Philadelphia cops safely caught up. When i got out of the carry seen the horse running down richmond avenue and truck blocked him off. It was, different. Reporter few jokes aside. Stop horsing around and get back to work. Reporter a job well done. Perfect job, i commend the Philadelphia Police department for that. Reporter after a bite out of the officers lunch big momma got a ride home, that is about 5 miles away at 26th and fletch inner north philadelphia where her owner, and man who mistakenly let her out were waiting. Im very thankful. I opened up the door, he knocked me down. Reporter mistake he wont soon forget and a capture these officers will always remember. She got the horse. Reporter jan carabao for cbs3 Eyewitness News. Incredible images again, at macing thing with this story. I spoke to russell bay an hour and a half ago the other owner of the horse and said his uncle came to feed the horse this morning, that is when he opened up the door and big momma as he is known, now famous horse in philadelphia, somehow got out, led police on that chase. Now, russell bay told me that big momma, was injured, he said that she was a rescue horse, she was actually be going to be a race horse but was injured. He adopted her five years ago. Im just glad that she didnt get hurt or hurt anybody else in the process. I love my horses. It would be sad to see something go bad with her. I got her here, made sure everything was fine and she is eating and relaxing. Reporter a couple horses behind me in the big momma as russell bay said horses owner big momma eating relaxing. He wants to take her out later today. More importantly couple neighbors very concerned by this, he says, he will do everything he can to make sure that this does not happen again. Reporting live tonight from north philadelphia, david spunt, cbs3 Eyewitness News horsepower on the streets of philadelphia everything is okay, thank you. Heading in the Easter Holiday weekend springs in the air and for days we have been soaking up sun. Will it continue in the holiday. Meteorologist lauren casey joins us on the sky deck with an outlook, lauren. I think big momma wanted to get out, Energy Beautiful conditions, take a nice stroll , we have sunshine, feels so nice out here on the sky deck. Temperatures running 5 degrees above average at 67 degrees right now in philadelphia. We are at 68 in allentown. Cooler with that sea breeze, were at 59 in ac. Sixty in wildwood. As we head in the evening hours in the city, feeling good. 62 degrees, mostly clear skies , wind remain in check at 5 miles an hour and overnight tonight will be friday night plans as we ares approaching big Holiday Weekend partly cloudy, quiet with a low temperature, chilly bring along the jacket 47 degrees overnight tonight. As we head into our weekend we will see a warm front pass through the area as we head into tomorrow night and temperatures will jump up accordingly as we head in the Easter Holiday. We are expecting our warmest in philadelphia since 2011. Best chance of rain will come on easter in the evening hours in the form of the few spotty showers and thunderstorms and we will talk specifically on the timing of the rain and how High Temperatures will climb in the full forecast, coming up. Lauren, thank you. Deadly crash on roosevelt boulevard in philadelphia, left two women dead when that suv they were riding in slammed into a parked tractor trailer. A third victim suvs driver is recovering, and residents are once again, voicing concerns about the danger of this heavily traveled road. Reporter alycia nieves live at the scene at feltonville with more, alycia. Reporter well, jessica this roosevelt boulevard near e street most of the morning it was backed up, as investigators spent more than five hours looking into what caused the deadly wreck that did claim lives of two women. Thinks an all too familiar sight along the roosevelt boulevard, a fatal crash. In the past years so many deaths. Reporter two women killed near e street, passengers in the tan expedition a little bit before 9 00 this morning when police say suv swerved for some reason and slammed into a parked tractor trailer. I am concerned about accidents here and always because of that because they allowed cars to park there, but why. Reporter people like this, are saddened by the fatal crash but not surprised. He takes issue with the sit a allowing cars to park along the busy boulevard, people like Edwin Riveria and along with drivers ignoring the 40 mile an hour speed limit, it is a perfect combination i, for this kind of thing. They dont see the speed limit. You see cars flying down here especially at night, 50, 60 miles an hour. Reporter fatal crash comes just days after attorneys released a study on the 150 most dangerous intersections in philadelphia about a dozen of the intersections on that list are along the roosevelt boulevard. It need to be done. Reporter police at the scene say right now their focus is on determining what caused this crash. We are