Beginning atoned night ending at 5 protesters took to the streetcoco they a group of Police Officers. We were in the crowd with the protesters prior to the start of the curfew. At that time there were about a thousand people, maybe more in the streets Milling Around protesting the shooting of the unarmedmike brown about a week ago. The crowd thinned out and by midnight there was only left with about 150 or 200 people still in the streets. We were with the Police Officers, the Police Officers waited for at least 35, 40 minutes before they decided to move forward the protesters, we very interesting they were decked out in t very heavy militarized gear that many people were angry about last week they started to fire smoke in to the crowd eventually firing tear gas. As we walked along the streets we picked up these rounds, thee are beanbag rounds meant to stun the crowd. When it was all over, bob, seven people were arrested for failure to disburse and within person was critically wounded in a shooting by somebody other than police bob. Schieffer all right thank you very much. We turn now to the governor of missouri democrat jay nixon. He joins us from st. Louis. Governor, thank you. I know there was some problems after midnight when the curfew went in to affect one man was shot i believe they have established it was not a policeman who shot him. Do you have any information on how that came about and is there a suspect on that . First of all, there were thousands of folks out there last night when curfew approached i think with the Highway Patrol and captain johnson and others in that community, being prepared last night those outsiders, some of the other folks that were in there last night, obviously we thought that last night was better. As far as the shooting it was not involving Law Enforcement last night, it was a private matter. Well chase down what happened as the day goes on. Schieffer do you consider them under control this morning . We feel much better. Obviously when we saw in the middle part of the wee response from the community i mean this has been a week which Michael Brown was shot dead by a Police Officer in his own hometown. And that has brought out great emotions and appropriate concern. And so when we saw that increased militarization i made unique action to put our Highway Patrol and bring in captain johnson on the ground in that community, from that community to help lead that first night was pretty peaceful. Second night went relatively well until very late. We saw some looting thats why declared a curfew with the request from the local officials. Last night no Property Damage of any significance and the thousands of folks there certainly there were seven folks that had to be detained, arrested, most ever those folks arent directly from that area. So were hopeful that were making progress. I think its right for people to grieve, right for people toe speak. Its important that we get justice in this matter the dual investigation being done by the local prosecutor and justice will come to that conclusion. Schieffer governor, you removed the local Police Department basically from having anything to do with this situation. How badly did they i just dont get it. Everywhere they turn they seem to do the wrong thing. The last thing being releasing that video we seem to just really inflame the people. Do you think that made the situation worse . We didnt have any knowledge about that. The Justice Department also indicated didnt think it should be released. I think it had incendiary affect. When you release pictures and you clearly are attempting to besmirch the victim of a shooting, shot down young man in his own street at the same time releasing information to try to make it to tarnish him then properly, there was a lot of folks that were concerned about. That i do do think it flamed it back up caused us to have to deal with some of that. But those are real emotions. People need to grieve and speak but we also need to keep the rule of were trying to balance all three. Last night we made progress and continue over next days as these dual investigations continue to try to keep that balance of letting people speak, grieve, be heard, but keep the peace. Schieffer if criminal charges are to be filed against this Police Officer who will file them . Because i know there are some downo be a specialf carrtrt theres a dual investigation going on with the the fbi. Der the there were 40 here. I appreciate t inresence and real sense that w nd tent i having those dual investigations operating at the same time makes it much moreely ation an ie to this situation five days after it happened. If you had it to do over would you have stepped in sooner . You always want to make sure that these problems have to be solved at the local level. Long after our Highway Patrolmen are back doing their jobs youre going to have other police in those areas. We wanted to when i saw the military vehicles rolling up, i saw guns pointed at kids, when i saw the reaction that was getting, i knew there needed to be a change. Thats why i took the unprecedented action at that time to call ip our Highway Patrol. Especially captain johnson from that neighborhood to lead that. I thought that first night as he joined in, even last night he and colonel of the Highway Patrol marched with folks and talked, were making progress, but people have right to grieve and speak but we need to get justice here. I i did take unprecedented action here, i think it will pay off here and were focused on we can to keep the peace while these dual investigations get to justice. Back to work. Thank you so much for joining us. Thank you bob. Schieffer joi is Cornell William brooks the new president of tational association for the advancement of colored people we welcome him to face the nation. Mr. Brooks, you heard the governor there say that the county prosecutor has a chance, as you said to step up and do whats right here. Do you think, as i said to the golf some people down there talking about