Have winter storm a alerts for the entire northwest half of the viewing area here. Winter storm warnings in your pink shaded counties and Winter Weather advisory down through southeastern pennsylvania, and across the border in to central new jersey. Heres where we stan with the temperatures. You can understand why it is just rain. It is a chilly rain, that might be falling up towards pocono region but just not cold enough yet but it is instant last check we were at 50, now 48, temperatures are falling, and they will continue to do so. Notice where core of the cold is back through columbus that is cold air coming to join forces with that same storm system. We have cold air coming in for two separate reasons because storm is generating its own and air mass coming into meet up with it. That does mean as the storm starts to turn over to that snow travel will get more and more downhill. The rails, it is mainly wet. That might end up being your best option, vittoria will talk about this. Poor visibility, slick travel as we see rain change over to snow and we can expect delays to backup at the airport as well. Throughout the curse of the day notice temperatures are fall, back down to the mid 30s. And in philadelphia it will be colder to the north and west and that is again where we will fine heavier snow fall totals. We will have that exclusive eye bitterness weather snowfall map for you coming up in my next hit. Stick around for that. We will have more details on timing too, vittoria. Thanks, katie, good morning everyone. As of right now traffic is moving i would a fairly well, traveling on i95, schuylkill, our majors, Speed Sensors high up in the 50s but as katie has been talking about and we will continue to talk about things will definitely change. What we are looking at here is 202 and route one south, if you are traveling in this intersection you will notice we have an accident, ambulance on the scene as well as police. So righthand lane is being compromised as a result of this incident. If this is where you are headed you want to be mindful to a a avoid it or give yourself more time. As we look at this shot though look at the glare we are seeing on the roadway itself is. That is what we are seeing on our cameras on our majors. Owe we are seeing those slick spots out there. Even ben franklin bridge youll notice lights picking up reflection on the roadway. It is slick out there. Any sort of slickness or wetness you have on the road, it is going to sit you back and never underestimate it because as little as this much can cause incident. No volume problems just yet we are still waiting on the rush. If you are traveling again on our majors and not only pennsylvania and in delaware and new jersey things are moving well, no delays at the airport and a mass transit looks great still so far. Still, so far. Thank you. It is falling as light rain but in just a few hours that will all change to snow. Timing just could not be worth as thousands of drivers are expect to hit the area roads today. Eyewitness News Reporter Nicole Brewer tells us how penndot is preparing for that first taste of winter, good morning. Reporter Mother Nature has impeccable timing serving you have up our regions first significant snow storms on one of the busiest travel days of the year. Before you get where you are going just take into account penndots plan of action as you mentioned erika were here at penndot yard. They are planning to be in montgomery, chester and bucks counties having crews out there by midnight. Already out there in full force. Other trucks in philadelphia and delaware counties, planning to be out by morning. As katie mentioned heavier snowfall will be happening in the afternoon hours and that is when most of the vehicles will be on the road. Now in all penndot has access to 444 trucks, ready to take on this winter storm event, however, it may fall. Fortunately for them and for us we have had two warm days and rain is supposed to come before less snow. Road is still quite warm. We dont expect to see heavy accumulation on the road surfaces. You will see more on the lawns. Reporter so again, penndot is asking folks to use common sense out and about on the roads, in addition to adjusting travel times and waiting out this storm they are also asking for folks to decrease their speed and increase the travel distance between themselves and other vehicles, especially those penndot trucks that want to leave six car lengths between you and the plow. We are live from the penndot yard in norristown, Nicole Brewer, cbs3 Eyewitness News. We will get back to you. For those travelers flying friendly skies airlines are waving fees if you choose to change your plans. Eyewitness News Reporter jan carabao is over at philly international with that part of the coverage. We will get with jan in a bit. Once again we are at the rails, we are at the airport, with jan carabao and she filed this. Reporter report it is sure sign that holidays are a approaching, family bundled, packed up, prepared to spend sometime in the airport. Im gearing up. I have made a play list on my ipod i i know i will be sitting here a long time. Reporter this year folks are bracing for the worst. Thinks already one of the busiest travel days of the year but as for bad weather to that Holiday Travel and you have a recipe for major delays. Airlines have lifted their fees