Good to see you. Likewise. It would have been nicer if it was under cooler circumstances day. We have a lot more clouds cover overhead, expected to see some additional showers, thunderstorms out there. So, not quite as bright and sunny as the last few mornings have been, before those storms start today fire up later in the day. So, outside we go, lets get you right on out to storm scan, at the moment, showing more ground clutter than anything. There is, how much, very powerful humidity still out there, with very high dew points, and a lot of moisture to work with. So you have got more clouds than anything, thats going to be the theme through the day. Sometimes the radar can be a little deceiving. We have certainly seen some mist, and some fine drizzle across the Delaware Valley since early this morning. But, you dont really look on the loop like youve had much of anything. That said, still damp, certainly quite steamy outside. Currently low to mid 70s, how much, up and down the shore points, similar scenario here, what i want you to look at though is the on shore winds flow with the winds direction now coming in from the open ocean waterment all it is is sending in lots of moisture for us to work with, and eventually we are going to have to dodge additional showers, and or thunderstorm, so around the region we go, talking mid upper 80s generally speaking at the resort towns, certainly, here in philadelphia. Eightyseven is right where we should be, but you have still got that steamy necessary, thats out there. As i mention, i do come bearing much Better Weather news, there is relief on the way, also really nice stretch of days coming our way. So rahel, ill get to all of the good stuff in my forecast bill later in the show. Well hold you to it. Well, new this morning, fire swept through two row homes, anita o, what can you tell us . Well, rahel, good morning, we were able to get close to the worse of the damage. You can see this row home on 5800 block of larchwood avenue, completely charred out. Neighbors tell me the family who lived here has been evicted, you can see, that there are dozen of bags of trash told a fire started, burned for 45 minutes before crews were able to get it under control. Officials tell us, that two people were taken to pen presbyterian hospital, though not clear what their conditions are at this time. But neighbors tell me one of them is a elderly woman with breathing problems. And many neighbors telling me this morning that theyre grateful for a tightknit group of people on this block, who were pounding some of these doors, warning everyone, to get outside quickly, red cross was just here, and say that surrounding homes have minor smoke damage, but everyone has declined help so far. Many back inside their homes this morning. They rescued seven cats, one dog from inside the home. Still unclear at this time how this fire began, but were told by neighbors that there was white truck around the corner somehow burst into flames 20 minute before these row homes caught on fire, as well, still not clear at this time if those two incidents are related or whether the fire is suspicious, but well keep you updated as new details come in, live in cobbs creek this morning, anita o. And eat, a thank up. Philadelphia police are investigating a murder morning, eyewitnesses reportedly told police there was a fight outside baron 9800 block of west wing a hocking street. Man died after being shot in the neck. Still no word on a suspect. President obama is cutting short his trip to europe to visit dallas early next week. The city continues to mourn the killings of five Police Officers, seven others hurt, the president has been in warsaw, poland, for nato summit. The president was scheduled to return to washington on monday, and instead he will leave spain sunday night, dallas mayor Mike Rawlings says authorities believe gunman, Micah Johnson, the only attacker, during standoff with police, investigators say, johnson told them he was upset about the recent Police Shootings, and wanted kill white people specially white Police Officers. During a prayer vigil the mayor said dallas is safe and the city can start to heal. I get to quote st. Paul. In the end, three things remain fate, hope and love. Okay . We need all three today. Police killed Micah Johnson with a bomb when he refused to give up. Dallas mourning the five Fallen Police officers gunned down by the loan attacker thursday night. Seven others as we mentioned were hurtment Kenneth Craig with more now on the lives that were lost and those that are forever changed. Dozen officers were shot in the street of dallas, five of them made the ultimate sacrifice. Good young man, hes my boy. Ricks son patrick was a navy veteran of iraq, and married with a two year old daughter. Senior corporal lauren, 48 year old father, and the husband after Dallas Police detective. Sergeant Michael Smith was a married father of two teenagers. Dart officer, brent thompson, married a fellow officer, just two weeks ago, and 40 year old michael krol always wanted to be a cop. We need to all get along. This has to stop. The seven wounded officers