Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 11 20170225

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k9 officers spent hours combing through the wooded trail to say surrounding the kings grant section of evesham township. >> we know obviously he's getting some kind of gratification by exposing himself to women. we don't know where he'll take this. >> reporter: before 5:00 p.m., this man dressed in a dark hooded sweatshirt and jogging pants exposed himself to three women near wood lake drive and then began performing a lewd act on himself >> i don't know what's going on, but kind of obscene >> this marks seven confirmed incidents involving the same suspect description since july. >> everything pointed to the fact that this person is on foot and obviously very familiar with the trails behind each of the locations. >> reporter: police believe there's a chance this suspect lives in the immediate area. >> i take walks with the dogs. i'm alert. bring a flashlight. very nervous. especially for the younger kids that live in the neighborhood. >> reporter: following up on a sighting last month, we spoke with this 8-year-old with his mother explained he and friends were approached by the same suspects over the summer. >> it's always a concern of ours, any time there's children present. >> reporter: witnesses told police the suspect fled on if i do through the woods near richard rice elementary school. on that trail, police seek to insure that the suspect's next encounter is with this guy. last month we told you about another man exposed himself first in the medford and then here in evesham township. he was heavyset, a bit older and did so while completely nude. police are still looking for him as well. reporting live in evesham township, alexandria hoff, cbs3 "eyewitness news." >> thank you. philadelphia police are investigating a suspicious death in port richmond. a very much-year-old woman was found by relatives face down in the living room of a home on mercer street. police say she had office trauma to her head and was in a pool of blood. the second floor of her home had been ransacked but there were no signs of forced entry. a federal judge sentences the owners of popular ocean city pizza chain manco and manco. they quickly left court in camden today. the judge sentenced him to 15 months of prison for evading $92000 in taxes, mrs. will serve three years of promotion for lying to the irs about finances. the future of manco and manco is unclear. that was the scene from this morning's contentious meeting in cherry hill where the new jersey pine land's commission voted to approve a 22 mile gas pipeline part of a project by south jersey gas to convert a power plant in upper township to cleaner burning natural gas, those posed say it could harm the environment. others believe it will create jobs. >> fire tears through a ramada in vineland sending a police officer an hotel guest to the hospital. first responders arrived on scene around 2:00 this morning. other guests some with small children escaped with just the clothing on their backs. the calls the remains under investigation but officials say it does not appear to be suspicious. the search continues for a driver wanted for a hit-and-run in kensington. crash was breakings news last night. it was on east clearfield street steps away from his home. they found a damaged silver bmw few blocks away. he's still in critical condition tonight. the judge in bill cosby sexual assault case limited the number of accusers who can testify. during the entertainer's june trial. prosecutors will only be able to call one of 13 past accusers. one witness were who can testify says she was assaulted by the 79-year-old in 1996. the decision comes as cosby prepares for another court hearing monday. the judge could rule on a defense request to move the trial out of montgomery county or pick a jury outside of the area. cbs news confirms fbi is looking into whether president trump's associates were coordinating with russian officials during the presently campaign. as the president goes on attack. he explained his gender at the annual conservative political action conference known as cpac. he told people in the crowd they finally have preyed. >> there is no dream too large, no task too great. we're pleasures and a future belongs to us. the future belongs to us all of you. and america is coming about. and it's coming back and it's roaring and you can hear it. >> president trump signed an executive order to help remove what he calls job killing regulations. he also welcomed peru's president and met with former primary rival john kasich. ancestry dna testing is becoming more popular than ever. tonight, natasha brown goes on a journey with more than 2000 students faculty and staff at west chester. they got a closer look at roots. ♪ . our region is filled with a me sake of faces. languages about. differences are often pronounced with professors at west chester university trying to start a different conversation. >> one identified as black and one white. >> reporter: diversity becomes more of a topic. >> i identity as black and white >> i shannon and i'm african-american. >> reporter: on campus we met up with a group of curious students looking to delve into ancestry. >> the project started ten years ago when there was a grant from the multi-cultural faculty commission to look at diversity in