Because God told them to go up and take the land it was ready to be taken the problem was they weren't ready to take it. As long as you want Egypt that is as long as your actions to your past. You negate what God wants to give you in your future and so you wind up going in circles of confusion and circles of despair and for 40 years they have wondered but now they were ready to break through it was the time 40 years later for them to see the hand of God but in case you've been in a wilderness wondering waiting for God to do something day after day week after week month of the month or maybe year after year I just want to know that God has been faithful even in the wilderness. Deuteronomy Chapter 8 he says even though I've had you in the wilderness all these years he says your shoes did not wear out . I think you know from on ha your clothes did not wear out the beauty of God is that he's faithful even when he keeps us in the wilderness because even when he hasn't come through with that measure blessing we'll call that Katyn land what he has done is given you and sustains you on Tellus time for the blessing and you know he's done it because you hear Joshua says in chapter 3 verse 19 Joshua said to the sons of Israel come down here the words of the Lord your God and Joshua says By this you shall know the Living God is among you and that he will assuredly dispossess from before you came nights to tides how the light parasite he goes on and he tells them that you don't know when God opens up your doing. That there is no god but your god when you get your breakthrough it will be clear that that could have only come from God because it would have been something that only God could do the way it was done. They were of bound to behold the powerful breakthrough of God It's described. In verses 12 to 17 we will read it all but he says I want those 13 the priest to carry the Ark of the law and into the Jordan River now the Ark of the Lord with the big chest where God's presence resided so they were going to follow God's presence into the Jordan River it says in verse 14 it came about the people sent out there tends to cross the Jordan with the priest in front and when those who can see are those 15 came into the Jordan the feet of the priest coming on was defeated in the end of the water for the Jordan all who flowed its banks all the days of the hogs not like this let me that was flood season. So if there was ever a time you were going cross the Jordan it was just on the water all the flood its by shit I like that about God He put you in impossible situation its time becomes clear the Lord your God is the only true God He put your back up against the wall Joshua once asked to know this one thing we're going to Todd he wants us to know this is flood season. And the warden's verse 60 which were flowing down from above which ones up and want to be a great distance away. And there are 17 says it all and the priest who carried the ark of the coming of the Lord stood. On dry ground in the middle of the Jordan wall is real crossed on dry ground until all the lesion had finished crossing the Jordan now when I get to heaven I want to video what it's worth. I'm going to say Gabriel that when he that's when I got to see this one in the Red Sea This is like a replication of the Red Sea to have a breakthrough 40 years earlier at the Red Sea but they still had a job on their mind. So that they go in circles until they were ready to let the past go and see God's glorious provision for the future and so now they are there and the Bible says that a long way down the river God blocked the waters and the waters back up in the heat . Where they are climbing would join the priest up in the water. And down stream the wall that is blocked and so it spirals up into a heap and able to don't hound dog perhaps created an earthquake to the rocks when thrown into the river blocking it up or die just said stop and stop whatever happened God stopped the flow of that true movement put another way he intervened in the history of natural law the natural ways things work a miracle is when God intervenes in the natural flow of the river in the nature of things and creates a circumstance that creates something different when you look for your Jordan experience as you it could happen very naturally of God to stop the natural flow of things. That's the beauty about looking the dog he doesn't me nature now that he doesn't need the natural flow it doesn't have to come the way you expected God breaks through normally on naturally but also when he didn't feel is the natural flow of thing another thing about this Miracle is a sense of a 70 they crossed over on jolly. Now that's not normal if you cross over a river of it it's got to be wet You see he says it twice in the verse so that you don't pass it over God not only opened up a way supernaturally and gave them a breakthrough he dropped out the land shut it they didn't get money going through it God opened up a way when there was no way he stopped the natural flow of things but then when he opened up the way he confirmed that it wasn't luck or chance comes all of a sudden the love that ought to have been muddy was chock you can walk to a place where water is been for ever and it be dry. This says if you will it there won't be any question when God comes through because he's going to in the field with the natural flow of things block the water downstream and dry I'll chuck half so you can walk out says baby and not get muddy it won't be messy. But what if God has never interfered with the natural flow of things for you before well Dr Evans will explain how all that can change when he continues our message in just a moment 1st though don't miss your chance to get a copy of our current series messages of hope it uncovers the godly purpose behind the problems and pain