Transcripts For LINKTV Democracy Now 20170123

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In one of the largest days of protest in u. S. History, millions around the country and streets in over 600 cities and towns from washington, d. C. , to park city, australia, weurne will hear speech highlights from angela davis, Gloria Steinem, alicia keys, madonna, and more. The incame a day after the gratian of the 45th president of the united states, donald j. Trump. Pres. Pres. Trump in every hall of power, from this day forward, a new vision will govern our land. From this day forward, it is going to be only America First. America first. Amy we will air part of Donald Trumps inaugural address and get response from ralph nader, naomi klein, allan nairn, and professor keeangayamahtta taylor. All that and more, coming up. Welcome to democracy now , democracynow. Org, the war and peace report. Im amy goodman. On saturday, millions of people worldwide poured into the streets toto protest the presidency of donald trump. In washington, d. C. , more than half a Million People flooded the National Mall for the womens march on washington, many wearing pink hats dubbed pussyhats. So many people turned out that by midday, the entire planned march route was filled with people. This is one of the protesters. Am from the new mexico delegation. It took us 39 hours. We are very proud to be here. Voice our opinions. Our presence as one community, once in sisterhood to say no and to stand for justice for everyone of us. Everyone of us no matter our gender, color, or raise. What is your groups name . Intended uprising. Amy the New York Times reports saturdays protest in d. C. Drew three times more people than Donald Trumps inauguration on in new york friday. City, 400,000 protesters poured into the streets around trump tower. 250 thousand gathered in chicago. Hundreds of thousands took to the streets in boston, los angeles, denver, madison, wisconsin, and other cities. Saturdays nationwide demonstrations was the largest antiinauguration protest in u. S. History and ranks among the biggest mobilizations ever in the united states. It was also one of the largest coordinated global days of action in world history, with protests spanning every continent on earth, including antarctica. Massive crowds gathered in Major International cities, including london, paris, new delhi, sydney, mexico city and buenos aires. Saturdays historic mobilization came one day after donald trump was sworn in as the 45th president of the united states. During the ceremony, new York Democratic senator Chuck Schumers speech a at the inauguration, some in the audience booed as he spoke about inclusivity. Minutes later, c chief justitice john roboberts swore trump into the office of the presidency, sparking outcries from some in the crowd. Please raise your right hand and repeat after me. I, donald john trump, do solemnly swear. Legit. Go to hell. Actions innated washington, d. C. , also shut down multiple inaugural checkpoints to block people from attending the inauguration. This is democracy now s carla wills, reporting live from a black lives matter action, where activists locked down in order to block off the checkpoint. Lives inesent black california. Described the scene. People are actively voicing their dissent in light of the horrible truth, that is donald trump he has used racism, bigotry suggested a muslim registry, islamophobia. He has used oppression to gain power. And this is 2017. He is an illegitimate president and we do not respect him as such. Amy Police Chased crowds of demonstrators during some of fridays protest. More than 200 people were arrested, the majority of whom were charged with felony riot. After being sworn in, donald trump gave an inaugural address in which he offered extreme vision for the future of the united states. 20, 2017,pmp j january will be remembered as the day that people became the rulers of this nation again. [applause] pres. Trump the forgotten men and women of ourur country wille forgotten no longer. [applause] pres. Trump everyone is listening to you now. This american carnage stops now. Here and stops right amy the e washington posost reports ththe address included 4 words never before uttered in any u. S. And not really address, including the words carnage, bleed, stolen, trapped, disrsrepair, and sadad. Trump took the office of the presidency with 32 Approval Rating, the lowest Approval Rating of any incoming p presidt in recent u. S. History. On saturday morning at 9 40 a. M. , the New York Times tweeted a photo comparing the crowd size from trumps inauguration to that of president obamas 2009 inauguration, which drew a record 1. 