The window was way beyond what i believed it would be. Captioning sponsored by cbs this is the cbs evening news with scott pelley. Pelley good evening, the number of mesh American Veterans known to be waiting months for health care grew today. The department of Veterans Affairs released its First Nationwide audit of v. A. Hospitals and clinics since the scandal erupted. It found 57,000 veterans have been waiting more than three months for their first appointment. Also, over the past decade, 63,000 vets an appointment, and never got one. Wyatt andrews tells us the audit found that there were widespread attempts to cover it all up. Reporter the audit not only reveals the number of wait listed veterans. It takes on the question of why. In more than threefourths of all v. A. Clinics, 76 , at least one scheduler said supervisor ordered them to falsify the computer records of how long veterans were waiting. This whistleblower at the hines is v. A. Hospital in illinois demonstrated the process. Its done by changing the veterans desired date for care to the date of the future appointment. That makes it seem like an appointment months away was what the veteran requested. No wait time. Reporter sources told us that supervisors got bonuses partly by reporting low wait times but those bonuses are now history. The says it is ending the 14day scheduling goal to eliminate incentives to engage in inappropriate practices. To clear the backlog, v. A. Officials say 50,000 veterans have been called just in the last week to schedule appointments. 90,000 remain on the call list now. Iraq veteran lauren price has received two personal calls and an automated followup. Before last week, shed waited six months for a checkup, despite her diagnosis of chronic lung disease. Its outrageous and egregious that it takes this level of pressure to get them to do the job they are so adequately funded for. Reporter in this report, the auditors admit they did not learn everything, saying that many of the respondents may have selfcensored to protect themselves. 112 v. A. Hospitals and clinics, including the hines hospital have been flagged for further review and investigation. Pelley wyatt is joining us now for washington. Wyatt, what is the v. A. Going to do about these wait times . Reporter scott, the acting v. A. Director has already said hes going to look at these new honestly reported wait times and where the v. A. Needs more doctors he says the v. A. Will hire but hes also said the v. A. May need to be more efficient which means in some clinics, scott, v. A. Doctors and nurses will be asked to work harder. Pelley wyatt, thanks very much. 57 now vets unable to get appointments is a large number, but consider this for context the v. A. Had more than six million appointments on the books last month. So 57,000 is about 1 of the total. We learned this afternoon the identities of the las vegas couple who ambushed and killed two Police Officers and gunned down a civilian who tried to stop them. Heres Scott Daniels of cbs affiliate klas. Reporter investigators the couple entered the petria and shot officers igot soldo and alan beck at pointblank range and covered the bodies with a swastika and gadsden flag emblazoned with the words dont troad me. Mr. Kim jardine then pinned a note to officer saldo basically stating that this is the beginning of the revolution. Reporter the millers then walked to a walmart a block away jerad miller ordered shoppers out. He was confronted by joseph wilcox, a shopper who was carrying a concealed weapon. As soon as he began to confront jerad miller with mis firearm, Amanda Miller removed her firearm and shot him one time in the ribs area where he immediately collapsed. Reporter the couple barricaded themselves in the back of the walmart and had a gun fight with swat teams. It ended when Amanda Miller shot her husband and then herself. Theres no doubt that the suspects have some apparent ideology that is along the lines of militia and white supremacists. They believe that Law Enforcement is the oppressor and theyre associated with the nazi movement. Reporter jerad miller had served time for drugs and theft. He regularly posted his support for extremist groups on facebook, and this protest of government drones on youtube. I mean, theyre already wiretapping your phones. You know, watching your facebook and everything. Reporter the millers had been living with kelley fielder after being evicted from their apartment. Fiwould have known what was going on, and i knew what their planning was, i wouldnt have five people that are on my shoulders right now that are dead. Reporter the American Flag over my Left Shoulder on top of the walmart remains flying at halfmast. Scott, theres a vigil being held tonight at 6 00 p. M. Local time in front of the pizzeria where the two officers were slain. Pelley and both officers leaving behind wives and children. Scott daniel of klas, thanks, scott. The pentagon said today it is opening a third Emergency Shelter for thousand of unaccompanied children who are pouring into the United States from central america. Over the last year, the number of children crossing illegally has surged from 24,000 to 47,000. And that has overwhelmed facilities on the border as anna werner discovered. Reporter we found women and their Young Children camped overnight on the floor of this bus station in laredo, texas, last week. They were cropped off by immigration agents after a short detention. Many, such as ingrid reyes, are from central america. Honduras has turned into a very dangerous country and im looking for your help with my children, she said. Theres no work. Its violent. But more children are crossing the border alone. The border parole says there has been a 92 increase in unaccompanied children since last summer. More than 1100 children between the ages of 12 and 17 are at this Holding Center at Lackland Air Force base in san antonio. Krista piferrer is a spokesperson there. These are really good conditions, certainly better than of the children have come from and without question better than the conditions in which they traveled here from. Reporter texas had so many of these kids it began sending them to arizona last month. This center in nogales will hold up to 1500 kids. They are put in large rooms where theyre given foil blankets to stay warm. A department of Homeland Security official tells us the nogales facility is being used