in your life if you fresh insight on facing tough choices and remind you of God's faithfulness and love for a few more days we're offering all 6 messages in this collection as our gift in appreciation for your contribution of any amount large or small the only way we're able to keep Tony's teaching on this station is through the faithful support of listeners just like you visit Tony Evans dot org make your donation online and let us send you the cd series messages of hope again that's Tony Evans dot or r g or call our Resource Center at 18083222 where staff members are standing by 247 to help you that's 180803222 well Dr Evans we'll be right back with more of our message after this I lead a small group at church and we've been wanting to get deeper into work now I can do discussions and pray with people but I never want to Bible college or anything well a friend from another church told me about the Tony Evans training center and wow they have all these courses online and there's so much packed into it but you can go through on your own pace so I just did what I could each day after work they gave me all the background on the book there were discussion questions and lots of extra teaching from Tony Evans that goes even deeper than a sermon and if someone in my group had a question I couldn't handle I posted it in the discussion section and got the answers I needed when I told my group where I got all these great resources and one couple volunteered to lead a group of their own to explore our growing list of courses covering many of the most important concepts and Christianity in the Tony Evans training center a world of discovery anytime anywhere. If the truth were told. Because we will always told that done. And we believe it academically but it have not been part of our experience. We always have in the live off of somebody else's testimony because he's never stopped the flow of things for you. When it comes through and gives you your breakthrough because you consecrated to self because you have throw yourself on him and then you have said I am willing to pursue you 1st and the result will be my breakthrough because you have done this I will know that there is no God but you he tells him to record this thing to make a record Bob stones of remembrance So Joshua verse 4 Chapter 4 calls 12 men we at a point of the sons of Israel and he says cost again into the ark of the Lord your God in the middle of the Jordan and each of you take up a stone on the shoulder of according to the number of the tribes of Israel's make a record in this state we have troll thieves and awards we have commendations on walls. To commemorate any event in the past we recognize making records when you get baptized here you get a baptism certificate and a membership certificate so that you have a record that you are part of this church family or the day you recognize one of the reasons that you keep records is to trigger memories records trigger memories and Washington there's the Viet Nam memorial it triggers a record of all of them people who lost their lives defending this country even in a questionable war we have the more you'll day to remember the veterans and then all those who sacrificed. Even though we celebrate Martin Luther King birthday it triggers a memory a memory about a dream up and a dreamer who went through so much he and those who were part of the civil rights movement in the sixty's that are responsible for many of the freedoms that we enjoy today and the breakdown of of Jim crowding the breakdown of segregation in laws that would change things in our society and bring us to where we are today they are the trigger memories he says Let this be in verse 6 assigned to you in other words this was to be a record of what happened when God broke through Dawn has always been there we just haven't kept a record. He's been even in your wondering he has been. Some of you in situations that if it were not for the fact that God's grace all the wold that song comes to you would not be here today but God has been there. He says You kids are lucky that God was there you know judges that bail for an accused person the prosecuting attorney however gets tried to get the bail as high as they can get the bail negated all together and one of the ways the prosecuting attorney does that is by showing a rap sheet of all the other things this criminal has done or the hideousness of their crime and he argues judge based on this rock she bears should not be offered . In other words Judge we couldn't trust him in the past so we ought not send them let him out and expect he don't be any different in the future conversely. If you have a record of the faithfulness of God. If you've got a rap sheet on God where you have record in stone as of remembrance if you have a rap sheet of what he did yesterday what that is supposed to remind you is that God is the same yesterday today. And if his rap sheet was good when you want consecrated. If his rap sheet was good when you were rebellious if his rap sheet metal he kept your shoes from women your clothes from women he sustained you in the wildest of times and that's on the rap sheet the Most certainly you can trust him for the future. Because that's what the record is for Notice what he says in verse 10 he says by this you will know in chapter 3 verse 10 the living God is among you and he will assuredly dispossession you from your enemies the purpose of a memorial in the Bible is not merely to remember yesterday. It is to be reminded that yesterday's God is good for tomorrow. The purpose of your breakthrough when it comes to the purpose of a stone of remembrance is not merely to tell you like a trophy case this is what happened 10 years ago that's a museum you go through museums and you see pictures and you see statues we toured Europe and we saw all these