Found the stash hidden. Good evening, im jessica dean. Im ukee washington. We begin tonight with a warning from federal authorities about the latest holiday craze those laser christmas lights. Theyre causing concern in the skies. Eyewitness News Reporter todd quinn nope is live at Philadelphia International airport with the story tonight. Todd . Reporter jessica, those lights latest holiday fad but they could wind up causing potential problems for pilots. Tiz the season for Holiday Travel and holiday lights. The combination hasnt been an issue before now. I think they look cool. Theres two options. I think you can do all green and red. Reporter jenn parker bought these laser lights at bed bath and beyond for 40 years to light up her home which is just a few miles away from the airport. Lazy lights. What facebook is calling them. Pretty much anything they hit the lights light up like christ pass tree. And theyre so easy to install. It has made them a very popular item. This christmas season. The problem is pilot approaching dallas fort warmth International Airport reporting seeing a lace sr. At venous sap feet. I dont think the anybody who buys one of these little devices is putting it up with even the first thought that it might have enough power to hit an aircraft in the sky. Reporter faa says the lasers can light up an entire cockpit making it tough for pilot to see. If the box is aimed little high, some of the laser light will not hit the roof of the house, for example, it will just keep going off p into space report roar faa is churching consumers who buy the lasers to make sure they are not pointed towards the sky. In the directions it tells to you make sure you sit the lights, you know, on your house not towards the sky. Reporter to be clear the lights are perfectly legal to buy and to own and as of right now there are no reports of any pilots complaining about them in our area. Reporting life tonight from Philadelphia International airport, im Todd Quinones cbs3 Eyewitness News. All right, todd, thank you for that. Police interrupt a suspected drug deal and that leads to a chase through northeast philly. It all started at cottman and torresdale avenues around 9 00 oclock tonight. The suspects struck two Police Cruisers as they tried to get away. The chase ended at torresdale rhawn street in holmesburg. There the suspects tried to run away but officers caught up with them. One of the suspects suffered a cut to his head he wasnt taken to torresdale hospital. A Philadelphia Police officer suffered minor injuries after a crash in juniata. Chopper three over the scene at castor and erie avenues. You can see the Police Cruiser collided with a fire truck. Again the officer was not seriously hurt. No word op what caused that crash torments night donald trump says he has no regrets about his call to temporary bar muslims from entering the u. S. As part of the fight against terrorism. President ial candidate controversial comments are sparking outrageous from fellow republicans. Hes a race baiting cena phobic row hiss . Bigot. This is not conservatism. What was proposed yesterday is not what this party stands for and more importantly its not what this country stands for. Hes not going to be the nominee. To show how little he cared about the criticism from his own party, trump tout add new National Poll showing 68 of his supporters would follow him if he ran as an independent. And tonight philadelphia mayor Michael Nutter is blasting trumps comments and hes not mincing words eyewitness News Reporter diana rocco is live in the sat center with more on the mayors emotional reaction. Diana . Reporter jessica the mayor had lot to say about this tonight. He made it very clear that he would not be in the same room as donald trump should he ever visit philadelphia and says theres no place for what he calls anti islamic rhetoric in this city. Hes a bleep. He has no idea what hes talking about. Harsh words for republican president ial candidate donald trump from mayor Michael Nutter tuesday. Hes taken a page from the playbook of hitler. Reporter the mayor and City Council Standing with philadelphia muss him community at city hall in the face of what theyre calling a growing anti islam accept many in the aftermath of the San Bernardino massacre does were not at war with muslims. We are not at war with islam. We are at war with terroris ter. He and his message of hate have no place in philadelphia. Report roar the mayors comments were in response to trump calling for a ban muslims enteringhe United States this come as monday a pigs head was door at the Islamic Center oh germantown avenue in north philadelphia. Sunday night Surveillance Video taken by the center shows a red pickup truck with two people inside throw the roved pigs head out the window at the front door. The second hate filled incident against the center after a threatening voicemail was left on their answering machine days earlier. Something police are now investigating as a hate crime. Religious institutions in general were paying special attention to. Which we have been doing for a peer of time. Obviously after some of the incidents that have occurred around the country. Reporter the mayor added if we can ban trump from the city he would but he has no plans to do that just yet. Physical police have stepped up patrols at that north philadelphia mosque and they are asking the public for tips tonight. Theres also a 2,000 reward being offered for any information leading to an arrest and conviction in this hate crime. Were live in the Satellite Center tonight, diane in rocco cbs3 Eyewitness News. Diana philadelphia Islamic Community feig the impact of an muslim rhetoric. One local woman has been receiving hate