8 Million People. In response on saturday, the new White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer angrily stormed into the press room and lied multiple times about trumps inauguration, falsely claiming more people had attended or watched onon tv than any otherer inauguration in u. S. History. This was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration period, both in person and around the globe. Even the New York Times printed a photograph showing a misrepresentation of the crowd in the original tweet, in their paper, which showed the full extent of the support, depth, existed. That these attempts to lessen the enthusiasm of the inauguration are shameful and wrong. Amy that was the new White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer, who also lied about the number of people who rode the d. C. Metro friday and whether friday was the first time in u. S. History that Floor Coverings had been used on the National Mall. He immediately left the podium after reading the press statement without taking any questions from reporters. On sundays meet the press, chuck todd confronted counselor to the president Kellyanne Conway about these lies. Dont be so overly dramatic about it, chuck. What youre saying its a falsehood and theyre giving sean spicer he gave alternative facts to that. Alternatitive facts . Alternative facts for thehe five fax he uttered . They were just not true. Alternative facts are not facts, they are full suits. Amy President Trump himimself attackeded the press during the speech at the cia headquarters on saturday. Pres. Trump as you know, i have a running war with the media. They are among the most dishonest human beings on earth. Amy that was donald trump speaking before thehe wall of te fallenen. Those in the cia who have died around the world. Many attacking him for this political speech, assessing in a rolesize of his crowd. Among those who criticized and was former cia director brendan. On sunday morning, trump also attacked saturdays protesters, tweeting watched protests yesterday but was under the impression that we just had an election why didnt these people vote . Celebs hurt cause badly. In fact, while trump won the Electoral College, he lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million. In a followup tweet, trump said peaceful protests are a hallmark of our democracy. Even if i dont always agree, i recognize the rights of people to express their views. President trump signed his first president ial documents friday, which included a proclamation for a new national day of patriotism and an executive order making the prompt repeal of the Affordable Care act his administrations top official priority. Trump also signed legislation to freeze the implementation of new regulations passed by president obama in recent weeks. On the official white house friday, website was completely replacaced with nearlrly every reference to Climate Change erased from the site. The only remaining reference to Climate Change on the new whitehouse. Gov website appears on the first of his six issues pages, which reads President Trump is committed to eliminating harmful and unnecessary policies such as the Climate Action plan. The Trump Administration also took down the white house websites pages on civil rights and a fact sheet on the violence against women act. The civil rights page was replaced by a page entitled standing up for our Law Enforcement community, which calls for more Law Enforcement, building a border wall, and ending sanctuary cities. It also reads the dangerous antipolice atmosphere in america is wrong. The Trump Administration will end it. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee is expected to vote this afternoon on whether to confirm longtime exxonmobil Ceo Rex Tillerson for secretary of state. Many lawmakers and environmental activists have expressed deep concerns over his potential confirmation. In park city, utah, and the sundance film festival, i questioned former Vice President al gore about the nomination of the former ceo of exxonmobil rex tillerson. Financednmobill has climate denial. Every year they say t they ha stopopped a thewhen the funding rorts comout at t end of the year, w find ey ha connued. I thinwhat exxmobil ha don deey unethil. Am the senatconfird the rst two ump cabinemembers on friday retired general James Mad Dog Mattis as defense secretary and retired general john kelly as secretary of homeland security. The confirmation of the rest of trumps cabinet has been delayed because many of the nominees failed to submit the required ethics and Financial Disclosure forms to congress in time for them to be reviewed by the office of government ethics ahead ofof the schedululed hear. The confirmation process has also been slow because trumps cabinet is the richest in u. S. History, consisting g largely of white male millionaires and billionaires whose array of , financial ties pose unprecedented potential conflicts of interest. In international news, Longtime Gambian leader yahya jamammeh agreed to step down n friday, averting a political crisis in the african nation. West african troops and tanks had entered gamb in the e event jammeh continued to refuse to relinquish power. Hed been the leader of gambia for 22 years. On friday, the incoming elected President Adama Barrow said the rule of fear has been vanished from the gambia for good. Barrow had been inaugurated on thursday in the Gambian Embassy in neighboring senegal as jammeh clung to power. The pentagon says a u. S. Airstrike and u. S. Drone strikes in idlib, syria, killed more than 100 people friday. U. S. Officials say the victims of airstrike were al qaeda fighters. But the Syrian Opposition group Jabhat Fateh Alsham says the airstrike hit its camp and that the victims were not al qaeda fighters. Jabhat fateh alsham is the new naname for the group alnunusra, which says they brbroke from al