It's that are are coming and you know it's entirely possible that we had a break not too terribly long ago and it's entirely possible that they had a meeting of the minds and kind of made a decision that this didn't need to continue going on to the next day that is Kelsey style and let's go back to the hearing here Hakeem Jeffries of New York speaking now as a Democrat but we put democracy over demagoguery what exactly will history say about us I feel now to my distinguished colleague from the great state of Texas this is Escobar Thank you Mr Chairman I'm going to speak directly to the American people want to run a Democrat of Texas that they bypass the Republican talking points that they've heard over and over and over again especially for those Americans who have been listening and watching all day and instead go directly to the evidence yourself over 100 hours of testimony testimony by some of America's greatest patriots over $250.00 text messages Mick Mulvaney own words Mr Mulvaney is the president's chief of staff and finally the president's own words his own words inviting Russia Ukraine and China into our election. The Republican colleagues that we have on this committee claim there is not enough evidence to review it for yourself and as to obstruction we have given a number of examples about obstruction but we have a living example that was released just to night and actually before I talk about that example if my colleagues my Republican colleagues think the president is so free from wrongdoing I would ask them to join us in Colling on President Trump to release it all release the witnesses release the documents let the American public make up their own minds let them see it all call on transparency join us but they won't because the obstruction is convenient tonight there was a victory the Center for Public Integrity sued in federal court. For documents related to the Ukraine. Scandal and this is what they've got. They they won in court but what they got were heavily redacted documents why because the president doesn't want these documents to see the light of day I ask for unanimous consent chairman to enter these directions for the record along with the article Trump administration resists Ukraine disclosures ordered by court that objections back behind the gentle lady has expired for what purpose is the ranking member of Mr Collins seek recognition Musha class work and it is recognized thank you the shares were going to the end here it is Doug Collins the ranking member Republican from Georgia hearing from one of the frankly either side of the aisle my closest friends on this Mr Jeffries make a statement they said that they only thing we had to offer was a process argument all day he may have had to come in and out I'm not sure but for the most part for over 12 hours we have ordered the fact in argue the fact that there is over and over and over again that the call the aid was released there was nothing done and that has been arguing we have a process or you undergoes the process or even has a lot to do with where we're at right now but the facts have been taken on and rebuffed every single hour of this day since 9 o'clock. It is amazing to me also though that one thing that my friend said though is. Is we look forward to this in the end going forward it has to be said this is a food basically this concerning part for many of us is the focus group impeachment when you couldn't make is one of my colleagues Mr Richmond said pro quo is not something we all use but bribery is something somebody understands extortion is what somebody understands you know doing something illegal is something understand what we've heard today from my colleagues a lot of discussion about crimes that they couldn't charge crimes that they wouldn't put in the articles of impeachment if they were so did say that he did all of these crimes that were always mention then put them in the articles but you can't that's the biggest flaw is for more trouble you're having right now and I know we still have just a little bit of a left but that is just the issue that we're doing with you can't put them in there and for those who have said we will this you will not to Fand the action is present we are defending the president's action we defend them that there's nothing wrong and I will do that right now for someone to say we have it again is not listening the problem we're having is this the clock in calendar impeachment it never got answered one of the things is just the start of the most is I've worked with this chairman now in the minority and majority on both boys and it is amazingly how little we have gotten and as I wrote 6 letters to this chairman about issues of how we're to actually conducted what has now become the rule short rubberstamp version of impeachment which we have tonight in the Judiciary Committee I received an answer to none of those letters except one just the other night when it was rejected of any of our witnesses not a chance that we have any of our witnesses so in some ways I turn it back on the Democrats what were you a scared of or you afraid of that they might actually say because we didn't get it we just summarily rejected them so my question would be honest is what are you afraid of from their written says some of which had already been called that we wanted to call. We're understanding that the fact that we have now become a committee that unfortunate mirrored what the chairman said over 20 years ago we have accepted the facts from other places and not check them out our sales we've regurgitated thrown out talked about other people's war but yet not having a chance to look at ourselves we are the rovers they are this is no longer the Judiciary Committee that actually is a trier of fact or a witness interrogator it is a rubber stamp to what someone else Mr Schiff in particular has told us and that is sad because that's not what this committee is about I watched last Congress is my friends who are now in the majority when the minority. Make passionate arguments for hours at a time own very little nothing including the rules of the committee we went almost having a 7 or 8 hours in the Rules Committee passed and I understand that that's what this committee is about but can you tell me honestly from the majority perspective that we've almost bit less hours percentage wise only impeachment of actually doing anything remotely related to a hearing as you did in the minority when you were arguing about the rules of the committee and the oversight that should tell you a lot about what this is a bille because we're spending more time in the minority arguing about things that really in the end of the day we're not moving the needle and we're spending less time percentage wise arguing about what you have called the highest of all calls that you're doing and honoring the Constitution and honoring the call that you've had is a commitment