Stars continues along the plaza, with Robert De Niro hitting the red carpet. We begin in vienna, where world powers are meeting to stabilize a shaky syrian ceasefire, while reestablishing peace talks. These are the differences between world leaders. Thats cross to our correspondent Anthony Mills in vienna. What is expected to come out of today . The different parties involved in these talks are hoping that they are going to be ceasefireive apache that has been a apache ceasefire that has been shattered and use those patchy ceasefires that will in some ways diminish the violence in syria, and hoping they will use those ceasefires to draw the opposing parties, the assad regime on the one side, and the militants who oppose him on the other toward some kind of dialogue, something that can manage this peace process, if that is one could call it, forward in the direction of the ofe durable absence violence. That is something proving because of the entrenched positions on both sides. On one hand, you have the regime of the syrian president digging his heels and with the backing neighboring lebanon fighting in syria to prop up the president. On the other side, you have an countries, notably saudi arabia, the United States and others, who say the president assad has to go. With support on the one hand that the answer russia and iran and opposition on the other, there is no indication of any concrete way forward that may move syria out of this orbit of violence. Annette what exactly is at stake . Anthony syria is seen as a source of an enormous refugee the that has really tested political unity of the European Union. Just last summer, we saw the flow of refugees, not all of them from syria, but many of them from syria, flowing from turkey through greece and the northward into other European Union countries. That is something that is really testing European Union unity and has prompted the European Union, in particular germany, of course, under counselor angela , akel, to strike a deal political deal with turkey, in which they would slow the flow of refugees. There is concern that in the absence of lasting peace in syria, the flow of refugees othersimply shift via routes, for example, africa, a topic discussed yesterday, also in bn the, so refugee concerns. On the other hand, as long as violence continues in syria, they will be continued presence of Islamic State militants there, who continue to pose a threat to europe, the European Union, other countries, a security threat, so there is really a sense that those two challengers, the refugees on the one hand, the threat posed by Islamic State militants on the other, are not going to go away unless the violence in syria is a ministry that will only happen when these entrenched parties on both sides of the equation come to some kind of an agreement on a formula that can build on one hand on the revival of the patchy ceasefires, the resumption of humanitarian aid delivery to those communities on the siege across syria and translate that into durable dialogue going forward, which may they hope paved the way for a political transition that revives each place in syria. Annette thank you. A car bomb has ripped doing outdoor baghdad neighborhood, killing at least [indiscernible] people. Iraqi Officials Say they have struck in the outdoor market in the cities of, killing another five people. In the wave of deadly militant explosions. No one claiming responsibility bear ther, but they do hallmarks of extremist Islamic State groups, which has been behind deadly attacks in the area recently parried the recently. The jihadists are controlling a significant amount of the area. Antigovernment demonstrations and strikes scheduled for this tuesday on the labor reform issues. Last week in a radio interview in a radio interview, president hollande says the government will not back down on labor reforms, and reducing joblessness was one of the spouses when he came to office. Lets listen to what he has to say. The law will pass. It will pass because it has been discussed, debated, corrected, amended, and i will not give in. The compromise was reached and equilibrium was found. Unions are backing the law and the majority of socialists are also in favor. ,nnette ahead of the strike some of the countries drivers have blockaded central french cities this tuesday, so the road walks are also possible later in the day. In addition, seven major trade unions are now holding a rally in central paris, covering this is Claire Williams, what is the atmosphere like . Claire the protesters are beginning to arrive. We are in the heart of paris. They have chosen a really to start, next to the ipo tower. We expect the crowds to start moving in the next hour or so, so they will be blocking some of the main roads that go through the softbank in paris. Is one ofhere expectation because there are seven trade unions that will come out to protest today, and it is a big, big test of the trade unions. Two months of protest so far. Last week, there were few in numbers on the streets and it was quite clear the protesting movement was beginning to weaken and there is more unrest between the protesters and police. It will be interesting to see how it unfolds today, because it is a test for the trade unions today. Annette we have president hollande saying that the government will not back down from the labor reform. Claire absolutely. Very defiant french president. Thiss on french radio morning, saying he wanted to be a president that would be remembered. Downemembered for backing the trade unions but for standing up for something. This is the last year of his fiveyear term, so he wants to go down in history. The president is defiant, but so are the protesters. The protesters said earlier, look, they said they were not listening to us, lets push the reforms through parliament and we will make them listen to us. Annette Claire Williams reporting, thank you. There will be updating us on this protests throughout the course of the day. Itselfr news, has given powers over security, food is to be shot and Energy Supply as it imposes the state of emergency for 60 days. The president saying that such powers are necessary to fight the effects of what he calls economic sabotage. Nicolas maduros response to the crisis rocking his country, a degree. Establishing a state of economic emergency. They give him sweeping powers. Maduro