Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 6 20170729

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toward ocean city as well, still more moderate rainfall to the north where we were just seeing that heavier rainfall just again a little bit ago back through cape may county for avalon, sea isle, again right now getting lighter rainfall but as we head north it gets heavier. storm scan three shows orange, red, yellow off the coast of delaware too. that is good news for those in sussex county where areas have seen in the last 24 hours over 5 inches of rain. there is a flash flood warning for southern cape may county until 8:15. don't drive through flood roadways and you need to be vigilant out there in southern cape may county for the rest of the morning. temperatures for us, well, we are in the high 60's, couple areas in the 70's, ac airport, dover at 71, 70 degrees respectively. by 9:00 cloudy, rain, isolated thunderstorms are still a possibility generally south of philadelphia, 70 around 9:00 in the morning. by lunchtime or so overcast skies a few breaks in the cloud, a couple spotty showers not ruled out by lunchtime and then later on in the afternoon again those breaks in the cloud continue and we could see temperatures around 3:00 right around 73 degrees. we will get dry and nice, and talk about sunday in a bit. >> time for a lazy saturday morning. i love it. >> absolutely. 6:02. time to check road. lets get to amanda muhler in the cbs-3 traffic center. hi a manned. hi jan, it is a wet one. take from it me drive-in to work or where ever you are headed will be a slow one. we have an accident schuylkill expressway eastbound with the right lane block we have a map pulled up here and hearing that is causing delays on top of the delays we can expect due to the weather. you want to have more time this morning. second problem we have woodhaven road at million brooke road same thing here accident with the right lane blocked up near langhorne however it does not seem to be causing any jams like the accident we mentioned earlier but be careful there in the less. taking a live look at i-95 at race street not looking too bad but make sure headlights are on. we are seeing pooling on the major roadways but rest of the majors are running smoothly but slowly. here's a last look at a very wet ben franklin bridge. only good news is you won't worry about the usual sun glare. in the cbs-3 traffic center i'm amanda muhler back to you. thanks, amanda. new this morning, flames have tore through a two story row home in camden sending several people to the hospital "eyewitness news" reporter anita oh is live at the scene with the very latest, anita. >> reporter: good morning. fire marshall is inside investigating, fire is out under control but there is still a lot of damage left behind, there is some officials here on the ground and a lot of glass shattered and windows busted out here and there is still smoke lingering in the air. this two alarm fire spark in the 1200 block of morton street earlier this morning and some of the damage did extend into this twin row home here and again chief fire marshall is inn inside what may have sparked it. we do know there were working fire detectors inside, the home and it is unclear at this point whether there were any fatalities but we do know up to six people including children were believed to have lived inside and fire chief explains the scene upon arrival. >> it is chaotic, there is a lot of people here, doing aloft things to get in the on racial. as far as rescues we will to have interview all of the guys with the first in rigs and still very early on in the fire. >> reporter: another live look at the damage to the row home in the 1200 block of morgan street in camden. paramedics did rush those injured to cooper university hospital and it is unclear how many injuries they are and what the extent of them are but we do know up to six people including children did live inside. as you can see there are officials here still on the ground. it is an active scene but we are wait to go learn what may have sparked this fire and whether there were any confirmed fatalities. that is very latest from camden, anita oh for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". you can see there it was wet in camden and heavy rain hammered parts of the philadelphia region overnight and possible flooding is prompting many to change their weekend plans, "eyewitness news" reporter natasha brown takes a look. >> reporter: is there evidence of the anticipated flooding down the shore, crews have set up barricade to close off flooded streets in ocean city and some shore goers are already packing up, and heading home. >> we were going to head back tomorrow but we will head back tonight. >> reporter: storm drains are being cleared of debris, in sea isle, high water rescue vehicles this is sitting at ready as officials all along the shore warning residents and visitors to be careful. >> more road tend to get flood when they get here please avoid the flooded road don't drive through them. >> reporter: several shore interests have been cancelled like sandy roleman ovarian cancer run in sea isle. and, back in philadelphia, other much anticipated events are being postponed as well, eagles training cam has been going on all week long, but the first open practice to the public was scheduled for saturday and new been moved to sunday in light of the inclement weather. from the city to the shore flooding is expect to be a factor, crews preparing for a saturated saturday. lots of