In the gospel whether from behind the pulpit or on internet radio or on this current radio broadcast and we're very happy to be here doing that but maybe you just showed up maybe you're a newcomer in the northwest Arkansas and 10 years ago when we came here it was different it referred to this as Mayberry r.f.d. I used to look for Opie in Andy and Sheriff Andy Griffith and I just thought where is everybody because I know this is like that there were no liquor stores there were just it was just such a serene beautiful place I got pulled over 6 times by the police when I 1st moved here because I had the heavy lead foot of California and I never got a ticket they just looked at my driver's license and said Well Mr exhibit you're going to need to slow down and I tried and it takes it's taken 10 years and I'm still passing people today I've still got some room for growth there's no doubt about it but I've noticed a kind of atmosphere in northwest Arkansas that has been very very healthy for me personally and so we're still growing up in fitting in if you will and you know we've been planted here and we're growing in this region and so maybe you're here and we just wanted to extend a welcome to you and let you know that on this radio broadcast we go deep I mean we're staying in the Book of Revelation where like a really good restaurant that you find every once in a while and you go back you have a great meal you say man I want to go back there again and you find another great meal and for the majority of the times we are on the year we do provoke we shake things up a little bit we go far out at some points and you know rattling the cage and we've gotten some people angry with us and we've made a lot of people happy that we're finally talking about things that have been lain dormant and so we always open our lines up because we most of the time want to hear from the people that call him and every once in a while someone calls in and we hit the silent button and. But nonetheless we're doing our best to communicate with the people and so if today at any point during this broadcast you would like to call in and you have any questions or comments or things you would like to share the number to call is 47963679794796367979 and that's a local number and let me give that one more time 471-636-7979 extension 1 of the things we've attempted to do was to steer away from drama just being dramatic for the point of being dramatic we really do steer away from that we don't try to make things up we genuinely when we read the scriptures and we look through the lens of Scripture you know that's our view into world events when we see things happening in our country or around the world we have been outspoken about those things and we want to talk about them and we want to awaken the greatest power on this earth which is the Body of Christ and so again I want to welcome you to call into the broadcast we already have a call coming in this morning let's go and take that call Good morning God bless you welcome to the broadcast you're on the air. Brother Vince and I just I was I heard your little bit ago and then I have to take it and. Make some coffee back in the on the radio. I have a question for you I don't want to take too much of your time but I think you just get started. Also through my life. And I think that you'll get this pretty easy. To live I've heard that you know. We'll forgive us for all our sins Ok And it's like from the east to the west and it's like you know all gone every day all your sins are forgiven they're they're gone. So and then on the other hands I keep going here and there's going to be a Judgment Day where all the things you know and there's going to be a Judgment Day Pretty accountability so is that a come contradiction what a misunderstanding or something then I think you get my question yeah it's a great question and thank you for asking the question I think it's very simple. I think that for those of us who have received the atonement the shedding of the blood of Christ our personal sins are forgiven we've allowed the judgment to pass from us on to Christ and then of course upon the nations of the earth that have rejected that gospel that atonement that blood there is a day of judgment coming all speaking the more of that in just a little bit but let's take our next call Good morning God bless you welcome to the broadcast you're on the air. Good morning good morning a link and yes. I was just going to comment we have a winter wonderland here where I'm from. And where are you calling for us you're going to. South Dakota welcome South Dakota. Where is that. We won't. Have any glosses over whether you can see it because it's called. Know your own way I know you know you can see it it's all in the snow it's caused them and lives on him it looks like a reindeer we do have a color Yes go ahead. So anyway this season is here now all you know concerning the birth of Jesus Christ and I was wondering since so much controversy lately people are talking in their same when but she says tryst really born one last year and I well. I we know we have the facts in the Bible but we don't know the exact l l h do you camp on that he was born Feb 18th and I honestly you know I'm in I'm just joking with you this is been the controversy because recently we've been told by Rabbi that have really an intense intrinsic study and insight to the Word of God that Yeshua was born during Passover during