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Iraq. We will speak with code pink Medea Benjamin a professor vijay prashad. Into the streets of new york where 100 climate activists were arrested after staging a mass sit in as part of an action dubbed flood wall street. Wall street invest in all the polluting, wasteful, Toxic Industries that are causing this crisis. Wall street is all profits from the destruction of the planet. We have to stop them, basically. We have got to stop them from interfering with the politics of democracy. As the u. N. Climate summit opens in new york, we speak with indigenous leader Winona Laduke, South African climate campaigner desmond dsa, and indian environmental activist vandana shiva. Is damming every river, chopping every tree, mining every mineral that can be mined and calling a development. In our parts of the world, the Word Development becomes the ultimate justification for any destruction. All of that and more coming up. This is democracy now , democracynow. Org, the war and peace report. Im amy goodman. The United States has launched strikes against militants in syria. United states fired 47 tomahawk land attack missiles from warships in the red sea and north arabian gulf. According to the syrian observatory for human rights, at least 20 Islamic State fighters 20 were killed in strikes that hit at least 50 targets in raqqa and deir alzor provinces in syrias east. U. S. Central command said bahrain, jordan, qatar, saudi arabia and the United Arab Emirates had either participated or supported the strikes against the Islamic State, which has seized swathes of syria and iraq. United states acted alone against the khorasan group. In a sinless taking action to disrupt the imminent attack plot. The syrian observatory for human rights said it killed 50 fighters as well as its siblings including three children. The Syrian Government said the United States had informed it of the pending attacks before the strikes began. We will have more on syria after the headlines. The strikes in syria begin after six weeks of airstrikes have failed to significantly alter the landscape in iraq, where the Islamic State has claimed vast swaths of territory. On monday, reports emerged that dozens and potentially hundreds of iraqi soldiers had been killed after militants overran a base north of falluja. An iraqi lawmaker told the New York Times more than 300 soldiers died after the loss of camp saqlawiya. Meanwhile, the Islamic State has released a second propaganda video featuring british freelance journalist john cantlie, in which cantlie warns u. S. Efforts in iraq and syria could become another vietnam. The french government has confirmed one of its citizens is being held hostage in algeria by a group that claims ties to the Islamic State. The group, soldiers of the caliphate, has threatened to kill 55yearold Herve Gourdel unless france stops bombing Islamic State positions in iraq. France launched the airstrikes on friday. French foreign minister Laurent Fabius vowed the kidnapping would not change frances involvement in the u. S. Led offensive. Everything is being done in Close Corporation with the algerian authorities to obtain the release of our compatriot, but we must not hide the fact that the situation is extremely critical. s attitude remains the same. We intended to the maximum needed to free the hostages, more specifically, this hostage. One terrorist group cannot influence frances position. In new york one day after the , largest climate march in history, protesters marched on wall street monday to highlight the role of corporations and capitalism in fueling Climate Change. At a protest dubbed flood wall street, hundreds of people dressed in blue and sat down in the streets just blocks from the stock exchange. They remained for more than 8 hours until Police Deployed tear gas and began arresting more than 100 people. The action came ahead of todays United Nations Climate Summit, where leaders from 25 nations will discuss an International Agreement to cap record emissions of Greenhouse Gases. Well have more on the protest and todays summit later in the broadcast. The heirs of standard oil tycoon john d. Rockefeller have formally announced plans to purge their 860 Million Foundation of fossil fuel investments. At a News Conference monday, stephen heintz, head of the Rockefeller Brothers fund, explained why rockefellers heirs were moved to join the growing movement to divest. The diversity of the people were involved in this from every sector, from every walk of life, communities of just extorted and diversity all across the country, tells me this is getting to be more mainstream, which is very very exciting. The other thing is, it is clear there is a moral imperative here, but there is also an Economic Opportunity embedded in this, which is, gives people something positive to do. New data paints a much bleaker picture of the Ebola Outbreak in west africa. On monday the World Health Organization predicted that without urgent improvements, there will be more than 20,000 cases of ebola by early november, with thousands of deaths per week. Ebola is at risk of taking root and becoming endemic in west africa. Who strategy director Christopher Dye said ebola is nowhere near under control. One of the key messages we want to