museums you asked me what was in a marking tell you today they were nice for the moment they were very interesting. But if you ask me what was in friends or what was in Germany or what was in England I couldn't tell you you know why because they were museums and museums tell you what happened yesterday now let's roll with that but I did leave. Europe having visited the museums with anything that's helping me right now. Over in our family life center you walk in on the right hand side there is a trophy case of all the basketball games we won of all the baseball games we've won we've got a series of trophies you walk by them and you say wow they've won the money games so one is nice people say yeah we won all those games some of you have child fees when you used to be an athlete. My mother back in Baltimore has told me when I was of me from football to me from from the swim team and me from baseball if me from the Ping-Pong told me that the one that that that trophy I mean after the ship . The purpose of a style of remembrance is the only know what God has done but it's done. And done so that you have a. On what he will. If you've never put your trust in Jesus for your future both here on Earth and for eternity in heaven Stay with us Dr Evans will come back in a moment to explain how that can happen for you today 1st so I want to remind you that what you heard today is part of a 6 lesson collection called messages of hope which include bonus material we won't have time to present on the air this time around as I mentioned earlier it's yours with our thanks when you include a contribution of any amount large or small to help support this broadcast make the arrangements before time runs out by visiting Tony Evans dot org or by calling 18083222 that's 180803222 well tomorrow more from Dr Evans on how God remains faithful even when we don't right now though he's back with his closing thought for us salvation redemption and eternal life the Bible says by grace are you saved through faith that is God gives it away but he won't let you buy it earn it all go to church or any other religious activity to try to make yourself worthy for it and as a result the Bible says God gets the credit and the glory and we don't get to share it which is why he demands that it's free now only does this grace save us but this grace sustains us so even if you are already a Christian but you backslidden Grace is ready to kick in if you will and get you steered in the right direction once more so would you go to God and ask him for the free gift of grace which he gives away when faith is exercise you say well what do you mean exercising faith. I mean believing that what Jesus did he did for you personally this is not just generic It has to be personal salvation and personal restoration so you say to the Lord I personally receive you as my Savior I personally return to you as my deliverer and I'm looking for good gracious the plan . To kill. The alternative with Dr Tony Abbott is a proxy by the urban alternative and it's made possible by the generous contributions of listeners like. Now 624 a k wave one o 7.9 your home for worship and the word Be sure to follow us on social media you can visit our website Kate Wave dot com and you can download our streaming app to take us with you wherever you go and on this Monday morning we're going to connect with Skip height stick in just a few moments as part of his ongoing effort to provide alternative financial solutions Dennis Wilson now offers what he calls 4 dimensional money or 4 d. Money that means that when you invest with Wilson financial your money goes to work for you in 4 different ways just returning from 2 days of training as an end slot masseur lead adviser I'm amazed at how much you can still learn after 50 years in the financial services business but it also amazes me how true it is that other advisors just don't know what they don't know I had a client who came in and explained to me how they got this advice and therefore a one k. And and how they're now costing $100000.00 in taxes and I just said well they just don't know what they don't know if you're nearing retirement sit down learn about our exciting new 4 dimensional money alternatives for IRAs for a one K.'s and bra therapy. Call today. 806969978696970 Wilson financial or simply better alternatives listener Jassi doggie my friends can. Come for us was tired of. Energy efficient system call home comfort. Brand new safe energy efficient. System the fact that. We were able to put. A floor. 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He loses trust with his army and he loses intimacy with the nights you 21888 now we're in 2nd chance you will Chapter 11 as we get into the teaching with Skip high to Jerusalem is built on hills and. Guess where Kings live . Top of the hill. The only thing higher than his house was God's house the Temple was a little bit higher but just next to the temple down on a little precipice was the Palace of the king many of us stood in David's Palace or the foundations of it just months ago. From there the city drops off very steeply so that from the king's house you can virtually see every house around you in plain view rooftops or flat people will often be out there so David's on his rooftop looking down at every other rooftop in the valley. And he saw something something entered his view that every man. Every man can understand he saw a woman very beautiful to behold I suppose if this were written in modern times it might say that David was sitting on the couch with his t.v. Remote late at night. Or David was sitting in front of his computer screen sort of aimlessly searching and surfing the internet but David the king of Israel was on his house and he was looking out. Now there's 2 words in verse 2 I want you to compare I'm glad you brought your Bibles to