Transcripts For KVVU FOX5 News This Morning Weekend Edition 20161008

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going up with some clouds drifting across the southern nevada sky on saturday. showers and storms will blossom over arizona today; they will all stay off to our east. under partly to mostly cloudy skies, high temperatures top out in the mid to upper 80s this afternoon. less cloud cover is forecast on sunday with temperatures a few degrees warmer. highs top out in the low 90s and upper 80s. we'll keep the dry pattern going next week with some clouds drifting through the area. temperatures hold in the low 90s and upper 80s. months... the man suspected of a deadly hit and run in north las vegas is behind bars. police confirmed "qaadir issam amin" is in custody after being booked for the murder of clay stampley back in may. following the crash... amin fled the area... even posting pictures on social media of him in the bahamas. fox5 spoke to stampley's son jonathan last night about the arrest. jonathan: " it felt like he got away with it he was living his life he took someone elses life he was going on with his life in the bahamas videoing taking pictures living the life it was okay to him to take someones life and not own up to it. " jonathan says he during amin's trial. the las vegas man accused of shooting and killing his grandmother will stay locked up with no bail. that's what was decided during his initial court hearing yesterday. police say this past tuesday... bradley francis beat his grandmother in the street before shooting her. he then barricaded himself in his backyard for several hours before surrendering. he is due back in court in december. searching for three suspects in a valley apartment robbery. police say a woman was tied up at the oasis bay apartment complex yesterday morning... near flamingo and maryland. no suspects have been identified yet... but neighbors say this isn't the first time they've seen trouble in the area. sauliman hinton, neighbor: there's plenty of break ins over here, and its always on the first floor. mike soto: my son caught a guy trying to steal stuff in our patio. he caught him and he was stabbed outside in the arm. that neighbor received death threats following the incident. he said he thinks there needs to be more security at the apartments on a regular basis. and be the first to know about breaking news-- by downloading our mobile app. you can also watch livestreams of our newscast... any time we're on the air. hurricane matthew continues to hammer the east coast. despite being downgraded to a category two storm.... it hammered florida --- and is now on its way toward georgia and the carolinas. the national hurricane center said matthew will be over the south carolina coast this morning... and be near the north carolina coast by tonight. south carolina's governor issued a warning yesterday regarding possible damage. haley: "if you are in a low lying area or in any of those coastal areas..get to your highest floor of your house." the storm is being blamed for at least four deaths in the southeast--- knocking out power for more than a million people.... dumping inches of rain.... and creating the surges. there are estimates that matthew could be the second u-s costliest hurricane on record. the obama administration is accusing russia of attempting to interfere with u-s elections. this is the first time the u.s. has officially accused russia of being responsible for these activities... like hacking political organizations.. including the democratic national committee. democratic officials made the allegations weeks ago.... but republican presidential candidate donald trump said he wasn't sure russia was involved. ............... meantime... trump is criticizing hillary clinton's health ahead of round two of the presidential debates... " " trump: "do you really think hillary clinton is debate prepping for three or four days? hillary clinton is resting, okay? she's resting. she wants to build up her energy for sunday night." that was donald trump speaking at a new hampshire town hall meeting thursday... clinton had a response about him poking fun at hilary: " i think donald just criticized me for preparing for this debate, and yes i did. and you know what else i prepared for? i prepared to be president and i think that's a good thing." the 90 minute debate airs tomorrow at 6 p-m. and ... donald trump is getting more unwanted attention after the washington post released an interview from 2005 last night. in the interview with access trump makes controversial comments about women. "(trump in 2005 - wash post) "i moved on her like a bh, but i couldn't get there. and she was married... flash to ( trump in 2005 - wash post) "i've gotta use some tic tacs, just in case i start kissing her. you know i'm automatically attracted to beautiful -- i just start kissing them. it's like a magnet. just kiss. i don't even wait. and when you're a star they let you do it. you can do anything." shortly after the footage was released, donald trump released an his facebook page.. " ... and i apologize" he went on to talk about hillary and bill clinton.. saying he would talk more about it in the coming days. saying he'll see everyone at tomorrow night's debate. good news for procrastinators... the deadline to register to vote by mail has been extended to monday. the deadline was originally set for today... but nevada's democratic party sent the state secretary a letter... arguing the october 8th deadline fell more than the required 30 days away from election day. the deadline to register in person u-f-c superstar ronda rousey is using her muscle to fight domestic violence. rousey is hosting an online memorabilia auction now through october 16-th. the money raised will go toward domestic violence non-profit groups right here in las vegas... including shade tree and noah's animal house. the 10-day auction includes autographed items of rousey's.... like hand wraps, posters and even a fight jersey. coming up next... hurricane matthew is blinding us with science! we'll give you an inside look at matthew.... as hurricane hunter's go inside the eye of the storm! plus... we'll tell you how you can enjoy a day out on the lake-- while supporting the fight against breast cancer. we'll be right folks... you have to check out this video! ...hurricane hunters flying hunters flying into the center of hurricane matthew yesterday. on a mission to sample the environment around the storm. you can see how intense the flight is... ...with turbulence hitting the plane as they reach the eye. now fox weather 24/7 temperatures are going up with some clouds drifting across the southern nevada sky on saturday. showers and storms will blossom over arizona today; they will all stay off to our east. under partly to mostly cloudy skies, high temperatures top out in the mid to upper 80s this with temperatures a few degrees warmer. highs top out in the low 90s and upper 80s. we'll keep the dry pattern going next week with some clouds drifting through the area. temperatures hold in the low 90s and upper 80s. and now we turn to ken smith for a look at our traffic. ((closed captioning will resume going up with some clouds drifting across the southern nevada sky on saturday. showers and storms will blossom over arizona today; they will all stay off to our east. under partly to mostly cloudy skies, high temperatures top out in the mid to upper 80s this afternoon. less cloud cover is forecast on sunday look at our traffic. ((closed captioning will resume october is "breast month" and today... survivors will be rowing a boat to help others beat the disease. it's the 8-t regatta. every year... it raises money to help local breast cancer patients-- who aren't insured-- to be able to afford treatment. the regatta also serves as celebration for survivors and memorial for those who have lost their lives in the fight. 