get across is that we are now in the third explosive phase of growth of the epidemic. This is an exponential increase with hundreds going into thousands of cases per week. In we dont stop the epidemic very soon, this is going to turn from a disaster into a catastrophe. The whos official death toll has topped 2,800 with about 6,000 total cases, but thats likely a vast underestimate. A New York Times reporter who visited a cemetery in freetown, the capital of sierra leone, reported 110 ebola victims have been buried there in just over a week. Since the outbreak began, the countrys Health Ministry has confirmed just 10 cases for the entire city and its suburbs. Sierra leone recently imposed a lockdown and housetohouse searches, recording at least 130 new ebola cases and 39 suspected cases. Shiite Houthi Rebels have seized new ground in the yemeni capital sanaa a day after signing a truce with the government. Sundays deal with the rebels calls for yemen to form a new government following weeks of unrest. According to the associated press, 340 people have been killed in fighting over the past week alone. On monday, the rebels captured the home of a top general as well as military bases and tanks. Israeli forces say they have killed two people suspected of kidnapping and killing three israeli teenagers in the west bank in june. The teens disappearance prompted a raid in the west bank and the ensuing assault on gaza, which killed more than 2,100 palestinians, most of them civilians. Israel originally blamed hamas for the kidnappings, but later acknowledged hamas leaders played no role. Today the Israeli Military said it killed the two suspects in an exchange of fire in hebron. The Obama Administration has unveiled new rules to combat Corporate Tax inversions or Companies Move overseas to dodge u. S. Taxes. Companies like burger king, medtronic and the drugmaker abbvie have announced plans to relocate after buying foreign firms. Critics say the rules announced monday by treasury secretary jack lew are not enough to end the practice, without involvement from congress. The Obama Administration is increasing the u. S. Nuclear arsenal despite president obamas public championing of disarmament. When obama won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2008, the Nobel Committee cited his steps toward reducing Nuclear Stocks around the world. But the New York Times reports obama is overseeing extensive rebuilding of Nuclear Weapons at home, including at a new plant in kansas city, dedicated last month, which is larger than the pentagon, and employs thousands of people. According to a recent federal study, the u. S. Is poised to spend up to 1. 1 trillion over the next three decades on modernizing Nuclear Weapons. This is democracy now , democracynow. Org, the war and peace report. Im amy goodman with aaron mate. Welcome to all our listeners and viewers from around the country and around the world. The u. S. Has launched airstrikes in syria, targeting militants from the Islamic State as well as members of a separate group known as the khorasan group. The pentagon says the was fired 47 tomahawk land attack missiles. In addition coming u. S. Air force navy and record fighters, bombers and drones, took part in the airstrikes. Syrian observatory for human rights, at least 20 Islamic State fighters were killed in strikes that hit at least 50 targets in raqqa and deir alzor provinces in syrias east. U. S. Central command said bahrain, jordan, qatar, saudi arabia and the United Arab Emirates had either participated or supported the strikes against the Islamic State, which has seized swathes of syria and iraq. Meanwhile the United States acted alone against the khorasan group. In a statement u. S. Central command said the Syrian Government said the United States had informed it of the pending attacks hours before the strikes began. The strikes west of aleppo reportedly killed 50 fight as well as eight civilians, including three children. Meanwhile, the United States has expanded its air war in iraq by launching airstrikes in the kirkuk region of iraq. In a separate development, israel shot down a syrian fighter jet accusing it of infiltrating into israeli airspace. Is is the first such incident in at least a quarter of a century. To talk more about the u. S. Led strikes in syria we are joined by two guests. Vijay prashad is a a professor of International Studies at trinity college. Medea benjamin is the cofounder of codepink. Professor vijay prashad, talk about the significance of the u. S. Striking syria and the other arab countries supporting it, though it is not exactly clear what role they played. It is very significant that the United States struck in syria since august, there have been about 200 strikes in iraq, but the United States had been reticent to come into the syrian theater. So this is a very significant development. It is also significant that there was an announcement that there was a coalition of largely gulf arab states, but also jordan. Jordan was the first one to admit publicly that they were involved in some way in the strikes. It is alsoi think important to recognize that the strikes dont really have any kind of international backing. There is no u. N. Resolution, nor is there any congressional approval. On the other hand, it does seem as