seeking out witnesses, and, trying to do everything we can to get to the bottom of this. Reporter victims of the crash are identified as 40 yearold marshakes flowers hardy and 25 yearold asia who will instant, both died on the scene. As foreman driving the suv he was taken to the hospital with a broken hip but he is in stable condition. Reporting live from feltonville, alycia nieves for cbs3 Eyewitness News. We are getting our first look at moment that the United States dropped an 11ton bomb in eastern afghanistan. Pentagon video shows the bomb hitting a mountain. It sent a mushroom shaped cloud of smoke and debris in the sky. Afghan Officials Say the bomb killed 36 isis fighters. Isis had built tunnels, caves in the mountains for protection. U. S. Officials say the bomb saved lives. This weapon was very effective in that use, and our soldiers on the ground, our afghan Commandos Special forces are on the site right now and weapon achieved its intended purpose. The massive bomb was the largest, nonnuclear bomb, ever used in combat. Tensions are high on the Korean Peninsula where north is getting ready to mark the day its founder was born. Experts watching the region expect to see a nuclear test and probably a missle test to go along with it. North korea says it is ready to strike first if provoked. If the u. S. Comes up with a dangerous military option, then the first, and, first card in the hand, and, this will mean war. Reporter countrys vice minister of fors fares told cbs news that the situation between u. S. And north korea is worst it has ever been. In one word, trump has openedly pursuing a policy to a any light north korea by force of arms. Reporter u. S. Navy strike group is sailing toward the Korean Peninsula as kim jong unprepares to mark 105th anniversary of his grandfather s birth, he has been staging elaborate events ahead of saturdays military parade celebrating the country s founder and also expected to mark holiday with another round of nuclear or missle tests. We have a new president , and kim jong unis trying to challenge him. He is trying to get him back to the negotiating table. Reporter President Trump says north korea is a problem that will be taken care of and working to enlist chinas help but also says, the u. S. Is willing to go it alone. The Chinese Foreign minister says no one will win if there is war and is back talks to de escalate tension. China fears an unstable Nuclear Armed Nuclear Korea more than they feared a nuclear arm korea. Reporter they insist their Nuclear Program is non negotiable and with sprawling new developments is trying to show it candy file sanctions. Reporter vicepresident pence is heading to the region this weekend and scheduled to spend Easter Sunday with u. S. And south korean troops. Fugitive attending a manifesto to the white house has been arrested in wisconsin following a large manhunt. Joseph jakubowski, had an associate videotape him as he mailed a 161 page manifesto to President Trump. He has been on the run for nine days, since police say he broke in the gun store in wisconsin and stole 18 firearms. He was arrested about 100 miles west of thereafter a home owner spotted him on his property. He did say you are the first person to listen to me. He seemed very exhausted after we talked. There was a lot of stuff that came out. Reporter jakubowski has had several previous run ins with the law including resisting arrest. Christians around the world are celebrating, good friday, a sacred event leading up to easter that marks last hours in the life of jesus. In philadelphia catholics participated in a noon mass at basilica of the saints peter and paul. Noon to 3 00 p. M. Are holiest hours of this day in the Catholic Church which many faithful attend mass and either fast during this time. In Rome Pope Francis led mass in st. Peters basilica in vatican city. Pope francis began by putting himself on the front of the alter and later pope wore a plane white sill took preside over station of the cross procession, at coliseum. Thousands of faithful flocked to the anxious arena near roman forum where a candle lit cross was focus of the services. In jerusalem, Orthodox Christians held a procession along villa dell rosa and olde city retracing they believe the route jesus took to his crucifiction. Worshipers held wooden crosses and chanted hy ms, that ended at the church of the holy sepulchre where worshipers believed jesus was buried and resurrected. And in new york, an annual tradition as worshipers walk over the Brooklyn Bridge carrying a wooden cross. Way of the cross procession began at Saint James Cathedral basilica in downtown brooklyn and city hall a ground zero before making its way to st. Peters church in lower manhattan. Coming up next on Eyewitness News, a brawl at an area carnival and much of it was recorded, we will show you more. Also what police say happened, and their plans for security tonight, all ahead in a live report. Are you more prone to migraines then other people . A new study