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Drawn . Also coming up, it is britains worst sports disaster. Authorities charged six people over the hillsborough stadium crush, almost three decades after it happened. One former Police Commander will face manslaughter charges over the deaths of dozens of football fans. Brent i am brent goff. It is good to have you with us. We start tonight in the oilrich nation of venezuela, rocked by another crisis. The country on edge after a Police Helicopter fired on the Supreme Court building and interior ministry in caracas. President Nicolas Maduro is calling the incident a terrorist attack by forces, he says, trying to overthrow his government. But the president s opponents accuse him of orchestrating the attack to justify a crackdown against opposition protesters. The new flashpoint comes after months of deadly antigovernment demonstrations and shortages of food and medicine. Reporter amateur footage captured the helicopter hovering above caracas. Venezuelan Officials Say it was a stolen Police Aircraft from which first fired 15 shots at the interior ministry, then flew a short distance to the Supreme Court, where it dropped 4 rnas. None of them 4 grenades. None of them decimated. President woodrow called it a terrorist attack against the government. President maduro sooner or later we will find a helicopter and those who carried out this armed terrorist attack. Reporter this man is currently the chief suspect. In a video posted on social media, he identified himself. He said he blind to regroup a Security Officials defending the people of venezuela against a corrupt government. We demand that you, president maduro, immediately resigned from along with your ministers, and call an election. Reporter speculation about the authenticity of the attack is rife. Many opponents of maduro say he staged the incident to justify a crackdown on dissent. Brent we will pull in our correspondent in caracas. He has the latest on what is going on there. Good evening to you. We have conflicting versions, dont worry . Dont we . President maduro said it was a coup attempt against his government and hispponents say it was stageto justify me crackdowns. Reporter the truth is that it was a very bizarrettack, but attack nonethele. There was no deployment or attempt to sp the helicopter from throwing grenades at 2 government buildings and then disappearing. The timing is also suspicious because parliament was also under attack by government supporters. Parliamentarians were kept within the building until late last night after a clash with the military. We heard president maduro said that if he does not succeed with votes, he will do so with weapons. In the videos uploaded byhe person behind helicopter attack, he says there is air and land military deployments in action to overthrow maduro. But both opposition and government insiders have said this is simply not true. If it was an attack based on government discontent, it was like a small group of people. Brent the pson at the center of this alleged attack, oscar perez, what do we know about him . Porter we know that oscar perez is an inspector with 15 years of experience, but he is also an actor and grow produce and start in a crime action film last year that detailed the hardships of being a Police Officer in venezuela. There are no clues as to the whereabouts of perez right now. He fits all the criteria of starting a scandal. Brent bizarre, to say the least. It happens at a time the president maduro is threatening the United States not to interfere with his country or else. He has said that he wanted to turn the gulf of mexico into the mediterranean, saying that if you overthrow our country, we will all become refugees and migrants and go to the United States. Is that getting a lot of play . Reporter well, wheard the ambassador tohe oas today, from venezuela, sang that strange other countries are not claiming this to be a terrorist attack, and that the other governments should reinforce security against these terrorist attacks. Brent all right, our correspondent in caracas on the story for us tonight. Thank you very much. Herere some the other ories maki headlines. Thought to have likes to socalled islamic state, they have been arrested in spain, britain, and germany. The countries Police Forces cooperated using eu agencies set up to share crimefighting information. The suspects are accused of indoctrinating and radicalizing potential new members. In moscow, the case of the murdered Opposition Leader Boris Nemstov have not reached a verdict. His family and allies have always insisted that the probe into the death left the masterminds untouched. The United Nations says talks between rival cypriot leaders are off to a good start. It is the highestlevel meeting of envoys from the greek and turkish communities in months. The talks are aimed at reunifying the mediterranean island that has been split down ethnic lines for over four decades. Crash is piling up on the streets in greece as garbage collectors across the nation continue to strike for job security. With tourist season underway and temperatures in the mid30s celsius, fears are that mountains of uncollected garbage could spark a health crisis. Spying on friends is unacceptable those