65 teams will be competing this year-- including one from canada. "we diagnosed eight women last year, which is huge and that's women who didn't have the money to get into the system or go to a doctor or get a mammogram done. things that a lot of people take for lot of women who really don't have the means to do that so we step in at that point and we get them going." the regatta starts at eight tomorrow morning at lake las vegas. renaissance men and women take note! the renaissance fair has taken over las vegas.... whether you're a peasant or a knight... it could be your time to reign! and looking for a win in sunny san diego!!! how the rebels are preparing for tonight's game against the aztecs. when i was one year old, i was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer on my spinal chord. but i spent my whole life fighting back. so you can imagine what i thought when i saw donald trump say... "i don't know what i said, ah, i don't remember!" " i don't want a president who makes fun of me. i want a president who inspires me, and that's not donald trump. oi had breast cancer, but they caught it in time. there are many women who depend on planned parenthood for that kind of screening and care. so i'll never understand politicians like congressman heck, who tried to defund planned parenthood. he was even willing to shut down the government over it. heck was opposed to roe v. wade and tried to criminalize abortion. that's just shameful, it's just wrong, it doesn't help anybody. congressman heck does not share my values. the "age of chivalry" renaissance festival is enchanting sunset park this weekend. fox5's miguel- martinez valle has morefor all you knights and fair maidens. your after... a change of pace.... a change of.... time period... then let me take you on a journey to the age of chivalry renaissance festival... " ofcourse before i embark on my journey i do have to change out of these peasent garbs" " now we're ready" the festival sees 30 to 35 thousand people come in from lands near and far every year... rober " we stay here thursday, and we pack up sunday" empress anastacia " this is something we've now done, i think ive been doing it 23 years, my husbands been doing it 28 years" and while some go all out with elaborate costumes, tent set ups, and dinners... others just stop in for the food and the show... sharon shane, visitor " i was always kinda into the drumming celtic thing, and its just fun, its fun to the fantasy includes everything from knights in shining armor.... josh ferrer, knight " literally, armoring up, coming out, armored combat... full go no choreography, its a rush" to little princesses playing dress up... princess rose. " my favorite part is whenever we dress up and i get to work at the gate, because i get to meet lots of people and i get to talk to people" when you walk through the gates of the three day festival, you'll find friends and fun all around... " campfires and outings and anything in between, its a great way to become a family and make a good group of friends" lebanese- american festival kicked off yesterday. it is all about music and food that celebrates the lebanese community. it's being hosted by "st. sharbel maronite catholic church" and lasts until tomorrow. zombies are taking over the strip this weekend! the zombie escape is a haunted house-like experience... ...where visitors attempt to escape a horde of zombies. the event takes place at the linq promenade today openings every wednesday through sunday until halloween. tickets start at 15 bucks for locals. bucks for locals. and for all you golfers, check out the taylor made golf jam going on today. there will be free golf club fittings... demos... contests.. and more! the event takes place at taylor made golf experience, across from town square. tickets are 10 dollars. big game tonight fo football... ...they take on division rival san diego state tonight in san diego. u-n-l-v is playing for the division lead but it won't be easy. not only have they not won in san diego in more than 15 years.... and are dealing with injuries... but they'll also have to contain san diego state's hotshot running back... who is las vegas native donnel pumphrey. pumphrey leads the nation in rebels. donnel pumphrey: i'm just motivated even more because it's my hometown. it pushes me to have a great game against them. weekend... ...for the return of the festival of arts. the festival is celebrating its 21st year. and includes live entertainment... and returning artists. and children's art activities, like putt-putt, balloon art creations, and face-painting. the event is free and runs today and tomorrow from 10 to o the lawn in downtown summerlin. coming up next.... as clowns take over headlines across the country.... they're starting to take over police phone lines too. and... ahead of next week's special session.... mayor goodman fights for one n- f-l stadium location. a local real estate company there's the nevada way. work hard. play by the rules. and then there's the danny tarkanian way. penalized for failing to pay thousands in property taxes. ordered by a judge to repay $17 million in a failed development scheme. worse, tarkanian refused to pay it back, sticking taxpayers with the bill. the danny tarkanian way? fighting for the n-f-l stadium is out... we'll tell you why they no longer want to be a part of the project. the first professional hockey game is in the books at t- mobile arena! a look at the professional hockey game is in the books at t- mobile arena! a look at the excitement... coming up. fox five news this morning i'm alyssa deitsch temperatures are going up with some clouds drifting across the southern nevada sky on saturday. arizona today; they will all stay off to our east. under partly to mostly cloudy skies, high temperatures top out in the mid to upper 80s this afternoon. less cloud cover is forecast on sunday with temperatures a warmer. highs top out in the low 90s and upper 80s. we'll keep the dry pattern going next week with some clouds drifting through the area. after robbing a henderson pawn shop. it happened monday afternoon... at the e-z pawn near horizon and horizon ridge. police two men armed with a sledgehammer and a gun-- walked into the store and started smashing cases... and took jewelry. police say the men then left-- and got into two separate getaway cars. they were all arrested a short caught on camera... a violent robbery at a las vegas gas station... now police are looking for the person responsible. take a look... you can see in the video--- the suspect--is a man without a shirt -- he walks over-- picks up a man pumping gas and throws him to the ground before taking several of his things. the suspect then takes off running. it happened last month-- but police are releasing the video in hopes someone knows something. police say the man is around 20 years ol eight-- and was driving-- a white four door sedan. if you have any information -- you are asked