Good Guy Hedgecoe has more this conference has already seen its fair share of drama with Chile deciding it was unable to host the event just a month before it was due to begin also the United States has formalized its withdrawal from the 2016 Paris Agreement which had seen countries commit to keeping global temperature increases well below 2 degrees centigrade there is uncertainty regarding which country or countries will take the lead in the battle against climate change however Organizers hope this conference will see participants strengthen the commitments that came out of the Paris Agreement and firm up rules for the ways in which they custom missions for n.p.r. News I'm Guy Hedgecoe in Madrid the National Weather Service has issued winter storm warnings and advisories for almost all of New England and some points farther south heavy snow is likely from the edge of the Appalachians north to the Canadian border New Milford Township is in northeastern Pennsylvania cafe owner Cindy Hall says the roads there need to be plowed they're not good you know they're selected greasy there isn't you know you just take your time and I'm not even sure when the worst of this is going to start separately storm warnings are posted for parts of the Appalachians heavy snow is falling in parts of West Virginia North Carolina Kentucky and Tennessee New research finds one in 5 u.s. Teenagers have pre-diabetes it puts them at risk of developing type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease as they age N.P.R.'s Patti Damon reports on the study published in Jama Pediatrics researchers looked at results of federal health surveys from 2005 to 2016 they analyzed medical data of more than 5700 teenagers and young adults about 20 percent of teens and 25 percent of young adults had pre-diabetes a condition where blood sugar levels are above normal but not yet high enough to be classified as diabetes they also had high cholesterol high. My blood pressure and excessive belly fat boys and young men were almost twice as likely to have pre-diabetes says girls and young women obese individuals who are also more likely to have the condition Researchers say the findings highlight the need for prevention measures tailored to the younger segment of the u.s. Population Patty name and n.p.r. News on Wall Street the Dow was down 227 points you're listening to n.p.r. News from Washington it's 8 o 4 with Cap Radio News I'm as are David Ramiro a new technology being tested by California utilities is aimed at diagnosing problems before they can cause power outages or spark wildfires the technology invented by researchers at Texas a and m. University was designed to provide crater greater reliability for utility customers but its biggest selling point could be its use in preventing disasters Pacific Gas and Electric and Southern California Edison have been testing the software billed as a one of a kind diagnostic tool called distribution fault and has a patient Professor be done Russell who invented the technology said the software to text problems on power lines long before they occur and could be used to determine whether to shut off electric electricity to prevent a fire from starting in high winds utilities in California have been blamed for several of the deadliest and most destructive wildfires. As California's homelessness crisis worsens it's becoming common to see people on sidewalks and street corners asking for food or cash one of our listeners asked what's the best way to help cap radio Sammy Kayla answers as part of our great question series it's hard to know what to do when you pass a homeless person walk on by drop a few facts or maybe donate the granola bar that's in your back homeless advocates say all of those are helpful Pamela Mozzie is with the Sacramento homeless organizing committee ory were homeless people going to stand some on whatever it is think they'd probably need it you know because they are living in poverty the city doesn't offer guidance on whether to donate to homeless individuals they did recently repeal a panhandling ban making the practice legal in most public spaces and the unincorporated County it's forbid in your banks and A.T.M.'s on median strips outside businesses and I castrations for those who want to hand out supplies on the streets advocates suggest blankets toiletries little things like. Michelle Taylor was homeless around this time last year because of domestic abuse situation we're not sure where she is now she says one of the best things you can give to a homeless person is your time ask. Ask ask me why I'm asking how did I get here. The county recommends helping a person call 211 to get connected to shelters clinics and other services Sammy Caprio news you can listen to cap Radio podcast like talk homeland at Cap radio dot org slash podcasts follow us on Twitter as that kept radio news support for a cap radio news comes from Clipper Creek a local electric vehicle charging station manufacturer learn more about charging at Clipper Creek dot com If the toher return an avalanche warning throughout the Sierra snow changing terrain a 100 percent chance the lower elevations also have a 100 percent chance of rain will get to the upper fifty's. For the lower elevations and very low forty's around. This is Morning Edition on capper radio it's 8 o 7 support for n.p.r. Comes from n.p.r. Stations other contributors include the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and the estate of Joan Kroc whose bequest serves as an enduring investment in the future of public radio and the John d. And Catherine t. MacArthur Foundation at mac founded dot org. This is Morning Edition from n.p.r. News I'm David Greene in Culver City California and I'm Noel King in Washington d.c. Good morning the impeachment inquiry will continue this week after lawmakers took a break for Thanksgiving the House Judiciary Committee will hold a public hearing on impeachment but President Trump will not be here in Washington he'll be in London for a NATO meeting when that hearing takes place n.p.r. National political correspondent Mara Liasson is with us this morning Mara So we're moving into a new phase here what's happened what happens this week what happens is that the House Intelligence Committee that conducted the original hearings on Ukraine on the president's conduct will start circulating a draft of its report today and then the action moves to the Judiciary Committee and they're going to start looking at what if any articles of impeachment there should be the Intelligence Committee Democrats believe that they've established that the president did ask Ukraine to open an investigation into his political rival Joe Biden at the same time withholding military aid and in an exchange for an announcement of that investigation but the Judiciary Committee now has to decide if what the president did was an abuse of power and whether it was bad enough to warrant his removal from office the very 1st hearings are Wednesday and the 1st witnesses will be constitutional experts legal scholars