to serve in this body. I think it's just not going grouped with what you're doing the other problem I have is going to be never ending It doesn't matter in just a matter of a few weeks whenever the Senate finishes up whatever they do then we're back to this again and I know that because Adam Schiff told me so I know this because our brains told me so they were up impeach him over and over and over again investing over and over again I guess I'm waiting for the committee hearings scheduled in February to see what we're investigating next I guess that will dominate us because all has there but the 2 most one most disturbing thing of all today is if the end of the day if you can't make the presence or is it felt threatened then you attack presence Alinsky I cannot believe just in the last little bit here he was actually called a battered wife presence Alinsky call a battered wife the absolute destruction and compared to a batter what is just amazing that this is where we stoop in this committee at this time during this important moment vote no on this impeachment debacle. Move to strike the last word. Thank you so much Mr Chairman just a couple of things I want to clear up right off the bat. I feel compelled to say that Lieutenant l Xander van men is a hero because he received the Purple Heart for sustaining injuries and Iraq and I mean Lisa Democrats in Florida his courage on and off the battlefield Secondly we can say this one more time the Intelligence Committee did not subpoena the phone records of any member of Congress or any member of the press abuse of power has been defined as official misconduct commission of an unlawful act done anyway and an official capacity which affects the performance of official duties. President Trump sought an announcement of political investigations in return for performing 2 official acts number one he condition release of vital military assistance in Ukraine on presidents Alinsky public announcement of the investigations now imagine if there was a mayor who withheld critical dollars from a police chief to fight terrorism until that Chief went to a microphone and simply announced an investigation of the mayor's political opponent I do not believe any community anywhere would allow that number to the president condition a head of state meeting at the White House on Ukraine publicly announcing the investigations and finally President Trump acting corruptly throughout this course of conduct because he offered to perform these official acts and eggs change for a private political benefit rather than because it was in the country's interest this last element the president acting corruptly is perhaps the most and or didn't act because and it bears repeating because it explains why this article is structured as an abuse of power it has been suggested that it's as simple as we pay the president I don't mean the president. President trumps inauguration I want to be there to watch the peaceful transfer of power. I felt it was my duty before coming to Congress I have provided dignitary protection for Republican and Democratic presidents I always considered it and honor but President Trump with all that has been said with all of the uses that we have heard today President Trump used his office to serve him self to serve his private benefit and by doing so he jeopardized America's national security interests and the integrity of our precious elections every vote should count and went all out to completely obstruct any investigation into his wrongdoing yes we've heard it many times yes the president was duly elected by the American people we know that and we take it very seriously I want my vote to count and everybody I believe press their way to the polls want their vote to count but are you suggesting that the American people will allow the president to do anything that he wants to do any time any place any where to my Republican colleagues our route Jack where you are willing to settle for we have every sponsibility to hole the president accountable and I plan on doing my constitutional duty he shall be held accountable and with that Mr Chairman I yield back generally bericht. Being no further amendments we have concluded debate on the amendment in the nature of a substitute question occurs on the amendment in the nature of a substitute or those in favor respond by saying I I I I oppose no in the opinion the chair the ice have it the amendment nature reserves to is agreed to. To be clear. The eyes have it the amendment in the nature of a substitute is agreed to. To be clear the vote this committee just took was not a vote on final passage of the article it was a procedural vote which preceded final passage of each of the articles there's been a long 2 days of consideration of these articles and it is now very late at night and want the members on both sides of the Out to think about what has happened over these last 2 days and to search their consciences before we care so final votes therefore the committee will now stand in recess until tomorrow morning at 10 am and which point I will move to divide the question so that each of us may have the opportunity to cast up or down votes on each of the articles of impeachment until it is to be our judge the committee is in recess here as chair. There is no consulting for that might minority writing member on your schedule for tomorrow which you just blown up schedules for everyone you chose not to consult the ranking member on a schedule issue of this magnitude so typical this is the this is the kangaroo court they were talking about or should all of mass. Graves not even one soul Stalin ask let's have a dictator is good to hear about unbelievable. Ok Well the hearing is adjourned that's a surprise I'm Jeremy Hobson along with Kelsey Snell Kelsey this is pretty big surprise a yeah that was not at all what we anticipated not at all what had been discussed the expectation was they would be a procedural vote and then they would move on it immediately to the 2 articles of impeachment you can hear in the surprise in the committee when the chairman announcement came very clear that most members have had all of them had no idea that this was the case that we were expecting there to be votes today I mean this hearing has been going on for 14 hours markup and we were expecting there to be votes today on the 2 articles. Of impeachment and then it would go to the full House next week one wonders why. The markup went on so long if the votes aren't even to be until tomorrow morning yet this is all quite a surprise it may be that they decided they wanted to have such a historic vote during the light of day when the American public can watch people cast their votes and so that it doesn't feel like a decision made under the cloak of darkness clearly because this went on for so long it was carried not just by n.p.r. But by television networks as well or at least cable news