were the words of german chancellor Angela Merkel after revelations in 2013 that the u. S. National security agency, the nsa, had been eavesdropping on one of her cell phones. More than three years later, the Parliamentary Committee charged with investigating the u. S. Spy agencys activities has delivered its final report. Reporter three and a half years of work and more than 1800 pages, german mps presented on wednesday the final investigative report on the nsa spying scandal that rocked the country. Politicians interviewed nearly 100 witnesses, including german chancellor Angela Merkel. The report reveals a wealth of information about german and International Intelligence operations. But they remained at odds over what exactly went wrong, and in particular, who was to blame. What ever criticism might be appropriate for the nsa and its activities, we shouldnt lose sight of the big picture. Agreed, mistakes were made and the nsas activities were not what we want for our own agencies. But lets be honest, thanks to help from u. S. Intelligence, we were able to prevent worse things from happening in germany more than once. This massive data surveillance was not only a violation of the u. S. Constitution. Here in germany, too, it was without any foundation, and in contravention of the countrys basic law. Edward snowden, a contractor at the u. S. National security agency, triggered the parliamentary investigation by leaking details about u. S. Spying practices around the world, including nsa eavesdropping on the phone of chancellor Angela Merkel. The political scandal deepened when it emerged germanys own Foreign Intelligence Agency had cooperated with the nsa and also engaged in similar spine practices. Spying practices. Germans reacted with outrage, and the leaks tarnished relations between washington and berlin. The revelations also shed light on the radically different views among german politicians on how to deal with privacy and surveillance both on and offline. This controversy may continue, especially as germanys parties gear up for the election. Brent speaking of politics, what is the term nation mean to you . That is what our reporter has been asking on her global trip to discover what is behind the rise of nationalism. Her travels have taken her to places like russia, the netherlands, france, and scotland. On the way, she has met supporters from various nationalist movements that ill want to that all want to give thanks. Most recently, she has been in the United States, exploring what America First means to Trump Supporters. Reporter give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. These are the words that have defined American Immigration for decades, a beacon of hope. And this is an american skyscraper, for years and office for a real estate developer, donald trump. That man is now president of the United States, and a source of despair for many foreigners who want to join the american dream. It is one of the most liberal city, city of immigrants. New york attracts people from all over the world, and most of them did not want trump in the white house. I think he is racist. I think his policies are flawed and wrong. I dont believe anything he says. He doesnt stand for what america is about and he is a selfish, misogynistic pig. I think he is narcissistic, selfish, intolerant. Reporter finding Trump Supporters in new york ready to talk on camera is difficult to several backed out of filming, fearing a backlash if they say they are protrump. We are headed to brooklyn, a diverse neighborhood, to meet someone ready to talk. This is martina, a performance artist. She was born and raised in new york. Her parents are immigrants from croatia. Her heritage she says her heritage played a key role in her decision to vote for trump. Most people think that i should be liberal, but it is immigrants that actually love america a lot, because we have pride for coming to this country and this country, and we have more love for america than liberals. Reporter it is rare to hear views like this in the liberal new york. Martinez says it is risky to have them. She wants to show us what she means. Her costumes are at home. She believes she lost most of her clients because she supports trump. Instead of lving new york, she has become an activist, tireless in her efforts to make our great again. What does that mean . We are the role models for what is cool and hit and going on, so it is my duty to stay in new york and shift that culture and show that it is edgy to have rightwing values and traditionalism and think that the left throughout. Weve had to stay quiet, and now trump is loud and out there and we have got him in the office and it is like, wow, we do exist. Reporter and she does, selling nationalism using sex appeal and trumps tool of choice, social media. I love america, and lately come that is not in fashion. Im going to make it back in fashion. Im bringing sexy back, baby. Reporter with a few thousand followers, martina is just starting out. She wants to be the face of a new brand of nationalism, just like her friend milo, who attracts followers by the hundreds of thousands in a hipster way. We need to make art great again. Left wing modern art sucks. It is all about shock value, about being gruesome or