says there is a connection between your weight and your risk . We have details 59 30. Plus. Oh, yeah, that is what im talking about, fans have been waiting, for this the new star wars trailer is out, and giving us a peak of the last jedi, more of the trailer and the 40th anniversary of the Star Wars Celebration, that is coming up next. A live look now at the Central Moravian Church from our camera in bethlehem, pennsylvania, and nice weather on tap for churchs six day service along Easter Sunday. Laurens got your full easter is coming. And kmarts got the sweet deals you need. So hip hop in and get your groove on. Star wars fans are getting their first, official glimpse, into the newest film in the franchise. Come on, lets do it. Now. Today disney released the trailer for the last jedi the eighth film in the main star wars story line that follows 2015s the force awakens, the last jedi opens up december 15th. Mark hamill appears as luke sky walker and Carrie Fisher plays princess lay a in the final film role. Hamill attending the Star Wars Celebration convention the 40th anniversary of the fans gathering in orlando. These jedi took a trip to the face of the universe. Now face of the fans, i love that, fans have expand that had universe, even beyond the wildest dreams of, creator george lucas. It was amazing in the beginning when it became a hit and amazing as we have gone through the years and fans have always been there. It is phenomenal. So, you know, i got grand kid now and they are into it. So, there is another 40 years to go i guess. Gone through it all, you know, the high, the lows, mad passion for each other, angry at each other, fed up with each other, all of it, just like real siblings. Well, mark hamill was referring to his relationship with Carrie Fisher, 50,000 star wars fans are converging on the convention this weekend you can imagine, that is when it is, it for star wars. Things go south and they are looking g. Yes. Umhmm. Okay. Yes. Now the convention. Yes, ukee. I remember. Lauren has her forecast, here on this holiday. Well, another beautiful, day, today, across the Delaware Valley. One of my favorite star wars character is jabba the hut. Look at you. Enjoy that as well. But, that is not the best movie weekend because it will be nice to get outside. Yes. Sunshine will take us especially into our Easter Holiday and we have the sunshine and the scene, taking a live look at center city philadelphia, 67 degrees, 5 degrees above our average, wind are calm, so we can really feel that spring warmth and sunshine, dew points down in the 30s meaning the air is nice and dry, no muggy factor to contend w we have the day off today, checking in on our live neighborhood network. Look at these, people stralling down the beach in rehoboth and delaware, not a cloud in the sky. Gorgeous conditions, and temperatures right now along the immediate coastline in new jersey, cooler though because of that sea breeze kick nothing at 58 in Atlantic City fiftynine wildwood. We are in the mid up toker 60 s on i95 corridor and to the south and west this warmer air mass, toasty sitting there and we will get a taste of that into sunday as warm front passes through saturday night and will open that door to the warmer air mass. So for tomorrow 67 degrees, still above average but more cloud around, maybe a passing shower, most of us will stay dry. Slightly better chance for isolated thunderstorm as we head into sunday evening, otherwise mostly sunny, very warm, up to 83 degrees and that would be our warmest easter in philadelphia. Since 2011. A warm one in 2012 at 70 degrees. Over last couple of years temperatures have been right around average near 60 degrees in the middle 60s. Storm scan three is showing us very quiet conditions, sunshine across the Delaware Valley and as we head in the overnight period keeping it quiet but we will see more cloud, around for our saturday some peaks of sunshine as we head in the second half of the day and then chance for showers, kind of ice lated in nature, spot any nature as we get into tomorrow evening. Looking good for our easter heading out to Church Services , getting easter brunch, breakfast potatoes looking good, lot of sunshine and then as we head in the second half of the day we will notice line dropping down, broken line, showers, embedded thunderstorms that will roll across the Delaware Valley as we head into sunday evening. We could hear thunder, keeping an eye to the sky but a pretty good looking Easter Holiday as we are dry during daytime hours. Partly cloudy, quiet down to 47 degrees. Maybe a passing shower. Otherwise partly sun which a high of 67. Across the region tomorrow we have a better chance at scattered showers in the poconos, a high of 59. Maybe an evening shower down the shore and cloud around with the High Temperature of 62. We are crew nothing to sunday up to 83 degrees looking good next week as well, some people have a spring break in store, monday, tuesday looking nice, sunshine with High Temperatures in the mid 60s and lower 70s. Wow. Space balls did you see that. Yes, i saw that. We will move on. Yes. Still ahead on Eyewitness News it is anniversary of the sinking of titanic. One company is planning a excursion 2 miles deep in the ocean, so, explorers can see the wreckage. We have details in the next half an hour, leslie. Phillies are playing the nationals in d. C. How is aaron nola doing in the second start of the season. While flyers didnt make playoffs we have playoff who can any our area. Playoffs we have playoff who can any our area. We will tell you i turn around. 