qaeda in 2016. The airstrtrike wawas one of the final military acts of obamass presidencycy. And in seattle, an activist is in the hospital recovering after beingg crititically shot duringa protest against a speech by White Nationalist Breitbart News editor milo yiannopoulos, hosted at the university of washington. The 32yearold activist, who has not been named, is an antiracist organizer and a member of the Industrial Workers of the world. Milo has faced protests and multiple university speeches in recent months. The shooter was released by police on saturday after he claimed the shooting was in selfdefense. And those are some of the headlines. This is democracy now , democracynow. Org, the war and peace report. Im amy goodman. In one of the largest days of protest in u. S. History, millions took to the streets one day after the inauguration saturday, of donald trump. The largest protest was the womens march in washington , where it is believed more than 500,000 people packed the streets. According to crowd scientists at Manchester Metropolitan University in britain, the crowd was roughly three times the size of the audience at Donald Trumps inauguration a day earlier. Womenled marches took place in overer 600 locations spread acas seven continents, including antarctica. In addition toto washingngton, massive protests also took place in boston, chicacago, denvnver,s angeles, madison, wisconsin, new york, oakland, portland, oregon, st. Paul, san francisco, and seattle. According to one count, as many as 4. 6 Million People took part in the global day of action. We begin todays show with highlights from the speeches at the womens march on washington. My name is america ferrera. [cheers] and i am deeply honored to march with you today is the chair of the artist table. As a woman a and as a proud firstgeneration american born to honduran immigrants. [cheers] times been a heart rending to be both a woman and immigrant in this country. Our dignity, our character, our rights of all been under attack. And a platform of hate and Division Assumed Power yesterday. But the president is not america. [cheer] not america. S [cheer] not america. We are ameririca. [cheers] here to stay. We march today for our families and our neighbors, for our future. For the causes we claim and the causes that claim us. We march today for the moral core of this nation against which our new president is waging a war. He would like us to forget the words give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to be free. And instead, take of a credo of hate, fear, suspicion of one another. But we are gathered here and across the country and around , mr. Orld today to say trump, we refuse. [cheers] reject thee dehumanization of brothers and sisters. We demand an end to the inincarceration of our Black Brothers and sisters. Right toot give up our safe and l lal abortioions. We will not ask our lgbtq families to go backwards. Being anot go from Mission Nation ofof immigrans to a n nation of ignorance. Walls and wed wont see the worst in each other. And we will not turn our backs on more than 750,000 young immigrants in this country currently protected by daca. In a good that is actress and activist america ferrera. Well turn to more highlights from the march, including angela davis, Gloria Steinem and, and madonna in a minute. [music break] amy the song quiet performed by milck and the i cant keep quiet choir of washington, d. C. This is democracy now , democracynow. Org, the war and peace report. Im amy goodman. At the march and around washington, d. C. We return now to highlights from saturdays massive womens march on washington. This is Gloria Steinem. Im not trying to deny the a and ththat this day initiates. Trump anand his handlers have found a fox for every chicken coop in washington and a twitter fingnger must notot become a trr finger. [cheers] dococtors ofxperienced the amererican psysychiatric association have publicly , and i to warn us that quote, his widely r reported symptoms of m mental instatabil, including grandiosityty, impulsivity, hypersensitivity to slights or criticisms, and in an appear inabibility to distinguih betweeeen fantasy and reality ld us t to question his fitness for the immemense responsibililitief the office. [cheers] thisis was on full display in hs inaugural address yesterday. Everything that happened before him was a disastster. And everything that he would do would be fantastic, the best evever, miracleles, and a all te superlrlatives. He a also said he was with the people. Indeed, he was the people. To paraphrhrase a famous q quoti just want to say, i have met the people and you a are not them. [cheers] my name is ashley judd. I am a feminist. And i want to say hello to independence avenue in the back, all the way down to 17th street. From ninaing you words donovan, a 19yearold in middle, tennnnessee, and she is given me t the privilege of telling you what she has to say. I am a nasty woman. [cheers] i am not as nasty as a man who looks like he baits in chito words aren whose distracted to america, Electoral College sanctioned hate speech contaminating this national anthem. Im not as nasty as confederate flags being cut to do across my city. Maybe the south actually is going to rise again, maybe for some it never really fell. Blacks