weekend events throughout the tri-state area will be affected by inclement wet they are weekend. if you are planning something or planned to attend something that is expect to be an outside event we certainly suggest you check before you head out. at the art museum, natasha brown for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". in other news an investigation is underway after a train hit an eight year-old little boy in delaware county this happened just before 6:00 yesterday engineer industrial highway in tinicum township. authorities say csx train was traveling from south philadelphia heading west when it ran over that little boy's leg, there is in word on his condition this morning. meantime another shake up at the white house chief of star reince priebus is out and home land security secretary john kelly's in. asseth lemon reports priebus says it was his decision. >> reporter: latest west wing shake up came in the tweet with the president announcing home land security secretary john kelly as his new chief of staff. speaking to reporters at joint base andrews mr. trump praised both men. >> reince priebus is a good man, john kelly will do a fantastic job. >> reporter: priebus told cnn that no one forced him out including the president. >> he obviously wanted to make a change and i offered my resignation and he agreed. >> reporter: the president appears to be moving ahead with a much anticipated overhaul of his senior staff. last week press secretary sean spicer stepped down after anthony scaramucci was named communications director, new yorker published a story where he haled against priebus calling him par mid and predicting he would soon resign. >> i will not respond to it. i will not get in the mud. >> reporter: priebus will stay on to help general kelly transition into his new job which he starts on monday. seth lemon for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". u.s., south korea and japan are working on a resolution to punish north korea they test fired its second interest continental ballistics missle yesterday which landed off the coast of japan. officials say this missle flew longer, higher then the first which launched earlier this month. some experts think that the missle could reach new york. president trump is repeating his plea to ileto bam a care implode, that is his reaction to the latest republicans failed attempt to repeal and replace the affordable care act. early friday morning three republican senators including arizona's john mccain, voted with democrats to kill the so-called skinny repeal. democrats say they now want to work with republicans to fix the health care law. still ahead on cbs-3 "eyewitness news" this saturday morning a crackdown on speeding, see how law enforcement plans to slow drivers down, we will also have this. these home made wheelchairs could be the key to moving again for some disabled children i'm kennett craig in western new york with the look at how one family turned their devastating news into a mission to help new research shows speeding is a big as factor as drug driver federal regulators say a third of crashes from 2005 through 2014 were related to speed as chris van cleve tells us the governmental group is calling for using more speed cameras, but less than a third of all states allow them. >> we're up to 60 miles an hour, you are going 11 over. >> reporter: police captain michael brennan has spent 24 years on patrol, speeders are a daily part of life. >> any reason. >> what is biggest challenge in trying to stop speeders. >> there is so many of them, it is just a matter of where do i go. >> reporter: ntsb identified hundred thousand deaths due to speeding between 2005 and 2014 and that is nearly as many killed in alcohol involved crashes. >> every mile and an hour you increase by you increase your likelihood of the crash. >> reporter: robert sum walt is acting ntsb chairman if thud i those if we improve way we set speed limits and enforce speed limits. >> reporter: safety board is calling for expanding the use of speed cameras, only 14 state and washington d.c. currently use them and only rarely on freeways where drivers go the fastest. another recommendation encouraging installing point to point enforcement used in australia and uk where a driver can be ticketed, forgetting from point a to point b faster in the time it will to to follow the speed limit. traffic deaths have surged an estimated 14 percent over the last two years, to around 40,000, people, killed, and the ntsb says that an un intended consequence of states raising speed limit has been additional deaths. chris van cleve, cbs news, washington. matt, it is not your best forecast but you said sun may make an appearance later today >> maybe. might make an appearance at least a small appearance. >> i'll take it. >> later this afternoon. >> we will all take it after the dreary, night that we have been having, all of the rain and now, if you are up early this morning it is just a wet start to the day across the delaware valley from, here in philadelphia, and back down to the south. our weather watchers are up early this morning. it is in the 60's for many folks. cooler morning for lots of people. let's talk about that rain we have been seeing. these are rain amounts that our weather watchers are talking about, perkasie, johnstown we have a tenth of an inch. again north of the city not too bad. we have just shy of an inch of rain in northern delaware. those folks in southern delaware a couple inches for them. but john in philly saying just shy of .4 of an