are expected to recover from their physical injuries. Doctor rom jensen through on his clothes and headed to the er thursday night, along with about 50 other bail or University Medical Center Employees who were home when the violence broke out. Our whole team is bleeding blue today. These have been trains formed into memorials for the fallen officers after what was the deadliest day for Law Enforcement until the us since 9 11. Eric stopped by to pray, while other laid flowers, wrote cards. My heart hurt for them, for their families. Vigil was held and dart officers surburban hometown, chance for the community to share their grief and their gratitude. Kenneth craig, for cbs3, Eyewitness News. Just one day after the ambush in dallas, two more Police Officers have been shot in separate states. And both cases, authorities say, the officers were ambushed. In south george, a police say a man called 911 to report a breakin, and then shot the officer, who came to investigate. The officer was able to fire back, both men were hurt, but are expected to live. And, in the st. Louis suburb of baldwin, an officer was ambush while walking bang to his car during a traffic stop. The officer is in critical condition. The suspect is charged with assault of a police officer, and is now behind bars. Three groups held protests in center city philadelphia. Were told all of them were peaceful. The demonstration also part of the outrage over the recent deadly shootings of africanamerican men. Marchers made their way to city hall where Eyewitness News reporter alexandria hoff now picks up the story. We told them everyone to talk to him. But between our community anthem. Stepbystep, marchers departed from broad and erie around 5 30. It was a four and a half mile walk to sit hall, and they werent going alone. At first Philadelphia Police who shutdown broad street for much of the evening, largely outnumbered just dozen or so protesters. The crowd grew, as the miles came. They thought we were going to be violent. Thats not how we do things. Clearly we come together. We dont hate police. We just hate watching our children be murdered. March he is gathered at city hall. Both condemn wag they say is discriminatory police violence, denouncing murderous actions taken toward officers in dallas. Before night fell, a second group joined in. And they all continued on, as did a flock of officers assigned to protect them. Thats how it ends. And tell me what it was like to be surrounded by so many officers, escorting, making sure that this was a safe demonstration, blocking traffic, how does that work into this conversation . Failure to plan is preparing to fail. So we plan before we went out, we talked to them, we let them know what we were going to do, they actually worked with us, and it came out good. Around 10 30, two of the groups marching, met up here at city hall, to celebrate what became five hours of peaceful protests. Reporting from city hall, alexandria hoff, cbs3, Eyewitness News. And some might say what youre about to see is a welcome site given the event of the past week. A special events in West Philadelphia has brought police and Children Together to create lasting relationships. Steve from our sister station kyw news radio has a story of how the 18th Police District is connecting with the community. Yellow crime scene tape got strung up all around the 18th. But rather than processing for spent shell casings, this block party fingered the usual suspects, grilled hotdogs and hamburgers. The line up for day care kids to young teens, included water ice, water slides, Face Painting and games. Music. Captain Robin Wimberly said the 18th, like other Police District, Practices Community policing strategies. We see hamburgers, hotdogs, but more interact with them, say hi, talk to them, ask them what they want to do in life, and we need to keep that connection to build the bridges. This event was not hastily organized because of recent tensions and blood shed between police and the community. It is an annual event by the 18th district in West Philadelphia. To build rap or the, and comfort level. Captain wimberly says those young minds are impression recall. We want to show them who we really are before other people manage to hit them with something that were in the. The goal to effectively communicate with and involve folks in the neighborhood to make it safer for both the public and for officers, which in turn, helps Police Prevent and solve crimes. Kyw news radio, for cbs3, Eyewitness News. Still ahead there is a win they are morning, for last nights giant 540 milliondollar Mega Millions jackpot. Where that ticket was sold and the numbers when we come right back. Plus it could be a lifesaver. Potential new way to tell us a certain cancer will come back. Well be right back. Fios is not cable. Were wired differently. So we wired the wagners house with 100 meg internet. Which means that in the time it takes mrs. Wagners car to arrive for the airport, she can use fios to download the movie up in the air to watch while shes. Up in the air. Thats the power of fiber optics. And right now you can get 100 meg internet with equal upload and downloads speeds, tv and phone for just 69. 