willing to work with damascus and moscow. Assad at i dont like all, but iran, russia or killing isis. Under the Obama Administration, the u. S. Plan of action in syria was largely to support socalled moderate rebel troops fighting Bashar Alassad and the Islamic State organization. There is now speculation that trump could stop financing these rebels after he said last friday that he has no idea who these people were. Which many members of the Usled Coalition fear sould put an end to assad diplomatic isolation. Hasa in iraq, the army defeated Islamic State jihadist but the ancient sites will never be the same. Iraqi officials are looking to see if any of the runs can be salvaged but some of the most important sites have been completely destroyed. Robert parsons is in the city and sent us this report. To believets hard it now, but this was once one of the most magnificent archaeological sites in the world. Its here that a king 3000 years ago built his power. Many of the statues and frescoes from that time were preserved, the highest quality, but all of it destroyed an act of wonton barbarity, the likes of which in ourrely been seen time or any other time for that matter. In the destroying of what it calls idolatrous images. The iraq he army is celebrating the defeat of isis here, but the damages irreversible. The place was completely destroyed. The Islamic State group is destroying our heritage and fighting against humanity. The destruction is even worse than that inflicted by isis on the archaeological site at paul myra in syria. You can just make out one of the stone carvings for which the site was most famous, the bull with human head and wings. By doing this, the Islamic State organization is not just destroying an archaeological the, it was destroying collective memory, destroying the history, destroying iraq itself. Laura russia is the latest country to quit the International Criminal court. And gambiaa, burundi also quit the icc this year. Earlier i spoke to Douglas Herbert and ask him what was behind those decisions. Because it will say is basically onesided and ineffective. If youre asking me, russia doesnt like what the icc is doing. Theres a whole string of events you could say triggered this. Earlier this week the top prosecutor published a report in which it found the annexation of crimea back in 2014 was essentially an occupation of territory. That was one thing. You can imagine that that rubbed russia the wrong way. Go back to january of this year, russia was already signaling that a lot of different forces in the war in 2008, it put the finger of blame or said were going to look into the Russian Forces, all parties involvement in that conflict. Russia obviously didnt like that as well. Talk in the more recent syria. The Security Council in russia has blocked efforts of the Security Council to actually investigate as war crimes actions right now. The infrastructure, the hospital, the schools. Its able to block investigations by the icc. Basicallyked goods a slap in the face to the icc. Saying youre not going to lord it over us and say things about us we dont like. At the end of the day, thats what it comes down to. In eastern ukraine, theyre looking into russias possible alleged use of Russian Forces in helping separatists in fomenting that conflict in eastern ukraine. Russia clearly did not like it. Dispute divided the art world. It could either be one of the most important discoveries in recent years are a very wellcrafted fate. Experts cannot agree on the authenticity of 65 drawings that could have been the work of vincent van gogh. Its been hailed as the biggest art discovery in years. Unsigned drawings that are said to be the work of vincent van gogh. A sketchbook with an unusual format, a unique and very thin type of paper. Reporter the sketches were found in a Southern France city betweenn gogh lived 18881890. They are now being published worldwide after being authenticated by an art historian and van gogh expert. Ive seen many men goes that were supposedly been goes, and they were not. Here i have in my hand something that i knew was very special, and i looked at it and i saw all the things that van gogh stands for. They had been dismissed as complete fakes. An important aspect of the drawings that weve seen is that they are drawn in brown ink, in the period when he was living in arles, he only used black and sometimes purple ink, never brown ink. Noticedm experts also inconsistencies with the style and technique of the dutch master, yet those responsible for the discovery say the Van Gogh Museum is not all if i to authenticate the sketches. Based onalysis was highquality photos, rather than the originals. Laura there are reports of tower thisump wednesday. The u. S. President elect is reported to deny rumors of infighting among his yet to be revealed in her circle. Shaking up french politics, Emmanuel Macron as announced hes running for the presidency. Dozens of people have been bombs in aleppo with falling near a Childrens Hospital in the rebel held east of the city. Lets some Business News for you now. Kate moody is back in the studio. Lets talk about donald trump, the u. S. President elect. There is a lot of speculation