Of the courtesy on tour is if you miss the green you play up first. Is he away first peter . Peter hes asking justin and justin was looking around for slugger white and here he comes with a slow jog. Nick from my angle, rose might be given further from the hole. Peter i dont believe so. I believe so sure. You want justin . You want to go, just season go ahead, gid. Peter in this situation since its still stroke play, theres no mandate that the ball away has to go and thats what lingmerth was asking. Hes ready to go. Its not as much on an upslope as he might prefer, so hes got a fairly small area to land this on and control his distance. Nick he has a very strong righthand grip, peter. That makes it more different for the bunker players. Peter yeah, you have to open the blade a lot more. Nick look at this. Thats just about justin rose played his incredible third shot in regulation play. Something like a big threefooter. Jim and its not slick downhill or anything you might have thought. Its going to be one that he can stroke confidently. Its going to be a four for lingmerth in all likelihood. And rose, David Feherty youre down there. How hard a twoputt will this be . Oneputt for the win. David it will be a heck of a oneputt. A crrble amount of right to left on it. It will pick up some speed about halfway. Nick would it track close to his line 10 minutes ago david . David no, its below that its going to have a little more swing. Nick well, hes ready. Didnt take long to read it. Jim can he brush another one in for a dramatic victory . Look at all this break though. Two putts would be quite good. And i think hes asured that. And if they both knock them from in from here theyre going to actually go after this to the 16th hole. Big your pardon, theyre going to go to the 10th hole next. The 10th hole. Nick which is just 25 yards away. Be interesting how they can move what, a good 5,000 people around the 18th . Move them close to the 10th. Jim at least that. Peter hes been rock solid on all putts of this length from what ive seen today. Nick yes just a nasty one. Just inside left g. Peter if you die on it youll give the hole away, which im not sure he wants to do. Jim got his four. And i wouldnt think thered be a whole lot on this one david. David no. Very little. Its not a tapin, though. Jim heading to playoff hole number three. Steps away. To the steps away to the 10th. Give anyone an advantage playing the 10th . That is one of the strongest holes out here, nick. Nick wheres that wind going a little left to right . Jim yes for them off this 10th tee, it will be a lefttoright wind. Its actually gusting pretty good. Nick yeah, rosie lost his in the right rough in regulation play but a tiny bit of dampness in the air. A little later not quite as hot so need a really good tee shot off this one gary mccord. Jim gary, you get to make the call here, my friend. Gary we have the hole thats the second ranked hardest hole on the golf course. Slugger is pointing over here to someone. And you guys were talking about moving a lot of people and theres going to be a lot of people streaming of that over that lefthand side to get over a Little Bridge to get over that creek to go up towards the viewing so these guys might have to sit for a minute. Ok lets set this hole up. There have only been five birdies here all day. The proximation of this hole is front right. Its been about 40 feet. Again, it looks like a couple of pars and get out of here. If you flinch you have bunker on the left, bunkers on the right and some big, big dark, deep grass everywhere if you miss the fairway. Peter yeah, imperative that you hit the fairway. So lingmerth still has the honor. Gary peter this has been the toughest fairway to hit all day. Peter i think its a little easier for david because he didnt doesnt hit it quite as far as justin. He can take it inside and let the ground funnel it toward the middle. Thats a great shot. Theyre clapping. Perfect. Peter, hes not flinching at all, is he . Peter nope, hes had the same attitude. Really impressive for somebody whos not won before on the pga tour. Gary we have 463 yards today and that hole cut just over that bunker. Just a step and a half basically. Justin has played the holbert with that birdie, one urd under. David just leaking. Gary right over the top of the camera and remember that long grass we talked about. Thats just a bad angle. Jim well be back at the memorial tournament, presented by nationwide in just a moment. Jim its been a sunday full of suspense here in dublin, ohio. We had three tied for the lead heading down to the final couple of holes. It has been close throughout and now were on to the third hole of a playoff featuring englands justin rose, swedens David Lingmerth. Now back in regulation that would have been over two and a half hours ago this was lingmerth for a par. Nick he hit his second shot long back into the middle of the green and justin rose did well because he was in the right rough but had a shot and then judges this one very nicely. Jim have to find out what kind of lie rose is going to have. There are some issues over there. Theres a Little Forest hes going to have to contend with. David yeah, not good. Peter lingmerth has 185 yards which is a fairly substantial distance to attack that hole location gary. Gary yeah, were looking at this lie by justin rose. I imagine hell give that a glance before he hits that one. Peter he is not paying any attention to it whatsoever. Look at that. The best players in the world. 