99 per month online. Cable cant offer internet speeds this fast at a price this good. Only fios can. Been trying to prepare for this day. And im still not ready. The reason im telling you this is that there will be moments in your life that. Youll never be ready for. Your little girl getting married being one of them. There is one winner, that 540 million Mega Millions jackpot, that ticket was sold in indianna. Here are the numbers in case you want a smaller prize. We have those numbers again on our website cbsphilly. Com. If you are waking up maybe a little disappointed, that you did not win, katie is shear with sport. I can make it all bet r for you. Good morning, good to be with you on a saturday morning, and, you know, we are actually still in the midst of the very soupy air mass, guys, thankfully i promise you relief down the road here, yes, many of us not waking up millionaires, but there is at least some nicer weather down the road, maybe nice trade off for us, right . We check in with the eyewitness weather watchers, up and adam, great to hear from all of them, and theyre also all reporting some very soupy air, thats out there right now. Allen is out in delran, reporting mainly just a lot of clouds, but 98 humidity and did he mention it is drizzling, so much moisture, all of the atmosphere is do is squeeze some rainout of the cloudsment thats where thats coming from. We take you further inland here, lets go just north of the city. 71 degrees comes in from jerry aubrey this morning, out in blue bell, hes also at nine of humidity, and hes got a pool party scheduled today. Hoping that the rain stays away, but it does appear though that we are going to see some rain move in, which well discuss throughout the forecast, although, if you have outdoor plans, dont cancel them just yet. 70 degrees temperature that comes in this morning from julia fin drizzle in allentown, wishing everyone nice good morning. Lets go ahead, outside across philadelphia, things still quite cloudy, we have seen drizzle, pretty damp across the Delaware Valley, just . General. But once more we will be dodging some additional showers and thunderstorms as the day goes on. Some of the storms could even be locally strong. We had some of our pretty strong storms rumbled through last night as well, very short list of some of the reports that came in, out in new hope, bucks county, some roads were actually closed because of flooding rainfall. Also road closures due to flooding, numerous report of multiple inches, one, two, three plus inches, worth, of rain that fell, within some of the heaviest thunderstorms. So, it really was a mess, not everywhere, barely had drop of rain at my house, but where you had those heavy thunderstorms come through they really meant business. Now, we arent completely in the clear just yet. Even though we are still at this point just dealing with fine mist, later today, we still need this front. You can sort of see it outlined by the clouds, this front still needs to cross through. And until it does still stuck with humidity, thunderstorms, again some storms could turn locally strong. Not everyone get hit much like we saw yesterday, scattered fashion that these storms rumble in, again, slight risk now issued for portions of eastern pennsylvania, and western, northern, portions of new jersey. I wont cancel the pool party but i would suggest keeping the ears perked as the day goes on, if you hear lightning, head inside. In all likelihood some of the heavier thunderstorms cell could not only produce down burst but gusty wind, possibly hail. I cant totally rule out a tornado, but i want to make it very clear that risk is very, very low. That said, there is a chance, something we will absolutely be keeping an eye on for you later this afternoon union back in action, versus dc corks still be some scattered showers, thunderstorms in the area again key word scattered here, we sort of through the sunshine as well as thunderstorm icon over top for you here. 8 degrees or so take off for that match. Rest of the region as a whole will top off low to mid upper eights, likely only hit 87 degrees briefly in philadelphia, how much, because once the storms get underway that will help actually cool things off them start to see the humidity winding down, dropping off in the dew point factors through sunday, so, by monday, tuesday, and wednesday, of course in time for us to head back to work, regardless some very nice weather coming our way, rahel, monday, tuesday, wednesday, some seasonable warmth to go along with it. Well take it, thank you, katie. On the cbs3 health watch, blood tests to detect cancer. They are called liquid biopsies. Health reporter Stephanie Stahl tells us about the research on this new technique. Is. Could predict whether early stage cancer patient, according to researchers at John Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center the idea those patients likely to recur should in fact get additional therapy. New test detects fragments linked to cancer better circulating in the blood. It could help doctors