if there were some coordination with the alassad government in damascus, not only because the government in damascus through quickly released a statement saying there was a message sent to their ambassador in new york city about the strikes, but also you might recall that general martin dempsey, when he appeared before congress, had talked about what he called a fermentable air Defense Systems formidable or Defense Systems of syria. The fact no air Defense System from syria had engaged in any of the american planes or drones, there was some kind of coordination. So this is a very significant development. The dust has not settled yet. Is extremely hard to know what the impact is going to be in terms of the complicated politics on the ground. You have contacts inside syria. What are you hearing so far about the scale of these strikes . It is important to know the first person to reveal the strikes was the young activist , revealing the strikes half an hour before the United States had talked about them. And from the beginning has been saying the strikes are of an unbelievable intensity. You have to imagine that somebody who is lived in raqqa over the course of the last three years as it is been in the midst of this very bloody and difficult war, immediately knew the scale of this attack was far greater than anything he had experienced previously. And within seconds, he knew the nature of the bombing would not be from the alassad government, would not be a war between the rebel groups, but it certainly american bombing. That means the scale must have been quite intense. , thealso say that in raqqa targets that were struck, for instance, the painted black building, which isis had claimed as their headquarters, had been emptied and that most of the isis leadership has moved into residential areas. So that is one of the reasons why there was a very low death count in the major strikes on raqqa. Gray television for structure in raqqa city was destroyed and also on an airbase which had been taken by isis just a month ago when they overran it and throughout the Syrian Government forces. Professor, this group called , can youand its leader explain what it is, what it is the u. S. Is saying, citing, as the eminent threat to the United States, which would justify these attacks . Theell, it is true that leader is quite a dangerous man. He is in his early 30s, a Kuwaiti National who, like many of the core leadership of al qaeda, finds themselves at all of the important places at the correct time. He was in afghanistan. He was in yemen. He was in chechnya. It was also the spokesperson for a small time of the founder of al qaeda in iraq. Was also in iran for a little time. It is interesting this group is called the khorasan group. Khorasan is a region in the northwest of iran and bordering into afghanistan. Which ily, this group, had heard about a few months ago, had based itself can aleppo and come into syria to draw fighters from the Islamic State that they could use in operations abroad. Word also came for some people from yemen to adjoin them. It is important to understand this is all very shadowy. Intelligence on this is very vague. It is certainly the case the fadhli, butlike mr. It is not clear what the strikes and aleppo targeted. They also hit the official Al Qaeda Group inside syria. Things are still very unclear. Nonetheless, there has been a strike reportedly on the khorasan Training Facilities west of aleppo. And the context your of the syrian civil war. Are any of the groups, either the assad regime for the rebel forces were opposed to assad but also to isis, are either of them in position to take advantage of any strikes against isis by the u. S. . Well, it is interesting. If you consider the United States government has decided to currently,a there is a siege of a major city on the Turkish Border were half a Million People have taken refuge. Tens of thousands of people have crossed into turkey. These are kurds. It is quite something that kurdish refugees have been allowed into turkey. This city is on the verge of falling. The isis fighters that have surrounded it are using heavy artillery that they stole in mozilla. It is very striking the United States did not actually attack their hardened position but instead took out symbolic targets inside raqqa. Im not sure this is asked to going to change the situation on the ground in Northern Syria directly. A major attack against isis as a demonstration of american strength. If a macro is truly china change the balance of forces in Northern Syria, it would have struck some of these forward positions of isis that are laying siege at this point against him. I want to bring in Medea Benjamin, cofounder of code pink. You just come from the massive protest this weekend. Sunday the peoples climate march, yesterday, flood wall street. You are back in washington, d. C. You have been protesting the suggestion there would be attacks. Your response . Isnt it sad the day the world should be coming together to say, how do we address the climate chaos, that can really destroy our entire planet, instead, the eyes will now be on the u. S. Bombing campaign in syria. Lets remember that the Climate Crisis, the u. S. Is so responsible for, so lets think about the timing of it. Also thinking about the timing is that the