Elizizeth tries her hand at hand standup. The joke that has the crowd howling day, november 29 mtth, 2015. Announcer from nbc news, this is today live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. Welcome to today on this sunday morning. Im erica hill. Glala to have you with us, im craig melvin with Sheinelle Jones and dylan dreyer. We have a lot of folks heading home, or trying to head home, on this sunday. Weaeaer making it a little tough. Lingering effect. That is our top story this morning. As you and millions of other people return home from your holiy trip, many of you will likely encounter our huge wintry storm that is crippleing much of the country. Icecovered roads caused crashes in oklahoma. In kansas, cars careening off highways there, killing at least four people. Meanwhile, in texas, this was the scene. Tracker trailer to slam into an out outback steak house. Rehema ellis is at laguardia this morning. Good morning. The crowds arere building here at Laguardia Airport for the start of what could be a long day for many, expecting a crush of holiday travelers. Reporter youll need suitcases full of patience to get through the nations airports. Expect long lines due to higher security. Heightened security. Theres a bigger presence. Reporter the numumr of passengers could lengthen the time in the terminal. Aaa estimates 3. 6 million flying this thanksgiving season. We got here three hours early to make sure were not going to miss ourur flight. Rather take my time and not stress out. Reporter the highways are crowded, too. 42 million on the roads. Drivers got an early holiday gift with gas averaging 2. 15 a gallon. The lowest pump prices for the thanksgiving holiday in seven years. Too expensive to fly. Youuant take the dog. Guys all right . Reporter for some, ice, flooding and snow made highway traveling treacherou asstretched across the middle of the country. If you dont need to travel, stay home. Itll get worse as temperatures continue to drop. Millions of people do need to travel today. The hope is that the weather, at least, will cooperate. Craig . Rehema ellis for us. Thank you. Dylan is tracking the weather for your traveling today across the country. The ice accumulating through the Southern Plains accumulated up to 1 2 inch in oklahoma. Its been fallingn this s se area for the last almost several days. Its that cold air working in. Were losing the heavier freezing rain now. Now, the focus is shifting to just regular h hvy rain through eastern texas. This will stretch up into arkansas through the day. If youre traveling this thats where we going to see the very icy conditions. Remembererhe overpasses and the bridges . Because they freeze on the top and underneath, as well, that makes those extremely slippery. On and off ramps, as w wl. If youre traveling alosscross i40 in tennessee, itll be a wet go, with patch thiy areas of fog. This is not the only storm. Cold air and an area of low pressure is developing, and the next winter storm is bringing the possibility of more snow and ice through parts of the plains. Early monday, heavier snow will take holol through omahah nebraska, and works up into minneapolis, where snowfall rates could be 1 to 2 inches per hour. South Central Minnesota and iowa, were lookiki at thehe possibility of 8 to 10 inches of snow right on the heels of the last cold blast. It is going to be a messy start to the wk week, too. That it will. Dylan, t tnk you. To the latest of the deadly shooting and the fivehour standoff at a planned parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs. New information is emerging about the suspect and what mightht have triggerediseadly rampage. Nbcs National Correspondent Miguel Almaguer is in n lorado springs. The Shopping Center where this went down is cordened off. Its an active crime scene. This as were learning more about the suspect and what some say was clearly his motive. Reporter after robert dear was taken into custody, a Law Enforcement source says he began raing about predent obama, politics and ortion. Lice have not released a motive for the shooting that injured nine and left three dead here, but now officials at the Colorado Springs planned parenthood say they belilie the 57yeaeaold targeted the facility because he opposed abortion. Its hate speech going on in our country right now that could be causing more violence than we might otherwise see. Reporter dear recently moved to the town. He lived with a woman in a run down trailer that had no water, sewer system or electricity. Described as reclusive, even in a small town, few knew him. Not rl pepeonable. Quiet,t,o his own. Reporter with dear scheduled to be in court monday, overnight, this community grieved together. But now i see reporter officer Garrett Swasey gave his life trying to save others. A champion figure skater who grew up with nancy kerrigan. One of my best friends. Reporr the young father of two was always a stdout cop. He rushed intotohe gunfire. His wife is so proud of her husband. Yeah. She knew she knew what he loved to do, and she knew the risks. Reporter theres not just heartbreak here, but also guilt. Bullets went through the wall. Smell it. Reporter she hunkered down five hours as the gunman kunkered down with police. Heroyfriend is still missing. Unidentified still dead. I wish i could have held on to him ten more seconds. Thats how