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Reporter hi, lester. The center of the political universe has shifted here less than 24 hours after iowa set a record with 50 more republicans caucusing than ever before. Now, its New Hampshires turn with some candidates under pressure. Not used to losing were going to win. Were going to win so much. Reporter donald trump finally did, today making headlines with the winning story line all ted cruz. So what a victory last night. Reporter hes deploying the same strategy in windham, New Hampshire as he did near windham, iowa, shake lots of hands. A local volunteer with the ted cruz campaign. Reporter make lots of calls and take on trump. Donald trump was saying every day that i was his friend, that he loved me, and now im an anchor baby. He or anyone else insults me i dont respond in kind. Reporter but youve attacked them . I do think differences on policy, on record, on substance, thats fair game. Reporter our conversation coming just after cruzs today slammed for being too long, too flamboyant, taking a tone very different from his gracious one last night. And i want to congratulate ted, and i want to congratulate all of the incredible candidates. Reporter trump now in New Hampshire where he leads by double digits. His edge here, more independent voters and fewer evangelicals, a Crucial Group for cruz in iowa, and by the time New Hampshire votes tuesday, trumps decision to bail on the des moines debate may not resonate anymore. Anything can happen because New Hampshire voters really make up their mind on that final weekend. Reporter while cruz hopes to frame this as a oneonone duel, one point behind trump in iowa was marco rubio, a strong third. Isnt this a threeman race now . Well, listen, thats up to the voters. I have to say im amused at the media talk about what an impressive third place fin snish but a new state means a new race, now just run week away. H ha llie jackson, nbc news, windham, new reporter this is Gabe Gutierrez covering the rubio campaign. Rarely has a third place finish felt so much like a victory. Today marco rubio fought to keep that momentum. Ill see you in the morning. I wasnt kidding. Reporter thanks to a ground game that swayed late undecided voters, rubio shattered expectations in iowa, surging into the top three of the republican field. So this is the moment they said would never happen. Reporter and emerging as the first viable gop alternative to cruz and trump. They told me that we have no chance because my hair wasnt gray enough and my boots were too high. Reporter even polling at 15 , yet he raked in a surprising 23 , one percentage point behind trump. Are you the real establishment candidate here . You know, i think people always use that terminology. Ive had to run against the establishment. That said i want to unify the party. Reporter now the question is how much will that establishment rally behind him, or will donors support other candidates, jeb bush, john kasich or Chris Christie . Today christie took rubio head on. Election, everybody. This is an election for president of the united states. Lets get the boy in the bubble out of the bubble. Reporter some strong words from christie. I think thats been a tough couple days for chris and some of the other guys. Reporter rubio looking past New Hampshire. Im putting my confidence and my trust in marco rubio. Reporter announcing an endorsement from South Carolina senator tim scott. Rubio wants to make the case in New Hampshire that unlike ted cruz he can appeal to republicans in a much more moderate state, and so thats how he wants to position himself as reporter many analysts are predicting a 3, 2, 1 strategy for rubio, if he finishes third in iowa, second in iowa and first in South Carolina, that could nomination. Lester. Was the closest race in iowa caucus history, so tight that iowas Democratic Party did not declare Hillary Clinton a margin until late this afternoon. Bernie sanders has not ruled out contesting the count. Weve got both campaigns covered started with nbcs andrea mitchell. Reporter in New Hampshire today Hillary Clinton was sounding triumphant. I am so thrilled that im coming to New Hampshire after winning iowa reporter but the stark reality is after starting out 40 points ahead of Bernie Sanders she ended up victory. Tails. Tails. Reporter it even took coin tosses to get there and the delegates will be virtually evenly split. Clinton today telling Msnbcs Chris Matthews she was relieved at the outcome. Everybody said if there was a big turnout that would advantage senator sanders. There was a big turnout, and we won. Reporter but iowa entrance poll reveals her weaknesses. Among the biggest, the crushing defeat among young voters, losing them by 84 to 14 . Going for sanders . Do you understand what that dynamic is . Absolutely . Reporter what is it . System is rigged against you, vote for me, ill break up the big banks and tax the billion airs and give you free college and cut the cost of health care, end of story. Reporter after squeaking out a win in iowa, clinton is now sounding more like sanders. I know that we can finish the job of universal Health Care Coverage for every single man, woman and child reporter shes now trying to lower expectations here in New Hampshire where sanders from neighboring vermont has a doubledigit lead, hoping her husband, who was once the comeback kid here, will help her at least avoid too big a defeat. Andrea mitchell, nbc news, manchester, New Hampshire. Reporter im kasie hunt with the Sanders Campaign in New Hampshire where they are hoping to turn iowa momentum into his first 2016 victory next tuesday. And last night we revolution not just in iowa, not just in New Hampshire but all over this country. Reporter sanders criticizing clinton after this comment last night. I am a progressive who gets things done for people. Reporter do you think Hillary Clinton is a progressive . Some days, yes. Except when she announces