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Into the presidency of the philippines. Anchor we start with more surprises in british politics as the man who persuaded his country to leave the eu has announced he does not want to be the Prime Minister. Not thehnson says he is man to lead his country through one of the most uncertain periods in his countrys history. My friends, you who have waited faithfully for the punchline of this speech, having and due toolleagues the circumstances in parliament, i have concluded that person cannot be me. My role will be to give every possible support to the conservative administration to make sure that we properly fulfill the mandate of the people that was delivered at the referendum. Westminster. E at we are learning more about Boris Johnsons motivations. Reporter Boris Johnson did not explain why he got cold feet, why he ruled himself out from the contest to be the next leader of the conservative party and the de facto whoever will become the leader of the conservative party, Prime Minister. Could it be a certain other now going according to script, michael gove . Who was his ally in the brexit camp, who suddenly published a statement earlier this morning and who said, i have come reluctantly to the conclusion provide theannot leadership were build the team for the task ahead. I have therefore decided to put my name forward for the leadership. Dramatic developments within two hours this morning and we now have five official candidates but Boris Johnson is not a candidate and actually could the other reason be the times poll which showed that when the however many you was to be five were going to be thatled down to two and if scenario was theresa may, the home secretary and a certain Boris Johnson, she would have a 17 point lead. So, i think those could possibly be two of the reasons. There are you heard, now five conservatives hoping to replace David Cameron in september with Boris Johnson out, the front runner is theresa today. O launched her bid we look back at her career so far. May began heresa career at the bank of england before diving into politics in 1986. One decade later she became and mp and in the conservative partys chairwoman in two thousand two. David cameron promoted her to her current post of home secretary in 2010. She has built a reputation as stern, tough, and efficient, speaking in the wake of the london riots. 525 arrests already more arrests are being made today. As we speak, arrests are being made. Reporter she is particularly tough on immigration, cramping down on asylum seekers, introducing measures that make it more difficult for them to stay in the u. K. And is described as chilling and bitter by ngos did financing her bid to become Prime Minister, she has emphasized setting herself apart from the other conservative mps educated at private schools. If you are from a workingclass family, life is much harder than many people in politics realize. You have a job that you do not always have security, not everybody in less mr. Understands what it is like to live like this. That whatto be told the government does is not a game, it is a Serious Business that has real consequences for peoples lives. Reporter during the brexit campaign, as shed you a line within the party despite being a shetime euroskeptic, backed the remain campaign while keeping a low profile. Withems to have paid off u. K. Media suggesting many conservative mps think only theresa may can unite the divided party. In hisr the death toll temple has risen to 44. Authorities say the men who carried out the suicide bombings were all foreign, from russia, whose pakistan, and uzbekistan, and could just in kyrgyzistan. Reporter Turkish Police have stepped up investigations into tuesdays airport attack. On thursday, officers raided 16 homes across a stumble. 13 suspects have artie been detained. In connection with the triple suicide bombing on istanbuls international airport. At the same time nine suspected militants were arrested in izmir. Officials say they believe it was the work of Islamic State jihadists. These men could be the attackers. This footage was taken as a arrived at the airport and published by a Turkish Television channel. And the three reportedly arrived in a taxi at the International Terminal then opened fire on Airport Security staff yard they forced their way into the building. He went down and after iran, it exploded. Reporter in this video, a police man shoots one of the assailants, his weapon flying out of his hands. Moments later, he detonates his vest. This is the third time istanbul has been targeted for this year leaving many people questioning whether the government needs to rethink its strategy. Anchor it is feared that those attacks will have a devastating effect on turkeys Tourism Industry this year, bookings already at a 20 year low. A surgeon terrorism in turkey is having an adverse attack affect on the Tourism Industry. In this parisian travel industry, calls are coming in from worried customers. Cancellations are expected. In revenue,0 drop we do not put pressure on customers if they want to postpone trips. If they want to cancel, we cancel. This tuesday was the fifth attack this year many of which targeted areas popular with tourism and on january 12, 12 german nationals were killed near the hygienist sophia museum. The tourism and travel industry which directly contributed a 5 of last years gdp is reeling. In may the country had already seen the lowest number of visitors and 22 years, down 35 . Thehese troubled times government has provided a support plan of several Million Euros that i might not be enough so they are also trying sinking antunts like airbus to attract divers from around the world. Anchor there has been another wave of palestinian stabbing in israel and the west bank. Two people were injured in the tanya. The attacker was shot by a passing civilian, this comes hours after a palestinian broke into the bedroom of a jewish girl, stabbing her to death or the United States said the teenager also had u. S. Citizenship. This 13yearold lived in this house, a jewish settlement in the occupied west bank. This morning, our 13yearold daughter, and amazing child, was murdered in her sleep. Place. D to love this every parent should try to feel a little bit of the pain we are feeling now. The attacker has been identified as a 19yearold from a nearby village. As he was escaping security guards confronted him. Before thebbed attacker was shot dead. His mother says he