Transcripts For KYW The Late Show With Stephen Colbert 20170111

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keep officers safe. a classic board game getting a digital face lift. find out why you could soon be playing monopoly with emojis. slick spots are concerned in the lehigh valley. big changes on the way. kate bilo will tell you how warm it will get when "eyewitness news" continues. . went crashing through a driver's windshield north of exit one in salem county. he was thrown to chester medical center and into surgery. his wife was not injured. upper darby police have a new tool. the department purchased 137 tactical arm vests for its officers. the vests go over the mandated bullet-proof vests that officers wear under the uniforms >> they're to protect the officer from any type of rifle round that may be fired against them. in particular, active shooter, because we are under siege because we're being shot and killed most recent was the tragedy that occurred in orlando, florida, i can see the need for it. >> the vests are heavy, way 16 pounds a piece a legal battle is brewing involves a popular entertainment website and the nation's largest actor's union. >> indb is refusing to follow california law that refuses to have their age removed from the website, it protect against age discrimination >> nicole brewer joins us with a look at both sides. >> it can get dicey, they say age is but a number but causing quite a stir in hollywood. the issue here whether or not an actor's birth date should be published on imdb. >> long before they walked the red carpet posing for paparazzi si, a list actors must capture the eye of casting directors. in an industry that doesn't all put age before beauty >> the producers came to me and said if we had known your age you wouldn't have gotten the role >> she was cast on the age of 90210 at the age of 29. >> this is casting site. hiring site and when the first thing that comes up is their age, it's like a sub conscious bias >> which is why he's defending a new california state law requiring the sites to remove someone's age if requested >> for women actors their age might make them not less desirable for certain roles. >> reporter: not everyone is on board >> ages do play role >> if somebody is going to be on television a long time >> the information we have you can make a better informed decision. >> reporter: so far indb refused to comply and plans to challenge in it court >> i think it's uncrucial >> alan epstein is a philadelphia lawyer who concentrates his practice in employment rights. while the law is well intentioned he thinks the website will have the upper hand >> it's not crucial for government to tell people what or how to say things. >> several age discrimination lawsuits he sympathizes with the ages in hollywood and hopes society will take steps towards change >> maybe an analogy that men sometimes are considered to be like fine wine and get better with age. women are more akin to the grapes that get thrown out after the wine is processed. >> reporter: and there may be some truth to that analysis by time magazine in 2015 showed female actors reached their career peak at age 30, male counter parts age 46. >> interesting >> the debate continues. thanks so much. investigators are looking into the possibility the ten million dollar septa jewelry from kim kardashian west was an inside job. cash west driver the night to have the robbery and his younger brother are among the 17 people taken into custody yesterday. two men were able to gain entry into her paris apartment in october. and a gun was held to her head. the classic board game monopoly may be getting a digital face lift. pieces like the symbol or shoe may get replaced by an emoji face or a hash tag, it launch add website to let the public choose. the new version of monopoly hits stores this fall. kate bilo joining us. we have the super cold weather the last couple days. now, you said maybe a little break? >> in fact right now is the warmest we felt in a long time, temperatures are warming up quickly. we're in the 40's tonight. break out the flip-flops. the good news is as rain moves in it's just plain rain for us, but not so much for areas north and west of here as we're still seeing the 33 for icing we got the weather weather advisory for the lehigh valley, berks county and lancaster county until about midnight, it will go until 5:00 a.m. for the poconos. we'll take you out to the roof cam. it's still for the most part in philadelphia. that is not going to last. we've got about five to ten minutes before the wet weather moves in and going to get san diego around here. but the good news is we'll get rid of the rain overthe night. by the time we wake up the sun may be shining. here's stormscan 3 showing what we're talking about. you can see the pink and purple an indication of sony freezing rain. maining off to the north and west across the lehigh valley and the poconos. but