about his foreignpolicy and his trade policies. We will find out more at a summit this weekend. Kate 21 countries will participate in the asiapacific Economic Cooperation summit kicking off in lima this friday. About half of those countries were involved in the Transpacific Partnership but not china or russia. Thatis the trade deal donald trump said he was partially opposed to. Crowds have been protesting ahead of that meeting on the streets of lima although it does appear that it is dead in the water because of trumps opposition to it. Chinas leading efforts to push new trade deals around the region and analysts say washington is likely to be left out. Of tpp amonguation the signatories without the United States would simply mean there will be greater integration between those latin american countries and the countries of asia. A country like chile, a country like peru already has as its number one trade partner, china. This will accelerate that trend and provide a needed alternative theon for mexico other than United States. So the integration of those economies will continue apace and the United States will be left out of that dynamic. Laura snapchat is preparing to launch on the stock market as early as next march. Its looking for evaluation between 20 billion and 25 billion. Snapchat has more users than twitter and crucially, has already captured the younger market. The numbers the volume about snapchat path meteoric rise. According to the company, the 100 80 Million People who use it every day, 50 million in europe. The number of daily idiot views has skyrocketed to over 10 billion in the last two years alone. All this just five years after it was launched as a class project by a Stanford University student. Snap to talk using with friends rather than just capture memories. Snapchat is a platform that allows users to communicate through photos or videos called snaps. The key element is they disappear when viewed, helping users protect their privacy. The company has faced criticism over a number of security breaches. A new feature called stories introduced in 2013 turns it into a broadcasting platform. On any given day, snapchat 1834 year of all old the u. S. In comparison, an average individual u. S. Tv network only reaches 6 of the same demographic. , with increasing users increasing sales. Advertising revenues are expected to hit 1 billion next year and nearly double that the hereafter. Branding itself a camera company, its now going into hardware. Otherently launched products. You can see how the markets have been faring this wednesday. European stocks closing lower. Tradingeet is also mostly lower. The dow jones looks set to snap a sevenday winning streak. The nasdaq still trading above the line there. Britains Unemployment Rate fell to its lowest level in 11 years in the three months after the brexit vote, to 4. 8 . The number of people working rose by almost 50,000 between june and september, but october salt arise in jobless benefits and the pace of jobs growth is slowing. Moving on to other business headlines, the International Energy agency warns that Global Oil Demand is unlikely to stop rowing before the year 2040, despite pledges to reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions. Prices could surge if Oil Companies dont begin in best man in new oil fields. The two largest property firms have reported losses as results of the rakes it boat. They both dropped into the red as a result of the brexit vote. Swedens central bank may become the first in the world to launch its own virtual currency. It says fewer swedes are now and could put it at the forefront of a global trend. In iceland, a new Research Center and observatories being built to study the northern lights. The project could be entirely funded by china as it looks to influence sprays influence across the arctic and potentially trap in tap into natural resources. Near the arctic circle, china and iceland are preparing to look to the sky and a shared future. Construction workers are building a Research Facility to study the northern lights. Funded by chinas Polar Research institute and is already boosting the local economy. Its a very important project for the area. Economic impact, a positive one that creates jobs while we are doing the construction. The aurora observatories just another example of how beijing is working to make iceland is arctic ally. 2010, agreed currency swaps, and in 2013 they signed a Free Trade Agreement and china was granted status at the arctic council. Some icelanders fear china is also seeking to grab the countrys resources like fish, energy, and land. The observatory is behind schedule, but is due to open next autumn. Locals have already begun to capitalize on the upcoming economic opportunitieso 11 16 16 11 16 16 [captioning made possible by democracy now ] amy from marrakesh, morocco, at the United Nations climate summit, this is democracy now until january 20 when this administration is over, we intend to do Everything Possible to meet our responsibility to future generations to be able to address this threat to life itself on the planet. Amy with a climate denier about

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