to testify about what is the definition of an impeachable offense and the White House was invited to the Wednesday hearing right the president his lawyers but White House counsel passable and said on Sunday the administration isn't going to go why not they say that the proceedings are baseless and partisan the White House counsel says the president on attend the hearings of course he'll be at the NATO meeting and simple only the council won't either at least on Wednesday the White House it sounds like you're saying the White House has an entirely ruled out participating in the future if this keeps going correct right they have not necessarily ruled out participating in the future the chairman of the Judiciary Committee Jerrold Nadler has asked the White House to let him know by the close of business. It's this Friday if they will participate at all if they want to present evidence or call witnesses remember the president has been complaining that he hasn't had a chance to send his lawyers up to the Hill to represent him but at the same time the White House has been saying that the whole process is a sham and they might not want to participate at all because that would legitimize the process does that mean the White House is like giving up its right to question witnesses during the whole phase of this process or is that something that the White House might still want to do well we'll know by Friday if they're giving up their right for the whole process. How are Republicans how are the president's allies going to approach this week's hearing Well there have been a lot of complaining about the process being unfair even though there were Republicans in every intelligence committee hearing and they did question witnesses but one of the things that Republicans on the Judiciary Committee want is the opportunity to request witnesses of course the chair of the committee has to sign off on whoever they want to call they want to call in particular the ranking member of the chairman of the Intelligence Committee Adam Schiff the argument is he led the investigation he wrote the report he's kind of like a special counsel like Ken Starr who investigated President Clinton and then testified before Congress when it was considering whether or not to impeach Clinton here is what Doug Collins who Judiciary Committee ranking member said on Fox News Sunday Adam Schiff is author of the support I'm sure has been the author of many things a lot and found to be false over the past couple years but he's gone with the author of this report he's compared himself in the past to a special counsel this is what he said he was doing well if we go back to Clinton and they might next meeting Clinton Ken Starr was a special counsel he presented a report that we're going to get his judiciary he actually came and sat and testified under oath and took questions from all sides including the White House Ok the argument for calling Adam Schiff Mara in the in the 30 seconds we have left we have a sense of the timeline here no. We don't a lot of Democrats wanted this whole thing to be finished by Christmas but it's possible it could go longer possible could go longer N.P.R.'s Mara Liasson Mar thanks so much thank you when and how to regulate guns is one of the biggest issues across this country but the Supreme Court has rarely weighed in in 2008 it ruled for the 1st time that the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms is an individual right 2 years later the court said that right apply to state laws not just federal laws regulating gun ownership and use Since then however there has been radio silence as the justices have turned away one after another challenge to gun laws across the country until now as n.p.r. Legal affairs correspondent Nina Totenberg reports the case before the court today comes from New York a city in state with some of the toughest gun regulations in the country several gun owners challenge the rules for having a handgun at home they contended the city gun license was so restrictive it was unconstitutional Specifically they said the state law and city regulations violated the right to bear arms because they forbid pistol owners from carrying their guns anywhere other than 7 firing ranges within the city limits that meant that pistol owners could not carry their guns to a 2nd home or to shooting ranges or competitions in other states nearby the lower courts upheld the regulations as justified to protect safety in the most densely populated city in the country but when the Supreme Court agreed to hear the gun owners appeal the state and the city changed the law to allow handgun owners to transport their locked and unloaded guns to 2nd homes or shooting ranges outside the city with those changes the 1st question today will be whether the case is moot and should be thrown out because New York has already given the gun owners everything they asked for in their lawsuit James Johnson is counsel for the city of New York and this is an instance where it appears the petitioners most. Yes for an answer lawyer Paul Clement representing the gun owners counters that the amended regulations still give the city too much power to regulate the City of New York never expressed any doubt about the constitutionality of these regulations when they were winning in the district court in the Court of Appeals and then lo and behold all of the sudden the city decides you know maybe we don't need these regulations after all and he observes the city is still defending the original regulations the city is indeed doing that because the justices refused in October to throw the case out on mutinous grounds opting instead to hear the mootness arguments today along with a direct challenge to the regulations themselves that does put the city in a weird position defending regulations that are no longer in place and that it claims it has no intention of reviving again New York's lawyer James Johnson It's our position that 5 justifiably research lead villainy to carry firearms broadly on the streets of New York City contributes to making the city safe and there's the rub what did the Supreme Court mean in its 2008 decision when it said the right to bear arms is an individual right Justice Antonin Scalia writing for the 5 Justice Court majority back then described it as the right to own a gun for self defense in one's home Moreover the opinion contained a paragraph of specific qualifiers that according to court sources were added to Scalia's opinion at the insistence of Justice Anthony Kennedy who provided the 5th vote needed to prevail in the case the court said for instance that its opinion cast no doubt on longstanding bans on carrying firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings or bans on dangerous and unusual weapons but Kennedy who insisted on that limiting language has now retired replaced by Justice Brett Kavanaugh and kavanah as a lower court judge. Wrote expansively about gun rights I do think it will make a difference that justice Kavanagh is on the court the gun owners Paul Clement