to call crimestoppers at 702-385-55-55. hundreds are getting a fast start on this saturday morning. car enthusiasts from all over southern nevada are gathering at speed vegas for cars and coffee. fox5's kathleen jacob is live at speed vegas where things are getting started. good morning, hurricane matthew has killed four people in florida. and its dumping rain and packing strong winds as it barrels into the southeast. scott mclean is in savannah georgia with the latest on the damage matthew has already caused. (nats) "holy jesus! hurricane matthew slammed into the east coast. (nats) bringing high winds (nats) the storm transformed streets into rivers. (nats) how you doing over there? some places could see as much as 15 inches of rain (nats) "we're all scared." coastal communities in georgia -- and the carolinas bracing for the brunt of the storm -- as matthew continues on it path. gov. nathan deal / (r) georgia: "storm force winds affecting the state of georgia and will continue to do so for the next 24 hours. gov. nikki haley / (r) south carolina "it is getting worse and so we're looking at major storm surges, we are looking at major winds" scott "so here in savannah georgia, three out of four people have gone in inland. you can see exactly why officials were so adamant that they did. the winds are really driving - 47 miles per hour sustained, gusts even stronger than that. you can see the water down there cascading down there into the savannah river. the big risk right now is storm surge as matthew starts to approach and get closer, and as we see the high tide a couple of hours from now. officials expect it could be up 9 feet from where it is now, causing flooding and very big problems for this city. in savannah, georgia. i'm scott mclean democratic vice presidential nominee tim kaine wraps up his time in the valley. first he gave a speech in front of 100 people at sun city macdonald ranch in henderson on thursday. and then he surprised a group of workers at the m-g-m grand yesterday. he touched on a lot of points as a part of his speech... but most importantly... he said people in nevada just need to go out and vote... especially because right now this election is very close. tim kaine also spoke out against donald trump.. ...on the latest controversy surrounding released footage from 2005... ...where trump made offensive comments towards women. kaine: "any republican who has said they are for donald trump, they need to be asked, by the press and others and by constituents right now, do you still think he's qualified to be president of the united states? do you still think he is? the footage was released last night and trump has since the remarks. a group has organized a weekend rally in tuscon... in support of clowns... organizer): "it was very innocent. the name behind "clown lives matter" is very innocent. there is a lot of people who live their everyday lives like this and they are getting death threats." " organizers of the "clown lives matter" event say the numerous reports of creepy clown sightings have given a bad rap to legitimate clowns. the rally is meant to show that real clowns are not dangerous. they will hold a peace walk and give away balloons and flyers. clown sightings have been reported to police in at least 10-states over the recent months. the las vegas metro police department-- says received 35 calls regarding clowns. the department says it takes each call seriously. mayor carolyn goodman is showing her support for an n- f-l stadium to be built in downtown las vegas. "we could be ready for major league football by 2018 at that site. because we could go ahead and level it immediately and you know how fas we demolish things here. so we could be ready but waht's accessible to the downtown communities. " mayor goodman wants state lawmakers to consider cashman field as an option.. though she says regardless of where it is built.. she will support the proposal. however, some bad news for the proposed stadium. a local real estate development company is no longer backing the proposal. majestic reatly's executive says his company formally moved on last month. because according to project for casino mogul sheldon adelson.... rather than a corporate project. majestic realty proposed an on campus stadium at unlv in 20-11. professional hockey at the t- mobile arena started last night. fox5s vince sapienza was there... and spoke with fans who are saying frozen fury 18... might be the best one yet... (nats kids cheering) green black and purple at the toshiba plaza. (nats) fans of all adults.. even super heroes making the trip. to see the first professional hockey game played at t- mobile arena. "maday" stars superfan "it's really good to see everybody getting together to celebrate hockey not necessarily you versus us." miguel vaglienty kings fan and you're just like wow, it just makes sense you have to have hockey here, why not?!" fanfest included games.. food trucks... and a little hockey. nick moroch stars fan "it's unbelievable, it's a gold mine, it's a gold mine!" fans says they've already begun to plan an extra vacations. "i plan on, i usually make a few trips here and there and this will be on my on my to do list." "i'm going to go to every single game when dallas comes to vegas, it's like a second home to me." tim marino kings fan "when the kings play it'll be perfect for us to come out here to take a vacation and then watch the kings and whatever the knights are." but it wasn't all kings and stars fans in the crowd. michael sarabyn las vegas hockey season ticket holder "hey this is where it all started for me, coming to a thunder games at the thomas and mack and it's beautiful it's fantastic i'm excited about season tickets and it's awesome." "it feels real away so it feels real special." "i can't wait to come back here two or three times a year and spend more money." we've been warned about taking the galaxy note-7 on planes... and now we know why. more on the emergency evacuation-- after a passenger's note-7 caught fire. plus... are you addicxted to taking selfies?? what a new study says about you. next. ray steiber: i was in charge of homicide. i know when something's not right. the attacks on question 1 are wrong. question 1 protects the right of law abiding nevadans to bear arms. carry. hunt. protection. it's all there. doesn't change. and no one goes to jail for swapping guns while hunting or at the shooting range. what changes is convicted felons can't run to a gun show yes on 1. killers are getting ready to drop a new track. singing the local band announced they are working on their new album.. that was a little taste, called peace of mind. the album will be out next year. it's full speed ahead for "the girl on the train." " i saw her, i saw her from the train......coldest story ever told" the thriller which is based on a best-selling novel... justin theroux... and allison janney. the rebellion epic "the birth of a nation" also hits theaters this weekend. so does "middle school: the worst years of my life". now fox weather 24/7 with sam argier temperatures are going up with some clouds drifting across the southern nevada sk showers and storms will blossom over arizona today; they will all stay off to our east. under partly to mostly cloudy skies, high temperatures top out in the mid to upper 80s this afternoon. less cloud cover is few degrees warmer. highs top out in the low 90s and upper 80s. we'll keep the dry