u. S. And the Obama Administration is doing a george bush. It is saying, now were coming together to say there is the bombing in your either with us or against us. Look at the coalition of brought together among the most repressive governments in the middle east, while crane saudis whohe provide the financing and recruits for some many of the extremists. This is the diplomatic success of john kerry. Instead of coming to the uns say that we have the world coming together to stop the recruiting and the financing and the buying of the oil that isis has, we have the icon bush meant of having repressive arab regimes joining us in bombing and other arab state. What are the links you see between war and Climate Change . We have been talking doing oil isekend, about how the basis of u. S. Policy in the middle east. Were it not for iraqs oil, the us would never have invaded, would not be there to begin with. The militarys largest polluter of the Oil Companies are being protected by u. S. Military strength. We see the militaryindustrial oil complex altogether in this. I think it is so sad that when the world is crying out for solutions, solutions to the Climate Crisis and Nonviolent Political Solutions to the issue of extremists, with the Obama Administration is giving us is a monarchies,the oil support for u. S. Oil companys, and continual perpetual war. What would be a nonviolent political solution to the issue of the Islamic State . The Obama Administration is supposed to have been working for a binding resolution that we should be hearing about by the security council, talking about cutting off the funding, cutting off the living of these extremist groups. That is a positive thing. At the same time, the Obama Administration is given only one week to the new government in iraq to show it is no longer a sectarian shiite government that is suppressing sunnis, but actually going to be a government for all the people of iraq. One week is really not enough to sunnisat and have the feel away from isis. That takes time. Theres no imminent threat to the United States right now. That is a lie. What the u. S. Did visiting this coming right at the time of the human to have it be u. N. Tarty have been accomplished in that they better get in with us on this or not. The Political Solutions have been put aside for now for military ones. Medea, this person group and who ther alfadhli, times rights, put into the state department, was so close to bin laden was among a small group of people who knew about the september 11 attacks before they were launched. They are saying imminent threat is that they know their focused on the west and some kinds of explosives that they want to use, not clear suicide jackets or what is that they are talking about. You see this as a pretext disorder. Requirement for imminent threat on attack like this . The u. S. Has been searching for justification for this attack. First it was to protect u. S. Personnel inside iraq. And it was a humanitarian. Now it is an imminent threat that was only thursday that was being talked about. Haventelligence agencies been saying there is no imminent threat to the United States, so this is that justification. And eight, if areas an imminent threat, the job of our government is to protect us here at home. By going overseas in bombing, we become more of a target of extremist groups. Ask you are organizing protest groups a year ago to Pressure Congress to vote against the United States striking syria, that is bashar alassads government. Now we hear u. S. Government, at the very least, notified the Syrian Government that they were going to attack in syria. Nearly, the Syrian Government did not strike them, even as they attacked. What about this shift of u. S. Alliances right now . It is totally unclear what the u. S. Is doing. There are some reports that by targeting khorasan, the u. S. Will actually be strengthening other extremist groups because theyre fighting internally with each other. Endgame toolutely no this. The endgame we see is one like libya where it is a total failed state that is spreading extremism throughout the middle east. So there is no wellthoughtout policy here. There is only a military mindset. It is counterproductive and will lead to more extremism. The u. S. Becoming more of a target. It is totally wrong. Your audience, amy, people who care about the future of this planet, should be getting out on the streets, calling the congress people, saying this was never discussed in the United States. There was never a vote by congress to go to war. This is against international law. You cant bombing other country without a justification for it. Which hasnt been given. So we have to get out and oppose this. Vijay prashad, the strikes in syria, coming after six weeks of u. S. Bombings inside of iraq. Can you talk about what is happening there and the effects of these attacks on isis inside iraq . , asell, isis inside iraq you saw from september onward, moved much of their heavy machinery into syria. That has been their strategy. Theyre not when a wait around for the bombing. The same way in raqqa, they abandon much of the central part of the city. What the united dates bombed raqqa were largely into buildings. They have been moving heavy machinery around, arms around. Theyre currently attacking in Northern