for changing or encouraging people to change their flight to avoid wednesday and anticipated bad weather. That is a good thing. That may spread out some of the travel. Reporter over at 30th street station the trains are rolling and amtrak has added trains this holiday but most tickets are already taken. If you are looking to change your plans act fast get to amtrak. Com, check back frequently in case other people cancel. There might ab veil built there. Reporter annual rush to make it home for the holidays, it never feels easy but some years are better than others. The ticketing is crazy, so it is really difficult to go spend time with your family. That is for sure. A lot of families getting it together right now. This is one of the busiest travel days of the year. We will get back to jan shortly. Whether you are traveling by plane, train or car check out cbs philly. Com. Find latest Road Conditions and track your flights as well on our home page at cbs philly. Com. Developing right now, protesters torched a police car after another tense night in ferguson. It happened right outside fergusons city hall, a large group of people surrounded that car, flipped it on its side and then tossed molotov cocktails inside broken windows. The st. Louis county police chief says 44 people were arrested overnight but much better night than the lays. I dont think johnson or myself or any commander here really envisioned how bad last night was. That was a scale that is seldom seen. If any of us knew last night was going to be what it was, if we had a crystal ball but we could have never imagined that. The fire storm is breaking his silence. Officer Darren Wilson told abc news that what went through his mind before shooting Michael Brown. At that time i gave myself, another mental check, and the question i asked myself was i have to, if i dont he will kill will me if he gets to me. Officer wilson went on to say he could not have done anything differently. Protests were organized in cities all across america including right here in philadelphia they gee again in the day and continued in the night under watchful eyes of the police. Additional personnel were called into control the crowds if need be. Angry as they were over the grand jurys decision not to file charges against Ferguson Police officer Darren Wilson in the death of Michael Brown the protest where is largely peaceful. They are not len in knowing this is an injustice. This is in the okay. This is a country wide issue. Were in philadelphia a. Were in the in ferguson. We are still will trying to stabbed up for what is right. No one has been harm, no property has been damaged. So obviously we want to give them that space. We have in the done anything to restrict their expression. Chief sullivan also tells us they did not arrest any protesters. 5 09 right now. Those protests in philadelphia were much more peaceful than other parts in the country where people set fires overnight. We will show you area hardest hit by coast to coast protest. We have an eye on the storm this morning, snow could slow down the holiday rush, we have everything you need to k know before you head out the door, carol . And were on i95 and ill tell you this is getaway time. If you need to go someplace head out now the roads look just fine. We will see how long that continues however, that is coming up. And, when the snow starts to fall we want to see what it looks like in your neighborhood. Share your weather pictures and video on facebook, twitter andgram, just add that hash tag cbs3 snow or up load them through the cbs philly weather app, find that app on itunes and google play. We will be right back. Blank we are continuing to keep an eye on the storm that could turn Holiday Travel into a real headache. Storm scan three shows rain moving in right new but that is going to switch to snow in a few hours. Katie had has your updated forecast coming up in just a moment. Travelers trying to get to Atlantic City have to take an unexpect detour. Spirit Airlines Plane headed from tampa to a Atlantic City last night was divert todd Fort Lauderdale after being struck by lightening. Plane landed safely and spirit put passengers on a new plane that arrived in Atlantic City around midnight. 5 13. Heres traffic and more on your weather, katie. We are beginning to see change overtake place from rain through snow and back through virginias now that cold air has started to wrap in and move with this storm system and also it is a storm intensifying with time. Eventually we will see change over too. Right now it is just rain, across our area, but temperatures will continue their decline and as they did we will start to see more of this take place. See what happens on the tail even of the loop through appalachians, rain turns over to mix of pink and purples. We have sleet and or heavy wet snow falling in those location that is will roll our way too as the cold air wraps in. Let me walk you through future weather, it is a guide. That is important to layout first but it is a very good guide of how it will all shake out with the timing. Mainly the rain will overtake the region here, through seven or 8 00 a. M. Or so and then that is what we will see the really cold air wrap n boom, almost like a switch getting flip. We will see that change overtake place where it is not just rain but heavy, wet snow now falling through