And of Bernie Sanders and entrepreneur Andrew Yang each tweeting that a labor dispute needs to get resolved before they will participate in the debate the debate location was moved to elevate you from u.c.l.a. Because of the labor issue Warren tweeting the d.n.c. Should find a solution that lives up to our party's commitment to fight for working people I will not cross the union's picket line even if it means missing the debate at the White House John Decker Fox News well only 7 candidates qualified for that debate and moments ago front runner Joe Biden became the 4th to announce he will not cross a picket line and then billionaire Tom Styer jumped on board with the boycott as well Meantime a 2nd Union is now reporting labor issues with l m u The new location and planning to hold a picket line event on debate day next Thursday for now the ones scheduled to work still plan to show up for work but a work stoppage is now not being ruled out. America is listening to time to see. If you've ever used a weed killer you have to hear this message on attorney Matt Morgan of we're going to Morgan recently one of our lawyers was part of a team that helped secure a verdict for a couple who contract cancer after using Roundup if you are a farmer casual gardener or anyone else who has use weed killers you may not know that studies suggest a client for setting the main ingredient can round up may increase the risk of not Hodgkin's lymphoma Monsanto allegedly was aware of the risk posed by round up but failed to disclose them to the public if you were a loved one were diagnosed with non hodgkins lymphoma and you had to use Roundup you could be owed money for damages Contact us today for a free case review you pay nothing unless we recover money from your mortgage mortgage for the people call 84494312788441431278 attorney advertising prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome over 50 offices nationwide main office Orlando Florida. Clashing with police in London after a decisive vote in favor of Prime Minister Boris Johnson's conservative party which takes an 80 seat majority in parliament and can now push through the long delayed exit from the European Union Johnson thanking voters who crossed party lines I want to speak directly to those who made it possible and to a those who voted for us for the 1st time those whose souse may have waited over the ballots Johnson also reassuring those who oppose Bragg's it that he will build a new partnership with the e.u. a New policy for the 2020 presidential candidates announced by Twitter after a decision to ban any political ads on the platform Twitter says they will proactively verify candidates running for office with a blue check and also a special election label most politicians are already verified so this move helps give credibility on their platform to opposing voices and new faces Twitter is public policy manager saying quote when voters look for the latest breaking news and political commentary during election they turn to Twitter to find it directly from the source the policy applies to anyone running for Congress or governor or that has qualified for the primary elections and also campaign Twitter accounts for candidates once they qualify for the general election ballot in Washington Hillary Vonn Fox News a man is telling police in Michigan he might be a Detroit boy reported missing by his mother 25 years ago although the mother's initial story about her 4 year old son going missing from the Wonderland mall has been called into question over the years surveillance video showed the mom shopping but no images of the boy Police say the man claiming to be the missing boy has given a sample of his d.n.a. There's no information at this point about who use where he's been or why he's come forward now. He says freighting this is fun. Santa Claus is coming these are words that bring great cheer to kids but there are many children who don't have much of a Christmas to look forward to in fact many go hungry you can help by donating to the effort by county food bank with your help we give an entire Christmas meal along with toys and clothes for kids to families who would otherwise go hungry this is Lynn past filled with the food bank donate today stop in our center checks to have a Pike County Food Bank 8866 Islama said Dr Prescott Valley or call us at 775-5255 here and clear as pricing in soon at Prescott Honda it's the best time to buy Keep your cash for the holidays and make no payments for 90 days that's money in your pocket until March 2020 in addition to clearance pricing by 82 audit with 0 down plus 0 percent interest for 72 months there's available on $21000.00 on direct lines with so many ways to save No wonder everyone shopping for a skit on the during the happy holiday sales of that offers going up by interest a christian time of purchase all offers on a pretty good and on like bottles and cherry 2nd 21 I was. Going to. Be all saying. Yes I think you will. Be. An object. And if you want anything yank. The evidence of the presence of this conduct is overwhelming and uncontested in one area I do disagree with the i.t. I felt this was very flimsy what has been described as a few irregularities becomes a massive criminal conspiracy over time to defraud the Pfizer Corps to illegally surveil and American citizen and keep an operation open against a sitting president United States. Took my t.v. In my ears 320 years. 