Hollywood turning out in Pittsburgh last night as the new film a beautiful day in the neighborhood had its red carpet premiere it focuses on the iconic children's show host Mr Rogers who's probably a t.v. Series was produced at Pittsburgh's w a Q e d t v director Mariel Heller's says she and her crew felt a special responsibility Oh man everybody loves Mr Rogers and has their own Mr Rogers story the new you know that was a lot of pressure but the truth is it also felt like an honor and a responsibility and when we wanted to do right by Sony Pictures film stars Tom Hanks as Mr Rogers and highlights his strong Christian faith it's rated p.g. For some adult content focusing on a troubled reporter who was assigned to interview and that is help but Mr Rogers the film a beautiful day in the neighborhood will be opening nationwide tomorrow this is s r a news. And engine problem is causing fear of Chrysler to recall almost 700000 vehicles worldwide The automaker says most of the recalled vehicles are in North America the recall covers certain 2011 through 2013 Jeep Grand Cherokees and Dodge Durango as Chrysler says silicon deposits on the contact points of fuel pump relays can cut off the electrical current and cause the entrance to stall or fail to start the relays on some of the vehicles were replaced in a previous recall the company says it's not aware of any accidents or entries caused by this problem I'm my company General Motors recalling over 640000 pickup trucks because hot gas from a high tech seat belt can set the carpeting on fire I don't recall covering certain 2019 in 2020 Chevy Silverado and g.m.c. Sierra 1500 trucks more details that as our a News dot com on John Scott. C.y.c. See is sponsored by the re Morgan Company president Greg Mark copiers printers network support paperless strategies and advanced document technology solutions. If your family tree has branches that are broken by dysfunction What can you do on the next focus on the family Elizabeth Oates discusses her childhood which was a family riddled by divorce neglect and addiction chil offer encouragement for becoming the spouse or parent God wants you to be next time and focus on the family with Jim Daly join Jim Daly and John Fuller for Focus on the family heard this evening at 6 o'clock right here on k y c c Your Christian companion. A y c c is sponsored by c.b.s. Solution 121 North California Street in Stockton dedicated to meeting your business for needs and data management challenges c.b.s. Solution 20994820. C.c. Your Christian companion. America. Is point of view. Anderson these are going to get into some of the news items in just a few minutes because of course last night we had the 7th a presidential debate for the Democratic Party it might have been a good night for mayor and so we'll talk about him in a variety of others and matter of fact kind of a breakout night possibly for Senator Cory Booker and some others so we'll get into that in just a few minutes and of course we've been having of course this impeachment inquiry which may be the reason you didn't even know there was a debate last night you would know by looking at the mainstream media so we'll talk about some of the testimony especially by Gordon suddenly and yesterday which I think illustrates only so will that sometimes people see what they want to see. He and the news media reports what fits their narrative it ignores some things that do not my commentary today is on cohabitation and just so happens Bennett Dexter sent this to me and that there is a similar article in The Washington Post today and one career Anderson of The Washington Post agree on an issue that's kind of interesting and especially for some of you in this state of Missouri senator Josh Holley has been given a speech that we talk about a little bit later and his one of the articles we've posted which I thought was a very significant message so we'll get into that a little bit later but before we do so I thought it would be good to once again revisit how can we reach out to people in the Hispanic community we have from time to time had certain individuals that had an outreach to the Hispanic community which tends to be pro-life pro-family a lot of the issues we talk about every single day here on point of view but yet when it comes time to vote they often don't vote for parties and candidates that don't hold to those values so the other day Kelly Shackleford who's course with us on many of our Friday programs said you need to get Abraham and the 3 kids on he is with a google group called have been Venita or are your welcome and so he has been very much involved in kind of an outreach and I think your listeners would really benefit from hearing from Abraham so we have information about him on our website he has served as the National Young Adult outreach director for the Republican National Hispanic Assembly I founded a course this organization we're going to talk about Jim Benito and is an individual that has been invited to be a commentator on Univision and Telemundo has a graduate from Abilene Christian University with a degree in Political Science with minors in business and Spanish in a coffin times is at the White House at different events dealing with Hispanic celebrations So Abraham thank you for joining us today here on point of view. Thank you Mr Anderson and greatly appreciate you coming in to let me come on your radio show it's incredible to have it's funny what he says and also to talk about. The search and America and nationwide. First of all get it a link to your website we also have a link to your Facebook page and your Twitter post so I'm encouraging people to do some sign up and to find out a little bit more but give us the genesis of been the needle because that's important because you are bringing together a number of individuals by the way as I looked at your leadership group I am familiar with a few of them maybe one or 2 I've actually done interviews with