pattern going next week with some clouds drifting through the area. temperatures hold in the low 90s and upper s. a southwest airlines flight on it's way to baltimore gets evacuated.. after a samsung galaxy starts smoking the owner of the phone by samsung as a replacement airlines flight on it's way to baltimore gets evacuated.. after a samsung galaxy starts smoking the owner of the phone says he was given the smoking phone by samsung as a replacement for his old phone... which was recalled for the exact same problem. but the new phone went up in smoke as soon as he turned it off and put it in his backpack for safe keeping on wednesday... because the phone owner): "right after i did that, i heard a popping sound. i was looking around to see what was going on and i just saw that smoke was pouring out of my pocket. i pulled it out and threw it onto the ground." all 75-people on board the aircraft were safely evacuated... a statement from samsung says... "until we are able to retrieve the device... we cannot confirm that this incident involves the new note-7". many of us have snapped a "selfie" before... but a new study shows excessive selfie-taking may vanity at all. researchers say those who take a lot of selfies and post them to social media could be struggling with something. it may mean a sign of mental health problems... relationship trouble... or a sign of loneliness. the new study looked at the personalities of 300 people... and how often the took a picture of themselves. they say "selfie addicts" do it to seek approval and attention of others. again after backlash from users. it's reversing two previous changes. stories will not auto-advance anymore... and discover content will be moved down on the page. the company says the update is available on android right now... and will show up for everyone else soon. many snapchat users were upset with the new update... and the idea of "forcing" them to watch stories. csn is holding an open house for stranded i-t-t students today. that's happening at the school's north las vegas campus on cheyenne. it starts at 9 a.m. the event will help students learn how to transition from the closed private college to csn. one problem many of the students from i-t-t face is that because it wasn't an accredited school, many of the credits don't transfer. so c-s-n would like to help those students out and offer them guidance. celebrity chef-- gordon ramsay officially opens his fourth restaurant in las vegas... and the newest eatery--- brings home to the strip. crowd cheers, "5...4...3...2...1 whooooo!" ramsay's 'fish-n- chips' restaurant is now open for business on the linq promenade. it offers fried fish, shrimp and of course chips! ramsay has been working around the clock to to get the restaurant ready--- gordon says, "we've done something pretty unique there again from the amazing beer batter fish and just bring a little of the east end of london to the vegas strip." the restaurant looks like something you would see while walking the streets of london. ramsay invites everyone to stop by and check it out. a florida teen made a catch that's catching fire on line. jeanne moos has more on the bobble-of-the- year. --reporter pkg-as follows-- there are more unusual things to catch than a football. for instance, when a band caught and drank a beer.. or when a dad sat his son on the luggage counter at an airport in poland. the boy fell but was caught by a security officer. there is baby where he should not be. baby falls. there it is! at least 13-year old jaden wilson didn't bobble a baby. the youth footll league pro titans in wellington, florida tried a little razzle to jaden. watch him bobble, behind his back, on his knees, on his feet, bobbles again...touchdown. an unforgettable catch, right? i don't really remember the play. it was just shocking that i actually caught it when i ended up with it. jaden's dad was on the sidelines talking to his wife on the phone. he kept bobbling the ball and i was like "he caught it, he dropped it, no, he didn't drop it." how cool is this. at the age of 13 to not only be included in sports center's top ten plays but to be look at this play here bobbles it 6 times andmakes the play "catch of the year!" tweeted someone. but a naysayer disagreed...."if he was actually really good it wouldn't have been bobbled so much." try telling that to the undefeated pro titans, not to mention jaden's dad. he averages about 2 to 3 touchdowns a game. but this kid is humble. all that bobbling won't go to his head. jeanne moos cnn new york okay... don't you hate it when people put words in your mouth? i do too... but if it's going to happen... we want the bad lip readers to make a video of it. what they made from the presidential debate! next. she saw the boots and fell for fall all over again. was she expecting to find the perfect designer boots at such an amazing price? no. but that's the beauty of a store full of surprises. and already the jokes and memes check out this "bad lip reading" from teh debate. "welcome back everyone......i doubt you're quite that good hahah" let's see what the makers of 'bad lip reading' are going to come up with for the next one. stay with us for more breaking news, weather and traffic in just two minutes on fox five news this morning. the deadly hit- and-run when i was one year old, i was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer on my spinal chord. but i spent my whole life fighting back. "that reporter he is talking about suffers from a chronic condition that impairs movement of his arms." i don't want a president who makes fun of me. i want a president who inspires me, and that's not donald trump. priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. i'm one of the lucky ones. i had breast cancer, but they caught it in time. there are many women who depend on planned parenthood for that kind of screening and care. so i'll never understand politicians like he was even willing to shut down the government over it. heck was opposed to roe v. wade and tried to criminalize abortion. that's just shameful, it's just wrong, it doesn't help anybody. congressman heck does not share my values. dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. horner: i was proud to stand for our country. i will not stand for congressman hardy and donald trump insulting seniors and veterans. are a draw on government and the disabled are a drain on society. and then there's donald trump. they're just not for us. dccc is responsible for the content of this advertising. they're just not for us. ray steiber: i was in charge of homicide. i know when something's not right. the attacks on question 1 are wrong. question 1 protects the right of law abiding nevadans to bear arms. carry. protection. it's all there. doesn't change. and no one goes to jail for swapping guns while hunting or at the shooting range. what changes is convicted felons can't run to a gun show or go online and buy guns without background checks. that will save lives. yes on 1. case closed. as a marine combat veteran, i understand the sacrifices our military makes. our benefits are earned, and we rely on them. politicians like joe heck should understand that. federal government, risking critical services for nevada veterans. and during that shutdown, heck continued cashing his congressional paycheck. his military record deserves respect. but back in dc, joe heck is putting politics before nevada. and that doesn't