10 feet is the closest anyone got. 71 attempts. A little rain coming through. Wasnt any lightning or anything like that in it. Were waiting for the big event here hours from now. But right now peter kostis, we have to take something past the bunker past the pin and get it in the middle of the green i would assume. Peter yeah, and the thing that justin has to realize 30 feet for lingmerth is going to be a really good shot which means probably more likely than not a four. So its not mandatory that justin try to knock his on the green. Gary again, the average second shot here is 40 feet. Peter hes got a 5iron. Gary see that flag over there . Two bunkers on the right. That bunker right underneath his bill theres the flag. Good strike. Started left, peter. Point of view its very high. Its cutting. Just left of the hole. Gary very good. Very good. Peter just like you draw it up there. Gary and he had the same putt today and he left that one short, so he knows exactly whats going on with this one. David youre not going to believe this some kind of utility wood. Hes got 147 yards to the hole. The only thing i can think of is hes trying to hit a low something and chop it onto the green. Oh heavens get down. Oh, nurse. Oh that may be down the 11th if it missed everybody. Gary no, it didnt. There are too many people here. Look at all these people on this hole. Everybody came in unison right over here to the 10th hole. And david, they stopped it. Otherwise that ball was gone. It was gone. Peter that one is going to leave a mark, i can tell you that. Gary he hit this thing in a hurry. Way left. I was worried about that stake right there. He didnt think at this point that he was going to make this good a contact. Very clever shot, though, trying there this he wanted to make sure he got past. The longest playoff in tournament history. 40 years thats pretty good. 409 anniversary, memorial tournament. Congratulations. Everybody associated with this fantastic event. I remember when i came here, it was the second year i came here in 1977. Never saw anything like it. I didnt want to take a divot on the driving range. I mean, im thinking, guys, that the reason he hit that shot, David Feherty, he just wanted to get past the flag. You dont want to get underneath in a bunker. David yes, no space to work with there. It just came out like a rocket. Gary hes going to have plenty of green and its downhill so, again, other than the situation he left himself right where he needed to. I can see a lot of that ball right there, too. Nick if he can get the right feel and strike on this, hell need to field it over the hill and run it down. Because thats going to be quick, sergeant it . David actually, its not lying too badly. Nick hes got to get the right kind of forward bobble to just get over the hill. If it lands too softly it would go hard right and too hot it would cross the other side of the green. Gary i have a lot of confidence in him after watching the first couple of playoff holes. Nick i agree. David i sort of like them both. We might be here a while. Gary we could. Were going to go from here to 14 the short par 4 and get these people back around towards the 18th tee again if we go that far. David this is not easy by any stretch of the imagination. Gary of course, where should he pitch the ball on the green david . David i think about 10 feet on the green. Gary did you hear all those cameras click as soon as he hit it . Thats hot coming in thats going to leave him 20, 22 feet maybe for his par . So all of a sudden David Lingmerth is looking pretty good. David just tossed it a little too far. Gary it just glanced and therefore we have this putt. Youre right peter kostis. The main thing im looking for an expression from lingmerth, any expression at all. I cant see one. Peter nope. Not there. Now, this putt is downhill to start but its uphill the last 10 or 15 feet, which is probably why he left it short in regulation. He knows that now. Gary and from that graphic you see if he does make that putt and i dont think this is going to be churning too hard when it gets there it will be the longest putt hes made this year. Id take my twoputt and just stand there and watch. This ball wont break back. Boy, he overcorrected there and gave it a little highlight there at the end and hes got it about four feet by, looks like. This is quite a back and forth battle. Guys get in position, the other guy gets out of position. They juxtapose they keep going back. Look at justin. Hes still got work to do. David, what do we have . David well, this, i think is going to turn a little right to left to start with but then straighten up at the end. It is not an easy putt to read, the front of this green. Gary were talking what 20 feet here 18 feet . David yeah, its got to be 20 i would have thought. Gary so its one finger outside right edge, david . David yeah. Gary get that line and figure it out now. Theyve officially got this one at 17 feet, five inches, if that means anything. Thats not dead. Wow. Thats six feet by the home. Peter he hasnt given up his turn. Gary no. Theyre going to stare at each other here to see which one is out. David im too nervous to read it. Gary lingmerth is out right . Guys . Peter justin had a look at it, went back and kept his hand in his pocket. Didnt look like it to me from here but so be it. This to win. Gary this putt here right around six feet. This putt there we go. 46. This week, the graphic again 5050. Peter i told you he was rock solid on these. Gary rock solid David Lingmerth his