northwestern half of the area. We will have winter storm warnings in effect here. Dark shades of purple indicating where we will have most thumping snow and best opportunity to pick up most decent accumulation. Mainly rain further south and east you will travel but we have strong winds. By the evening we are seeing that split take shape here so depending where rain snow line sets up anywhere that you have got snow falling that is where we will find it for rest of the event. Tonight storm is long gone. By midnight we should be completely done with this. But snowfall amounts heres our exclusive map we are expecting nothing more than a coat to go a modest inch or two, interior South Central new jersey but we will rapidly increase those totals just a couple counties off to the north and west here. Philadelphia generally slushy 2 inches or so, but you do have Winter Weather advisories posted there and winter storm warnings just heading in to, even western chester up to upper bucks county and points northwest. Moving forward in the forecast we are flirting with 40, but thirst and friday it is quiet out there weekend is also quiet and having a chance to moderate up on the thermometer. We just the good to get through today. We will continue our team three weather coverage with meteorologist Carol Erickson live with the mobile weather lab tracking weather conditions in every neighborhood in which we find her. It is a very busy morning at philly aint national, carol. It certainly is, lets look outside. This is a rarely seen look this hour of the morning but you can see how busy it is. Look at all of the people already stacking up, this is at u. S. Airway, obviously a big hub here at Philadelphia International airport. At this point i dont believe there are flight delays, however, that is likely to be the case as we move through the day, not just because of weather conditions here but weather conditions in other parts up and down the eastern United States especially just slightly in land. So boston that sort of thing. You may be finding these up creasing flight delays later on today but at this point as you can see not that bad out here. The roads are slightly wet, not an issue. Let me she you a graphic on safe travel. This spells it out. This lets you know when it is safe to travel before 7 00 oclock i dont think you have a problem really doing anything. Trains, planes, automobiles, maybe even hitchhiking you should be fine. After 8 00 p. M. We are going to be finding the snow ending but in between that time period that is when we are likely to be finding the most dangerous time of all of this, coming up, just because of the snow that will be increasing and starting to spread to the east. So not gigantic amount of snow but make gigantic flakes. Something to machine torahs a very messy, very busy travel day out here at international airport. Im just driving by, a lot of traffic out here at the airport, vittoria. People are starting to head out of town. Absolutely, you know what, people are starting to head out, if you are traveling on our majors, specifically if you are traveling on i95 around girard avenue. That is where we will start to see that pocket of rush hour delays form. Even though if you are traveling, on the roosevelt boulevard things are wide opened and cleared. We are definitely going to see some volume pick up because we have to travel on i95 primarily to get to the Philadelphia International airport but traveling boulevard not seeing too much of the delay just yet. Moving to the schuylkill express waste reason why this shot is so good because one we are not seeing too much volume but another reason why it is really pick up the reflection on the roadway that it is slick out there and do not underestimate a road that looks like this because with that slickness incidents do happen. Take it easy but as carol was mentioning in delays at the airport and mass transit is Still Holding on strong, ukee. All month long we have been giving away hundred dollars. Today is your last chance to cash in with Eyewitness News. Keep watching for your chance to win. Some shoppers are camping out for thanksgiving and black friday deals but you may have to wait a little longer for those bargains in the future. We will tell but the steps being taken to limit how early on stores can open up. We will be right back. Good morning, were keeping an eye on the roads all morning long, snow is expect to snarl traffic on one of the busiest travel days of the year, we will check traffic and weather together on the threes, coming up in just a few minutes, glad you are with us, erika. Threat of snow is not keeping people from camping out for those black friday bargains, do you see that 110t there, we found that one determined shopper spending the night in the tent at best buy in cherry hill. Now he still has to wait about 36 hearst before the store opens at 5 00 oclock tomorrow night. He must want that new big screen or whatever he is getting. He is serious right there. One new jersey law maker wants to limit your Shopping Options on thanksgiving. Richard codey is pushing a bill to prevent stores from opening before 9 00p m on thanksgiving day. More than two dozen malls and outlets in new jersey will open up tomorrow with some opening up as early as 10 00 a. M. Time to check your philadelphia job Market Report with Eyewitness News jobs