inch, lou in eagleville, he actually doesn't have a tenth of an inch of rain. cherry hill across town from a quarter to about a third of an inch, and lynn's house a quarter, jenny's house a third again, further south you go the more rain we're getting as we see at this point and outside right now here in philadelphia, while it is a little bit wet, it is not overly kind of heavy rainfall, that is coming down. this is from the library looking, logan circle here this morning in center city. you can see the sheen on the road. there is moisture out there, again, a few light showers, still pushing through the philadelphia area here this morning, and we are still going to watch for that across philadelphia and across much of the delaware valley as we go through morning hours with the heaviest rain, again, likely south. thinks our flood advisory for southern new jersey, this goes until 7:00 o'clock this morning, again, still expecting a chance for heavier rainfall there flood advisory for delaware down there in sussex count that i goes until 7:30 this morning, because again we are still tracking all of this rain that is associated with a summer nor'easter. storm scan three precipitation starting to slide off the coast line, that is some good news for us but we're not out of the wood just yet. as i said looking outside we have light shower activity across philadelphia and across northern suburbs there, montgomery county getting a lit built of light rain, perkasie back down into southern bucks county as well, we will get light to moderate rainfall at times. the heaviest rain we had along the coastline and new jersey shore is pushing off the coast that is good news there. it will continue to slide east as we get through the morning but atlantic city getting heavier rain in long beach island, probably getting more moderate rainfall as well. we will head further south, of ocean city, atlantic city, sea isle, avalon, stone harbor, wildwood, cape may where we are seeing lighter rains but see these dark greens and yellow filtering in there and that is chance for more moderate rainfall and then southern delaware has been just hammered, for the last 24 hours or more. all of the orange yellow and red has since moved off coastline and we are getting light shower activity extending from dewey and bethenny beaches down toward the fenwick island area. there is still a flash flood warning in effect for southern cape may county until 8:15 this morning, you never want to drive across flooded roadways and thinking about those road, this morning it will be wet, there is a chance for flooding, so we will go were not best chance for driving around this morning, this afternoon we will start to dry it out, but still showers. evening will be good. no weather issues as we head later in the evening and overnight. summer nor'easter, of course, slide off coastline allowing high pressure to build in tomorrow and into monday and that means that we will be looking for a great sunday with good amount of sunshine for us. coastal impact quickly for tonight and, later parts of today, additionally we could still see an inch or so of rain in a few areas, wind gusts could be as high as 25 miles an hour, minor beach erosion is a possibility and if you going in the water which suggest you don't do but if you do is there a chance for rip currents to be dangerous. so 77 degrees today for on you high in the city. eighty-two tomorrow. jan we could see 90's by tuesday and wednesday. george cooney put paparazzi on notice his kid are off limits. grain i photos of him and his wife amal and their two month-old twins were published in the french magazine n a statement clooney said photographers scaled his fence , climbed a tree and illegally took pictures of his children inside his home. he went on to say that the photographers in the magazine will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. in other news this morning a family in new york is turning their daughter's medical diagnosis, into a mission to help others, just like her. this family is changing the lives of hundreds of disabled children all around the world by helping them move again. here's kevin craig with more. bell a shore is getting around in ways her parents never thought was possible. bell a's homemade wheelchair is giving her mobility for the first time. >> she's just happy to be, free to do what she wants. >> turnaround. >> reporter: bella was born with spina bifada a birth defect of the spine that has left her with no feeling below her knees. >> we had to carry her, put her in a stroller. >> reporter: that is when bell a's great uncle got involved using a plan he found on line, he construct a wheelchair using a seat for kid, and some tires and a wooden board. >> as we saw her, maneuver built and freedom coming out of her captive body, playing with the other kid, we decide that had we would try to make chairs for other children. >> reporter: they spread the word on facebook, calling the chairs, bella's bumbas and it took off. in a few months they have received 200 order. they have shipped wheelchairs to children in 40 states and as far away as philippines. they don't charge for the instrument. special need family only pay shipping a fraction on of what it would cost to purchase a typical wheelchair. the smiles they have seen from children around the world make it all worth it. >> they want to be independent , play with their other siblings go outside and play, it is amazing. >> go, go. >> reporter: it is showing bella is there nothing that can stop her. kennett craig