6 days latter presidential don't. Feel. The same you. Should. Be on the see is information for you more old inspired solutions for America I glad you're with us wow what a week this has been jam packed crazy news breaking every 2nd minute hour of every day you know how many times does this happen going into our vacation and look nobody but you don't need to feel bad for me I was supposed to start my vacation Monday I always take one long vacation a year it's not starting Monday it's not starting Monday when does looking at me like you know with just daggers in our eyes was when we got our break from you all didn't happen you know it all started on Monday with the inspector general. And then the liar James Komi out there I'm vindicated Yeah and till until we heard from the inspector general nobody involved in this is vindicated nobody and you look at that you look at the madness in these ridiculous watered down meaningless to impeachment articles that are dead on arrival and the United States Senate and just how corrupt just how disgraceful government is at every level what a Reagan say you know we're always but one generation freedom is but one generation away from extinction this is what he knew and understood and was warning us about because this type of corruption and abuse of power. If we cannot thrive as a constitutional republic if in fact this is how things are going to be run this is a very ugly dangerous world we live in if there is good news to take out of this week it's that we were right all along and now the truth is out there and it's out there politically about the do nothing Democrats in their rage and and psychosis against Donald Trump every 2nd minute hour very 24 hour day 7 day week every month every year for 3 long years. Counting down the days $326.00 days you we the people get to shock the world to get if there's any good news it's I was right about this too the 99 percent of brave men and women that serve in the premier law enforcement agency in the entire world are f.b.i. They're good people they they they they they put their lives on the line for us every day to protect us Same thing with the intelligence community want to talk to Carter page we're going to really do a deep dive a quarter page because he's victimized Wow what they did to this poor guy how many people wore me you know he's going to burn you I it was interesting because we had this relationship I began to figure out at some point I don't remember when I be interviewing him and he wouldn't answer my questions and he's very good at dodging and I bet you dodgy me answer at some point our members in the middle of an interview he was on the phone that particular day wasn't in studio with me I'll be in studio today. And I literally have what's called the Talk Back button where he's talking and I can communicate with my team and I said to Linda he CIA You remember the moment right was not I figured it out pretty early. And I said because then I could have so when you came back from countries like Russia you you talk to agencies 3 letter agencies Yeah you know it you know we have coffee here this is a good American he's trying to service come on and I would ask a member I was pressing him and pressing him because there was it didn't add up Muller the whole the whole fiasco Pfizer application Dirty dot ca Mahler interviews in one day and he never hears from them again because they know now we know why now we know that on top of the other warnings Kathleen Cadillac bruise or that fact that we know was a non-verifiable 30 Russian da ca they've Hillary Clinton bought and paid for leaked to the media before the election conspiracy theorists hacks like Michael Isikoff and David Corn and cetera circular reporting they used to make it seem to the Pfizer court that it was something more than it was and there were multiple sources saying the same thing therefore it's valid they did all that on purpose and this poor guy's been spied on for over a year and then when the CIA confirms tells the f.b.i. No he he work with us in good standing and you have this what's his name Kleinsmith guy was it but I guess he was going on they all tour the documents this is an excuse to tour it for page. Now they're listening in on his phone calls and you know he's saying look guys I don't know these 2 guys they know he's telling the truth they were told that it's cold but Tory information they would hope that the op Alyssa's take scope Authority information Oh no nobody in the Trump campaign whatever collude with Russia is poor kid in a by the way he says to me he's a kid I mean him and his wife go through hell lovely people in I remember I had a conversation with a conversation I had with Papadopoulos at one point because I can't help but I offer advice to everybody what's the advice I get on bonus they learn to say they have Armani my no that's not what I say money is freedom money is freedom this should you say save your I don't want point he had a 2 week stint that he was facing in prison and he was telling me I think you were there among there that he was I think I'm I'm going to go back on that I said don't who no no no no no no no don't take the 2 weeks anybody can suck it up for 2 weeks he said if you don't they're going to go after you and you're going to spend 6 years in prison and he did nothing they they say they this is another thing we learned this week they say that this whole operation cross-fire hurricane. Counterintelligence investigation which by the way I keep reminding everybody can