channels as well a lot of people got to take a look at this take a listen to what was being said Did the arguments move the needle at all did did they do did you hear anything new today is a lot of the debate was really members talking past one another and arguing points that we have heard over and over and over again. It really did feel like they needed every single member here needed to at least weigh in once or twice to make sure that their voice was heard on articles of impeachment that they fundamentally both sides feel will change the relationship between Congress and the White House and the rule of law within Congress that there is a lot at stake for every member on this committee just want to bring our listeners up to date in case they're sort of half asleep as what just happened happened because this has been going on for so long so many hours of debate basically we were expecting there to be 2 votes one on each of the articles of impeachment at the end of this long time of debate and instead of having those votes the chairman of the committee Jerrold Nadler appeared to surprise his colleagues on the Republican side at least by deciding to postpone those votes on the articles of impeachment until tomorrow now. Democrats have been trying to work on a very quick timeline here because they want to get these articles passed out of the committee this week and then through the full House of Representatives before they adjourn for the holidays next week so that there can be a trial in the Senate in January before voters start voting in the Iowa caucuses in early February Yes that's right and I don't think that the the delay of a day necessarily changes that plan. Though the House of Representatives is not scheduled to be in session tomorrow so so this really does throw things up in the air there I'm sure there are members who are planning to get out of town to go home and speak to their constituents there were some other delegations going to out of the country it is a fairly significant move to make this decision and you know it's interesting that now they are framed it as it because it was such an important and momentous moment that he wanted the members to go home and think about it before they cast their vote to go home and think about it because it does seem like the members in both parties kind of know what they're going to do at this point on this issue of impeachment Yes that's absolutely true it was very clear from the statements that were made by every single member here that they are very clear about where they're headed let's take a listen because this has been a marathon day for the House Judiciary Committee both sides went back and forth making their points at one point late this evening Republican Congressman Tom McClintock piped up with this in the last 3 hours the same talking points have been repeated over and over again nauseum by both sides. Repeating a fact over and over doesn't make it true and denying a fact over and over doesn't make it false everybody knows this everybody watching knows this this hearing has been enough of an institutional embarrassment without putting it on an endless loop Kelsey are Democrats united in their efforts to impeach the president right now let's start with the Democrats are they united Well they are not fully united No there we are expecting that there will be a couple of Democrats who vote against impeachment though I would say that every Democrat that I speak I have spoken to says that they really believe that there will really just be a few defections and that by and large Democrats will be voting to impeach the president they say they are not at all worried that they will have a sufficient number to ensure that the impeachment articles are approved and what about Republicans are they united Republicans do seem to be quite united on this say we have not heard any Republicans who say that they are going to be voting for impeachment now there is independent congressman just a mom who has already signaled that he may be heading in that direction but again he left the Republican Party and it's now an independent when as we talk about the Republicans let's listen to what the Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell said this evening on Fox News as this markup was going on and everything I do during this I'm coordinating with White House counsel there will be no difference between the president's position and our position as to how to handle this to the extent that we can where we don't have the kind of ball control on this that a typical issue for example comes over the house if it if I don't like it would want to get up but have no choice but to take it up but we'll be working through this process hopefully in a fairly short period of time in total coordination with the White House Counsel's Office and the people who are representing the president in the well of the Senate Kelso What do you make of that. And this is a little bit of work on the Senate majority leader's part too to tamp down speculation rumors that he was maybe having a disagreement with the White House about the way to go about things with this trial he met today with members of the president's legal team people in the White House and I think that there is an effort now to unify Republicans in the Senate and to ensure that there are no defections there I as I said before there is not an expectation that any House Republicans would vote to impeach the president but there there was some questions about some more moderate senators like Susan Collins of Maine or Mitt Romney of Utah Republicans who might not be as sympathetic to the president's position and so I think that there's a little bit of of an effort branching up now to make sure that there's no daylight that Kelsie I after the surprise just moments ago from the chairman of the committee Jerrold Nadler the ranking member Doug Collins walked outside of the room and spoke with reporters we have a clip of what he had to say let's listen there was no discussion noticed about time for we were going to vote and we actually talked about maybe you know we want to try to you know do in our final moments like we did and then see that right there shows the chairman hammers integrity you think his style is the right they have nothing that they can offer him or to except the king group or do we think unless we take the John Roberts now the trees just say Mr he has made this committee if you will of this chair has made himself irrelevant that was the most bush league ploy I've seen in my life because they want to see if we get it back on the cameras the focus after 11 o'clock tonight and they don't like enough people is watching I have never seen anybody want to get in front of these cameras for this group right here because they don't have anything with pieces president they don't have anything to like everyone except the bush league stuff like we have