had laid out goals. To get the productive capacity of the country back up, to strengthen local production committees, and above all, to neutralize and defeat the external aggression that have been launched against our country. Like his predecessor hugo, he blames the United States for the countrys woes, with beefing up the powers of the military. Soldiers will help police care into the distribution and sales of food and staples, and guarantee public order against destabilizing actions. The opposition, the decree and state of emergency sound a lot like an abuse of power. For a decree like this, it is compulsory for it to be approved by the national assembly, which has not happened that will not happen. For months, then this will has been weathering the fall of oil prices. A drop in state revenue that has led to cuts across the board. Electricity to hospital supply, to food shortages. The crisis the opposition blames on maduros mismanagement and theyre are calling for a National Referendum to remove him from office. In early may, 1,850,000 people signed a petition in support of it. The National Board has yet to apply. Annette in other news, firefighters are battling the huge wildfire in alberta, canada, and theyre hoping it does not reach several oil camps. Hundreds of workers have been ordered to leave as the fire came closer on monday. The evacuations are taking place tothe oil industry attempts ramp up production, and this is after the same when ignited two weeks ago and forced more than 80,000 residents to evacuate their residents. Tensions high in hong kong as the territory sees one of the most senior officials from beijing. The man responsible for Hong Kong Affairs in beijing was visiting amid concerns over the territories freedoms by interference of china. More than 6000 police of been deployed. Prodemocracy groups say they will stage a series of protests during his visit. It is now day six of the Cannes Film Festival. Hit thebert de niro and south of france, it will be the return of Kristen Stewart and pedro almadovar. Catherine nicholson has the latest. Catherine favorites are back here today, the first on to talk about this headroom. He was most recently in the news, most recently in the Panama Papers scandal. His filmmaking back in the headlines now. He is showing a film about a mother and daughter relationship. Take a look at it. [speaking spanish] catherine the other Cannes Film Festival that i wanted to mention is the director olivier. He will be presenting his entry and another stewart former star of another film. Surely looking to the critical success they had last time the kids together, with their last movie. Annette a reminder of what is making news this hour. The meeting in the end of this tuesday as they attempt to salvage efforts to halt syrias lebanese civil war. Syrias civil war. Also, antigovernment demonstrations against labor , where they are blockading a number of french cities. And the parade of hollywood stars and directors continues along the carpet with Robert De Niro hitting the red carpet, and Kristen Stewart appearing later. It is time now for the business news. With moreing off calls that are [indiscernible] good afternoon. The International Monetary fund is calling on the eurozone to keep leading countries paying interest on bailouts until 2040. According to the wall street journal, they propose at fixing the Interest Rate at 1. 5 for the next 30 to 40 years. The latest proposal goes well beyond what eurozone members have been willing to offer greece. The imf says it will not join third bailout and the state restructured greek loans. The centerright new Democracy Party in greece earlier. We asked them what they thought about the current governments handling of the crisis. We have profound disagreement with the policies are posed by mr. Tsipras for the simple reason that it relies almost exclusively on taxation of spending cuts, so there is a fundamental, fizzles the quote difference in philosophical difference in how we achieve fiscal targets, and there is a difference in our approach regarding sustainability. Everybody agrees that greek debt is necessary today, but the real question is whether greece can achieve the. 5 for the next 15 years. I have mike serious doubts. You can catch are few interview in 30 minutes time on france vingtquatre. The market check of action. A strong session across the board in europe. The ftse up over. 5 , smaller gains on the daxx. Now [indiscernible] the crisis ridden country has reached an agreement with its Main Financial backer, china, in an oil for loans deal. They comes as markets had been wondering when beijing would step in. It struggles to deal with the recession and rampant shortages. Agreed china chinas emergency loan degrees of venezuela. 50 billion will be handed to the crisis in the economy over the next decade. Venezuelas top economic official says it will likely suffer the recession until 2017, but he was happy with the china deal. With china, we have had a very good relationship. We have agreed to a favorable deal for venezuela. Under the problems faced by the nation with regards to falling oil revenue, the chinese have been quite receptive to our proposal. We agreedcan say that to new conditions that are adapted to our countries current situation. Authoritiesnezuelan have also introduced a new foreign rate, which they hope will bring the country [indiscernible] company hasl accumulated huge debt since the global drop in oil. After squandering revenues when prices were high, the country is now stop and stuck in a deep recession, with the shortage of the said goods like food and medicine. This is a scramble in a supermarket, where most of the shelves late and. Many Public Services were shoved to three days a week. The president Nicolas Maduro has blamed the problem from sabotage of rightwing businesses, who he says has launched an economic war against them. A look at the other stories we are tracking. Weeks after in bf emerges as one of the few civil linings in apples quarterly results, the companys chief executive is headed its way. Tim cook will travel to multiple cities in india before meeting with the Prime Minister at the end of the week. Apple is likely to get them to open their first retail store in india. The tech trying to his eager to expand their footprint in the worlds secondlargest smartphone market, after grappling with the slowdown in china. After a shock resignation in march, the former finance director prances utility provider has been picked up by deutsche bank. He will begin as the new global head of acquisition and mergers and chairman of the french business. He resigned from media after issuing warnings that a Nuclear Power project in the u. K. It could jeopardize the companys future. Helpedival in europe has for the First Time Since 2008. Earnings for the mobile phone giant group to 11. 