happen without the White House being involved and knowledgeable of it this is why you know Harwood's is a preview of coming attractions he was doing his investigation in a bubble it was extensive He did a lot of good work here as conclusions were a little weird. Especially inclusions where a c y a yeah you know yes you're right but that when he was when they dug down and Lindsey Graham dug down on him Well James Comey says he's exonerated and needs vindicated nobody in this is the director James Comey said this week. That your report vindicates him isn't a fair system of years for. You know I think the activities we should teardown investigate anybody who touched this yet nobody would touch this. So it's ironic that it is the biggest abuse of power 'd corruption scandal in history we've been medicated I was shocked that I made a state of shock when it sent over an article I've never had I never get good press I just don't I don't expect it I don't want it I don't give a flying rip Anyway I just don't care anymore whatever part of my brain that's supposed to care about bad press and care what other people think it doesn't exist anymore I tell you I do care about I care about you this audience we care about getting the truth you know it think of everything we do here Rush does Mark does a few of us on Fox Not everyone few of us you know is very different special and unique I always say we're all spokes on a wheel you see what the president's accomplished under one president had fired daily. You know forget journalism being dead it that they are the boast also the group of people. Disgustingly dishonest the very thing they accuse us of like everything they can is Trump of boomerangs back on on them Hillary with the dirty dasi a and now quid pro quo Joe when Ukraine same with the media everything there is state run extreme radical democratic socialist party you know that the press office just corrupt to the core instinctually always knew it I never wanted to go to a White House correspondents there to look I've always said I can't stand them I never went Fox's they gave me no Anyway Jeff Lord I was shocked today and he's a friend of this program and somebody that saw the Trump phenomenon very early smart as hell worked in the Reagan administration writes the vindication of Sean Hannity a relentless pursuit of the truth and I was one of the things it's not about me I was very happy that he he mentioned that this was an ensemble team there were many of us there really were I should make the full list of maybe I'll do that next week and where many in Congress that really dug down freedom caucus rock stars Jordan Meadows Gates Radcliffe and then Devon newness wow when you compare his report versus the compromise corrupt congenital liar slice I'm highlighting more lies tonight all this week I've been highlighting the lies of komi and the lies of the congenital liar this spectacular lies the impeachment it's dead on arrival Mitch McConnell was I got Do you see I'm out of line. He was good I thought he did a good job I'm a very critical of him poem and critical of Republicans for a decade now and a lot of ways weak spineless they buckle visionless. You know swamp creatures if they have they've gotten better I still would never join their party I want to want to be a part of any party we learned this week and the good I'm staying on this and I'm glad I said it as much and as often as I did because this is only a few within the f.b.i. And the intelligence community that are cropped out that the rank and file people that protect us every day and they risk their lives doing it he got Komi signing off on 3 of the 4 phase applications what do we learn this week he knew darn well that this was a non-verifiable document I couldn't believe that that even Christopher Steele that we knew said I have no idea if any of it's true only had one sub source who laughed at the idea that anyone would take any of it seriously was like bar talk Hillary paid for it 17 significant failures in accuracies omissions subsect that out it's well over 50 and under this corrupt leadership of komi look at what they did to Carter page will talk to later look at what they did to General Flynn look at what they've done to the country look at what they've done to the president this militant leadership this pollute politically charged effort because they knew better than we the smelly Wal-Mart shopper trumps the voters they knowingly repeatedly misled defies a court and to do it the way they did it they did it in spectacular fashion Oh no they did it they altered documents they did 0 verification we now know you know exculpatory information withheld omissions add an unbelievable level. Of using taking away the civil rights and liberties of one individual quarter page all designed to take out a president of the United States with their insurance policy how do we get it right . We just we just kept digging we never stopped I can't tell you how many times we we had triple sourcing and we still wait because we knew we got one thing wrong that unlike them that got everything wrong every 2nd of every day with the expectation of all use higher very proud of everybody what they've done for their country here and I have hope because we don't fix this if we lose 5 is that it's not good. Reforms that comment has got to be accountability here I think bar and Durham are signaling very strongly that's all going to happen that gives me hope too far this impeachment nonsense