the lambing season they brought up Excellent points others have said he was born during the feast of tabernacles that's why the shepherds were out in the fields others have suggested that it was December 25th but then they pagan eyes that whole thing and it's a confusing thing I'll tell you my personal opinion I don't think anybody really knows 100 percent when you she was born but when I personally and I can get a lot of trouble for this but when I step into December and I move into you know this time of the season and I start thinking about the Star of Bethlehem and I think about the wise men that came from the east and I think about a virgin by the name of Mary I think all of that biblical narrative that Gospel story has always been connected to this time of the year December 25th and you know it wouldn't surprise. Me that that day the winter solstice and all the things that went on in negativity you know tried to dominate that but I do see you know during Passover you're not talking about the Star of Bethlehem you're not talking about the baby you know that was born from a virgin womb you're not really seeing all of that and not even during the feast of tabernacles Do you really relate that but the story of Christmas the birthing of Christ is something that we get at this time of the year with the warmth that does come around so I personally absolutely 1000 percent enjoy the gospel side of this moment not the commercialism and all the things of Santa Claus and reindeer and all that I mean the a colors are beautiful the warmth there the songs are great but the narrative the Gospel narrative right now I'm Ok with that and if they find out you know if God speaks out of heaven and says no he was born on you know April 10th or whatever you know praise God for that I just think that he was born that's my thought gentlemen any thoughts to that I remember something that John think on brought forth yeah the Passover Passover you know the shepherds are out tending to the young sheep in the field and so in that time. You know you says Wow And that just totally shifted everything off of December it to a new season and I think a lot of people's thinking was shifted and you go wow this could be true but I think the most important thing right now we know that Jesus was born but the real thing that I think of is that when Jesus is born in us absolutely that's that I think being born again that just honors him that he is growing and he's alive and well but I do agree that I wish we could bring some of that winter wonderland down here because what makes it nice during this time absolutely Now let's go back for just a moment because that really that that's a controversial question pastor can that's a tough one you know when was Jesus born we don't know Ok Does it really matter. Well there you go and yet we do celebrated at this time of the year nationally in our country and around the world this has been a celebrated season ends and people get into the whole idea of you know the back drop and they make it a very bad thing and I've heard that for years and I've been willing to stand by and listen but nobody really knows I mean if Jesse James was born on April 15th does that mean if a good guy was born on April 15th that's a bad day so you know I don't go there but I do want to go back to the 1st call the came in Ok a gentleman asked the question. He you know he said he sounded a little bit like baffled about this everybody saying that our sins are forgiven and yet everybody's saying terrible judgment is coming and to me it's very clear and simple that for every person on this planet that has heard the gospel the good news which is what we're all sinners doomed to damnation condemnation is on us from the day we're born into this world and the emancipation from that condemnation comes with the blood of Jesus so by the time I'm 1920 years old or whenever I come to an understanding of the Gospel in the good news of God so loved the world that He sent His Son When I receive Christ I'm admitting my sin I'm admitting that I'm a sinner so Christ comes and does forgive me for everything I've ever done and as I journey from that point of total forgiveness if I happen to sin along the way I confess my sin and he continues to cleanse being washed me so I have this ongoing relationship with the Atonement I've already been forgiven for everything so what about the judgment Well the judgment or the wrath or the day of judgment that will come upon the nations of the earth are basically designed for those who have rejected the Gospel who have rejected the shedding of the blood of the Messiah or those who claim to know Jesus but continue to walk in willful sin now when we are walking in willful sin I believe there is a terrible judgment and I could read this in the Bible and prove it is so if you're out there say in you're going to church and you say I believe in Jesus remember when you say I believe in Jesus the devil's believe in Jesus according to the Gospel of James or the or the Epistle of James he wrote that the devils believe and they tremble so just because someone says they believe in Jesus. Yes does not necessitate that they have actually come into contact with your shua and have x. Experienced the cleansing from the power of sin in their lives and unfortunately there are denominations out there that advocate sin they don't do it directly that would be an affront but they will subtly simply