messages online. She fears she and other women in her community are becoming targets after the female gunman Tashfeen Malik took part in the San Bernardino shootings. When youre walking down the street, you got to look like dont mess with me. Theres a female face to put to it. So now people so justified in saying see its not just the men its all of them. The Philadelphia Human Relations Commission you weres anyone who experiences or witnesses row hiss . Intimidation or hate crime to report it to the commission and to the police. All of this in the wake of San Bernardino massacre and tonight there are new developments. There was a custody hearing for the six month old daughter of killer syed farook and tash mean malik. His sister wants to adopt the child from state company. Farook took out a 28,000 loan before the massacre. The fbi is examining the couples finances for any links to terror groups. Friends and family mourning a beloved Community Active visit killed in her home. A large crowd in fishtown night for vigil honoring the life of 54yearold kathy wilson. Wilson was found badly beaten inside her home on the 13 hadnt dread block of earl street yesterday morning. A friend of the victim reflected on their time together. We daned together. We did a lot of gray thing together. This year we work the polls. Im going to miss because you aint going to be around no more. A couple who was employed by wilson has been charged in her murder. Investigatoinvestigators say fif yeyearold james, and his girlfriend jane johnson confessed much the motive was money. 20,000 was taken from the victim. Officers at Philadelphia International airport seized nearly 20 pounds of cocaine smuggled on a flight from montego bay gentleman may casm us Customs Border Protection Officers found the bricks of cocaine in the cargo hold of the aircraft on saturday. They were discovered in two draw string style backpacks concealed behind an access panel. The cocaine has a street value of 600,000. Every day were getting these flights generally we dont come up with much at all. The rare occasion like saturday where we actually encountered 20 pounds of cocaine and it gives our guys a pat on the back that work you do every day its being noticed you got good results out of it. Officers made no arrest bass you they cannot connect any of the passengers to the backpacks. Delaware jury a quits a dover Police Officer of assault after he was caught on cam dash cam video kicking a suspect in the face. Corporal Thomas Webster found not guilty after three days of jury deliberations. Prosecutors argued webster who is white used Excessive Force in the 2013 arrest of dickerson who is black. Webster testified he was aim fog the mans upper body and feared for his life because officers thought dickerson was arm. Changes at a northeast Philadelphia High School plagued by a series of violent incidents. The School District decided last night to remove George Washington principal gene jones after 2. 5 years. Officials say the school needed a dramatic change after three students allegedly attacked a teacher yesterday. The move prompted mixed reactions from parents. I believe that the principal, you know, made some efforts. This never should have come to this point. It becomes a point in which you feel, okay, this is necessary and thats the point that we reached yesterday. Two district another straights will lead the school until a permanent replace many is found. A judge has found Pennsylvania Attorney general Kathleen Kane driver of interfering in a secret grand jury investigation of his boss. Patrick reece was convict evidence snooping through Office Emails to keep tabs on the investigation he faces up to six months in jail but his lawyer vows to appeal. Reece is the former police chief of the small town near scranton. He is the head of kanes security detail and lows confidant g mows Philadelphia Police your help catching two grinches caught on camera stealing Holiday Cheer around the city. In Fairmount Police say a thief stole a wreath from home on the 2400 block of aspen street sunday and five nights earlier in Queen Village police say another thief entered an unlocked vehicle and stole two watches worth 4,000. If you recognize the suspects, you are asked to contact the police. Even though its december, no need to break out that heavy winter coat. In fact later this week you might not even need a jacket. Meteorologist kate bilo keeping an eye on near record warmth thats moving into our row john kate this is can i unbelievable. This is ubelieve for the time of year jessica. We thought last weekend was great with temperatures in the 50s and lots of sunshine. Our average high 47. We are nowhere near that. Right through the weekend tomorrow is above average by the weekend were talking some records. Maybe challenged. Ill tell was those records are and just how warm it gets coming up with the seven day forecast. Jessica . Also ahead at 11 00 more problems for chipotle. Dozens of College Students are sicken aft eat tag restaurant near campus. What Health Officials think is behind the illness. Also car safety ratings are about to undergo the biggest update in decades. The new technology that will soon be required in all new automobiles. Undope have to wait until Christmas Eve to catch a glimpse of reindeer. Vittoria woodbill uncovers a surprising fact about who is really driving is a tans toes sleigh. Coming up after Eyewitness News at 11 00 the late show with Stephen Colbert all new tonight. He welcomes actress mary cot cottillard, George Saunders and more bad news for chipotle after dozens of College Students in boston get sick after eating at one of the restaurants. 