fast it happened. When robert dear was taken into custody, he muttered the words, no more baby parts, referring to the Abortion Services offered at the clinic. Police have not identified a motive. They apparently are still asking the question, why . So many questions this morning. Miguel, thank you. The 2016 president ial candidates are returning to the cacaaign trail in full force today. It comes with republican front runner donald trump still defending himself against charges he m cked a reporter who had a disability and a fellow journalist, telling us, trump is lying. Kristen welker joins us from the white house with the latest. Good morning. Good morning to you. The person challenging trump this morning, a f fmer former named susie parker. She doesnt believe trumps claim that he doesnt remember Serge Kovaleski because she witnessed them interact firsthand. Trump is standing by his assertions, and hes the one demanding an apology. Reporter donald trump, defiant saturday, denying he mocked New York Times reporter Serge Kovaleski who has a con congenital joints disorder. I would never mock a person that has disabilities. Reporter it started with an ararcle kovaleski wrote inn 2001, to back up his claims that jersey celebrated on 9 11, whenen. When he said his article didnt backup trump, he spoke out. < i dont remember. Reporter the New York Times called trumps behavior outrageous. Trump said the paper owes him an apology, arguing he doesnt remember kovaleski and wasnt making fun of him. The person said, i inow him. I know him. I said, when . In the 19d 880s. Thats a long time. 30, 35 years. Thats a long time ago. This man is lying. Repepter in her first oncamera interview, susie parker, a friend of kovaleskis during the 80s and fellow reporter, said kovaleski introduced her to trump. I thought they knew each other. It was a very cordial, friendly meeting of people who knew each other. Reporter parker is a selfdescribed democrat but is speaking out to set the record straight about trumps assertion i said, this guy is an outright liar. I was with him when serge introduced me to him, and they were all on aairst name basis. They know each other. Reporter kovaleski also tells nbc news he was on a first name basis with mr. Trump. Saying he talked to the real estate mogul at least a d den times when covering his career in the late 80s for the new york daily news. Now, parker says its important others know she doesnt buy trumps claim he wasnt mocking her friend. Citing these images, now wididy circulated online. You do not forget serge. Im sorry, he imitated, he mocked him. There is zero questions. Now, we reached out to the Trump Campaign for reaction. His spokesperson reiterated trump has repeatedly insisted he doesnt remember kovaleski and had nothing further to add. It remains to be seen whether this will be different. Thanks. Chuck todd is moderator of meet the press. Good morning. Good to see you, as always, my friend. Donald trump said things now that are offensive to the muslim community, offensive to women, offensive to the hispanic community. This time, hes poking fun at someone who lives with a disability. How real is the concern that even if hes not the nominee, this is the kinin of thing that sticks to the gop brand long term . Well, look, you talk to republican operatives and theyre fearful of this. They believe that if you go and do somee qualitative research, up. Middle of the road voters are republican brand. Not to trump itself. There are some republican operatives with other campaigns who believe, this is all trump and voters can discern the antics of trump from the brand of the republican partrt but the longer trump is the lets talk about number two in iowa, ted cruz. Appears to be surging in the hawkeye state. To what can we attribute the rise of ted cruz . Number one, hes put together probably the best organizizion on the conservative side of things than any of the other candidates. Better than trumps, better than carsons, better than anybody else in the lane. Thats number one. Number two, s benefitted more so if you look at the pops for cruz, its come at the expense of dr. Carson. What changed . Paris changed, craig. I think that you have voters who, in particular, evangelicals that liked dr. Carson and their second choice is cruz. The more carson is insteadunsteady on National Security issues, theyve been shopping for another candidate. Thats where they land with cruz. Lets talk about his troubles. Ben carson in jordan visiting syrian refugees, apparently told the Associated Press the camps arent that bad and that the refugees dont really want to come to the United States anyway. Is this the kind of trip that is going to help ben carsons Foreign Policy . It better. The campaign knows he needs it. I j jt debriefed with him myself on what he learned in jordan. I think that that why they did this trip. Its symbolic. Its obvious its symbolic. Hes also put out a tv ad associated with the trip, associated with the refugee issue. I think they know they have to pass a commander in chief test. As wee talked about earlier, i think right now, hes been flubbing it, this is why hes seen a downturn in the polls. Chuck todd, always good to see you. Thank you, sir. You got it, craiai watch meet the press this morning when donald trump and ben carson will be among chucks guests. President obama heads