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Bucks county said all of the county resources are being dedicate today returning these men home safely. Last week when the four men went missing here in bucks county. Those men include two teenagers, spawned this joint Police Investigation with local and state police from plumbstead to middletown township. The missing men are jimi tar patrick, last seen july 5th, reported missing after he never showed to up work that day. Two days later then dean finocchiaro, last reported siting of him was getting into a vehicle in langhorne, also on july 7th, when mark sturgis, and tom meo went missing seen in the doyle towns area together. Authorities overnight located the carve one of the missing men, then focused attention on house along aquetong road. Police are not saying what they have found at that home or how it is relevant to this mysterious disappearance of four men here in bucks county. I can tell this investigation of course is a priority for every agency involved, and weve been working around the clock on it, will not rest, until we know exactly what happened. Reporter District Attorney in bucks county saying the Police Presence that we now see in solebury township, all of the resources in the county being dedicated, theyre searching a home over there. Again, not saying what they are looking for and what they are finding, police, very tightlipped on this investigation saying focus on returning these men home safely. Held News Conference just new minutes ago to make plea to the public and ask people with any information, anyone with tips, to come forward, and they gave us the number to pull out there 215 2978201. Again, 215 2978201. Anyone with information is urged to call authorities. For now reporting live in solebury township, alicia, cbs3, Eyewitness News. Thank you very much, alicia. Meanwhile, police in New Castle County delaware are also looking for a missing g man, 24 year old joshua pain last seen yesterday morning at his home in the rose ville park section of newark. He is described as 6 feet tall, brown hair, blue eyes, if you have seen him or have any information about his whereabouts, please contact police. Sixteen former members every a Penn State Fraternity are back in court this noon. They are facing various charges in connection with the dead after pledge, during alleged hazing ritual. Outside the courthouse with a look at the proceedings so far. David . Reporter hi, rahel, a lot of raw emotions in the courthouse behind me, this Center County courthouse, sitting literally 5 feet away from timothe piazza parents becomes hour ago, very emotional, very raw, tears being shed, 16 of these members, 18 charged, to wave their right for preliminary hearing, theyre going to go to trial, the purpose of the hearing behind me is to decide if there is enough evidence to move forward with this trial, and it is interesting, rahel, jim, ive covered a lot of trials over the years, this is the only one where ive seen the d a on one side, and 16 defendants and 16 attorneys on the other side. Sixteen former members of beta said a pi without into the courthouse this morning, all facing charges relating to the death of 19 year old timothe piazza, a pledge who died in february. The attended pledge party fueled by alcohol. Piazza fell down the stairs, and no one called help for 12 hours. In court the District Attorney shared text messages, between beta members in the moments after piazza died. One of the messages from the phone of brendan young, chapter president from malvern, quote, make sure the pledges clean the basement and get rid of any evidence of alcohol, end quote. Piazzas parents were also in the courtroom, visibly shaking during testimony. The entire episode involving piazza and Fraternity Brothers was caught on closed circuit surveillance video. At one point in the video joseph m, defendant from philadelphia, slapped bee ass a to try to wake him up, charged wreckless endangerment. Philadelphia attorney bill brennan reps joseph m. I guess ill look at it again today, but there was nothing on the video that i saw that was assault of criminal behavior. This is a terrible tragedy, the family feels absolutely compassionate, and deeply sorry about the lost of this young man, but we cant equate tragedy with criminality. Several of those pledges and several of those former now Fraternity Members facing charges every involuntary manslaughter, District Attorney stacey parks mill is her going to continue presenting her evidence, then were going to hear from 16 different Defense Attorneys against 16 defendants, in the state, expected to be long couple of days here in bellefonte. Reporting live, david spunt, cbs3, Eyewitness News. Thank you, david, for that update. Meanwhile in other news, vigil will be held at Brandywine Valley spca in new castle dement wear tonight, site of fiery crash that killed a woman and three cats. Still investigating what caused the driver to lose control and crash into the building on early sunday morning. Almost 100 animals were evacuate from the that site, the spca says many of them still need to be adopted. Well, there are only minimal delays departing 30th street here in philadelphia, but the summer of discontent has already gun in new york city. A huge construction project has started at the nations busiest train station, New York Penn station, theyre now fewer trains at the station and commuter routes are impacted both in new york and in hoboken, new jersey, Officials Say commute letters need to take time to adjust to the new routine. The construction project is expected to last until september 1st. This noon, Trump Administration is pushing back on allegations of collusion cents with the russians, this after donald trump, jr. Changed his story about meeting with a russian attorney during the president ial campaign. At the white house now with more details. Morning, how are you . Reporter donald trump, jr. Admits he met with a russian attorney during the us president ial campaign because she claimed to have damaging information on hillary clinton. He was told that there would be information that may be helpful to the campaign. There was no such information. Trump Junior Campaign chairman paul man for and the president s soninlaw, jared kushner, met with a russian lawyer with possible ties to the cream little. Offered information on individuals connected to russia who she says were funding the