as a way station. Some time later, scott, custody decisions will be made for those kids on a casebycase basis. Pelley and the latest military shelter opening in fort sill in oklahoma. Today, president obama expanded a program that makes it easier to pay back student loans. It caps Monthly Payments at 10 of income and forgives loans after 20 years if no payments are missed. Up to now, the program is available only to recent graduates, but don dahler tells us the president is opening it up to everyone, as many as 5 million more grads. Reporter Anthony Schullo dreams of marrying his girlfriend when he graduate. But the glendale heights, illinois, junior would be taking more than 50,000 in Student Loan Debt into the marriage. For me it is a matter of Going Forward how am i going to manage that . How am i going to handle that . Its a lot of money. Reporter under the president s plan, schullo is one who could see lower payments. The average is 29,400. They are among the largest debt burdens for u. S. Households, more than auto loans and credit cards and second only to mortgages. Really, Student Loan Debt chooses spouses. It choices when and if you buy a new home. It choose choose many a career. Reporter it is said the president s plan would cost the country between 10 billion and 12 billion. Does that take into account what the money is making to service the loans. No the federal government is borrowing money for 2 to 3 and loaning it at a rate of 6. 5 and between those two numbers theres a lot of daylight and that can quickly translate into billions of dollars in profit. That amounts to 12 billion in profit for the federal government over a 10year period. Schullo says the president s plan will help, but with so much debt, he might still have to postpone getting married. I do not want a debt to be determining when i have that family. When im ready to do ti want to do it and i dont want that money hanging over my head to be a factor in that. Pelley don, we mentioned some loans could be forgiven entirely. Reporter as of now, anyone with a federal student loan can have their loan forgiven after 20 years. If they miss a payment it, doesnt automatically kiss qualify them. What it does mean is they might have the period extending for the number of monthses they didnt send a check in. Pelley Bowe Bergdahl is gaining strength at a u. S. Military hospital in germany. Sergeant bergdahl said he was beaten and held in a cage during his five years in the hands of the taliban in afghanistan. Bergdahl is expected to be transferred soon to a Military Hospital in san antonio. Manual bojorquez spoke with another former hostage whose been through the treatment there. Reporter the staff at Brook Army Medical Center has rehearsed for Sergeant Bergdahls arrival every six months since he was taken hostage. Marc gonsalves went through whats called reintegration at brook in 2008. Its a very gradual, phased approach at trying to reacclimate the person back to society, back to back to freedom. Reporter gonzalez and two other american civilians were held for five years by colombian rebels after their plane crashed. Coming back from that is not as easy as you would think, especially when were being held in isolation for that long. So its not as simple as, hey, you know, im free. Now i can go to mcdonalds and drive a car. Theres a lot more to it than that. Reporter the reintegration plan was first developed to help u. S. P. O. W. S returning from vietnam. The first two phases involve medical and psychological examinations. And interviews to get timesensitive information about the enemy. Bergdahl has gone through that part of the process overseas. The final phase for bergdahls reintegration at brook will focus on giving him a sense of control over his life, simple things, like deciding what he will eat, where, and when he can go outside or sleep. He will also slowly be reintroduced to his family. The first visit with my family was only 45 minute long, and by the time those 45 minutes were over, i was anxious. I was sweating. I had a migraine headache. Reporter because of that fragile state, gonzales says he was shielded from media reports for days after he arrived here at Brook Army Medical Center. Scott, we dont know whether Sergeant Bergdahl has any idea about the uproar surrounding his case. Pelley manuel, thanks. Police close off streets as a wanted man climbs a roof. And did driver fatigue cause the accident that left tracy morgan in Critical Condition . When the cbs evening news continues. Ive. Try boost® original nutritional drink. It helps fill nutritional gaps in your diet. Each delicious serving provides 10 grams of protein to help maintain muscle, and 26 vitamins and minerals, including calcium and vitamin d to support bone health. Plus, boost® original is doctor recommended and has a guaranteed great taste. 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He remains in Critical Condition this evening. Another comedian, james mcnair, was killed. The truck driver is charged with vehicular homicide, and heres transportation correspondent jeff pegues. Reporter investigators are now looking into what 35yearold kevin roper was doing in the 24 hours before his walmart truck slammed into the luxury van carrying actor tracy morgan. In 2012, nearly 4,000 people were killed in crashes involving large trucks. To cut down on that number, the federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has been trying to combat one potential cause driver fatigue. Just last year, new rules took effect limiting the maximum average work week for Truck Drivers to 70 hours. Drivers cannot start a new work week until theyve had 34 consecutive hours of rest that included at least two nights of sleep between the hours of 1 00 a. M. And 5 00 a. M. But last week, a Senate Committee voted to ease some of the rules, arguing that they force truckers to drive during daylight hours. Dave osiecki, who represents American Trucking association, says the rules delay shipments and clogs the nations highways during rush hour. So youre concerned about that. Were concerned about the safety risk. Were concerned about the productivity lost to the industry because we move americas freight. The trucking industry, whether the public realizes that youre ubiquitous, when you go to a grocery store, the groceries are there because the truckers are moving at night. Reporter truck operators are currently allowed