to paris today for the Global Climate conference there. A little more than two weeks after riss sterrorists attacked the city. The commander in chief will join other World Leaders to talk about how to slowlobal rmings. The talks will take place under heighted security. Security also heightened at home home. The fbi issued a warning for law en enforcement to look for an activist who post add video online threatening a muslim community. The former marine was lt heard from in scranton, pennsylvaniaia pope francis is in the African Republic this morning. Landing in the capital moments ago. Its his final stop in africa, as he calls for peace in a a country wrapped with conflict between muslims and christians. An thompson is Anne Thompson is following pope francis on his trip. Youd never know this was the most dangerous part of the popes africa trip. Look at his face this morning. But he is visiting a country, the Central African republbl, that has been the center of a bloody conflict thats killed more than 6,000 people since 2013. Reporter the capital city is a mix of force and trappings to protect pope francis who comes for peace. Francis is the first pope to visit an active war zone. This nation is suffering from more than two years of bloody battle between muslim rebels and christians. Displacing a quarter of its people, many of them children. The pope visit is a great opportunity, not only to bring the attention on the car situation, but to bring the attention on the children. Reporr today, francis visited a refugee camp. Tomorrow, hell meet with muslims at a mosque in one of the citys most dangerous neighborhoods. On the plane to africa, francis down played the threats to his own safety, saying he e s more worried about the mosquitos. In kenya and uganda, security has been very visible. There have been few of the spontaneous moments that are the hallmark of francis papacy. Still, this has been a very joyous trip. On a continent where the Catholic Church is alive and growing. Later today, francis will knock on the door of banguis theater, starting the h hy year erica . Anne, thank you. Sheinelle is following a number of headlines for us this morning. Including a baby found burieie alive. This is disturbing. Police in california are asking for your help in identifying the newborn baby girl. She was discovered friday, buried alive under asphalt and rubble near a busy bike path in compton, after people reported hearing muffled cries. The babys believed to be 46 to 48 hours hold when found. She is in stable condition. A sixhour man hunt for a man suspected o killing a Police Officer in pennsylvania ended this morning. The veteran Police Officer was shot while responding to a domestic call. The suspect is being treated for gunshotound to the shoulder. Charges are pending. In lifornia, a suspected burglar died after getting stuck in a chimney saturday. A homeowner called police after hearing a scream, after lighting a fire in his fireplace. As he scrambled to put out the fire, the house was engulfed in smoke. The firefighters used jackhammers to break open the chimney, but it was too late. Numbers are in for black friday shopping. Sales slipped to 10. 4 billion, with actual shopping in stores down 10 from last ar. A reason for the decline, a spike in online shopping, which jumped 14 this year. This according to the research firm, shopper track. It was a royal tumble for prince harry. Not once, but twice, at a polo match in south africa on friday. He first fell off after scoring a goal. As the match was ending, he fell again but walked away unscathed. Kensington palace released these adorable photos of princess charlotte, taken at home by her mother, the duchess of cambridge. Marking her sixmonth milestone. Seen happily playing with her stuffed animal. Just a cutie. Adorable. Now to an epic selfie going viral. Take a lookk at t tse two guys posing for a closeup with a bald eagle. After they freed the bird from a hunters trap in canada. They first had to calm the eagle by placing a hoodie over its head. After struggling with e trap and the selfie, they set the eagle free. They dont think it was injured. Beautiful. They said it was really cool to see the eyes up close. I bet. Amazing. Thats a selfie. Look at that. Cool. Thanks. Dylan is back with a check of the national forecast. We have nicer areas. The focus is on the middle of the country where we still have the ice and the rain. The west coast enjoying a nice day, t tugh its chihiy this time of yeye. 40s in washington and oregon. 30s in northern california. The northeast is a little chilly, too. Upstate maine, were seeing temperatures around 26 degrees forareas of light freezing rain, sleet and snow tonight into early monday morning before unties before all changing to snow monday night into tuesday. The wintry mix will be mainly system will track in from the southwest and will dump a lot of have light precip tonight with heavier stuff tomorrow. As temperatures warm up, most of us will see liquid, although rain and snow will mix tuesday. Although iiwill be scattered. Liquidd amounts s ill be around half an inch and snowfall amounts will northwestern counties may see re. This will all depend on around 40. Light freezing rain, snow, sleet and even just rain south of f 80 will track throug thats your latest forecast. Thank you. Still to come on a sunday edition