Christopher, your word is sipc. Could you use it in a sentence, please . In the unlikely event that your Brokerage Firm goes out of business sipc is there to protect you. Sipc. Ci [ buzzer ] im sorry, christopher that is incorrect. Lisa fannon. Lisa, your word also is sipc. May i have that in another sentence, please . Sipc funds are available to satisfy brokerage customer claims up to a maximum of 500,000, including up to 100,000 for cash claims. Sipc. Sip. K. [ buzzer ] dont know about sipc, the Securities Investor Protection corporation . Thats okay, we can spell it out for you. Learn more at www. Sipc. Org. Has anyone ever said you are the picture of health . You look healthy and you feel fine, but that may not be the full picture. Colorectal cancer is the number two cancer killer. It doesnt always cause symptoms but it can be prevented. Get screened. Make sure you are the picture of health