In just two days, its burned more than 61,000 acres and consumed 400 homes. 1,000 buildings could be gone before its over. 19,000 people have been forced out. 1,200 firefighters are moving in. And Danielle Nottingham begins our coverage. Reporter there was nothing they could do but run for their lives when fire raced through middleton, residents captured these images as they were forced to drive through the flames. There was fire everywhere. Our houses, our neighbors houses, everybodys houses were burning up. It was awful. Reporter joyce rein and Everett Francis were among the thousands trying to escape. It went all the way around us. There was no stopping it. We just watched the houses around us burn. It was utter chaos. It was crazy. Reporter the valley fire burning in this town 95 miles north of San Francisco is destroying up to 2,000 acres an hour. Haimd heidarys apartment was one of 50 leveled in this complex. Everybodys okay . Yeah, thank god. Thats the only good news we have. Everybody is okay. Reporter but the situation remains dangerous. High winds continue to scatter embers and spread flames. A disabled elderly woman died when firefighters were unable to reach her. Richard reiff is one of four firefighters recovering in the hospital today after getting caught in a fire. Recovering in hospital today, he got a surprise call from californias governor jerry brown. You cant put words to it. Reporter don lopez spent the weekend trying the save this time. Hes been a firefighter here for three decades. Remarkably, the fire jumped past hits home. As i came around the corner, i saw it. I didnt know what to do. I just started crying. But im looking around at all my nation. Theyre just devastated. Reporter hes back on the from the lines today. This is what i do. This is what i love. This is my community. You just have to. Theres no other word for it. You just have to keep going. Report as you can see, there are still fields of hot ashes here in middleton. Theres a water shortage and power lines are down. Now, without proper communication and sanitation, authorities arent taking any chances. Scott, it could be days before residents are expected to return to their homes. Pelley danielle, thanks very much that. Is just one of 36 major wildfires burning in six western states. This has been the worst fire season in ten years with nearly nine million acres burned. One of the reasons the drought. Researchers say california has not been this dry in 500 years. Heres david begnaud. Reporter in california, more than 11,000 firefighters are chopping, digging and dumping water, trying to stay ahead of 12 major fires. There was no stopping it. You couldnt get in the way. You had to get out of way. Reporter hot winds and droughtfueled brush sparked the butte fire, burning east of sacramento. 10,000 people have been evacuated and 135 homes destroyed. The Sierra Nevada National Forest has been burning for over a month. Cal fire captain dave shew says a huge concern is how rapidly the fires are moving. If the moisture content is gone, that means the fuel will ignite much faster, much easier, and continue to spread at a much faster rate. Reporter the chelan fire in Washington State last month burned 88,000 acres, and 13 large fires continue to burn there, including the okanogan, the largest wildfire in that states history. In oregon right now, four major fires are keeping firefighters busy there, and in california, scientists today discovered a new concern the Sierra Nevada snow pack is the lowest its been in 500 years, which means little water will run off to help with drought conditions. With no end to the hot, dry temperatures in sight, governor jerry brown has declared a state of emergency. Well see the same thing in coming years, only more exaggerated and more spence. Reporter as it starts to drizzle now, its almost impossible to exaggerate the devastation that is middleton. At this apartment complex, there are 50 units. Every one of them has been leveled. Scott, california has seen 1,600 more fires this year than in normal years. Pelley with more to come, david, thank you. Tonight austria is rushing troops to its borders, one of several european nations imposing an emergency lockdown. Thousands of Refugee Families are pouring into europe, fleeing war and poverty in the middle east and north africa. Charlie dagata was there as hungary sealed itself off. Reporter first a wall of Hungarian Police blocked one of the last gaps in the 100milelong fence. Then troops rode in a train carriage bristling with razor wire to seal the border shut. This after a record 5,000 migrants crossed into the country before noon today, some were minutes too late. For those who made it, the hungarian government put them on trains to austria, the next stop in their quest to get to germany. Thats where we found mohammed from ham, yeah syria. From hama, syria. I wont believe anything until i see it myself. Reporter germany is the favored destination for most with its Strong Economy and generous benefits. The country now says it expects to take a million migrants, another 200,000 more than forecast. But yesterday germany introduced border controls, a sign that even that country may be struggling to control the massive wave of migrants heading its way. Austria quickly followed suit, sending police to its borders, as did others. The sheer number of migrants has forced europe to suspend one of its founding principles the borderfree zone between countries. Under new laws that go into effect here in hungary tonight, scott, anybody caught crossing the border illegally faces up to five years in prison. Today europes interior ministers came to no decision about where to settle the migrants who just keep coming. Pelley Charlie Dagata outside the razor wire fence thats now penning in the migrants tonight. Charlie, thank you. At least 34 migrants drown when their crowded boat capsized in high winds off greece. 