controversial or antitrump, and its, frankly boring, and its ugly. Reporter martina wants art that is released, too, but is supportive of the u. S. And trump s policies. She wants the wall. If trump does not deliver, she hopes there is a rightwing politician for whom she can vote in 2020. Im wondering if nationalism becomes packaged in an artsy way, will it be, more acceptable to join the crowd . The new york, most people do not vote for trump because they feel left behind, but because the rhetoric creates a space to express radical views under the pretext of putting America First. That alone marks the beginning of a new form of nationalism, and it is unclear what it will bring. Brent she will be joining me on the day after this broadcaster talk more about the report. You are watching dw news, life from berlin. It is britains biggest sporting disaster. Now authorities have charged six people for the hillsborough stadium crush decades after it happened. And as the petya virus infects people around the world, our financial correspondent tells us that cybercrime has undergone a major transformation. More after the break. Stick around. Back in 60 seconds. Brent welcome back. You are with dw news live from berlin. A Police Helicopter attack to venezuelas Supreme Court in what president Nicolas Maduro is calling a thwarted terrorist attack. The officer is believed to have been the pilot and published a statement calling for revealing against maduro rebellion against maduros government. Opponents say the incident was staged. A committee investigate and espionage by the National Security agency in germany has delivered its final report. German lawmakers disagree over who was to blame for the scandal, which peaked in 2013, when it was revealed that the nsa was eavesdropping on one of chancellor Angela Merkel cell phones. As the petya virus infects computers around the world, businesses are scrambling to step up, what else, the cybersecurity. Petya is certainly keeping i. T. Experts on their toes. The ransomware virus crippled or halted Major Companies around the globe. The largest contender container shipper, the property arm of bnp paribas, or at a cadbury chocolate plant in australia. As the virus continues to spread, those who have not been hit so far asked themselves, is my cybersecurity Strong Enough . Reporter piled up containers at indias largest port at mumbai, the rent some attack that hit around the world. The damage operations had been done. The malicious code locked machines and demanded that victims post ransom for 300 in bitcoin or lose data entirely. Security experts are questioning whether the financial been was the real goal of the attack, or whether the hackers were driven by more destructive motives. Analysts in russia, which was hard hit by the attack, say very few Companies Understand the importance of information security. Nowadays there is lots of money online. Huge amounts of Important Information are being processed somewhere on the internet and company computers. These attacks spread so quickly because of a lack of software updates. The cyberattack appears to have started in ukraine. The first infections were traced their. Companies and Government Systems across the globe are dealing with the fallout of the attack. For more analysis, lets bring in our financial analyst jens korte new york. Cybercrime has changed. Tell us more. Jen it has changed quite a bit. If you look at stolen credit card numbers, prices for those fell to as low as . 50 for a credit card number, and on the other side, the price for ransomware has tripled to an average of about 1000 per computer. There is quite a change, and one Cybersecurity Firm also says that this ransomware is extremely easy to do. The Cybersecurity Firm came to the conclusion that it is so easy, even monkeys could do it that is the wording of the Cybersecurity Firm. Talking about cybersecurity companies, are they profiting from this development . Jens yes, we saw quite us right quite a spike of stock in countries like symantec and etf of Cybersecurity Firms saw quite a boost on wednesday. The entire tech group was on fire. The nasdaq composite was the biggest increase on wednesday since the president ial elections in november, and then on the other side, even the stock of microsoft, for temple, has not seen a drop, but also that stock traded to the upside. Bottom line, yes, Cybersecurity Firms are profiting, and a lot of companies in the u. S. Have already done something with their computer systems. Experts are saying still more needs to be done to protect systems from those ransomware attacks. Jens korte in new york, thank you. There are many factors making britains exit from the European Union complicated, but money certainly hovers near the top of the agenda. Brexit will lead to a letter combined purse for 27 countries at the time there is potentially higher expenditure. Reporter brexit is set to reply hole in the eu ripped a hole in the eu common budget. Even though no more rebates have to be paid after virginias the union, losing the share of the eu budget will be difficult to compensate. Now it is up to the European Commission to figure out how it is going to do that. It has published a n reflection paper on the budget to be debated by eu governments