80 students at Boston College reportedly came down with a stomach illness after eating at the same restaurant near campus. Nine other states have linked e. Coli cases to chipotle, the fast food chain believes the norovirus to blame in this case. Students have been tested but the results not be available for several days. Former eagles quarterback michael vick is putting his past behind him and is advocating for law that would help the welfare of pets. Vick was in harrisburg today lobbying for a bill that would protect dogs and cats left in hot cars an lot First Responder that is break into the cars to rescue pets without fear of being held libel for damages. Speak to go lawmakers vick called himself an unlikely advocate. Bottom line all animals require kindsness and respect. They depend on us like our children depend on you. I know that im an unlikely seed indicate. I was part of the problem when i was at my lowest. I made decisions to make change. Vick has work on Animal Rights issues since he was released from prison. He served 21 months for his part in a dog fighting ring before returning to the nfl. The five star safety ratings for now cars is about to undergo the biggest update since the 1970s. The governments newly proposed standards are so strict there is not a car on the road today that would earn five or even four stars. There will be new crash tests including one focused on angled frontal crashes. Also, new high tech smart dummies designed to better reflect the injuries people suffer from head to foot. The new crash tests will begin with the 2019 model year. The goal is not to just protect people in the event an accident occurs. We ultimately want to eliminate crashes altogether. The new Car Assessment Program will include three ranks adding Crash Avoidance Technology and pedestrian protection to the traditional crash worthiness ranking. It will also include an overall rating. A lot of people head to the mall for that photo with santa this time of year. Wouldnt it be even more fun to have holiday picture of the family posing with reindeer. That would be pretty cool. Easy to do this month at a local zoo. Tori introduce to you angel and avalanche. Reporter in the days leading to christmas i feel like i should be singing rudolph the red noticed reindeer. Reporter in norristown at the elmwood park zoo. Santas reindeer getting pretty to greet me and you. The real deal. They came from northern new york. Santa approved obviously. Came to us two weeks ago and were here for the season we work with them extensively before we let anyone come close to them. Theyre very friendly. Take look at their impressive antlers. Both boys and girls have antlers. They drop them every single ye year. If he males hold on to them longer than males will. Males drop them beginning of the wint. Females hold up to them around spring. Santas reindeer were probably all girls. Like a girl after my own heart, shoes are important. They had really special hooves the wide defendant hooves of any dear species and use those as modified know books they walk on a feet of snow and stay on top. They have fur that grows through the toes and keeps their feet warm and gives them traction when theyre walking on ice they dont slip. When landing on your roof they dont fall off. Beautiful reindeer like angel will be able for photo ops with the whole family for only five buck. The perfect momentos to place on the mantle with care. As we wait for saint nick to soon be there. Now, remember, even though the reindeer are here daily, santa has them working Christmas Eve. Vittoria woodill cbs3 oy witness news. Check her out. She can put that on the mantle. That she can. Perfect. Cool looking zoo. Kate has the forecast right now. Not feeling like christmas in the air outside right now. Temperatures oh and that are way up again. Were talking about a very warm. Very warm notify. And now december started off with a bank. That it has. Warm kind. That it has. Continuing to warm up toward the 60s as we head into the weekend. We will get some cold it does look at the long range forecast like more cold air could try to filter in as we head toward the Christmas Holiday later this month. Not an extended prolonged period of cold but definitely not as warm as this. But through the week we expect temperatures to rise by 22 threadless each day. Challenging records both days this week and. Lets take live look outside right now. Its a cold night. Talking about middle air all this warm weather on the way, dont dcount the fact that temperatures at night are dropping steadily especially because the nights are very very long. The shortest days of the year coming up as we heard tour the winter solstice. Time lapsed video from kutztown shows what a Beautiful Day it was lots of sunshine blue sky a few more clouds in the afterno afternoon. Just gorgeous across the board today. Kutztown right now sitting at 27 degrees. So its a cold night. Little bit warmer in the city but temperatures dropping steadily. Clouds will be moving in through the next few days. Dont expect tomorrow and thursday to be as sunny as tod today. But you can see some showers and clouds over the great lakes this is all lifting to the north. The rest of the country looking very very quite. The pattern through the remain of the work week and into the weekend as well. 39 degrees in philadelphia. But notice some of our colder spots map labor melville sitting at 28. Allentown at 29 and mount pock know a cold 25 degrees right n now. Quick comparison here. Its been very mild and snow free late fall time frame so far in fact at this time last year, look how far south the snow cover wept this is december 2014 much this year, you got to go all the way up into northern maine and eastern can in a to find any snow on the