notes that not only does Cavanagh have a record sympathetic to broad gun rights but he was constrained by the court's precedents when he sat on the lower court now he can interpret the Constitution in a different way in his new perch he's somebody who I would think is going to be receptive to arguments that the 2nd Amendment fully protection individual right and it's not strictly limited to the whole New York argues that the history of gun ownership dating back to colonial times shows that in this densely populated city the law forbid the discharge of firearms in any street lane alley garden or other places where people frequently walk and by 1784 the state regulated the storage and transport of gunpowder today the city notes New York is the most densely populated city in the country Manhattan alone packs around $1600000.00 residents into 23 square miles and the population doubles every weekday with commuters these people plus tens of thousands of tourists move through the city's crowded streets thus creating a staggering concentration of sensitive places such as schools daycare centers government buildings playgrounds and places of worship all places that the Supreme Court said in 2008 are legitimate places to ban guns countering that argument lawyer Clement maintains that the Founding Fathers never intended the right to own a gun to be limited to the home at the very minimum he notes our founders allowed gun owners to carry their firearms from one place to another like any good advocate Clamantis offering the justices alternative routes to a gun friendly ruling they could say the 2nd Amendment is not limited strictly to the home and therefore this regulation has to go the alternative and broader ruling he says would treat the right to own a gun in the same way that limits on free. Speech are treated with considerable suspicion I don't think anybody would think that if the city of New York said you know we have 7 perfectly nice libraries in the city of New York and there's really no reason for any of you to go to libraries in New Jersey I think everybody would recognize now that that's clearly a 1st Amendment problem New York's lawyer James Johnson dismisses that analogy noting that libraries have no lethality but both sides know that if the Supreme Court rules on the merits of the now defunct regulations it will be a very big deal for one simple reason it will be only the 3rd decision on gun rights in modern times and it will inevitably lay down some new guidelines for lower courts to follow when gun regulations are challenged Nina Totenberg n.p.r. News Washington. We appreciate you listening to the program this morning on your public radio station and stay in touch throughout the day you can find us on social media visit the morning edition Facebook page and we are all over Twitter you can find me at n.p.r. Greene and you Al King is at Noel King Rachel Martin is at Rachel n.p.r. And Steve Inskeep is at n.p.r. Inskeep. It's 819 they say is Morning Edition on cabaret d.-o. 90.9 Sacramento and 90.5 Tom Reno you were N.P.R.'s station at cabaret d.-o. Dot org. Coming up some workers are sick some of even died after cutting stone countertops for kitchens and bathrooms that story is coming up next. We get support from 5 star bank a capital region community business bank celebrating 20 years of service to entrepreneurs business owners and community leaders learn more at 5 star Bank dot com and from the Sacramento Choral Society and orchestra presenting their annual Wells Fargo Home for the holidays concert 2 performances this Saturday at the newly renovated memorial lot of Toria Sacramento choral dot com sounds of the season programs on Capital Public Radio receive support from the ship a tiny group international and European sleep beside a complete listing of holiday shows is available at Cap or radio dot org. Rain even in the Sierra were warming up enough to have rain and it's a 100 percent chance for today about 40 or 50 percent chance overnight and about 20 tomorrow. For the roadways to where all of Asia and some flooding in the valley. Has been in the community for 40 years thanks to listeners just like you continue that tradition on Giving Tuesday and make your contributions give the cap radio because someone else gave 4 decades ago it's easy to get started just go to Caprio dot org. Next year's u.s. Census will be the 1st conducted mostly online to make sure that doesn't lead to an undercount of communities of color one organization in Georgia is setting up free Wi-Fi hot spots we have an opportunity to be counted and to show up if you don't then we're losing money and also losing power in terms of influencing representation I'm Ari Shapiro that story this afternoon on All Things Considered from n.p.r. News starting at 3 30 am on cap. Yes it's a 21 support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from Fidelity Investments taking a personalized approach to helping clients grow preserve and manage their wealth learn more it fitt ality dot com slash wealth fidelity brokerage services l.l.c. From Capital One offering the spark cash card for businesses committed to helping business owners turn purchases into meaningful investments that can help drive business forward Capital One what's in your wallet more it Capital One dot com and from Ebsco leveraging the expertise behind central to provide tools that support nurses with dynamic health and evidenced based resource nurses learn skills to further impact patient care more at Health dot abs go dot com. It's Morning Edition from n.p.r. News I'm Joel King and I'm David Greene some workers are coming down sick or even dying after cutting stone countertops for kitchens and bathrooms public health officials are particularly worried about dust created by cutting a kind of manufactured stone this popular material gets made in factories then it's cut to order in thousands of shops and businesses but it's not clear that the dangers here are fully understood N.P.R.'s Nell Greenfieldboyce has more Carolyn Levine lives in Washington d.c. When I stopped by her kitchen was being renovated her old countertop was still around the sink dark brown natural granite I just wanted something lighter and brighter like the new countertop installed on the kitchen's island it's white and looks like marble but it's actually a composite material mostly made out of courts I had 2 guys give me estimates and they both were extremely emphatic how superior court is and that the granite does chip and stain more than courts here's the thing though court's countertops contain a lot of the mineral silica about twice as much as natural granite and breathing in silica dust damages the lungs at least 19 people around the country who cut countertops out of engineered quartz along with other Stone have come down with severe forms of the disease silicosis this makes officials worry about the thousands of other workers in this industry and Levine says as a consumer She worries too it's alarming Stephanie alarming all courts countertops whether it's Sile