are still in shackles and graves just for being black slavery has been reinterpreted as the prison system in front of people who see melanin a as anil skin as a swastikan nasty painted on a pride flag and i did not know devils could be resurrected, but i feel pillar h itler in these streets, a mustache traded for a renamed,azis conversion therapy, the new gas chamber shaming they gave out of america, turning rainbows into suicide. I am not as nasty as racism, fraud, conflict of interest, homophobia, sexual assault, transphobia, white supremacy, massage any, ignorance, White Privilege it is our honor and privilege to bring the next speaker to the stage, the one and only author and activist jeanette mott. I stand here today as the daughter of a native hawaiian woman in a black veteran fromom texas, the first person in my family to go to college. I stand here as someone who has written herself onto this stage. To unapologetically proclaim i am a trans woman writer, activist, revolutionary of color. [cheers] and i stand here today because of the work of my forbear, from rom urner to still be a, to audreye,lla frorom harriet to marcia. I stand here today, most of all, because i am my s sisters keep. My sisters and siblings are being beaten and brutalized, neglected, and invisiblized extinguished and exiled. My sisters and siblings have been pushed out of hostile homes and intolerant schools. My sisters and siblings have been forced into detention facilities in prison and deeper into poverty. ,nd i hold these harsh truths they enrage me and fill me, but i cannot survive on righteous anger alone. Today, by being here, it is my commitment to getting us free that keeps me marching. Our approach to freedomom may nt be identical, but it must be intersectional and inclusive. It is an absolute honor to introduce our friend d cecille richards. Were here today too thank generations of organizers and troublemakers and hell raisers who formed secret sisterhoods, who opened planned Parenthood Health facilities in the communities, and commanded the right to control their own bodies. Andd today we are here to delivr a message, we are not going to take this lying down. And we wilill not go back. For the majority of people in this country, planned parenthood is not the problem, we are the solulution. We haave been part of the american the fabric of america for 100 years, and my pledge today is, our doors s st opened. [cheers] us to linkkime for arms together for the right of working women to earn a living wage, for the right of f immigrt families to live without fear, for the right of motothers everywhere to raise families in safe communities with clean air and clean drinking water, including in flint, michigan. And we are here for the right to live openly and metafor you are or who you love, no matter what. Ared you better believe, we here to fight for reproductively, including access to safe and legal abortions. This is the cochair of the womens march on washington. Today is not a concert. It is not a parade and it is not a party. Today is an act of resistance. Now, some of you came here to protest one man. I did not come here for that. I came here to address those of you who say you are of good conscience. To those of you who experience a feeling of being powerless, disparage, victimized, antagonized, threatened, and abused, to those of you who for the first time felt the pain that my people have felt since they were born here brought here with chains shackled on our legs, today i say to you, welcome to my world. Welcome to our world. I stand here as a black woman that is a descendent of slaves. My ancestors literally nursed our slave masters. Through the blood and tears of my people, we built this country. America cannot be great without me, you, and all of us who are here today. Today you may be feeling but know this country hahas been hostile to its country for a long time. For some of you it is new. For some of us, it is not so new at all. Today i am marching for black and brown lives, for sandra bland, philando castile, tamir garner, michael brown, Trayvon Martin and for those nine people who were shot at the emmanuel african methodist visible Church Episcopal church. We understand, brothers and sisters, to get this thing right. We can do it. If women rise up and take this nation back. And my greatr pleasure to introduce one of my personal heroes, immigrants rights activists from incredible, inspiring sophie cruz and her family. Hi, everybody. My name is sophie crews. Making are together chain of love to protect our families. [cheers] faith,fight with love, and courage so that our families will not be destroyed. [cheers] want to tell the children not to b be afraid because we ae not alone. There are still many people that have thehe hearts fifilled with love to snuggle in this papath f life. Fights keep together and for the rights. God is with us [cheers] i had the distinct honor and pleasure of welcoming to the stage the incomparable angela davis. Over the next months and years, we will be called upon to intensify our demands for social justice, to become more militant in our defense of vulnerable populations, those who still defend the supremacy of white male patriarchy had better watch out. Days of the Trump Administration will be 1459 days of