I honestly it's just who they are it defines them to nothing psychotic raging lunatics they're hurting the country every day they do this and they don't seem to care. My friends at the u.s. C.c.a. You know what I love about them because they're amazing people they protect us we the American people our constitutional right our 2nd amendment you know think of all the break ins thing all the burglaries one every 13 seconds they go all the home invasions What do you do if you're not prepared well they teach you how to be a more responsible war how to protect your family and keep your family safe and be a more responsible safety oriented gun owner and by the way they like to give away money right now they're given 1000 chances away to win a 1000 bucks just text the word guns to 87222 all your information's private confirmation text will be sent back rules and information on gun safety and security defend Family dot com If you want to one of 1000 chances to win a 1000 bucks text or guns right now you want to ask the 87 to 2 to text the word guns do you want to ask the 87 to 22 more friends at the Fed Family dot com. There's a this is a show on show. 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Care is halting reversing progressive impairment due to multiple sclerosis for more information talk with your doctor or visit Mayo Clinic dot org It's your friend Sean Hannity here you know investing in real estate around this great country is something that I take very seriously but one thing I've learned over the years is details in real estate mean serious dollars There's only one agent I trust and I'm talking about Travis pards legacy real estate with Keller Williams northern Arizona so what's your advice on selling a home right now after 20 years as a real estate professional I have never seen a time when it was more important to hire an agent with experience industry leading tools and systems and a proven track record so what does that mean for sellers it means your home is priced properly marketed aggressively and you are represented by a seasoned professional who negotiates on your behalf protect your investment and gets your deal closed All right thanks so much look the only thing more expensive then hire an expert is hiring an amateur don't trust your home to just anyone and I've done the homework talk to the agent that I trust for the best advice call now 928-458-7000 online Travis Barr dot com. This is the system of the lessons for healthy animals lately when I've had the opportunity to open the front door of our Prescot store for people as they lead or see them in the parking lot I've thanked him for shopping Olson's What surprises me is that in most cases I don't just get a polite nod people are very complimentary they say things like wouldn't shop anywhere else thank you for being here and don't know what I'd do without you these are very humbling comments particularly when there are so many other places and ways to shop but it all breaks down to is that if you're a great local brick and mortar retailer people still want to experience your way of doing business deal since motto since the early 2000 has been good enough just isn't as a matter of fact we trademarked it because that truly is the essence of our company we love what we sell and we love the communities we serve she has to be humble Flagstaff in Clarksdale and their surrounding areas the next time you need pet food treats bird seed feed hate and everything animal look us up see in the parking lot . There's only one Sterling and that's Sterling on Sunday 10 pm on the news 149103 point 5 f.m. K y ca. So this old Pietschmann is going to die in the Senate is the only thing I like about it I mean think it's war thinking on my part is it just it shows how corrupt how insane how out of touch how self-absorbed how Nourse assisting. These radical extreme Democratic Socialists are you can see all of that with the new Green Deal $94.00 trillion dollars Great noire gas. Engine eventually no planes or cows and everything in life is free. Be a doctor keep your plan save money friend of mine recently get insurance in New York over a couple $1000.00 a month for one individual. And it's crap insurance there's nothing great about it but what do we learn this week on top of it the mob in the media is there not just that they're not only not journalists they're corrupt to the core 17 significant failures inaccuracies omissions altering documents to keep this this coup attempt alive had some it's breathtaking you got them just led by Jim combing company malignant not rank and file purposely admitting exculpatory evidence suppressing information about the reliability of Steele's principal source a sub source that saying it was barred talk now the attorney general is yeah they did spy on the president that you didn't hear what do you think a surveillance thing is this by and the president then candidate and transition team bad faith now is a coup attempt and I time we learned that this week 326 days you get to shock the world again I hope we do it. 