say You're always going to be a sinner and I believe that is a great offense to the true Gospel and to the true message of the Scriptures the good news is that you don't have to sin anymore and people say well I'm a sinner but you've been born again and you're a new creation so the Bible is very clear that we are working out our salvation with fear and trembling and we're moving on in our journey of discovering what life is like without the power of sin influencing us and if while we're moving forward we sin we continue to confess that we have sin and we bring that to the Lord He cleanses us from our sin and He does his work in us I think it's very very clear anything you guys would add to that in addition to what you're saying is that you know every believe or. Asked to confess our sins and when we ask for forgiveness that's when it happens if we never ask for forgiveness the things that we've done I think that stain is going to go ahead and continue to go ahead and be in force and you know we were going to have some issues that are going to go on there and. You know go ahead I was going to ask when it comes to sin what it does to a soul and we've all sinned and it has shaped our personality to some degree every one of us Ok the from the highest of echelons of royalty to the lowest echelons were people r.-k. All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God correct there's not one person on the planet ever since the fall of Adam that could claim they were sinless correct. So all sin is punishable by death correct and that's what came into the world Romans 5 death entered in because of sin and that's why death is passed upon all men so all sin is punishable by death now sin does something more than just bring death upon us that we're going to die one day the big question is what happens after death you know that's another whole biblical story right but what we are discovering is that sin has done something in the soul of a person and that demonic that is behind sin because we remember who tempted Adam and Mrs Adam to sin the serpent Satan was there sin is not abstract sin is not just some force in and of itself sin is the intelligence of the demonic and so sin has an ability when it operates in a soul to take possession of the soul and this is where we get into deliverance or the setting free of a person's soul from the demonic influence so sin according to revel Romans Chapter 7 has an intelligence to it. Sin is literally something that has an intelligence to ensnare man's soul so there's got to be a higher intelligence that would undo the power of sin and that higher intelligence is in the Holy Spirit and the work of Christ on the cross and the shedding of the blood of Jesus Christ so whenever we sin we open our soul to demonic influence that demonic influence could stay with us and guide us and lead us our whole life if it never goes checked you read in a feature in chapter 2 that we were all under the sway of the prince of the power of the air that we were under the literal control of the god of this world the spirit that now works in the children of disobedience so if there's a spirit or an influence or an intelligence that is dark that is guiding my life it could be good or evil because the Knowledge of Good and Evil they both produce death so somebody may go to the highest realms of royalty but still guided by a demonic spirit that will eventually cause the death that is promised but the afterwords is the eternal key that we need to be concerned about so what Christ does he comes to forgive us for our sins he takes the sin he takes the punishment he takes the judgement on himself we are validated legally allowed to allow judgement to pass from us and put it on him he paid for it so that we could go and sin no more and then what we do in our salvation when we are forgiven of our sin now we begin to get our soul back intact because that sin has done something to us it is brought us into something that maybe God never intended there called generational bloodline curses it's bondage there are things that have happened to us that the enemy has positioned himself so it. Even though we're forgiven does not mean that's the end of the matter now comes the war that Galatians 5 talks about the war between the flesh in the spirit there's something that goes on in a truly born again Christian that there are new desires for God that become a we become aware of but those old fleshly works are still there warring and now it gets down to Romans Chapter 6 who you're going to yield to who are you going to submit to so God gives us the power of the Holy Spirit to dwell in us to do the work of cleansing and emancipating our soul from the affliction that came through the demonic possession through sin originally and this is a huge working out of our salvation that answers the question the way you're just the way you answered on that one because once we have asked Jesus for the forgiveness for for our sins he gives us the remission of our sins allows us to go with him walk with him but those who have not all going to be facing the judgments that that that our individual caller was talking about so we need to be aware of both components of that we have because of what Jesus done is to have that forgiveness so we can walk with him in a new light in a new walk strengthening us so we don't fall back into the sins anymore and we're all going to be Ok and that sense but those who have