for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". smile says its all. still ahead this saturday morning it could be a major discovery in the treatment of a debilitating disease how something as simple as a patient's diet could help in the battle against multiple sclerosis, we will be right experimental new treatment for patient was multiple sclerosis as health reporter stephanie stahl reports, it is based on what patients are eating. >> reporter: once a month this pioneering group of ms patients meets to get tips from a nutrition expert. >> whole grains are refined and they are stripped of this outer layer. >> reporter: share their temptations. >> creating it. >> reporter: irenea katz is one of the first clinical trials to study the link between what we eat, gut bacteria and ms symptoms. >> the immune system about 70 percent of lives inside the gut and has far reaching implications throughout the rest of the body. >> reporter: ms inflammation occurred when immune cells attack the brain and spinal cord, this is testing whether a intervention cannery program the immune system to slow down the assault on itself. >> it is very typical looking spot for ms. >> reporter: patients involved in the trial are following a strict mediterranean style diet in processed food, dairy or meat but lots of fruits, vegetables and whole grains. >> those are anti inflammatory and neuro protective. >> reporter: symptoms like fatigue, difficult walking, vision problems and cognitive changes can be severe and disabled. >> i cast fearful because i have a family, my children, my husband. >> reporter: with the help of medication this ms patient is still able to work nights as an oncology nurse, four years after her diagnosis, and now she's hoping the diet will help even more. this is a small study of 30 patient that is will be six months before researchers know if the diet has a measurable impact on ms symptoms, although some of the group are already saying they feel more energetic. i'm stephanie stahl for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". so this probably doesn't qualify as part of the mediterranean diet but the italian dish lah sonja is celebrate today, it is national lasagna day which gives everyone a great excuse to enjoy a pan of delicious ness at home or at your favorite italian restaurant. lasagna day is recognized each day on july 29th. of course, dish made up of wide flat pasta with several layers of various ingredients, sauces, cheese, lasagna recipes have been circulating since 14th century, originally lasagna was name of the pot that the dish was cooked in. you learned something new every day on this show. now i know what i want for lunch or dinner and that for me is right around noon. flash flood watch is in effect this morning, matt peterson is back with what we need to know about summer nor'easter bringing heavier rain to parts of the region, that is ahead. also an investigation expand into possible carbon monoxide leaks in ford explorers. and no cars allowed here why miles of center city streets will soon shut down to drivers, we will be right back hi. can you help me save on my energy bill? old appliances. like a hot water heater? it's around here somewhere. nope. nope. what is this thing? sir, have you looked in the basement? huh. oh, yeah. no wonder. it was hidden behind all of my free weights. if you're not an expert, peco can help. we have lots of ways to help you save energy and money. peco. the future is on. a live lot storm scan three, this morning rain, and a whole lot of it to the south of the city. matt peterson is tracking the heaviest rainfall and how long it will impact your weekend plans. good morning everyone i'm jan carabao. lets get to that sloppy forecast with meteorologist matt peterson. good saturday morning, matt. let the record show i'm not calling you sloppy but i'm calling your forecast, sloppy, just making a distinction. >> okay. it is just a messy morning for us for sure, heavy rain started last night. it is continuing into this morning. it does look like it will last , for at least parts of the morning maybe until about lunchtime hours and then we will start to dry things out. outside right now we do still have our flash flood watch that is in effect until 2:00 o'clock this afternoon for pretty much the entire delaware valley this does include us here in philadelphia, southern montgomery county, suburbs to the west including chester and delaware county. bucks county and points north to the lehigh valley and poconos not in the flash flood watch and not a lot of rain falling there in the last couple of hours or so but not the case into southern new jersey and southern delaware, that is where we have seen heaviest rainfall from last night, now here in to this morning. thinks our most flood prone area in southern new jersey and back down into southern delaware but again even here in philadelphia we have a flash flood watch until 2:00 this after noon. this is our neighborhood network camera in kutztown maybe see a break in the cloud s already up there to the north at 66 degrees in kutztown but again those light s, little bit of light break go through included cover and that is indicative of what we will see across the area probably later this afternoon and definitely on sunday, we will see some sunshine tomorrow, again hopefully some breaks in the cloud later today. storm scan three heaviest rain is just off the new jersey coastline and so we are not getting a ton of precipitation right now but we are watching second area of precipitation off to