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At $130.00 it's time for a news update from The News $1490.00 it's pretty busy over at the Chino Valley equestrian park that's what the town council heard at its recent meeting during a presentation by members of the Chino Valley equestrian Association mayor Darryl Croft tells the news they're doing a lot of things that if you haven't been out there question part with some of the things or do I know it's pretty exciting it's growing more every year the number of people involved in this current So sometime in a in a future it's going to be really for the power to know rally in the area the equestrian park is located at 22 away equestrian away and the drought is pretty much gone and you have a Pike County for now thanks to the recent rain and snow storms we've experienced all of eastern and central You have a Pike County are free of drought the northwestern portion of the county is listed as just abnormally dry however large portions of Coconino Apache and Navajo counties are listed in severe drought for the news I'm Marty Myers hi I'm Todd Klein with Klein proposition investment Happy holidays from our family to yours may this holiday season bring you happiness and joy to you and your loved ones Here's wishing you peace happiness health and prosperity in the New Year Ahead this holiday season climb properties and investments is especially grateful for each and every one who we were able to serve this past year at Klein properties in investments we are also thankful for and on are the many men and women who served our country as a military veteran and a president native I would welcome your call and the opportunity to help you with any of your future real estate needs you may have called me Todd Klein at 9284438503 that's night you 8443 feet 503 seasons greetings and Happy New Year from Kline properties and investments. 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Com It's the season the season for batteries Hi this is Suzanne Springer and Prescot true value December bargains of the month feature a $24.00 pack Energizer double a or AAA batteries for only 16994812 pack of lithium double a or AAA batteries also only $699.00 What better use for batteries than a $2500.00 lumen flashlight bargain of the month sale price $2999.00 help around the house is just around the corner at the store with outstanding bargains at the month's Prescot true value 846 Miller Valley Road impressed get the Sean Hannity show continues on the news 1491 with 3.5 f.m. K.y. Ca. Now that we made some money for our sponsors Let's go back to Macon the liberals crazy and man is that on the radio right now parts of the now infamous Dusty a on Trump have proven to be true I know the campaign I just gave but it hasn't been discredited in fact it's been the opposite it's been corroborated much of the dossier has been corroborated this discredited dossier was peaceful routed tape here intel community has corroborated all of the details in there that was on the slopes of Khan's content of the dossier we were able to corroborate in or and told him the assessment which is from other sources in which we have a very high confidence that we know that with the fires application the relevant parts of Christopher t. It steals dossier were corroborated if the application included information from the dossier it would only be asked through the f.b.i. Had in fact corroborated information through its own investigation and we also know that as time goes on more and more parts of the Stewart dossier get cooperated so when the president just refer sort of speak dossier that is false. I don't think that's. Accurate characterization for the entirety of the dossier our investigators have. Cooperated part of the dossier I see has been corroborated by the intelligence community u.s. Investigators have cooperated some of the allegations in that dossier although we do know that parts of it have been corroborated it's not been corroborated but it hasn't been disproven either is there anything in the dossier that has been disproven. No not one thing has been just proven no major thing from the dossier has been conclusively just proven to date none of it has been disproven and whole the parts of it are holding up the dossier holds up well none of it has been disproved all of the allegations in it I don't know that anything has been disproved and it's a fact that none of it not one word has been disproven in fact a lot of it turned out to be right on the money former high ranking intelligence officials have told us on the record that there is nothing in the steel dossier that they know to have been just much of the dossier has been corroborated do you not accept that I don't agree with that analysis this is our reporting in this is what this is what crime fighting agencies have said that the f.b.i. Would not have just taken a dossier to the file as a court and use that as their predicate for the surveillance they had to corroborate it themselves that's how they operate Yeah the mob in the media telling you oh no no it's the dossier is true no it wasn't and learning about how. Verifiable which we knew because of the inner rugged Tory in Great Britain and Christopher Steele under oath under the threat of perjury charged I don't know many of it's true and then the subsurface like this is part talk focus on a bit in the roots grow. Your data and it was a joke but they spread it that's that's where the failures the an accuracy is the omissions subsect now 50 plus of them 17 significant knowingly and purposely omitting exculpatory information altering evidence in the case. Going before a judge and telling Pfizer court judge something it's unfair or a fireball to spy and take away the civil liberties of one American constitutional rights of one American so they one step to step which they knew gave them the back door as I've been telling