and of course I get the privilege of talking with you right now but tell me a little bit about its history and some of the outreach projects that you're involved in. It's a given evil is a very new organization we just started March of 2019 and basically it was birthed out of my role as you said a little earlier after graduating college I quickly jumped into being the National Young Adult restrictor of the Republican National Hispanic Assembly which is the largest Republican organization for Hispanics in my was very simple just go around the United States and speak to young Hispanics and when I found it was very difficult to have a conversation with young conserve Hispanics because of that title Republican and so all across the country how would meet with young Hispanics may would tell me exact same thing Abraham we believe in the conservative message we are pro-life we are pro-family we are you know they're prone limited government but we just don't fail like the Republican Party is for us I'm so after a couple months of need to do any kind of interviews in conversations with down Hispanics I realize we something needs to change the image of the Republican Party in just a conservative movement in general needs to be replanted more young Hispanics right now we have you know leftist media telling just panics that this initiation and the conservative movement is in for Hispanics that this concerted doesn't if that's Hispanic culture and that we're better off voting a different way I know that to be you know not true but many young Hispanics who aren't politically involved don't see that or are very delighted to the truth so I created an organization with a couple of my team leadership as you can see on the Web site and we decided to just quickly name to be in that needle which in Spanish means welcome because that is what America means to me that is what America needs to my leadership that is what America means to most Hispanics you know. Speak to young Hispanics somewhere along their family lineage someone left their home country with possibly nothing but gave it their everything to come to a country that promoted you know success based on their work. And it opened their arms to the new very welcoming way and that is what we talked of this organization in you know and what we do is we go to you know states where expanding population is predominant So Texas California Florida Arizona and we just bring the committee together and remind him of conservative values that are found in our community because I feel like a lot of Hispanics who are Republican who are conservative trying to just sit back and wait for young Hispanics to have their own hard movement their own moment and say I am conservative when the media is just every day and every night in. The minds of the young Hispanics that this ministration this country is not produce panic it is up to people my age to step up and say well that's not necessarily true this is what I know to be true based on history of a context guy who love history love studying history and I believe that we can you know make a better future by fixing the things of the past in history tells us time and time again when the individual puts this is in power into government and makes it big the tower now belongs to the government and no longer the individual so what is happening now and in 2020 what's going to be on the election box. Far more than the all can tweet it's far more beyond rhetoric it's far more beyond feelings it really is where the power is going to go to do we want to go to big government or do wanted to stay self-government and do we want to have the last say so and when you look at research when you look at the numbers Hispanics are the. To be the largest minority voting bloc so it is up to people my age and it is up to people within the Hispanic community tried to say in 2020 you should be electing your values which is exactly what you said the pro-life pro-family seem prone limited government and most importantly am pro faith and 90 percent of Spanish speaking individuals individual identify themselves as being fake based and all religious. Look at the numbers when you look at what they believe in it's not about voting a political party strictly about lowering your values and when you tell someone who is religious or faith based that believes there should be a strike their vision between church and state you're basically saying is religious in faith leaders cannot be influential because politics that's all it is is influencing the next generation of and you're not going to let him and 8 leaders the influential if you're not really playing there take a break and continue our conversation with Abraham. The. You can't change your set I'm Randy Thomasson with your save California dot com minute so called sex changes used to be unheard of listen to comedian Rodney Dangerfield from back in 1974. I heard stories going to grown up pros who you know they're going to show last week for once are teenagers and he's because curves where you can't hope for some girls I mean it goes away slide shows what the heck wrote I was talking to someone else about you know it was set up or regrow is was a boy just my son as I'm sure you knew years for he said I'm not his father or his mother. Here's the truth if you've inherited a y. Chromosome from your father your male If not you're female everybody needs to be reminded of this an all trouble fact save California dot com fighting the good fight for your values in California. If. You're listening to. Your listener supported sores for truth I mean Rick it is with this if you'd like to join the conversation went 803511212 push him with us as we talk about his organization being bonito and you were talking about this idea of an epiphany It reminded me of a Susanna Martinez who is the former governor of New Mexico that she shared this at the Republican National Convention years ago in which she had grown up as a Democrat