see this notice the 2 words The 1st says he saw a woman and that she was very beautiful too what was the next word behold see those 2 words saw and behold now those words are different the 1st word suggests a glance he just saw her he noticed her couldn't help that what he saw it came into his view. That the 2nd word suggests a gaze not a glance he went from seeing to be holding it he couldn't help the 1st look it's the double take would kill them if that was what. And he stayed looking and fixated and it turned into a lustful look Jesus said in Matthew 5 you have heard that it was said to those of old you shall not commit adultery but I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust after her in his heart has already committed adultery with her in his heart as I said David sin wasn't the look was the lingering look. Men every man men have a visual ignition switch. That is the pleasure centers of the male brain are turned on revved up by simply seeing. Someone like David saw and by the way those pleasure centers are indiscriminate it could be any woman. And this is where the battle is won or lost. Because once you see something. It's now what do you do with what you see do you keep on seeing do you go from seeing to be holding or do you turn away and see something else David should have done that what David should have done couldn't help the 1st look you notice I'm outta here I mean Joseph literally ran from his situation Genesis 39 part of his wife grabs him and says Come to bed with me and he didn't say around go well let me pray about that he just ran away. So can you. Job understood the power of the look that's why in Job Chapter 31 verse one he says I've made a covenant with my eyes that I will not look upon a young woman. A wise driver once said he who look at on a woman loses a Fender. I'll tell you a true story honest confession I was 15 maybe 16 years of age I went from a permit to a driver's license Southern California my motor transportation was a Honda 3 o 5 motorcycle and I the 1st the only accident I've ever been in where I got in an accident while I was driving was this one I'm on a motorcycle I'm driving down the street almost home I'm following the car but I'm distracted by a beautiful girl in the side of the road and my eyes followed her. I'm following her fall or I'm supposed to be driving and what I don't notice is the car in front of me is now slowing down to make a turn I plow into the back of the car I fly over the car and land on the street in front of a Car Talk about a wake up call in this area. That did it. Now we naturally focus on David in David's last and David's sin but I do have to say something about. If bad she wasn't taking a bath out on the top of her rooftop in plain sight it sure would have helped. She had to have known the vulnerability of that situation given the view of Jerusalem if you can walk out on your roof and see it that easily she had to have known that. So I just want to say women try to be part of the solution not part of the problem help us out here a little bit. You know what I'm sayin your physical appearance can be a snare don't give us something to lust after don't make it easy a w paint Arthur paint writes If lustful looking is so grievous a sin then those who dress and expose themselves with the desire to be looked at and lusted after are not less but perhaps more guilty in this matter it is not only too often the case that men sin but women tempt them to do so how great then must be the guilt of a great majority of modern misses who deliberately seek to arouse the sexual passions of young men best Chiba take it inside. So now we go down to verse 3 and we go from the springtime in David City summer time and David sight to the fall this is the fall this is Humpty Dumpty falling this is fall time in David's sanctity. So David sent and inquired about the woman seems innocent at 1st I just want to ask a few questions find out a few facts just one little step toward Saddam like luggage just find out he inquired about the woman and someone said Is this not Beth Shiva the daughter of a lion the wife of your ra of the hit. Than David sent messengers and took her and she came to him and he lay with her oh I I hate reading this it's so quick it's so cold there's no love here this is just pure passion raw sex for she was cleansed from her impurity and she returned to her house and the woman can see and she said and told David and said I am with child you probably know that kings in those days could take anything they wanted anyone they wanted they would develop a harem. But but this is a different King this is God's King this is the kingdom of Israel and according to the law of Israel there should be one man and one woman for one lifetime and Kings especially were told in the scriptures to not multiply wives unto themselves how many women do they have all together $177.00 wives 10 concubines What does that tell us it tells us this is a pattern with David he's a polygamist he has a heron full of women now now now think about this you would think 17 women would satisfy him it doesn't and why is that for a very simple reason the more you have the more you want. It's not like the more you have you finally reach a saturation point I'm done David it's not done David looked in David lusted in and David lived out his fantasy because he had done it before over and over again this is a pattern with him David didn't collapse in a weak moment David cultivated a weak moment this is his one minute in the chair but he has cultivated. For a long time. I see verse 3 as a warning do you somebody said Is this not best sheep of the daughter of a lie am the wife of your RIAA the Hittite that's a warning hey David David that somebody is Dr David that's somebody whose wife hands off you are he stole from her in looking at her her