you into the Trump World campaign transition and as far said deep into the presidency and we can deduce from Bahrain Durham's remarks is that they're all likely subject. Likely subject in the criminal probe which we now know is taking place and they know a lot more than Michael Horowitz who was living in his d.o.j. F.b.i. Bubble because his purview only he was only allowed to work within that bubble his conclusions were a little ridiculous although that was vetted out by Lindsey Graham who did a great job this week on all of this. And now we're going to get into the issues of willful misconduct that will get into the again it's only the upper echelon because remember Hillary should win 100000000 to 0 I hear when Kenny he doesn't have an insurance policy now we know at the counter in tone surance policy Kim Strassel she picked up a great nugget and she says you had no fusion g.p.s. Founder Glenn Simpson was talking about Russia collusion in May but the official story is would know it started on July 31st because a judge Papadopoulos his comments to what's the Australian guy's name Stefan helper in a bar which was ridiculous and unbelievable anyway now we have evidence no this goes back way further this is their insurance policy. And the president has every right everybody should be men and this is all you've got for 3 years Russia Russia Russia obstruction of charges Russian stormy stormy quid pro quo but the only one is Joe bribery extortion you know 1st it's a quid in a proto quo that it bribery then it's extortion it ends up being his trip to justice because he saw a remedy in the courts to do what every other president before him is done which is use an exercise executive privilege and knowing they would have lost in the courts will just speed race this impeachment madness Now I'll tell you that when you look at what's happening and I'm looking only anecdotally at t.v. Ratings I'm telling you even the radical base is abandon this whole impeachment nonsense you got a House Democrat is $31.00 of them and trump one districts for example western Pennsylvania congressman Connor Lamm running as a moderate because he's running in a district from carried in 2016 is avoided criticizing Trump on the came campaign trail even pledged to vote against Nancy Pelosi if Democrats take back the House looks like the sheep's you know moderate in sheep's clothing liberal came out for impeachment is 30 want to Nancy Pelosi remember what happened in 2010 because they forgot got to pass it before you know it then it had them dive off the cliff then. He said now she's going to have a dive off the cliff again follow the congenital liar and nutty nad lawyer and the shift show one of the biggest criticisms of the process has been the speed at which the House Democrats are moving this is seriously the fear of the state going on for 22 months Ok I'm going to have years that actually there have been some criticism though I will say about whether or not you should move for before the end of the year or wait for the courts why do you think now is the time to move not moving the speed. Was it to have 2 years ago that they initiated an all or investigation it is not this feat that urgency. To go on for 2 and a half years maybe she forgot the bowler report Yeah no it's the No Russia collusion that was the 4th investigation concluded no Russia collusion on n.b.c. News pointing out there might be as many as 8 Democrats indicating they remain undecided could be much higher and by the way this is so important House Democrats I don't know if you saw a Louisiana Democrat Cedric Richmond is watching what is that golf tournament going on though I can't even keep up it's been such a busy news week anyway I guess writer's cup something like that anyway so it appeared to be watching a golf tournament on his laptop during the roll call. I just couldn't believe it will play you later on man was Senator Doug Collins with Georgia yes I said that on purpose I He was on fire with NAVL or not he nodded and pulled his little act last night anyway Democrats if you want to know some of the record again by the way doctoring the Trump call. But not done he never wanted to get one we can't do this a big night because not enough people will see us we want to be on t.v. We want people to see us be stupid Ok actually works out number one favor. We had another Democrat during the debate Iran Escobar Texas changing us to me. Trying to make an analogy to assert that trump committed a crime if a community suffers from a natural disaster and the governor of the state and say that will help that community because the mayor of the community and says I want you to do me a favor though the conditions given the aid to the community Well there are 5 meetings 8 was never discussed on the call with Zelinsky not one time it was well it's good never felt any pressure didn't know it was being withheld Office of Management and Budget even said no that's actually standard operating procedure that story came out this week in conveniently 5 meetings high level meetings including one with the vice president they never discussed they'd there's only one fact witness they brought up in the audition hearings and then they had the ship show hearings and then we had the ivory tower Professor hearings which you know just bring in a bunch of Trump haters and even a guy that wanted to impeach Trump for saying the words fake news that and then the lady attack and Baron trump this is a debt this