is you head to the south notice how this is starting to turn to green as it hits the warmer air moving in from the south and west ahead of of this advancing system. plain rain not seeing the threat for icing. we did have a weather weather advisory that was cancelled and it does look as though it's going to stay rain there. temperatures started to rise, it's 43 right now in cape may, 37 in new castle 40 in philadelphia. going to hit our high today likely at midnight because temps rising through the afternoon, afternoon was 38 we're up to 39. pomona, atlantic city 44. through rest of this evening and the first part of the overnight far north and west suburbs to the poconos, light snow freezing rain there could be up to a ten of an inch in the poconos, a quick primary how freezing rain works cold air in the atmosphere, snowflakes fall. if warm air pushes in at the surface, snowflakes turn into rain drops. the problem is the ground is cold after days upon days of cold air the rain hits that cold ground and freezes on contact. eventually warm air permit permit 98s the entire layer. . temps in the 40's, this is just plain rain, 2:00 a.m. heavy rain pushing into south jersey, by 3:00 a.m. we see it arrive down the shore, after about 5:00. we'll start the day with temperatures near 40 and sunshine. talk about a quick climb, take a look at this, yesterday's high was 23 degrees. by thursday, our high, 60 degrees. that's a 37 degree forecasted swing over just three days. 37 degrees from our high on monday to our high on thursday, major changes in the forecast this week and welcome changes as well after this extended period of cold. for wednesday, clouds breaking milder 50. nice day there. even better thursday. there will be showers tomorrow night. thursday looks good with sun, friday the home show starts here in philadelphia. puts a little house on the seven-day, 53, saturday our next chance for snow and there is the indication we could see even a few inches still a lot to work out with that. i'll keep you posted >> please do, thank you, kate >> we're talking about the big man, jahlil okafor is glued to the bench. what's up with the flyers, find out the orange and >> who are these guys, a team that won ten in a row or coming into the night lost eight out of ten. we're looking for answers, flyers visited buffalo with the orange and black. no score in the second. flyers shorthanded. sam ryan heart, knocking on the rebound, 1-0 sabres, buffalo on the attack, steve mason makes the save, with my carrier is there. final seconds, cane, where are you? right there lighting the lamp and the flyers blown out on the road, 4-1, your final score. switching gears, the villanova wildcats dropped to number three in the country, but it's cool. because jay wright would prefer to be number one at the end of the season. jay, the coolest cat in the gym is always villanova taking on and trying to build towards march. cats up by three, jalen brunson. nova up by six at the half. in the second, brunson, the big smooth. kris jenkins, nova up by nine, jenkins with 20's points, josh hart, the all american going to the hole. he also had 20. cats win 79-54. st. joe's taking on george mason, hawks, down a point, brendon casper with the floater, st. joe's taking the lead but the patriots responding, otis livingston knocking down the tray, mason beating say it re st. joe's 75-67. nerlens noel was jahlil okafor. he played exactly two minutes while brett brown tries to figure out the rotation. >> right now he's sitting out, not what i want to be in a position. that's what it is right now. and coach brown been phenomenonal communicating with me. i'm going to be fine. >> he did not play. by the way if you missed clemson upsetting the tigers. let the man celebrate. he's 310 pounds. >> bring back the soul train line. >> 310 pounds. >> young and flexible >> i'd tiki barber running hambone!a barber shop?t hut! yes!!! surprising. yes!!! what's not surprising? how much money david saved by switching to geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. who's next? bon jovi is coming to philly. you could be opening act >> holding a contest choose bands or singers, live nation will select ten finalists and bon jovi will pick the winner. kate? . keeping a close eye on the weekend as colder air moves in and we will have the chance for a wintery mix. saturday snow change to rain, possibly back to snow. temperatures in the low 40's, a big departure. we got painly cloudy condi . for kate, done, everyone, i'm ukee washington >> i'm jessica dean, up next, the late show with stephen colbert. >> have a good night family and sleep well. captioning sponsored by cbs >> it's "the late show with stephen colbert." tonight, stephen welcomes andrew garfield erin andrews and musical guest cage the elephant. featuring jon batiste and stay human. and now, live on tape from the ed sullivan theater in new york city, it's stephen colbert! ( cheers and