not that's what our judgments going to come in so even as Christians we are subject to judgment on to we ask for forgiveness and but God cleanse us from all unrighteousness Excellent well done no Pastor Mike what I'm thinking is there are so many people that are in the body of Christ that claim to be Christians all of us Ok and we know this good news message we know what it says it says we're forgiven it says that our sins were taken away when we in faith allow the gospel to really work. But what happens it's not only the sin that we're afraid of going back to because I know that there are sins in our lives that will never exist anymore because they're dead because Christ has done that in the cross is shown that power but more importantly it's the multitude of people that are going to church that have heard the Gospel that have a sin consciousness still and what I mean by that this is in the book of Hebrews it talks about a sin consciousness or a consciousness of sin there is an awareness in the conscience that produces 3 things guilt shame and condemnation so when the conscience of a man contains guilt shame and condemnation. That is a proof that the sin that was committed that is producing guilt shame and condemnation has not been yet eradicated you see if I have done something in my life Pastor Michael that was very evil or offensive or bad and somewhere in my life I go to the cross and I confess Christ and I receive and I ask for forgiveness for what I've done well all of a sudden I'm applying the blood in the spirit and the cross and the Mercy in the kindness and the forgiveness and the loving kindness of the Lord my conscious should no longer be guilty ashamed or condemned for what I did but what I find Isn't that the mind the conscience of God's kids are still speaking out of their past do you see what I'm saying there's still remembering their past they live out of it they talk about it like it's a fresh wound in other words the memory which is contained within the conscience the mind the soul has not yet been any manse of pated and there is a demonic force that's holding that captive in the soul making them continue to think about it why because of the devil can keep a soul guilty ashamed or condemned it will hinder the purpose of God in that life you're done saying yes and so if you're out there today and you're going to church and yet you know the good news is you're forgiven but your conscience is constantly remembering what you did and you know that by feeling guilty ashamed or condemned or you keep talking about it and you keep going over it or without ever a word spoken your very mind remembers it re members it puts it back together again you go over it again and again you take some past experience maybe it was in the realm of perverse sexual sin that's a biggie in the body of Christ people have been involved in perverse a. Actual sin and in their mind even though the event may have happened 30 years ago 40 years ago it's really member over and over again to be thought about well there's a problem there either the confession was not sincere because we really liked that sin or we hate it so bad but the devil uses it to keep us bound to it and this too is a lack of gospel power Pastor Michael the potency of the gospel is to set the captives free from guilt shame and condemnation your thoughts. You know the one thing that we have to overcome and that is a word that you know that's our heritage we're overcomers recent know this as Christians according to Revelation Chapter $2.00 and $3.00 and so on and all those that are in there overcomers means get the victory in the victory is that we overcome the sin the sin consciousness all these things and there's one ingredient that does that it's the blood of Jesus Christ Jesus it in John chapter 6 he eats my flesh drinks my blood I shall raise up this last day mean the resurrection power this is a war we're in a war for the soul either we're going to possess it as is according to Luke Chapter 21 verse 19 Jesus sit in your patience possess your souls if we don't guess is going to Satan and if say you keep you there then there's no victory there's no power you can feel weak same there's nothing going on there's no life changing experience going on maybe just naturally but not spiritually the one thing we have to understand going back to that one color there is a judgment that is going to happen it's the Judgment Seat of Christ in each and every one of us who call in the name of Jesus Christ and that kind of judgment is the judgment is how much of Christ has been raised up in us are we getting to the fullness there of the Christ nature in the divine nature that is within us the remember there is 30 full 60 fold and 100 fold and the way the world is getting today the only thing really we should pursue is that 100 fold. Wanting the fullness of God Christ in us now if Christ isn't been raised in us as the Bible says that means we're still Dillard elling in our sins and for still dilly dallying in the secret sins then that means that we're still living 2 things the world and God and that means you're luke warm and you know what Jesus said about luke warm he's going to spew you out of his mouth and that's not a good place to be the one thing that we have to realize too if you're still getting into it sink conscious and the accuser of the brother and can accuse you of that and you're not fighting it that means he's pushing