Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News 20161001

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orchestra. >> reporter: jessica, it's been an interesting night. 90 was supposed to be celebration, there was a fund-raiser to actually raise money for the orchestra. the razor went on but the orchestra went silent. only "eyewitness news" was there the exact moment orchestra walked out >> either you believe in the future of classical music and the future or you won't. >> reporter: he says negotiations went to the last possible minute on opening night. >> we were very close and it's just getting the association to take that last step to say yes, we do believe there's a future here. >> reporter: karen simon and her husband came from columbus ohio >> i heard it's probably best orchestra in the united states and i was sitting there and then to hear the announcement, it was just sad. >> reporter: it's been a difficult year for the orchestra. the academy ball that george was cancelled due to a blizzard threat. now, this an orchestra executive told "eyewitness news" he's ready to negotiate with the musicians. >> the ball is in their court. >> reporter: that was ryan floor with philadelphia orchestra management. he's ready to entertain an offer. he wants to get this over as soon as possible. reporting from the kimmel center, david spunt cbs3 eyewitness. you will soon have to dig deeper to fill up in new jersey. the governor and lawmakers reached a deal to raise the gas tax to fund transportation projects. natasha brown joins us in pennsauken with what this means for drivers. natasha? >> reporter: ukee, this will be the first gas tax hike for the state of new jersey since 1988. still some of the drivers we talked to are not at all happy about that. >> there's no shortage of reaction from new jersey drivers. no one wants to see the prices at the pump go up >> i think it's outrageous for the common person, you know, you're looking at, you know, few more dollars out of your pocket every week >> it's hard already. when it's going up going to make it worse. >> gas prices will take a 23 cents gallon hike under a deal reached between governor chris christie and democrat leaders. the eight-year 16 bill dollar transportation program would eliminate the sales tax >> over the next years, you can the funds contributed by state and federal government. over 32 billion dollars will be invested in infrastructure improvements and moderate asian >> the deal hopes to replenish the trust fund which pays for road and rail projects. hundreds were halted in july when the fund ran out of money >> i don't care about that. i just fill it up and keep going. >> reporter: we found some drivers say you know what? we'll just take it the state legislatures are expect to vote next week. it's expected to be signed by the governor and you can see the gas prices as early as early october. live in pennsauken, brown, cbs3 "eyewitness news." >> thank you. . family and friends gathered in delaware to say good-bye to two fallen wilmington firefighters. fellow firefighters carried the casket of lieutenant christopher leach into saint elizabeth church in wilmington and this afternoon a funeral service was held for senior firefighter jerry fickes. they died fighting a fire saturday at a wilmington home when the floor collapsed beneath them. fickes and leach both leave behind children. >> deep down, it was, you know, it was all about their kids, second was the fire service. and their families. they absolutely love firefighting. >> tomorrow there will be a joint memorial service for both firefighters. that begins at 1:00 at the chase center on the wilmington river front. the woman accused of starting that fire is behind bars tonight. 27-year-old bee tris santa ruiz is facing murder and arson charges. authorities say she was drunk and using anxiety medication when she started the fire in her family's lake view road home on saturday. 15 people remain hospitalized as the investigation continues in hoboken new jersey. that train plowed through hoboken station yesterday morning killing one woman, who was on that platform and hit by debris. the nstb recovered one of the two event recorders. investigators say the other will take some time to recover. new jersey transit service remains suspended indefinitely. in and out of the hoboken terminal. tweets about a beauty pageant winner continues to spark controversy in the presidential campaign. this all comes just 38 days from election day. in a series of predawn tweets, donald trump continues to push back against claims he fat shamed a miss university alicia machado. the republican nominee rallied supporters in michigan. he didn't mention the conshohocken but issued a challenge to president obama. >> mr. president, will you pledge not to issue a pardon to hillary clinton and her co conspirators for their many crimes against our country and against society itself? >> hillary clinton spent the day in florida where a new poll has her ahead of trump by five points. at a an afternoon rally she said trump's tweets say exactly who he is >> who gets up at 3:00 in the morning to engage