applause ) >> stephen: good to see you! how are you? wooo! what's going on, everybody? >> jon: yeah! >> stephen: good to see you, my friend. jon, what's up. good to see you. nice to see you. plooz, have a seat, you're too kind. you're too kind. welcome to "the late show." i'm stephen colbert. sorry, what's this? what's this? oh, this? it's no big deal, just the clemson helmet given to me by south carolina governor nikki haley, and signed by clemson head coach dabo swinney. i wear it all the time. i wear it all the time. i usually take it out before i come out here. oh, hey, i just remembered, last night, clemson defeated alabama to become college football's national champion! no big deal, national champion. and since i've got the helmet, i'm national champion, too. couldn't play last night because i had to do my show. i was very back-bench. and what a great game, real back-and-forth affair. did you see the game? incredible. first, one team has the ball and their guy was running, then the other team got the ball and their guy caught it. impossible to figure out who was going to win the game, because i was watching "big bang theory." but still, hell of a game. congratulations to all the players. you earned every penny last night. meanwhile, trump's transition is good for you. there you go. meanwhile, what's going on? trump's transition is still steaming along like a-- what's a big steaming thing? anyway, it's steaming is the important thing. anyway, something steaming it clears the pores, when you put your face over it. today, the senate began confirmation hearings for attorney general nominee and keebler elf who escaped the tree, jeff sessions. these things can get pretty tense, but there were a few laughs. >> we're about to get an answer to the age-old question, "can you be confirmed attorney general of the united states over the objection of 1,400 law professors?" >> stephen: ha, ha, ha. it's funny because nothing matters. sessions' nomination has caused a little bit controversy because of accusations of racist talkie-talk. back in the '80s when his african american assistant attorney uponned testified that sessions called him "boy" on multiple occasions, and he joked that he thought k.k.k. members were "ok, until he learned that they smoked marijuana." sessions admitted he said that back then, but he said he was joking and today addressed the white elephant in the room. >> let me address another issue straight on. i was accused in 1986, of failing to protect the voting rights of african american, by presenting the voter fraud case, and condemning civil rights advocates and organizations and even harboring, amazingly, sympathies for the k.k.p. these are false charges. i abhor the klan and what it represents, and its hateful ideology. >> stephen: another jeff sessions doesn't love the klan. well, i guess we're done here. everyone be careful not to trip over that extremely low bar as you're leaving the came ber. now, sessions' record raises concerns for democrats, but it's going to be almost impossible for them to block him because he's too nice. that's just how politics works. andrew jackson that's just how politics works. was responsible for the trail of tears but remember when he ordered pizza for everybody? besides, every office-- even here-- every office has that one guy with some questionable views but you put up with it because he's so nice. we've got one here at "the late show,"" our accounts payable guy, andy. super sweet. >> sometimes i wonder if world war ii ended the right way. anybody else? ( laughter ) oh, come on! tell me you don't think hunting old people on a desert island would be a ton of fun. i'm sorry, i'm going on and on. how's your family doing? have a nice weekend. remember, just because women can legally vote doesn't mean they should. >> stephen: solid guy. super solid guy. the point is, i don't care how nice scissions is. i just don't think that jeff sessions is qualified for the job. >> my question is very simple. is grabbing a woman by her genitals without consent, is that sexual assault? >> yes. >> stephen: i like him. >> well, what else is going on with the trump people? oh, the rumor i told you about last night is official-- donald trump's son-in-law, jared kushner, will be named senior adviser to the president. now, in fairness-- comnow, come on. give him a shot here. in fairness to kushner, his qualifications go well beyond being donald trump's son-in-law. he's also married to donald trump's daughter. now, a lot of people are saying that this violates the 1967 federal antinepotism statute, which prohibits public officials from appointing relatives to a civilian position in the agency over which he exercises control. but trump's folks say there is no conflict because, "a," the white house is not an agency. and, "b," donald trump has never exercises control. ( cheers and applause ) ♪ ♪ i like that. that was very nice. >> jon: it's trump music. yeah. >> stephen: that's the donald trump music? >> jon: yeah, that's the trump train. ♪ ♪ >> stephen: sounds like we're going off a hill and we jump off the top when we get there. >> jon: that's right, that's right. >> stephen: just like her father-in-law, mr. kushner will not take a salary. and just like his father-in-law, i really wish he would. i want a guy in there who needs the gig, not someone who sees running the country as a hobby, a way to meet people, like i'm run the country instead of joining an adult kickball league. now, trump needs to hire a lot of people, because unlike previous transitions, trump is getting rid of all of obama hires immediately, everybody is fired, whether he has replacements for them or not. and this is true. he's even getting rid of the people in charge of maintaining our nuclear arsenal. yep, they're leaving our nuclear weapons "home alone." yes, it's a great new movie about a young member of isis out to steal our weapons-grade plutonium. i believe we have a clip. >> excuse me. where do they store the nukes? >> down the hall and to the left. >> stephen: it should be fine. it should be fine. ♪ ♪ >> jon: fly away! >> stephen: here's the thing-- the people of the national nuclear security administration-- who, again, guard our nuclear stockpile-- legally can only follow orders from the two officers who just got fired. what are they gonna do now, outsource it to a task rabbit? set up a "take a nuke leave a nuke" tray? so while this might be cause for concern, one nuclear official had some words of calm for a troubled nation: "i'm more and more coming around to the idea that we're so very, very (bleep)." ( laughter ) but on the bright side, if the world ends, trump will be a one-term president. ( laughter ) ( cheers and applause ) what else is going on? how about some less-disturbing news, okay. here's one. there's a new biography of margaret wise brown. you know the children's classic, "good night moon." she's the lady who wrote that. i'm only halfway through the book. don't tell me what happens to the bowl full of mush. why brown's biography is getting some headlines, because apparently she had a pretty wildlife, including long-term affairs with a marry married man and marry's woman. there are rumors that dr. seuss had a kink where he liked to be slurfed with a durf in his glurf. right up the glurf. legally, i can't show a glurf on cbs. but i think we all know what the glurf is. you know what a glurf is. you're an adult. >> jon: uh-huh. yup. >> stephen: that's how they make babies in whoville. >> jon: oh, that's right. >> stephen: they stick it up your whereville. just trying to keep it light before the world ends. just trying to keep it light before they take our nukes. i'm just trying to keep it light. another big revelation-- brown told a reporter, "i don't especially like children." no surprise there. after all, she let a child sleep in a room with an unattended fire. but the biggest surprise is that the characters in "goodnight moon" are bunnies. and according this biography, brown was an avid rabbit hunter, which explains why the old lady was whispering "hush." margaret wise brown was headed over with a shotgun! shut your mouth or it's "goodnight, everybody!" ( laughter ) ( applause ) well, in light of these revelations, we at "the late show" have acquired an early draft of "goodnight moon" that reflects margaret wise brown's lifestyle when she wrote it. here we go. everybody get comfy. in the great green room there was a telephone and a red balloon. i called my married lovers. they'll be here soon. the kid's fast asleep. i made him go hush by putting some ambien in the dinner mush. ( laughter ) goodnight mittens. goodnight toy house. hello lovers who have a spouse. ( laughter ) >> jon: oh! oh! ( applause ). >> stephen: i'm not sure what's going on here. goodnight you, goodnight me. please, leave this out of my biography." we've got a great show for you tonight. andrew garfield is here. applebee's all-in burger meal we're talkin' burger. fries. pepsi. prizes. like producer for a day with mike and mike. woo! get a burger, fries and a pepsi for just $9.99 at lunch, plus a shot at instant prizes. ♪ ♪ give extra. get extra. i've heard it all. eat more fiber. flax seeds. yogurt. get moving. keep moving. i know! try laxatives. been there, done that. my chronic constipation keeps coming back. i know. tell me something i don't know. vo: linzess works differently from laxatives. linzess treats adults with ibs with constipation or chronic constipation. it can help relieve your belly pain, and lets you have more frequent and complete bowel movements that are easier to pass. do not give linzess to children under six and it should not be given to children six to seventeen. it may harm them. don't take linzess if you have a bowel blockage. get immediate help if you develop unusual or severe stomach pain, especially with bloody or black stools. the most common