this year. When the brits go, we will have a shortfall of 10 billion to 11 billion euros. We cannot do everything the same way, as we have up to now the inet contributor is leaving. That must have consequences. We are proposing a budget restructure and reductions. The Commission Says member countries can expect a combination of cuts, spending shifts, and new income sources, like levies on energy. Finding additional revenue could be crucial for budgeting for issues that only loomed even larger in the eu future. Like migration, security, terrorism, and defense. We stay on the topic of brexit. The Dutch Parliament as but it is cap annual bonuses for bankers has voted to scrap and will bonuses for bankers, saying it is necessary to address banks relocating out of london as britain leaves the European Union. Up to now, the bonuses happen cap to 20 of base pay, compared to 100 in the European Union. The move could generate 17,000 new jobs. Amsterdam is one city jockeying to attract new business from post brexit written, along with others such as dublin, paris. That is all your business for the summer for this hour. Brent thank you very much could nearly three decades after a football stadium disaster in england, charges have been brought against six people over the deaths of 96 liverpool soccer fans. One official is charged with manslaughter and another with line in the aftermath of the tragedy at the Hillsboro Stadium in sheffield back in 1989. Reporter coming out of the prosecutors office, a clenched fist for shortterm win in a longterm fight. He lost his son in the hillsboro disaster. He himself rarely survive barely survived. Im absolutely delighted. We got today everything we could have asked for. The decision, in my opinion, was correct, and we look forward to the due process through the court of law. Reporter it was only a couple of hours earlier that the prosecutor in the case had spoken the words the families of the victims had been waitin for for 28 years. Following these the row investigations and our careful review of the evidence in accordance with the prosecutors, ive decided that there is sufficient evidence to charge 6 individuals with criminal offenses. Reporter david duncan felt was the Police Commander responsible for security and crowd control that david he faces 93 counts of manslaughter by gross negligence. In 1989, it was a semifinal match of the English Fa Cup between liverpool and nottingham forest. The decision to open Hillsboro Stadiums gate c proved fatal. Lol out a crush of spectators into the already full stadium. Police and security it held out crush of spectators into the already full stadium. Police and security personnel organized to lay the unfolding catastrophe. The greatest disaster in british sports history. 96 deaths and 766 injuries. The question of blame come even criminal guilt, will be clarified in court almost three decades later. Brent times square is always buzzing with activity, but there is a different buzz these days. One of new yorks most famous highrise buildings unexpectedly became a hive of activity this week, this after busy bees decided to move into times square. Reporter there is always a buzz in times square, teaming with tourists day and night. But 30,000 bees made a square busier than usual. The insects did not le their new home and swarmed over to the 17th floor of gleaming highre. An intrepid beekeeper use a vacuum pump to suck up the insects. I got a call that there was a swarm of bees on the roof, the building in the middle of times square, the old New York Times building where the ball drops on new years, right on the top there. I went and picked them up. And now they need a home. We are going to give them a home at bryant park. Reporter unharmed and complete with their queen, the bees are settling into their new hive a few blocks away. Local residents should not be afraid of bees. Honeybees are dos out, friendly, beneficial to us. I think they get a bad rap for what wasps and hornets bring to the picnic. Honeybees are gentle and a huge part of our life, from apples to zucchini. The honeybee literally its the food that keeps us alive literally pollinates the food that keeps us alive. Reporter beeopulations worldwide are suffering as the habitat is wiped out by developing luckily for us, the honey of urban bees is said to taste just as sweet. Brent heres a reminder of the top stories we are following for you. A Police Helicopter has attacked venezuelas Supreme Court in what president Nicolas Maduro is calling a thwarted terrorist attack. The officer believed rep in been the pilot published a statement calling for rebellion against maduros government. After a short break from i will be back to take you through the day. Stick around. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] donald trump has accepted an invitation from the french president and will be the guest of honor for the bastille day celebrations. He will watch on as american troops march alongside their french allies marking 100 years since the u. S. Joined the first world war. It will be his third trip to paris since he took office and it follows his decision to postpone a visit to the u. K. Because of hostile to look opinion there

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