ground. High pressure moving away. Clouds invade for tomorrow and thursday but rain stays away from us. So while it is mostly cloudy it will be warping up as that big cold high departs and we get this warm air from the south and west many temperatures 15 to 20 degrees above average through the weekend and sunday the day to look at some of these records. Records in the 60s. The record here in philadelphia for sundays date 65 degrees. As youll see in a moment witness seven day, it will be close. Overnight partly cloudy, chilly, 36 will be your overnight low. For your wednesday partly sunny into the not as school 55 degrees our daytime high. Your eagles kick off forecast partly sunny, 62 degrees. Who would have that you know it. Bills eagles game mid december wed be talking about temperature in the 60s and take a look at that weekend. It looks like sprung as sprung before winter is even upon us. Mid 60s on sunday. Then rain returns by monday. 60s. The weather will be nice this sunday. Why not. Eagles got a bit more crowded today and speaking of running backs lesean mccoy had something to about the bird. Plus flyers i atlantics highlights. Well see if they can get back on track next in sports. [slow, building africanstyle music] its the little moments. That make the biggest waves. Kalahari resorts conventions. The worlds coolest indoor waterparks. Now open in the pocono mountains. Start exploring at kalahariresorts. Com the flyers were in a giving mood earlier tonight as they hook up with cbs3 for the joy of sharing toy drive at the wells fargo center. They didnt want to give away another game tonight like they did against columbus on saturday. Lets go ice skating. Flyers and islanders down threeone in the second. The rug ryan white score this second of the year. That would make it one goal game in the third and just two minutes in. The captain one time claude jr. Row locks it up at three. That the his tenth. Weve got game. Five minutes of three on three overtime not enough for the shootout we go. Thats not doing to work. The fliers lose fourthree in a shootout. When your two games under 500 and in first place in your division youve been given a precious gift. The hope the eagles dont squander it especially after one of the biggest wins in chip kell polls to youre on sunday. Lesean mccoy and Buffalo Bills await the birds this weekend. Its shadys first trip back to philly since he was sent packing in march. After the trade, mccoy stated that chip quote got rid of all the good black players. Instead was on 94 wip today. He would not backtrack. I said what i said. It is what it is. I have no issue with chip. I dont have no hatred oring in against him. I mean worry not get friends or nothing hick that. I dont have anything negative to say about him. Thats past. Im sure its past him. Where can you see the eagles and bills this sunday . Im glad you asked because its right here on cbs3 at 1 00 oclock but join us first for sunday kick off don bell, Lesley Van Arsdall and myself. 11 30 sunday morning. College hoops out on hawk hill. St. Joes played princeton. Big night for hawks junior guard bembry. Shot 11 of 17 from the floor. Scored a season high 27 points, grabbed 10 boards as well. St. Joes wins 6250. By the way where can you see the bills and birds. Right her on cbs3. By the way, where can you. Thanks, pat. Well be right are those. You there. Stormtroopers halt turn here. Go go follow them bb8 beep, beep this way whered they go . They went that way that way, they went that way i cant believe that worked of course it worked beep, beep, beep great time for a shiny floor wax, no . Not if you just put the finishing touches on your latest masterpiece. Timings important. Comcast business knows that. Thats why you can schedule an installation at a time that works for you. Even late at night, or on the weekend, if thats what you need. Because you have enough to worry about. I did not see that coming. Dont deal with disruptions. Get Better Internet installed on your schedule. Comcast business. Built for business. New tonight big turn out for the 13th annual Jefferson Health calendar. Eyewitness news at the philadelphia marriott downtown. The board of trustees honored bernie and billy marcus with award of merit. Natasha brown hosted the event to it ins theme was a night to remember. A future to rematch gin. It looks like from i understand everyone had great time. Also remember you can help make the Holidays Brighter for a child in our area. You can participate in our joy of sharing toy fest. Buy a new unwrapped toy head over to cbsphilly. Com toy fest and there youll find a list of toy drop off lations. Those toys will be given out by the salvation army, uso and boys and girls club. This next video will make you smile. Take look at two pandas just playing in the snow. Look like gymnasts as they rolled around and big time fun much this is video from a zoo in china researchers are studying Panda Breeding in colder climates. Looks like theyre loving every minute of the chilly weather. Rolling, rolling, rolling. Keep those pandas rolling. Well be back. Thats a wrap for us. Our morning team will be back at 4 30 until 7 00 a. M. For kate, pat our entire team, im ukee. What. Im jessica dean. Were always on at cbsphilly. C cbsphilly. Com. The late show with Stephen Colbert is next. Good night, family and sleep well. Captioning sponsored by cbs band playing late show theme stephen hey yeah thank you very much hey whooo cheers and applause Stephen Stephen welcome te late show everybody. cheers and applause thats nice. Very nice. Stephen Stephen Stephen Stephen Stephen stephen thats nice. You look very nice. Wow cheers and applause thank

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