the need for special pros computer here. The prosecutor does have an opportunity to step up. He should in fact step up. The nation indeed is watching as he carries out his duties. I believe critically important for pros computer to be appointed. I think critically important for Justice Department to remain active and engaged because this county, this municipality, have long history of very troubled relationships with the community. And so as a matter of credibility with suspect to the nation, they need to step up. They need to step up quickly they need to be clear transparent and accountable with regard to the community. Schieffer how do you just basically think this case has been handled so far . At the local level its been i would liken it to the keystone cops, but i dont want to insult the keystone cops. Its been very troubled. They released the videotape regarding Michael Brown, very very troubling. Here we have a postmortem character assassination, very troubling. The lack of information, the lack of engagement with community. Very troubling. A week ago i spent time in the church where i heard young people literally asking those on stage, tell us what to do. These local prosecutors, local law enforce. Have opportunity to fulfill their earth demonstrate that theyre serious about protecting and serving to do this they need to step up, step up quickly. Schieffer are you glad that the department of justice is there . I take it you are. Do you think that will help to see that this thing is handled correctly . We are very happy that the Justice Department is there. The attorney general has been very engaged. The president has been engaged, i received calls from the white house late at night, early in the morning. They want to see justice served here. I think it speaks well of the president and attorney general that Justice Department is on the ground. The naacp has been working with the fbi agents to identify and bring forward witnesses. That says to me that the Justice Department is not operating from washington but from ferguson, missouri. That speaks well for the potential of this to result in justice. Do you think the fact that Police Showed up when this all broke out in this heavy military gear and all this armor was that a factor . Absolutely. In the same way that america across the country are asking themselves the question, how is it that you have an unarmed an adult with a gun and a badg results teenager dead. In thathz incident. Heavy use of force. Theyre asking, how is it in a wink ofhis coroversy wed vehicles, as opposed to explanation, conversation, community engagement. Schieffer im going to ask you mr. Brooks, if youll stick around because we want to talk about this more in second half of this broadcast. Thank you for now. Well be coming back to you. We want to go now to that other big story were monitoring, the tense situation in Northern Iraq where u. S. War planes opened a new campaign against the isis terrorists who captured a key dam in mosul that is a crucial asset in the region. Cbs news correspondent Charlie Dagata is in irbill this morning, what is the latest . Good morning. Kurdish soldiers that we spoke to today said that they are closing in on the dam and that isis militants have even started withdrawing from villages near the dam or at least repositioning themselves. Those forces are being backed by u. S. Airstrike, u. S. Military confirmed that nine airstrikes were conducted in the vicinity of the dam using both drones and fighter jets. Has been under control of the isis militants for almost two weeks now. Not only control the power water and electricity in Northern Iraq but blowing it up or opening the flood gates could cause catastrophic flooding which could reach to they are running to resistance they estimate between four and 500 isis militants could be around the dam itself. Schieffer what more can you tell us abut this reported massacre in the nearby village . Were getting various accounts on the death toll there some between 80 and 350 men may have been massacred. Apparently took place on friday reportedly took place on friday in village of kotchko the men were told to convert to islam or die and when they refused they were summarily executed. Also hearing aumber of women and cave been abducted, as many as a thousand. U25itill th under siegeof thousands ofs able to fleez7 now is the chairman of the house intelligence committee, mike rogers. Lets pick up right there mr. Chairman. The administration sent special forces in there to see about rescuing these people. They came back and reported, looked like they had been rescued or most had. What is the situation out there are there still yazidis in daneer . Not only surrounded certain villages the isis or they have alsohe mountains they were at least puttingessure at thatribes mountains. Some escaped some were still there. Just shows you the breadth and depth of the problem and just how brutal isil is in their governing of their version. Schieffer m the talk also this morning apparently weve opened new phase of the air war there where attacking the isil people around this dam in mosul. Explain to us what that is all about and the significance of this dam. Sure. The group before they had retreated from the area prematurely, they were disaas they were outgunned. Isil now is a terrorist organization with an army thats what makes them so dangerous, tanks helicoptersrtillery money all of those equate to pretty dangerous situation. So the group had strategic withdraw, were armed up now have air support from the Iraqi Air Force and the u. S. Air force have made Real Progress around that dam. Fighting still continues as of this morning but it look like theyre starting to gain the upper hand pushing those isil units, the Terrorists Organization units back away from the dam. It is Strategic Asset something that would be important to takeuc before they moved in to mo me quote something to you. A senior u. S. Official is quoted as telling yahoo news that isil the quote