privacy you already took from her what belongs only to her husband when you gazed at her this is somebody who's wife this is somebody who's daughter. Can I be blunt not that I haven't already. Do you think it was fun. Do you think that night David had with because she was fun I make you can be honest here Was it pleasurable absolutely it was. It was hot it was sizzling as they crawl between David sheets it was magnificent but it lasted one night and is over. Here Brazil Levon says it speaks of those who enjoy the tasks in pleasures of Cindy over here ever a note that phrase it's the passing pleasures of sin it's pleasurable it is pleasurable but it's passing. Where David m. Best she thought they had only lasted for one night. While she gets pregnant the rest of the chapter is a cover up so David sends for your RIAA her husband from the frontlines of the battle to come home hoping that he'll spend a night with his wife sleep with his wife and nobody will ever know the kid will be born as my child but what he underestimates is the integrity of your Ira verse 11 your I a said to David the ark and Israel and Judah are dwelling in tents and my lord Joab and the servants of my Lord are encamped in the open fields shall I then go to my house to eat and drink to lie with my wife as you live and as your soul lives I will not do this thing your eye of the Hittite has more integrity than the king of Jerusalem. And must have pierced David's heart when his man said this now who is your Ryo who is this guy. Your right the Hittite was not a common soldier he was one of David's 30 valiant men the Bible tells us that's why his house was so close to David's house. He had been one of David's valiant men since David had been a fugitive running from King Saul he was born a Hittite his parents converted to Judaism and gave him a Hebrew name the name your I have means my light is the Lord. But this soldier comes home and he says David I should be in battle not sittin in a palace. Well David now tries to get him drunk. Thinking if he's drunk you'll go home live with his wife. Didn't happen. His plan failed so David arranges for his assassination he says take your eye of the Hittite place him in the fiercest part of the battle and let him get killed here's what I want you to see. Once in always leads to another sin it's not like one and it's over. David's lust led to adultery that led to deception that led to entrapment that led to murder. And that's not the end of the story it's not going to just blow over. Like a husband or wife or shopping at Christmas time in the mall there in the same store and. As they're shopping for items this beautiful woman walks through the store and the man's eyes follow her throughout the whole store his wife didn't even look up but she says was it worth the trouble you're now in. We might ask David David Was it worth the trouble you're now in and you know David is in trouble with he's in trouble not only with his family and his army but with his god. So you're right the Hittite goes back he gets killed and it report comes back in verse $24.00 the archers shot from the wall at your servants and some of the King's servants are dead and your servant your ra of the Hittite is dead also now listen to David's response. David said to the messenger thus you shall say to Joab do not let this thing displease you for the sword devours one as well as another strengthen your attack against the city and overthrow it so encourage him. We go from Springtime in David's City summertime and David fall time in David's sanctity. To the coldest time of all it is now winter time in David So listen to how callous he is about one of his mighty men are whatever people die he caused his death. No remorse you know you know why because David's doing this inside. No one will ever know what I've done. Leaving something out look at verse 26 when the wife of your I heard that you're right her husband was dead she mourned for her husband it tore her apart when her mourning was over David sent and brought her to his house and she became his wife in Boerum his son but notice this last sentence but the thing that David had done displeased the Lord. Ponder that phrase let that sink in but the thing that he had done displeased the Lord sin is the most expensive thing in the world. Because it offends God. David thought it's hidden from everyone. Nope. Proverbs 5 written by David son later on Solomon says the ways of a man or before the eyes of the Lord and he ponders all of his goal. David is busted Chapter 12 will tell the story when God sends Nathan the prophet to him. Now David will confess his sin. You know some 51 you know some 32 those are both written after this this is David's confession of his sin and listen to how deep it is some 50 want to have mercy on me oh god wash me thoroughly cleanse me from my sin Can't you hear the emotion in David here's the deal. You know how long it was from the night David fell that night with best Sheba until the time he confessed in chapter 121 year when you're the best time for David to cry out to God it was between verse 4 and 5 sitting on the edge of his bed say Oh God what have I done oh Lord forgive me but he covers it up kills a man gets him drunk orders his assassination and doesn't pray for one year it is winter time and David Soul David loses trust with his family he loses trust with his army and he loses intimacy with God. Now when David saw best when he's standing on his veranda is rooftop he's looking down at her bathing. He must of thought he has never seen a more beautiful sight in all of his life that's how men think at times like this I've never seen a more beautiful woman in all my life and at that moment when the look turned into a lingering look a lustful look David forgot everything because sin especially lust doesn't just sort of