determine which colon Cancer Patients would need chemotherapy after surgery. This is the optimum time to treat patients, when they have these tiny amount of cells too low to be seen on xray studies. Currently no fda approved. Liquid biopsy based on genetic generations are the next generation of cancer tests. That study look at 230 stage two colon cancer patient, the blood test was able to pick up about half of those patients who had their cancer come back. Researchers say more studies are needed to confirm the findings. Im Stephanie Stahl, cbs3, Eyewitness News. Still ahead meet the real Life Brothers who inspired the new movie, mike and dave need wedding dates. Well be rid back. Phoenixville celebrates a horror film with a cult following. Recreation of this famous scene from the blob. Take a look. People running for their lives outside the colonial theater. This video from 2014. But this morning, there will be a street fair and parade. The blob is part of double feature at the colonial. And part of the blob was made in phoenixville in 1958. Many people credit the film for making actor Steve Mcqueen a star. Few years ago, two brother posted ads looking for wedding dates, and the results were nor than they bargained for, hits the big screen this weekend being mike and dave need wedding dates, marlie hall with a pro view of this off beat romantic comedy. Zach sake effron, fun Loving Brothers to bring dates to bring to their sisters wedding. Where do we even go . To find the Perfect Match they place an ad on classified. Not your typical wedding caper. It is actually based on real life. These brothers, mike and dave standing he will, ream did i place that ad in 2013, and it became an internet sensation. We never thought anything like that was going to happen. We didnt even like know how to get something to go viral. The response was huge. Their adventures led to book deal, now movie. Theyre on screen counterparts say their pathway to fame was more than dumb luck. It was cool cue lakes behind this. These guys are roam i cool, really smart guys. We didnt know that during the move. I we played them little dumb. In the movie version, Anna Kendrick and aubrey, had pick up as wedding dates. The brothers have promised to keep it classy, but their new friends have different ideas. The brothers finds themselves out partied, and scrambling to save the day. Marlie hall, cbs3, Eyewitness News. And still ahead on Eyewitness News, we will go live to dallas for the latest on the city in mourning after the aftermath of five officers ambushed, also get the latest on the investigation. Plus, good news is on the way for septa after a week of commuter chaos. What the Transit Authority is now doing, to help easing the overcrowding. And a big moment in the spotlight for one little girl. Hear get up on stage and sing with the boss himself, bruce strong steen ahead in our next hour. Grand canyon and glacierger than National Parks combined. And thats not the only thing you can only find in new york state. You can find it all only in new york. New york. Its all here. Its only here. Plan your Summer Vacation at iloveny. Com good morning, im rahel solomon. Out to Katie Fehlinger out on the cbs3 skydeck, looking little gray behind you . Reporter very steamy start to the morning once more, rahel. I just grabbed my handy dandy cbs3 umbrella because there is the most fine drizzle, one i cant decide if i want to open the umbrella or not kinds of situations if youre headed out and traveling in the next couple every minutes, youll find that in a lot of spot. Air just so saturated at this point, these clouds cant do anything but squeeze themselves out with a little bit every rain here. So, lets go ahead, take quick peak of storm scan. Sometimes looks can be very deceiving on radar. What you see is not always what you get. We do see rain on the tail end of the loop of the poconos, along i80, couple of showers firing up, drizzling very lightly right where i am standing, radar does not necessarily show. That will so there is some mist to contend with out there. Currently our temperatures read into the low and mid 70s in most spots, it is a very warm, very muggy start to the day. This is starting to gelled old, sound like broken record, i understand, but trust me there is row leaf on the way that comes down the road, starting as early as tomorrow. So just bear with us through the rest of the day here, between the hours of noon and 3 00 as long as we see enough sunshine, we do expect well spike upper 80s very briefly, generally speaking low to mid 80s where we settle for the next couple of hours here. And it is still quite steamy the rest of the day. Watch for some showers and thunderstorms as the day progresses here, those storms could actually turn locally strong, so coming up later in the show we will talk about the impact of what those storms will have, actually track them, give you sense of timing thats a bit later on, rahel, back to you. Thank you, federal investigators are working with Law Enforcement officials in texas, as they try to piece together what led up to thursdays deadly attack on Police Officers, an