in a twitter attack? i mean, his latest twitter melt-down is unhinged even for him. it proves yet again that he is temperamentally unfit to be commander in chief >> we learned tim kaine will visit philadelphia next wednesday. it was an attack on innocence. ten years ago, a gunman forced his way into an amish school house, ten girls were hell hostage. five shot and killed. a decade later, our alexandria hoff talks to the killer's widow about the act of unspeakable violence that forever changed the lives of so many. >> morning happens quietly here. both the time that arrives at the sun and the process follows loss, off of white oak road, >> they planted the trees along the property line of where the schoolyard would have been. >> reporter: on october 2nd, 2006, a young amish school teacher had a grave decision to make. stay and friday to protect the children in her classroom from a gunman who had just entered or run to get help. emma may z ook decided to run >> when you're told you have this situation in a one-room school house it definitely was not something i prepared to do. >> when he arrived at the scene, five school girls had been killed, five more injured and the shooter, a nonamish deliver man named charles roberts had taken his own life >> he was a great husband and father and not cable of what he had done >> he prolonged a long torture of the children, something he was unable to carry out thanks to the choice z ook made. >> a community gathering was held, families who lost their children attended. out of gratitude at any rate troopers were invited. >> we don't know how to comfort them in any way >> charlotte is english, that's how the amish river to outsiders. she said that thousands of tourists flooding to the site following the shadowing added to the anguish >> how do you direct people in the wrong direction nicely and tell them them this isn't appropriate. >> they're proud private people whose beliefs makes them uncomfortable. stephen colbert noel is a researcher who worked closely with the family >> many of the the rest of his signal an end actually crust signal the beginning >> for the amish forgiveness comes first. one girl receives constant air not only from her own family >> also on a regular basis from nonamish families in the community >> roberts is buried in an unmarked grandfather besides his daughter's head stone. she died after being born prematurely. >> it's something he kept way down deep inside that no one could see >> maureen remarried. not only did the amish attend the funeral but raised money >> they came to offer us gifts that day and it is a remark believe one that i wouldn't have ever anticipated. >> reporter: in the ten years since the shooting, authorities recommended measures for increased school safety. but >> they say that they were not going to let the actions of one man change how they live. >> reporter: today, children walk past where that school house once was to a new one built nearby changed in way that is english eyes cannot see. in lancaster county, alexandria hoff cbs3 "eyewitness news." another day of rain caused flooding around the area. this is video from sussex county delaware where roads were washed out. some drivers couldn't even get by. and tonight, there are still flooding concerns in parts of the region. >> the rain has been relentless, kate. >> that's right, guys. it has. now, it has eased up this evening, but you can see we are still experiencing flood warnings, kents county, has now been extended to the:30 tomorrow morning down in sussex county saturday into sunday. i'll tell you whether we have more rain on the way this weekend. time out the threat for showers and the latest on hurricane matthew it's a popular saying, happy wife, happy life. why new research says there may also be health benefits to it. bad news for the sixers. rookie ben simmons goes down during practice. we'll tell you what the t . cell phone scare for a south jersey student. his phone suddenly burst into flames in the middle of class. it happened on the mt. laurel campus of rowan college in burlington county. darin laveti says he had his iphone 6 plus in his back pocket when out of nowhere it started smoking and making popping noises >> i flinched upwards because it was burning my leg. i noticed that it was smoking. i threw the phone ground, it lit up into flames. i kicked it down made the fire go out >> we reached out to apple, the tech company, is investigating the incident. earlier this month, samsung suspended sales of their galaxy note 7 phone after reports that battery issues were causing the phones to catch fire. we've all heard the phrase happy wife, happy life. research suggests it may actually be more than just a saying. >> there could be a medical benefit to this as well as nicole brewer finds happiness is just as important to men as it is to women. >> reporter: the saying goes, >> happy wife, happy life. >> reporter: new research ads a medical twist and it's not all about the ladies. >> really? ok. >> reporter: researchers at michigan state university found middle aged and older adults are more likely to be healthy if their spouses are