stone or Caesar Stone or any other brand basically get created the same way I know a company called Cain invited me to its manufacturing plant in Minnesota over the entrance it says through these doors walk the finest countertop makers in the world how we do it. Everyday. Marty Davis is the c.e.o. He shows me his entire factory it churns out about $30000.00 slabs of material every month that means every day $20.00 to $30.00 trucks unload large white sacks full of. Some of it's a powder almost like flour some is like little pebble. $30000000.00 pounds of each . Day He says This place has millions of dollars worth of systems to control there's no good. We put on white disposable respirators and go past a sign warning of silica into a huge room with mechanical mixers here court skits combined with pigments plus a binder to make it stick together the mixture gets spread out onto a giant baking sheet it goes through a machine but. The result is a compressed slab that 1st is soft and been. Right now it feels like yeah that's exactly the slab hardens when it gets heated then cooled and polished we walk past rows of colorful slabs all ready to be sent out to countertop makers I ask Marty Davis What responsibility does he have for making sure the people he sells it to will cut all this material safely you know. How do you how do you have police. Your customers he says the dangers of silica have been known for decades there's clear regulation and clear guidance and governance and how to process materials safely to control dust and respiratory inhalation of dust he says he can't follow his product to thousands of countertop shops that cutting is safe when companies obey worker protection laws some shops are careful to do that capital granted. Near Richmond Virginia Hall manager is the owner we watch big computer controlled machines cut through slap something up to 35 gallons of water a minute on the blade to keep down silicon not doing any dry work whatsoever. That's the only way that you can eliminate any risk affiliated with. It would silicosis ensure machine operators and folks doing touch ups with handheld tools don't wear respirators or masks manager knows the air here is Ok because he recently invited in the Occupational Safety and Health Administration which did tests but he says there's a lot of shops especially smaller operations that OSHA never gets to and the stone cutting industry is unlicensed It's not like Plowman or electrical or on h. Back or any other trades where whereby there seems to be a standard or an international code he says if he had his druthers dry cutting would be illegal I talked to one worker in Washington state for medical privacy we're only using his 1st name Juan one spent about 4 years cutting countertops a lot of courts for the 1st couple of years it was dry cutting He says there was so much dust he couldn't see someone 20 feet away he says he wore a simple face mask the didn't provide enough protection and that no one told him about silica or the danger I've been in c.p.r. Knowlton all there is a 1st you don't feel it changes a lot more than later with time passing your body starts telling you that you're missing air rifle and your suffocating and you're tired. To concerts in 2016 he developed a persistent cough he insisted on tests to check his lungs even though his doctor said he didn't need them one boy legal rules nor 6 ominous when he didn't. Doctor almost crying he says I'm sorry you're right your lungs are very damaged He's 38 years old he. Has a wife 3 kids and he gets exhausted just walking from his house to his car he can't carry in groceries. Dispose it puzzle it still after this happened they made lots of changes in the company and either don't cut like they used to have but a lot of machines in the machines do most of the work for him the changes came too late he's being evaluated for a lung transplant now Greenfieldboyce n.p.r. News. Support for n.p.r. Health coverage comes from visiting angels professional caregivers assisting adults in bathing dressing meals and light housework nationwide visiting angels America's Choice and senior home care office locations or at visiting Angels dot com. It's a 29 This is Morning Edition on cabaret d.-o. 90.9 Sacramento streaming at Cap or radio dot org Coming up one Illinois Empire medical school is facing an acute shortage of primary care physicians so it's recruiting residents who have a reason to stay in their community the connection with my wife is what brought me out here 1st but it was the community and identity of building something bigger than myself that I fell in love with how to recruit train and retain doctors in the regions that need the most That's coming up from our California dream collaboration at $844.00. Separate he was trying something new this one sees instead of asking candidates about the issues we're asking you then we'll take your ideas and questions to the people asking for your vote tell us what matters to you at Cap radio dot org slash election. Live from n.p.r. News in Washington I'm Lakshmi saying President Trump is declining to send an attorney to the House Judiciary Committee's impeachment hearing on Wednesday after earlier suggesting he would consider cooperating today trial kept to a familiar refrain the whole thing is all everybody knows oh yes it was looking forward to bringing it president Betty just a shame you know it's all it's an absolute disgrace what they're doing to our country Trump addressing reporters at the White House this morning as he was preparing to leave for the NATO gathering in the u.k. The Democratic majority in the House meanwhile is moving forward with its impeachment inquiry into allegations that trump sought to enlist the help of a foreign government to investigate a domestic political rival Congress is gaining a new senator from Georgia but the lawmaker remains a mystery N.P.R.'s Susan Davis reports Republican governor Brian camp is due to appoint someone to replace g.o.p. Senator Johnny Isaacson who is retiring at the end of the year for health reasons Kemp is said to favor wealthy Atlanta businesswoman Kelly Lefler she brings needed gender diversity to the party and can help sell fund her campaign but President trumping conservative activists are pushing for Republican Congressman Doug Collins who's made it clear he wants the job Collins is one of Trump's fiercest defenders on Capitol Hill he's also indicated that if he's not appointed to the seat he may run anyway sparking a contentious Republican primary N.P.R.'s Susan Davis reporting this is n.p.r. News it's 831 with Cat Radio News I measure David Ramiro Fresno residents are trying to save a struggling cedar tree at the heart of an annual California Christmas tradition the homeowners have hired an arborist to tend to the 1st tree of what today is known as Christmas Tree Lane the Choose the tree was 1st decorated in 1920 in memory of the event homeowners teenage son who died neighbors decorated trees and from their homes in solidarity with the grieving parents more kids are