in dallas. Authority say the gunman killed five officers augury of two black men, killed gunman using bomb robot. Don champion now live from dallas. As you can see behind me, big chunk every Downtown Dallas still block off, as investigators comb through the crime scene here, two days after the tragedy, becoming clear, that the gunman used his military training to carry out murder. Memorials for the ambush officers thursday continues to grow. As the city united investigators reveal they now believe the gunman behind the attack acted alone. This was a mobile shooter that had written manifestos, on how to shoot and move, shoot and move. Us intelligence source tells cbs news, 25 year old Micah Johnson, former army reservist, who served in after began stand, had been planning an attack for some time. Officers from the street before eventually being cornered, and killed, by authorities, at a nerve by college. On friday, investigators uncovered an arsenal in his home, including bomb making materials, and rifles. As the city of dallas heals, elsewhere protests over the Police Killings of two black men this week continue. Tensions boiled over, demonstrators, trying to block traffic on a freeway. Pepper spray, pepper sprayed children. While condemning the dallas shooting. Not i weigh to stop. President obama cutting short trip to europe this weekend, so he can visit dallas early next week. Investigator do not believe the gunmen had any connection to the black lives matter movement. But they do say he followed black millitant groups on social media, there is good news, seven other officers who were injured in the shooting, all of them are expected to recover. Most of them have been released from the hospital. Good news indeed. I know youve been there since shortly after the incident, what do you know about the way dallas is coming together snow. City hall here, part of it has been turned into a blood bank, last night, texas rangers, Baseball Team here, held moment of silence, and you see that memorial growing outside the police headquarters, as well. Beautiful site overnight as well when many of the buildings here in Downtown Dallas turned blue, in honor of all of the officers. Thank you very much for your report. Still very much in mourning. Well, three groups of demonstrators protested for the third day on the street of philadelphia. Police escorted the demonstrators as they marched. The marchers are outraged over the Police Killings of Philando Castile in minnesota and alton sterling in louisianna. They made it clear, how much, they do not hate Police Officers, and and denounced the killings of five officers in dallas, but they did condemn what they considered discriminatory police violence. All of the demonstrations were peaceful. Following the shootings in dallas, presumptive president ial nominee called for restraint and understanding. Last night, Democrat Hillary Clinton brought her message to the African Methodist Episcopal Church in philadelphia, Eyewitness News reporter david spunt was there. Hillary clinton ways nod time getting to the shootings in dallas, when she took to the stage. I have been following the news of the past few days with horror and grief. Clinton called for call until front of about 4,000 at the ame Church Convention in center sit. I no one has all the answers. We need to find them together, dine he had, that is the only way we can find them. Clinton told the crowd he would invest 1 billion in police training, ifee elected president. Ame members who watched clinton praised her ideas antone after a rough week for americans. This is america. And it is great. And im glad to be a part of it. Clinton ended by telling the crowd their role in the church can make a difference. And i would not be here tonight if i did not believe we can come together with a sense of shared purpose and belief in our shared humanity. We learned last night because of the Police Shootings in dallas, the security plan for the dnc . Just a few weeks is under review. Reporting at the convention center, david spunt, cbs3, Eyewitness News. Presumptive nominee released video statement on the shootings. Abrupt al attack in our police force is an attack on our country, and an attack on our families. We must stand in solidarity with Law Enforcement, the deaths of alton sterling in louisianna, and Philando Castile in minute society, a also make clear how much more work we have to do to make every american feel that their safety is protected. Trump ended his statement by saying he will make america safe again. Back to the story weve been following all morning, several rowhouses catch fire in West Philadelphia, we know two people are hurt. Eyewitness News Reporter anita o live at the scene, what can you tell us . Rahel, good morning, pretty extensive damage to the row homes 5800 part of larchwood avenuement you can see much of this row home has been completely charred out. And crews have been on scene clearing out some of these homes and restoring the windows here, neighbors tell me that the family that lives in the main unit thats been affected was an evicted, and they were moving belongings