happy >> you got to look out for each other. >> reporter: according to the researchers it could be because happy strausss provide strong social support and are more likely to promote healthy routines >> happy spouse is definitely related to many better things. >> reporter: dr. monica mandell is a relationship expert. happiness involves from the initial state of euphoria >> as the years go by, that happiness is more defined by being content, knowing that there is stability >> consistent, low him rather than a roar. >> mandell says it starts with choosing a partner with similar values then communication >> offering good sound advice. >> that's right. and it works. we've been together 37 years. >> reporter: next, shared activity. >> making time just to be together is very important. >> i don't care if it's watching television together, a show you like together. >> reporter: finally looking ahead and planning together. >> reporter: dr. mandell says while women are often cri characterized as the one most in need of love and support. but it's up to both to make spouses happy and in turn, healthy. >> kate bilo joins us now but first, matthew is growing. >> it's now category 5. that's the first cap 5 we've had in the atlantic and this is massive for portions of the caribbean, and we have to watch the storm, it is a monster, we'll get to matthew in a moment. i want to start off with locally damp and wet. you can see the boardwalk looking a bed wet in ocean city. it is still very blustery at the shore. winds in some spots gusting over 25 miles an hour if the northeast. here's a live look at stormscan 3, not a whole lot of heavy rain across the area right now. just a few scattered showers, mist and drizzle. as we widen out. you can see showers to the northeast, showers to the southwest and it may fill in as we head to the weekend. we're going to see scattered showers. still it's same storm doesn't want to let us go and it's cool as well with temperatures holding in the low to mid 60's. you can see winds over the 20 miles per hour mark in our shore spots, rehoboth beach down through the delaware beach, point pleasant and northeast at 17 miles an hour and that wind is piling the water up along the coastline. high tide happening right now, back bay flooding as we head toward the midnight hour. heading to saturday. not a wash-out. it's a mosting cloudy day, scours rotating through during the course of the afternoon even tomorrow night. sunday, a little bit of drier air will start to see some sunshine break out. notice still the threat for showers here and there. breaking it all down for you. overnight, mist, drizzle. that's about it. few scattered showers, it's a damp cool and dreary saturday. sunday, a still chance of a stray shower but i think it gets better, warmer with breaks of some sunshine. moving on how to to matthew, take a look at the size of this storm. it is just north of the coast of south america, diving briefly to the west, southwest but this is a monster, clear convection and notice it blowing up around the eastern side of the storm as well. here's the latest status from the national hurricane center, sustained winds with this storm 160 miles an hour. it's now moving almost due west at about 7 miles per hour. with a central pressure of 941 million bars. this may hit jamaica. this can be catastrophic, cuba towards the bahamas. heading into next week, once it gets to the bahamas, heads up the east coast. some say it will turn out to sea but everyone along the east coast needs to watch this storm next week, i will be watching. we'll keep you posted. whether it will impact us or not, this is a major dangerous storm for caribbean this weekend. your "eyewitness news" seven-day forecast, cool, damp, dreary tomorrow, sunday gets nicer. and next week looks good. if we did feel impacts from matthew, which it's not looking likely but we could. it wouldn't be till maybe next weekend and the following week. lesley is up next with sports >> bad news. if you're waiting to see ben simmons in action, unfortunately you're going to have to wait a little bit longer. highlights from around the region as we check in with some of the biggest high school match-ups in the area. sids sids. ben simmons not clear how long he'd be sidelined. further evaluation and treatment options but considered to be an injury that usually requires surgery and could take up to eight weekss for a full recovery. the phillies starting a final home stand over the season taking on the mets. ryan howard will play for the fightins, the big fellow hitting a double. went one for four, the mets continued their dominance, jay bruce went three for four, the mets beat the phillies for the 11th time, 5-1, the final. >> the last frenzy of september and the first with lots of rain, with the conditions change the games and affect them? let's get to the highlights. clearly rain not a factor as the school of the future took on edison, tysheem anderson, the quarterback turns the corner and takes it on into the end zone. check out dashing porter. he will not be out done his home turf. check out this run and he goes on in for the touchdown. future