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We will look back on her career japanese Prime Minister shinzo abe paying a landmark visit to pearl harbor 75 years after the japanese attack that drew the United States into world war ii. And a new Study Reveals that the worlds fastest land animal, the cheetah, is heading towards extinction. Researchers say there has been a rapid decline in numbers. Good to have you with us. Carrie fisher, the actress who starred as Princess Leia in the original star wars films, has died at the age of 60. Family Spokesman Says she passed away in a hospital in los angeles. She was taken there on friday after suffering a heart attack on a flight from london to los angeles. She had a successful and varied career in films and also as a book author, but she struggled with drug addiction and Mental Health problems. We are going to get some more background on all this. We all thought, especially the star wars fans that Carrie Fishers condition has stabilized, and then this news. Do we know anything about the details . Reporter i think we all think of her as a survivor because she has been through so much and we thought she would survive this, too. This seems to be some mystery about the death. Yes, heart attack, but the family during this time she was in hospital didnt they said they couldnt give details about her condition. So i guess christopher it is a private thing, of course. We will wait for the details to emerge if they do. Star wars fans will be mortified. Princess leia we can see her in the background in the original star wars films was that her defining role . Reporter absolutely. This is the biggest film franchise of all time. She came out of nowhere as a young woman christopher she was 19. Reporter captured our hearts and fantasies. 1977 that was it she became a dream figure for many people and she has continued on in star wars. She came back in the recent 2015, the new series, the force awakens, number seven. She comes back as general leia. Christopher she was a strong princess as well. Reporter absolutely. Also in rogue one, one of the standalone films, there you see her in her 20s and a digitalized version of herself. Star wars, absolutely. She said one of her favorite things was killing jabba the hutt. She said the greatest reason for getting into acting is so you can kill a monster like that. Christopher that is the path of her that was Princess Leia was yet and there was more to her. Reporter yes. I think one of the things about Carrie Fisher that makes her so lovable and why she has continued to capture our imagination and the times in her career when she was playing supporting roles, small roles, long time she wasnt acting out all, is she has this great sensitivity. She was bipolar, she was an addict was she wrote about this in a novel, semiotic right tackle semiautobiographical novel called postcards from the edge which was filmed in 1990 with meryl streep, talking about her addiction. Harvrvard university honored her for her openness and activism dealing with addiction and Mental Health. Christopher thanks for that, from our culture desk. Moving on to other news, japans Prime Minister is in hawaii where he is said to be the first japanese leader visit the memorial at pearl harbor. Abe is on a twoday visit, where he will attend a number of ceremonies to commemorate those killed in world war ii. He will also meet with president barack obama in what will be their final meeting before the president s term ends in january. 2300 americans died when japanese fighter planes bombed the u. S. Naval base at pearl harbor during the second world war. Former japanese leaders have visited the area, but none have been to the memorial. We are going to talk to a journalist with hawaii news now. Thanks are talking to us. The japanese Prime Minister praying for thevictims of pearl harbor how significant is that gesture in ththe u. S. In hawaii . Thahank you very y much, chchristopher. It is very s significant. Asas you mentioned, he is the first leader of japan to be going to the u. S. S. Arizona memorial, the first to 10th with a sitting president , barack obama. Many of the people here in the country feel it is necessary for this to happen, but especially for the residents in hawaii, very welcoming to the japanese Prime Minister for these events today. Lets give you a breakdown in the next hour. There will be a formal meeting at the joint base will harbor and from there they will take a boat ride to the uss arizona memorial. They will lay a wreath there. They will return at joint base pearl harbor for the remarks did they will be remarks from the president and Prime Minister. There are talks privately back i in november i it was shio abe who was the first world leader to memeet with president elect t donald trump n new york city. There is much to discuss about the future of relations and the friendly relationship between japan and the United States. Christopher and i understand that abe wont be apologizing for it he will be paying his rerespects to those who died but will not be e apologizing. Will that be enough . I think to some it may be enough. Ththe japan government issued a statement saying he will not apologize, but if you