the most potent military force of any terrorist group in the world right now. Id like to know, do you agree with that and how do you rate right now the threat that terrorism poses to states, to say where we were before 9 11. The difference here is that before 9 11 there was single level threat streams coming in to the United States. Pretty serious they got in and conducted thec. Attacks on 9 11. . Now you have multiple organizations all al qaeda minded trying to accomplish the same thing. So isil has said that they want to take the people who have western passports remember, they are flooding in to this country, thousands of individuals now signing up with isil to fight their jihad in syria and iraq have western passports. Thats whats so dangerous about this. We also know that they want to conduct an attack. So does al qaeda now you have two competing terrorist organizations, both of them want to get their credentials to the point where they can say, we are the premiere terrorist organization, both want to conduct attacks in the west for that region, guess what, that means we lose at the end. If either one ever thoseif s organizations is successful we lose and here is something interesting, bob weve seen some very interesting relationships between aq, Arabian Peninsula out of yemen and al qaeda on very aggressive the attorney general said was one of the worst one of the things that keeps him up at night. I would concur with him. That is an attack that many believe is going operational. That is what we should be worried about. Schieffer do you think that were at greater danger now than perhaps we were before 9 11 . I do. Only because the threat matrix is so wide. And so deep. We just didnt have that before 9 11. When you get terrorist organization that holds land the size of indiana has tanks, helicopters, they think it has as much as billion dollars in both Precious Metals currency and by the way selling oil on the black market to the tune of a Million Dollars a day according to some analytical product. That moons youve got severely Dangerous Organization that is beheading people. Here is the thing this is exactly the kind of thing beheading people convert or die, burning religious relics from the past. Just the sheer brutality is exactly what ap pitches, what boka haram pitches, thats what that was all about. Thats what theyre practicing putting in to practice thats why policy of not dealing with it as an ecosystem i think is wrong. And has caused the spread and danger of these organizations. Schieffer do we need, should the United States go after these people that are in syria right now some of them are opposing of course. Youre not going to solve the isil problem in iraq without dealing with the syria problem. Some notion, i think the president said theyre not related. They are absolutely related. They believe their capital is going to be in syria. To say theyre not related diminishes our opportunity. You have got to show people of mosul, people of these towns that have been captured that they theres some hope here that get tzihem out of this mess. You have a lot of political dynamics in the sunni versus shey but all of the countries in the region understand theni ofie we knownf hillary y . Amous arguing thia. Pla should absolutely p there hadwo ands options of a yeararent the optionse onth i3. Groups who are fighting assad for control. Of certain ar resources they havehine aboutfromitude about whenassad goes down. Does and facilitate some of twould be partnersfoho hlp and a hafln problem we rally their againste] again not only their regime but clear and present danger to the schieffer let me ask you the situation in ferguson, werehr seeing questions raised now perhaps this program that the pentagon has had to sell or give military equipment to the Police Departments around the country. It was a good idea seemed like good idea at the time, maybe this fill tarization this look that it gives local Police Forces may do more harm than good. Every instance should be i think gone through very closely and tried to make sure that theuipment that they have is used there arefficers have been out gunned in the past which got us to this swat teams these tactical teams with heavier weapons because they were outgunned. All about that force. There is former fbi agent law. P enforcement officer youre taught about that force continuum. And when do you escalate ft goal is to deescalate the problem. It appears that they may have reacted a little quickly with that on that force continuum when they decided to deal with the protesters. Hard to say sitting a thousand miles away. But i will tell you that you have to have at least Police Officers with the ability to have something to meet those particular challenges. Schieffer thank you so much. Back in a minute. Schieffer call this minority report, but i disagree with most of the pundits who thought Hillary Clintons stumble last week when she criticized the president s Foreign Policy then said she wasnt really criticizing it. Of course she was. But i thought her point valid. Around the white house they have been saying the crux of the president s policy is dont do stupid stuff. Her words, great nations need organizing principles dont do stupid stuff is not an organizing principle. That really irked the president s people, far more significant to me was what she said deeper in the interview when she said, what is needed is an overarching strategy to contain, deter, defeat jihaddist terrorism, a strategy much like strategy we employed to eventually defeat the soviet union during the cold war. I think shes got that right. And i think the president benefits from hearing it from someone in his own party. I dont care how many times you say Osama Bin Laden is dead. Terror remains alive and a threat to the United States. What we need to be talking about is how to combat and defeat it. Back in a minute. Ur l use, operating machinery, or driving. Other possible side effects include injection site reactions. Tell your doctor about all medicines you take and all of your medical conditions. Check your blood sugar levels. Your insulin dose should not be changed without asking your doctor. 