riding mass transit in Sacramento sins and program. Gave them a free pass cap radios Bob Moffitt reports Sacramento regional transit provides free rides to school kids from transitional kindergarten to 12th grade Jessica and solace was sacked r t says youth ridership has increased by 40 percent in the program's 1st month and it's not too late to sign up all schools received a blue sticker that can go right on their student id or for some of those schools that don't have student I.D.'s We did provide a special ride for our t. Card which also has that blue sticker and for some students who their school isn't participating we also have the stickers on the cards available at all public libraries and also available at our customer service and sales center there's been an increase of about 1850 students during the week there's also been an increase on weekends especially Sunday in the cities of Sacramento Folsom Rancho Cordova and Citrus Heights contributed more than a $1000000.02 pay for the program Secretary says it plans to continue it next year it's set to expire September 30th I've often kept radio news we have a 100 percent chance of rain today for the lower elevations with lots of opportunities for hydroplaning do it she says not if she does drive slowly we get support from some of the energy store an online store featuring smart approved energy saving products including smart thermostat helping homeowners save on energy and heating costs details in rebate information at Smart Energy storage dot com and from the Sacramento natural food co-op a 29 that are with everything for holiday entertaining from sustainable meats and seafood to organic produce and cheeses beer wine and fresh big goods complete the celebration Shack food. If you have a vehicle you want to get rid of a classic or a clunker tell when a good capper radio we have a vehicle donation program just what you've been looking for cap or radio dot org slash cars it's a $34.00. Support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from t. Rowe Price offering a strategic investing approach that examines investment opportunities 1st hand institutions advisers employers and individuals choose to row price to Rowe Price invest with confidence and from c 3 dot a i c 3 dot a I's software enables organizations to use artificial intelligence at enterprise scale solving previously unsolvable business problems learn more it see 3 dot a I. This is Morning Edition from n.p.r. News I'm David Greene in Culver City California and I'm now will King in Washington d.c. Good morning President Trump is reimposing tariffs on steel and aluminum imported from Brazil in Argentina the president announced that news on Twitter this morning n.p.r. Chief economics correspondent Scott Horsley is here to explain what's going on Hi Scott good morning well Ok So Brazil and Argentina were exempted from steel and aluminum tariffs in the spring of 2018 what happened in his tweets this morning the president accused these 2 countries of what he called massive devaluation of their currencies cheaper currency does give these countries export hers an advantage in international trade and Brazil is a pretty big exporter of steel to the United States Argentina less so in his tweet though the president did not talk about that competition hurting domestic steelmakers rather he referenced competition for u.s. Farmers who are obviously an important constituency of the president political constituency what's really been hurting farmers along with some pretty bad weather is the president's trade war with China when China dialed back its purchases of u.s. Soybeans for example during that trade war it did look to countries like Brazil as an alternate source of supply it seemed over the past few months that some of the tension over trade was cooling off were things not as they see you know there have been some signs of progress there's talk of a trade agreement being finalized with Mexico and Canada there is talk about at least a mini trade deal with China investors on Wall Street have certainly embraced that more or less pricing in the idea that trade peace could be close at hand now maybe that confidence was misplaced you know last week I spoke with a manufacturer in Minnesota who said that he's really being hurt by the tariffs not just the cost but also the uncertainty he said it's hard to make a decision or an investment when Tariff Policy can change with a tweet and we got another reminder that possibility this morning now in the same tweets this morning the president also asked the Federal Reserve to take. Action he mentioned currency manipulation a currency devaluation in Argentina and Brazil what does he want our central bank the u.s. Central bank to do what he wants the Fed to accept that other countries can't what he said take advantage of the strong dollar is an interesting request because ordinarily it's the Treasury Department that steers u.s. Currency policy not the Federal Reserve the central banks mandate is stable prices and maximum point not you know driving down the dollar in an effort to boost exports but the Fed does set interest rates and of course that affects the value of the dollar so in what the president's really asking here you know and another set of words is what he's been asking for all along which is for the Fed to lower interest rates even further the central bank has already cut interest rates 3 times since July and Fed officials are generally expected at this point to leave rates unchanged when they meet next week let me ask you pull back 3000 feet and get the larger view here the president has long said that tariffs on imported steel and aluminum were going to help us industries alternately Is that what has happened here not really you know steel makers did get an initial boost last year when the tariff 1st went to effect and the price of steel went up of course that was hard on companies that use a lot of steel and there's more of those than there are steel makers since then though the price of steel has actually slumped again partly as a result of falling demand in the 3rd quarter u.s. Steel for example actually lost money and it's announced layoffs of some workers so the tariffs have created a lot of uncertainty create a lot of anger but they haven't necessarily been a lasting boost for domestic metal makers Ok and now some some more uncertain this morning for Brazil and Argentina N.P.R.'s Scott Horsley Scott thanks so much for your time you're welcome. Today the 25th u.n. Climate change conference called Cop 25 starts in Spain's capital Madrid the conference was supposed to be in Chile but there were big street protests over the economy there so Spain stepped up Reporter Guy Hedgecoe is in Madrid the build up to the cup 25 has already been eventful the last minute change of host city from the Chilean capital to the Spanish one has added an element of drama to the event what's more that change of venue was decided just as the United States was formalizing its withdrawal from the 2016 Paris agreement on climate change