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Find your awesome with the Xfinity Stream app. More to stream to every screen. Run for it. Run. No, it is not tom hanks, i know you are shocked but coming up on Eyewitness News at 6 00 he is taking his movie inspired trek through philadelphia the reason, he felt like running, and purpose behind the journey tonight at 6 00 oclock. Right now, look who joins us with sports and phillies are on the road. Hoping to get some runs today. I hope so. Last time aaron nola was on the mound against nationals on saturday he gave up three runs in seven innings. Phillies put up 17 runs. Today phillies and nationals start a three game series in d. C. No score in the second. Tommy joseph facing Steven Strasburg deep to certainty field, ball goes over the glove of add om eat on with the solo home run. Phillies take a one to nothing lead. Then bottom of the evening, the grounder up the middle for base hit, driving in ryan zimmerman. Right now in the fourth, phillies and nationals are tied up at one. We will get flyers, might be done foresees on but aston rebels of the north American Hockey League are just getting started. Rebels won their second straight east Division Championship and regular season crown, rebels will start playoff run tonight but best of five division nal series against Wilkes Barre Scranton knights continues their game tomorrow. So what is it like to be only team in the area playing hockey right now. It is a lot of love, we watched the flyers game. Not that i ams looking for a job but i have seen better hockey. We have been very close. A lot of guys here, were very excited to be back. Were excited to have the opportunity that we have. And you know, the team that were bringing into this playoff is the team that can get the job done this year. So were very excited. Danny brieres son plays for this team. Really. Yes. Yes. Thanks, leslie. Coming up next on this next half an hour carrying on her fathers legacy why one woman made it her mission in life to be a nypd Police Officer just like her dad and today that mission is complete also this. I like to experiment and see what happens when we make something into another. We will show you how the Franklin Institute is inspiring mind just like hers and their explosive plans for the annual philadelphia science festival, that is just ahead on eyewitness were not professional athletes. But that doesnt mean were giving up. Im in this for me. For me. Along with diet and exercise, farxiga helps lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. Lowering a1c by up to 1. 2 points. Do not take if allergic to farxiga. If you experience symptoms of a serious allergic reaction such as rash, swelling, difficulty breathing or swallowing, stop taking and seek medical help right away. Do not take farxiga if you have severe kidney problems, are on dialysis, or have bladder cancer. Tell your doctor right away if you have blood or red color in your urine or pain while you urinate. Farxiga can cause serious side effects including dehydration, genital yeast infections in women and men, serious urinary tract infections, low blood sugar, and kidney problems. Stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have signs of ketoacidosis, which is serious and may lead to death. Im in this for my family. Im in this for me. Ask your doctor about farxiga and learn how you can get it for free. If you cant afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. The news continues now at 5 30 and heres what you need to know right now. A horse named big momma led police on a wild chase through streets of philadelphia this morning she got loose from stables in north philadelphia officers finally rounded her up, several neighborhood away in fishtown. They returned her safe with her owner. A deadly crash on roosevelt boulevard in philadelphia, kills two women when suv they were riding in slammed in the parked tractor trailer. The driver of the suv is in stable condition, with a broken hip. The crash, has people, again, voicing concerns about the dangerous intersections along that heavily traveled roadway. The pentagon released video of yesterdays massive bomb drop on isis in afghanistan. Officials say that it killed 36 isis fighters, and this was the largest, nonnuclear bomb ever used in combat. Also tonight, Philadelphia Police are investigating an attack on two teenagers caught on camera. Beginning