work for me. narrator: vote vets is responsible for the content of this advertising. from the bahamas--has been arrested. coming up... how police caught him. and... more fallout following the latest controversy in the donald trump campaign. what he had to say about the recorded private conversation that was released this week. cc will resume good morning i'm alyssa deitsch welcome to fox5 news this morning. first - sam argier joins us with a quick look at the fox 5 weather 24-7 forecast. temperatures are going up with some clouds drifting across the southern nevada sky on saturday. showers and storms will blossom over arizona today; they will all stay off to our east. under partly to mostly cloudy skies, high temperatures top upper 80s this afternoon. less cloud cover is forecast on sunday with temperatures a few degrees suspected of a deadly hit and run in north las vegas is behind bars. police confirmed "qaadir issam amin" is in custody after being booked for the murder of clay stampley back in may. following the crash... amin fled the area... even posting pictures on social media of him in the bahamas. fox5 spoke to stampley's son jonathan last night about the arrest. jonathan: " it felt like he got away with it he was living his life he took someone elses life he was going on with his life in the bahamas videoing taking pictures living the life it was okay to him to take someones life and not own up to it. " jonathan says he will go to court during amin's trial. the las vegas man killing his grandmother will stay locked up with no bail. that's what was decided during his initial court hearing yesterday. police say this past tuesday... bradley francis beat his grandmother in the street before shooting her. he then barricaded himself in his backyard for several hours before surrendering. he is due back in court in december. metro police are searching for three suspects in a valley apartment robbery. police say a woman was tied up at the oasis bay apartment complex yesterday morning... near flamingo and maryland. no suspects have been identified yet... but neighbors say this isn't the first time they've seen trouble in the area. sauliman hinton, neighbor: there's plenty of break ins over here, and its always on the first floor. mike soto: my son caught a guy trying to steal stuff in our patio. he caught him and he was stabbed outside in the arm. that neighbor went on to say they've even received death threats following the incident. he said he thinks there needs to be more security at a regular basis. and be the first to know about breaking news-- by downloading our mobile app. you can also watch livestreams of our newscast... any time we're on the air. hundreds of car lovers are gathering this morning for cars and coffee.... its a chance for them to geek out about fast cars! fox5's kathleen jacob is live at speed vegas where the first of the exotic cars are just beginning to show up... hey kathleen! good morning, alyssa! that's right more than 250 cars are expected to be here this morning. everything from vintage cars to exotic cars... super fast cars. i'll let you take a look at what i can see right now... they're just starting to arrive... cars and coffee has been going on for a while but as of today its moved here to speed vegas which really opens up a lot of new opportunities... i'm here with... ((quick interview)) admission is free starting in just an hour... there will be breakfast, coffee, and car rides until 10 am. at ten the track opens to the general public. where the first of the exotic cars are just beginning to show up... hey kathleen! good morning, alyssa! that's right more than 250 cars are expected to be here this morning. everything from vintage cars to exotic cars... super fast cars. i'll let you take a look at what i can see right now... they're just starting to arrive... cars and coffee has been going on for a while but as of today its moved here to speed vegas which really opens up a lot of new opportunities... i'm here with... ((quick interview)) admission is free and it's open to all guests of all ages starting in just an hour... there will be breakfast, coffee, and car rides until 10 am. at ten the track opens to the reporting live...fox5 news... local. las vegas. hurricane matthew matthew continues to hammer the east coast. despite being downgraded to a category two florida --- and is now on its way toward georgia and the carolinas. the national hurricane center said matthew will be over the south carolina coast this morning... and be near the north carolina coast by tonight. south carolina's governor issued a warning yesterday regarding possible damage. haley: "if you are in a low lying area or in any of those coastal areas..get to your highest floor of your house." the storm is being blamed for at least four deaths in the southeast--- knocking out power for more than a million people.... dumping inches of rain.... and creating the potential for damaging storm surges. there are estimates that matthew could be the second u-s costliest hurricane on record. " " trump: "do you really think hillary clinton is debate prepping for three or four days? hillary clinton is resting, okay? she's resting. she wants to build up her energy for sunday night." that was donald trump speaking at thursday... clinton had a response about him poking fun at her preparations. hilary: " i think donald just criticized me for preparing for this debate, and yes i did. and you know what else i prepared for? i prepared to be president and i think that's a good thing." the 90 minute debate airs tomorrow at 6 p-m. and ... donald trump is getting more unwanted attention after the washington post released an attention after the washington post released an interview from 2005 last night. in the interview with access trump makes controversial comments about women. "(trump in 2005 - wash post) "i moved on her like a bh, but i couldn't get there. and she was married... flash to ( trump in 2005 - wash post) "i've gotta use some tic tacs, just in case i start kissing her. you know i'm automatically attracted to beautiful -- i just start kissing them. it's like a magnet. just kiss. i don't even wait. and when you're a star they let you do it. you can do anything." shortly after the trump released an apology video on his facebook page.. " ... and i apologize" he went on to talk about hillary and bill clinton.. saying he would talk more about it in the coming days. he wrapped up by saying he'll see everyone at tomorrow night's debate. good news for procrastinators... good news for procrastinators... in the coming days. he wrapped up by saying he'll see everyone at tomorrow night's debate. good news for procrastinators... the deadline to register to vote by mail has been extended to monday. the deadline was originally set for today... but nevada's democratic party sent the state secretary a letter... arguing the october 8th deadline fell more than the required 30 days away from election day. the deadline to register in person or online is still october 18th. facebook users are getting a new feature. it's called "secret conversations" in the facebook messenger app. the company says the texts are encrypted on users' devices. so if you are chatting in "secret mode" on a particular smartphone... you won't see previous messages on your desktop. facebook says neither they nor the government will have access to the texts. coming up next... hurricane matthew is