side effect is diarrhea sometimes severe. if it's severe stop taking linzess and call your doctor right away. other side effects include gas, stomach-area pain and swelling. talk to your doctor about managing your symptoms proactively with linzess. ( band playing ) ( cheers and applause ) >> stephen: hey! welcome back, everybody. my first guest tonight is a golden globe and tony-nominated actor who scaled walls in "spiderman," patched up american in "hacksaw ridge," and now plays a jesuit priest in martin scorsese's "silence." please welcome andrew garfield. ( cheers and applause ). >> stephen: wow! you nailed the landing! >> i don't know what you're talking about. how you have been? >> very good. very happy to be here. i love this show. i love what you're doing. you're voicing everyone's concerns and you're keeping us light, and i'm very, very grateful. >> stephen: thank you very much. >> you're reflecting a lot of the horror that i'm feeling in my heart and body, and i appreciate that as well. >> stephen: thank you. i have enormous affection for you right now for some reason. thank you very much congratulations on this amazing year of yours, between "silence" and "hacksaw ridge," you turned in two of the most powerful performances of the year. you were nominated for a golden globe. you didn't win. i'm sorry about that. >> thank you for bringing that up. >> stephen: you also had one of the most memorable moments. you kind of stole-- ( cheers ) you kind of stole-- stole focus because you were sitting there with ryan reynolds and, he was up against ryan gosling. >> yes. >> stephen: you know, for the golden globe, and this is what happened when ryan gosling won. this is what happened between you and ryan reynolds. there you go and... ( cheers and applause ) what happened-- what happened-- what's going on there gijust wanted ryan ton i loved him, no matter whether he won or lost. >> stephen: that's very supportive. >> it doesn't matter. it's how you play the game. he showed up and it distribute change anything in my heart displu love him just as much. >> yes. >> stephen: and you're very comfortable with kissing other men. >> i don't even understand the question. >> stephen: me, either, me, either. not everybody is, but i'm totally comfortable with it, too. i just want to you know that at any point-- >> all right. ( cheers and applause ) ( cheers and applause ) ( cheers ) >> stephen: what were we talking about? ( laughter ) ( applause ) so, you're-- ( laughter ) you're a very gentle lover. i'm start with that. you're nominated-- you were nominated for "hacksaw ridge." >> yes. >> stephen: and-- and you turned in an incredible performance in "silence." these are both men of deep faith. were you raised with any particular deep faith of your own? >> i wasn't, actually, strangely enough. i was raised very open. i was given a lot of-- you know, it was really -- >> like a freerange chick jean yeah. took the words right now the of my mouth. you know, it's a weird thing. one of my heroes growing up was mahatma gandhi. that's a weird thing to have as a hero when you're seven, when you're seven or eight. >> stephen: because you wouldn't eat your vegetables and you were like, "mom, i'm like gawnda." why gandhi when you were seven? >> i can't remember how it happened. i remember being very young and going to school for the first time and seeing the playground bully and not really understanding why he was the way he was. and my first impulse was to-- to hug him and kind of tell him, "it's all right. you don't have to behave this we." >> stephen: at seven? >> i don't eye don't understand. it was something-- i think it's my mother's fault. she taught me about unconditional love, and she taught me about hurt people hurt people. people who are hurt, hurt people. hurt other people. am i explaining this? >> stephen: i was with you the first time. >> okay, fine. >> stephen: no, i get it. it's simple but deep. >> yeah, very deep. and it kind of-- i really owe it to my wonderful mother, lipgarfield. and there was something about gandhi that him and my mother were my heroes growing up, in that regard. but then, of course, i became this bully's target because i saw him very, very deeply. and he understood-- >> stephen: did you hug him? >> oh, yeah. i would protect him from bigger bullies. you know, i was the one that was protecting him and explaining to the bigger bullies, you don't understand, he's just deeply damaged by his-- his mother's abandonmentment of him, and his dad doesn't know what he's doing and he drifngzs-- whatever it was. >> stephen: was there any benefit to this behavior of yours? did he still pick on you? >> oh, yeah, more and more because of it. and i for some reason kept on protecting him. this is bizarre topic on an unhealthy relationship like our relationship with our future president. >> stephen: that's sacrificial. that's very christ-like of you. >> well... yes-- no, no, please. it was