used to talk about attacking israelis. His cousin was killed by israelis three months ago. He used to joke about attacking a jewish settlement but i thought he wasnt being serious. On thursday, two israelis were stabbed by a palestinian man. The attacker was then shot. Reacting to the first attack, the israeli Prime Minister urged countries around the world to unite against what he says is terrorism. The israeli nation feels the terrible pain of the family. The entire world should condemn this murder in the same way it has condemned the attacks in istanbul, brussels, orlando, anywhere else. The number of knife attacks have dropped in recent months. Italian Prime Minister mateja renzi has praised the italian navy after the coast guard retrieved a ship that sank last year carrying over seven hundred people. It was one of the worst disasters in the migrant crisis. He says giving them a tomb means giving them the rights to be remembered. Another 10 people drowned after their boat ran into trouble off the coast of libya on thursday. The coast guard says the victims were found dead on a boat about to sink. 107 others were rescued. Ship fullsks of migrants have been havebyan Security Forces an battling to dislodge fighters loyal to the Islamic State group from the coastal best game of stearate. Government forces come from the western town of misrata. An ordinary day at misrata central hospital. Fighters injured on the front lines are treated here. The battle against the Islamic State group has been raging for weeks and the staff is overwhelmed. Injured were brought back from the front line today with very different wounds. The problem is we do not have enough space. Reporter forces loyal to the libyan regime backed by the International Community outnumber the jihadists that they are often young and inexperienced. Fightinginjured in the near the port. By mortar shells. My arm and my hip were hit. God willing, i will get back on my feet and return to the frontline to fight. Regaining ground, god will grant us the victory. In a citycorners center saying the i. S. Group has lost many fighters. Army officers are leading the operation and are convinced they will win the battle soon. We are moving closer to our enemy, daesh every day. Civilians to leave the city within 20 days. After that, they will be considered as members of daesh. Misrata is playing a crucial role, representing the vast majority of forces fighting jihadists. Anchor the new president of the philippines used his swearingin ceremony to urge followers to kill drug at x. Drug addicts. The 71yearold is seen as an antiestablishment hero to some. Reporter for the administration of no champagne bottles are a humble banquets, but inauguration for the 16th president of the philippines. Do solemnly swear nicknamed the donald trump of Southeast Asia for his provocative style, roderigo successfully tapped into the anger against april corrupt political elites to win the election last month. Of hisal element campaign was the war on crime which he promised it to eradicate by reintroducing the Death Penalty and issuing shoot securityrders to services. Well they seem to have struck a chord with voters his controversial comments True International criticism for encouraging vigilantes to take matters into their own hands. Arehey say that the methods unorthodox and illegal. This. Ponse, let me say might your word and i will mind mind good reporter voters are looking to him to spread wealth and tackle poverty, effecting the millions of filipinos despite years of Economic Growth to the new president also intends to change givingstitution, more autonomy to federal regions. He hopes the move can tackle political corruption as well as root out insurgencies in the countrys south. Social unrest will continue here in france after unions rejected the governments plan to amend the labor bill, this sticky point remains the use with which companies can hire and fire workers. The government says it is crucial to bring down unemployment but the unions say he will undermine worker rights. Withter Union Leaders met Francois Hollande but once again they got no closer to a deal. We are not out of the woods good reporter the government wants to make labor laws flexible, and French Companies more competitive to create growth to labor unions say the deal will only weaken french workers and cause unemployment. Main point, article two, the goal of which is to change the Current System where employers and unions negotiate working conditions by sector as the article states, businesses would be a lot to negotiate working hours and overtime pay directly with employees bypassing sector agreements. Suppliers could be pressure to increase working hours and lower overtime. There is an ideological divide between us. Whatever support a law to lower salaries. Never. Units have repeated his argument for months with the government says it is not touching article to the workers unions want to impose the ozone companies. Well not follow that because sometimes company deals lead to more flexibility and efficiency. Facing a deeply divided socialist majority of the government passed a bill at the lower house without a vote using a controversial parliamentary maneuver, the senate hasnt since adopted a more business friendly version of the bill which will get a final debate at the National Assembly in early july. Of our a quick reminder top stories, in the face of the leave campaign, Boris Johnson has said he does not want to be Prime Minister. Five conservatives remain in the race to replace David Cameron. Turkey says the suicide bombers who carried out tuesdays attacks on istanbul airport came from russia, whose pakistan uzbekistan and kyrgyzistanc. The philippine president sworn in. For business now. The bank of england has been weighing into the postbrexit turmoil . Reporter some hope for investors and Business Leaders alike. As statement from the banks had, mark carney, avoided using the word recession which is what he had said what would might happen in the runup to the referendum but he did repeat his earlier warnings that the british economy is certainly going to be experiencing difficulties as a withforward and cuts ties the eu, he said that the brexit contingency plans are so far working well, also hinting at more measures to safeguard financial stability, saying that could include an Interest Rate cut and even more monetary stimulus, decisions which will be made in the coming weeks. Take a listen. The Economic Outlook has deteriorated and some Monetary Policy easing will likely be required over the summer. Discuss thee will full range of instruments to supply that monetary stimulus if necessary. The full range of estimates at our disposal. Reporter the prospect of a Stimulus Program boosted european markets toward the close after a mixed session data t1 hundred at the end of the day searching more than 2 and along with that kicking on and jackson has closed in the next and the Third Session in a row, law street also jumped with the dow jones adding about 200 points. All Major Industries up just over 1 . U. S. Investors will surely be shifting their attention away from brexit into words the u. S. Monthly jobs report. On the currency market, the pound sterling dropped back, it had been hammered since the brexit results, turning upwards with the stock market on tuesday and wednesday but has weakened at the prospect of more liquidity pumped into the market dropping about 1. 