im jessica dean. Aim ukee washington. Those teens were attacked as they left the carnival. Our greg argos has been working on the story all day and joins us now from hunting park with more, greg. Reporter ukee, good afternoon. Carnival just opened for the evening, a few minutes ago. It is pretty busy here already but this carnival tonight at lee has extra security, because of a massive brawl this past tuesday. This violent fight left one teenager in a neck brace, her boyfriend covered in bruises with stitches on his forehead. Everybody started going in and swinging at us, back and forth and it escalated really quickly. Reporter it happened tuesday night at this carnival near erie and front streets in north philadelphia, Miguel Fernandes say he and his girlfriend, were just leaving when they were jumped. It was a flash mob, you know, they totally picked us out at random. Some girl came up behind my girlfriend and hit her. I really never seen it to this degree. I have seen a couple kid scrabbling but not a bunch of girls like that just attacking someone or fighting like that. Reporter larry, manages the carnival and says he is increasing security. Every 50 people there will be a security man standing keeping an eye on everything. We want it nice and safe for the children. Reporter all of the while police are searching for the teens responsible. We have started an investigation. Were interviewing several people, trying to recover some video, to actually find out what is happening in this incident. Well, as police, continue to search for these suspects tonight at 6 00 i will show you video from the victims fat shore said he may have caught these suspects trying to pick another fight, and see that video, on display in about 30 minutes. Were live from north philadelphia, im greg argos for cbs3 Eyewitness News. See you shortly, thank you. New information from the orlando Police Department is providing details on the Police Response to the deadly shooting at the pulse nightclub. June 12th, moments after 2 00 in the morning suspect started shooting with a military style rifle, on the main dance floor. Nearly half of the 49 people killed, died there. The next round of the gunfire was at 5 15 a. M. When the suspect got in the shootout with police. Orlandos police chief said nightclub shooting has changed the town forever. Certainly proud of the way Law Enforcement responded to that, and we wanted to also let people know that we do remember the victims. The department is also releasing a picture of the officer hit in the head with gunfire, and the helmet that saved his life. The trial of the former nfl star Aaron Hernandez end with an acquittal on several charges including first degree murder. After six days of deliberations jury found hernandez in the guilty in the 2012 shooting death of the two people. However, he was convicted of gun possession charge and immediately sentenced to at lee four years in prison. Hernandez has already been serving a life sentence for 2013 murder of a man, who was dating his fiances sister. A fire at bellagio resort and casino shut down parts of the las vegas strip. Flames erupted from the roof of the bellagio shops, employees had to be evacuated as Fire Fighters placed it under control. Officials say the hotel and casino were not impacted and no one was hurt. The cause remains under investigation. A daughter takes the oath to serve and protect, like her fat her died during the september 11th attacks. Swearing in. 22year old Brittany Lloyd was among 400 recruits sworn in as new members of the new york city Police Department. Just always been a dream to be one of them and especially what my dad had done for the nation, the country, it was a true dream to be able to try to follow in his footsteps. Brittany was only seven when her dad was killed during the terror attacks but she said she always knew she wanted to be a Police Officer. Well, for seventh year philadelphia is celebrating science, technology, engineering and mathematics. It is part of the philadelphia science festival created, organized and led by the Franklin Institute and this year it will be an exclusive experience. From the beginning of the philadelphia science festival, it is one week away and today, the Franklin Institute began captivating people of all ages from there, when i heard the explosion i got real excited and i wanted to see what was going on and i also wanted to know what was going inside that big tub, to make it explode. Reporter we got a preview of four of the specials, top signature events that will take place over nine days, all over the city. Among the spectacles, and a soda bottle rocketed in the sky. It was a test run of bottle rockets, which were going to be doing at science carnival at penns landing on saturday april 29th and were just testing the technology right now. Reporter not to mention the promise of the city Wide Star Party starring derrick pits on friday, april 28th. About 80 percent of the events that happen over the course