Democratic National committee in supporting mrs. Clinton, he said if quickly became clear she had no meaningful information, then changed the subject to adoption, and sanctions against russians, the revelation comes as former fbi director Robert Mueller looking into whether the Trump Campaign column eude dollars with russia to win the election. There was no collusion that happened in this meeting. But the fact that they were doing the meeting is suggesting that the willingness to column eude, and thats what bob mule letter have to dig into. The white house insists the president did not know about the meeting involving his son, soninlaw, and campaign chairman. The president says hes ready to move forward. The us russian relationship. President trump met with russian president vladmeere putin friday, two discussed creating cyber hacking unit to prevent future election meddling. Im sure that vladmeere putin could be of enormous assistance in that effort since he is doing the hacking. The president has now somewhat backed off the idea, there was a discussion, but that doesnt mean he thinks it can happen. Cbs3, Eyewitness News. Well, president obama is scheduled to attends his First Political event since leaving offers. On thursday he is expected to go to a fundraiser for group aimed at helping democrats gray more inclusive legislative district lines. The event will be hosted by former attorney general, eric holder, at a private home in washington. Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf has until midnight tonight to takings on the stayed zero states budget. Lawmakers sent the governor 32 billion spending plan ten days ago. Now, that plan becomes law at midnight even without the governors signature. If he act before midnight he did choose to veto or partially approve the plan. Negotiators are trying to patch up deficit more than 2 billion before tonights deadline. President trump once again pressing congress to get the Affordable Care act repealed and replaced, tune do it before the long august recess. Healthcare is a top priority as Congress Returns from their further every july recess, current proposed plan getting resistance on both sides of the aisle. President trump this morning i cannot imagine congress would dare to leave washington without a beautiful new healthcare bill, fully approved, and ready to go. Well, coming up teen lucky to be alive after being attacked by a bear while he was asleep. Where it happened next. Plus, fighting for charlie guards, the little boy has a rare genetic condition and is on life support. Why a British Court is deciding his fate, a decision that could bring him to america for experimental treatment. Katie . And jim, looking ahead to week that just features a lot of thunderstorm icons on the seven day graphic. Youll see as we get to the full forecast. There are definitely days that you will want the umbrella over others. Ill explain in that full forecast a little later out west wildlife officials are looking for a bear that attacked a teen while he slept outside at a summer cap. Camp. He woke up to the bear biting his head. He fought back other camp workers helped scare the bear away. The teen walk away surprisingly with only few scars, and said the attack wont make him afraid of bears or sleeping in the wild again. Britains highest court is deciding the fate of 11 month old boy with a very rare genetic condition. The babys parent have been fighting for months to bring him to the u. S. For treatment. Jean ferguson reports from london. Reporter the battle for baby charlie gard future is being decided here at london high court. Judges will determine whether he can receive experimental treatment or if his life support should be turned off. For over a month his parents have been pleading for charlie to come to the u. S. Arguing new drugs will give him to up a 10 chance to live. The medication is just oral medicine, no known major side effect, and, you know, nothing to lose. And he deserves a chance. Charlies rare mitochondrial disease has left him blind and deaf, unable to move his limbs. Doctors here at great or manned street hospital where charlie is being treated initially said the experimental treatment would only fro long his suffering. Now, the hospital has request add new Court Hearing after researchers outside of britain said the new treatment might help. On sunday charlies parent delivered a petition to the hospital with 350,000 signatures supporting their pleas to take their son to the united state. Lets get charlie the treatment he needs. If hes still fighting, were still fighting. American doctors in new york have offered to treat charlie. Two congressmen have proposed giving the family us residency, and the internet has raised 1. 7 million to help. Jane ferguson, for cbs news, london. Well still ahead on Eyewitness News, a road trip with a twist. Meisha . Well, weve heard it time and time again, that man has a forever best friends, and in todays love it meeting two texas best east not only breaking records together, but a much bigger purpose near and dear to the both of them, thats coming up. Katie . That dog is wearing a lay, i cant wait for this story. We are looking forward here, my friends, to allinall a pretty decent upcoming weekends, we think right now. Even though weve got unsettled weather to get through first, but seasonable conditions, highs in the mid 80s, and limited shot for some rain right now, allinall, not looking bad if you do have outdoor plans. But stay there, we will be right back with the rest of the forecast, which youll be needing the umbrella for, all we start things offer by getting you outside to look at skycam 3, looking like pretty nice start to the afternoon here up in bethlehem, from high atop hotel bethlehem, some folks enjoying the trails along the campus, bright sunshine, blue skies, couple of cloud offer in the distance, as well, this is however one spot that could end up seeing a shower or thunderstorm at some point throughout the second half of the day. We go next to storm scan3, already notice, that part of even kent county and over the delaware bay, beginning to see that fire up out there. But, for the most part, most of us are dry, and it is starting to heat up out there, too. You know yesterday we had comfortable warmth, and we didnt have much humidity to work w there is frontal boundary dropping in, definitely larger scale cluster of showers and thunderstorms back across lake