a bit foolish as well. but i mean, yeah, i don't know. >> stephen: "call no man fool." >> what about yourself? can you call yourself a fool. >> stephen: a fool for christ, i suppose. ( laughter ) we have to take a little break, but we'll be right back with more can andrew garfield, stick around. ♪ oh the fishes will laugh as they swim out of the path ♪ "when the ship comes in" by the hollies ♪ and the seagulls they'll be smilin ♪ ♪ and the rocks on the sand it's so peaceful out here. yeah. introducing the new turbocharged volkswagen alltrack with 4motion® all-wheel drive. soon to be everywhere. enjoy your phone! you too. all right, be cool. you got the amazing new iphone 7 on the house by switching to at&t... what??.... aand you got unlimited data because you have directv?? (laughs to self in disbelief) okay, just a few more steps... door! it's cool! get the iphone 7 on us and unlimited data when you switch to at&t and have directv. today's the day! oh look! creepy gloves for my feet. see when i was a kid there was a handle. and a face. this is nice. and does it come in a california king? getting roid rage. hemorrhoid. these are the worst, right? i'm gonna buy them. boom. i'll take them. impulse buy. ommmmmmmmmmm. with the blue cash everyday card from american express you get cash back on purchases. it's all happening. with no annual fee. here we go! it's more than cash back. it's backed by the service and security of american express. ( applause ) >> stephen: welcome back, everybody. we're here with andrew garfield, the star of "silence" and "hacksaw ridge." in the new movie "silence," you play a jesuit missionary-- we had adam driver on the other night. the two of you play missionaries who go to japan when japan is closed to try to find liam neeson. did you have to study-- ( laughter ). >> and he plays himself in the film. >> stephen: yeah, yeah. he's that good. >> that good and -- >> did you have to study-- did you study to be's jesuit? >> i studied with a mutual friend of ours, father james mart glin he was the chaplain of colbert nation. >> and someone i love as dearly as you seem to. i studied with him for a year and i went through the nation spiritual exercise s. >> stephen: what do you do? i never actually study with a jesuit. what do you have to do. what do you do to get ready for it? >> you know, not only do we study the theology and the history of the society of jesus, but there's these processes called the spiritual exercises that st. ignatius created when he founded the order. and it's kind of the basis for all 12-step programs around the world, a.a. being the first. and it's this transformational process where you do the imaginative, meditative prayers with the life of jesus, where you place yourself in each scene, much like being an actor. i found out stanislav ski who invented modern acting was deeply inspired by st. ignatius' spiritual exercises so i felt kind of right at home and it's this very weird thing where you create a very deep relationship with jesus christ. and i didn't know much about jesus. i hadn't really studied the bible. as i said, i'm kind of an agnostic, but i discovered the jesuits themselves are incredibly pantheists. >> stephen: like zeus and those people. like paying ans? >> no, no, i would never-- don't get me in trouble with father martin. it's how i hear that is finding god in all things. finding god in every single human being, meaning finding love in every single human being, finding possibility in every single human being, finding in the tree cut down to make this table-- you know, suddenly everything becomes a miracle. i love that. i think it's a wonderful way to see the world air, beautiful way to see the world. ( applause ). >> stephen: these two jez wits are deeply tested. these two jesuits who you and adam driver play their faith is deeply tested because they're captured by the japanese, trying to rid japan of christians at the time. and we have a scene here of the two of you trying to figure out what to do now that you're being tested. how do you continue? jim? >> we don't even know if father ferreira is alive or dead. the villagers never even heard of him. these people are so frightened. it's fear, and lice. >> they have us. we comfort them. >> how much longer can we do that? >> we asked for this mission, we prayed under in the exercises. god heard us then and he hears us now. >> may he guide us to ferreira so we can know the truth. ( applause ) >> stephen: now, what people may notice in that is you guys both lovely a ton of weight, you lost a ton of weight for that. how much did you lose? >> i lost 40 pounds-ish. and i'm a skinny guy anyway. >> stephen: adam driver said he lost 50 wins. >> he wins, he won. >> stephen: he's 10 pounds better actor. how did you lose 40 pounds? >> goodness, you just kind of don't eat. >> stephen: that will do it. >> and get angry, get very, very angry at everything around you. that's pretty much the