of the nine day are free, and available to the public. The won that are not free are super accessible, just about five to ten dollars. Philadelphia science festival runs from april 21st through april 29th. And for a list of events, times and more head over to cbs philly. Com and we will link you up. If you ever had a migraine you know they can be debilitating. Tonight there is new information on who is at risk forgetting this terrible headache, Health Reporter Stephanie Stahl has details coming up in 10 minutes. Im Kevin Frazier, coming up vin diesel and fast and furious familiar already i back traveling the world wep i can new car chases in the fate of the series. Our big Holiday Weekend is upon us as we head into tomorrow, more cloud around, chance of a passing shower late inert day, mild temperatures in the middle 60 s for saturday and temperatures sore heading in to sunday. More sunshine for Easter Holiday but watch out for late day or evening thunderstorm popping up, we have our warmest easter in philadelphia , on tap, since 2011, with High Temperatures, soaring in the 80s. We will be right. Have you tried the tissue test . Question, are my teeth yellow . Ugh, yellow. What do you use . Crest whitestrips crest 3d whitestrips whiten. 25 times better than a leading whitening toothpaste i passed the tissue test. Oh yeah. Crest whitestrips are the way to whiten incr. Think it wouldotection in a pwork, but it does. Dnt. Its called always discreet for bladder leaks, the super. Absorbent core turns liquid to gel. I know im wearing it but no one else will. Always discreet for bladder leaks. If you have moderate to severe Rheumatoid Arthritis like me, and youre talking to your rheumatologist about a medication. This is humira. This is humira helping to relieve my pain. And protect my joints from further damage. Humira has been clinically studied for over 18 years. Humira works by targeting and helping to. Block a specific source. Of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. Its proven to help relieve pain and. Stop further joint damage in many adults. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas. Where certain fungal infections are common and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Talk to your doctor and visit humira. Com this is humira at work. If you not filed your taxes yet you are in luck, you have a few extra days. Taxes are not due on the typical april 15th day because it is saturday that, of course , is tomorrow and monies april 17th, and that is emancipation day honoring president abraham lincolns legislation that freed 3,000 slaves in 1862. That means that the tax deadline this year is tuesday, april the 18th. Halleluiah, extra time. I got some work to do and receipts to find,. General motors is hitting gas on the development of the self driving cars. Auto makers say it is hiring 1100 people to work in the Research Facility in california. Gm is currently testing more than 50 chevy bolt was Self Driving Technology and three u. S. Cities. It joins other auto makers and tech giants like google and intel all working on driver less technology. Nintendo looks to have a hit on the hand with the swift console. Company says the switch is now the fastest selling video game system in, history. It sold more than 900,000 units in the u. S. Last month and nintendo is looking to bounce back after its wii consul flopped. That is right. Well, now we all know our Katie Fehlinger can give a great forecast. Yes, we do. It turns out she has rap skills. Umhmm. Dont miss it, up tomorrow marks 104 years since titanic sank in the northern atlantic taking lives of more than 1500 passengers and crew members. Explorers are now preparing to return to the wreckage for the first time in more than a decade, a Company Called ocean gate will begin a series of yearly expeditions, and the five person, submersible that will be used to be still under construction at a new jersey factory. When completed the machine will look like this model and dive 13,000 feet, those who want to make the trip will have to pay up. They will pay 105,129. Because that is. Inflation adjusted price of the first class ticket on the tie tan nick 1912. Wow, inflation. Yes. All 54 seats for the 2018 trip are all sold out. I love that. Well, healthwatch tonight, how much you weigh could determine whether or not you will get migraine headaches. How frequently. Health reporter Stephanie Stahl is here with details on new research, stephanie. Reporter thinks interesting new stuff. Migraine headaches can be debilitating for millions of people who suffer from them. It is estimated to be about 12. They can be caused by a variety of things, including your weight, according to this new stud any neurology. Weighing too much, or not enough, increases the risk of developing migraines according to new research that evaluated 12 studies covering nearly 300,000 people. It turns out that if you are obese, which means your bm i is greater than 30 you have a 27 percent higher risk