that she is a proud moderate and then i guess shes not a progressive reporter vermont senator still riding high after that near miss in the Iowa Caucuses that the Campaign Says was anything but a loss. It looks like we are in a virtual tie. Reporter according to entrance poll, that performance was powered by firsttime caucusgoers who went for him 59 to 37 . But those polls also show a steep challenge for sanders. Iowa democrats who are most concerned about which candidate can win in november backed Hillary Clinton by 60 points. Well, i like you, bernie, i want to vote for you, but i just dont think you can win. Today we took a giant step to overcome that kind of doubt. Reporter it was a whirlwind night for sanders. A red eye flight to New Hampshire where hundreds of supporters rallied for him at 5 00 in the morning. What time is it . Thats amazing. Reporter another sign of that enthusiasm . After his speech last night Bernie Sanders raised over 1 million. Lester . All right, kasie, thanks. Lets turn to chuck todd, nbc news political director and moderator of meet the press. Chuck, what impact will last night have it is a plays ought over New Hampshire the next week . Now we see a shift in the burden of proof on candidacies n. Iowa the burden of proof was on donald trump and Hillary Clinton and ted cruz. Ted cruz passed his test. Hillary clinton barely passed her test. Now the burden of proof shifts in New Hampshire to Bernie Sanders and donald trump. Donald trump and Bernie Sanders have had doubledigit leads in New Hampshire for now they have to win here. Well, Hillary Clinton might have a little bit of momentum, the clintons have done well in New Hampshire in the past, and now we know everything could be thrown up into the air on the republican side of things. So i think thats the big change here is suddenly mustwin states for sanders and trump. All right, chuck. Thank you. There are a pair of troubling new developments in the zika virus outbreak. Doctors in the u. S. Are reporting the first known case of the virus being sexually transmitted. While in brazil experts are trying to determine whether the virus could be linked to a rare condition that causes paralysis in adults. Nbcs rehema ellis reports from brazil. Reporter mosquitos are the primary way the zika virus is transmitted, but today the cdc confirmed the first case acquired by texas. As a result, the cdc tells nbc news it will now issue a new advisory this week. If a man comes back, gets sick with zika and then has with a woman who is pregnant or may be pregnant, there is the theoretical risk that that woman could then become infected with zika. Reporter as Health Officials study transmission, the cdc is also investigating other serious illnesses seca may cause beyond microcephaly in babies. In brazil, 27yearold dave gomez is recovering from sudden paralysis he woke up a month ago after having zika zikalike symptoms. He was diagnosed with gulanbarre syndrome, a debill interrogate and often treatable condition with blood physical therapy. Last year we have 65 cases. Reporter this neurologist says thats four times higher than normal at you think the zika virus is connected with the syndrome . Yes, absolutely. Reporter who is at everybody. Is on the ground in brazil looking into the possible link. Were doing a study so we can determine if theres a relation and if so which people are most at risk. Reporter youre saying he could be disabled for the rest of his life . Yes, yes. Reporter this 59yearold farmer paralyzed for a month with guillanbarre syndrome showing no signs of recovery as scientist race to solve this unfolding medical mystery. Raheem ark ellis, nbc news, recife, brazil. Much of this country is under threat of Severe Weather overnight. Under 13 Million People are under tornado watches in the south while blizzard conditions continue to midwest where they have already been hit hard. Nbcs jacob raskon is in the threat zone. Reporter the massive winter storm pummeled the midwest and plains, blizzard beyond. This will be a big snow, maybe some of the worst since 2008 and 2009. Reporter 11 inches of snow in the hawkeye foot in colorado, and in nebraska, where whiteout conditions choked more than 100 miles of interstate 80, 15 inches of snow. Airports scrambling to keep up. Nearly 2 million americans under blizzard warning tonight with 21 million at risk for severe storms. We could have wind, hail, even tornadoes today. Reporter late today reports of at least two tornadoes damaging a church and a college in mississippi, reported sightings in alabama, tornado watches from louisiana to kentucky. In memphis, parking lots and intersections flooded in minutes. Meanwhile in pennsylvania, a bold prediction. There is no shadow to be cast, an early spring is my forecast reporter only the 18th time Punxsutawney Phil has not seen his shadow since the late 1800s, and with el nino bringing temperatures up to 25 degrees above average an early spring is not out of the question, but for millions of come early enough. And tonight the storm is on the move with new reports of tornadoes and tornado damage coming in by the minute and the threat of tornadoes, lightning, hail and continuing tonight and into tomorrow for millions of americans. Lester . Jacob rasc ho n tonight, thank you. Comedian bill cosby appeared in court for the first case against him. Cosby is accused of drugging and sexual assaulting a woman in 2004. A former District Attorney who declined to pursue charges in the case back in 2005 test today. He said the accuser had credibility issues, but he also says he supports the decision now to prosecute cosby. The defense wants the case dismissed. Still ahead tonight, they are accused of a shocking crime, a pair of Virginia Tech students charged in the killing of a 13yearold girl. Why its raising new concerns about the dangers of social media. Also terrifying moments inside the cabin when a huge hole investigators have released new details of the