blinding us with science! we'll give you an inside look at matthew.... as hurricane hunter's go inside the eye of the storm! plus... we'll tell you how you can enjoy a day out on the lake-- while supporting the fight against breast cancer. we'll be right jacky rosen: i'm jacky rosen and i approved this message. man: the tea party republicans in congress want to cut social security. woman: and danny tarkanian wants to join them. man: he is proud to call himself a "tea party radical." man: he wants to privatize social security... woman: ...just like them. woman: risking social security benefits on wall street. ise the retirement age... woman: just like the tea party republicans in congress. man: they would take away what we've paid for out of every paycheck. man:that's "tea party radical" for ya'. follow your own sense of style... because, you want to be confident. t.j.maxx really helped us express our creative side. that's the best part. you don't know what you're going to find. i always find great deals on shoes... purses... we're a team. yeah. video! ...hurricane hunters flying into the center of hurricane matthew yesterday. on a mission to sample the environment around the storm. you can see how intense the flight is... ...with turbulence hitting the plane as they reach the eye. now fox weather 24/7 temperatures are clouds drifting across the southern nevada sky on saturday. showers and storms will blossom over arizona today; they will all stay off to our east. under partly to mostly cloudy skies, high upper 80s this afternoon. less cloud cover is forecast on sunday with temperatures a few degrees warmer. highs top out in the low 90s and upper 80s. we'll keep the dry pattern going next week with some clouds drifting through the area. temperatures hold in the low 90s and upper 80s. going up with some clouds drifting across the southern nevada sky on saturday. showers and storms will blossom over arizona today; they will all stay off to our east. under partly to mostly cloudy skies, high temperatures top out in the mid to upper 80s this afternoon. less cloud cover is forecast on sunday few degrees warmer. highs top out in the low 90s and upper 80s. we'll keep the dry pattern going next week with some clouds drifting through the area. temperatures hold in the low 90s and upper 80s. and now we turn to ken smith for a look at our traffic. ((closed captioning will resume shortly)) cancer awareness month" and today... survivors will be rowing a boat to help others beat the disease. it's the 8-th annual rose regatta. every year... it raises money to help local breast cancer patients-- who aren't insured-- to be able to afford treatment. the regatta also serves as celebration for survivors and memorial for those who have lost their lives in the fight. 65 teams will be competing this year-- including one from canada. "we diagnosed eight women last year, which is huge and that's women who didn't have the money to get into the system or go to a doctor or get a mammogram done. things that a lot of people take for granted. there's a lot of women who really don't have the means to do that so we step in at that point and we get them going." the regatta starts at eight this morning at lake las vegas. fair maidens and knights!'s the "age of chivalry" renaissance festival! the three day event is taking place at sunset park... ...and includes elaborate costumes, good food, and plenty of adventure and fun. the fantasy festival is an annual celebration that sees plenty of visitors... ...including some long-time participants. empress anastacia: this is something we've now done, i think ive been doing it 23 years, my husbands been doing it 28 years" the festival sees 30 to 35 thousand people every year. at the gate... ...15 dollars for adults, 10 for children. ...and if you don't dress up, no worries, you can still enter this enchanted realm... fresh off a big home win against fresno state, the unlv football team is on the road to face the defending conference champion. the rebels play at san diego state tomorrow night - with a chance to make a major statement. fox 5 sports director kevin bolinger is with the team in san diego and has a preview. unlv has not won in san diego since 2000. quallcomm stadium has been a 2000. quallcomm stadium has been a house of horrors of late.but the rebels come in feeling they can compete if they put together a complete game. to do that - it means containing one of the best running backs in the country - las vegas native donnel pumphrey. music/nats san diego state game angry after seeing their 13 game win streak snapped last week at south alabama. but it's a team still getting a lot of buzz. most of that buzz is about senior running back donnel pumphrey. the las vegas springs grad leads the nation in rushing and is already the aztecs all time leader. pumphrey alwasy seems to have a huge game against unlv and admits the match-up has a little extra juice. donnel pumphrey: i'm just motivated even more because it's my hometown. it pushes me to have a great game against them. unlv will have to keep pumphrey in check for a shot to win the game. they'll also need another stand-ut performance from quarterback dalton sneed. sneed replaced the injure johnny stanton last week and was spectacular san diego state likely going big to stop the rebel run - sneed will need to pass successfuly for unlv to stay in this. tony sanchez: people are going to load the box, you're going to see a lot of safeties playing down low so dalton is going to have to make some throws. we want to be a balanced offense. that won't be easy - wide receiver darren woods is lost for the season after injuring his knee last saturday - the third unlv receiver out for the year...leaving only three scholarship recievers left. tony sanchez: we kind of feel like a one legged man in a butt kicking contest right now at that position but it si what it is. we're going to have t guys step up. kevin on camera if the rebels could somehow pull this off - they'll be in control of the west division of the mountain west. but they'll have to win it as underdogs..the aztecs are 15 point favorites. with the rebels in san diego, kevin bolinger, fox 5 news, local las vegas. coming up next.... as clowns take over headlines across the country.... they're starting to take over police phone lines too. and... ahead of mayor goodman fights for one n- f-l stadium location. a local real estate company that's been fighting for the how tall are you? how do we measure greatness in america? the size of our bank accounts? no. it's measured by what we do for our children. the values we pass on. i've spent my life fighting for kids and families and it will be my mission to build a country where our children can rise as high as their dreams and hard work take them. that means good schools for every child in every zip code. and an economy where every young american can find a job that lets them start a family of their own. we face big challenges, but we can solve them the same way families do. working together. respecting one another. and never giving up. i want our success to be measured by theirs. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. the books at t- mobile arena! a look at the excitement... coming up. good morning. good morning. welcome back to fox five news this morning i'm alyssa deitsch fox five news this morning i'm alyssa deitsch temperatures are going up with some clouds drifting across the southern nevada sky on saturday. showers and storms will blossom over arizona today; they will all stay off to temperatures top out in the mid to upper 80s this afternoon. less cloud cover is forecast on sunday with temperatures a few degrees warmer. highs top out in the low 90s and upper 80s. we'll after robbing a henderson pawn shop. it happened at the e-z pawn near horizon and horizon ridge. police two men armed with a sledgehammer and a gun-- walked into the store and started smashing cases... and took jewelry. police say the men then left-- and got into two separate getaway cars. they were all arrested a short time late... caught on camera... a violent robbery at a las vegas gas station... now police are looking for the person responsible. take a look... you can see in the video--- the suspect--is a man without a shirt -- he walks over-- picks up a man pumping gas and throws him to the ground before taking several of his things. the suspect then takes off running. it happened last month-- but police are releasing the video in hopes someone knows something. police say the man is around 20 years old and five foot eight-- and was driving-- a white four door sedan. if you have any information -- you are asked to call crimestoppers at 702-385-55-55. getting a fast start on this saturday morning. car enthusiasts from all over southern nevada are gathering at speed vegas for cars and coffee. fox5's kathleen jacob is live at speed vegas where things are getting started. good morning, kathleen! which is huge and that's women who didn't have the money to get into the system or go to a doctor or get a mammogram done. things that a lot of people take for granted. there's a lot of women who really don't have the means to do that so we step in at that point and we get them going." the regatta starts at eight this morning at "we diagnosed eight women last year, which is huge and matthew has in florida. and its dumping rain and packing strong winds as it barrles into the southeast. scott mclean is in savannah georgia with the latest on the damage matthew has already caused. (nats) "holy jesus! hurricane matthew slammed into the east coast. (nats) winds (nats) and heavy rain. (nats) the storm transformed streets into rivers. (nats) how you doing over there? some places could see as much as 15 (nats) "we're all scared." coastal communities in georgia -- and the carolinas bracing for the brunt of the storm -- as matthew continues on it path. gov. nathan deal / (r) georgia: "storm force winds affecting the state of georgia and will continue to do so for the next 24 hours. gov. nikki haley / (r) south carolina "it is getting worse and so we're looking at major storm surges, we are looking at major winds" scott mclean/reporting: "so here in savannah georgia, three out of four people have gone in inland. you can see exactly why officials were so adamant that they did. the winds are really driving - 47 miles per hour sustained, gusts even stronger than that. you can see the water down there cascading down there into the savannah river. the big risk right now is storm surge as matthew starts to approach and get closer, and as we see thhi couple of hours from now. officials expect it could be up 9 feet from where it is now, causing flooding and very big problems for this city. in savannah, georgia. i'm scott mclean reporting." savannah, georgia. i'm scott mclean reporting." democratic vice presidential nominee tim kaine wraps up his time in the valley. first he gave a speech in front of 100 people at sun city macdonald ranch in henderson on thursday. and then he surprised a group of workers at the m-g-m grand yesterday. lot of points as a part of his speech... but most importantly... he said people in nevada just need to go out and vote... especially because right now this election is very close. tim kaine also spoke out against donald trump.. ...on the latest controversy surrounding released footage from 2005... ...where trump made offensive comments towards women. kaine: "any republican who has said they are for donald trump, they need to be asked, by the press and others and by constituents right think he's qualified to be president of the united states? do you still think he is? the footage was released last night and trump has since apologized for the remarks. a group has organized a weekend rally in tuscon... in support of clowns... organizer): "it was very innocent. the name behind "clown lives matter" is very innocent. there is a lot of people who live their everyday lives like this and they are getting death threats." " organizers of the "clown lives reports of creepy clown sightings have given a bad rap to legitimate clowns. the rally is meant to show that real clowns are not dangerous. they will hold a peace walk and give away balloons and flyers. clown sightings have been reported to police in at least 10-states over the recent months. including las vegas metro police-- who sauy they've taken 35 clown calls since september. mayor carolyn goodman is showing her support for an n- f-l stadium to be built in downtown las vegas. "we could be ready for major league football by 2018 at that site. because we could go ahead and level it immediately and you know how fas we demolish things here. so we could be ready but waht's downtown communities. " mayor goodman wants state lawmakers to consider cashman field as an option.. though she says regardless of where it is built.. she will support the proposal. however, some bad news for the proposed stadium. a local real estate development company is no longer backing the proposal. majestic reatly's executive says his company formally moved on last month. because according to them, it was becoming a legacy project for casino mogul sheldon adelson.... rather than a corporate project. majestic realty proposed an on campus stadium at unlv in 20-11. professional hockey at the t- mobile arena started last night. fox5s vince sapienza was there... and spoke with fans who are saying frozen fury 18... might be the best one yet... (nats kids cheering) it was a sea of (nats) fans of all adults.. even super heroes making the trip. to see the first professional hockey game played at t- mobile arena. "maday" stars superfan "it's really good to see everybody getting together to celebrate hockey not necessar miguel vaglienty kings fan "you see the arena and you're just like wow, it just makes sense you have to have hockey here, why not?!" fanfest included games.. food trucks... and a little hockey. nick moroch stars fan "it's unbelievable, it's a gold mine, it's a gold mine!" fans says they've already begun to plan an extra vacations. "i plan on, i usually make a few trips here and there and this will be on my on my to do list." every single game when dallas comes to vegas, it's like a second home to me." tim marino kings fan "when the kings play it'll be perfect for us to come out here to take a vacation and then watch the kings and whatever the knights are." but it wasn't all kings and stars fans in the crowd. michael sarabyn las vegas hockey season ticket holder "hey this is where it all started for me, coming to a thunder games at the thomas and mack and it's beautiful it's fantastic i'm excited about season tickets and it's awesome." "it feels real special, two games we know it's going away so it feels real special." "i can't wait to come back here two or three times a year and spend more money." we've been warned about