resistance. Resistance on the ground, resistance in the classrooms, resistance on the job, resistance in our arts and in our music. This is just the beginning. And in the words of the ella baker, we who believe in freedom cannot rest until it comes. Thank you. We have another very, very special guest. It is our honor to introduce janelle monae. Hello, future. Proud to stand here as a woman, an africanamerican won. My grandmother was a sharecropper. She picked. New mississippi. My mother was a janitor. I am a descendent of them and im here in n their honor to hep us move forward and stem the future. Say i want to remind you that it was woman they gave you dr. Martin luther king junior. It was woman that gave you malcolm x. And according to the bible, it was a woman they gave you jesus. It. T you ever forget and we must remind them, those who are abusing their power, that is what i am here today to march against the abuse of power. [cheers] i want to say to the lgbtq community, my fellow brothers and sisters, to immigrants, my fellow brothers and sisters, to c continue to embrace the things that make you unique, even if it makes others uncomfortable. You are enough. And whenever you feel in doubt, up, ever you want to give you must always remember to choose freedom over fear. And ladies, introducing madonna. Welcome to the revolution of love. Rebellion, to our refusal as women to accept this new age womenanny, where not just are in danger, but all marginalized people. Where being uniquelyly different right now might truly be considered a crime. It took this horrifific moment f p]rkness to wake us the [b;ee up. It seems as though we had all slipped into a false sense of comfort, that justice would prevail and thahat good would win in the end. Good did not win this election. But good will winin in the end. So what do today means is that we are far from the end. Today marks the beginning, the beginning of our story. The revolution starts here. Right to ber the are, to bebe who we equals. Lets march together through this darkness and with eachch sp know that we are not afraid. Alone. Are not thatat we will not back down. Power in our unity and that no opposing force stands a chance in the face of true solidarity. We have a grammy awardwinning sister in the house. My dear sister and friend, alicia keys. [cheers] ladies and gentlemen, are we here . [cheers] are you ready to march . Say, yeah out of the huts of history, shame, i rise up from a past that is rooted in pain, i rise im a black ocean leaping and wide, willing and swelling during the time, leaving behind nights of terror and fear i rise into a daybreak that is wondrously clear, i rise that my the gifts ancestors gave, i am the dream and the hope of the slave i rise [cheers] amy that is alicia keys speaking at the womens march on washington saturday. The protest was one of the largest in washihingtons histoy but much of the conservative media focused on a single line said by madonna during her speech i have thought an awful lot of blowing up the white house, but i know that this wont change anything. Than 500,000 people took part in the womens march in washington. According to crown scientists and Manchester Metropolitan University in britain, the crowd was roughly three times the size of the audience at President Trumps inauguration on friday. This is democracy now , democracynow. Org, back in a minute. [music break] amy alicia keys singing girl on fire at the womens march on washington. This is democracy now , democracynow. Org, the war and peace report. Im amy goodman. From parkadcasting city, utah, where there was a major march, the historic protest worldwide in over 600 cities, towns, and hamlets came one day after president Donald Trumps inauguration. Pres. Trump this american carnage stops right now and stops right now. We assembled here today are issuing a new decree to be heard in every city in every foreign capital, and in every hall of power from this day forward, a new vision will govern our land. From this day forward, it is America First. Y an America First. Every decision on trade, on taxes, on immigration, on Foreign Affairs will be made to benefit American Workers and american families. We must protect our borders from the ravages of other countries making our products, stealing our companies, and destroying our jobs. [applause] pres. Trump protection will lead to great p prosperity and strength. Alliancesinforce old and form new ones and unite the civilized world against radical islamic terrorism, which we will eradicate completely from the face of the earth. Amy that is an excerpt of Donald Trumps inaugural address as the 45th president of the united states. Did aday, democracy now special broadcast from washington, d. C. , and featured a round table of analysis of trumps address. We spoke to consumer advocate ralph nader, author naomi klein, and professor keeangayamahtta taylor, author of from black lives matter to black liberation, Investigative Reporter allan nairn, and black lives s matter cofounder alicia garza. We b began with ralph nader. He is going to do a lot of things at once in the first 100 days, unlike barack obama who figured he could only handle the Democratic Congress with health care, he is going to try to go on all fronts. That is perilous for