anybody in American history show American people want to hear right here. Oh they should do this right now what this process has been a time for 3 years by showing. Still he's saying kind of what you just said moments ago which is that the Democrats wanted to have their votes when more people were tuned in to what was going on but did they not have control over the hearing could they have stopped the debate whenever they wanted on the Democratic side since they control the committee or do they have to allow for all of this back and forth that's gone on for 14 hours they have to allow the amendments as part of how the markup is structured and Republicans were the ones who are offering the amendments and the Democrats could have asked their members not to respond to the statements that Republicans were making as they were presenting their amendments but it was very clear the Democrats did not want to let any allegations or any statements from Republicans go on answered but I will say that there is a it is possible that Democrats also felt that they would be poorly received if they voted on articles of impeachment when nobody was there to watch it doing it this late at night could be perceived by voters as as attempt to hide something and so the of the flip side of wanting to have people have had this happen before the cameras and during the daytime as much as it may be about attention it may also be about trying to avoid the criticism that they are sneaking around somehow Ok I just want to as we wrap up our special coverage which sounds like we're going to be wrapping up at our 14 and a half today Kelsey I want to listen back to a couple of moments Zoe Lofgren Democrat from California the only member of Congress who's been part of all 3 modern impeachment inquiries that would be Richard Nixon Bill Clinton and now President Trump said today that President Trump's actions threaten the balance of powers if this behavior persists the balance. Carefully balanced sharing of power between the 3 branches of government is gone forever it means that only one branch executive branch will have the right to decide what happens in the United States of America and that is a very different hype of country than we have enjoyed for over 200 years and it is not a piece of good news for freedom in the United States so that's so Lofgren the Democrat here is Republican Tom McClintock also from California defending the president's position Congress can no more intrude into the policy discussions of the president than the president can intrude into our own policy discussions that is essential to the separation of powers now there is a natural tension between the branches as a byproduct of that separation of powers and when that tension cannot be resolved then we turn to the judiciary that's the appropriate way to resolve this different interpretations of the boundaries between the Congress and the president the appropriate response is judicial review not impeachment. The president has every right to assert his constitutional rights and he has every responsibility to defend the Parag it gives of his office his very oath of office compels him to do so some of the sound that we have heard today I want to thank Kelsey Snell 1st of all for being with us for so much thank you Kelsey thank you for having us n.p.r. Congressional correspondent Kelsey Snell and we want to thank all the people who have been here throughout the day covering this hearing Ron Elving Susan Davis to Mack Franco were done years at the White House our executive producer Gale Austin our director yon Stewart our engineer Patrick Boyd or editor Bridget Kelly producers Katherine Whalen. Bridget to shake a smile listen Marcie and Diamond Kennedy as we said the vote will happen tomorrow at 10 o'clock Eastern time or at least that's what they say we were expecting the votes on the articles of impeachment to happen tonight but you'll have to stay tuned to this n.p.r. Station for more news and analysis of the impeachment proceedings I'm Jeremy Hobson thanks so much for joining us this has been special coverage of the impeachment Mark from n.p.r. News. Universal Time 4 hours 30 minutes fine seconds. U.s. Naval Observatory master clock at the tone Eastern Standard Time 23 hours 30 minutes 15 seconds. Universal Time 4 hours 30 minutes 20 seconds. Your words Naval Observatory master clock but on Eastern Standard Time 23 hours 30 minutes 30 seconds. Universal Time 4 hours 30 minutes 35 seconds. To trounce the opposition Labor Party in the general election with more than half the votes counted Labor has ceded sways of its to distil heartland to the conservatives the Prime Minister Barak's Johnson said the predicted victory would give his party a clear path to take Britain and out of the e.u. Next month at this stage it does look as though this One Nation Conservative government has been given a powerful new mandate. To get it done not just to get back to done but to unite this country and to take it forward and to focus on the priorities of the British people above all on the n.h.s. The Labor leader Jeremy Corbyn has made it clear he's not standing down straight away he said he would stay on for the immediate future but would not lead the party into a future general election the pro independent Scottish National Party is on course to win virtually all seats in Scotland and in a contrasting night for the Liberal Democrats who pledged to cancel breaks it their leader Joe Swinson narrowly lost her own Scottish seat in other world news President Trump has reportedly approved a trade deal in principle with China under the agreement of the us would suspend tariffs on $160000000000.00 of Chinese goods the Us Senate has unanimously passed a resolution that recognizes as genocide the mass killing of our medians by Ottoman Turkish troops a century ago one and a half 1000000 Armenians were killed in the latter stages of the Ottoman Empire and European Union leaders meeting in Brussels have agreed to set a goal to make the e.u. Carbon neutral by 2050 Poland which relies heavily on coal has said it cannot commit to the objective it has been exempted but diplomats say they will work to convince opponent to eventually back the deal well as nice from the b.b.c. . And welcome back to our rolling u.k. Election special here on the b.b.c. World Service I think we've been in the studio now for about 5 hours but it is a very dramatic night and historic night 6 and a half exciting half hour or 2 but we're still here we're still going with the excited and we're going to get you right up to date now with the story of the night Mark Lobell is with us Mark since we last spoke there have been some more jaw dropping labor losses the former Labor leader Tony Blair's old seat of Sedgefield in north east England and the former Deputy Leader Tom Watson's old seat of West Bromwich East in the West Midlands both lost to the conservatives