there are some Republican friends that invited her and her husband to a lunch she'd sort of did it out of politeness they've talked about all the issues and she says when we left the lunch we got in the car looked over at my husband check and said I'll be Mrs Blake Republicans and so that was kind of the a piston e. And so there are certainly some individuals that say I could never really believe in a party that is. Pro-family because they tend to be something against us but if they really go back and look at the Values pro-family pro life pro faith limited government entrepreneurs' that almost is the definition of a great number of people in the Hispanic community so Abraham What do you do to reach out What are some of the programs use to actually build the bridge has some of those individuals. Yes So given you know very grassroots basically very communities serving base the host of Beenz we've posted in Florida and Texas is in California working some working on hosting some other states like Chicago we've been to d.c. And we gather the community together young Hispanics and older Hispanics and we bring in special speakers who are members of the standing community or allies to this kind of community and all we do is just have an open conversation about how Hispanics are conservative by nature you know you hear their personal stories I believe that the best way to outreach to anyone not Hispanic or non extend it is through your story in Scripture and we will overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of like testimony testimony is your story so when you gather the community together and you bring in the leaders of the community and allow them to share their story what America means to them what the in the needle means to them and why equals in being conservative the younger generation starts to realize wait this is me as well I have a similar story now I have a person that I can identify my story with and I think I am a conservative and that's what we do we remind the community through storytelling through personal testimony on why conservatism isn't about the party strictly about values and we do massive voter registration drives we do massive social media campaigns and we don't promote a political party or political candidates all we do is promote the conservative message because it enhances our community and America as a whole you were talking about stories and more action in your mind in the not too long ago the White House opened its doors to be in the you know we had a private White House briefing for you know Hispanics who wanted to go over 800 people registered to go. Sadly can only take $180.00 so we went with $980.00 had a private meeting a reception at the Trump Otello that same night and because we are Hispanic organization we love you know doing cultural festivities so we contracted for Mad mariachi bad and minutes before they got there and they didn't want to go to the hotel because they found out that they didn't we're not going to feel excepted by the people inside the hotel because they had this false narrative of the president and the hotel so I went out spoke to them a little bit and I actually requested been to come into the hotel play mariachi music all the way into our private room in the back I took a little bit convincing but they did and as soon as they walked in the entire host claps them even saying along and they played a reception but then they stayed and actually heard from the speakers and they were talking about you know their personal stories on why they were conservatives and why they voted for this president and it was the 1st time this mariachi band before minimum I had she been heard conservative talking points from Hispanic leaders they've stayed and they heard and afterwards they even came up to us and said we had never heard these talking points coming from other Hispanics we've never heard of other Hispanics accepting the conservative movement and they have a business card to leaders and businessmen from Washington d.c. And they left conservative Republicans and I think that's what is so important about how we outreach. It's taking Hispanic leaders like myself and and people I look up to and just reminding the community of their story of our story of what America is based on you know Bally's that we grew up in by praying at the table going to church. And really loving God more than government this idea of wealth distribution is it Biblical what is Biblical if success based on your own work merit and it's just that that's exam. Actually what we need to do to help conserve the wind 2020 and beyond just before we let you go let's talk about how people can get involved with you because there are some that are saying you know I've got a Hispanic community and I've always kind of wanted to have an outreach I'd like to have an opportunity for us to have more diversity in some of these cultural events whether it's Chamber of Commerce or whether it's a political event or something like that so what is available if somebody would like to bring you and some of your staff to their community how can they do so and what's involved. Yes we absolutely love doing that open to working with conservative groups you can log onto our website us and contact us and just sign up an information we'd love to start a conversation about what it would look like to a different nation different groups that would like to enhance the conservative message. Community we do great work with another organization car I bought it I basically help people understand who they're voting for and what the platform of the candidates are. Working with them we can bring them up and also for. Pastors who feel like they also want to take another extra step. As well as work closely with the Los legal for legal system that allows Stanek entrepreneur and pastors leaders to convert documents completely and to stand up for their help and. The involved and get involved with the