Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 5 20170524

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together. still early. looking very wet outside. we had a couple accidents. good news, crews cleaned them out of the way. we have just left with construction. >> yes. the wet roadways are still out there and some are getting doused with a batch of soaking rain. you can see that move through the north and western most suburbs but over the last three hour loop we are look at the war of the heavy rainfall intensity fizzles away. these showers aren't going to just disappear but they will to have move out but as they do so we have to deal with this through the rest of the morning commute and then we will see included trying to break out for some sunshine as day goes on. we are stuck with the front loaded forecast, and wet weather to contend with here initially. we may need to walk out the door but pack it in your bag for rest of the day but once we hit nine, 10 or latest lunchtime this will be getting on out of here. we should be good. looking at area temperatures, 57 is your magic number. these wind barbs represent where wind is coming from and it is coming from the north east. it will try to keep us in the cloud cover for good portion of the day as a result, but i do think we will see these cloud break for sunshine. it is not a perfect day certainly but there are better points of the day then others. it is p.m. hours if you had outdoor plans you will get them in with. daytime highs should hit 73 degrees. by 3:00 p.m. lower zero seven 's with peaks of sunshine and just a day that gets more and more improved with every passing hour. >> good, just as we get ready for bed, katie we will see that sun. all right, thank you. good morning, everyone. very happy wednesday morning to you, still dark out there, little wet on the roadways. we are looking at schuylkill near blue route taillights moving in the eastbound direction. we can see a sheen letting us know it is damp, wet in some cases and damp wet roadways can slow us down. they certainly can even if we have in rain coming down. right now everything is looking g we had a couple accidents earlier but they have since moved out of the way. ben franklin bridge for those in new jersey moving in the westbound direction toward center city we are looking good, quiet. just seeing that sheen on the roadways but we are looking great there. we have this project, so the new off ramp is in, 95, north bound, girard avenue interchange, the new ramp to rich machine street is opened, old ramp to delaware avenue is now closed. a lot of folks wait forgo. that that has been i am remitted around 5:00 a.m. just a reminder on. that i will be reminding you all morning long. construction burlington bristol bridge alternating lanes opening until about right new we will let you know when crews move out of the way , jim, back over to you. police are investigating murder of the man in west philadelphia, office's arrived at the 900 block of south 58th street in cobbs creek just after 1:00 this morning where they found a victim believed to be in his 20's or 30's with a gunshot wound in the back of his head. he died at the scene, police don't have any suspects at the moment. more gun violence in philadelphia when a man is shot in north philadelphia, it happened shortly after midnight on the 2700 block of north dover street, police say officers patrolling the area heard a gunshot, and they rushed over to find the 40 year-old victim shot in the head. he is now in critical condition. police are checking surveillance video to identify the gun man. murder case of david creato junior is in the hand of the jury. creato is accused of killing his three-year old son in 2015 "eyewitness news" reporter frank does live outside camden county courthouse where jury deliberations will resume today, good morning trang do. >> reporter: good morning, rahel. verdict could come as early as today. this is first full day of deliberations for this jury. they met for 10 to 20 minutes yesterday after a licensing day of closing airing oops. david creato, junior attorney richard fishino spent an hour and a half tuesday explaining to the jury why his kline is aid grieving father who lost his son not a calculating killer as painted by the prosecution. >> he is not a killer. he is a victim. >> reporter: creato is on trial for murder of his three-year old son brandon. creato reported toddler missing on the morning of october 13th 2015. three hours later a k-9 discovered the boys body lying on the rock in the wooded area of cooper river park. an autopsy ruled his death as homicide, by an undetermined cause. in her closing arguments prosecutor christine shaw suggested that creato mothered his son, child's clean socks point to the fact that someone placed him at the park. >> smothering brandon solved every single one of his problems. >> reporter: biggest problem according to the prosecution was creato's teenage girlfriend who did not like being around the little boy. shaw's argument laid out for injury any a long list of text messages between the couple. >> he was utterly consumed by the idea that she was leaving him, that she was dumping him. >> reporter: defense attorney fishino argued thane investigators failed brandon by not fully looking into