experts steven greenberg. Every month in good times and in bad millions of people get hired nationwide. In pennsylvania, that amounts to 200,000 people. For up to 80 percent of all opened jobs may never be advertised. Key is neglect where to find them. Jefferson and christiana care do a great deal of hiring in the philadelphia area every year and they are not just looking for doctors and nurses. Christiana carries more than 130 opening, they are looking for analyst, administrative assistant, project coordinators, billing managers and research associates. Go directly to the hospitals own career page to find these jobs. Employers may list a few position positions on paid job board but they will list all own jobs on their own site. Check hospital sites often, goal, to apply days the jobs are listed that will improve you have chances of landing your next job. Im Steve Greenburg for cbs3 5 23. Let get traffic and weather together and that rain is here, katie. Absolutely is, in mixing taking place on the radar just yet. Temperatures are marginal, whoever and we will show thaw in a second. Lets take a look at the smattering of green and yellow, it is lit up like a Christmas Tree on storm scan three a as moisture starts to seep in. Now that it is here it is not going anywhere until later on tonight. Notice temperatures even in mount pocono it ties warm for anything but for some chilly rain but these temperatures will continue their decline and slowly but surely we will start to see change overtake place. We will probably have a win of other another say two or three up to four hours, max for everybody to start seeing that mixing take place. Further south east in most of southern new jersey this is primarily a heavy rain making storm. We will see gusty wind, too. But we continue to see this, throughout the day, and heaviest snow falling to the northwest of philadelphia, we will go to the Lehigh Valley and pocono region we could be talking up to 8 inches, highest terrain especially in philadelphia, it is more like, a slushy 2 inches or so, so very sharp gradient, as we see rain snow line right over our area vittoria. Thanks very much, katie. Good morning, still our roads are still pretty quiet, that is good news, if you are doing Holiday Traveling at the moment things are wide open, giving us a nice big thanksgiving day hug. Traveling on 202 no delays, this shot right around the area of 29, traveling around malvern, in problems at all, both north and southbound commuting on 202 is great and not only just here, maybe just traveling out towards west chester and heading towards area of king of prussia, that is a smooth ride. Same thing for your traveling on i95, this area right around woodhaven, travel in bucks county, and even making your way through the north east it is not awful, however, if you are traveling on i95 southbound, you could just field a touch of traffic as you approach the area of girard avenue. That is where we will see a drop down. But still so, so far so good Speed Sensors in the 50s in all of the majors and in pennsylvania, new jersey and delaware and airport as well as mass transit wise things are looking great, ukee. The eagles leave today for a thanksgiving day date with these dallas cowboys. The both teams go in the game at eight and three and tied atop nfc east. Cowboys improved offensive line has allowed star running back Dimarco Murray to tear off more than 1300 yards so fat this season to lead the National Football league. The birds necessity their defensive effort has to start with stopping that dallas running game. He is a downhill runner. We have to get down on the ground. He likes to brake tackles. He is a good back. I think going in there, shut that running game down. Lets go get them, fellas. Sixers heading in tonights game at brooklyn nets. A loss at well would tie sixers franchise record for most loss toes start a season. Play every game like it is your last just like Allen Iverson said. Lets get that win tonight. Flyers in detroit to play red wings. Check out blog by villanova wildcats pinkston with 102nd left. That was all a ball, and pinkston rejects michigan zach irving, wildcats beat wolverines 6055. Get out of here. Last nights ledgend classic championship game in brooklyn. Good night for city teams. We will talk more in our next hour. The nicely done, erika. Ukee, thanks. Coming up next on Eyewitness News it is a holiday rush but Mother Nature could ruin your travel plans today, nicole. Reporter before you head out on the roads, consider penndots plan of action, we are live as crews prepare for snow, on one of the busiest travel days of the year. Thanks, nicole. Vittoria and katie continue our Team Coverage we have got an eye on this system we are looking live right now from the mobil weather lab we will see windshield wipers going just rain right new that will switch to snow for so many out there we have got you covered we are back in two minutes. My one word to describe ac would relaxing getaway fun unique beautiful serenity shenanigans refreshing shopping surprising happy place you know what i mean . I want to say friendly. Exhilarating adventure the boardwalk nosleep its a great weekend. There is so much to do here. Its so great to have it so close. Its just a great location, a great place to be. We love Atlantic City

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