government affiliated organizations so we have a lot of. Things that we can offer to the table as well but all it takes to start that communication which he can do by going on to our website and contacting us Abraham Enrique's it's as been great to have you on the program of course Kelly Shackelford it encouraged us to give a platform for you for the national audience here and so I hope some people will go to your website. Www dot us but if you don't know how to spell that or you're writing right now never just write it down we have all of those links necessary at our website point of view dot net including your Twitter feed and your Facebook page as well as your web page in so Abraham just been great to have you on the program and I hope we can do it again sometime soon thank you Mr Hanson greatly appreciate that God bless you let's take a break and just before we do so let me just make a few comments about the debate last night we had these 7th Democratic debate. And there will be an 8th one which I think it's hilarious is going to be 6 days before Christmas who is going to be watching that when I'm in effect how many people watching last night I've I've wanted to try to find the numbers on that because with the impeachment inquiry how many people even knew it was happening how many people were even paying attention to that but if you did have at least some audience there primarily of Democrat voters that might have been watching I think there are a few candidates that might have moved the needle and one of those is paid to judge who is course Mayor Pete from South Bend Indiana he's 1st of all done relatively well in these debates he's got a fair amount of momentum because right now if I've read the poll correctly it looks like he is way ahead in Iowa Iowa caucus of course is the 1st one happened the 1st week in February and the Des Moines Register c.n.n. Poll showed him up by already 9 points so unless there's some big scandal or he makes of age or gaffe in December or January I think it's quite possible that given the fact that he's a Midwesterner and he's maybe been on the ground pretty well that he may actually do well I think his biggest challenge has been what they call grab a toss that is can we really expect an individual who has been the mayor of a fairly smaller town in the a country to actually be the next president of the United States and he recognizes that that question sometimes comes up so I think one of his best lines from last night was I know that from the perspective of Washington what goes on in my city might look small but frankly where I live the infighting on Capitol Hill is what looks small there was a good line he did get a little bit of a back and forth of Tulsa Gabbert but when come back I'll talk about a few others that might have move the needle a little bit then we'll get into the impeachment inquiry. And in a couple of other comments including my viewpoints commentary which is interestingly enough repeated by a piece that appeared in The Washington Post today and in our 1st article I posted a very significant speech given by Sen Josh Hawley who along with Senator Ben Sasser some of the most important thinkers in the u.s. Senate right now so I will give him a little bit of attention as well and of course this last half hour if you've got comments or questions we'd love to hear from you 180-351-1212 we'll be back with kind of an open line right after this. When you get to the point of view does it make a difference Jamie dad would tell you that it does he grew up listening to point of view in the back seat of his mom's car and it helped to shape his thinking I had parents that were able to sit across from me of the dinner table after we listen to Marlon Maddox and Kirby Anderson years ago and think through what the Scriptures say about these issues of current significance in our lives that's only possible because point of view has come along and ministered into my life and made me who I am today and here I am today defending religious liberty partly because money matters in Penna Dexter and encouraging Anderson are the ones are pushing me towards all that they taught me how to think through these issues didn't tell me what to think it taught me how to think each gift you give will change lives not every point of view listener will become a Jeremy but if they listen for very long they will be changed and that will change how they impact and that the lives of the people around them so make that decision to change a life today join the truth team and boldly stand for truth in a world of Laos distortion and information manipulation go to point at you dot net or call 180-347-5151 that's 180-347-5151. Point of View will continue after this. Or a new some drone strike on Capitol Hill House Intelligence Committee ranking member Devan known Yes' says the time to in the impeachment hearings has long passed he says Congress has better things to do than conduct which cuts beyond a hill a career expert on Russia and David Holmes a State Department official in Kiev are capping an intense week of testimony in the end Corey Britain's Prince Andrew facing mounting goals to provide information to u.s. Law enforcement agencies and the lawyers who are investigating crimes committed by u.s. Sex offender Jeffrey Epstein a Chinese commerce ministry official says Beijing is working to resolve conflicts with Washington over trade and dismissing speculation that the talks might be in trouble the u.s. Holding right among high schoolers has fallen to a new low however the decline in teen smoking has been overshadowed by the starting rise in underage babying this is s r n news. This is lighten up with Ken Davis brought to you by Compassion International like enough as a dose of joy to brighten your day I'm Dr West effort on behalf of compassion hoping that you will enjoy the underlings the Davis family goes to church. One Sunday she came down and she was hot she said I'm sick I'm a