the west and that could circle back around and we will be continuing to at lee track some shower activity throughout the next couple of hours or so again through most of the morning. our shore points with heavier rain and still seeing temperatures in the 70's and 60's northerly wind flow and we could see maybe a little bit later tonight and into the night time hours we might see the potential for some limited beach erosion because we could get gusty wind and as tides get higher we will wash away that sand. temperatures will stay in the zero seven's throughout the day today. we will hit our high temperature in the until 5:00 where we will get to 77 degrees and we will see three and 5:00 some of that sunshine that i know you want are break go through. >> i'm waiting for it, thanks, matt. time to check road. lets get over to amanda muhler in the cbs-3 traffic center, good morning. >> good morning, a messy morning out there on the roadways, if you can, maybe a great morning to stay off road and just sleep in but if you can't good news several earlier accidents that we mentioned earlier including woodhaven road and 76 have now cleared, we are looking live at schuylkill at belmont and it is just a sloppy morning out there. even our camera is wet and we are seeing pooling on the roadway so turn on the head lights, slow down but majors are looking g we have a travel alert for those in south philadelphia pace young avenue bridge is closed until monday, and that is between 28th and 61st street and you can use the platt bridge as your alternate to get around that. and taking a live look, close-up at ben franklin bridge roadways are just wet every where including pennsylvania and new jersey but so far there is no obstacles on the way in and out of the city this morning. in the traffic center i'm amanda muhler now jan, back to you. totally a die sleep in, thank you so much. new this morning a two alarm fire rips through a camden row home sending several people to the hospital this morning. "eyewitness news" reporter anita oh is live at the scene. >> reporter: jan, good morning i have learned very tragic details. we are now confirming with authorities that one child has been killed in this fire overnight in the 1200 block of morton street here in camden. you can see is there still plenty of debris and damage here on the ground in this twin row home. i'm learning that 11 people were inside at the time that includes five adults and six children but again one of those children we're learning has died in this blaze. now fire begin in the first floor living room and there was a lot of damage and chaotic scene when authorities arrived. the chief fire marshall is investigating inside but still way too early to determine any kind of cause. ten of those people inside are being evaluated right now at cooper university hospital, and again, fire did begin in a first floor living room but fire chief michael harper says there were functioning smoke alarms and he does not suspect foul play. >> we normally have a suspicious fire in a building with that many people being at home, they do have working smoke detectors. so once fire marshall gets in there and does an investigation we will be able to give you more concrete information on how it started and things of that nature and we will give updates on the injuries as well. >> again, live look at the scene, you can see even a small pink chair for a child out there. there is, confirmed one child has been killed in this blaze in the 1200 block of morton street here in camden due to an overnight fire. neighbors described that young girl as a bubbly, fun spirit and they are just mourning her loss, this morning, again, fire overnight here on the 1200 block of morton street in camden has claimed life of the young girl 10 others being treated at cooper university hospital although their injuries and the extent of their injuries are unknown at this time. again we did just speak to the chief fire marshall inside and they are investigating the cause right now and there is no word what sparked this blaze. we will bring you much more of the latest developments on cbs but live from camden i'm anita oh for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> anita, thank you. philadelphia police charged a frankford man with murdering two of his neighbors investigators say 69 year-old kennett coyle shot and killed 45 year-old bob depaul and 42 year-old august dempsey, this happened july 16th on the 4700 block of james street. coyle claims the couple scaled his fence during an argument so he fired in self-defense. meantime damage bridge is forcing new jersey trans to it suspend services a raining the atlantic city rail line between philadelphia and cherry hill this weekend. boom truck crashed in the bridge yesterday afternoon on the 700 block of river road in pennsauken, one person was injured. trains will continue to operate between cherry hill and atlantic city, new jersey transit is offering bus services between cherry hill and philadelphia. morey piers in wildwood is giving all clear to one of the closed ride following the tragedy on the fireball lied in the ohio state fair. the amusement park reopened it ride to the public, new jersey officials wanted to review the attraction because high speed ride spins like the fireball another spinning attraction the malestorm is closed until further notice. on wednesday fireball broke apart at ohio state fair killing one person. a major development resulting from an ongoing cbs news investigation, national highway traffic safety administration