from this home as late as yesterday, you can see, that there are bags of trash here on the porch as well as old furniture, Officials Say that the fire here started around 1 00 this morning, it burned for about 45 minutes before they were able to get it under control, and officials also tell us that two people were taken to pen presbyterian, but not clear what their conditions are, at this time. Neighbor tells me it was a he will letter i woman with breathing problems, tightknit grew on it block, many were pounding on some of the doors yelling at neighbors to get out. The red cross was just here, they say that surrounding homes only have minor smoke damage, and everyone who lives here has drink help so far. Many actually back in their homes at this time. The red cross Emergency Relief Team also here, they rescued seven cats and one dog, from the affected homes. It is still unclear at this time how this fire began, but around the corner white truck that burst into flames, about 20 minute before the row homes here caught on fire, at this point, still unclear whether those two incidents are related or whether officials believe this fire is sus push. For now live in cobbs creek, anita o, cbs3 Eyewitness News. Suspect the arsonist behind bars after rash of fires across the city. Police say charles ricks, jr. , confess today terrorizing camden by intentionally setting more than a dozen fires in vacant property last weekends. Seven firefighters were hurt battling those fires, investigators say surveillance cameras near the properties help them finds ricks. Well, help is on of the i weigh for septa after Transit Authority removed defective cars from service. The scene at Jefferson Station last night, as many commuters finish offer a week every delays, missed trains. Starting monday septa will run leased trains from amtrak, new jersey transit, and the maryland area Regional Commuter train service. Septa says it expect the defective trains to remain down through labor day. The showboat in Atlantic City now open for business after closing its doors in 2014. Resort property owned. Hotel features over 800 rooms with 38 ocean front suites. Developers bart blaspheme purchased the property in january, and plans to keep the showboat name, but offer a different theme next year. Strike willing Union Workers off the job for full week, so far, no new talks scheduled. Workers say they want their Health Insurance and Pension Plans restored. The benefits were terminated by the previous owners in 2014. Owner carl icon said he offered Union Workers health plan terms last week. Still ahead this morning, it is not exactly what you would expect to find walking down the street in north philly. But, a giant garden is sprouting up. See how it is bringing the community together, and even improving peoples health. Who wants a pizza . Dont need to give up your spot in the sand. Vittoria woodill takes you to a shore town where deliveries are made right on the beach. Heave heatwave coming to an end. When you can expect to make it a lot more comfortable when Eyewitness News fios is not cable. Were wired differently. So we wired the wagners house with 100 meg internet. Which means that in the time it takes mr. Wagners to pour a 20 oz. Cup of coffee, tommy can download 30 songs, and jan can upload 120 photos. 12 seconds. Thats the power of fiber optics. And right now you can get 100 meg internet with equal upload and download speeds, tv and phone for just 69. 99 per month online. Cable cant offer internet speeds this fast at a price this good. Only fios can. When youre the parent of a disabled child, you realize that the world can be a harsh place. But you also realize it can be a really loving, wonderful place. When i saw donald trump mock somebody who was disabled, i was appalled. You gotta see this guy. Ahh, i dont know what i said, ahh, i dont remember that reporter suffers from a chronic condition that impairs movement of his arms. It told me everything i need to know about his heart and what he believes deep down. Priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. Anthony mason, vanita meyer join us live from new york with a preview t has been quite a week. Good morning to you both. Very distressing week, rahel, good morning, the latest on the shootings in dallas. Plus, hacking the olympics. There has been up tick in cyber attacks, and the l i am pick games. Show you whats being done to protect high tech hijack. Plus bringing the ivy league behind bars. Well show you why new york state is now tacking Higher Education to hardened criminals. And it is the real life west wing, new documentary takes us inside the white house to show what it is like to work and live there. The dish, music from gregory port nerve our saturday session, just ahead on cbs this morning. The week send usually whether a lot of us make our Grocery Store runs for the week, but this week, maybe skip the store, hit a garden thats been growing healthy food for years. Justin finch shows us the brewerytowns garden. In this green and still growing garden, much more meets the eye. We have broccoli. We have collard greens. We have collie