a nontraditional way. >> reporter: a decade later and the afford ability has expanded mission with students jumping at the chance to explore >> to get people to talk about race in a positive way. this is sort of humbling in that you start with yourself and the diversity. >> reporter: students already gone through the process. >> informative for myself and my family to say with confidence where some and we're 20's % european. >> knowing that you're a little different than you thought changes your view. >> you can actually hand that back to me. >> reporter: we went on a journey as they began the process submitting dna samples looking beyond the narrative they've always been told >> my family has a long family narratives. scan naveian decent. i know i'm african-american that's all i know. so basically i just want to dig deeper >> people ask me what are you? i am black and white >> but there will be more than meets the eye when they get the result >> there are three parts to this. >> reporter: i decided to join in exploring my own ancestry. >> off to the races. do you feel nervous >> i am. why do i feel nervous? >> reporter: after a few weeks, the ancestry dna results were back. it was time for the big reveal. >> 32% from african background and a variety of things with 68% from european background. various regions of africa >> mostly european that's what i know of my family background but i would expect it would be more scan naveian >> while sarah expected more scan naveian roots >> 59% of your background is african, 40 is european. spread out in addition that scan naveian great britain, western europe. >> reporter: sparked lively conversations which is exactly the goal with sarah offering up cultural advice with a new found cling link >> in our search we found so far it doesn't change somebody's attitude and people say i may keep my same identity regardless of what this says r says but it seems to soften the way they talk about race and diversity. >> reporter: ongoing racial divided in our country, the doctor is suggesting a new outlook one dna test at a time. >> talking with people different than themselves or similar to them. about race, interested and exciting. >> wow. >> that was, i thought actually, wow, over the last decade or so more than 2000 west chester university students staff and faculty members have gone through the dna testing. we went through it's more affordable than ever, anywhere from 80 to the $99. back in the day these were $450. it's more affordable that's why more and more people are so interested. it's fun. >> are you happy you did it >> i am. i don't even know why i was nervous. >> finding something out about yourself that you didn't know. >> students really got a lot out of it too. >> really interesting. thank you, natasha. at 11:00, our department stores on the virtue of extinction. >> we've seen big name stores closing doors. nicole brewer with what could be putting them out of business, no, it's not just online shopping. plus. ♪ from rock to country to hawaii 50. journey to fame. how philadelphia helped play a role in his success. we've been enjoying weather. going to try to make it three to tomorrow this front comes through and we'll go back to reality when the gusty storms will roll through and how much colder it will get for part too fast westbound. philly is known for its murals. while you'll likely never it's coming soon to the poconos! america's largest indoor waterpark is making waves. kalahari resorts & conventions in the poconos. book your african adventure now! another department store announces plans to downside. jc penney will close over the next few months, the stores have not yet been identified nor how many jobs will be cut. it was just last month, macy's announced it was closing stores. companies say online shopping is hurting the brick and mortar stores. that's not the only reason >> there's a new rising group of consumers with their own set of preferences. when you're in the market for a particular product, where do you go to make the purchase >> i do most online >> more in store >> we're talking about millennials, a new generation of consumers changing the face of retail. experts say they're buyers without brand loyalty and less interested in cruising local department store. >> two to three times engineer >> shopping habits. despite record holiday spending saw declines this past year. what's behind the decision to to skip the traditional big box store >> less about the product. more about the uniqueness of the experience >> dr. wayne williams is a professor of business at the community of college of philadelphia. he says younger buyers prefer a boutique like experience >> generally more informed buyers. we respect more of the unique ways that they sell their product. >> reporter: dr. williams say they reject the department store approach in favor of a more interactive and social. >> when you walk into a store you want to feel welcome >> you can tell right away from walking into the stores. >> reporter: if department stores were tap into that preference, dr. williams believes it could make the difference >> brick and mortar stores are figure out a way to make it capture just the energy we need in terms of how we socialize, they will be able to stick around. >> reporter: dr. williams said when overall spending is down, high end stores barely see a decrease in sales. he attributes