the Spanish environment minister that I saw Ribera said that her country's offer to host the conference was a demonstration of multi-lateralism to counter the u.s. Withdrawal. Was a discouragement caused by the withdrawal from the Paris accord of one of the biggest economies on the planet she said it was important that the international community found a way to resolve the challenge created by Chile's inability to host the conference the change of venue has also affected teenage climate activist gratitude bug she was in the United States preparing to travel overland to Chile for the summit when it was announced that Madrid would host it instead she has raced back across the Atlantic on a catamaran in order to attend much of the conference will revolve around the framework of the Paris Agreement which seeks to keep global temperature rises to well below 2 degrees centigrade David was director of the International Climate Initiative at the World Resources Institute is hoping the summit will see countries signal their increased commitment to concrete and ambitious strategies for the reduction of emissions something they're expected to formalize in 2020 I think this has to be a can do crime at Summit and we've seen that kind of can do spirit from Spain and she lay working together and now. Is the moment to highlight countries have a can do approach to strengthening their action under the Paris agreement next year and also finalizing the last part of the implementing rules so that those can go into full effect of that the core of why the climate talks and all the process around it in Madrid can achieve but one big question going into this climate conference will be who is willing to take the lead on the international stage with 2 major economies the United States and Brazil stepping back from their commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions there is a vacancy for an international leader in terms of state I don't believe it's going to be easy to see one leader it is more likely to see some form of the city to do leadership Lara lateral is a professor of political economy of climate change Madrid's University for example the e.u. That has been a direction a leader leading by example setting itself tough goals and showing other countries that it can be done along with countries like China and perhaps also teaming up with Latin America and Spain could be a bridge builder these kinds of events all too often fall short of expectations but environmental activists will be watching the cop $25.00 with a critical eye hoping that it will lead to genuine progress in battling climate change for n.p.r. News I'm Guy Hedgecoe in Madrid. This is n.p.r. News. Good morning from the b.b.c. In London I'm a facade that would b.b.c. Top line some of our top global stories this hour the United Nations has opened the latest global climate talks in Madrid amid a growing sense of climate emergency hen people as the prime minister of the Cook Islands which is threatened by rising sea levels I can't help but wonder how our generation is respond to the greatest threat about time climate change will be judged by history for if we fail to meet to boldly swiftly and together we would have failed mankind the Russian and Chinese President Vladimir Putin and she Jinping have inaugurated the 1st gas pipeline to link their countries in a ceremony held via video link the pipeline was a giant send down bishops construction projects almost 3000 kilometers crossing extreme to rain including permafrost rivers and swamps neither the full cost nor the price that China is paying for the gas a clear but officials here are underlining this is a deal with huge potential terror incident Moscow and police in South Africa have arrested members of a white extremist group for an alleged terror plot police had been investigating the group for several years when they received a tip off that Herrick Newson and his team were about to launch a string of attacks at government buildings shopping centers and informal settlements where most black people live. In London I'm a façade big at the b.b.c. With Cap radio news a measure David the city of Sacramento is entertaining the thought of more oversight of the cannabis industry it might create a new cannabis auditor position outside the office of cannabis management failures in the permitting review process allowed 2 people to gain control of 9 of the city's 30 dispensaries city arder Jorge OSA get as Office found shortcomings in the way the city monitors canvas businesses in 2017 and is conducting another audit and performing a 2nd review. Our audit would seek to evaluate the current permit renewal process and doing so we would obtain a list of all managing members and owners of the 30 dispensary so we would determine how much consolidation has occurred between the dispensary owner groups a Sacramento Bee report found that 30 percent of dispensaries had come under the control of 2 men with ties to the Ukraine even though regulations are supposed to prohibit monopolies This is kept radio news it's 845 physician shortages are expected to get worse over the next day a decade in California but in rural and inner city areas it's already happening in the Inland Empire the number of physicians needs to double just to reach the recommended amount to serve the population as part of our California dream collaboration looking at solutions cow matters Elizabeth I go that i Reports from Riverside. Dr Mozambique has been treating Cecelia he man as since he was a resident physician in training. There are you. Know it was Dr Who discovered a cancerous tumor on her neck and helped her get treatment after years of trying to figure out why she was losing her ability to walk it's been 5 years and now an attending physician is her doctor at the merino Valley Community Health Center so I want to make sure we've got the results of c.t. Scans to go over those together the good news is that everything looks very stable I was like fun atmosphere here those results are by that I knew I wanted to hear from you why is considered a success story in Riverside County effort to grow recruit and retain primary care doctors in the region it's a huge priority here the Inland Empire region has one of the lowest ratios of physicians Dr Jeffrey Leon is the ambulatory medical director for the county's University Health System and that creates a number of challenges like not being able to find a doctor or waiting a long time for an appointment when we have delays in care that can result in sort of chronic illnesses or acute illnesses that become worse Leon helps oversee a residency program here that aims to keep graduates local physicians tend to practice where they train over there from Dr argue that a is the associate director of that residency program if they're here to stay they're going to want to make sure that they are providing the best care that they can that they are essentially trying to build the program so that we're able to outreach to our community and serve their needs a new medical school