victim and I'm sick of kids walking around in church like like it's a rock concert they go to the bathroom and heard I'm sick of it pass and notes between one another she tried to tell you what when we get to church youth. And you will. Understand it's a new rule. I said yes so she turned to the children I. Got into church all of the good seats were taken so we went down near the front I. Started singing. And we started singing and I realized I needed to move I had failed to take care some I should have taken care of before we left the house so I turned to her and the I need to I need to go you will not move on. Then we started singing and I got a river and I I said I have to go he turned on me in the middle of that song she said if you leave you're going to set a bad example and I went back if I stay I'm going to set a bad example. This is Ken Davis lighten up and live. This program is made possible by Compassion International If you would like to know how you can help please visit us on the web but compassion. Take to live an uncommon life here's former Super Bowl winning coach Tony Dungy with today's uncommon moment do you have a bad temper Well I did I often earn technical fouls in my high school basketball games and was known to lose my cool in football games as well venting I called it dumb My dad called it it wasn't until one day when the Pittsburgh Steelers invited me to their bible study that I really began that saying this football players were some of the biggest and toughest men I'd ever met yet they drew their strength and purpose from God How about 2 if God contain my temper they can do the same for you in your situation everything changed for me when I moved from being a casual Christian to a fully committed follower of Jesus. Author of the popular uncommon books there are more at Coach Dungy dot com that's Coach Dungy dot com. You are listening to the point of. The opinions expressed on point of view not necessarily reflect the views of the management or staff this station and you'll get. To the issues on the table if you'd like to join the conversation 1801 a soused is to me 180-351-1212 let me just mention real quickly before I take some of those phone calls that may repeat the last night probably had a better night than many and might have moved that the needle a little bit of course the 1st to Iowa caucus is February 3rd and so that helps but then you go to of course New Hampshire South Carolina Nevada but the big deal is months later and that is March 3rd which is a super duper super Tuesday I mean we've always had a Super Tuesday but now you don't. Only have Texas but you have California Minnesota a variety of relatively large states so I have a lot of delegates are all at stake at the same time on March 3rd it's getting closer to almost like a national primary then a few days later you have Louisiana on the 7th and then you have the 2nd Super Tuesday of another 8 now 2 of those are caucuses but again you can begin to realize that a very significant number of delegates will have been selected by March 10th and so then whether or not Mayor Pete does well with Iowa interiors that on any further is a big question since I'm speaking about Minnesota just a minute let's also say that last night Amy club it sure is Senator Coleman sure had some opportunity to respond if for no other reason than she had made a statement a while back about the fact that a woman with Mayor Pete's experience would make the debate stage and so as a result she was asked about it as you might have thought and I thought it was interesting she said well he's qualified but women are held to a higher standard otherwise we'd be playing a game right now called Name your favorite woman president and she brought down the house by saying you know if you think a woman can't beat Donald Trump Nancy Pelosi does it every single day so that kind of brought down the house and one other one before I take some phone calls you I think might have seen a bit of a move on the part of Cory Booker because last night he became kind of the marijuana president and that one kind of caught a lot of our guard because he was criticizing the former Vice President Joe Biden who had said that he wasn't ready for marijuana because that might be a gateway drug and Cory Booker said well I thought you might have been high when you said that marijuana has been legal in our country for privileged people and so it looks like he's going. Kind of take on this idea of maybe we should have the legalization of marijuana throughout the country and then also took on a listen with Warren at one point saying you know this idea of a 2 percent tax on top of a 110th of one percent of income he says you know even though I may be sympathized with the idea of trying to have a fair tax code he said the tax is the way you've put it forward it's cumbersome it's been tried by either Nations it's hard to evaluate So we'll see whether or not we Any see any movement on the part of some of these candidates and of course the next debate will be in December but again 6 days before the date of before Christmas a significant of watching this and then of course all of a sudden we will then if indeed we have votes on this issue of the articles and Pietschmann that means that all the senators and that would be you know a number of senators like of Elizabeth Warren and certainly a meek little bit char and. Cory Booker and Bernie Bernie Sanders Sauls would have to be sitting to hear the testimony in the Senate and that would keep them from being out there on the debate and even well maybe they could do the debates but they certainly could be out there on the campaign so it will be interesting to see how this all plays out let's take some phone calls though and that is to go to the state of Texas k b j s And Bob what would you like to add to our conversation today oh yes thank you so much thank you for that minority. Responding to it earlier when you talk about