of today, its a doghouse. A woman begins public enemy number one online after posting this picture. Shes lrning the lesson today. Thats for it t tes a lot of work. To run this businene. Im on the move all day long. And sometimes, i just dont eat the way i should. So i drink boost to get the nutrition that im missing. Boost complete nutritional drink has 26 essential vitamins and minerals, including calcium d vitamin d to support strong bones and 10 grams of protein to help maintain muscle. All with a great taste. I dont plan on slowing down any time soon. Stay strong. Stay active with boost. Welcome back on a sunday morning. A woman learned she was barking up the wrong tree when she tried to teach her dog a lesson. Dylan is in the orange room with more on that. It unleashed a fire storm on social media. To say the least. This is katie brown. On friday, she took to facebook and posted a photo of her dog with his muzzle taped shut, along with this caption. This is what happens when you dont shut up. Within hours, the photo spread it was shared more than 300,000 times. Brown tried to clear the air when she then posted, dont panic, everyone, it was only for since. Point made calls to local police came in from more than 44 states and countries as far away as australia, to the point where the Police Department posted this message, saying they were awawe of the photo and they were investigating and taking the matter seriously. Later, they went on to say that they went to browns home and spoke with her son, who told them his mom was out of t tn but the dog was in good health and cared for. Police will follow up when she returns from her h liday weekend. Dont mess with pets, especially on social medi so trueuedylan. Wow. They should follow up by taking the dog. Still to come on today, the new rocky movie a knockout at the box office. The way i i e it, you have two choices; the easy way or the hard way. You could choose a card that limits where you earn bonus cash back. Or, you could make things easier on yourself thats right, the quicksilver card from capital one. With quicksilver you earn unlimited 1. 5 cash back on every purchase, everywhere. So, lets try this again. Whats in your wallet . Right now at kohls. Take 25 off nike apparel, shoes and accessories for the whole family but hurry kohls 25 off nike sale is this week only kohls. When heartburn hits fight back fast tums smoothies starts dissolving the e stant it touches your tongue and neutralizes stomach acid at the source tum, tum, tum, tum eileen loan for a check of our of a next system to track into monday morning before warming enough to be mainly rain on monday. Snow may mix in the Northern Counties beffe all changingngto snow monday night into tuesday. The wintry mix will be mainly during the nighttime hours with mainly rain during monday. This system will track in from the southwest and will dump a lot of snow on the western half of iowa while we remaiimainly wet. We will heavier stuff tomorrow. As temperatures warm up, most of us will see liquid, although rain and snow will mix in our r orthern counties with all snow tomorrow night into tuesday. Although it will be scattered. Liquid amounts will be `around half an inch and snowfall amounts will be a trace to 2, although some northwestern counties may see more. This will all depend on the exact track of the low itself. Today will be mainly dry with highs in the 30s to rain south of i80 will track through. Not much expected, but could see a glaze on the roads by morning. We warm enough to have mainly rain tomorrow with some snow mixing in at times, especially north. Light snow continues into tuesday before we dry out for the rest of the week. New information this eileen loan for a check of our of a next system tootrack into the area. This will bring areas enough to be mainly rain on monday. Snow may mix in the Northern Counties before all changing to snow monday night into tuesday. The wintry mix will be mainny during the nighttime hours with mainly rain during monday. This system will track in from the southwest and will dump a lot of snow on the western half of iowa while we remain mainly wet. We wil have light precip night with heavier sttff tomorrow. As temperatures warm up, most of us will see liquid, although rain and snow will mix in our Northern Counties with all snow tomorrow night into tuesday. Although it will be scattered. Iquid amounts will be arounhalf an inch and owfall amounts will be a trace to 2, although some northwestern counties may see more. This will all depend on the exact track of the low itself. Today will be mainly dry with highs in the 30s to arnd 40. Liiht freezing g rain, snow, sllet and even just rain south of i80 howo you feel . What are you thinking about . Rocky . Rocky . Blast from the past this morning with that sne from the original rocky. The filil starting a a franchise that would bob and weave throughout the next few decades. With now seven installments. The latest revival hitting movie screens this Holiday Weekend in a big way. We are back on this sunday morning, 29th of november, 2015. Weve got another big and lively crowd, enjojong the end of a long Holiday Weekend. I think we have the loud estefan bes hindest loudest fans behind us. With their boas. Nothing like a fuchsia weather boa to get your day started. Weather dangerous this morning as millions