of having migraine then someone who doesnt. Reporter bmi at 30 correspond to roughly someone hoist 5foot four and weighs 175pound, Research Also shows that people who are under weight, had a 13 percent greater risk of having migraines. The exact link isnt clear but researchers say that fat tissue releases hormones and inflammatory substances which can augment someones response to pain and impact headaches. Migraine risk factors like fact are Family History and gender cant be modified but other things can. If you can control a risk factor and obesity and weight is a modified risk factor you should do that because that will also improve your ability to handle your headache if you start to get them. Reporter link between obesity and migraine was greater for women and for those under the age of 55. And doctors say that many of the most common migraine medications can cause weight gain and that is why many migraine patients stop taking those medicine, even when theyre effective. It is a complicated predicament for sure. It is no joke. Meteorologist Katie Fehlinger did Something Different to get your morning going. She got creative with her forecast, delivering a weather rap, lets check it out. You know it is a little chilly you might think it is silly with you im to go do the weather wearing my leather i got my clicker, and im a flicker out to the storm scan, map, baby got back. Baby got back. Morning Team Challenge kate toy rap her forecast, after meteorologist at our cbs station in atlanta, did the same thing. Kate fell getting it done, how about that, k fell, all right, my leather. Lauren, we will just ask you to do a Little Something here. You have good news to deliver here. Good news, another beautiful, stretch of weather, as we head into the upcoming weekend, and eggslent condition. Did you see what i did there. I gotcha. Beautiful out there looking live at logan circle the fountains are back, on, and i think they just came back on. I noticed about a week ago. Might have been long. Sign of spring when fountains turned back on we know spring has arrived. Beautiful sunshine there looking live on sky scan three and our eyewitness weather watchers are raving about todays weather. Gorgeous condition. Temperatures in the 60s. We have 70s on the board. We will check out what is going on. We will head down to delaware where it is 70 at walters house with nice sunny skies, newark, and he says, cloudy, but warm morning, turned into a beautiful sunny afternoon. Thanks for that forecast, walter, appreciate that. We will check on another number, lets head out to pennsylvania, 72 degrees right now, a warmer spots, and were checking in with phil, in philadelphia, northwest at philadelphia and he said tgif on a beautiful, spring friday and it is certainly gorgeous. We had included to start but now sunshine in effect across the area we have one more temperature in new jersey 69 degrees at johns house, mostly sunny conditions at mullica. He said almost perfect out there. What a beautiful evening and in store as we head in the Holiday Weekend. Storm scan three confirming we dont have any cloud in the sky right now, Crystal Clear with High Pressure in control, as we head in the evening hours, pleasant condition, with light wind, overnight tonight, keeping it quiet but planning on staying out a little late tonight might want to bring that jacket along. It will get chilly falling back in the 40s. For tomorrow kicking off Holiday Weekend few more cloud but temperatures stay mild running a few degrees above average. High of 67 degrees. Very similar to what were feeling today. Sixtythree your forecast high tomorrow in allentown. Cools long the coast with south wind at High Temperatures right around 60 degrees. What better way to spend the holiday then grilling out, your barbecue cast for our Easter Sunday, 83 degrees. It will be hot by the grill, mostly sunny, watch out for chance ovulate day shower or thunderstorm as we head in the evening hours, also something to look up toward, the meteor shower next week runs april 16th through 25th. The peak will be next saturday night. Average of 20 meteors per hour and lyrid are known for bright tails streak ago long and lasting for a few second. Something cool to check out in the second half of the month of april. As we head in the upcoming weekend really warming things up on sunday, 83 degrees, our warmest easter since 2011 in philadelphia we are well above average on monday, 73 degrees, mostly sunny conditions and little back closer to average as we head into tuesday, 65 degrees but gorgeous day in store. It does look like weather will be more unsettled in the second half of next week, good shot at showers on wednesday with a High Temperature of 68 degrees and pretty good shot at showers and thunderstorms as we head into next friday but all together weekend shaping up very nicely just a chance of the passing shower as we head in the day tomorrow mainly during evening hours but mostly we will be dry but keep an eye to the