flower. We have rude paying a. We have spring mix. We have potatoes. Well have corn. We have strawberries, garlic, and many more. For almost seven years, jeannie brooks has tilled and tended this patch at 27th and mass nerve brewerytown. It is a great place to hang out. Wove beautiful mural. It is peaceful. We can keep our eye on the neighborhood, and the children. Marathon grill first farm here in 2010 and invited neighbors to join in. Once they moved out, neighbors grew in. Fellow gardners work with the city to take over the lands. We went from having about ten different gardners, to now having over 50 families representing from the this community in this garden. Last year brewerytown among the first to join the Fairmount Park system. In the middle is water crest and cilantro. So celery neighbors not just finding this green corner gardners say, theyre flocking here. People discovered us, and became, you know, lifelong customers, everything is pick, harvested that morning. So you cant get it any fresher than that. Over almost five years, sharon has watched this garden give some neighbors back their health. Poor woman gave us weekly reports she was losing by eating more vegtables, living healthier lifestyle, because she was introduced to vegtables here. And to savings there is locally grown produce yields lower prices. I look at the prices of organic prices in the gregory store, bell pepper costs 4. And, you know, i can grow probably 40 bell peppers on one plant across the season, and i paid 2 from bag every feed. In brewerytown, justin finch, cbs3, Eyewitness News. Happening today, think of it as a block party in haddonfield. The Camden County community is hosting its 24th annual craft and fine art festival. Organizers say the two day outdoor festival attack hundreds of artist and more than 100,000 visitors. The festival runs from 11 this morning until 7 00 tonight. Also tomorrow, from nine to five. Katie joining us now, katie, for all of those folks looking for outdoor plans . Might be the better way to do it. Tomorrow looks likes the better forecast day, if you have outdoor plans, i wouldnt cancel them, there may be some glitches along the way, definately going to be very steamy day, as well. With that said, i want to check in with the eyewitness weather watchers up bright and early or kind of dull and early, actually this picture came in from phil chap line in the last ten minutes, saying still pretty damp outside, also wishing if you were with us the last half hour, one the other eyewitness weather watchers jerry says he has pool party today, keeping the fingers crossed, so phil hoping he gets it in here. Another one, solar light, came in from ed connor, said it is still bright and on because after dull sky. So, just interesting that it is still so dark outside. Out into newark we go, it is just hazy, and misty this picture comes in from del or, out to the map, quickly touch in on couple of these spots here, finding low spots, 70 degrees comes in this morning from peter, actually reporting back little phone drizzle, high humidity, so soupy outside. And we go to one more, before we go to the map here. Seventy from bill laden he too within the last ten minute reporting from fine rain and drizzle. And he actually said had enough, trip oley, softball tournament. Good luck to you for one thing, also, we will at this it keep the rainout of your way, bill. Take you outside, show you our live Neighborhood Network first, outside Middle Township High School we go. To where it is again, that very similar view, just gray and gloomy to kick start the morning here. It is still going to be very warm morning. And the second you walk out the door first thing you notice how soupy the air mass; i feel like it will be the descriptive word i use all morning long, but doppler estimates from yesterday, if you had some thunderstorms rumble through, they really meant business. So couple of bulls eyes where we got hit the hardest with multiple inches every rain falling. New record locate in the pomona. 3. 476 fence in really short amount of time. So, that easily led to flashflooding across that region. We had quite a few report that far in fact around the region as whole. Now it may look all innocent and tranquil right now, but expecting frontal boundery to cross you there later today. And until that happens, we can continue to be stuck in this just unstable air mass, and with all of the moisture still pent up in the atmosphere to work with, we once again could have pretty heavy downpours, as well as renewed threat for some severe weather. So once more, the Storm Prediction Center has put our region at least part of it into a slight risk for some locally severe thunderstorms later on today. So thats really the timing, mainly afternoon, toward night fall, that gusty winds possibly some hail, and heavy downpours look to be the biggest concern. The whole region clouded here, but we may see the strongest storms off to the north from philadelphia on north we say. What can you expect then . Here is short list. More of bullet point kind of an outline for you here. Scattered, is going to be the key phrase