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Captioning sponsored by cbs this is the cbs evening news with scott pelley. Pelley good evening. Small pox was one of the most frightening diseases the world has known. It killed at least 300 Million People in the last century before it was eradicated. So it came as quite a surprise when the u. S. Government revealed yesterday that vials of small pox had been forgotten for decades and were just discovered in a cardboard box. The big question now is whether the virus is alive and dr. Jon lapook learned more today from the scientist heading the investigation. The vials of small pox are currently being tested in a level 4 High Containment Laboratory at the cdc in atlanta. That is the agencys most secure facility. You can only gain ent row through a special eye scan. Steve monroe runs the division of high consequence pathogens. Is it possible the small pox can still grow. Its possible. But we done know for sure if the small porx virus in these samples will still be able to grow in the laboratory. What is your guess. I would not be surprised if one or more of these samples contains live, growing small pox virus. But then youre going to destroy it and it will be gone forever. We will destroy it and it will be gone forever. It was july 1st when a lab worker at the National Institutes of health found the small pox vials while cleaning out a storage refrigerator. The vials appeared to date back to the 1950s. From that moment, the cdc, nih, fbi, fda and World Health Organization worked closely to develop a plan of action. The white house was immediately informed through the National Security agency that a potential agent of bioterrorism had been found. What was the security involved in moving the samples from bethesda, maryland, to the cdc. The security involved involved the coop rags of the fb, as well as local Law Enforcement so there was Ground Transport to the proept appropriate air assets that were provided by fbi. Machine row says the trickiest part was making sure Nothing Happened to the fragile glass vials that had likely been stored for 50 to 60 years. How could this have happened . I think is one of those flukes. Its sort of the trunk thats in the attic that nobody has looked at for many, many years. Are you asking Lab Directors to go through their inventory, look under the tablesing look in the closets. Certainly one of the Lessons Learned from this episode is that laboratories around the world should have a firm idea of what they have in their collections. And that people should make an effort to do a complete inventory. The material in the vials was freeze dried and the end of each glass tube sealed shut with a flame. In all six vials of small pox the seal was intact. Pelley s why why does he at this some of it may still be aive. There are instances in the past where vaccines against small pox including live virus was freeze died, seal shut in a similar fashion and stored for 20 years or long are. It was reconstituted and it was still infectious. So the question is how long was the current sample stored at 5 degrees centigrade and was it ever at Room Temperature and will it at the end of the day still be able to be infectious, we will have to wait and see. Pelley and then they will des troit it. Absolutely. Pelley thank you very much. Today israeli air ships shook gaza every few minutes as islamic militants continued to fire rockets into their heartland. The israelies have been firing back, at least 36 palestinians have been killed this week. This battle has been running off and on since 1948 when the a strip became a homeland for palestinians displaced after the war for israeli independence. 32 miles long with nearly 2 Million People, gaza has been run since 2006 by the militant Islamic Movement hamas. Holly williams has our story tonight. Until this morning, this was a home to a family of five. A man and two children were rushed to the hospital after it was hit by an israeli missile. A woman and another child are still missing. Israel says its strikes in gaza are targeting terrorism, hitting command centers and rocket launchers used by hamas, the militant group that governs the gaza strip. For two nights of bombardment have also devastated neighborhoods like this one. According to palestinian officials, killed civilians including the very young. In this hospital, the stock tore is treating the injured in a poorly equipped, overcrowded emergency room. The situation is very critical. We receive more than 50 injured people. All of them severely civilians. Reporter and as violence begets more violence, the wounded keep coming. Impover earned and cut off in their tiny strip of land, palestinians in gaza are used to hardship. Shia is a teacher and a mother of five children. Its not the first war. We come to. Its the third one. So i i feel a little afraid. Pelley and Holly Williams is inside israel, about 2 miles from the border with gaza. Holly, a lot of rockets amed at israel today. What happened there . Well, scott, the warning sirens wailed over and over again today across southern israel, not just here close to gaza but 50 miles away in demona home to a Nuclear Power plant. The israelies have their own iron dome antimissile system and were able to shoot down the rockets, so faris real hasnt suffered any deaths and just a few minor injuries. Pelley and the u. N. Security council having a emergency meeting on this tomorrow, holly, thanks very much. Tonight much of the northeast could be hit by thunderstorms but forecasters are not expecting anything like last night. When a tornado blasted through smithville in upstate new york killing four people. Something that seldom happens in that part of the country. Vanita nair is there. All of the victims killed in smithfield live on the same street. The tornado lifted one house off its foundation and threw it 150 feet into another. Volunteer firefighter Wade Phillips wrapped the body of four month old paris newman into a jacket. Its hard to explain what is going through your mind when you pull up on Something Like that and just see the devastation. The childs mother