is you know it is a total shift show sham show for these people you know did a desperate attempt as it's always been 3 years they can't accept the election results of 2016 which is all the better because we get to do it again in 326 days and shocked the world again how great would that be pick it pick your most hated network a fake news you know we project thought old j. Trump has been reelected as the 45th president United States I don't I don't think they'll survive. In the great song can we play my favorite song Oh but it's still. It's only going to start out and it's Friday and it actually is apropos because in $326.00 they say this could all happen again play it from just last week he confirmed to The National Review that he think again considering a run in 2016 to which. You would have sex. With all of this country which doesn't want you to think for us the police probably wants you to Rob Dunn chump has been saying that he will run for president as a Republican which is surprising since I just assumed he was running as a joke. Is that people think that Donald Trump is a clown Donald Trump is a clown I mean does anybody seriously think that Donald Trump is serious about running for president Donald Trump you know that clown President Obama will go down as perhaps the worst president in the history of the United States exclamation point. Real Donald Trump. That will Donald Trump. At least I will go down as a possible I would say basically this is the beginning of the end for Trump at the beginning of the end beginning of the end just probably starting of the beginning of the end for for Donald Trump to Donald you not to be able to insult your way to the presidency the strongest person usually isn't the loudest one in the room so right now we have Hillary's about $75.00 or 80 percent favorite we different personalities you can look at all as one of the up by double digits nationally poll that's 5538 way race but that leading in Florida the lady in North Carolina. With the leading in the battle I could go on about it. I continue to believe in this time Trump will not be present. And so right now Mr Trump to answer your call for political honesty. I just want to say. You're not going to be president all right. It's been fun. Well and why your that's very. Hard to keep you waiting complicate. A lot of people laughed at me over the years now they're not laughing so much I'll tell you. You get to write. That I had totally worth it totally worth it you know they had 0 evidence in this thing that the one fact when . He said I don't want anything no quid pro quo that's all they got I didn't show one bit of evidence nothing now there and the irony is the my whole bifurcation a true what you hate when I say it if you have a life or head brain you have to be able to compartmentalize away the real Russian dossier Hillary paid for uses the bases to spy on Carter page and the president then candidate then transition team it's all obscene and it's all if it's all this is this the finds them this is who they are you know Jeffrey's actually said the congressman goes American people should decide the outcome of elections that's why we're impeaching Trump tell us how dumb can you be. You know NAVL or I mean really this status these people you know Collins his integrity is gone bush league it it's all true you know you've got. A process so corrupt it's never been this bad never wasting it just they do nothing for we the people and I'll tell you it's going to be fun to watch these people jump over the cliff They've watered down any meaning of this thing anyway it's so it's not so obviously political Mitch McConnell's if it's not going anywhere it's gone dead I'm not going to get into the issue again I I could probably be persuaded either way my gut tells me they're so psychotic and nuts the minute you've got the votes after the house presents their case it take them to the you call the roll the and this madness before they put 15 other impeachment articles in place make them go back and do the whole audition shift show NAVL or shift show again oh well impeach knows of we're going to feature begin again and again that's the latest that's I guess their campaign mantra we can do it again and again and again comparing it to the woman suffrage movement and you know and I don't front to m.l.k. As memory I mean some of the comments Wow Anyway 809 for one Sean if you want to be a part of the program we learned a lot this week the main thing that we learned is how disgustingly corrupt the media is how bankrupt of ideas how corrupt the Democratic Party is and the deep state Israel. 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All right so what the holidays upon is share your home is full of family and friends you'll love it you know you look around the room though sometimes and people are on their i Pads their i Phones their gadgets one of the things I love about what's in wagers you've heard me talk about this game it comes at a big beautiful casino betting mad it's like a whole families in Vegas now people of all ages complain young and old alike next thing you do you set it up you ask the crazy questions everyone's thrown out funny answers the gadgets go down and all of a sudden you're creating family memories you didn't even think it was possible any longer and you don't need to know how to play the game beforehand the rules are simple anyone could just jump in that's why it's such a great Christmas gift that brings the family together so if you're looking for a gift that actually will create family memories for generations it's simple go to Target pick up wits and wagers in the black neon box the best party game you've ever played write down the name remember the name wits and Wagers wits and wagers and you can find it at Target. 