says that the number of complaints and injuries related to possible carbon monoxide leaks of ford explorers is much higher then previously thought. now officials in one city are pulling the suvs off the road, chris van cleve. >> reporter: report this 2012 henderson louisiana police explorer was badly damaged in the crash after officers say its driver passed out from carbon monoxide exposure in april. >> when she was treated at the hospital we had requested testing for carbon monoxide and her levels were lethal. >> reporter: thursday that officer filed suit against ford and many more owners, model year 2011 through 2017 are reporting carbon monoxide says it is seeping in their vehicles. national traffic highway safety administration says 2700 complaints have been lodged against the auto maker and 41 people reported injuries. like new port beach, california police officer brian mcdowell who crashed into a tree in 2015, after passing out behind the wheel. >> i just went out just like that. >> reporter: or sergeant zachary lahoud in austin, texas whose dash cam was rolling as he called for help. lahoud is one of at least 20 austin police office hours were treated for carbon monoxide expose ire. officials say they are removing all of the cities more than 400 explorers from service. >> while we work with the manufacturer, and federal safety agencies, a more permanent solution. >> reporter: but it is not just police vehicles, bulk of the complaints come from red ford owners like stacy jones she traded her 2014 explorer for 2017 and says that the problem did not go away. >> frustrating because at this point i don't know what i'm going to do. >> reporter: nhtsa says they have in proof that the juster are injuries reported were cause by carbon monoxide but investigators say levels may be elevated during certain driving scenarios. ford says safety is its top priority and has a teamworking with police and regulators continue on investigate reported issues and solve them chris van cleve, cbs news, washington. and in other news this morning, tesla is hoping its new model will expand from a luxury car to main stream. its first mass market electric car rolled off tesla's production plant in freemont, california. the electric car maker delivered its new model three to its first 30 customers. the entry model gets up to 215 u this dollars is half of the cost of tesla's previous models. >> i want to just say first we have lined up for its car and some cases it has been spending days outside of our stores to be first on the list i just want you to know, we really say that matters to us. >> however, analyst warn of potential pitfalls, tesla had quality problems even when producing vehicles on the smaller scale and compact model three may be less appealing as other electric models go on sale. get ready to clear streets of the cars and clutter with another philly free streets day october 28th. and this time it covers several neighborhood from center city up and through north philadelphia, creating a car free zone for miles. thousands will get to explore the city by enjoying a walk, biking or jog ago long city streets without those pesky cars or trucks in their way. still ahead right here on cbs-3 "eyewitness news" this saturday morning lighter side of the tsa become an unlikely star on instagram thanks to pictures like these, how about that? see unique items people bring on airplanes including some of the surprising things that are actual a loud. life lessons at a one of the kind summer camp i'm davey spunt with how philly's under privileged kid are quickly rising to the top. and a live look at ocean city think morning, yuck, jersey shore and delaware are getting the worst of the summer nor'easter. matt paterson is tracking heavy rain and when we could see the sunshine again. okay, matt, i'm [ intense music playing ] ] it's here, but it's going by fast. the opportunity of the year is back: the mercedes-benz summer event. get to your dealer today for incredible once-a-season offers, and start firing up those grilles. lease the e300 for $569 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. >>joe: hi.this is pennsylvania state treasurer joe torsella. our state treasury is proud to launch the pa able program, a savings plan for people with disabilities, including erin. open a pa able account today by visiting our website at tsa is serious about aviation, security but now using humor to convey important information. three on your side's jim donovan explains how the organization has gained popularity on social media. >> reporter: tsa can be boss i , shoes off lap tops out, arms up, liquids small, but ts a can also be pretty funny at least on line where its instagram account aims to show the agency's human side but by posting some bizarre items people try to bring on planes like a shrunk even voodoo head made from the goat, from powe apocalyptic fully loaded gas mask to battering rams, guns and propane tanks. tsa has seen it all this dead body was screened in atlanta, don't worry, it is a movie prop. one burns runs tsa instagram and his enduring combination of weird items and corny captions earned him two webby nominations, 750,000 followers and number four spot on the rolling stones list of must follows. that is ahead of beyonce. >> the purpose of the account is to show people all of the things that we're finding, nationwide, and educate people on what you can and cannot bring. >> reporter: tsa is also on twitter this command center outside washington offers up to 1,000 real time answers a day to more