cauterizes sense you become insane David forgot who he was David forgot about his family David forgot about his army David forgot about all those Psalms he had ever written David for God God. Was in matter God is just for God God. That's why if you could just somehow rehearse before you act. What the consequences might be but stop a person. Randy Al Coren has written so many good books he's a pastor and author said when I feel particularly vulnerable to sexual temptation I find it helpful to review what effects my action could have been he makes a list I'll just read a few grieving the Lord who redeem me dragging his sacred name through the mud one day having to look Jesus the righteous judge in the face and give an account of my actions inflicting untold heard on Nancy my best friend and loyal wife losing Nancy's respect and trust hurting my beloved daughters scurrying and she causing shame to my family as they ask why isn't Debbie a pastor anymore losing self-respect creating a form of guilt awfully hard to shake even though God would forgive me what I forgive myself bringing great pleasure to Satan the enemy of God and all that is good causing shame and hurt to friends especially those I have led to Christ and disciple and he says I had a list of those names where that would stop you if you could rehearse the consequences before you act. And did David write more Psalms Yes he did he will. Will David Be Forgiven yes he will immorality is not a non forgivable sin of course he'll be forgiven Yes and that's a whole different message but what I want you to hear is that the consequences of sexual sin. Are unique in the pain and the shame that they bring and as we are about to close in prayer I want you to think of what Paul wrote to the Corinthians when he said Let him who thinks he stand take heed lest he fall all of us. Every man all of us men and women we are all vulnerable. So. If you're sitting in your chair for one minute. Looking at the shotgun. Is it worth. Their friendship skip a 6 message the 4 seasons of failure from the series crash and burn come back tomorrow as Skip talks about why it's important to relinquish control and power to the Lord but right now here's skip to share a way you can help others connect with God's truth they can experience his power it's vital that you walk firmly with God and spend devoted time in His Word in order to keep yourself out of temptation's way that's why we make teaching the truths of the Bible such a priority and we appreciate your support in continuing this mission you can give right now to help connect more people to God's word Here's how visit connect with Skip dot com slash donate to give your gift today that's connect with Skip dot com slash donate or call 80922888 Again that's 892-2888 thank you for helping connect others to Jesus so they too can overcome temptation coming up tomorrow skip heights it talks about a man named Jeroboam whose crash and burn brought a nation down with him and you'll learn why should point to relinquish control and power to the Lord it is said 20 times that he made Israel since. The skill is a presentation of connection communication. To be true the ever changing times about 5 minutes before 7 o'clock on your magnificent Monday morning August 5th right here at k. Way 107.9 I'm Jerry Langford happy to be here here hang out with you I'm still catching up from the weekend I hope you had a nice win yourself I was really busy but had a wonderful time I was at the back to school bash and Mary out at the bridge church and big thanks to all the volunteers and workers who made that event so successful we handed out over 2000 backpacks and blessed thousands of families there in the Temecula Valley and then I was also at Miri at a Bible college yesterday for an event for foster families courtesy of orphan care and Nash initiative ministries and Center Point church and of course myriad of Bible college just a great event overall Oh and then there was the Norco Music Festival featuring like cray and Matthew West hope you had a great time if you made it out to that I had fun out there as well so a boy is a busy weekend for me I'm sure glad Mondays here so that I can finally catch up on some rest we've got music from for all seasons coming your way in just a moment and then of course back to basics with Pastor Brian Broadus and at the top of the hour right after care wave news so cal harvest 30 years of sharing the gospel 2030 or 25th your great glory offers this is your. Your life because she. Believes she is a front for King and Country. That's what I'm. You know this for it's not easy Tom let. K w the f.m. Send come any. Good morning this is k. Wave News I'm Jerry Langford in for Bob Shaw the time is now 7 o'clock the nation is reeling after 2 deadly mass shootings happened within hours of each other over this past weekend between the 2 massacres in Texas and Ohio at least 29 people were killed and over 50 others hurt on Saturday morning police say a suspect walked into an El Paso Wal-Mart armed with an a k 47 style rifle and opened fire 13 hours after that a mask. Occur in and rather that massacre in El Paso at least 9 people were killed outside a bar in Dayton's popular Oregon entertainment district President Trump believes the media has a responsibility to life and safety in the United States in a tweet today Trump said the news media has contributed to the rage and anger that has built up over the years the president wants the news media to start being fair balanced and unbiased the body of Robert f. Kennedy's granddaughter shows no signs of trauma An autopsy was conducted on 22 year old search a Kennedy Hill and a local attorney said Friday that the cause and manner of her death will be determined following toxicology tests she was pronounced dead late last week after what was called an apparent.