him, obviously, but it is also very careless for the democratic party, which now is the minority in the congress. That means he is going to get the nominee to the Supreme Court out fast, he is going to start changing the tax system up fast, hes going to start rolling back health and safety and other regulations fast by all kinds of executive action in congress. And so what we are to see here is a challenge to the stamina of the citizenry, specially the majority of the people who voted against him. And whether they organize in every Congressional District, justin gage in important but shshortlived resistance, is a real question. We have to build sustained power in every Congressional District to use that huge leverage over congress 535 people whose names we know, as in oppositition to what the Trump Administration plans to do. He is way in over his neck. He doesnt know how to run the government. He doesnt like to work hard. He doesnt like details. He doesnt like to read a briefing memos or be briefed, so were going to see a huge delegation of authority to his nominees, to his cabinet secretaries, etc. , and we will see a new media emerge, which is and histing media, Public Relations are to 20 million, 30 Million People that tap into that account. Finally, i think what were going to have to dodo somethingo get over the yuck factor. The liberals disagree with conservatives back home on certain issues reproductive rightsts, etc. , gain control but theres a huge left right worker alliance. As he alluded to, they all bleed the same way. As i would expand, they all get ripped off the same way by the health care industry, by the utilities, by the employers, by the low wages. That is the alliance for the future against donald trump and his billionaires. Amy naomi klein . Listening to this america, this defiant America Firstism, picking up on what ralph said about how this is tapping into the failures and the uses of the democratic party, you know, he is speaking directly to peoples feeling of being disappeared and neglected and so on. A veryhink until theres clear alternative, that will continue to resonate, despite all of the obvious hypocrisies that we had been delineating all day. It does make me think about something else, though. I have been involved in the free trade battles for a couple of decades now, you know, taking on going back to the original Free Trade Agreement with canada and the nafta and the creation of the wto and all of that. But i was never comfortable with the way in which particularly the u. S. Labor movement used i did not usesm enough the linkage of international ism. Including employing easy, xenophobic language about the chinese and opposing these deals on the basis of this easy nationalism. Unfortunately, that, i think, moral failure, that moral failure to stand up for principles of International Workers rights, International Environment standards, instead of just this easy hyper nationalism, is now something that trump can and is picking up. We are seeing it right now. Some of these messages are not that different than message we heard from unions. I know im not going to make some people happy saying that, but it is too familiar. And we cant move forward making the same mistakes. It is wonderful to see the internationalism in the response to trump, and were going to need to be an International Movement because this is not just something that is happening in the u. S. , right . This is happening in the midst of austerity programs around the world. Amy and donald trump he acknowledged he was begin to the world, not just the united dates. One thing i did like in his speech was that now arrives the hour of action. In thing he has appropriated a lot of pseudopopulist slogans, i say we take that applied to our movements. . My keeangayamahtta tataylor you can see the move from the dog whistle around racism. But i think he is also trying to do something interesting, which is to try to include africanamericans into this America First by talking how, you know, weve got the crime infested inner cities, but were going to save them and they are americans like the rest of them and we need to include them in our efforts to put down radical islamic terrorist in our efforts to build the wall and keep the mexicans out. And i think that there is a basic incoherence at the heart of that, which is that the policies that trump is pursuing domestically will have a in theirn at impact harm on africanamericans. Who are inle disproportionate need of state ,rotection, of a Public Sector that the efforts to subvert that, to get rid of those types of regulatory protections but also those types of social will have arams, devastating impact on black people in particular. And so the effort to sort of unite people around this false idea of America First by attacking immigrants, by attacking muslims, is built on sand, in some ways, and it is built on incoherence. Decline . It is interesting that his chosen model for this is the military. That is what he is holding up as the model of going to war and overwhelmingly against muslim countries, and the sort of heavily armed United America against all enemies. And i think that is the plan. That is the game plan. Amy allan, President Trump just gave his 15 minute inaugural address. Your thoughts . It is the most