other suspects or lead including not testing the boy 's body and pajamas for dna and in his view doing a poor job of interviewing sex offenders in the area. >> i don't want to play on you're motion but brandon creato deserved better than that. that is absolutely unforgiv able. >> reporter: in this jury it consists of nine women and three men, they will reconvene here at the courthouse at 9:00 . we are live, in camden i'm trang do for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". back over to you. sketches show jury selection process for june trial of the bill cosby. cosby ace accused of drugging and sexually assaulting a temple he plea in 2004. so far 11 jurors have been pick. court requires 12 and six alternates. defense lawyers say prosecutors are trying to keep african americans off the jury , judge rejected that argument for now judge stephen o'neill said he could revisit the issue later. well, president trump and pope francis wrapped up a meeting at the vatican 90 minutes ago. pontiff greeted mr. trump inside the papal study. first lady trump and ivanka trump and jared kushner attend the visit. we will have much more including gift that both men exchanged in, a live report coming up at 5:30. terror threat level in the uk is now at its highest since 2007, this is as investigators try to figure out what motivated a 22-year old british nana tack concert go ers in a manchester arena 22 people were killed. fifty others were injured. terry okita is in, manchester. >> reporter: british prime minister teresa may raised threat level from severe to critical tuesday night clearing way forearmed soldiers to help police, guard sites, nationwide. >> there is a assessment not only an attack remains highly likely but that the attack may be imminent. >> reporter: operation comes as uk authorities try to figure out whether suspect bomber salman abedi had help carrying out monday's deadly terror attack. the 22-year old british man of libyan dissent used homemade device packed with males to target teens at an an ariana grande concert. >> it is a huge investigation. >> reporter: the sun released this photo of the alleged bomber yesterday. the same day police raided two sites in manchester. one of them believed to be his home. they also arrested a 23 year-old man, at a third location. as the investigation continues , to unfold, more names of those who lost their lives at manchester arena, are revealed. among the latest identified, 15 year-old olivia campbell. her mother charlotte took to facebook to confirm her death, writing in part, go see with the angels and keep smiling, mommy loves you so much. a defiant crowd of thousands gathered for a vigil in manchester yesterday. we are strong. >> reporter: show of solidarity in the face of tragedy. terry okita for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". in other news concerning confusion in south jersey after a nuclear power plant warning, mistakenly airs on television. this is the warning that went out last night, message was alerting people to a nuclear pur plant's mergecy at hope creek plant in salem county. it turns out a drill, was mistaken for an actual emergency and message went out , in error. >> wow. >> that will wake you up, for sure. >> absolutely. up next, wind are so strong they are blowing over cars. plus this... >> tornado coming right through here. >> more wild weather a tornado touches down. we will she you more destruction that it left behind in one small town. a landslide closes parts of the california's picturesque coastal highway, we will tell you how much dirt and debris are layered there. >> ♪ >> how long has it been since you heard this song, at least what 10 years. >> i don't even remember it. >> okay. there it is, mary j. blige coming to philadelphia for this years welcome america festival. >> good news. >> we will hear from mayor kenney who sings one of his favorite songs. he knows her. >> mayor kenney is singing. >> apparently he is a fan. >> i got to stay tuned for that. >> i got tell you, later in the broadcast. back on "eyewitness news" thinks an area view of highway one on california's big surf coastline a quarter mile of road is buried under 40 feet of rock and dirt following a landslide that happened south of san jose on saturday night. california has had a winter full of landslide and flooding >> wow. big clean up for folks in north carolina this morning after a tornado touched down. >> funnel cloud was captured on cell phone video in autry ville off of i-95. national weather service says it was an ef1 tornado with wind speed up to 110 miles an hour. twister caused damage for 14 miles including at a volunteer firehouse. fortunately there were no serious reports of any injuries. more severe weather strong wind caused damage in sealy, texas, take a look, this big rig knocked on its side. multiple reports of overturn vehicles prompted officials to shut down a portion of the major highway in town. despite that they say in one was injured. quite a bit of severe weather it seems and we're getting quite a bit of rain over the last couple of days. >> partly it its because there is so many systems to track, you know. >> right. >> we have had a system almost every other day if not every single day bringing us wet weather and right now, it is batch of showers that