of americans return home from their destinations. Icy conditis and flash flooding now responsible for at least 14 deaths and sweeping power outages, as well. New information about the man police say stormed a Colorado Planned Parenthood clinic armed with an ak47, killing three. Investigators havent revealed a motive, but he was heard muttering, no more baby parts, when taken into custody. An fbi alert is issued after an activist isthreatened a muslim communityyn upstate new york. He made headlines earlier in the year for his involvement in antimuslim protests in phoenix. Begin with the retutu of rocky, the franchise back on the big screen with creed. To the surprise of almost everyone,the film that has critics and movie goers in its corner. Jacob rascon has more on reeds knockout success. S. About creed, apparently the best rococ movie since the original. Rocky balboa battled apollo creed, beating him in the sequ sequial. Fighting with him and then defending him. In the latest installment, apollos son is played by michael b. Jordan. When we were doing scenes on the street, all the people, rocky, hey, rocky reporter creed, a smallbudget film with modest expectations i i more than a spinoff. You have a new africanamerican lead in the role. You have a new director. Its a fresh start for the franchise. Rocky not written or directed by sylvester stallone. The new director had to o nvince stallone to sign up. This is his create and hes directed it in his own way. I wanted this relationship to be simpymbiotic. Both of the characters are in need. Reporter the classic underdog sportsstory for a new generation. Already, talk of a sequel and an oscar nod for stallone, who hasnt been nominated since the 1976 otherwise. Creed said to be a knockout edition toone of the most iconic movie franchises of all time. For today, jacob rascon, nbc news, los angeles. Michael b. Jordann had to get ripped for that. It paid off for all of us who get to watch it. There is nofficialalk of a sequel at this point. Michael b. Jordan said hed be there will be a sequel. Final check of the forecast . Much colder up here this morning. As everyone is getting ready to go homeme itll be chilly on the east and west coast. Look at the fact we have freeze advisories out in california. Temperatures only in the 30s and s. You go farther to the north, 20ss d 30 this is very much below average, with highs today certainly on the cold side. Running 5 to 15 degrees below average for highs. Elsewhere across the country, were lking at stillll icy condndions back through t t plains. Rain through texas and into parts of the midwest. Another storm system getting its act together through the rockies. Thatll make for snow as it spreads to the upper midwest as we go intareas of light freezing rain, sleet and snow tonight into early monday morning before counties before all changing to snow monday night into tuesday. The wintry mix will be mainly system will track in from the southwest and will dump a lot of have light precip tonight with heavier stuff tomorrow. As temperatures warm up, most of us will see liquid, although rain and snow will mix tuesday. Although it will be scattered. Liquid amounts will be around half an inch and snowfall amounts will be a trace to 2, although some northwestern counties may see more. This will all depend on around 40. Light freezing rain, snow, sleet and even just rain south of i80 will track throug thats your latest forecast. Dylan, thanks. Up next, our sunday story. Uniting audiences through dance, the director of a Dance Theater celebrates 50 years on the job. The only way is up for four nice people who finished dead last. Joys of cranberry if you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Snt it time to let the. Real you shine. Through . Introducing otezla, apremilast. Otezla is not an injection, or a cream. Its a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. Y. Some people who took otezla saw 75 clearer skin after 4 months. For roroine lab monitoring. Dont take otezla if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. Otezla may increase. The risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have a history of depression. 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All in this beautiful pandora keepsake box. And, right now, youll save 220 on this amazing jared exclusive. There is only one, special place to g jared. Back on a sunday momoing. The alvin ailey theater has captivated audiences in six countries. The woman who played a pivotal role in the theaters success. Its impossible to think about the alvin ailey Dance Theater without mentioning judiththjamison. We talked with her, celebrating 50 years on the job. The reason you remember seeing the dances is, yes, theyre fabulous. They have extraordinary technique. But there is something that touched you inside deeply, and thats what mr. Ailey was about. Reporter r ack in 1958, at a new york city ymca, on the cusp of the Civil Rights Movement alvin ailey had a vision and founded the alvin ailey american dancetheater. There were prejudices and biases going on in this country. When he formed a company that said, yes, i will celebrate our africanamerican experience, and our cultural expression. Alvin ailey said beautifully, dance coming from the people and should always be delivered b bk to the people. That accessibility that celebrates