And heres our standard disclaimer. We dont know how people voted just which parties are turning out their voters. This tuesday will be the first time for many voters to cast a ballot whether they just turned 18 or have just never voted before. This election season is not the first time ina hasten has cast a ballot. Far from it at 107 years old, shes the oldest person in colorado to submit perhaps the most important civics lesson right here. Ive always voted so i vote every time i made a choice. May not be the right one. But it was the one for me at americans, she was troubled by the choice. It doesnt seem to be like our candidates this time have been quite like theyve been in the past. Maybe i just dont remember. Reporter and at 107, shes had her experience of choices. I have voted for every election since sdr. Reporter think about the names on the ballots shes seen since then Ronald Reagan was her favorite. This year, those two names at the top were not. I voted for the libertarian because i didnt want to vote for either one of the others. Reporter sometimes you have to do what you have to do. And at a time when so many people are considering not even voting, ina has one piece of advice. If we dont vote, we cant complain, can we . Next election. In everyday life, i guess the lord is deciding he doesnt want me yet. Reporter something tells me that will take a while. Ina says politics are getting dirtier than ever before. But she told me she has an advantage. If she hears something she doesnt like, she just turns her hearing aid down. She was born in february 1909. Four other voters born in that year have submitted ballots in colorado, too. I like her secret there. Just turn the a id down wish i had one even with our shift all voting in colorado, the state has to make sure every single poling place is accessible to anyone who wants to vote in person which is quite the effort. Nelson garcia took the look. Im with the secretary of states office. Reporter before every ballot is counted, before every winner is chosen, this man must make sure sometimes the door doesnt work. Reporter every voter can cast a vote. Director for el dorado. Shes driving from poll to poll next left. 1200mile it is last ten days. Reporter to make sure every site is ada complaint. I would say every polling place has a problem or potential problem. Reporter from chairs in the way thats why its movable. Reporter to ramps too sleep. 8. 3 of a grade or less . And so this is 8. 4. Reporter he wants local officials to so they can be fixed. So its nice that when we do have these inspections, our work is validated and our voters can feel good about the locations we have. Reporter to make sure the touch pads and audio ballots are functional as well and wheelchairs can get to the voting booth. The person in the wheelchair or the blind man who is using a tapper can come into a polling location that vote is just as important to my vote, the governors vote, the sure is that the elevator works. We have to make sure things keep working throughout the process. Reporter clearing the way for all vote, one poll at a time. For next, im nelson garcia. 5 to 10 of voters who come to the polls will have some kind of disability and his team will have personally inspected about 2 3 of the states polling places. May i make a recommendation . This is where we point you to something thats not ours but worth your while. Check out on craig, colorado. Trevor hughes is the reporter. He explores that coal town where Hillary Clinton may just put the place out of business if collected. So craig is donald trump country. Opinions vary across colorado. Rarely, though, does it vary at this voter was born in russia. Voted for the First Time Since 2008 since becoming a naturalized citizen. Despite all the let reck this year, she rhetoric this year, she treasures her vote. For many of you born in this country, voting is a right. To me, its a privilege. I was born in moscow, russia. I immigrated in this country in the mid90s. My first president ial election is was in 2008. I had just become a citizen. I registered immediately and i was proud to go vote. I didnt do the mail in ballot. I went to my polling place because i wanted to know how it felt to actually matter. [ silence ] to be heard and for my voice to count [ holding back sobs ] i wanted to make sure i was and i apologize. This is emotional for me even still. So when i watched the inauguration of my first president , i cried it was slightly embarrassing. I was on a treadmill at the gym. Apparently, im a public crier. And i looked at him and said out loud, this is my president russian is a place russia is a place the heart of the city. The place where being a journalist is dangerous. Thats where im from. And while its not all bad, i choose, i am lucky enough to be able to choose to live here. Im an american. I raised my family here. [ holding back sobs ] i vote here when they say its not important or they wont participate because theyre mad and nothing will change. I am passionate about our democracy. I am excited to cast my ballot because i cannot wait to be heard i know it matters. And i am certain i will count next rolls on at various speeds a couple Miles Per Hour and the case of weekend. Our friday night tradition, it will improve your day or your money back. A museum will be moving through the streets of denver this weekend. Its not a hipster thing where they call it a museum and its on a bus. To banning. Its propped up on steel beams. That move starts today. Tomorrow it should be in the street and it should be in place you on sunday. Its all controlled remotely. Kind of like a Remote Control but its a building moving really slowly. Its not a speedy move. Well be going about 3 to 4 miles an hour. And depending on if everything goes well, 4 to 6 hours. If longer than that. The building will tell us how fast we can