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Louis but its about the nation. And st. Louis is emblematic of those larger ships, i have white flight, its now 65 black. You have 22 poverty youve got the overpolicing of entire community who feel racially harassed by the police. Every 28 hours across america a black person is killed by a Security Guard a Police Officer, some other executive of the state or police force. This is an extraordinarily incendiary situation. Look what has been done. Militarization of what you earlier is something that is not effective when played to american citizens on top of that. The tone deaf police chief, the tone deaf mayor and the tone deaf governor have not added anything to the situation. We understand they are in very difficult situations. Hed that is the governor, bring ron johnson in, im from the community, i understand your predicament let me keep the peace while understanding what you are saying is legitimate. Fine lie i yearn for more response from the white house. This president knows better than most what happens in poor communities that have been antagonized historically by the hostile relationship between black people and the Police Department. It is not enough for him to come on National Television and pretend there is a false moral equivalency between Police People who are armed and black people who are vulnerable constantly, he needs to use his bully pulpit to step up and articulate this as a vision. Not in terms of Public Policy but eric holder has filled in those gaps. We need president ial leadership. Schieffer mr. Brooks, what is your response here to this action Just Announced by the Justice Department. Incredibly encouraging. At this point in our nations racial history particularly ferguson, missouri, we have people on the ground who want to know that there are people in the white house were listening to them. Because they dont trust local authorities. I think this is very encouraging development. I would also note that the people that i met with are looking for a president and an attorney general who are responsive to what is happening on the ground. The fact that you have army of fbi agents, the fact been ordering of the second autopsy. All of this will be met with appreciation by folks who are looking for accountability. Schieffer Michael Gerson, you know, the thing thats come up here that i am going to say never occurred to me, i understand what theyre talking about, the idea of our Police Departments becoming over militarized as it were. Seemed like a very good idea when the pentagon started doing this. This is surplus equipment, theres no question that our police were being outgunned by some of these narco gangs and other things terrorists in all of that. But it gives a different look to Police Departments doesnt it . I agree with that. Ferguson is 20 minutes away from where i grew up, you look at the images, this is not home. You see the rubber bullets this is not the america that we know. So there is an immediate reaction. There may be Circumstances Police require that in a major emergency, that as first response. I would say points out couple of deeper things. One of them is, it takes years for police to develop trust with a community. You cant summon it at the last minute during an emergency. This is something that has to be consciously constructed. This is a tough situation where you have massive demographic change and institutional lags. That is serious challenge. I would throw in there that it also highlights a serious problem here with communities that are isolated from the broader progress of American Society and prosperity of American Society. Those problems are really concentrated with Young African american males, main response to their challenges their problems in america is either squad car or demand for child support. We have very little outreach to their concerns, their needs. Its a wake up call in this area thats a context not explanation or excuse. Its just the context of what we face. Schieffer i mean, its almost like this Police Department, they had been living in some sort of time capsule they open the door they came out discovered its not like it used to be. I think michael is exactly right that you cant create this trust at the last minute but you can make the situation way worse at the last minute that is exactly what we saw here. Cornell brooks talked about the keystone cops not being rude to the keystone cops, difference is keystone cops did not have rubber bullets and swat gear and armored vehicle. That is a very, very dangerous thing. You have this paradox of the federal government simultaneously providing i think very useful time to reconsider the provision of this military equipment to jurisdictions around the country making sure if they have it they know when its appropriate to use and when its not appropriate to use. Then the Important Role of the administration and Justice Department in coming in i think the news about the autopsy is very welcome. The rates on the ground are very welcome. I would say the only way only point which i disagree slightly with what has been said before i think the president is actually struck a very good balanced tone here because he is at the head of a criminal investigation he doesnt want to go too far overstepping the bounds there while he wants to make sure that he calms the waters. I think that the distinction between the tone that the administration has set here and the tone from state and local authorities with the exception of captain johnson in missouri. Has center very striking. Im not talking about the tone, that is critical. The president is cool under fire. Usually by bigoted racist who are assaulting him places along ideological spectrum what im talking about is leadership that is not a matter of tone. Because the reality is there is