remember also come barack obama when earlier this year in may to the hiroshima memorial shrine in hiroshima. Of course, hiroshima was the site where an atomic bomb was dropped in the closing days to close out world war ii and also in nagasaki. He did not apologize there either. And then there are the words of a 96yearold veteran a world war ii veteran who survived pearl harbor. He says, no apology needed. War is war. They werere doing what they were supposed to do and we were doing what we were supposed to do. Christopher ok, many, many thanks for talking to us. Now russian air investigators have begun examining one of the flight recorders of the military plane that crashed into the black sea on sunday. The flight data recorder was found on the seabed earlier today. It seems to be in Good Condition and is expected to shed light on what brought down that aircraft, killing all 92 people on board. Most of the victims were members of the famous Russian Military band and choir that was traveling to syria to entertain the Russian Troops based there. Moving to germany now, it is a week since the terror attack on a berlin Christmas Market that left 12 people dead. That attack has sparked an intense debate on security, including calls for more video cameras in public spaces. Germans have long had a deep aversion to that kind of surveillance, but opinion polls indicate that views might be changing. Recent cases of random violence in berlin have strengthened the case for more video cameras. Reporter shock and disbelief in berlin after several violent incidents at underground metro stations. The tracaces of the lalatest are still clearly v visible. The homeless man was asleepp on this page whwhen it group of men set him m on fire. A surveillance camera captured the incident, recording the attackers as they fled the scene by train. Auorities madedehe video public. Within a few hourssix of the seven attackers came forward and the seventh was arreste they werreportedly of syrian d libyan origin, age between 15 and 21. The crime and the swift identification of those responsible has stoked debate about increased surveillance in germany. I think there should be more Video Surveillance in general. I just feel more under surveillance. I dont think it is particularly efficient or worthwhile as a preventative measure. I am torn. On the one hand, i dont want to be monitored everywhere. But on the other hand, i think it makes sense if it means more crimes like this can be solved. Many people here in berlin are concerned about safety and feel that Violent Crimes are on the increase. But the facts tell a different story. This is a question of whether people feel safe. There is a certain level of anxiety, but if we look at the crime figures, we can see that the number of robberies and Violent Crimes is actually decreasing. It is also clear that security cameras cannot prevent crimes. The man who was set on fire did not suffer any injuries, but not because of the cameras. Ordinary people rushed to his aid and helped put out the fire. Christopher the Chaos Computer Club is holding its annual convention in the german city of hamburg at the moment. It is europes biggest association of computer experts and hackers. 12,000 people attending and debating the usual issues such as cybercrime and data protection. But they are also tackling the hot issue of the moment, fake news and the possible influence on elections. Reporter fighting hate and ignorance together, that is the central message of the opening of the congress. Keynote speakers here say human rights are being scaled back and we shouldnt be complacent. As the threat of terror attacks increases, the focus turns to lawmakers, especially when it comes to i. T. Security. The state wants to weaken security measures in order to be able to eavesdrop on the entire public, but he doesnt understand that is the most radical kind of attack on i. T. Security that you can possibly have. There have been many highprofile hacking attacks in 2016. An attack on Deutsche Telekom crippled 100,000 routers. U. S. Internet giant yahoo admitted to one of the worst data breaches in history. And during the u. S. Election campaign, hackers published the emails of senior democrats, which some claim may have helped donald trump to victory. Experts warn things s could get worse. More things are going digital, which means more opportunities for hackers and greater consequences. That is why we are feeling the effects more. Participants here are sounding the alarm. Germanys Upcoming Elections in 2016 will be vulnerable to cyberattacks. All parties and politicians need to be prepared. Christopher to taiwan now, where a mock nazi parade staged by High School Students has triggered considerable controversy. The pararade was meantnt to be educucational and part of wider celebrations at the school 6262d anniniversary. This video t taken from a taiwanese news channel. Photos and video circulating online have prompted condemnation from german and israeli officials. Israels Representative Office in taipei calling the incident deplorable and tasteless. There has also been away from social media reaction. One israeli news outlet writing, i think they know what the swastika is that they are