Syria. So where the strikes happened were not exactly where the main fighting forces are based right now. What is striking to me is that given the u. N. Is meeting this week, given president obama is going to actually share the security council, it is apprising the United States has not taken this opportunity to lean much more heavily on close u. S. Allies. In fact, nato member turkey turkey has said it would not close its order, would not actually come into health find other means to isolate isis because it had hostages that isis was holding, turkish hostages were being held in iraq. This would have been a perfect time to have leaned on turkey to strengthen the border, cut off the ability of isis to draw on the outside world. Instead of doing any of this political things, the United States has gone into bomb largely empty buildings in Northern Syria. Fox and the significance, professor vijay prashad, of the british Prime Minister kamran meeting with the president of , thehere in new york first, british Prime Minister would meet with iranian leader since the iranian revolution. And reports sunday the Saudi Foreign minister met with his iranian counterpart in new york, according to the iranian news agency. Frankly, i think the real solution in the region is going to come from some kind of grand bargain between iran and saudi arabia. These two countries have been at each others throats since 1979. They have opened the region to the entry of outside forces. When these two countries decide it is in their absolute selfinterest to have some kind of grand bargain, were going to see a deescalation in the region. So any kind of meeting up the sort is greatly welcomed. I would hope the forces of peace would encourage more meetings with the iranians, more meetings between the iranians and the saudis. Happen, this is just bandaids. This is just a lot of loud noise. But it is not going to provide the kind of medical solution needed in the region for the longterm. I want to thank you both for being with us, vijay prashad, professor of International Studies at trinity college, author of a number of books including, the poorer nations a possible history of the global south. And Medea Benjamin, cofounder of code pink. Her new book is called, drone warfare killing by remote control. Know, theting to networks hardly discussing the issue of climate today after the large mask the largest mass protest intor history. Very often those who got it wrong in 2003, 2000 two, and the preparations for the war in iraq who alleged weapons of mass distraction, seeing people like Medea Benjamin on their networks is very rare. The peace activists come at that time, who got it right. This is democracy now , democracynow. Org, the war and peace report. Im amy goodman with aaron mate. We will be back covering flooding wall street in a moment. [music break] this is democracy now , democracynow. Org, the war and peace report. Im amy goodman with aaron mate. One day after the largest climate march in history, protesters marched on wall street monday to highlight its role in fueling Climate Change. The action comes one day ahead of todays y you and Climate Summit where leaders from 25 nations will discuss an International Agreement. Whats mondays protest was dubbed flood wall street and saw hundreds dressed in blue hold a sit in on broadway just blocks from the stock exchange. There were thousands. They stayed in the street for more than eight hours until Police Used Tear Gas to break up the gathering and began arresting more than 100 people. Among those taken away was a person wearing a polar bear suit. We were in the street monday talking to those involved with flooding wall street. We are flooding wall street. Imf flood wall street with thousands of people who marched 300,000 strong yesterday. Because the World Leaders meeting in new york tomorrow, we are taking a tour the power is in thousands of us are about to sit down on wall street because corporate capitalism always is hardwired to create, change. We need solutions. [indiscernible] why we are here today, we can with the delegation of people from arizona. There are about 11 of us altogether. We come from a land that is heavily resourced, rich, and we came to tell the world that were not going to be a resource colony anymore. Enough is enough. The Navajo Nation which we are from sits on the richest Energy Corridor in north america for so our people are close to a century have been at the front line of Energy Extraction for this empire, including natural coal. Il, uranium, and and now theyre taking the water and pumping the water. Meanwhile, one third of our people dont have access to Running Water. I live without Running Water with my family. Were here to say, we are still here and no more native sacrifice for your empire. This is the banner that was cured at the peoples climate march on sunday that reads flood wall street. Hundreds on furl it and hold it over their heads, right in the heart of wall street. Were just a ploy a 300 foot and are right next to the iconic bowl in downtown manhattan. Today, when hundred 25 heads of state are arriving in new york city in the here to tell the people in the world we stand with them and were willing to take radical action to bring about the drastic changes that are needed to have a healthy