came in late yesterday, and continue to push out at this point. so lets get out there as we lot moisture working from southwest to north east. we have rain falling in the north and western suburbs outside of philadelphia, there is some places where we have no rain falling places like southern delaware, but it is dam in those area which i will show you in a second. looking at the very wide zoom, there is still a lot of action packed up from the mississippi river all the way east toward coast and out to sea in fact. next storm system is starting to get its act together very nicely i might add east of the mississippi river valley and that is heading our way late tonight and tomorrow and we will get rid of the one batch of showers, brief break and then next storm is already here and that next storm end upbringing us our biggest chance for thunderstorms but we are definitely going to get rain out of this we will jump in the meantime, by noon time. that first batch is still out there, that is long gone. we should be clearing out at least some peaks of sunshine through the rest of the day but then cloud rebuild quickly and into tonight we will start to see those showers moving n i say generally overnight, so, even rush should be totally fine but overnight and we will wake up tomorrow to more rain, and then it will likely have embedded thunderstorms witt as well this is essentially an all day event. it is not wash out status wherever single minute will have wet weather but there will be breaks along the way where we have to contend with this all day. by 8:00 p.m. is there wet weather rotating through. i won't be shocked if is there a lingering shower on friday. this is a tricky pattern, i will in the lie. we have had inn conn inconsistent guidance. but the general goodies is tomorrow, all day, possibly lingering in to friday for wet weather. here's that dam boardwalk in rehoboth even though it is not actually raining right now. rain has moved through this area we will have damp road and spray to contend with anywhere. fit is not even raining we will that have. then some sunshine. it does try to break out. i'm not guarantying bright sunny skies the rest of the day but it is drying out and we have that going for us. more rain, more storms tomorrow, quieting down, transitioning on friday to a nice saturday, but sunday, the showers are scheduled to return, again, meisha. >> um, um, um, roller coaster continues. all right, katie. thank you very much. good morning, everyone, happy wednesday, so like katie says, yep, wet roadways and we will have that spray from the vehicles kind of pushing on the vehicles behind you. i would say, carry a safe distance between you and the cara head of you today when we have wet, slick roadways that can be slippery out there and we know it is slow out there as well. taking a look outside 422 headlights moving in the eastbound direction, past oaks , it is starting to pick up a little bit at 422, as we pick it up quicker then it was at this exact same time yesterday, that could a precursor of things to come. we shall see. ninety-five, headlights moving in the southbound direction at cottman, you make your way downtown as you see in center city, looking good right now. but we know that this is going to change. right around 6:00 o'clock we will start to see this change because we are dealing with the wet roadways, but boulevard, that is what we are looking at pushing in the southbound direction toward the schuylkill and then once you jump on the schuylkill at boulevard, or maybe starting to see things heat up there as well, headlights are out there on the boulevard, and then, of course, we have construction crew is still out there this morning. pennsylvania turnpike eastbound between willow grove and bensalem left lane block there another area on the pennsylvania turnpike that has been since cleared out. i will show you areas still out there more to come in the next 10 minutes, rahel, back over to you. all right, meisha, we will see you then. now for a lot newspaper headlines across the region. >> front page of the delaware county daily time brookhaven residents want answers about a bento spill in the chester creek. 600 gallons of the material, spilled in the creek earlier this month, and the material is being used in drilling, that sunoco logistics is using in connection with the mariner east two pipeline. burlington county times president trump's military budget for 2018 calls for another round of base closures , last reduction resulted in the merger of fort dix maguire air force base and naval air engineering station lakehurst but it resulted in the closing of fort monmouth in monmouth county and loss of thousands of military and civilian jobs there. reading eagles reopening in october border town's historic state theater hosted plays and concerts, well this friday the theater will begin showing movies for the first time since it closed more than two years ago. $100,000 was invested so the theater can now, show digital films. and that is a look at some of the newspaper headlines from around the delaware valley. and up next, pat will be back with sports. >> we will be right back. my girlfriend loves artists. to be unique... and i need a conservative pair, cuz her parents hate artists! get up to 40% off a second pair of