taking the galaxy we've been warned about taking the galaxy we've been warned about taking the galaxy note-7 on planes... taking the galaxy note-7 on planes... plus... are you addicted to taking selfies?? what a new study says about you. next. newar you... it's full speed two billionaires, spending millions to buy a senate seat for joe heck. smearing catherine cortez masto with ads called "bogus," "highly misleading," and "false." as attorney general, it's cortez masto who held banks accountable and helped nevada homeowners. and governor sandoval praised cortez masto's dedication to fighting sex trafficking. don't let joe heck's billionaires fool you. catherine cortez masto m catherine cortez masto newar you... it's full speed ahead for "the girl on the train." " i saw her, i saw her from the train......coldest story ever told" the thriller which is based on a best-selling novel... and stars emily blunt... justin theroux... and allison janney. the rebellion epic "the birth of a nation" also hits theaters this weekend. so does "middle school: the worst 24/7 with ophelia young temperatures are going up with some clouds drifting across the southern nevada sky on saturday. showers and storms will blossom over arizona today; they our east. under partly to mostly cloudy skies, high temperatures top out in the mid to upper 80s this afternoon. less cloud cover is forecast on sunday with temperatures a few degrees warmer. highs top and upper 80s. we'll keep the dry pattern going next week with some clouds drifting through the area. temperatures hold in the low 90s and upper 80s. going up with some clouds drifting southern nevad sky on saturday. showers and storms will blossom over arizona today; they will all stay off to our east. under partly to mostly cloudy skies, high temperatures top out in the mid to upper 80s this afternoon. less cloud cover is forecast on sunday with temperatures a few degrees warmer. highs top out in the low 90s and upper 80s. we'll keep the dry pattern going next airlines flight on evacuated.. after a samsung galaxy starts smoking the owner of the phone says he was given the smoking phone by samsung as a replacement for his old phone... which was recalled for the exact same problem. but the new phone went up in smoke as soon as he turned it off and put it in his backpack for safe keeping on wednesday... because the flight was about to take off. (brian green, cell phone owner): "right after i did that, i heard a popping sound. i was looking around to see what was going that smoke was pouring out of my pocket. i pulled it out and threw it onto the ground." all 75-people on board the aircraft were safely evacuated... a statement from samsung says... "until we are able to retrieve the device... we cannot confirm that this incident involves the new note-7". many of us have snapped a "selfie" before... but a new study shows excessive selfie-taking may not be about vanity at all. researchers say lot of selfies and post them to social media could be struggling with something. it may mean a sign of mental health problems... relationship trouble... or a sign of loneliness. the new study looked at the personalities of 300 people... and how often the took a picture of themselves. they say "selfie addicts" do it to seek approval and attention of others. the college of southern nevada is holding an open house for stranded i-t-t students today. that's happening at the north las vegas campus on cheyenne. it starts at 9 a.m. the event will help students learn how to transition from the closed private college to csn. one problem many of the students from i-t-t face is that because it wasn't an accredited school, many of the credits don't transfer. so c-s-n would like to help those students out and offer them guidance. celebrity chef-- gordon ramsay officially opens his fourth eatery--- brings little piece of his home to the strip. crowd cheers, "5...4...3...2...1 whooooo!" ramsay's 'fish-n- chips' restaurant is now open for business on the linq promenade. it offers fried fish, shrimp and of course chips! ramsay has been working around the clock to to get the restaurant ready--- gordon says, "we've done something pretty unique there again from the amazing beer batter little of the east end of london to the vegas strip." ramsay invites everyone to stop by and check it out. by and check it out. a teenager in california says he wants to stop pollution right in its tracks... so...he's working on eliminating it one step at a time... fox's marc martinez has his story... riley orgeta - is a prescott valley teenager - with strong convictions about stopping so he organized the run to support the nationwide demonstration at the dakota access pipeline site... where hundreds of native americans have gathered. the hopi teenager comes from a long line of runners. r orgeta says: "well ive never ran 1400 miles before only like 3 and thats only competition im no a competition" riley orgeta - is a prescott valley teenager - with strong convictions about stopping pollution... so he organized the run to support the nationwide demonstration at the dakota access pipeline site... where hundreds of native americans have gathered. the hopi teenager comes from a long line of runners. l ortega says: "he figured hey im only 15 what can i do and he thought by running he could generate a lot of popularity and awareness to bring to the pipeline" that interstate pipeline - would carry thousands of gallons of oil across four states. the lakota people are concerned about water contamination.. and say a pipeline break could devastate the missouri and mississippi rivers. r orgeta says: "my purpose was to raise awareness and help my people with the water" simon says: "i was kind of amazed school to have this idea to want to contribute to that cause and do it in that manner was great" other nations are showing support... three other runners will join him on parts of the journey. his parents -- lori and erin -- will be there to support him on his remarkable trek. l ortega says: "we did not think twice we said absolutely so we started making some calls" r orgeta says: "im already making sacrifices by not going to sectionals or state" a sacrifice - he's ready to make. l ortega says: "we just want the world to know this pipeline needs to stop but hes doing it for those that there's the nevada way. work hard. pay your taxes. and then there's the danny tarkanian way. penalized for failing to pay thousands in property taxes. ordered by a judge to repay $17 million in a failed development scheme. worse, tarkanian refused to pay it back, sticking taxpayers with the bill. the danny tarkanian way? nothing on this woman ive never seen her doze off during the game! i dont know im so interested so that i cant put it down loretta is her name, and baseball is her game... the 102-year-old family says not a game has gone by where she's not glued to the screen. too cute. - what's up, guys! today we're hanging out in jupiter, florida to do a little beachin', a little scuba diving, and to face one of my biggest fears. just another day. (dramatic orchestral music) wanna meet one of our friends? come on in! (muffled, intercom speaking) (rain falling) (frogs croaking) (electricity buzzing) (thunder booming) - it just doesn't make any sense. - i know, kirb, it just freaks the heck out of me though. hey, guys, charlie here. you know my sister, kirby.

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