you back in the darkness and what happens when you see when you want to hide you don't want to come out of the closet and as Therefore you walk around not as a free person but a person in bondage and those that have the light of truth that have overcome particular areas of life with the light shining through in them and the understanding discernment they can see it clearly then when you approach that person and then you out you tell them hey look I see it clearly I see what your problem is and then that person might then there can either receive the truth because it's the responsibility of their choice or reject the truth and hopefully that we can see the evidence of those that are receive the truth and says you know I love the truth more than the sin I'm rec'd I'm doing away with this sand I'm going to do a way that is bringing havoc sickness and disease upon me and I'm reasonable realizing that that double had me deceived that this sin was a good sin cloaked over with all this religious thing and I'm still hiding my sin and I wasn't free God God wants to set us free and mentally and what he wants to set free is the conscience Amen Ok it's the conscience and Pastor Kim the conscience of man in the beginning is a beautiful soul it's a beautiful soul the god is after. God is wanting to not only purchase our soul from eternal damnation or the devil whatever he bought us with His blood He purchased us damaged and broken and all of the stuff he brings us into his workshop any begins a work of restore ration in our soul where our consciences were our memories our thoughts our feelings our intellect every part of us and what he's wanting to do is to present to himself that beautiful soul again but the idea of religion as Pastor Mike has brought up as a difference between the true Gospel is religion always in force is a consciousness of guilt and shame and condemnation the soul is never really set free the way that people are going to genuinely know the true power of the Gospel is when their genuine faith comes into agreement with what Christ has done on the cross and this lends to the power of Christ the power of the cross isn't just to save people and keep them in bondage keep them in guilt shame and condemnation but the true power of the Cross and the true power of Christ is the clearing and the cleansing of the conscience that a person could live the rest of their life and into eternity with a clear conscience because what they did was confessed and it was forgiven in the wrath that was to be put on them in the judgment that was to be put on them has passed on to Christ and the death of Christ on the cross that bloody slaughter that crucifixion of Christ was for our sins he's not going to pay for it again you and I don't have to pay for it because if we pay for it we deny His workmanship on the cross. So it's coming into agreement about how good God is and how a God of love and mercy is willing to forgive you and I for everything and anything that we have ever done but the salvation the working of this thing out is getting it to actually become a reality in our thinking that's right on Vassar that's right on you know the only remembrance to ever want to have about sins I have committed is how the enemy laid that snare laid that trap and how I fell into it and I do that say that because I don't want to fall into debt again he is a master of tricking us and laying up foundations in ways that we can fall into sin and thank God we have light so I talked earlier about that spiritual insight with our eyes so we can see through the power of God the trap that the enemy is laying for us so that we don't fall into those sins and things that we have done in the past and we go on sinning no more yeah and God has given us a way he says walk in the spirit and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh and so the spirit doesn't do anything apart from the Word of God So the word in the spirit or the guy that's the lamp to our feet yet I work as a lamp and to my feet the light into my path so if I'm studying the Word the Holy Spirit is able to take that word at a particular time that I walk in it for example and I do want to do this guys this is a great conversation I want to release you to keep on speaking of this but again this is part of you know our our purpose being on the air we want to talk about these things but maybe you're out there again and we want to see law we want to pause we want to give you opportunity to call into the broadcast if you'd like to do so and we'd want to give you that number again 4796367979479636797 Have you stopped to consider so great a salvation. Have you really stopped to consider that maybe what we have received as salvation has been very shallow in comparison to what is intended Yeah you know I want to share a little testimony like. One thing that the that I was bound by Believe it or not was speaking in front of people you know just speaking out and being kept it as a 3rd grader doing a a a speech in front of the whole school for money for school fire marshall I practice all week long front of the mirror I get up I get to the stage I'm the 1st one called up I get behind the microphone I say Hi my name is Mike villain and I am running for school Fire Marshall and I froze the whole school laughed the school principal looked at me with the butterfly glasses like what did you just do and from that point forward as a 3rd grader I could not speak