was opened in 2013 at u.c. Riverside specifically to train doctors to serve the local area the county and medical school have partnered to expand the longstanding residency programs and medical school students and resident. Regularly reach out to local middle and high schoolers to get them into the pipeline Dr most is part of that outreach he takes residents out once a month to meet with teens in the community he didn't grow up here but the program's goals match his and he has another reason for staying his wife is from Riverside and she's also a physician the connection with my wife is what brought me out here 1st but it was the community and identity of building something bigger than myself that I fell in love with across California other initiatives are also aimed at keeping physicians in areas where they are needed federal and state programs offer loan repayment to doctors who care for the underserved for patients having access to a doctor over the long term that they know and trust pays off every time I came in as a different doctor before Dr Cecelia he meant as never knew who she was going to see at the clinic so it feels good to just come in he knows what we're going to talk about you know not me have to explain to the doctor what I've been through at the end of their visit by Jois gave her a hug before she walked out many programs talk about serving the under-served But here the focus that the faculty have actually taken care of the community and doing outreach in the community is just unparalleled I think and that was something that I wanted to be a part of then he was off to a home visit for one of his patients who is now under hospice care the family promised to process if he arrived around lunchtime from Riverside I'm Elizabeth Aggie Lera for more follow us on Twitter as that kept radio news support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from Americans for the Arts committed to transforming America's communities through the arts and arts education supporting the nonprofit arts industry which employs 4600000 people nationwide learn more Americans for the Arts dot org. And from the Pew Charitable Trusts working with states to develop data driven nonpartisan solutions for complex issues more information is available at Pew Trust's dot org. Coming up Jay z. a Cultural icon you know that but now there's a book about his cultural icon we will hear from Michael Eric Dyson about the book Coming up next. It's 850 this is Morning Edition I'm capper a.t.o. 90.9 Sacramento we get support from Chanticleer performing a sham to clear Christmas Gregorian chant traditional carols spirituals and their most requested selection front of a Maria December 16th at the Cathedral of the bless at sacrament Chanticleer dot org from loaves and fishes a local provider of food warmth and a path home for over 36 years serving women men and children in the community who are poor and homeless information on volunteering and donating at Sac low dot org And from the porters got law firm orders Scott has been proudly defending members and businesses of this community for over 40 years in litigation and other legal matters information at Porter Scott dot com. On insight this morning December begins with a new stage in the impeachment process Ken Rudin the political junkie joins me to math what's ahead and we'll talk wine with Rick Cushman 27 teens from the Napa Sonoma wildfire area are just hitting the market we'll talk about that vintage and Rick describes the impact of the can fire I'm bathroom join us for insight starting at 9 on Caprio a 100 percent chance of rain at all elevations reaching the very low forty's around most of this here and today closer to 60 degrees for the lower elevations. It's 81. This is Morning Edition from n.p.r. News I'm David Greene I'm Noel King and I'm Steve Inskeep I got it from here damn me you can't see the name it's my. James he turns 50 this for me it is hard to sum up his career in a sentence but Jay z. Himself once tried he described himself as a former drug dealer who transitioned to musician cheap low for Coke Yes not to sell C.D.'s come out of this man the most business. And. I'm a business man which is true he is now a billionaire who has extended his brand into alcohol clothing and Internet firms among other things. Like last night a new book argues Jay Z's lyrics deserve serious study author Michael Eric Dyson should know well I've been teaching a class on him for the last 10 years a Georgetown University class where Dyson analyzes the words that Jay z. Raps Do you ever speak them out in class and you've got students who say no your inflection is all wrong. Now they're pretty amazing old man like me has studied so longer try to make myself who to them so they're laughing at me. And want to just drop somebody. Drop out of bed. But you don't stop smoking to get to. The folks Jay z. Made in America says why Dyson cares Jay Z's lyrics both prophetic and profane as we will hear reflect his life his life reflects America Dyson contends that Jay z. Made his career as a hustler I historian once said hustling was the dominant measure of the American character you hustle when get dive for a loose basketball on the court though that is just one of the words many meanings the constant desire to be better to be on the make trying to do a new thing find a new project always. With a new enterprise also a new scheme also somebody who's trying to b.s. You know to kind of take you a scuffle out somebody who's trying to rip you off Dyson says Jay z. Story demonstrates the different meanings of hustling growing up poor in Brooklyn his 1st Hustle was selling drugs later he pursued his ambition to rap but he was still hustling on the side because he couldn't make enough money rapping he was making more money selling drugs but as he memorably says on one song is that I came into the game 100000 strong 900 to be exact and he got that money from hustling from drug dealing and he and his partners Kareem begs and and Damon Dash formed a record company Roc-A Fella Records you know Rockefeller Rockefeller our o.c. Rock Cocaine Rock and built a business empire on that hustling you quote some lyrics that I think speak to this will be triple what the some of the. Metaphors the bit about the small the. Second flows out but what. Think you know about some of the someday that the scale of I don't always want to be this drug dealing dam. And he says look I'm going to dribble out of here and I play basketball I'm going to rap metaphors and Rideau So you going to be a comedian Rideau or rap metaphors and be a rapper so you get you know either a ballplayer a rapper or a comedian and then he doesn't forget however the ordinary people the everyday people work 2nd floors hospital out this place so you know 2nd floors of businesses and enterprises or like public spaces and hospitals but we gotta get outta here because someday the cop is going kill a guy like me and I don't always want to be this drug dealing person so he's expressing remorse regret feeling. Sense of tension of