then began at 320 g.m.t. This kind of brutal intense 30 minutes of Raw Politics a reminder that at the core of this election the constituency counts and the 1st hurdle any politician needs to jump before they can lead their party and 1st up elected for a 10th time is Lincoln in north London was the Labor leader Jeremy Corbyn now he has a strong majority in his constituency if not across the country he was out of the gates tearing into the media for intrusion and unfair coverage then he turned to the issues at hand this devastating loss which will stand down as leader and he spelled out his thoughts on breaks it and his radical manifesto this is obviously a very disappointing night for the Labor Party but we've put forward a manifesto of hope all of those policies were extremely popular during the election campaign and remain policies that have huge popular support all across this country however. Brax it has so polarized and divided divide as in this country it is overridden so much of a normal political debate and I recognize that has contributed to the results that the Labor Party has received to save all across this country. So few regrets there over his radical manifesto the jury is out there as to how long he can stay on as leader he was suggesting he could stay on for a period of time well we'll see if that turns out to be true within minutes though we were straight over an Oxbridge in west London to Boris Johnson seat which was thought under threat to but which the prime minister did keep hold of in the end he began hinting that he may moderate his message possibly his version of bricks it with these words this One Nation Conservative government has been given a powerful new mandate I want to thank the people of this country for turning out to vote in a December election that we didn't want to call it which I think has turned out to be a historic election that gives us now in this new government the chance to respect the democratic will of the British people and then within this manic 30 minutes we went straight to Scotland to East Dunbartonshire to the Liberal Democrat leaders seat and again we're expecting a close fight there one which the Liberal Democrat leader lost by 149 votes in the most dramatic twist of the election since the exit poll dropped it can't then have been an easy speech for Joe Swinson to make. I could take he would like to thank my mum my sister Nicholas my husband Duncan and our 2 darling boys Andrew and Gabriel . Some of the celebrating the wave of nationalism that is sweeping on both sides of the border but let me say no. For millions of people in our country. These results will bring dread and dismay and people are looking for hope and then as journalists like buses you wait for one leader to go and so too did the Westminster leader of Northern Ireland's Democratic Unionist Party Nigel Dodds losing his seat in North Belfast so the green benches in the Commons probably best illustrated for people listening to this by imagine that weekly Punch and Judy joust with those fiery clashes that pm queues will have new faces sure Boris Johnson will remain standing but many of the other leaders opposite him will not bricks it has driven them out Mark thanks very much well let's get on to breakfast because we are going to move quite swiftly into the nitty gritty of what happens once the u.k. Leaves the European Union as we expect on the 31st of January of next year so just a few weeks from now we get into negotiations of course with the European Union about what a future relationship will look like there's a big question mark over that at the moment but also about the other trade deals that the u.k. Wants to strike notably with the United States and we're joined now by Stephen Vaughan former trade advisor to President Trump is now a partner at King and Spaulding American international corporate law firm he's on the line from Nashville Tennessee welcome to the b.b.c. World Service Stephen and your thoughts now on what's going to happen next because the Labor Party the opposition Labor Party made much during this election campaign of how Boris Johnson was essentially going to sell out the National Health Service for a trade deal with President Trump what's the reality going to be do you think. Well you know the big news over here this week was that causing some precision agreement with Speaker Pelosi the leader of the Democratic Party in our Congress to talk about to to approve our new trade deal with Mexico and Canada that agreement is very popular with a lot of Democrats it's very popular with a lot of union members is very popular in Canada and in Mexico and I think it shows that the United States is really moving in a very positive direction with respect to trade we're also seeing reports that we may be caused to a new deal with China so I think the u.s. Is really moving ahead with with very very deals and I think there's a great enthusiasm here for doing a deal with you have a king give as well Stephen has set up a sitting in the studio as Jamie just wondering how come the us prepare the ground for a deal with the u.k. And to you know how the u.k. And the e.u. Are going to line up against each other do you need to wait for that hole to be sorted focused. Well I think that that is something that the u.k. Government is going to have to decide how they want to negotiate with us in the e.u. But we have our own process over here and what you're seeing with the trumpet military is very good they have done what we need to do on our side they doubted the legalize and cross the t's in order to go to the Congress and say we are ready to begin for negotiations with the United Kingdom so the ball is in our prime minister Johnson's court we are ready to negotiate with him and we hope he's going to be ready to negotiate with us. So that's just a couple of things. Just looking at this and some of his manifesto in other words what they promised to do if they were empowered the pledge is actually to to negotiate trade deals with USA Australia New Zealand and Japan in parallel with the e.u. Deal but actually what I wanted to raise with you was this and that is exactly how much how easy is it going to be to do a deal between the United States and the United Kingdom if the u.k. Is very wired about protecting its agricultural markets and not opening up its public services for betting any more such as that the National Health Service. Anywhere exciting is kind of what I mean I guess let me put this another way what exactly is it that Mr Trump is saying that Britain could trade with the u.k. That it can already do. Well I think for example we see I think a lot of Americans see the u.k. As a as a great vibrant economy I'm sure they do but what. Well you know you have if you have a manufacturing sector you have an agricultural sector you have a services sector we are very strong in digital trade you're very strong when it