go. Months ago, staff packed up the exhibits, moved them into storage. It should reopen in its new location next fall. Cu Football Team is getting a lot of attention lately. Thats what happens when you dont stink. Thats more attention for ralphy, as well. All five ralphys over the years and all the student handlers at my favorite part is the exhibit about ralphy. Its truly special to see all that in one place, talking about all the years ralphy has been running for the university. Its such a great tradition and just to see all the people involved in the program over the years. Exhibit commemorates ralphys 50th year. These are athletes who get varsity letters for their effort although theres no Scholarships Available for the role. And cronkite has been seen as the epitome of the straight news man. Just the facts. But consider some of the defining moments in his career at cbs news. Hes remembered for the moment that emotion took control as he handled the assassination of jfk. And he offered his analysis of he passed away in 2009. Grab a cold one nec is about to make you a next is about to make you a sandwich for the weekend and we find every friday is sunnier if we give some thought to one fundamental question. What is your good news . . [ music ] . Hi, there meteorologist danielle grant in the weather center. You know what . Today, another gorgeous one. Plenty of sunshine out there. Temperatures in the 70s. Weve been breaking records left and right around here. But you think we may break another record. Were talking about potentially the latest snow fall weve seen here in the denver metro area. There in 1934. That was the longest time it took to see snow fall. With those long range models i think itll be then or even beyond before we see the flakes flying here in the metro area storm system, though, pushing in across portions of southwestern colorado. This will bring the san juans a little bit of snow. Areas above 10,000 feet will see most of that moisture. Tonight were down to 41. Partly cloudy skies. And tomorrow, a pretty nice one. In fact, back to the afternoon. Otherwise, the 60s stick around for the majority of next week. Kyle, did you really put my face on a meet sandwich . That was steve stayinger. And under the bus he goes it looked delicious, though delicious danielle sandwich thank you, danielle and kick back and relax next style. Here are nine suggestions. Offer to rake leaves for a front of their political yard sign. Play next license plate bingo. The first one to spot 25qs win. Take the last nasty emails you received and read them out loud, preferly in public. Its a riot. Enjoy our beautiful state and make it so along the way. Youll feel great. Go down to union station. Its a gem of our community. If youre not worried about getting any place on time, the aline is a breeze. Go sit on the patio. Bring along a sunflower. People wont think youre weird. Bring your pet along. Dont go home until you see a sign that makes you smile. Send it to us. Heynext. And lastly, visit the 16th street mall. Im just kidding be safe, everybody. Answer at a that boltons were ending the workweek we always do here on next to make people smile. Courtney went out to the park to ask people our favorite question whats your good news . And save us the email. We know this isnt news. Its life . [ music ] . Right now we are in city park, denver, colorado. Its a beautiful [ peaceful music ] [ whistle ] hes looking at a squirrel. Its pretty cool to see people out and enjoying the community and the fresh air and beautiful weather. Ah especially during election season. Its nice to have positive days and feel good for sure. Okay im happy about my choice. It makes me happy. Another Beautiful Day in paradise. This is phenomenal weather. Im happy about that. I have food to eat. Not everybody has that. [ baby crying ] right now im happy about my 1monthold baby. Shes healthy and happy and bringing a lot of joy in our lives. Are you helping brother . Yes im happy about our duplex we moved into six months ago because we all livid in a one bedroom. So now everyone has their own room. Im happy about a lot of things right now. I have a beautiful fiance. Thats a positive thing. Probably get married the next summer. Just a Beautiful Day beautiful view beautiful denver thats thats a lot to be thankful for. Some good news there from city park boy, bole boles piece struck a lot of people. Anystasia boltons piece struck a lot of people. Absolutely beautiful sentiment in one of the darkest elections weve had. And another, so proud to have anystasia bolton as a fellow american me, too. Maybe we can have her hang out us more. . . Tonight, an e. T. Exclusive, Mariah Careys first interview since her split. People dont want to believe while other shows are talking about mimi, we are talking to her. They have no idea. So whats really going on with this diva . You cant put it on me. Then Michael Bubles heartbreak. What we just learned about his 3yearold sons cancer battle. You are scared all the time. You cant ever think of a World Without them. Plus new dancing drama. We are with injured pro sharna. Is she out for good . Injured pro. And . Is Carrie Underwoods 1yearold son already following in his mothers footsteps. It was really good to hear him say, chh, cha, cha. Now for november 4, 2016, this is entertainment tonight. Is mariah carey hurting and depressed after the broken engagement with her billionaire fiance . Thats the new report out there. Guess what . You can judge for yourself interview and performance since their bombshell breakup. How are you doing . Im good. How are you . You look fantastic. How are you feeling . Thank you. Very festive. Mariah showed up about an hour late and was reportedly paid 500,000 per song and that would make her sevenminute, twosong performance a Million Dollar payday.

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