unlivable future for our children. Cox, former state senator from vermont. I have been in the solar business now for about 10 years in mexico. I went to pioneer the solar energyndustry industry because of global Climate Change. I felt i had to come back as u. S. Congress has been bought ch brothers, the deniers, the tea party. We have to do something and we have to do it here on wall street. We are here to protest fracking. The new one way, their fracking in one of the most active earthquake zones west of the rockies. Areare going right to this in illinois. Theyre completely ignoring, even the usgs Hazard Division is said is probably not a good idea to frack right here. Theres so many respiratory effects from the burning of fossil fuels. For fracking itself, the air pollution is benzene, create those zone, and some of the places their fracking in utah, the air is worse in rural utah than in l. A. This is crazy. I am from detroit, michigan. I am from berlin, germany. We make inflatables for actions and protests together with other groups. We made a 15 foot speer that was representing the carbon bubble, which is an economic bubble. It is similar to the housing bubble. It is about shares of the fossil fuel industry and their overvalued, and the bubble will burst. Because it is placed on an burnable carbon. What happens to the physical carbon bubble here . It was inflated with air and it was like a giant black and silver beach ball and it got pushed over the crowd here at flood wall street in a way and knocked off the ball and the police stabbed it and ripped it apart. In a way, they engaged with the analogy and popped our bubble. How do you feel about losing your bubble . This is totally fine. This is like a symbolic act. The guardians of the state performed the popping of the bubble for us, so we are fine with it. Actually, it was our intention. It is part of the performance to get them to engage. Did you rehearse with them before hand . We didnt well, i guess were always kind of rehearsing with the crocops. Someone. Are arresting they have them on the ground. What is your name . What is your name . My name is Elliot Hughes. I was tortured in 2008 at the. Nc in st. Paul theyre doing it to me again. Help me. Were fighting for environmental justice. A young man was just arrested who was standing on top of two phone booths. As the police took them down, not clear why the were arresting him, they had him on the ground. He said his name is Elliot Hughes and said he was tortured thehe rnc in 2008 at republican convention. The Police Brought him down on the ground and have taken him out. We do not follow beyond the barriers because were covering the flood wall street demonstration and we are afraid if we leave the barriers, we wont be allowed to get back in. There are hundreds of people, more than 1000 people who have gathered here on wall street to protest wall street, to flood wall street on the second day of Climate Action in new york. Your name and what youre doing here. I am in Afghanistan War veteran and im here to talk about Climate Change in the connection to militarism. When we go overseas, were going for political and social resources. It comes down to oil. Eventually, putting us in a position where we dont have a there for our children in next veterans generation is going to be climate veterans. I want to stop the next war. Part of this is a paradigm shift. Historically, the news to be an awakening moment. This is it for the climate movement. This has an going on for 25 years. We have known the truth for over 100. This is time when we say we have had enough. We need your help. This is about love him at the 99 99 versus the 1 . Todays the day we turn the tides. I am from charlotte, north carolina. Im not with a group, i just came with my good friend. Were worried about our children and grandchildren and their future. We want wall street to stop funding climate chaos. Youre taking on duke energy explain for people outside of the region in north carolina, the significance of duke energy. Duke energy is the Largest Electric utility in the country, and a burn a lot of coal. So north carolina, were trying to get duke energy to make a rapid transition to Renewable Energy in hopes that their leadership will cause of the utilities to make a rapid change as well. Lee stewart from virginia. I started the march in l. A. , marching from l. A. To d. C. The march . For climate march action. It is not the peoples climate march, but we have come here and paused our march for water days to come to new york city how many days have you been marching . Since march 1 and we will finish in washington, d. C. On november 1. For 200 days you have been walking across the country. Why . I have been walking to inaction and my own complicity in the system. We are idlenomore group. Created a series of healing walks. Elders amongnous the five refineries that exist in the bay area. Transition. I am with idlenomore San Francisco bay will stop i am here rising up for the future of life on mother earths belly because the corporate capitalist eight is so ignorant and arrogant that they will ruin mother earths creation. That is why im here. We all have to stand up in every corner of the world no matter where we are, no matter who we are. Children, if you love your garden, if you