straightforward questions like can i carry on this face mask? you can't carry it on but you can check it. >> our goal was only to be able to help passengers. i think in the end, that this program has really helped to soften the public perception of tsa. >> reporter: softer image helped build one like at a time. in addition to twitter you can contact the tsa through facebook's messenger service on holidays their hours listed on the tsa facebook page. reporting for three on your side, i'm jim donovan. just never know what you will find in someone's suitcase i guess. there is a lot coming up on cbs this morning saturday, anthony mason and dana jacobson join us live in new york with the preview good morning. >> good morning, jan. coming up we will have the day 's headlines plus last night tesla began delivering its long awaited affordable electric vehicle, does it live up to the hype though? we will take a closer look. comedian hanibul burris has gone from the small stage to the biggest screens, we will talk to him about his recent move in the big budget movies and long time love of stand up. >> all that plus your eye opener, the dish, and music in our saturday session just ahead on cbs this morning saturday. >> looking forward to it. see new 14 minutes, thank you. well, storms are flooding parts of the south injuries think morning, "eyewitness news" meteorologist katie fehlinger tweeted this video from sea isle city. she noticed water near tops of those peoples wells, reminder never to drive through flood waters. that rain has been coming down hard overnight and we have the end in sight, at lee, right. >> end is in sight and where katie is down there in southern new jersey they have a flash flood warning in effect. you don't want to be driving around down there are you asking about when we will see the end? >> um-hmm. >> it will be probably by this afternoon. >> nice. >> it will be really nice on sunday. >> great. >> so light at the end of the tunnel, it is right there, outside, currently, it is currently definitely a day where we're seeing plenty of precipitation, it is not the case every where, we will were going to try to take a lot is what going on up in the poconos but it is dryer, but we are still seeing plenty of shower activity, for us, again , across the area right now. so storm scan three is showing you that precipitation as we continue to track through the morning, new our weather watchers, they have been up with us for the last, maybe hour or so, maybe a little bit more than that but we're talking about temperatures in the 60's, across the delaware valley, so it is a cool morning for to us go with all of this damp weather and difficult just want to talk about a rape amounts, one more time you can see we have a couple more in here. levittown pennsylvania, williamstown, just around a couple of the tenth of an inch , tabernacle new jersey, johnnies saying in his backyard is just around .4 of an inch and then back down toward willingboro, kennett martin coming in at right around maybe just over a tenth of an inch of rain. so definitely a wet morning, for us across the area and it is going to be wet for most of us at lee for first half of the day and then we will dry things out. outside poconos currently here , it is looking pretty good actually, maybe even a few breaks in the cloud for our neighbors to the north and lehigh valley and poconos as well, and that is what we're going to be seeing here in philadelphia and then eventually back down to the south as we go through the next couple of hours, and especially later this afternoon. storm scan three once again shows you our low still down to the south center of the low pressure right around d.c. area, maybe over toward del marva peninsula and it will track out, right now heavier precipitation is on the eastern side of the low kind of tracking up the coastline right now, we will still see reds, yellows and oranges just off the coast of new jersey. good news there is that heaviest rain has now moved off the coast line and zooming into the philadelphia area just some light shower activity for us here in center city and same for montgomery county, bucks county but suburbs to the west really looking dry at this point out toward trenton maybe light shower activity here this morning as well. taking a trip down toward the shore you see atlantic city, ocean city, little egg harbor as well, maybe some showers for you, also a chance for more moderate rainfall embed ded in these light areas of precipitation but heading further south even though our flash flood warning is still in effect for southern cape may county until 8:15, good news here is that time being we are looking at just light shower activity, most of the heaviest rainfall off the coast line and same goes for delaware where we have seen lots of areas that have seen almost 5 inches of rain in some parts of the southern delaware and sussex county. also good news we have had some amend to our flash flood watch. it goes until 2:00 this afternoon but you will see southern montgomery county, also philadelphia county, chester, delaware counties, all now removed from our flash flood watch but if you are in southern new jersey and southern delaware, still that have flash flood watch in effect until 2:00 o'clock this afternoon and here is our flash flood warning, again, southern cape may county. now until around noon time or so we will go with period of rain, generally staying to the south of us here in philadelphia. as we go through early afternoon that rain starts to taper off and it is kind of doing so but a few lingering showers could be still out there early afternoon really starting to dry out, a few, again, very, very isolated showers could be still seen far south of the city toward shore points after maybe three- or so but that chance getting less. for the rest of the day, it looks like only place where we could see precipitation again along jersey shore points back in southern delaware, maybe, maybe another half inch or so of rain is a possibility but that will probably be amended as we go through the morning hours. 