kimberlies with pulled out of the debris an hour later. Phillips knew the family. Did you guys have any hope at that point that they might still an live. We were hoping that they they were. There is always that hope that you are going to find someone alive. Tornadoes in this part of the country are rare. New york state averages about 7 a year compared to nearly 60 a year in oklahoma. Smithfield doesnt even have tornado sirens. New york governor cuomo. The house on one side of the street is basically fine. The other house on the opposite side of the street was just gone. We dont get tornadoes in new york, right . Anyone will tell you that. Well, we do now. Reporter the same weather system swept through portions of pennsylvania and maryland, scott. In maryland a tree fell at a summer camp. One child was killed and six others were injured. Pelley vanita, thank you very much. With thousands of illegal immigrant children surging into the u. S. , president obama is meeting this evening with a rival, the republican governor of texas. Major garrett is traveling with the president in dallas this evening. Major what are they talking about. President scott president obama is meeting with local leaders and rick perry to discuss temporary housing for some of these unaccompanied minors. This will not be a new topic for perry and the president. Two years ago the governor warned the white house this crisis was coming. Governor perry greeted president obama with a handshake and the public release of a letter he sent to the white house in may 2012. It called attention to the growing problem of unaccompanied minors crossing into texas. Aside from being part of an obvious humanitarian crisis, perry wrote to the president , these unaccompanied illegal minors have left the federal government scrambling to triage the results of its failed Border Security and immigration policies. At that time perry noted 5,200 children from honduras, el salvadore and gaut mallo were in texas. Now the estimated number is ten times as large. In denver earlier today the president blamed part of the border problem on House Republican opposition to an immigration billpassed by the senate. Congress just said no to fixing our broken immigration system, in a way that strengthens our borders and our businesses. Reporter Administration Officials said they have been overwhelmed this year by a surge of unaccompanied minors all of whom are by law entitled to an immigration hearing before deportation. He is cilia money oz leads the immigration council. It takes too long it is not in the interest of the child to spend years going through a legal process. The court system is backlogged. That is within of the things we were trying to fix in our Immigration Reform legislation. Reporter the white house is asking congress for immediate authority to spipd the deportation process and add more judges and immigration personnel to the mix that is part of the 3. 7 billion emergency request congress is reviewing and governor perry warned two years ago might be necessary. Pelley Major Garrett with the president in dallas, thank you, major. The president says most of these children will be sent home but that can involve another long journey through the american legal system. Why so long . Michelle miller has danilos story. 16yearold danilo was afraid to give us his last name, says honduran gangs first tried to recruit him when he was 12. They were involved in wars, he says, drug dealing and assaults. At 15 he fled for the u. S. And was caught at the texas border. I didnt want to join the gangs, he says. I didnt want that violent kind of life or trouble. Under a law signed by president george w. Bush, unaccompanied children cannot be deported without a hearing. Danilo was released to a cousin in new york. He is seeking asylum and has been given a lawyer free of charge from the nonprofit Central American Legal Assistance. Rebecca press is an immigration attorney there. We have a responsibility to make sure that we are being very careful and having an individualized assessment of every individuals claim. Immigrants in the u. S. Illegally are not entitled to a government appointed lawyer in in these deportation proceedings. According to a non a policy study at least 40 of children who are here illegally may be elig tbl to stay if facing specific kinds of violence or abuse back home. Minors with Legal Assistance significantly improv the odds of winning their case. But the process can take years. Danilos first deportation hearing was nine months ago. Deporting young people, people pound the age of 18 who are fleeing tremendous vie tlens in their home countries is not an appropriate response to a humanitarian crisis. Why should they let you stay . The problems i have at home cannot be solved over there, he says. I didnt come here looking for any problems. I came here to remake my life. Danilos next hearing is in the fall. And he says he worries every day about the possibility of deportation. Michelle miller, cbs news, brooklyn. Pelley well, for very Different Reasons Edward Snowden does not want to return home any time soon. Today his lawyer said snowden has applied to extend his temporary asylum in russia which expire tess end of the month. Snowden is wanted here for leaking details of top secret government surveillance programs. Russian president Vladimir Putin has ignored u. S. Calls to return snowden. Many american colleges get failing grades for the way they handle Sexual Assaults. Pot and potus. The offer the president could refuse. And an author has an embarrassing encounter with his subject when the cbs evening news continues. Lking tr rheumatologist about a biologic. This is humira. This is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. Doctors have been prescribing humira for ten years. Humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. 