not afraid to show us what they think. I wonder if hitler would have kept them alive had he reached their. And speaking of double standards where the nazi costume in the whole world is shocked i get a but many where the red guard as a costume. Is that ok . You are watching dw news. Still to come, the worlds fastest land animal, the cheetah, is becoming extinct. We will talk to one of the leading cheetah experts to find out why numbers have declined so dramatically and what should be done about it. Dont forget, you can get dw news when you are on the road. Download our app from google play or the apple store. That will give you access to the latest news from around the world and also to our push notifications when we have breaking news for you. You can use it to send us your photos and videos. Another thin we will be bringing you after the break, i will tell you after the break because that break is coming right up. You are watching dw news. Stay with us. Christopher welcome back to dw news here in berlin. Our top story, the actors Carrie Fisher, known to millions as Princess Leia in the original star wars films, has died at the age of 60. She passed away in a los angeles hospital after suffering a heart attack on friday. The worlds fastest land animal, the cheetah, is in danger of becoming extinct, according to a new report published by the london zoological society. Researchers found there has been a dramatic decline in cheetah numbers from an estimated 100,000 animals a century ago to loss of habitat and illegal trafficking identified as 2 of the main reasons for the drop in numbers. Many cheetah cubs are also caught and sold illegally as pets. Most of the surviving cheetahs living in southern africa, particularly in namibia. One of the authors of the new report is the founder of namibias Cheetah Conservation fund. And she joins us via skype from northern namibia. Who better to talk to about these unhappy findings . Great to have you with us on dw news. We hear about the threat to the world elephant and rhino populations. Why hasnt the threat to the worlds cheetahs thin on the radar . I t think with the isissues h elephants and rhihinos are so perfect. Ththe way the poaching occurs. That is what gets a lot of media attention. Although we have been working towards Cheetah Conservation for myself over 40 years, and many of us over the last decade in putting together the data for this kind d of reporort that has come out to shshow where thehe cheetahs are, and the primary problem is that they are living outside protected areas. Christopher and that brings them into conflict with humans, small farmersrs, for i instance. Thats s right. They becomome conflict animals wiwi livestock, goats and sheep. They dont do well in protected areas because the areas are too small. With that, developing programs to Work Together with communities and real farmers as well as strategies around working with governments so we can actually save the species for future generations. It is going to be a big job and one for everyone in the world to Work Together on. Christopher one key demand you are making, you and your colleagues in this field, is to have the status of the cheetah taken from vulnerable to endangered. Is that right . Yes, that is what the rerecommendation is, because ase see, whehen they are living outstside of protected areas, ty are not safafe. We have seen an 80 decline in the population in zimbabwe in the past 13 years where the populations were outside protected areas. We have seen a continued increase in conflict, increase in game fenced farms, which caused problems. These are all going to cause problems for the population decline throughout their range. They are living in very fragmented arere. Wheree the cheetahs are found, there are only 30 populatations, and with the adult popululion of about 7000, this is just not a healthy a and big enough population to sustain. And then the illegal wildlife trafficking is another proroblem where the cubs are being captured around the horn of africa and sold toto be exotic pets into o the gulf states. All of these caused great problems for the decline of the cheetah. Christopher ok, many, many thanks for talking to us. The founder and executive director of the Cheetah Conservation fund in namibia. Ok, time to check in on how the Global Economy has been faring. Thank you very much fit if you believe it cannot get any worse, think again, especially my comes to the financial sector. It is in even bigger trouble than fear. It now needs the cash injection of a. 8 billion euros. The ecb said the Liquidity Position rapidly deteriorated over the past month. Just last week, the italy government approved a bailout for the most fragile financial institutions, and monty paschi will be first in line for a portion of the cash. Did you ever wonder what all those traders are doing between christmas and new years eve . Big deals, something risky, even . Less likely. Rather, they look back at the events that shaped the stock market is the what is next, and they are worried about what may be ahead in 2017. Reporter traders at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange enjoyed a few days, after a year that brought them respite, turbulence