erie, just into lower michigan, northwest ohio, but i dont think it will quite look like this by the time it reaches us. Essentially what happens is this. Ment front drops in, drops to the south, me around ers nearby, for a day or two, then lifts back north again. So essentially, you have got one piece of energy thats stuck, and it is stuck close enough to us it brings us days worth of potential for unsettled weather. Now, no day looks right now like it is a wash. But, every day is just as unsettled. Now, your comfort index as a result of this pattern, too, is also going to eventually need to be called the discomfort index, because that dew point continues to climb, with every passing day. Put it in the category of not bad for the rest of today, but even at this point you can tell, that dew point beginning to creep up. Becomes a lot more noticeable for tomorrow, wednesday as well as thursday, if not friday before it does get little better. So where we currently stands with the dew point. Points of variety, right, up mount pocono, with very light wind overall, it is gorgeous, right now, but then youve got the steaminess taking over a place like dover, dew. 72. Remember that benchmark, 65 degrees usually about the time it starts to feel steamier for dew point temperature. The closer the number gets the air temperature, the more mug at this will be. So still not bad as indicate in the that comfort index for you here in philadelphia. It is kind of breezy though, you go down to the shore here Atlantic City south winds 14 miles per hour, so certainly noticeable breeze out there. And with every passing day the possibility still remains for shower or thunderstorm, now, looking outside beach patrol headquarters, some of the busiest activity ive seen out at this particular beach spot. Typically one of the quieter spots. Really prom i cents to be nice beach day. Any of the showers or thunderstorms that we are talking about for today, likely stay inland. So if you are at the shore, about ready to hit the beach here, just watching us from vacation in your shore house, i think you are looking okay here for the rest of the dayment poconos probably different story of the everything still spotty the rest of today even into tonight, as well as tomorrow, but still have that possibility after shower or thunderstorm right into tomorrow and daytime highs in the low 80s, meanwhile, back in philadelphia, these are your philadelphia highs for the next few days, cool, about to get steamy, three state days of zero nine or above as it is, factor in building humidity. It will feel very oppressive over the next few days. I think friday specially looks like it will be the most stormy day of the pack. I would definitely keep an umbrella handy there. And then tomorrow, as well. Scattered but bit more widespread with the showers and storms. What was that sounds you just made . You know, jim made a joke or youre laughing at me, one or the other. Always with you, katie. A man and his best friends on john toy make a difference. America here now with todays love it. Yes, well, they say that a dog is a mans best friends. So in todays love it were meeting a man, his furry companion, a mission theyre setting out to accomplish as a team. Get this, you guys, texas and his dog just spent four years riding in a electric bike all over the united state. Recently finished one nice little jaunt across the golden gate bridge. But the records setting ride isnt just about want to go break records, much bigger purpose and plan. Ride also intends today raise awareness, for animal shelters across the country, like the one where he adopted his pooch. So in each town that we go through, takes me to different shelter. We highlight, you know, different dogs looking for homes as well as what can the community do to support that local shelter. The bike day ride has an electric peddling feature helps in uphill climbs, they first set out in may of 2013 and traveled about 10,000 miles in three years together. Oh, how cute that is. Then, in just the past year, the duo completed new trip of 16,000 miles just enough to break the worlds record, the longest journey ever on an electric bicycle. So another huge accomplishment, way to go. Isnt that a door be . Think about how many shelters they can visit and 16,000 miles, how many animals. Many ways to love. Talking about that before we even started talking about it, so cute. Keep up the great work, mike, and bucksby. Love it. If you have any inspirational story ideas please send me my way on twitter or facebook at meisha p johnson. Meisha, thank you. From that race to up next, one of the slowest races youll ever see. These turtles definitely have the need for coffee gets many moving in the morning, meisha, but always conflicting reports if it is good for you or not. Well have the latest from two major studies, thats to the add 5 00. Well, speed was in the eye of the bee hole nerve upstate new york, during the annual great turtle race. About 300 turtles participated in the tradition, with runners ands coaches taking home prize, as you can see, some competitors there were little more willing to cross the finish line than others, but the competition was all about fun. None that far around here. We play for teeth around here. My cousin had a turtle named middle. I still have one, im telling you. Animal kingdom here. Thats Eyewitness News at noon, im jim donovan. Im rahel solomon, for meisha, katie, all every us here, thanks for watching. Eyewitness news continues at 5 00. Were always on line at cbsphilly. Com. The young and the restless is next. Fios is not cable. Were a 100 fiber optic network. And with the new fios gigabit connection. You get our Fastest Internet ever. With download speeds up to 940 megs 20 times faster than most people have. Switch to fios gigabit connection with tv and phone for 79. 99 a month online for the first year. Plus hbo for one year and multiroom dvr service for two years, all with a twoyear agreement. And switching has never been easier. Get out of you contract with up to a 500 credit to help cover your early termination fee. Go to fiosgigabit. Com we buy any car dot com we buy any car dot com any any any any did you know trading in your car at a dealer could cost you money . A recent study found consumers who trade in their car pay an average of 990 dollars more. So dont trade in. Sell it. To we buy any car. 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