no functional equivalence between Police People who are armed to the teeth with military grade weapon re trained at vulnerable black communities who are inflamed now as a result of decades of negligence. The president has responsibility to say look, this is one of the key points we expect because of his unique experience. As an African American male i know what it means to not have an autopsy report released. I know what it means to have young man besmirched post mussily with no relationship that we can tell between what that was about on that camera how he died. Im saying to you that if he could inform American Society that look, yes we must keep them all keep the peace, calm their passion let me explain to you why people might be hurt. Why they might be angry and why they might be upset. That is his responsibility to tell that truth regardless of what those political fall outs will be. I guess the facts of what theyre doing, the fbi agents, the investigation second autopsy even more shroudly than anything that might be able to say. , no, no. Not either or. The president can look at lbj, god sake look what nixon did the affirmative action. Look what john f. Kennedy and bill clinton go did. There is not either or you can deploy political strategies and Public Policy that at the same time we need his leadership, his vision his unique style. Deeply that in defense of who he learned to defend those vulnerable populations especially white people whose White Privilege in one sense obscures from them what it means that their children can walk home every day and be safe. They are not fearful of the fact that somebody will kill their child who goes to get some iced tea and some candy from a store untail is quality is brought the president bears unique responsibility and burden to tell that truth. Schieffer let me ask Michael Gerson. You are seeing people on both sides, republicans democrats taking different views. I was a little surprised, i dont know why but i was a little bit that rand paul has stepped up and he says there should be a difference between a Police Response and military response. He says its one thing for federal officials to work in conjunction with local authorities to reduce or solve crime. Another for them to subsidize it. He seems to be making an appeal here, no question i think that hes trying to run for president. Were you surprised see him step out . Not necessarily. Very consistent with his trust of authority in this case. And that over steps its bounds. I think thats fine. Think hes very strange carrier of the message of outreach. This is a man who employed as a key staffer someone who called himself the southern avenger who was believes that said nice things outjohn wilkes booth. Opposed the centerpiece of the civil rights act. In a real election where rand paul faced Hillary Clinton because he is deeply flawed representative of these ideas but Republican Party does need to be engaged in outreach. Mr. Brooks, let me ask you, were 50 years past the signing of the 1964 civil rights bill weve done broadcasts on it here cbs has given extensive coverage to it. Where do you think we are now . What needs to be done . You look at the criminal Justice System in the ferguson Police Department, it is a back to the pastime machine. It reminds us as a nation just how deeply flawed we are with respect to race. We see this pattern over and over again in terms of eric gardener, Michael Brown, where you have an under whelming minor offense met with overwhelming major use of force. And point being you look at the reason which black and brown teenagers are treated relative to white is something profoundly wrong here. The point being here, this situation forces us as a country to basically say to ourselves is Michael Brown my son my grandson, does he have the same moral value. If the answer to that is yes when we have to change the way we police. Change the way we run the criminal Justice System. Schieffer thank you very much, all of you. Very illuminating. Peter baker of the New York Times and girls seib will join the discussion as we talk about the other big stories of the week. Type 2 diabetes affects millions of us. And for many, its a struggle to keep your a1c down. So imagine, what if there was a new class of medicine that works differently to lower blood sugar . Imagine, loving your numbers. Introducing oncedaily invokana®. Its the first of a new kind of prescription medicine thats used along with diet and exercise to lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. Invokana® is a oncedaily pill that works around the clock to help lower a1c. 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About a very complicated scenario involving a local prosecutor looking at his effort to special prosecute tore oust the local prosecutor that was investigating his use of Cancer Research facility and institute that might have been giving special contracts to supporters of his. In other words politics as usual. The part thats not usual or thats becoming uncomfortably usual is the criminalization of politics. Weve seen this before in texas and elsewhere with the indictments of tom delay, not a fan of tom delay but his indictment was wrong i said it at the time. His conviction since been overturned. Indictment of Kay Bailey Hutchison that was rejected and indictment of rick pear, you would know better than me, what does Lyndon Johnson saying from the grave. I think hes laughing about the notion that trying to get rid of political opponents or intimidating them is a criminal offense. Schieffer gerry, where do you think this goes beyond being political pay back . I think its complicated. I suspect first of all i doubted it hurts him a lot to be in trouble for having gone after republicans see as democratic prosecutor trying to put republicans in jail. I dont think thats a problem in the Republican Party. If rick perry wants to run for president , i dont think thats his problem. It does create a huge distraction get in the way of the process