the novelty factor but buy less and buy better. because i find myself doing that more as i get older. this entire millennial group that have the same mindset. >> thanks nicole. philadelphia known for its murals but likely never seen anything like this. he has decided to paint murals in the city. it was crafted four stories up on a kensington rooftop and until now, only a few knew it existed. mural arts project said there's always room for new projects and this forces new way of thinking with plenty of blank canvass available to tonight's episode of hawaii 50. we sat down with 925 raz on the radio for a look back right here in philadelphia. >> 92, this is raz. darius rutger. everyone knows >> from philadelphia 925 watching him succeed feels good. >> always so dynamic, and when he just decided to go country, we were there for him at the beginning. >> rutgers stole the show during cbs prime time during a special guest spot as desmomd, the bomb maker. >> everything ok? >> he said when he went into television he wanted to the baddest dude on the planet. and it's not darius. >> he remember when is he made his country debut in philadelphia. >> it was 2010 we did a show with him in world cafe live sold out and you can just tell from the moment on that darius had a great background. he was on top of the world as a rock star. >> the most giving man in the world. great, we're so happy for him. it's just so great to have a relationship with a guy like that. i've never heard a bad word about darius rutgers from anybody. >> how about that? you can catch raz from 3:00 to 7:00 on the country station. we got kate with us. today was incredible. we get a little more of it tomorrow is not anywhere as nice as today. but still 70's in february. that's on a win. watch for thunderstorms. i'll show you coming up we got strong storms rumbling through the area and you don't want to be caught out. as far as tonight is concerned. a lot of people outside enjoying the weather. sitting outside at the bars and cafes and restaurants. dragging out the tables and chairs yesterday and i'm sure the sidewalkses are packed in the city. looks good sought there. here comes the front that's going to change that. stormscan 3 we got the warm front to the north in the warm sector. brought us the warmth. you can see this front producing a line of pretty nasty thunderstorms from tornado to kentucky. behind cold air some spots are picking up snow. as we head to the palmyra cove nature park. this is a time laps, puffy fair weather cumulus clouds. beautiful sunset with a light breeze from the west. highest gust was 20 miles per hour. temperatures right now, can still well above average. look at these number, 63 in reading. 63 in allentown. we just dropped below 60 in philadelphia. 56 if you're in millville and 58 degrees down in dover. record warmth tied the record in philly. mount pocono just took a sledgehammer. 67 broke the record of 60. tied record in reading and allentown broke a record with the high of 77. clouds roll in overnight. wake up to some fog, drizzle maybe a couple of showers, this a 8:00 a.m. we will see a few peaks of sun midday, between about noon and 3:00 will be your best chance. watch how quickly these roll in. by 4:00, severe storms you can see the hook shape rumbling through. then to the coast. by 6:00 or 7:00, quit hitting but damaging winds. between 3:00 and 7:00 you don't want to be out on the trails far from home, bike ride anything like that. once it hits 3:00 you want to start watching. we cool down briefly sunday but will warm up again next week. overnight to the mid 50's, fog, 54 overnight low. eyewitness weather seven-day forecast, still warm, look at the bottom falling out sunday 47, a reminder it is still winter. but next week we're up to the 60's by tuesday and wednesday a chance for showers in the forecast especially wednesday of next week. march is coming in like a lamb >> like a warm rainy lamb. we're talking nerlens in dallas, joel embiid is annoyed. what a week it's been. they actually played a game. that happened. dario and it's sixers hosting the washington wizards. sarge playing more, he had 20 points in 33 minutes. now that noel is gone, he makes his presence felt. 12 points and the fourth quarter, sixers all in control. covington. 25 points and 11 boards and the sixers with an eight point win with all the drama. meanwhile, the team making it official today, number one overall pick ben simmons will miss the entire rookie season. general manager brian coangelo making the news. >> it's disappointing i think ben simmons 19-year-old maybe 20 now i think, he's heart broken. he wants to play. wants to be out there. it's eating him alive, i'm sure. unfortunately, that's not going to happen this season. >> he also spoke about joel embiid. he made news when he said he wasn't happy would you the organization handled his knee injury. the sixers misled the media and public about his status >> it was all a mistake to put out day-to-day as opposed to out indefinitely that mistake will not be made again of there's no deceit. no movement towards doing anything to be dishonest at all. on to the ice. flyers play >> larry boa and the phillies. sixth round pick in a 2012 draft two for two, phillies lose nine to four hey, bud. you need some help? no, i'm good. come on, moe. i have to go. 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