77 degrees for our high here in philadelphia, some breaks in the cloud cover as we go later in the afternoon, wonderful sunday low humidity high of 82, lots of sunshine, to wrap weekend up. it gets warmer as we head in the workweek. eighty-six on monday. sunshine continues not just monday but tuesday and generally in the wednesday as well but 90's back in the forecast and jan, as we head toward next week we could get maybe another chance for shower or thunderstorm on friday but tomorrow will be wonderful. >> that is right, machine through part of the wednesday looking pretty dry too. >> absolutely. >> i like it, thank you matt. summer camps are in full swing all across the region and a program at one camp is giving children a one leg up in the field of science, technology, engineering and math. "eyewitness news" reporter david spunt has the details. >> reporter: sometimes a summer for a seven year-old with no place to go may seem like a prison and kid inside are learning literal meaning offhanded on experience. >> i love science. >> reporter: amir campbell spent a few hours friday making slime and she loves it. she's part of the summer camp run by a group called youth engineering in science, it gives children a chance to learn about science, technology, engineering and math, stem. >> you get to be messy. >> reporter: iyana furhman is among dozens of interns who volunteer with the kid. >> it makes me happy and puts a big old smile on my face when they did something they never did before. >> reporter: 500 kid are involved in the month long program to day was last day but organizers call it a tremendous success. >> it is exposure, it is experiences and expectations. >> reporter: teacher kathy walsh runs the summer camp and she calls it stem for all, walsh and her daughter began youth engineering and science program back in 2009. >> these kid are not ending up in stem fields. they are in very small percentages of my north people in stem and we need to change that situation. >> reporter: walsh and furhman came by on the last day of cam top spend time with the students, their new friends. >> really nice to see their smiles on the face and seeing them learn. >> reporter: behind these bars learning is associated with a mir campbell's favorite word, fun. >> we always do fun things and come in here making sure we have fun. >> reporter: in philadelphia, david spunt for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". keep them busy and keep them learning f they have fun that is cherry on top. we will be right back w check this out the storms that caused flooding down jersey shore are moving out to sea but flooding remains a problem at coastal communities this morning. early this morning some streets in avalon there were impassable, local law enforcement agencies also report flooding near wildwood, sea isle city and lower township. just take your time, it will take sometime for that what the tore recede. katie fehlinger sent us video from sea isle city that looks like that this morning. still a concern. >> is there still flash flood warning for southern cape may county until 8:15. we have a flash flood watch for same areas in southern new jersey and in southern delaware, until 2:00 this afternoon. so while some of the heaviest rainfall for time being is now slowly moving off the coast we are in the out of the wood. few light showers will be possible and maybe even some of those southern areas, southern parts of the new jersey back down toward cape may and into southern delaware , still a potential for, at lee period of heavy rainfall. there is our flash flood watch until 2:00 this afternoon, good news is philadelphia and surrounding pennsylvania suburbs in longer involved in that flash flood watch and we will get to 77 today, much nicer for sunday and looks good into next week. >> get housework done in the morning and once it clears get outside and did something nice >> we have it all work out. >> writing it down. >> awesome. that is it for eyewitness nice for now but we may be signing off on tv but we are always on line cbs cbs this morning saturday is next. have a great day, everyone. from the time i was pregnant with him, had so much life and energy in him. he wanted out, and he wanted to conquer the world. right now, quinton's goal is to be a doctor. it's not easy being a single parent with three kids and having to provide for them. but my son will be an amazing doctor, and he'll help people that are less fortunate. no matter where you are in your college journey, sallie mae can help you find the money you need. captioning funded by cbs good morning. it's july 29th, 2017. welcome to "cbs this morning: saturday." a stormy week at the white house ends with a bang as the president's chief of staff resigns. plus, north korea launches its second intercontinental ballistic missile. why this one successful and more scary. will tesla make electric cars mainstream. and a rare sight captured in the himalayas.

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