of getting out of the Governors Office moving up to wide smooth part. I dont think anybody doubts thats what rick perry has been setting out to do. Schieffer peter what is your take . It is a political dispute. Between actors and political system and that leave them to respond to this. Impeachment, hearing overturning of veto, what have you. A little surprising. I think gerry is right the republicans will look at this as partisan thing wont penalize. The word indictment hangs over him not a good thing. Running for office you dont want the word indictment there it will cause time with lawyers and time in court and time to plain to yourself. Thats hard thing for any candidate. Not a serious prosecution but not a serious candidacy. [ laughter ] no one in the party, what will rick perry do right now because he had a very poor showing in the last round. Makes sense for him to try to make it within the party but i dont see much momentum there. Schieffer lets talk about what is going on in iraq right now. Looks like the air campaign entered a new phase peter. Theyre now going after these isil or isis people have taken this dam which is he parentally is a very Strategic Dam as it were. If it breaks, it floods all of iraq including baghdad. Its a power source and all of that. Hugely consequential. We see reports that as much as 60 foot wall of water would be released if the dam were suddenly burst thats strategic threat to the Iraqi Government and to in fact people of baghdad which is one of the reasons why Obama Administration would justify attacks. What you see, is that demr. Tougher of malaki the prime minister. Finally agreed to step down after eight years of often very sectarian world alienating the sunni op pew lakes. His success sore also shiite from the same party that will be more responsive and more inclusive figure much more willing to get in bed with him to empower him against isis or isil than they were with malaki. Now freedom now to be a little bit more engaged than they felt before. Schieffer michael, that leads me of course to Hillary Clinton and her sort of split with the president this week. As you heard earlier, i think she had a point most of the attention was about the little zinger when she said, dont do stupid stuff is not what called organizing principle. But as you read that interview she outlined her views overall views on Foreign Policy including we mist have a strategy to deal with these jihaddists terrorists. And Jeff Goldberg who is very good at this she was making argument not just what we saw reported, this was had not been sufficiently engaged particularly in syria as isis rose in Eastern Syria after the fall of fallujah then mosul that United States needs overall strategy not just series of reactions to events but how do you get on the offensive start to build alliance and contain and destroy this safe haven. She was making that case, she was raising again the issue. Remember the 3 00 a. M. Call last time she ran against barack obama who do you trust at 5 00 a. M. You should trust her and maybe that was superior to the president she served. Its true. Schieffer gerry as michael was pointing out to me barack obama got the nomination and she lost it because he ran at her from the left. Now some of her supporters are saying she better be careful because people on her left within Democratic Party might rise up pose a threat. But on the other hand the fact that she gave that interview that she was so tough says that she doesnt think theres a plausible threat on the left coming in 2016 the way it was in 2008. I was going to add theres important point ever context for what she said abut syria i think we are in when isis or isil, depending what you want to call it, a time when people are realizing this is not just a passing threat not just another terrorist organization this organization that is both terrorist in nature but has military thats capable of taking and homing territory that has much broader aim and its not going to go away any time soon. Think she was speaking in to schieffer just heard mike rogers say there is greater threat, pose greater threat to america right now than they did before 9 11. His message one you hear from others. Be very afraid. If you were afraid you should have been before 9 11 because of the competition between various terrorist groups to show their force and their capacity to inflict damage on the infidels also known as us. Which i think is a reason why just to bring back politics for a moment is Hillary Clinton is in a different situation than potential 2016 run than in 2008 because there is not revulsion against being involved in what people look at this threat begin to understand this threat. I think this was a good week for what passes for a good week for the administration in iraq for the reasons that peter says. We dealt with the hopefully humanitarian crisis and finally got rid of malaki whether the successors capable of rising to the occasion remains to be seen. But fundamental question that Hillary Clinton raised but didnt answer how we are going to deal with this looming, continuing, expanding threat from isis is going to be the central question i think that is going to dominate the rest of president clintons term and should be central in 2016 campaign. The biggest tension and vision in our politics is between the scale of the threat and the scale of the response. Which doesnt seem anywhere near the scale of the threat described by the secretary of defense, described by the attorney general. The real question is whether barack obama can make the mental transition from the end of wars, where he ran and sworn in of isis, building a complex Regional Alliance to contain and destroy the threat. We got two and a half years of this administration. Is that in intention. Schieffer we have to end it there to be continued obviously. Well be back in a minute. Spokesperson get a 1,000 turbocharged reward card with a new volkswagen turbo. 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