15 of them were children. Holly williams has discovered that other families are being attacked at sea. Reporter these are the survivors of the latest tragedy at sea. The risky journey to europe has claimed more than 2,500 lives so far this year. But refugees are also being harassed at sea, further endangering them. This inflatable raft was intercepted just a few miles off shore by the Turkish Coast guard. They tried to force it back, firing a warning shot over the heads of those on board, and then two more. Terrifying the men, women and children in the raft. As they crossed into greek territorial waters, the Turkish Coast guard finally proved away. But it follows our investigation last week. We found men on an unmarked speedboat approaching from greek waters. A refugee filming on board one of the rubber dinghies hid his camera. But he told us the men were dressed in black and pointed guns at them. They cut the fuel supply to their motors, leaving the refugees adrift on the open sea and frightened for their lives. We helped tow one of the rafts to safety, but those attempting the perilous crossing to europe must now also risk harassment and sabotage. The greek coast guard told us today that its now launched an investigation into the incident that we witnessed, which it says was reprehensible, but, scott, the greek coast guard has not said whether its men were involved. Pelley Holly Williams reporting for us tonight. Thanks, holly. Today in kentucky, a county clerk returned to work after spending five days in jail for denying marriage licenses to samesex couples. Licenses were issued today, but not by her. Heres jericka duncan. I dont want to be in the spotlight, and i certainly dont want to be a whipping post. I am no hero. Reporter moments before going back to work, Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis made a statement surrounded by Law Enforcement and her son. I just want to serve my neighbors quietly without violating my conscience. Reporter davis agreed not to interfere with her deputies, who now have the power to sign off on marriage licenses. Any marriage license issued by my office will not be issued or authorized by me. Reporter she spent most of the day in her office with her door closed and blinds drawn. No godgiven right. Reporter outside her supporters continued to rally. But that didnt deter shannon and carmen wamplercollins. The couple says theyve been together for 23 years. Thank you. Thank you very much. Reporter they became the eighth samesex couple to get a marriage license from rowan county. Are you at all concerned that your marriage license isnt valid . Im not concerned about it at all. I think its going to be valid from everything weve heard except for her attorneys. It will be recognized just like any other license. I dont think she has control of that. Reporter whats your message to kim davis . I think she should do her job. Reporter tonight there are still questions about the validity of those marriage licenses signed by deputy clerks. Scott, kentuckys attorney general and governor have both said and maintained that those licenses are valid. Pelley jericka, thank you. Also in kentucky, a state trooper was shot to death. It was last night and it came at the end of a chase. He was 31yearold rookie joseph ponder. Police killed the suspect this morning when they say he refused to drop his gun. There was Fatal Shooting today on the campus of Delta State University in mississippi. The victim was American History professor ethan schmidt, gunned down in his office. Police say theyre searching for a suspect, shall shannon lamb, o works at the university and may have killed a woman whose body was found today 300 miles from campus. A year after the Fatal Shooting of an unarmed black man by a white Police Officer in ferguson, missouri, a commission appointed by the governor called today for a series of reforms. Michelle miller is in ferguson. It has not been easy. Change is hard. Reporter governor jay knicksons task force was created to address the underlying causes of the violent clashes between police and protesters following the Police Shooting of michael brown. As expected, the report calls for plenty of police reforms, including standard protocols for dealing with mass demonstrations and a nonmilitarized response to them. More antibias and sensitivity training for cops and a database the track police use of force cases. But the report also calls for deep societal and economic change. Committee cochair, the reverend starsky wilson, says st. Louis remains one of the most segregated cities in america. We must be accountable for that. One in five children in our region live in poverty. We must be accountable for that. Reporter one startling statistic shows that Life Expectancy in one predominantly white suburban neighborhood is 91. 4 years. In a nearby almost all black suburb, Life Expectancy is 56 years of age 35rbgyear difference. The panel wants to increase the minimum wage, provide equal access to education opportunities, expand medicaid, even end hunger for inner city kids and families. These are deep and vexing problems. Reporter Governor Nixon says the state will not shy away from the cost and challenge of repairing the community. Its clear that we have embraced this challenge that has vexed not just st. Louis, but our country, and were going to try to lead. Reporter and Governor Nixon says hes fully committed to finding that funding for those reforms. So with just 16 months left in office, scott, critics question whether his successor or the Republicancontrolled Legislature will follow through. Pelley Michelle Milner st. Louis this evening. Michelle, thanks. What happens when your number comes up but lottery officials dont pay up . The largest volcano in japan blows its stack. And a giant whale drops in on a tiny boat. When the cbs evening news continues. Om start to finish. Love your laxative. Miralax. Every time you take advil youre taking the medicine doctors recommend most for joint pain. More than the medicine in aleve or tylenol. The medicine in advil is the number one doctor recommendation for joint pain. Relief doesnt get any better than this. Advil when your windshield needs for these parents, driving. Around was the only way. To get their baby to sleep. So when their windshield got cracked, we cant drive this car they wanted it fixed right. So they scheduled with safelite. Our exclusive trueseal technololgy means a strong. Reliable bond, every time. At safelite we stand behind our work. Night, night little buddy. Because the ones you love, sit behind it. 