love to breathe the air and drink water and eat food, then you need to hit the streets. My name is tim to christopher. And you all look beautiful. When we talk about climate means keeping fossil fuels in the ground. Way that doesn a to thosentee profits who have already profited from exploitation. That means tossing trillions and profits to the wealthiest and in thethless industry history of the world. Easily. Will not change they will not change just because we ask. They will change only because we force them. We are staying here we will not move we will not be moved because were sitting for justice is only onee future and we are it [indiscernible] on the way marched against the war. We marched for civil rights. We marched in the 1970s, and were so excited to see young people back into the battle to get the things we need. We did it, and you guys can do it. We are notremember separate from the sacred circle belly. On mother earths humble and remember ,ere simple human beings fighting not only for ourselves, but the rest of the circle of life as she has created. Gonna calm this crisis down the voice of my greatgranddaughter, saying shut down wall street now the people are going to rise like the water the voice of my greatgranddaughter, saying shut down wall street now the voices of flood wall street. More than 1000 people gathered on monday come upon the largest climate demonstration in history. Over 400,000 people marched on sunday. This is democracy now , democracynow. Org, the war and peace report. Im amy goodman. When we come back, leaders from around the world talking on this day of the u. N. Climate summit. Stay with us. [music break] this is democracy now , democracynow. Org, the war and peace report. Im amy goodman with aaron mate. Days after the historic peoples climate march, World Leaders are gathering in new york for a u. N. Summit on Climate Change. President obama and over 100 other heads of state are expected to attend. The leaders of several major india,rs, china, canada, are skipping the talks. The summit is part of it linked the himself old so far failed process. Were joined by three guests. s environmental leader. Author many books including, making peace with the earth and soil not oil and terminal justice in an age of, crisis. Desmond dsa, the recipient of the 2014 goldman and terminal prize. And Winona Laduke is also recommended of american activist with honor the earth, lives and works on the White Earth Reservation in northern minnesota and author of several books including most recently at the militarization of indian country. Shes just finished a 200 mile horseback ride. Tell us about this horseback ride. Entrance of the object of some will companies and sections is the most [indiscernible] we rode along what is known as the sandpiper, which is a fracked oil pipeline out of north dakota. We took our horses and rode for fort 200 miles and prayed just to draw attention but also put down our prayers and say this is not a good pipeline. A lot of people know about the keystone xl pipeline, but theres a whole number of pipelines headed toward superior right now. About 4 Million Barrels of oil a day. We dont want to see that. There is a whole lot of oil already headed through your land. What is been the impact so far . Weve had some spills. 800 spills in the past decade with black enbridge is based where . Out of calvary. Is,his case, our feeling what we believe is we love water more than we love oil. In minnesota, i think that is the case. We have 10,000 lakes. That is worth fighting for. How to the pipelines affect the land . Are they above ground were underground . Little bit of both. And probably like you, not a post infrastructure. Infrastructure is a good thing. High plains are not my problem. My problem is things that blowup with 600 different chemicals, or tar sandsolatile pipelines. The fact is, there is only 130 or so pipeline inspectors in this country. Im really not sure how theyre going to keep track of all of those pipelines because they dont have a good record so far. Admitted of the spill of the proposed enbridge route, one minute spokesman 20,000 gallons. That will not get out of our ecosystem. This is largely aquatic ecosystem in northern minnesota. Once you get oil and that, youre not cleaning it up. Desmond dsa the u. N. Climate summit is happening today. Among those speaking as president obama. Your here for the climate march but you are not going . Certainly. We have seen Climate Summit and had 19 of the polluters. What has that brought about . The change has to come from the outside. That we dont trust our leaders, nor the corporations that are lobbying with our government. The main concern is the profit margin. Arming concern is life and death on the outside our main concern is life and death outside. That is why believe this has been an awesome and huge week for ordinary people all over the has newcause not only york and together with four hundred thousand people, but all over the world, thousands of activities has given us a huge lift and enormous hope for the future. You are here from durban, south africa. You have been involved in struggles there since your teenager. South durban is known as cancer alley. Can you talk about the struggles . The major struggles of the expansion of the durban port with