comes to things like copyright intellectual property we just signed a new trade deal with Canada and Mexico that covers all of those things we're very excited about it we think it's can encourage more market based app outcomes and more economic growth and we're excited I think a lot of Americans are excited about the opportunity to negotiate a trade deal with a country that has an economy and a system of laws and governments it's very similar to ours and what's a realistic time frame for a deal Stephen. Yeah I think it's going to depend on the political you know interest some both sides the negotiations with Mexico and Canada kicked around 13 months that was those were fairly aggressive the negotiations on both sides but the president so far has done deals with Korea and Japan and Mexico and Canada he's in the garage ages with China and India and the u.s. Is moving fairly aggressively so I think on our side we're really eager to get started and we're hoping that's how people use their skills to just audience size another figure that a lot of this of this strikes you as rights or wrongs the others that the u.k. Government's own estimates that. Doing a trade deal with the Unites States and China on the Gulf states with no point 2 percent g.d.p. And 15 years from now. Well I mean you can get a lot of different people to analyze these numbers and get different expectations we think that you know having good solid trade relations between the u.s. And u.k. Can can serve as a template not only for trade relations with us but hopefully you know India symbol to other countries and to the rest of the world that market based economies can work together in and grow their economies and I think we view this is an exciting opportunity and I think folks in the Us Like I said we just got a new trade deal and we're looking for more Stephenville and something else I want to ask you what do you see Boris Johnson has learned from Donald Trump. On. Either 3 years trade policy and internal side and looking in it's all politics so I'm interested in your view. I think from from our perspective what you know what we see is that you know there is a real obviously a strong sense of people wanting to chart their own course and have a more small the Democratic approach to things similar to what we've seen over here with President Trump obviously the 2 leaders work together very very well and I think I'm a lot of Americans are hopeful that this is going to signal a very good turn in u.s. U.k. Relations and staying on as one would use quite a lot in this conversation is aggressively so we'll present from the doing favors to Boris Johnson because of that place relationship is that not how it works well I think what our experience has been that the president has to go he did with Justin Trudeau who you know is from a different political tradition than the president and they work together very very well and very effectively told him to fight to get on a given day. But I think we're very we have a deal that the president very happy with the Prime Minister Trudeau I know he's been very happy with I think it's going to be a particular deal on both sides there's a lot of real ability to come together and work on these issues remember that the president ran on a platform of better rights for workers and stronger rights for union people and the over here our biggest union. Is supporting the u.s. In Ca It's the 1st time they've supported a trade deal in many years and we're very excited about having a trade policy that's more worker friendly and more aimed at the average person so we think that that can be a basis for new trade agreements and we think the u.k. Is I think a lot of Americans think that the u.k. Is the a great opportunity for staving vole Informa top try to Advisor to President Tom thanks very much for joining us now on the b.b.c. World Service We're taking you around the United Kingdom we can go to Wales now the B.B.C.'s Rory call sniffing Cardiff How would you sum up the night for Wales. I think it's been a very disappointing night for the Labor Party and a very very good night for the Conservative Party and I at the start of this election campaign there was an awful lot of talk from conservatives that they were going to really attack Bracks at the voting leave areas particularly in the north east of the country a little bit like what they did in the north of England and their hope was to me get close to the largest number of M.P.'s since Margaret Thatcher swept the par back in 1903 that was 14 and they went and done it 14 seats for the Conservatives and it really was a stunning night and we heard an awful lot about the red wall and that's where the conservatives were targeting the northeast of the country areas like the Vale of clued Wrexham cleared scythe these were all areas that were previously considered lever strongholds Wrexham for example has been a Labor since 1905 they've never had a conservative m.p. And the way they do so Jeezy was a bit of a sense of shock there. Absolutely no I am in Cardiff on it when I was whenever that the axe of pork you might and you got an indication that perhaps like the Conservatives were on to quite a big majority this shock amongst Labor spac divison and the local labor m.p. Is really quite apart and I don't think they expected it as difficult as it was going to be up with particular in the northeast of the country and some of the cycles valleys that voted heavily to to leave the European Union I think it did comes as a huge shock but that point you just made Wales did leave the European Union say what it is able to drive through now is what a majority of Wales wanted yes absolutely absolutely and. Don't forget there are areas as well in Wales which did vote for me unlike here in Cardiff which brought back for Labor M.P.'s and all who were who very much want to remain platform but for the people of wheels remember back in the European elections the Bracks a party came out on top and I think there has been in a lot of the people when you go into the site into the northeast of the country you will hear a lot of people who felt very for striated by the fact that Bracks that hadn't been delivered and perhaps that's what where this came from. A little Rob keeping an eye like the rest of us just a bite just a fight I just wanted to ask you whether I was. Suggesting as elements of shock but I mean do you think that the Labor Party just started to think because they must have known this was coming somewhat of a sort of decide what to do next and do they think that Jeremy called them was the problem that they need to move to the left you think they've got a highly glimmering of the what to do about well I think. It is an interesting thing so labor while they're part of the Labor Party itself that runs the wealth government on a lot of the wealth and they'd be very much Remey and pay yes and they would they would be really