This is the cbs evening news with scott pelley. Pelley good evening. Parts of california so desperate for rain got it in buckets today from a fastmoving storm hitting the west coast. At least a billion gallons of waiter fell into los angeles reservoirs, a years supply for at least 30,000 people. But drought relief came at a price. At least two dead in oregon, flooded roads, mudslides, and now a massive cleanup. We have two reports, beginning with bigad shaban in los angeles. Begad. Reporter scott, the mudslide buried this neighborhood after just about two inches of rain fell in a matter of hours. Now, last year a wildfire actually burned much of the vegetation along these nearby hillsides so when the rain came down the dirt had nothing to hold on to. On this secrete in the community of camarillo, theres mud and rubble up to the roof lines. The mudslide actually blew out the front door . Yeah. You can see the hinges and frame are ripped right ow. Reporter firefighter nick cleary helped rescue three people from this home, including a blind elderly woman. She was like, why am i cold . Why am i wet . She didnt understand what was going on. They were on the bed pinned by the debris. Reporter how quickly did it start to fall. About two to five minutes. Reporter elton gallegys family home was struck by a 12foot pile of rocks. It destroyed it. How can you i dont know if theres anything salvageable. Reporter a backhoe brought in before the storm to help clean up was buried, too. About 50 miles to the east, rescuers battled a raging l. A. River to bring a man and woman to safety. Reporter this is John Blackstone in northern california. The crew removing a fallen tree from the roof of an old age care facility was part of a cleanup effort today that stretched across this battered region. The heavy rain alone seemed enough to punch two holes in the roof of this san jose supermarket. North of San Francisco, the Russian River flooded lowlying homes. For those caught unprepared for the recordsetting rainfall, this was a day for month up and drying out. In San Franciscos Mission district, many ground floors flooded. And this is the middle of the city. Yeah. Its its crazy. Reporter but sandbags saved mark urichs warehouse. Youre going to leave this up for a while . Well see. Its supposed to rain again next week so who knows what will happen. Reporter over the past two weeks, San Francisco has received about eight inches of rain. The average for early december, scott, is about an inch and a half. Pelley John Blackstone near the golden gate tonight. John, thank you. Well, it seems like theyre practically giving it away. Oil fell another 2 today to 57. 81 a barrel, the lowest price since the height of the great recession. It was over 100 just six months ago. Today, Energy Stocks led another big selloff on wall street. The dow lost 315 points. Anthony mason is here to tell us whats going on. Anthony. Reporter it was the worst week for the dow since november of 2011, scott. At the end of last week it was flirting with 18,000. Today, its below 17,300. The catalyst has been oils relentless slide. Its fiveyear low is going to hurt energy companies. The market, which hates uncertainty, seems to be in sell mode until investors see where this will stop. And oil, scott, clearly hasnt hit bottom yet. Pelley is it all about the oil . Reporter well, this week mostly, but there are other factors that have weighed on the markets, Slower Growth in china, and since the end of the year is approaching, some investors are selling for tax reasons. But remember, just last week, the dow was at an alltime high. The fundamentals havent changed. In fact, cheaper gas is giving the u. S. Economy a real shot in the army, especially lower income americans and gas costs for them, scott, make up a much higher percentage of their budget. Pelley anthony, thanks very much. A 1. 1 trillion bill to keep the government running through next september is now in the hands of the United States senate. The house passed it last night, but nancy cordes tells us not before members inserted some Holiday Gifts for their corporate friends. Reporter lawmakers will be leaving behind a 1600page bill with a lot for lobbyists to like. Trucking lobby successfully blocked new sleep minimums for drivers. The potato lobby got their tubers included in federal nutrition programs. And citibank lobbyists actually wrote the provision that will roll back restrictions on big banks. Massachusetts democrat elizabeth warren. Why in the last minute as you head out the door and a spending bill must be pass read you making it a priority to do wall streets bidding . Reporter the bill will make it easier for underfunded Pension Plans to cut benefits for up to 10 million retirees, and it allows for a 10fold increase in individual donations to political parties. The new limit will be 324,000 a year. Republicans secured a 60 million cut in the Environmental Protection agencys budget plus a 350 million cut in the i. R. S. Budget. Andrew crenshaw of florida explained why. Theyve singled out individuals and groups of individuals based on their political philosophy, and they have not cooperated with congressional investigations. And, therefore, their funding is reduced. Reporter overall i. R. S. Funding has dropped by 10 since 2010 forcing the Beleaguered Agency to slash its workforce by about 13,000 people. One agency that did get a big cash infusion in the bill, scott, was the v. A. To help it work through the backlog and care that we heard