on it brexit, turbulence on asian markets, and the u. S. Election. The bluechip dax managed to gain 7 on the year. Investors learned to live with uncertainty, but what about next year . Next year wont be as easy as some people think. There are a number of problems in banks such as italy and that could bring the euro zone into dangerous waters next year. Only three weeks until donald trump is sworn in as the new u. S. President. Once the vein of wall street and he is bringing hope of lower taxes and Less Government intervention in the economy that is already having an impact. You can clearly see the effect on u. S. Treasury bonds with the yields dropping significantly and u. S. Stocks rising. With the u. S. Transitioning to trump, europe moving forward without the u. K. , and elections in germany and france, investors are gearing up for another year of uncertainty in 2017. Fanny it is getting difficult to breathe in sarajevo, so authorities have banned half the citys cars from driving on roads. The concentration of hazardous particles is far above safe levels it as the economy continues to grow, so does the volume of cars on the bosnian capitals roads, and that means even more pollution. Reporter for more than a week, dense smog has completely obscured the view of sarajevo from the citys surrounding hills. In a bid to alleviate the situation, the local government has ordered the introduction of alternative driving days for cars with even an on numbered license plates. Public transportation is free until the situation improves. Official statistics show the concentration of hazardousus air particles has surged to as much as 10 times ththe acceptable limit. The limit values are between 50 and 62. 5 micrograms per cubic meter of air and the concentrations measured between 300 and 500 micrograms per cubic meter. The air is obvious we highly polluted. Sarajevo is located in a narrow valley surrounded by mountains which hampers the free flow of air that heavy traffic, coalfired power plants, and local heating are the leading causes of dense smog in the bosnian capital. Residents are trying to facemask for production and staying indoors whenever possible. Every sane person is concerned about this pollution. Everyone in my family is ill, from my fiveyearold grandson to 60yearold me. It is impossible to go out. It makes you sick. Im spirit myself so i go out to buy food in the essential things we need. Reporter the situation is unlikely to ease in the coming days. Meteorologists say whether conditions are expected to abrogate the pollution. Fanny can the war on drugs be won . In the United States from hundreds of thousands are jail for drug crimes. In the philippines, thousands are killed as president duterte ruthlessly enforces antidrug laws. Goats continue to devastate communities and peoples lives in various parts of the world. Drugs continue to devastate amenities and peoples lives in various parts of the world. Reporter a remote farm the myanmar. The wind blows gently over fields of poppy. Farmers spray raw opium from the capsules. We grow poppies, rice, and corn , but the income from the poppies is the best, says this local farmer. It is in fields like this where the worlds drug problems begin. Opium is produced in countries around will put more than a quarter comes from here, myanmar, laos, and thailand. Experts say the opium trade is worth 30 billion annually. Myanmar alone produces over 600 tons of opium for a year. For local farmers, it is the only crop that pays enough to feed the family. I am aware that the farmers in many places want to change but they dont have enough and the failure of some of these programs in the past has been that the programs are not able to produce the income that the farmers need to change. They are not doioing this becaue they are criminals. They are doing this to survive. Reporter change wont come from within the country, says the myanmar antidrug czar. The government has tried to introduce agriculture and livestock substitution, but frankly speaking, it was not effective. I hope there will be better support from international organizations. Any support would help local farmers here immensely, and it could lead to victory in the worldwide war on drugs. Fanny thank you, christopher. Christopher many thananks. A quick reminder of our top story. Japanese Prime Minister sheehan oblique is in hawaii shinzo abe is in hawaii for a landmark visit to pearl harbor, the site of the japanese attacked 75 years ago that provoked america to join world war ii. We will be back with more at the top of the hour. You are watching dw news. Do stay with us. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] qwueeewep 1 1pxxxxxx russian rescuers have found the main black box from military plane that crashed into the black sea on sunday. The syria down plane went down with 92 people on board. A Turkish Court tries 29 former Police Officers accused of aiding and attempted overthrow of erdogans government. The trial in istanbul is the biggest today five months after the coup attempt. The power of reconciliation, the words of japans Prime Minister as he visits perl harbor 75 years after japans surprise attack

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