shocking murder of a 13yearold girl in virginia. Charged in the case are a pair of teenaged students from Virginia Tech, and there is much concern over what role social media may have had in the crime. Nbcs Janet Shamlian explains. Reporter the griefstricken mother of Nicole Madison lovell living the unimaginable. Nicole touched many people throughout her short life. Reporter authorities tonight say the 13yearold was stabbed to death and the connection to two promising College Freshmen from Virginia Tech charged in her murder may be social media. The seventh grader was active on twitter and a Facebook Forum called teen dating and flirting. The night she disappeared nicole reportedly showed a friend texts from an 18yearold man she they came on a messaging app called kick which Authorities Say has been used by sexual predators. We will not let this violence define us. Reporter police say 18yearold david eisenhauer, a track star and engineering student, kidnapped and murdered nicole. 19yearold natalie keepers was originally charged with helping him get rid of the body. Authorities now say she was involved before nicole died. Natalie keepers will be charged today with being an accessory before the fact to the firstdegree murder of nicole lovell. Reporter the seventh grader went missing last week after climbing out of her bedroom window. Her body found 80 miles away in north carolina. These two individuals took my daughter from this plante, and i want to know why. I want all the information i can get. Reporter a family, a Community Without answers, shaken to its core. Janet shamlian, nbc news. Were back in a moment with a major change military leaders want to make a terrifying incident aboard a passenger plane in hole was blown in the midair. A passenger captured the scene inside the cabin after the rupture occurred at 10,000 feet. The plane was forced landing. Officials say at least two people were injured. The cause of the investigation. Should young women have to register for the draft . The top officers in the army and marines both told congress yes today about two months after the pentagon opened all combat positions to women. Even though no draft is currently in place, almost all young men ages 18 to 25 are required to register for it. E the white house has announced a new recipient for the medal of honor, but the navy has not released a photo of him because hes a member of the elite and covert s. E. A. L. Team six. Senior chief special Warfare Operator edward byers will receive a medal for bravery in a dramatic rescue mission to free an american doctor from the taliban in 2012. When we come back here tonight, onward to New Hampshire. Ahead of the very e timely tonight, as we noted at the top of the newscast, the center of the political universe has now officially shifted from iowa to New Hampshire. A week from now the state holds very first primary in the nation, so whats weighing on the minds of voters there . We asked our Kevin Tibbles to visit a town in New Hampshire to fine out in our series we the people. Reporter in the White Mountains sits littleton, New Hampshire, the town that gave america the story of pollyanna and where you can still feel her optimistic spirit on main street. Its a positive mood, people collaborating and working together. Reporter but littleton also embraces New Hampshires motto of live free or die. At chuters candy store. Wow. Reporter owner jim aldon savers his role as an independent, like some 40 of the voters here. They are going to make their decision on their own. Not really influenced by, you know, the crowd. Reporter inside Northern Lights music dan solomon and family have a rhythm all their own. I will decide when i cast my vote. Reporter son asher wants his candidate to be as independent as he is. Not having those views dictated to him by people who are advising him. Independent. Reporter but while much of New Hampshire has fared well out of the recession, many say it has come from hard work and sacrifice. Im not looking for a handout. I dont want anything from government, and i want my fellow neighbor to feel the same way. Reporter art runs a local frame shop and while his mind is made up his independent spirit runs deep. At the end of the day the world isnt a pollyanna. We do have to make tough decisions. Reporter the Granite State will make up its mind when its good and ready, and by golly, as pollyanna would say, be glad about. Kevin tibbles, nbc hampshire. And that is going to do it for us on this tuesday night. Im lester holt. For all of us at nbc watching and good such racial tension and divided the blacks and whites. And i dont relive the history. Meredith you saw how divided we were. Lance it was becoming race when it was class. It revealed that the Justice System is broken and if you have thats what i learned from the trial. Meredith when it comes to dating anyone knew do you need to partner your new falls. Becoming friends with your significant others friends is worth the effort. Do you feel that is true . Megan when you are with someone and they have friends, that is a part of their life and they are important to them. And we embrace. I suck it up. And they needed to suck it up. Lance i have no poker face when i dont like someone. I am polite, but you know i am not into you. A lot of my husbands friends say, i dont think lance likes me so much. Lance i am sure some of my friends dont like him. Some of them are spoiled rotten. And i was not raised for privilege. My husband grew up in a privileged era. Yamaneika ladies and gentlemen, it is lance bass. It is privileged. Meredith he is a regular shirrley temple. And your significant other, you go and have dinner with so and so. Jerry doesnt like all of my friends and i dont like all of his. I try more. This is where i married my father. If he didnt like you it was. But yeah, they are like, i dont think jerry likes him too much. Yamaneika when i meet one

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