your write a lot of am wondering well I mean it's very simple but I've never heard anybody say when in the 2nd sentence of the 1st law in America. Are created equal there are more of them. By their Creator with certain inalienable rights. So creation. That's right along the side where you got a good point and that is sometimes people say well where do you get this idea of the right to life I don't know how about the Declaration of Independence How about the idea that if you don't have a right to life you probably just by definition don't have any rights because you would be a life so I mean it's a very good argument and I think it's one that should be used because some people say that the Declaration of Independence is the birth certificate for America and if you accept that that's far good enough then the if you will the manual for how you run the government which is known as the Constitution it assumes a right to life there as well so I think that's a really good argument so I appreciate that and one of the reasons why we always say that this whole idea of the right to life is a non-negotiable and when you have candidates that say way oh I don't know if I believe in a right to life well then if you're wrong on the issue of life you're probably wrong a lot of other issues and so I To me it seems to me that that's kind of so fundamental and Bob you've got a good point there as well let me just move on from the debate last night to the thing that is crowded out almost all the other news and information and that is the impeachment inquiry and a lot has been made of the testimony yesterday by Gordon Sunderland an individual who brings a lot to the table who actually has been an ambassador to the European Union an individual by the way if you're not familiar was very critical of Donald Trump was a supporter interesting enough for Jeb Bush but later on gave money to the Trump campaign and then became the ambassador Well nevertheless when he made his and Michelle statement he talked about the fact that we certainly did have a quid pro quo and everybody knew about it and of course at that point everybody runs out and says for us is a quid pro quo that's why we need to import ph the president but that was a. In the morning and then when you started having a little bit of the back and forth between Adam Schiff and Gordon Sunderland he clarified that by the time you got to the afternoon with the Republicans it was clarified even more and so you can if nothing else even if you believe everything that is on the headlines today of all the mainstream media you owe yourself at least to take a few minutes to see what are the been a few Twitter posts by some of the Republicans on the committee let me take one represented Mark Meadows for example has posted this from the committee saying that at one point someone said I'd never heard from President Trump that the aide was conditioned on investigations and went on to say I reached that conclusion on my own so 1st of all we don't have that actually being said by some very subtle and but even more so a little bit later you have Jim Jordan who as I pointed out before was actually added to the committee and I'm so glad he was because he points out that when he was asking Gordon Sunderland about this what did you ask President Trump and he said well the president said I want nothing I want no quid pro quo I once Alinsky to do the right thing to do what he ran on well and you know as you may be aware of the president himself actually wrote that out on a piece of paper and was using that as a point but it's a good example of how in so many cases people hear what they want to hear or you have in this particular case the media running with those things that fit their narrative or they only paid attention to what was said in the morning and that was in the afternoon and I've had people say that I've watched 2 different networks maybe a Miss n.b.c. And Fox News and I wonder are they even looking at the same hearing of course we've said this before because of the assumptions the bias and all of the rest. But had nothing else you have quite a number of individuals that have testified that they saw no problem with it and that would be the previous testimony by the Ambassador Kurt Volker and even the former National Security Council official Tim Morrison who said they saw no evidence of bribery or extortion and you have of course also the testimony which was not in front of this particular committee but the other written testimony and other statements mean made by for example Lieutenant General Keith Kellogg who is the national security adviser for the vice president who said that he was on the phone call and heard nothing wrong or impart her with the phone call and it kind of brings me back to something I'll mention just real quickly a lot of the complaints these last 2 weeks have been from people who are you know certainly well qualified but almost seem to be suggesting that because the president either remove me from my post or didn't listen to me that's why I'm here because I'm upset with the president embassador Marie Laveau you know benefit show for example was complaining about the fact that she was removed from her post as ambassador to Ukraine but let's remember that Brock Obama fired all of George w. Bush's a ambassadors and so this is not something that's unusual and of course you then had Lieutenant Colonel Alexander vid man who was complaining that oftentimes President Trump didn't read his memos Well you know that may be a reason why you don't like the president but that doesn't rise to the level of high crimes and misdemeanors Nevertheless I suspect that the Articles of Impeachment of already been written and we'll see a vote on it sometime soon be right back. Are you thinking about using your 41 k. To pay off debt hides Chuck Bentley with my money live from Crown There are a few situations where paying off debt with your 41 k. May make some sense playoffs