sky on easter for that chance of the late day thunderstorms, ukee and jessica. Well, a new one of the kind exhibit opened this week in philadelphia that honors famous 18th century artist Charles Wilson peel. He painted most famous politicians and military heroes of the earliest days of america. Exhibit is inside the hall, location of the peels original museum next to independent hall features his famous paintings and the exhibit is free, opened to the public until december. Still ahead on Eyewitness News one of the most popular movie franchises in recent history is back in theaters. We will see, vin diesel and others back for faith of the furious. Ets Kevin Frazier has your by the time the drugs rannd wout, i was addicted. It happened so fast. I ended up on the streets, where the drugs are cheaper and easier to get. I was a full blown heroin addict, selling my soul to get high. When i realized i needed help i didnt know where to go. But i got help and you can too. Youre not alone. Help is within reach. Call 844 reach nj or visit reachnj. Gov. The road to recovery starts now. Lets go to the movies in the latest in the fast and furious series hits the big screen this weekend. Kevin frasier from entertainment tonight, previews the faith of the furious. Reporter this week vin diesels fast and furious family are back at it with insane new car chases all around the world along with the brand new villain in the fate of the furious. Just turned on us. Reporter in fate of the furious vin diesels Dominic Terrell betrays his family and joins up with the most dangerous cyber terrorist in the world. Shes first ever, female villains and calls for a distinctive hair due. My assistant came up with the hair. She just out of no where said you should do dread locks, almost dangerous looking, like her hair could be weapons like her hair could hurt you but still same time really beautiful. That was really fun. Reporter but it is the stunts that are blowing everyones mind this time around from historic car chase in cuba. We are in cuba, the first global hollywood movie to be a loud. Reporter two cars flying out of buildings in new york city. New york is such a great canvas, for car chases. The action that ensues in the insidious is just so hard to beat. Reporter to a 95mile an hour car chase on ice against a nuclear submarine. We are at it again, sending love from ice land, lets go. Take the wheel. What . This is crazy. For entertainment tonight im Kevin Frazier now back to you in the studio. Movie making still is incredible. Yep. Unbelievable. That is Eyewitness News at 5 00. Now at 6 00. A massive brawl breaks out here at this north philadelphia carnival, im greg argos here near juniata park with what the carnival operator says he is doing differently to make sure this does in the happen again. Racing through the streets of philadelphia, only Eyewitness News captures video of this runaway horse taking laps through lanes of the city, the way that she was finally rounded up. It is a mess, that is how frustrated commuters are describing the parking problems at 30th street station. Im anita oh the changes they are demanding. Another great day in store but big warm up in steer for Easter Holiday that might have those chocolate bunnies melting down. Im meteorologist lauren casey ill let you know how High Temperatures will climb for the holiday. Cbs3 Eyewitness News at 6 00 starts right now. It is, something that everybody started to go in and whatever, swinging back and forth. At 6 00 heres is what happening, a night of fun end with fists flying. The victim of an attack at a philadelphia carnival describes how he and his girlfriend were assaulted, and tonight, were getting a look at video that may show suspects wanted in the a tack. Good evening im ukee washington. Im jessica dean. Eyewitness News Reporter greg argos is in hunting park where precautions are being taken at that carnival tonight , hi there, greg. Reporter that is right, jessica. The carnival opened autopsy 5 00, we are told by manager there will be extra security people stationed throughout the area meanwhile police have not made any arrests from that tuesday fight here, at the carnival and we have obtained some new video which may show some of the same sus pecks. Watch the girl in the pink, punches start flying and then the kicks, the boyfriend Jayla Santana a north philadelphia carnival tuesday night. Boyfriend Miguel Hernandez says he was also beaten. It was a flash mob, you know, they totally picked us out at random. Some girl came up behind my girlfriend and hit her. Reporter they were going on their first solo date when they were suddenly attacked. Everybody, started going in , whatever, swinging at us, back and forth and it escalat ed real quickly. Reporter police are looking for suspects. There is no arrests currently but still an Ongoing Investigation and we are still trying to sort it out. Reporter as manager of the carnival near erie a

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