so much about earlier this year. Pelley nancy cordes on capitol hill. Nancy, thank you. Monday is the deadline to enroll or reenroll in obamacare if you want coverage to start january 1. Tonight, Wyatt Andrews tells us some folks who bought policies last time around did not get the coverage they expected. Reporter Kevin Mccarthy of thousand oaks, california, grew angry last spring when he learned that his Family Doctor of 14 years did not accept the blue shield insurance hed purchased under obamacare. And we were like outraged. Reporter outraged because when mccarthy shopped for his policy, blue shield confirmed that his doctor was covered. Well, yeah, i mean, we were duped. Hoodwinked is another good term. Reporter heres what happened. Insurance companies, to save money, are quietly selling what are called Narrow Networks which sharply restrict the number of doctors and hospitals you can see nsome cases to 30 or less of the doctors and hospitals nearby. Jerry flanagan, the lead attorney for the Consumer Watchdog Group in california, says hundreds of thousands of people lost their doctors when insurers sold Narrow Networks without notice. Consumers here were told the networks are going to be the same as they were before obamacare as under obamacare. It would be the same network. And your doctor is going to be in it. And those were flatoutalize lyes. Reporter but the upside to Narrow Networks is the low cost because the doctors in these networks have agreed to discounts. The respected mckinsey Accounting Firm said the savings to consumers armies 1317 ap blue shield of california chose not to appear on camera but denies it intentionally misled customers. It blames lost doctors on the transition to obamacare but promises this year it will address network confusion by communicating more clearly with members. Right now for consumers, two important things to remember Narrow Networks are the new reality in obamacare. And anyone who wants to be sure your doctor is in network, scott, they need to call the company to confirm and they need to keep records. Pelley Wyatt Andrews in our washington newsroom thank you. This week we have been deepening our reporting on a controversy coast to coast its excessive use of force by police, especially against minorities. Wednesday we spoke to bigcity mayors. Yesterday you heard a panel of police chiefs. Well, tonight, young adults. Elaine quijano sat down with john reynolds, jose miranda, gani afolabi, charles wade, ljeoma oluo, and sarah levine. I have to be honest, i think growing up as a white person, i didnt have to think about race a lot as a kid. I think for society at large, wyatt is the standard by which Everything Else is measured. And so race was something that other people had, and i didnt have. So i didnt have to handle it in the same way as some of the other people here, and i realize that. Reporter how many of you have been involved with the protests that have taken place in the wake of ferguson . Everybody here. Why . I cant manipulate policy right now. I cant ask the president to do something today. All i have is my body. All i can do is go somewhere and show support. But thats all i can do right now. Reporter what is the change youre trying to achieve . You know, everyone says justice, like we want justice. But everyone has a different idea of that. So for some people, justice is a legal victory. Thats not justice for me. To me justice is equality and accountability. Reporter do you think when it comes to Race Relations in this country, have we reached a Tipping Point . Thats what we said in the 60s. Thats what we said in the 1850s. I think we may have reached another step of the ladder, but were probably going to have to wait another 30, 40, 50 years to then deal with another issue that we didnt get around to. Because we move to healing so quickly. People are already like, after ferguson. And im in ferguson like, after ferguson . Are you kidding me . How are we after ferguson when the very thing that got us here has happened two more times in three months. I think its also important to note that we dont have it perfect at all yet. And there are a lot of people in our generation that need to check their own privilege and understand their own biases as well. Reporter lets unpack this term privilege. When you talk about White Privilege, what are you talking about . Its when youre afforded opportunity because the status of our country was based on your norm. Whats normal for you has to be normal for me and i want something din then im pulling the race card. Reporter arent you implying then, when you use the word White Privilege you are implying that all people are born with a silver spoon in their mouth. Theyre all given given its not about silver spoons. Its not necessarily about that. Its about the fact that i do not have to multitask every second of every day worrying about how people are perceiving me as a white person. When i go into a store, as im leaving, i dont have to think, did i do anything thats going to make them think i stole something . So thats a privilege, the fact that i dont have to carry all this stuff with me every second of every day. Theres such a wall around whiteness where you can go through your whole day without ever having to address the things that black people are literally pushing through just to get through their day. And make people uncomfortable, bring it in, bring it up. Because the more that you can do that, the more empathy is built, the more people will actually believe