to drive 11 hours in a 14hour work day. Many companies, including walmart, use electronic logs in the trucks themselves to monitor driving hours. In the last 24 months, walmarts 7,000 drivers have been inspected 6,000 times. Scott, federal regulators say the companys conduct generally did not raise any red flags. Pelley jeff, thanks very much. In Southern California today, a man wanted for allegedly making criminal threats did everything he could to get away from police. He led them on a 45minute chase. Then he ditched the car in north hollywood, climbed a roof armed with an assault rifle. The police sealed off the neighborhood. A school was evacuated. Hours later, with a swat team surrounding him, the suspect surrendered. College sports could be changed forever if this former athlete has his way. His story is next. Cmon, you want heartburn . When your favorite food starts a fight, fight back fast, with tums. Heartburn relief that neutralizes acid on contact. And goes to work in seconds. Tum, tum tum tum. Tums pelley today, a former College Basketball star took the stand in a landmark case in federal court in oakland, california. The issue are College Athletes entitled to a cut of the ncaas profits . John blackstone takes a look. Reporter ed obannon led ucla to a National Championship in 1995. Today, he was testifying against the ncaa. The lawsuit he joined claims their rules have conspired to deprive College Athletes of any portion of the revenues earned through licensing of those athletes names, images, and that ncaa is a textbook cartel, in violation of federal law. The case could change the economics of bigtime College Sports, especially football and basketball. Its estimated the profits from broadcasting has climbed into the billions of dollars. Dollars. You got a lot when you were at u. C. L. A. That is correct. Reporter not enough . I think the big thing to understand is how much is being brought in. I think its big enough for everyone to share a piece in that pie. Reporter today obannon testified he spent 45 hours a week on basketball and just 12 studying as a college athlete. But when asked by lawyers for n. C. A. A. , he said the benefits were free education, traveling, playing on tv, and playing the best College Sports can offer. Donald remy is a lawyer for the ncaa. The reality is that our member institutions collectively agree on rules for the participation in sport. That should come as no surprise to anyone. Reporter thats not a cartel . That should come as no surprise to anyone, regardless of what you call it. The truth of the matter is what the n. C. A. A. Does is not unlawful. Reporter Court Argument in whats become known as the obannon case is expected to last three weeks. John blackstone, cbs news, oakland. Pelley reid wiseman spends part of his day running in place but oh, what a place. Well talk to him next. I have bayer aspirin. Im not having a heart attack, its my back. I mean bayer back body. It works great for pain. Bayer back body provides effective relief for your tough pain. Better . Yeah. Thanks for the tip mayo . Corn dogs . You are so outta here aah [ female announcer ] the complete balanced nutrition of greattasting ensure. 24 vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, and 9 grams of protein. 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Joining us from the space station are commander reid wiseman and Mission Commander steven swanson. Commander weissman, let me ask you, before you were born it was my lifes ambition to be an astronaut. So tell me what im missing. I dont think we have enough time on this program to give you all the basics, but i would say the view out of window is way beyond what i ever dreamed it would be. And i gotta say, as a kid, you always want to float everywhere you go, and up here its just no problem. You just float on down to the bathroom, float on over to the window, float down to the dinner table, and really, its better than you could ever think. Pelley that looks like a lot of fun. Dr. Swanson let me ask you, what is the mission are you doing. Its not all fun and games. Youre right. We like to have fun but our main mission is science up here. We perform over 170 experiments while were up here, and,sh, we have to maintain the station to keep it running efficiently and smoothly. Pelley commander wiseman, let me ask you a couple of questions about all the tweeting you have been doing. What are a couple of the favorite pictures you have tweeted . So far, coming up over the coast of chile, and seethe volcanic field, that was really spectacular. And just this morning we came over the northern coast of australia, and we just looked down. The way the clouds and red desert met the ocean, its burned in my mind. Pelley one of my favorite pictures you sent was the picture of the red die floating space. Tell me about that. Its really neat to see the crisp, red die with the aircraft underit. Pelley do you guys get a craps game going once in a while . I think we would throw the dice and it would keep going down to the russian segment. We might have to work on that one this weekend. Pelley reid wiseman and steven swanson, thank you so much for taking the time with us. Its been our pleasure. Thank you, scott. Pelley out of this world. And thats the cbs evening news for tonight. Coming up at 10 00, 9 00 central, a special monday edition of 48 hours. For all of us at cbs news all around the world, good night. Captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org good evening im cbs3 meteorologist kathy orr we are tracking very heavy rain on storm scan three, flash flooding is going on in parts of the montgomery and also, northern philadelphia counties, and you can see the area of oranges and reds, very heavy rain through lower more land, valley falls, extending down towards cheltenham, jenkintown, abington. So this entire area looking at heavy rain that is slowly, moving away towards the the north and east. Flash Flood Warning in effect for this area, it does include the southeastern part of the montgomery county, northern part of the philadelphia counties and that will continue, until 8 15 tonight. Were talking about flooded roads, we have also had reports of car rescues, so please be aware that this is occurring and that flash Flood Warning will continue until 8 15 this evening for street flooding, stream flooding a

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