our common humanity is what ties us all together in that theater. Jamison, standing nearly 6 fetalet al tall joined the theater. She became a star. This ballet is why, called cry. The performance on posteres everywhehe, including my bed growing up. I had the cry poster forever. What what about dance brings people to tears . It connected to your core as a human being, and we happened to do it through excellent dance. Eporter before ailey died in 1989, he asked judith to take the reigns as artistic director. For the next 21 years, at a time when several Dance Companies struggled to s sy afloat, she took the company to new heights. To celebrate her 50th anniversary, the ailey dancers are bringing cry back to the stage for the first time in nearly a decadede she turned it into this brilliant piece. And she trusts me to carry the torch. Reporter jamisonon is still active with the company but pass td torch to robert battle. She took the company to heights mr. Ailey probably went, wow, this doesnt feel like a job, it feels like a calling. Reporter battle is forever grateful for Judith Jamison who is, in many ways, like a mother to him now. In fact, a lot of dancers feel that way. Shes likehe glue that holds everything together. Seeing her comes so many other images, you know, of the past and of alvin, of historor soooften, we think in order to go forward, we have to let go of the past. I think you bring it with you. I have neverelieved in in a door closes, then another door will open. I believe that if the door closes, build a fme so you can get a doo and open it for urself. What are your dreams for this company . Always aspiring upward. Always learning new things. We dont survive unless we have something to say. Boz, do we have something to say, and weve been saying i i for a long time. Well continue to do so. You can check out alvin aileys winter season at the New York City Center from d dember 22 to january 3rd, with a special celebration for jamison on new years eve. Great piece. You still have your poster. I do. When i was married, my grandmother made me take it down from the bed. You husband probably doesnt want to look at a ballerina. Itssn my closet. Its strengthhnd dignity. I see it when i get ready in the morning. Beautiful. Winning by losing. Four selfproclaimed losers with the determinatiti to turn their i found a better deal on prescriptions. We found lower copays. Nd a free wellness visit. New plan. Same doct. Im happy. Its medicare open enrollment. Have you compared plans yet . Its easy at medicare. Gov. Or you can call 1800medicare. Medicare open enllment. Youll never knoww unless you go. I did it. I have asthma. One of many pieces in my life. So when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my longterm control medicine, i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment. Oncedaily breo prevents asthma symptoms. Breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a longtete asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Breo wont replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. Breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. Breo contains a tyty of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. Breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a ngterm asthma contrtr medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Once your asthma is well controlled, can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled d rticosteroid. Do not take breo more than prescribed. See your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. Ask your doctor if 24hour breo coulbe a missing piece for you. See if youre elilible for 12 months free at mybreo. Com. Easy to whine about losing. Youll meet four socalled losers who proved they are anything but. Reporter were taught from a young age, you can win at anything if you just put your mind to it. We love those who finish above the rest. Athletes, celebrities, politicians, billionaires. What about those who tried and failed, loved and lost, and rsevered against the odds . I am a loser. Im a loser. Im a ser. Im a loser. Reporter can you win by losing . I did it reporter on november 1st, nearly 50,000 runners competed in the new york city marathon. Everyone was taking pictures. They asked me, do they do it for everybody . I said, i think its because im the last one. Reporter she was the last recorded finisher. 8 hours, 28 minutes. This was sweat, this was tears, this was training for months in advance. This was earned. How many . Reporter for this brooklyn schoolteacher, just fishing was a victory. Not just for her. I am the inspiration for the children. They need me to be the example for who they should be. Reporter ryan knows what it means to finish last. In 2009, he was the kickeke for thth university of South Carolina Football Team and an nfl scout came to watch. I had a tough year. I dealt with an injury that happened the fourth o o fifth week of the season. I felt, why is this happening to me . Reporter the draft followed. The fifth round, sixth round, i never got the call. Into the seventh round, i still didnt get the call. I watched the whole draft and i waited until the very last kid to get picked. Reporter he was bestouwed with the title of mr. Irrelevava, the way to roast the last player picked in the nfl draft. I didnt see it as a bad thing, mr. Irrelevant. To me, i viewed it as