us when we say these things are happening. Reporter many in the group also said they feel disconnected from some of the civil rights leaders of previous generations. So instead, they rely on social media to mobilize themselves. But they also acknowledge sometimes being leaderless, scott, can make it difficult to get real results. Pelley insightful interview, elaine. Thanks very much. A cyber attack turns a hollywood premiere into a lowkey affair. And nature whips up cappuccino canyon filled to the brim with foamy fog when the cbs evening news continues. Well, when you have copd, it can be hard to breathe. It can be hard to get air out, which can make it hard to get air in. So i talked to my doctor. She said. Doctor symbicort could help you breathe better, starting within 5 minutes. Symbicort doesnt replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. Symbicort helps provide significant improvement of your lung function. Symbicort is for copd, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. It should not be taken more than twice a day. Symbicort contains formoterol. Medicines like formoterol increase the risk of death from asthma problems. 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Cialis is also the only daily ed tablet approved to treat symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently. Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. Do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as it may cause an unsafe drop in Blood Pressure. Do not drink alcohol in excess. Side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. To avoid long term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. If you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any allergic reactions like rash, hives, swelling of the lips, tongue or throat, or difficulty breathing or swallowing, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. Ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a free 30tablet trial. Pelley there was a red carpet but Sony Pictures made sure there was no media access to the stars at last nights previewer of the interview. As Dean Reynolds reports, sony is reeling from a cyber attack thats pulled back the curtain on its making business. Reporter at the premiere of Sony Pictures the interview last night were moving this back, okay. Reporter tight security and stern guards replaced the red caerpt and ropelined interview. Sony is sensitive about questions nowadays after being humbled by hackers who exposed a trove of embarrassing executive emails and more. From salaries to Social Security numbers, from tasteless jokes about the president , to snarky insults of celebrities, the disclosures could haunt sony for years. Darren guccione is the c. E. O. And founder of keeper security, a Data Protection company. People should think twice before hitting send though in this day and age. In this day and age, you dont want to have to think twice. You dont want to have to look over your shoulder. And i just eye dont i dont want to have to think about that. Reporter but you do. The f. B. I. Says 90 of American Companies are susceptible to the kind of attack that hit sony and that it could have even hacked state governments. Every piece of confidential information inside the company, that information should be encrypted and stored in a militarygrade vault. Reporter everybody should have a fort knox . Everybody deserves a fort knox, but right now, the company that isnt prepared are, has to be reactive and thats a very painful situation to be in. Reporter which brings us back to sony. Nobody knows who hacked sony, but because this new movie, the interview, involves a c. I. A. Plot to do away with the leader of north korea, kim jong un, theres a lot of speculation that north korea is responsible because even though the movie is a comedy, scott, we know that the hermit kingsdom is not amused. Pelley Dean Reynolds, thank you, dean. Our bob orr has learned that attorney general eric holder has decided not to force a reporter for the New York Times to reveal the identity of a confidential source. James risen has been battling for years against testifying at the trial of a former c. I. A. Officer whos accused of revealing a c. I. A. Effort to sabotage Irans Nuclear program. An nfl arbiter decideses if Adrian Petersons suspension should be overturned and well have it next. The frustration. Covering up. So i talked with my doctor. He prescribed enbrel. Enbrel is clinically proven to provide clearer skin. Many people saw 75 clearance in 3 months. And enbrel helped keep skin clearer at 6 months. [ male announcer ] enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. Serious, sometimes fatal, events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders, and allergic reactions have occurred. 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And more on the way. Minuteclinic. Another innovation from cvs health. Because health is everything. Pelley Adrian Petersons appeal has been rejected. His suspension without pay will stand. The Minnesota Vikings star was arrested in september after admitting he whipped his fouryearold son with a tree branch. The Players Union says that it may file suit. A rare weather phenomenon made one of the wonders of the world even more wonderous. Whats known as total cloud inversion filled the grand canyon this week with thick fog. It happens when cool, moist air in the canyon meets the warmer air from above. Pope francis has just given hope to every kid whoever lost a beloved pet. He told a young boy, sad because his boy had died, one day, we will see our animals again. Paradise is open to all creatures. Francis, living up to his namesake, the patron saint of animals, and his prayer, where there is sadness, let me so joy. Steve hartman on the road is next hey, how you doin . It hurts. 