substantive inaugural address i can remember hearing. Usually they are full of platitudes and this was packed with political program. And it shows how serious this guy is. This movements is. Were really facing a National Emergency now. It is not a joke. He is not incompetent. Of the most m consisting of the most radical Political Party in american history, arguably since 1860. The current republicans. Who believe int oligarchy unbound without limits. A lot of whom, a lot of individuals and their look to be very confident at their assigned competent of their assigned theirf dismantling Respective Department says serve the poor working people as opposed to the rich. And in that speech, which was a collection of the most severe moments from his sub speeches, you really felt again some of the fascist undertones that ran through his campaign. I mean, this was a real signal. People better organized now because of two now in the course of this campaign, you know, american progressives have not done very well. It was remarkable that sanders he didfar as he did, but not make it over the line which is all that come in a sense, all that counts in the end. Trump could not be stopped. For final i want to ask thoughts on this and just read, summit has compiled a list of words that were used for the first time in u. S. And not real address. I will just read a few of them. Bleed, carnage, depletion, ripped, rested, sad, stealing, tombstones. Just a random list. The list is much longer, words that are not been used for, and what of those words indicate or gesture at is a moree explicit violence than has ever been i mean, one could argue in inauaugural address is always about a certain kind of nationalism, but it is an implicit kind of violence. This, the words here, are somehow laid bare what American Power trump would like American Power to be. So your final thoughts on that some alicia, and then allan . I think the inaugural address made it really clear what merica, trump wants to make great again. What feels clear for me, he does not have a mandate, that the words that we would use, right, absolutely would be resistance, defiant. Ble, disrupt, but i think theres also very much words that are being used today like solidarity and love and resistance and care. And i am carrying that into the womens march to mark, quite frankly, where there will be at minimum, 250,000 people who have traveled from all over the world to show their resistance, but also to show that we are our futures are connected with one another. That is what is carrying me through this incredibly sad day. And i think what is important about the list that you have generated is that it makes it really clear what their agenda is. They are masters at trying to mask what it is that they actually want to do. And so we should take this as an indication of the america that they want to see and use it as our compass to move away from and to orient all of our work around. Nermeen allan nairn . As they say, every person contains all students multitudes. Within everyone, theres this capacity for tremendous nobility and also the capacity to do horrible things, to commit the most atrocious crimes. And trump has, like other demagogues, has this ability to of manyside the souls people and pull out the worst. But it doesnt have to be that way. Not only theiris own worst instincts. You can reach inside that same person and pull out the best. , and to a person does large extent depends upon the situation that is presented the conditions theyre living under, the challenges that are put to them, trump has put a certain set of challenges, particularly to white americans, and he has gotten is very ugly response. As some very simple things happen done by the bureaucratic corporate democratic party, and they have presented a more constructive agenda that simply responded to forles needs for work, salary, we would have had an entirely differentnt outcome in the election and would not now be facing the very real threat on the street of perhaps vigilante violence, more racist ,iolence, all of these nemesis and god knows what could be unleashed overseas by general mattis and trump. This could easily have swung the other way. And it still can swing the other way. The pendulum goes this far, the energy is gathered, and it is poised to swingng almost as far back in the other direction. And i think that is where we are politically now. Four years from now, sooner, we could be talking about revolution of a different sort in a much more constructive direction, that we have to make that happen. Nairn,p journalist allan naomi klein, and professor keeangayamahtta taylor, author and allan nairn, and black lives matter cofounder alicia garza. We began with ralph nader. Democracy now is looking for feedback from people who appreciate the closed captioning. Email your comments to outreach democracynow. Org or mail them to democracy now p. O. Box 693 new york, new york 10013. [captioning made possible by democracy now ] [men singing in foreign language] there we are, there we are. [men grunting] [indistinct chatter] [gorilla groans] two blackbacks showing off. Just basically teenagegers feelg their oats. All is fine. Gives you an adrenaline rush, though, doesnt it . . Wow

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