6 billion pounds, and despite growth in europe, emerging markets remain the brighter spot. Sales in these areas through almost 7 throughout the year. Executive pay in france. The president s statement comes weeks after economy minister to reverseswald their decision on the chief executive state. This after they nor the majority of shareholders, who voted millionhollandes 7. 8 euro salary. Unless the decision was reversed, the government would. E forced to legislate a sentiment now goodbye the president. Now echoed by the president. Who managed to save their companies deserves compensation. How far does it go . Employers and Companies Must have this moral imperative, and the law must also intervened to apply clear and simple guidelines. If nothing gets done by the employers. I will hand it back to you. Annette thank you. It is time for the press review. Take a look at what is making headlines in the International Press great i am. Oined in the studio lots of focus as we have seen at that International Summit in vienna regarding the Islamic States. That is rights. Italian papers are playing are paying close attention to what happened in libya. Lets take a look at him interesting article on that meeting. The article says, yes to arms for the tripoli government. What happened yesterday is all five members of the Un Security Council and the other countries attending the meeting decided to amend the current you and embargoon libya u. N. On libya, essentially training their forces and supplying weapons. The article wonders if it is a good idea because libya is already overflowing with weapons. Will the new weapons not risk falling into the wrong hands . The article says it is a possibility, but for now, it seems like the only viable option. Annette lets stay with the italian press. After outlining plans to combat what he has described as an externally declined in the countrys birth rate, we have always known that it is minus, isnt it . It is getting lower and lower. Lets take a look at la repub lica. They are alarmed by the demographic trend in italy. Just 488,000 babies were born last year, the lowest number since the modern state was founded in 1861. This is an interview she gave to ca, but it has been relayed on all kinds of media. Today included. She says, if we carry on, we are going toward this demographic apocalypse. We risk of collapse. We need to to act before it is too late. Her solution is getting a lot of attention. Times says that it only once to brad families and to happen babies. Essentially, she says the lower incomefor families should be twice what it is, which is 80 euros, and on top of that, families with more kids should get larger bonuses than they do so far. A lot of italian media are reporting this, so take a look at the italian version of the huffington post. A lot of papers are calling it this baby bonus and they say it is a breath of pressure that could help families financially to have more children. Annette lets take a look at the french papers. A catholic paper has an exclusive interview with pope francis, his first interview with the french daily since his election in 2013. Quite a range of an interview. It lasted over one hour and covered a bunch of topics. For instance, the christian roots of the European Union, his thoughts on france, islam, and this message on the front page that he wanted to be heard we are all equal. This is a message that seems to be aimed at European Union leaders in the context of the crisis. Inside, the duty for christians in europe is service, essentially pope francis meesage is clear, clear, their duty is to welcome refugees. Annette another story is social unrest over reforming the labor code in france. That is bright and things could get worse in the days to come. Annette so it appears. There are fresh strikes this week, so you can expect travel unrest. The right wing paper saying that there are protests, strikes and hollande is being attacked within his own political family. Lawyer,e might be the the former economy minister. He really came out swinging that face might be familiar to you, the former economic minister. He really cannot swinging and sent a major Spring Cleaning is needed in french politics, clearly taking aim at hollande. According to a poll, a majority of young people agree with him. Poll today. Resting it says that more and more young french people want turnover in politics. 65 of 18 to 30yearolds feel like the main problem in france are french politicians, who tend to stick around for too long. Some have been around for decades, and they seem to not want to go anywhere. Speaking on that topic, lets take a look at one politician in particular that they are talking about in the spotlight these days. If youre familiar with french politics, youll be familiar with a french sarah palin kind of, tends to like to make controversial statements. She is from the Christian Democratic Party and she came out swinging against 17 former female ministers who came out over the weekend and launched an appeal to put in and to Sexual Harassment in politics. This has been a huge scandal in recent weeks after the scandal found them accused of Sexual Harassment. She came out swinging that other ministers same, shame on them. She is tired of people saying that men are to blame for Sexual Harassment. There are some women who you could really go all the way with, so she is doing some victims blaming, saying that women need real men, not nn1111 1 1 1 1puua xxc man this is a production of China Central television america. Mike today, s social media is king and going viral is the new definition of pop culture success. But what happens after you go viral . How can you harness that power for the greater good . Im mike walteter coming to you from the heart of new york citys vibrant times square. Lets take it full frame

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