process. >> stephen: does the not eating make you angry. >> >> stephen: has anyone gone through a fast. >> it's a beautiful spiritual process, because the idea is you empty out so all of the spirits can enter. and, my goodness, i was empty, and it was-- it was brutal. you know, we would kind of be sneaking blueberries and almonds in between takes. a little bit of cheat displg you did a week of silence, right? >> silent retreat. myself and adam together. we didn't know each other very well at that point. and he kind of arrived two days after me, and we kind of waved to each other. >> stephen: what do you do on a silent retreat? is there a lot of mime? like aaah! i'm sad. heartbroken. heartbroken. what's the first thing you said to each other when you could first-- like, after a week, when you haven't been able to talk and you haven't really met before, what's the first thing you said to each other? >> we had these seven days and it was so full of this kind of, you know, divine attempt to pray and to meditate and to get close to those deep inner voices and the spiritual kind of exploration we were doing. and i think we got into the car, and it was as if the devil in both of us said where the (bleep) have you been? because we just had the most disgusting, dirty, awful, dark conversation for three hours on the way to the airport. because we had, had-- it was like-- it was like the devil felt so left out of the last seven days that he just came and made us say the worst, like nasty-- i can't even remember. i've, like, blocked it out. we just-- we went to the darkest place for about three hours. >> stephen: did you talk about any of this stuff with mel gibson, by the way? >> yes. >> stephen: we had mel on here and he believes the devil is real and around us and fighting all the time. do you believe in any of that stuff? >> i believe in that as metaphor. i believe in as energy. i believe in it as our better angels. absolutely. and also, to be honest, certainty, certainty about anything is the most terrifying thing to me. >> stephen: what do you mean certainty is terrifying? >> certainty is terrifying? >> stephen: yes. >> i mean -- >> if you know there was an afterlife, would that be comforting or terrifying? >> how would i ever know. >> stephen: i don't know. >> but, what i mean is -- >> a visitation from an angel. thiewbt? >> sure, but i would question it. you think about thomas martin, the great trappist monk and philosopher, really. his doubt was his greatest ally. he was always constantly doubting. i think a life of faith is not a life of certainty. a life of faith is a life of doubt. and i think it is so healthy to doubt. it is so health tow doubt oneself, it is so healthy to doubt any assumption we make about how to live. and i think-- what i mean when i say certainty scares me, certainty starts war. certainty starts war on behalf of ideology. certainty, "i know and you don't." that's the scariest thing to me. and what a human being is capable of doing. ( applause ). >> stephen: andrew, thank you so much for being here. "silence" is in theaters now. andrew garfield, everybody. we'll be right back with errip andrews. when you're close to the people you love, does psoriasis ever get in the way of a touching moment? if you have moderate to severe psoriasis, you can embrace the chance of completely clear skin with taltz. taltz is proven to give you a chance at completely clear skin. with taltz, up to 90% of patients had a significant improvement of their psoriasis plaques. in fact, 4 out of 10 even achieved completely clear skin. do not use if you are allergic to taltz. before starting you should be checked for tuberculosis. taltz may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you are being treated for an infection or have symptoms. or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. inflammatory bowel disease can happen with taltz. including worsening of symptoms. serious allergic reactions can occur. now's your chance at completely clear skin. just ask your doctor about taltz. now's your chance at completely clear skin. cascara's the cherry that's on the outside of the bean. it's now being used as a sweetener. it's like a very subtle sweetness into your coffee. it's just this like cup of deliciousness. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [beeping] ♪ the 2017 rav4 with toyota safety sense, standard. toyota. let's go places. i'm not a customer, but i'm calling about that credit scorecard. give it. sure! it's free for everyone. oh! well that's nice! and checking your score won't hurt your credit. oh! i'm so proud of you. well thank you. free at at, even if you're not a customer. when it comes to heartburn... trust the brand doctors trust. nexium 24hr is the #1 choice of doctors and pharmacists for their own frequent heartburn. for all day and all night protection... banish the burn... with nexium 24hr.

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