an my life growing up here was simple. Reporter by day, hay broker. By night, pageant contestant. Katie has fought her way through competition. My first pageant, i was sick. I didnt know what ufsi was doing. I looked like a mes on ste. Reporter katies first loss. Did it stop her . In june, she competed for mrs. California america for a hopes of winning a spo at nationals. It was exciting and nerve racking at the same time. Reporter once again, she lost. What if youve lost 14 times. Seven times for mayor. Six times for city council. One time f f legislative. Thats 14 times ive lost elections. Reporter jackie reed, a parttime waitress and aspiring politician in alabama. I want to wake up the public. For 30 year, ive been preaching and havent saved a soul. Reporter despite the losses, she refuses to give up. Determination i i the key to success. Im not a quitter. Reporter advice thats paid off for all our losers. Kate tee won heretic et to katie won a spot through internet voting. I was so happy. I couldnt believe it had happened to me. Reporter ryan is a new dad and a top nfl kicker, recently signing a multimillion dollar contact with the tennessee titans. Defeat i i going to happen. Its all about how we respond to it. Im a mayoral candidate. Reporter this november, jackie announced her new candidacy for mayor. Shes still cautious. I dont put dates on the sign because next year, ill have to use the signs again. Reporter jackies resolve made her something of a lococ legend. Theres a lady in my hometown, jackie reed is her name embrace being a loser and show losers can make it, too. Get your mind straight and say, theres always a next time. T maybe somebody along the way will say, he did it. I can do it o. Y y choose what your win will be, and once you go for it, finish. All the best winners have lost. I love that story. Lets go lose so good. We have to move it along. Just ahead, bogged down by labor of love. 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Being in love wiwi your best friend. Is everything. Introducing the ever us twostone ring. One diamond for your best friend. One for your true love. For the one woman in your life whos bobo. Its been her fight for twenty years. Something is wrong with our Healthcare System ananit needs to be fixed. Then, it was about Health Reform and getting eight million kids covered. W, its about stoppipi republicans fromomepealing obamacare, and taking on Insurance Companies to bring down drug prices. Im not going to let any family be deprived of healthcare. Im not going to let the republicans rip up obamacare and throw it away. Im Hillary Clinton and i approve this message. Sundaysysith harry. You probably enjoyed cranberries on thangsksgiving thanks to the dedicated work ofarmers. Harry is back from thth bog. We spent a day in massachusetts, watching the cranberry harvest. There are families that have been farming cranberries more than 100 years. There is nothing quite like it. Reporter not so far from cape cod on a chilly, fall morning, fifth generation cranberry farmer sue gilmore knows the clock is ticking. Only so many days to get the crop . Cold days, cold nights, they turn red. Thats how you get this . Thats how you get thihi beautiful color, thehe red. Reporter when the cranberries are ripe, the bog is flooded and a contraption shakes the berriesoose and they float to thehesurface. Until you come out and you actually see it, you dont realize what its like. What goes into it. You can talk about it, you c anythihi, if youre here, you really get a sense of really what its like. Especially the harvest. This is what we work a year long for. Reporter what its like is as pretty a a a picture. Just about as beautiful a harvest as there is. The berries get corralled, where they get slurped off the surface. Soon, headed to the juice aisle forr a holiday dinner table. Its a proud moment. For us, its a legacy, and its part of kind of the fabric of who we are. Reporter who they are, are people who work hard and love it. If the sun is shining, the water is clear, the berries are red, people need to eat them. Right . My job is to get them off the table. 4 reporter sues brotherinlaw kirby says, when the harveststs dodo, you can tch your breath. We work seven days a week from beginning of april all the way until the middle of november. Days a week. R rorter catch your breath and count your blessings. Good feeling. It really is. To know i am in thehe were pepele before me, my ancestors took care of it. So i take care of it for them. It means a lot to me. Reporter as it will, no doubt, to those who follow. Weve got cranberries from sues bog. Andrea joyce made this with secret ingredients. Brown sugar, dijon mustard and thyme. Will she be mad about giving away her secret . Did you leave somethingout . I knew it. This is great. Straight from a bog in massachusetts. Thank you for the story and the cranberry sauce. Tune into meet the press this morning. Chucks guests, donald trump and dr. Ben carson. I didnt want to talk with food in my mouth. Thatll do it for us on a sunday morning. Thanks for spending part of your haveve great day, everyone. Lesson. As she continues to get arrested for stealing here in eastern iowa. What she did this time. Coming up. Plus. The matchup is set and ready to go. The iowa hawkeyes know who

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