quite critical of Jeremy Korb and they would see that the issue. Is a big problem but they would say that that Jeremy Corbin has been a real problem on the doorsteps when you go in to do again those those areas which traditionally have a strong labor vote if you look at bridge and bridge and has been has been a traditional Labor stronghold Bracks voting and an awful high manufacturing jobs a lot of working class people they just they struggle to connect with Jeremy Corrigan not sort of what comes across from from what local M.P.'s would tell you and I think it also is that they're sort of there they have been clear in their Bracks policy in terms of an outside the electorate is perhaps Aine. Rory thanks very much Mary Carson there in Wales a let's continue our bounce around the nations of the United Kingdom and head back up to Scotland and Valerie Sanderson Val thanks James and of course it's been a great night for the Scottish National Party we're still getting results coming in but they're on course to win 55 out of 59 seats with me and he's been with me all through this very long night Allister Clarke a political scientist what surprised you most about tonight I think quite surprised me most to night is the fact that the s.n.p. Government which the s.n.p. Which have been a popular government since 2007 have actual way done so well. You would expect the party that been in power that long to stop they went off and that's clearly not the case a move had 50 seats in the code so far 44 of them have gone to the s.n.p. So that's one story of the night and I think the other story of the night is a national popular we do losing her seat just and it was once and for the Liberal Democrats. And so you know it's been a night of high drama here and Scott on the conservatives currently on on for street and the way apart on one with Democrats on one as well labor on one dime from 7 into into very little of course this used to be the labor heartland Leah French it is a labor activist she's with is what went wrong was it all about Jeremy Corbyn the leader. Have to see I do think that was a great deal of a new Certainly when I was campaigning we were speaking to voters who read identified historically as Labor voters would turn out reliably and this time they were saying to us they would love to vote for the Labor Party but they felt they just couldn't under Gerry Corbin's leadership and it was there was you know times when sometimes you could convince them to vote for a local can sleep in majority of times it was seeing just can't do the state just can't do it that's not the only problem. I think that was one of them I think the other problem was our position in bricks although I think Scottish Labor did have the correct position of brakes after the European elections in me were Scottish Labor Force in the elections and we had a terrible result we did quickly adopt a position of supporting a 2nd a referendum on Rex which I think was correct and unfortunately though that message simply didn't cut through with voters because I think voters were looking at the national labor picture and the messaging and I think a lot of people thought Labor had to be dragged kicking and screaming into position over people's referendum and then the trusted gone at that stage I think so people maybe looped it leave it there Same here or given a very very clear message of actually stop bricks it's an uptick some of which you know we I was thinking at the start of the company that perhaps a Lib Dems who had through the campaign actually been the port of the party that was supporting the people's vote themselves they would have taken votes here but I think their disastrous policy of just revoking breaks it didn't actually do that on the night of c.s.a. Experience is there a way back for Labor in Scotland Yeah I mean I have to hope that the Rez I mean I do think you know the policies that we're offering would make transformational change and really improve people's life stance as we have a quarter of a 1000000 children are living in poverty in Scotland and you know that's on the record of the s.n.p. Government have been in for years it's just our message isn't cutting through well enough in the doors at the moment and we do need to have I think a good look at. Speaking to voters and the and and the message orders and what about a 2nd referendum on independence Oh my goodness it's the last thing I think this country needs I mean the visions within Scotland after the 2014 independence referendum are still not healed the campaign was that like I think there's been further divisions over blacks not necessarily in the very black support itself because a majority of Scots voted to remain but in the fall you know I mean people are sick of hearing with bricks and so the idea that we would go into. Yet another referendum is just appalling and frankly I do think there's far more important things that are actually going to be tackled by nother constitutional battle and we actually need to look we organize taxation her health services performing all the mean devolved issues hosing that people really care about not another independence referendum because it did divide families all winter and and streets and communities and you still feel that now you still feel that no and people are still I think in the mindset of what I was yes so this would be the party I was working for I was new and this would be the party has voted for and again Scottish Labor became became scorched in that message because if you are poor independents water people would not see that the before as in p. And of course the conservatives really pushed hard on the Unionist measures and Labor got squeezed and what does it mean for the relationship between Scotland and England do you think at the moment I have to say I am really fearful with a Tory majority that size of course Boris Johnson says it won't grant their powers to hold a 2nd independence referendum which I think actually will fuel the same peace given so for seeing the need to have a one but I am worried because I nor people that will see well I'm looking at the mess it's going down in Westminster and leaving the European Union we don't want to do that and I do think if we're not careful we could risk support increasing for independence different Thank you battle and Valerie thank you very much now I can tell you that 88 percent of the seats have been declared 577 declared 73 to go Boris Johnson feeling a very happy man 2 leaderless opposition parties Let's get some big thoughts about where we are what matters most with the economists and Mackell boy. Well I think it's fascinating isn't it we basically seeing the political map remade I was just looking at my phone and seeing that Labor losing at least 15 probably more like 20 seats of Health is 945 just to give listeners a sense of the scale of this because I know you can sometimes they well this happened