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Im a believer a study out today is raising serious questions about the way colleges handle cases of Sexual Assault. The study commissioned by Congress Found that more than 40 of schools have not investigated a single Sexual Assault case in the past five years. Congressional correspondent nancy cordes is following this. Two university of miami Football Players were suspended this week. Three days after they allegedly raped a 17yearold girl. But the schools Swift Response is not the norma cording to a new congressional report which found that only half of the colleges and universities studied have a Sexual Assault hotline for victims. And more than 70 of the institutions have no protocols for working with local Law Enforcement to handle sexual violence. He put his hand over my mouth and told me not to say anything. And he dragged me down to the floor and then he raped me. Cassie edwards was a junior stacking shelves in the library at Florida State university when she was attacked in 2008. The schools response, she says, was uneven. Definitely they had counselling and i saw the victim advocatement but at the same time you lost your campus job. Yes. I dont think they ever had a student worker who had been raped on campus before so i dont think the Library Administrator knew how to handle it very well. The congressional report found 20 of schools provide no Sexual Assault response training for faculty and staff. More than 30 of schools provide no training for students. Missouri democrats claire mccaskill. I think this has been an ongoing problem for many years. And i think young women going to College Campuses have not been empowered. And in this day and age its time that we empower them to be able to speak out when they have been assaulted. And to hold people without do this more accountable. Senator mccaskill commissioned this report with the hopes that it would draw the same kind of attention to campus Sexual Assault as congress was able to draw to military Sexual Assaults which lead to a series of reforms, scott that have passed the senate and are now awaiting a vote in the house. Nancy cordes on capitol hill, nancy, thank you. Today former new orleans mayor ray nagin was sentenced to ten years in federal prison for corruption. Nag inc. Was mayor during hurricane katrina. He was convicted of taking hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes from Business Owners who wanted city work. Nagin has denied everything and made no apologies. Today he reports to prison in september. After yesterdays blowout, todays world cup city final went right down to the wire. Thats just ahead. Veggies youre cool. Reworking the menu. Mayo, corn dogs. You are so out of here ahh. The complete balanced nutrition of great tasting ensure. 24 vitamins and minerals. 9 grams of protein. 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Yes, that is a bar patron offering the president of the United States a hit of pot. Its legal in colorado, of course. But the president just said no. 24 hours after germany demolished brazil in the world cup defense ruled the day as argentina took on the netherlands in the other semi final. The teams were scoreless through the overtime period so that meant it came down to penalties. Argentina won it 42 and now move tons play germany in the final on sunday. In another competition today an american was injured during the running of the bulls in pamplona spain. Bill hillman in chicago was gor ercked in his right thichlt the injury were told is not life threatening. Ironically it was hillman who coauthored a book called how to survive the bulls of pamplona. Well, de survive the bulls, but will he survive the embarrassment . A cave rescue is be way in china. And well take you there next. One of our favorite things to do is going to the dog park together. 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Imagine yin say colourful paintings, a complete term el. We can hardly tell what they are now. 1600 years ago sculpture sculptures sculptured carved the grottoes into the sandstone cliffs of china. For centuries the soft sandstone was eroded by blasting winds that whipped deep into these caves. Now pollution is the biggest new threat. This is all the dust. Yes, coal dust easily attaches to the surface, he pointed out it can slowly erode an get into the sandstone. These grottoes sit in the heart of chinas coal country. The province produces nearly 1 billion tons of coal per year. A quarter of chinas output. To draw tourists and improve its image china got u. N. World heritage status for the site. But protecting these grottoes meant more than just cleaning them. The Government Shutdown small coal plants and closed a nearby road which used to see the passage of thousands of coal trucks ef row day. It even relocated entire villages, moving more than 4,000 families who used to rely on coal for heating and cooking. Today the painstaking work of restoring these sculptures continues. And historians hope this effort will become a model for other ancient sites under threat across china. Acid rain is blamed for turning the nose black on this 230 foot buddha and for damaging these grottoes in eastern china. I hope we can repair and restore the precious artwork paid by our ancestors he told us, so we can leave them for our children. Its a race to protect these antiquities from the destructive work of another era, pollution. Seth doane, cbs news, china. Pelley and that is the cbs evening news for tonight. For all of us at cbs news all around the world, good night. Captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org we have elisabeth hasselbecks firing off on rosie today. We have porn stars getting totally naked and primetime, Deion Sanders in the house. Im not getting naked. Lets get it started, all right . Lets do it. Barbaras goodbye show, it was actually her hello show. Elizabeth claims rosie is now in control of its view. Oh oh. Tell you what happens behind the scenes before the shakeup and clooney taking control of tabloids saying his fiancees mom opposes the wedding. I love how he fights back. Need to take notes from this guy. It was unusual, but it was the right way to control this. Plus, going on with hollywood couples, we have a look at Jessica Simpsons wedding with her sister, ashlee, was a brides maid

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