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Reporter ronda rasche was a big winner in july, reaping a top prize of 50,000 from a 3 scratchoff Lottery Ticket, but there is just one thing she has yet to see the money. I feel like my balloon was kind of deflated, if you want to put it that way. I dont feel like its fair. Reporter the republican Governor Bruce Rauner and the state legislature have failed to agree on a budget. Without a budget, rasche and other big winners will just have to wait. We cannot pay those bills until we have a budget in place. Reporter Illinois State comptroller Leslie Munger says the budget impasse is also delaying funding for Higher Education and student grants and potentially for Health Insurance payments and benefits for the elderly and disabled. Theyre all going to have to wait until line until we get a budget. Reporter not so fast says attorney tom zimmerman, who has filed a suit in federal court to get his lottery clients more than an iou. We dont know if there will be a budget, when there will be a budget, and why should the lottery winners have to suffer . Reporter at a Convenience Store in chicago where ronda rasche was pictured as a winner, Lottery Ticket sales were down, but hope was still up. We watched Security Officer Mitch Thompson plunk down 10 for a ticket. You know that if you win big, the Lottery Agency right now cant pay out. Right. Well, ill just have to wait. Ive been waiting all my life, right . Reporter now illinois has the money the pay the 29 big winners what theyre owed, which the lottery says is about 41 million currently, and prizes of less than 25,000 are being paid, but, scott, without a budget deal, those big winners are out of luck. Pelley Dean Reynolds in the chicago newsroom tonight. Dean, thanks very much. Drivers are winning at the gas pump. Well tell you about it next. What if one situp could prevent Heart Disease . One. Wishful thinking, right . 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And in vineland, its all about flavor so if youre not going to make your own chicken soup tonight, do what we do. Make it progresso. Pelley gasoline prices are in a late summer slide, about a penny a day over the last month to a nationwide average tonight of 2. 33, the lowest since february. Today japans largest volcano, mount aso, sent smoke and ash more than a mile into the sky. No injuries or damage, no homes threatened, but flights were canceled. Japan has more than 60 active volcanos. In monterey bay, california, two kayakers needed a bigger boat. A 40ton humpback whale made a splash landing right by their kayak. They were knocked over, but they were not hurt. And well be right back. This portion of the cbs evening news is sponsored by i know, mommy, but its time to let the new kitchen get some sleep. If you want beautiful results, you know where to go. Angies list. Everyone can shop for services from highly rated companies, even without a membership. 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Dependable relief. I didnt think id have a heart attack. But i did. Im mike, and im very much alive. Now my doctor recommends a bayer aspirin regimen to help prevent another heart attack. Be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an pelley we end tonight with rare glimpse inside the secretive u. S. Supreme court and into the mind of the veteran member, stephen breyer, appointed 21 years ago by president clinton. The justice, now 77, shared his thoughts with our chief Legal Correspondent january jan crawford with the cbs news broadcast sunday morning. Reporter breyer says they discuss the cases they gather in a private conference. The two rules are nobody speaks twice until everybody speaks once. Reporter at the conference . Correct. And the second is tomorrow is another day. You and i might have been absolutely at loggerheads in case a. The fact that we were at loggerheads has nothing to do with case b. Reporter the nine all have different styles. Breyer, a former professor at harvard law school, says hes a talker. Where does that come from . Is that how you were raised . Probably teaching. Reporter what about your family . My family. This is my fathers watch. It says, irving breyer, legal adviser, San Francisco unified school district, 1933 to 1973. So i grew up in a family focused on the Public Schools of San Francisco. Reporter breyer says the justices generally get along. Earlier this summer, when he argued against the constitutionality of the death penalty, Justice Antonin Scalia was ready with his sharp pen. Justice scalia called that a bunch of gobbledygook. Thats his opinion. Reporter breyer took scalias barbs in stride. He suffers from a disease which is called good writers disease. When he finds a felicitous phrase, he cannot give it up. Its like a good comedian. If you find a good joke and youre a comedian, you just cant give it up. Reporter do you think about retiring . Sure. Reporter are you going to any time soon . Ly eventually. Reporter so this is your home office . Yes. Reporter but for the 77yearold breyer, eventually is still a while off. Jan crawford, cbs news, cambridge, massachusetts. Pelley and Justice Breyer will be a guest of Stephen Colbert tonight right after your late local news right here on cbs. And thats the cbs evening news for tonight. For all of us at cbs news all around the world, good night. Captioning sponsored by cbs you got a great blow. Were asking Sandra Bullock about her new man. And were with vanessa william. Its whats coming up right now on entertainment tonight. My mother had some hard feelings. Vanessa and her mom are backstage conversation after vanessas motional full circle moment. I want to apologize to you. Then what can you tell us about your new boyfriend . Sandras boyfriend talk. And i never said anything about your drinking. Did he steal clooneys role . His concerns for her safety. Its tough when theyre savvy and cocouncil in the head. I cant believe that im here. Stars flood new yorks

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