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Really . Alkaseltzer plus night rushes relief to eight symptoms of a full blown cold including your stuffy nose. breath of relief oh, what a relief it is. Thanks. Anytime. [ male announcer ] the rhythm of life. [ whistle blowing ] where do you hear that beat . Campbells healthy request soup lets you hear it in your heart. [ basketball bouncing ] heart healthy. [ mm. ] great taste. [ tapping ] sounds good. Campbells healthy request. Mm mm good. ® campbells healthy request. Then youll know how uncomfortable it can be. But did you know that the lack of saliva can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath . Well, there is biotene, specially formulated with moisturizers and lubricants. Biotene can provide soothing relief and it helps keep your mouth healthy too. Biotene, for people who suffer from a dry mouth. Pelley we end tonight with another encounter between Law Enforcement officers and the public. Steve hartman shows us how it all with went down on the road. Reporter earlier this month, in kansas city, missouri, the Jackson County Sheriffs Department was out looking for people, and when they spotted a subject they went after them, in a string operation the likes of which this country has never seen. Hello, maam, your vehicle was targeted. What do you mean . Oh, my gosh, okay. Reporter what made this operation especially unusual was the man behind it. Good morning. Reporter a fellow in a red hat known to these men only as secret santa. We got a mission today, to go out and do random acts of kindness. Reporter every year, this anonymous wealthy businessman gives out about 100,000 worth of 100 dollar bills to random strangers, but this year instead of doing it all himself, he deputized these deputies to give away much of it. Lets start with 1,000. Reporter so, armed to the teeth with beverage mips, the officers went out to do santas business. They specifically went after people they thought would appreciate it most cars driving while dented or out on bondo were likely targets. Merry christmas. Youre kidding see that . Yes oh, my god no reporter most people werent just blown away. Thank you so much. Reporter most people were brought to tears. Does that make your day better . Reporter their reactions a combination of really needing the money. Are you serious right now. Reporter and being caught so off guard. He just looked straight at me and turned around and pulled me over for no cause. Hold on. How you doing, maam . Good until you pulled me over. On behalf of secret santa, he wants you to have this, okay. Reporter jessica rodriguez, a mother of three, told the deputy he saved her christmas. I wasnt going to be able to give my kids anything. Well, i hope you maybe get your kids something with this. Reporter as always, moments like that are the main mission here. You have a good holiday season. Reporter but this year, secret santa also had a secret agenda. What do you want the officers to get out of this . Joy. You know, as tough as they are, they have hearts that are bigger than the world. Reporter lets face it, it hasnt been a good year for Law Enforcement. Copy, thank you. Reporter but for the vast majority of decent officers who will never make headlines, secret santa offered this gift. Appreciate it, man. Does that help out . Reporter a chance to be the bearer of good news for a change. Congratulations. Oh reporter a chance to really hospital homeless. To thank the law abiders, to see hands up in celebration and then be assaulted in the best possible way. Aaarrgghh reporter there were a lot of hugs. Our body cameras took a real beating, but it was worth it, just to see people trust again and to see cops youre welcome. Reporter surrender. Please have a good holiday. Reporter steve hartman, on the road in kansas city, missouri. Thank you, thank you so much. Pelley oh, wow. And thats the cbs evening news for tonight. For all of us at cbs news all around the world, im scott pelley, and ill see you sunday on 60 minutes. Good night. Captioning sponsored by cbs if youre like me, theres nothing you enjoy more than hopping up on a couch, destroying a few pillows and chewing on a good shoe. So this new nest dropcam. Is a serious buzzkill. Its always watching so people can keep an eye on me when theyre away. And even chime in with their inane reprimands. Henry, off bad boy whos to say whos a bad boy and whos not. Seems so subjective if you ask me. Nest dropcam. Welcome to a more thoughtful home. We have so much to report tonight. Heres the big news right now on e. T. I knew i had been drugged. Another famous supermodel, another cosby accusation. Why shes speaking out now. He kept insisting, you know, to have this cappuccino. Beverly johnson said she was in fear to tell her story, but just look at what the she told us weeks ago. I wish him and his family all the best. And now the room starts to spin a little. Also, Barbara Walters back out of retirement. The tell me something bad about taylor swift. You just had a baby girl. Are you nursing . I was like oat a knicks game and i had a beer and everybody was like oh. But you dont know which

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