glasses. schedule your eye exam at struggle is real for phillies. >> i come with bad news and that continues today. manager pete mackanin's plans to jump start phillies included benching three regulars against the colorado rockies. but it didn't work. more of the same problems on both side of the ball this year is charlie black man and he is officially a phillies killer. he loves hitting at citizens bank park. he satisfies zach eflin deep in the third inning. in the fourth he takes eflin deep again, his second, two run home run of the night. that was more than enough for the nl leading rockies. eflin allows another home run to, here, and he gives up eight runs in six innings. phillies blasted again eight- two. they are now 15-28 on the season. game three of four is tonight. despite losing there was some fun to be had at the ballpark last night thanks, of course, to the phillies fanatic. he took it to the rockies announcers with popcorn during the broadcast. fanatic after all these years still making everyone love. in the nhl playoffs there are few things better than game seven and that is how they will end hard for the final between penguins and senators tomorrow night. early in the third, mike hoffman rips it past matt mur toy give ottawa a two-one lead which though would hold thanks to goalie craig anderson. he stood on his head stopping 44 penguins shots. senators win two-one. tomorrow night's winner plays predators in the stanley cup finals. nba eastern conference final after their first loss of the playoffs cavilers are back. kyrie unstoppable. he ripped celtics for 42, including 19 in the five minute span. lebron, just a mere 34 on the night. cavilers beat celtics 112-99, defending champion cavilers can wrap up their third straight title with a win in game five in boston tomorrow night and that could mean calves/warriors yet again. to be there or not be there, eagles organized team activities got underway yesterday and while they are considered optional big names were not in the house, monk those who skipped out were donnie jones, jason peters, marcus smith and fletcher cox, cox is highest paid eagle and he is one of the teams leaders but again, it is not mandatory but however, listen to doug pederson talk about his absence. >> personally, i would love everybody to be here. it is not always going to work out that way but fletcher's one of the leaders on the football team and you know, guys like that, you do expect, you do expect to be here but i get the rules, we have been abiding by the rules, and he is one of the guys too at the end of the day, i will hang my hat on and get to war with. time to celebrate, again, at least on the field, nfl is relaxing its rules on celebration and here's how, you can now use a football as a prop after a touchdown. you can celebrate on the ground and group demonstrations are back in. so no fun league is back to being a little more fun but according to roger goodell, twerking is still a penalty. >> i have to say of all of the things you could do at a football game and all of the bad behavior we have seen twerking is still not allowed. >> cannot twerk. >> we cannot twerk in the news room as well. >> what about the icky shuffle >> and on that note coming up in the next half an hour of "eyewitness news". >> it is back. >> serious stuff. >> how the terror attack in manchester is impacting stocks we will have a live report from wall street, jan. plus president trump visits the pope, coming up mood in the meeting during the first face-to-face for two leaders with many opposing views, rahel. and then an out of control vehicle, comes across a pennsylvania front yard, it turns out there is no driver but there are two small children, we will tell what you went wrong here, katie. as we get close to the holiday weekend it is still looking like we will have some showers if not thunderstorm, specifically sunday and then lead nothing to memorial damon but in the meantime it is warming up. our temperatures will flirt with or hit 80 degrees over course of the weekend and saturday is looking good right now so that is day to hang your hat on if you want to make outdoor plans. we will be bbvz z12fz y2bbvy y12fy area are waking up to showers as we look live at parkway in center city. find out when cloud will break and sun will come out. won't that be nice? i'm rahel solomon. >> i'm jim donovan. katie and meisha will be along in a minute but first here's what you need to know to start your day in the morning minute >> we're on verdict watch as jury deliberates fate of david creato, junior, camden county father accused of killing his three-year old son. >> verdict could come today as jury will have first full day of deliberations. face-to-face at the vatican president trump meets with pope francis midway through his first overseas trip. and remembering the victims of the concert terror attack in manchester, england as british prime minister raises terror threat level from severe to critical. >> this means that their assessment is not only an attack remains highly likely but that the attack may be imminent. an airport emergency in newark, new jersey passengers evacuate a plane after an engine goes up in flames. >> odd to do show like house of card that does not seem as crazy as

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