its related petrochemical pipelines, terminals, the oil exploration, all the major Oil Corporations including shell and bp and exxon mobil. Incidentsodes and that have occurred in the u. S. A rushing to the indian ocean and cutting off the indian ocean. The office reason is to look for oil and finally oil. They would not be investing a lot of money. The oil creation is going to destroy livelihoods of predominantly peasant fisherman. Thousands of them they live in our communities all along the indian ocean. From africa is suffering 50 of unemployment. These Oil Explorations in expansion programs are not geared to create jobs. That is our major concern. This would be the biggest displacement of were black thele last seen during ras withd e separation act came in that separated people of color. When poor black people were displaced. We share efforts by people to know about the chemicals in the impact it has on our health. That with the expansion of the port and the oil exploration, Oil Terminals and facilities in triple that is big, but the amount of Petroleum Products produced in south africa, also brought into south africa from other parts of the world and that will devastate a community really suffering from 50 of chronic asthma, high levels of cancer and high levels of leukemia that we bury our people every week. Talk about the effects, vandana shiva, of Climate Change in your country india. Not only Climate Change, but the focus of yesterdays protest on wall street, also a large theme in sundays massive protest was the effects of corporations on Climate Change. Climate change is quite very of not and externality just the fossil fuel industry, but corporate driven industry which is dismantled produces a peoples rights, democratic rights and the conscious that have protect did our ecosystems. I come from the land of the the ganges stars. That is where was born and grow n up. We had lights we have never seen. Extreme events in two days. Glaciers melting, hydroelectric products adding to the devastation, 20,000 people dead. Right now the river has flooded with more than 500 people washed away. In 2010, the desert highaltitude desert, which has no rain, had rainsoaked stream, that 200 people were washed away in the valley and 12,000 in pakistan downstream. Doubled thecyclone velocity of any average historic cyclone. The most historic cyclone to three mile inland, causing some wished devastation that many were killed. Were talking about china devastation already talking about, devastation already killing people and destroying ecosystems. It shows 40 of the Greenhouse Gases are coming from corporate driven agriculture. Substituting the ecological processes of regenerating the ,oil with chemical fertilizers small farms and peasant farming and peasant fishing with fossil fuel germans systems using 300, 400 slaves behind every human being, then factory farming, the waste of food, and the whole emissions. Agriculture in the hands of people, not only do we have 100 solution to get these emissions out of the atmosphere, issues,ork on afghan were able to double food production, 200 increase. Were able to generate employment because small farms produce 70 of the food eaten by people. If we defend small farms of today and increase them, we solve the problem of unemployment. Every major problem, including health, we have a cancer train leaving the land of the green revolution. For the industry that sold chemicals in the war. Basically, reengineer them as agrochemicals. Articles come out about him being a saint and selling miracles and the 12 people he trained being apostles. That is where things have gone wrong. There forgotten the science is supposed to be about science. Today that cancer train from penn job is a result of chemicals that came from the war into agriculture and into our food systems and our bodies. There is [indiscernible] worse like in syria right now but also the wars against planet. And the wars against people. Corporations are behind all of this. Makes theall street World Economy collapse, the only economy left. Theres an interesting sign yesterday that said, tear down tot wall street referring reagans famous line about the berlin wall. You are going to be after you in, summit today Winona Laduke,. Where will you be and why you going . It is a historic time for us. I was at the first u. N. Conference on Indigenous People in 1977 and yesterday, [indiscernible] was at the general summary. Today there will be Indigenous People addressing. , being therements is important. I will be at the Climate Summit with Indigenous Peoples. It is an important time for Indigenous People. We have no recourse. That is why been fighting for International Recognition of our rights as Indigenous People. But this affects all kinds of people, the issues of Climate Change and climate disaster. We will continue this discussion after the show and post online at democracynow. Org. Winona laduke, thank you for being with us, native american ,eader, writer, desmond dsa thank you for joining us, South African environment list in durban, winner of the 2014 goldman prize. And vandana shiva, environmental leader, feminist, and author. Democracy now is looking for feedback from people who appreciate the closed captioning. 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