or hardship situations like significant medical expenses purchasing a home to prevent foreclosure or even action or necessary home repairs may qualify and other debt is sometimes considered an eligible hardship keep in mind that early Woods drawls are subject to income tax plus a 10 percent penalty and the amount could put you into our tax bracket and if you have a loan with an interest rate above 18 percent borrowing might make sense but calculate your interest cost versus your tax penalties and have a knowledgeable person run the numbers before you decide and there are better ways to reduce debt they go to your right in term with your credit card company good credit could get your rate dropped by several percentage points use the snowball or avalanche methods to pay off debt faster and reduce the total interest at your pain transfer your balance to a lower interest credit card just make sure you know all the terms before doing that to avoid future problems for a one k. Account is retirement money and you should avoid using it if at all possible if you are it's draw money once you'll be tempted to do it again so pray for guidance Jesus said If any of you lacks wisdom you should ask God who gives generously to all without finding fault and it will be given to you now for encouragement in your financial journey I want you to go to crown dot org Our very best resource is an online courses are now available which allow you to learn wherever you are and if your convenience donation of any amount grants you access check out. Our g. Our if we lose. Hope Well we've lost just about everything Chuck Swindoll. But we get discouraged we sometimes lose perspective little things become mammoth even overwhelming motivation is drained away and worst of all hope departs God's word is tailor made for Grace Lush day it sends a beam of bright light through the fog it signals safety when we fear we'll never make it through such big picture perspective gives us a hope transplant and within a brief period of time we have escaped the elite and boring and we are sore. Pastor and teacher Chuck Swindoll visit inside for livings website at Insight Oh Archie your Christian companion k.y. C c l back to point of view your listener supported source for truth one of the articles I posted on the website point of view dot net is a piece by Michael Brenda Dorothy Josh Holly's striking critique of American life and I wanted to if nothing else spend just a moment talking about this because there is this constant refrain I hear from a number of people are we ever going to get people of great integrity and maybe intellectual insight of originally running for national office because if nothing else sometimes you don't see as much of that and of course the examples I use are in the United States Senate I haven't talked about Senator Ben sass and the incredible amount of intellectual firepower he brings to a conversation nobody's been to Harvard in Oxford Probably so but I thought we might also highlight another and that is Missouri senator. Holly who Michael already says might be the most interesting thinker the u.s. Senate has seen since Daniel Patrick Moynihan you know if you have a listen to this program you know that even though Daniel Patrick Moynihan a Democrat on a number of issues we would disagree with still was so insightful and so I thought it was kind of interesting that here this particular piece that we've posted says that he's a senator today who most resembles Moynihan as a sweeping and adventurous social critic. The Missouri senator I might mention gave a speech the other day which he said was very accessible and straightforward but unlike most good political speeches it was also a searing piece of cultural criticism and I do a commentary on it because here's just a few of the comments from Senator Hawley he was saw for example talking about the fact that we have kind of an American all of these elitists but he put it in a very good way he says discontent is the theme of our politics the preoccupation of our popular culture it is the very air we breathe but why why in the words of another American senator is the most prosperous of nations so troubled in spirit so rent by division so anxious and uncertain when he says of course the statistics tell us that we're living in a new age of any quality the divide between the working and the wealthy is wide and growing wider and then he uses some of the numbers that I've talked about here before in terms of the numbers that we've heard about with Elizabeth Warren about the top 10 percent of the earners but then also the other divide that he talks about and Charles Murray has talked about this in his book coming apart and I do have that in one of my commentaries the incredible divide between those people who have a heist to a high school degree and those who have a college degree and that's a real concern. As well so he certainly talks about this issue of inequality but in a way that goes beyond just the kind of the Pat comments by say Senator Elizabeth Warren that really gets into some really good concerns about what is happening in this country and what might happen in the future because he says we're sort of getting this new all of the of wealth and education that's not necessarily a good thing but then he almost moves from there to all the problems some of which I've talked about before in my commentaries we've talked about as well on this program what I call the deaths of despair just read some of these for a minute you kind of see what we're talking about he says the number of 15 to 24 year olds committing suicide is greater than in any other time since the government began tracking the data over 50 years ago and I grew up on the so-called turbulent 1960 s. Where there were suicides and in fact I just said today was reflected on somebody that I had as a friend who committed suicide as we graduated from high school but even the turbulent 1960 s. Suicide rate