here. For any thunderstorms to pop up. But intense downpours much like what you saw last night and slow travel to go along with, that casino of given, right . Gusty winds, small hail also possibility. So still left with the fine rain and drizzle the rest of the morning, then later this afternoon, start to see heavier storm sells, will maurice, heavy downpours there is verifies right along, we could be getting doused when substantial torren sean downpours at 6 00, 7 00, ann continue on with the threat right into the evening before we finally clear out. So through the overnight wont get woken up. Quick check on the shore forecast, today the worse of the two weekends days for surement tomorrow we start it feel the humidity drop offment monday looks beautiful, similar scenario monday, tuesday, and wednesday. Much nicer weather on the who are r eyes on, rahel. Katie, thank you. Opinion perfect day beach no one wants it leave their spot to get something to eat. So, Vittoria Woodill shows you how in Sea Isle City theyll deliver your food right to you right there on the beach. Check did it out with temperatures as hot as this, no one trying to leave the beach. So everybodys ordering pizza. Who do they have as their delivery gal . Me, because they picked a hotter day for me to jump on the beef more. Okay, sam, got a lot of pizza on the docket. Yes, we do. Tori, did you clock in. Doing it now. I dont know what youre waiting for. All right. We didnt talk about my salary yet. What made you deliver to the beach . So people dont have to leave the beach. Park something a premium in any shore town. We bring it to you so you dont have to come to us. How many pizzas do you make in a average day, a saturday . Saturday . Eight, 900. Eight, 900 . Maybe more. Dont you get tired . No. You got to go to the beach. Sixtyseventh. Sixtyseventh. Sixtyseventh cant believe youre making me sit in the back. I dont know what to tell you. Every time. Pizza priority police around here. Were on the move. Whether by land or by sea i call them, when i identify them, i just start running. Coming in, hot. Who is hungry . All right. Oh, you are. Did you order these pizzas . Did you make a phonecall from the ocean for a pizza . Yes. We got you. Real quick. Thank you. Your welcome. Thumbsup. Delivering pizza to the beach is good for you, and me, dont tell my boss. Vittoria woodill, cbs3, Eyewitness News. Good idea. New jerseys own Bruce Springsteen bridges down the house with the special guest on stage. How the boss made one dear fellow citizen, spending time hunting treasures with my daughter is wonderful. Because before im even ready, shell be off to college. And though ive planned for it, i may need a loan to help her pay her way there. Just like i do for my son. Citizens bank Student Loans call 18669990150 as a leader in student lending, we have student loan options that others dont. Including better alternatives to federal loans. I can show you how to pay for your own childs way to college. In case you dont find that treasure chest. If you have a question about Student Loans, ask me. Sincerely, Michele Wright fellow mom and fellow citizen. Citizens bank Student Loans call 18669990150 to apply now. Bruce springsteen brought down the house when he brought a four year old on hand for a duet. She left the concert with the boss harmonica. Bruce springsteen could make even a grown governor clap, throw an air punch and go into a trans like steak. But springsteen also has a way with younger fans. Like four year old hope, it was beyond her wildest hopes when bruce tiptoed up to her, gave her his harmonica, at a concert in norway, and an hour later he came back, and response to the sign her mom said she said. Bruce extends add hands, and next thing you know, they were doing a little dance on stage. Bruce then dropped the music, and lowered the mike, take it away, hope. Bruce lifted her up on his shoulder. How did it make this little british girl feel . Hey. Okay it, wasnt exactly like back in the 80s. When young bruce pulled courtney cox on stage at the music individual yes dancing in the dark. Now, at 66, bruce is older and his partner younger. It is anything she wants to say to bruce. I love you. Would always be a sunny day in hopes memory. Jeannie moos. So precious. Oh, my gosh, you took the words out of my mouth. Sunny day what a transfusion that one. Off to pretty gloomy start. Once more, here you go, look at the feels like values, actually very similar to the actual air temperature, man, notice how muggy it is the second you walk out the door, do expect to hit the upper 80s briefly today, there will be more showers and storms along the way it, gets better tomorrow. All right, i take your word for it, thanks, katie. Cbs3 Eyewitness News for now. We may be signing off on tv but were always on line cbsphilly. Com. Cbs this Morning Saturday is next. Have a great weekend. Flows into one incredibleh water experienceld you cant find anywhere else. And thats not the only thing you can only find in new york state. You can find it all only in new york. New york. Its all here. 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