first tournament win and the 40th anniversary of the memorial tournament lets go down to David Feherty. David, after a couple of secondplace finishes, you finally break through with your first victory at jacks memorial tournament. How special is this and how great is this day . David i cant believe it right now. Im so happy. I dont know where to go. Peter you deserved it. You played great. David thank you i appreciate it. Jim that was all grit. David lingmerth, 21 holes today to finally taste victory. Nick i agree. We talked about the last three holes. The pressure of those and the pressure of that playoff was quite immense so congratulations to david. He hung in there and for a first time win that was incredibly impressive. Jim hes the seventh first time winner on tour this year. A winning par to defeat justin rose to tack the memorial tournament presented by nationwide. And again tonight on cbs 60 minutes and the live broadcast of the tony awards, tonight on cbs. He may not look it but you could tell by his answer, hes stunned right there. Nick oh, he will be. Hell be in song and enjoy the shock. Jim for nick and all the crew, jim nantz saying so long. Congratulations, David Lingmerth, the champion for the first time. music hey let me help with that. Oh, thank you music introducing the oneandonly Volkswagen Golf sportwagen. The sportier utility vehicle. Dear fellow citizen, kids are a great thing. Before you know it theyre in college. If youre lucky, they get a degree in finance and figure out how to pay for it. Could happen. But just in case it doesnt, i can help. We have new Student Loans others dont offer. Next time you have a question about how to pay for college ask me. Sincerely, jared duemling, fellow ninja and fellow citizen in tonight police hope a clue found at the scene will lead them to the person responsible. Good evening everyone, im Natasha Brown. Thanks for joining us. The 17yearold was riding a skateboard home when he was struck. This happened just before 2 00 this morning on new york owe north hook road at lee avenue in Pennsville Salem county new jersey. Eyewitness News Reporter alexandria hoff is live with the details of this investigation. Alexandria. Reporter good evening, natasha, im told that the 17yearold is now out of surgery but still listed in Critical Condition lisa long go eyes the new markings on north hook road in pennsville. Nothing can explain this. Reporter the hats, the the keys of 17yearold family friend kyle. I myself and looking for anything that even remotely looks like a Hyundai Elantra. Reporter a Hyundai Elantra is the kind of car that hit the High School Junior behind as he was riding this skateboard. There are no skids marks. I believe he was struck then continued on. Reporter a neighbor herald what he believed was a deer being hit and called police. There were no serial numbers but pieces of the car left behind revealed its model. Theyre a good family. They dont serve this. Reporter pennsville is a close knit town of less than 1300 and kyle a popular Football Player known to ride his skateboard everywhere. He says hi to everyone. Hes the nicest kid ive met. Reporter no one can understand is who would leave him joined in that it was actually a little guy with a lot of potential and hes its truly heart wrenching. Reporter police are unsure of the color but once again, they are looking for a Hyundai Elantra. Anyone with any information should contact police. Reporting live in salem county alexandria hoff, cbs3 eyewitness news. Well, we certainly had a nice finish o our weekend. Hopefully you had a chance to enjoy the conditions today. Comfortable this evening. These are the current numbers still in the low to mid 70s. Enjoy the low humidity because that changes tomorrow. Clouds stream in from the west tonight. We stay dry. Showers and thunderstorms approaching tomorrow. Well be under a risk for severe storms tomorrow afternoon t areas around philadelphia to the east marginal risk. Elevated a little bit more the farther north and west you go. Better shot at severe storms berks county Lehigh Valley watch out for downpours gusty winds. Most of the first half of the day stays dry in the morning hours. Early afternoon monday were looking okay after 3, 4, 5 oclock into the evening evening rush hour well see some showers maybe a few stronger thunderstorms that roll on through. Still a shower or storm chance on tuesday. And we clear things out once again for wednesday. Overnight pleasant, partly cloudy, 63. As we go to monday watch out for the late day showers and storms High Temperature 84 degrees. Heres the extend forecast. More showers and storms tuesday. Hot for the end of the week, approaching 90 degrees as we head to thursday. It will be humid. Looks like we keep it on the warm side upper 80s into next weekend. Steady summer weather there. Thank you so much for joining us to your this abbreviated edition of eyewitness news. Im Natasha Brown for justin we appreciate you being with us. Cbs. Com were always on for there are a lot of channels on your tv but only so many you want to watch what if you could pay for the types of channels you want and not the ones you dont now, fios brings you a totally new way to customize your tv. Starting at 74. 99 per month with no annual contract. Get custom tv, including internet and phone. Price guaranteed for two years. Or from now until june 13th get a 400 visa prepaid card when you sign a 2 year agreement. Go to getfios. Com. 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