to me Blair that was also a landslide in the other directions not labor but I think this is so is Mick and it really does challenge the future of the Labor Party one of the big reasons is if you look at parties have to have a route back to power and if you look at what's happened in Scotland with the rise of the us and we've had a very good election and I think almost outperformed their predictions there whether or not that leads straight road to scotch independence I'm folk far from convinced it's always tricky and always back to and then to pull pull back or at least that's been the recent story there of course are very difficult economic choices to make for Scotland in that event not least which currency they would use and that tends to then divide people a bit Nonetheless the s.n.p. Are riding high at the moment we're seeing Wales Labor stronghold previously also advances there for the conservatives and England certainly the maps tend to replace So if you're thinking about future the Labor Party you've got to think what do I have to change and where do I see my votes coming from and to say it so you know versions may have a very tricky time ahead he may fail but it's still not going to be easy for Labor to come back to power from the robots and yes I'm heartily endorse all of that I mean there are 2 big stories if you like generically that the domestic story about us the pressure on the union with the votes in Scotland possibilities of sectarian tensions in Northern Ireland and of course the triumph of the conservatives and the disarray of both the opposition parties really it's not just labor it's both well enough that they do is there a realignment ahead and then the 2nd element is the international one big. We're obviously focused on this historic as and so that's a very nice way of putting it the sort of remaking of the political map but then stopping Procul for a minute then we have to there's the numbers the U.K.'s negotiation with the European Union and I obviously who knows how that's going to go but I suspect that the dynamic will be that it's been right since the moment of the referendum in 2016 which is the e.u. Saying look you're not going to get a good or a better deal outside the e.u. Than in it so then there's a negotiation Well Ok well what you know is there some way of finding something that would be in both sides interest let's bring tailing the last one on in with some results or reflections there's there's been some amazing results but perhaps perhaps the most incredible so far tonight comes to us from from Bassett law where in 2017 Labor have a nearly a 5000 majority right now the conservatives have a majority of 14000 that is a massive massive swing I mean it is tectonic plate I mean is it is a landslide it's hurt our election. Yes No you see me now. Lashing out because. Regardless where I want to be these my my laundry me go when all you can understand is bitterness that when people say Johnny Quinn and his good friends we're going to hang on to control of the Labor Party they certainly have got a lot of leaders in their hands but I think there is going to be a very bitter reckoning Oh well you got to the point of majority the conservatives won 326 seats more to come though I think certainly most of them to go and save more to come from for them or more to come from here another out at least to come but for the time being Thanks very much from Boston I'm a cowboy. And flipper Thomas and myself will be with you for another another startling our other Stay with. What I was trying to say but there you help me get it out it's a double double and it's so it thanks so much for being with us here on this extended coverage of the election of the u.k. General election results here on the b.b.c. World Service. 6 stories 6 people one South Sacramento neighborhood we owe listen now to making matter of you a new podcast from the view from here and cab radio people here strive they love they live they laugh they cry here untold stories of people solving problems in their community I'm always excited when I can help young people along with them and . You know available I can't radio dot org slash med of you. From Sacramento State this is Capital Public Radio 90.9. F.m. And h.d. Sacramento 91.3 f.m. And h.d. Stockton Modesto 90.5. 0 City Reno and 88 point one Quincy streaming a cab radio dot org More from the b.b.c. Next it's 9 o'clock. Welcome to the b.b.c. World Service on this extended program bringing you the results of the u.k. General election with me James Kamar Sami and Philippa Thomas it's looking like a very good election for the Conservative Party the message of get Brecht's it done seems to have worked and Prime Minister Boris Johnson seems a happy man it does look as though this One Nation Conservative government has been given a powerful new mandate. To get rich it got the opposition Labor Party is looking at swoons having lost many traditional seats in the north of England Jeremy Corbyn will be leading the party into the next election this is obviously a very disappointing night for the Labor Party want to also make it clear that I will not lead the party in any future general election campaign more results more reaction coming up after the latest news. B.b.c. News Hello I'm going to borrow the governing conservatives in Britain have won a resoundingly victory in the general election with around 90 percent of the votes counted the opposition Labor Party has lost sways of its to Dish and all heartland the prime minister Boris Johnson spoke to his constituency this One Nation Conservative government has been given a powerful new mandate. To get rich it got. And not just to get pretty done but to unite this country and to take it forward to change this country for the better and to unleash the potential of the entire people of this country Mr Johnson's projected majority of more than 40 scenes schemes him. To take Britain out of the European Union by the end of January and all is said labor performed badly among working class voters who thought the poet he was frustrating the brakes they voted for him 2016 the labeling. Jeremy Corbett has made clear he's not standing down straight away he said he would stay on during a period of reflection what he called a very disappointing night but would not lead the party into a future general election several party members called for his immediate resignation others accuse pro e.u. Labor politicians in London of alienating breaks its supporters in northern England the pro independence Scottish National Party has made significant gains and is on course to win at least 50 of the country's $59.00 seats in the u.k. Parliament the leader of the party Scotland's 1st Minister Nicola Sturgeon said the vote represented a renewed mandate for another independence referendum there is out across the u.k. Is I don't want.

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