wins this one 48-18. boys at roxboro lee johnson with the touchdown, boys latin 58 to your 15. to new jersey, notre dame at paul the 6, picked up by isaiah jones, and he's gone, paul 6 wins 24 to seven. shavon riley, and right to him nice catch. end then mike plain finishes off the drive. collingswood wins 24 to nothing. it's a damp night for a big-time match-up. visiting malvern tech. the he doesn't amir brown goes up grabs it. 47-7. johnny finelli: springfield wins it in ot. boilertown visiting perk yo men, steven stern, brandon shim's. park valley winning 30 to 0 and finally we have pope john paul 2nd taking on phoenixville. mat garcia. great lateral moves. he scores 21 yards out. just hold on a minute. back comes pope john palm. brandon knocks runs on in for the score, pope john paul the winner, 20-14 >> time-out. it's our game of the week and a huge bucks county match-up, abington traveling to . the fans could not have picked a better match-up. abington visiting neshaminy. let's listen in on abington's pregame locker room pep talk. >> i told you from day one, this is the point we want to be in. this is it right now. take the next step. we're not playing 2004, 2005, 2001, this is it 2016. this is our year. >> and of course, no game of the week can be complete without the band. great job here by neshaminy. abing to know with a solid defensive game, gentleman meal robinson bucks up the middle for the sack. back comes neshaminy, mason jones with a pass to mansick, scores to make it 17-0, the hit of the night luke kitchen. he was here for the sack right there. and more offensive from neshaminy. will go right around the corner for the touchdown, 14-0. this time mason jones finds man sick again. neshaminy won 21-0. checking in with kate bilo. >> the weekend is officially upon us now. i wish it was slightly nicer weekend but that said, i think we will try to clear things out a little bit for part two. you can notice across the region as we head into saturday. more clouds than sun certainly mostly cloudy with showers here and there. sunday is the day sun could peak out and in the . evening of inspiration and stories of survival at the african-american american museum for the pink sisters chronicle breast cancer survivor gail la and book relief. the pink sisters chronicles tells the stories of 11 women who are breast cancer survivors. . a morning team back from 5:00 to 7:00. for kate, lesley and everyone, i'm ukee washington. >> the late show with stephen colbert is headed your way next. >> thanks for watching. have great weekend. good night family and sleep well. ♪ >> announcer: the following is a paid presentation for the nick vertucci real estate academy's "fortunes in flipping" system. if you're looking to make money while taking control of your financial future, then listen up. nick vertucci, self-made millionaire, has a life-changing opportunity for you. as the host of l.a.'s number-one real-estate radio show, author, and one of tv's most trusted real-estate investment experts, nick is hosting a unique, free two-hour workshop, teaching people like you how to build wealth in today's real-estate market. you'll learn how to flip and hold income-generating properties. whether you have great credit, no credit, lots of money, or little to no money, nick's system can work for you. nick and his power team of real-estate experts are looking to work with a select group of motivated individuals in your area. so, if you're looking to start a career in real estate, or if you're already working in real estate, then this is your chance to learn how to get in, get out, and get paid using nick's easy three-step system. nick's "fortunes in flipping" system has created some of the newest and most successful real-estate entrepreneurs today. they're making money while changing their financial future for themselves and those they love, and now so can you. so if you're tired of the daily grind that never seems to get you ahead, stay tuned, because in the next 30 minutes, nick is going to show you how to create the life you've always wanted, right there in your own backyard. >> are you tired of depending on a job where you live paycheck to paycheck? do you want to increase your income while enjoying the quality time with your family and friends? or maybe you're just tired of having small returns on investments like your 401(k) and your iras. if so, stay right here, because i'm gonna show you how you can have all of that and more in a career in real estate. guys, i want to introduce you to someone. an amazing testimony. one of my students -- his name is ryan -- i came out to his house to talk to him personally because he's accomplished something really cool. and, ryan, on this particular deal that you did here in california, you made over $100,000 on a transaction. >> $200,000. >> well, right. very good point. i love when they correct me up. $200,000. your share was over $100,000 'cause you had a partner. >> yes. >> and he looks over to his check. >> $102,000, to be exact. >> $102,000. >> yes. >> $102,000 on one flip. >> hi, i'm kevin harrington,

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