is nothing like it is today he says for girls and young women suicide rates have doubled during the 21st century doubled taken to altogether nearly 36000 American millennial died of deaths of despair in 2017 alone there is now a death from drugs or alcohol or suicide every 4 minutes in this nation and so he really kind of takes us down kind of this dark alley of what is happening in America at a time when we have the greatest amount of freedom the greatest amount of prosperity and yet look at what is happening in our culture and then he also takes on one other issue and I'll leave it at that what he calls the Promethea an idea he says this is the individual as creator as. Creator maker of meaning and author of reality rather than Pro me theists who in the ancient myth created all mankind so called this view of human person their Promethea and self and he added that really both parties really have in brace that it is preached in our universities celebrated in our music rehearsed in our literature and film it's even the stuff of judicial decisions and then has a quote from one of the Supreme Court decisions to make the point so if nothing else a very serious thinker in the United States Senate and those of you in Missouri just thought I would mention that he is certainly gaining some national prominence just before we end the program today let me mention that each day we post my viewpoints commentary it's on the subject of cohabitation because all cohabitation has gone from being rare to routine and I talk about the fact that if you look at the latest Pew Research study it shows that there are now more Americans who have lived with a partner than married one Well Chip Christopher Ingram today in The Washington Post also writes about that in which he says new research shows for the 1st time that younger adults are more likely to have shared a home with a partner than a spouse but it also shows that cohabitation doesn't deliver the same levels of happiness trust and well being that marriage brings now in my commentary which you can download and read and course if you haven't signed up to get the viewpoints commentary let me encourage you to do that I talk about the fact that there are all sorts of studies that have been done most of those studies interestingly enough by very secular institutions which I then cite in my book Christian ethics in plain language that demonstrate for example that if you live together before marriage it increases the possibility of getting divorced by additional 46 percent so it is not something that is recommended if you want to have a stable marriage. It's something that actually might tear that marriage apart but then also I point out that people that have been cohabiting oftentimes face all sorts of problems with all sorts of various social difficulties but in this article that appeared in The Washington Post today they had enough Christopher Ingram says that if you look at the General Social Survey that's called the g s s survey which we call it so often Steve Cable's been on the program many times we quote from it and he digs deeply into that he says that this is kind of a long running national representative survey of American adults it began to ask questions years ago are you married are you cohabiting or neither and what they found is the responses show that the relationship happiness gradient that they use with married people reported the most overall happiness that co-habiting group reported somewhat less happiness and then the people that were single who never married or lived with someone mean the least satisfied of all and so here you have a situation where as he concludes overall the data from Pew and elsewhere show that from a life satisfaction perspective marriage is typically the best choice for couples who are able to make it but it also suggests as he talks about here that financial difficulties sometimes of the reason that people live together rather than good marriage and so one of the reasons I posted this today is again this latest news peg the Pew Research Center saying that there are more people now more Americans now that have lived with a partner than have married one that is not good news especially when cohabitation has gone from being rare to routine so if you'd like to get the viewpoints commentary it's available course every day on the Web site point of view dot net and like to sign up you'll receive in your inbox every morning with my commentary Monday through Friday. To Dr Dexter's commentary which by the way we're going to talk about tomorrow when she's on the program which would land in your inbox on Saturday but Extra be with me tomorrow place in Watts and we'll look again at the impeachment inquiry and look at all variety of other issues in the news but I think Andrew and Steve will see you back here tomorrow right here on point of view. There's an old saying that the 1st casualty in war is truth maybe that helps you understand what's happening in America right now thankfully it's not a war with bullets but there is a war for control control of the country and control of your pocketbook truth is under fire but you can help turn the tide by supporting truth join the truth team at point of view radio learn how you can make a difference at point of view dot net slash team or call 803475151 don't let truth become a casualty on your watch point of view dot net slash team and 803475151 so what would you do with an extra $500.00 a month in your budget pay off loans save it is something fun well it's something you may need to think about if you become a member of Medicine here net a share is a Christian health care sharing ministry and it or it's you can save big time on your health care costs and you don't have to pay for things you don't believe in either find out more call 855 share 40 that's a 55 share 4855 share 40. Point of View is produced by point of view ministries.

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