2 against the dollar. A little more brexit news before moving on, the head of hsbc confirms that the bank plans to keep its headquarters in london. The largest bank in the u. K. Said before the referendum that it would stay so a number of other letters are considering a move if the u. K. No longer has access to the single market. Singapores thirdlargest lender , the united overseas bank, said it has stopped issuing loans to die to purchase land and property because of the uncertainty caused by the exit. Two days before puerto rico is set to default on 2 billion in debt payments, Congress Passed a rescue passage. The caribbean island says it is unlikely to make payments due on friday but the Financial Aid will give it breathing room. At the brink of financial chaos, the u. S. Steps in to help puerto rico with its debt mounting. Motion to concur. Reporter on wednesday Congress Gave support to a relief plan that would create a federal Oversight Board to the territory. Members to be appointed by washington would work at restructuring the puerto rican debt by negotiating with creditors. The news will come as a relief to many in the struggle in territory which was due to default on 2 billion on friday. There were fears and long putter reagans over what will be expected in return. Will have thed territory repay, it will not allocate extra funding nor with the tackle the underlying issues probably responsible for driving the economy into the ground. The poverty rate in puerto rico is over 45 and a decade of recession has resulted in waves of migration to the mainland. The reduced tax income and government reluctance to spend has forced the closure of many Public Services including schools and hospitals. This classroom may look like this but every year i have to pay for these things myself. Reporter the federal Government Intervention could and the putter rican economy spiral into destruction by the worry for teachers like gloria is that the solution could lead to higher unemployment and budget cuts even deeper. Taking a look at other business headlines, spanish tax authorities have rated google in madrid, local media reporting and investigation into suspected tax evasion. Is cooperating with authorities, complying with the countrys fiscal legislation. This comes one month after french officials searched google in paris. Other Multinational Companies are coming under growing pressure from the eu to increase transparency about taxing in individual countries and said at the shifting profits to low tax jurisdictions. European antitrust authorities have opened an investigation into anheuserbusch, citing concerns that it may be hindering cheaper imports of beer from the netherlands and france into the more expensive belgian market. South african authorities have become the latest to approve their merger with miller. The giants say they are on track to close the deal by the end of the year. They still need a greenlight from regulators and the u. S. And china. The board of hershey has rejected a takeover offer by the bodily international and a half a 52week high earlier in session before being suspended pending a decision. The wall street journal had reported the offer. It is the Parent Company of oreos and nabisco. Francois hollande says he will press ahead with plans for a tax cut to benefit the middle class over the next year when he is expected to seek reelection. Costid the tax cut will the state 2 billion euros in that france would manage to make its budget deficit target of 2. 7 percent next year. That is despite a warning from the public spending watchdog on wednesday that the country was spending too much money on new initiatives. Like financial help to farmers. At thes lond a minute brexit would have an impact on frances economy. He says they must adapt rules including those on taxation to make paris more attractive for banks who may want to leave london. Finally, plastic bags will longer be available in Stores Across france as of tomorrow. Some shop owners are concerned about the pending dan as they say that the more green friendly alternatives are much more expensive. As of friday, this pharmacist will not be allowed to give out plastic bags and fortunately, she has alternatives. Canvas bags, paper bags for medicine, prescriptions. Being more environmentally friendly comes with a hefty price tag for this owner. Bagou could buy a plastic this size for two cents. This will cost up to . 10. The price of this is between one euro and two euros. Reporter supermarkets have already cut back, over the last 10 years they have reduced the distribution of plastic bags from 12 billion to 700 million customers have been praising the green initiatives. With the recent steps, loads of plastic bags washing up along the banks so i think it is great that you can find paper bags in supermarkets or biodegradable ones like in pharmacies. Reporter in their fresh food aisles, shoppers will still be able to use plastic bags but withfor another six months the government planning on banning them from the first of january next year. R amy from pacifica this is democracy now [captioning made possible by democracy now ] mr. Trump it has not been easy for me. It has not been easy for me. I started in brooklyn. My dad gave me a small loan. Today a look back at donald , trumps rise to power and how he profited from government subsidies s and politicacal fav. We speak to joururnalist Wayne Barrett who began covering trump and his millionaire father fred trump in the 1970s

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