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It was a night before Christmas and all around the house not a gutter is left showing on your holiday house the lights are hung on the gutters with care in hopes they don't fall off because somehow you forgot they needed repair Do not despair called Arizona seamless governors we will repair 778-1818 will send a professional help to fix or replace them with Galva loom gutters the strongest Denton fade resistant gutters on the market you could leave your mites hanging all year this is Travis Stedman from all of us at every zone a seamless gutters Merry Christmas and Happy New Year that Travis Stork closed to the doctors and these are the doctors here some surprising uses for truth space for treating these things in bug bites applying to face directly to this thing may relieve pain and reduce emissions Some say it works wonders on temples and blemishes the anti-inflammatory properties naturally dry out the infected areas and help clear them up lastly the cleansing properties of toothpaste can actually help clean crayon marks off your walls apply a dab of toothpaste on your tooth brush scrub the markings then finish off with the wash cloth the woman is long gone the doctors done on Dr Travis to work those are the doctors who are. 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Biggie Johnston here from health in the Gateway Mall now's the time through December you'll get a free Alcatel or for your drinking water that's a $500.00 value just by purchasing your whole house system by December 31st we know it's the holidays and you're going to enjoy those holiday treats everybody knows what happens in January get a jump on your weight loss now and stock up on our skinny drive normally 2999 but this month it's only $999.00 stop in and see our huge Barry Christmas tree at the Gateway Mall right by Santa house it's Barry unusual donate a bear to our tree and get a free full body scan call 928-899-7504 extension 2 schedule your appointment all pairs will be donated to children by the you have a pipe Family Advocacy Center an Arizona child abuse center have a berry healthy Christmas and a wonderful New Year h. To how your healthy water plays and so much more. 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K y c n a. Tonight k y c a presents another edition of a classic Christmas from the golden age of radio join us this evening for Miracle on 34th Street man ran and the original Academy Award winning role playing. Former tentacle of the lead who knew. Its Miracle on 34th Street tonight following Fox News at 6 right here on the news 1490. The sports big tackler returns to came by ca your new home for local and state sports now includes live video streaming as well as radio coverage of events ranging from the press kit vendors in yellow tie college to a.s.u. Football and branch on mountain and when your business joins the sports for tackler family you show the area listeners and viewers that you support our local teams call us today at 44. 51700 for your business to become a part of press good areas for its become a sports be tackler sponsor today. This is the news 14913.5 f.m. K y c a press kit and k 278 c.n. Press kit it's 2 o'clock. Because it is against the president Lisa Brady Fox News 2 party line votes in the House Judiciary Committee sending articles of impeachment to the full House accusing President of abusing his power in obstructing Congress California Democrat Karen Bass is on the committee I felt sad I felt scared because I feel frightened for our nation and what we have been going through over the last 3 years a congresswoman recently suggested another impeachment effort is possible if the president wins re-election but bass telling FOX's Chris Wallace moments ago she was just answering a hypothetical question President Trump says Democrats are trivializing impeachment 0 was done wrong I think it's a horrible thing to be using but 2 of them preachment which are supposed to be years down the murder mystery and he also says it's helping him politically meantime the Democrats next debate may be in trouble as the candidates threaten a boycott in support of union workers boxers Jessica Rosenthal is live in l.a. Lisa next Thursday's Democratic presidential debate is being held at Loyola Marymount University or at least it was until all 7 qualified candidates said this afternoon they're not going to attend I stand with the rights of workers candidate Andrew Yang says he won't cross local eleven's picket lines they represent workers at Alan you who say they've been in contract talks over wages and health care with employer Sadak So Tom Styer people to judge Elizabeth Warren Joe Biden Bernie Sanders and Amy club which are have all agreed they will not cross the picket line it's not entirely clear yet what the d.n.c. And debate hosts political and p.b.s. News Hour will do but they already moved this debate once before from u.c.l.a. Because of similar labor issues Lisa thanks Jessica stocks finished down about a 0.000 after a phase one trade deal with China was announced the Nasdaq closing at an.

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