pressure and of feeling forced into coerced into doing some stuff he's got to do in order to survive but he know there's no retirement plan for that kind of enterprise you've got some lyrics on page 67 to 68 where he literally says what he's doing I mean perception go with what makes sense some know when. To use them it's much simpler it's not you know one thing so I got rich and gave back to me to. Some And so Jay z. Is saying I figured it out I can't help poor people if I'm poor like them does he help the poor Oh absolutely Jay z. Has been on the front line of doing charitable and justice oriented work he gave money for criminal justice reform he co-produced a documentary about a young black man held for years in a New York jail without receiving trial on seemingly minor charges he spoke up for Collin Kaepernick the pro football quarterback who was sidelined after he took a need to ring the national anthem Jay z. Then drew criticism by going into partnership with the n.f.l. So for Dyson that's another example of hustling critiquing pro football while also profiting from much has changed because they make the system both embrace music making I don't tell we turn back to Jaycee's lyrics and something that you say about him as a writer I suppose I should say as a speaker because as you point out it doesn't write it down right you say he is Robert Frost with a Brooklyn accent now I thought about that statement and at 1st I thought those 2 figures are so different and they're writing is so different that Michael Eric Dyson must just be telling me he's a really good poet but then I thought about it some more is there something essential the American about both of those figures that connects them whose words these are I think I know his house is in the village though he will not see me stopping here to watch the woods for lope with snow my little horse must think it queer to stop. Without a farmhouse near between the woods and frozen lake the darkest even ng of the year God forgive me for my brash delivery but I remember vividly what these streets did to me imagine me allowing you to nit pick at me portray me like a pickaninny know all the teachers couldn't reach me and my momma couldn't beat me hard enough to match the pain of my pop not seein me so with that disdain I'm remembering got all my pep game blank the world my defense came now the 1st 2 stanzas Robert Frost and Jay Z's you know lyrics from his Black Album and if my memory serves me correctly I'm saying that from memory so you all forgive me if I didn't get it all right I see tremendous parallels pace rhythm cadence simplistic imagery that contains deeper thoughts underneath the water underneath the skin subcutaneous even things that are mixed up and jabbing and stabbing that arrest us because the writers say it with such calm and such dignity that's the paralyzing Michael Eric Dyson is the author of Jay z. Made America thanks so much thank you for having. Me a little to nothing about it you say to me It's Morning Edition from n.p.r. News I'm Steve Inskeep and I'm no well King and I'm David Greene. A 100 percent chance of rain at all elevations close to 60 for the lower areas and low for use in the high country. We get support from a Stella bakery and by the French bakery featuring their new French toast flavors of banana Carmel and pecan or 3 trees and blueberry 2 locations are going away and downtown next to gold in one center is still bakery dot com from a sacrament of state this is Capital Public Radio 90.9. F.m. In Sacramento 91.3 f.m. And h.d. Stock I'm a desk 0.5. 0 cd Reno and 88 point one k.-q in Quincy screaming at Camp radio dot org. I'm now on it every day on a insight is next on capital it's 9 o'clock. Back to work back to school back to the impeachment inquiry to on Insight this 1st show of December begins with Ken Rudin the political junkie he will trace what's happening in national politics and what's coming this month including a presidential debate in California will wreak you my conversation from September with Lena fat she was one of Sacramento's iconic restaurant owner chefs Lena joined us to reflect on the 80th anniversary of Frank fats restaurant and her transition into the family business she died of heart failure one week ago today later in the hour a wintry weather update from The National Weather Service and a visit from wine expert requests men talks about the impact of the king Cade fire in Sonoma and Napa counties this fall the winds harvested after the 2017 wildfires are now hitting the market to I'm back through Act That's today on Insight 1st the news. Live from n.p.r. News in Washington I'm Lakshmi saying President Trump is questioning the timing of the House Judiciary Committee hearing that will examine the constitutional basis for impeachment N.P.R.'s Asia Rosco reports that Trump will be out of town when the hearing takes place Wednesday president trying to traveling to London this week to meet with NATO leaders he said the troops been in the works for you know what I'm going to say to get back. To work just to make the White House declined us and lawyers to take part in the hearing this week in a 5 page letter White House counsel pats of Bologna So the president could not be expected to participate in the hearing the witnesses have yet to be announced Trump and his supporters have argued that the impeachment inquiry has been unfair to the White House and that the president has not been allowed to properly defend himself I should ask though in p.r. News the White House the students of Saugus high school in southern California are returning to class today for the 1st time since a 16 year old classmate shot and killed 2 other students and wounded 3 others before he took his own life last month counselors and therapy dogs in Santa Clarita are expected to be available to any student struggling to cope with the shooting the u.s. Supreme Court is hearing arguments today in its 1st major gun rights case in a decade in 2008 in 10 The court ruled that the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms is an individual right not limited only to those in military or law enforcement service however as N.P.R.'s Nina Totenberg tells us the court at the time framed it as a right to have a gun at home for self-defense this case from New York gives the court the opportunity to expand gun rights significantly beyond the home they are now 5 justices on the court with established record supporting gun rights indeed the newest Justice Brett Kavanaugh as a lower court judge wrote expansively on this subject in one dissenting opinion he opposed a ban on assault weapons and on large ammunition magazines Nina Totenberg n.p.r. News Washington the United Nations Climate Change Conference is underway in the Spanish capital that was relocated from Chile after deadly anti-government unrest broke out in the Latin American country to see a bit of the this reports those attending the Madrid summit are on a mission to lay the remaining groundwork.

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