in debate class I can get it from the classes I covered that that shame with sports I covered that with all kinds of things then I realized something that I was bound by a demon that possessed me of fear and so would come into the light of Christ He has showed me and set me free Here's a call and I'm in very good yeah you go back to that like this next call coming in Good morning welcome to the broadcast you're on the air. Good morning I would just like to because then the couple is with troops to help out with the question as to whether or not we are still in stand or not instant and I would like to present Romans 611 it says in this manner likewise reckon you also yourselves to be dead indeed and to stand but alive unto God through Christ our Lord Jesus Christ and the next one I would like because there has been John 811 when the woman in the dull tree was caught and she said no man has accused the Lord and Jesus said unto her neither do y. Condemn there is no condemnation but go and sin no more than 2 of those present the concept and idea of Scripture that we are not to continue when. A man excellent thought I was actually getting ready to read Romans Chapter 6 as one of the great passages of Scripture So Michael you had a fear as a little boy and your standing before a group of people you were terrified you were embarrassed and you went into inward interviewing and you stayed in that type of personality for how long will it tell you came to Jesus Christ I mean I have seen I was 8 years old and I came to Jesus Christ at 30 so that's 22 years and now you're speaking behind pulpits and you're speaking behind Radio Marti and that fear is gone Well I'll tell you what. It was really helpful with the loving pastor who saw that in me and what he do. Within a year he put me behind the pulpit. And that's when with my 1st encounters of there's something greater than me speaking that was the Holy Spirit and I'll never forget that encounter but you see how that spirit of fear affected your personality Yes And so I wonder how many people are out there today that are listening to this radio broadcast that you're living your life you're going through the motions of life it doesn't matter you know the color of your skin male female none of that matters you are a soul you are a living soul and your soul like all creation has been darkened by sin there's darkness that has descended upon your soul there is no way for your soul to come out of that darkness except through Jesus Christ that's the gospel message that's the biblical message philosophy can't do it Buddhism can't do it religion can't do it there's only one salvation for the soul and this is what makes the Bible so unique and so narrow minded in so many people's opinions and views well how you know God is so big how could it be so near monk as God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son So God has given something to the world in a son that went to the cross to be crucified to take the sins of the world upon himself and all who believe in that message have the sin taken from them the judgment from them the wrath from them and there's an emancipation and the cleansing of the soul begins but your soul my soul we were all born in sin. The darkness has descended upon the soul now the darkness has an intelligence read Romans Chapter 7 you'll see all about it the darkness in your soul is an intelligence the book of the fees and says There's the the prince of the power of the air the spirit that now works in the children of disobedience that same spirit was working in us until we came to faith in Christ so if there is an intelligence in your soul a darkness in your soul you have your ideas your concepts your reasoning your mental faculties you have your belief systems you are a very complex reality your soul has belief systems from your education from your school where you grew up what you learned your environment your culture I mean everything around you has come into your soul and your soul basically has been unguarded you just absorbed everything into you you had no you had nothing there to say well no this isn't right this isn't right except what God has put in you in your conscience you know what is right and wrong and unfortunately we've neglected that gift of God to know the difference between right and wrong so we've stepped into an environment and your soul has shaped you and has guided you into becoming who you are in the question is when you look in the mirror at the depths of who you are are you satisfied are you judging yourself by the placards on your wall by the trophies on your desk by the accomplishments you've made in the world or are you judging yourself from God's perspective of the character. Of your soul the condition of your soul I mean these are kind of deep discussions guys but they're the truth and again we're going to wait for your call this morning maybe you have something else you want to talk about or maybe you want to add to the conversation 479-636-7979 our last caller knew exactly how to put this together. Because if you're the slave of sin you're going to be condemned and what we're working towards here today is your Levy ating the conscience from the constant bombardment of guilt shame and condemnation gentleman Yeah Ok Well I'd just like to see in that in that conscious being clear I have to go back to that wonderful wonderful revelation of a teaching that we received in Matthew chapter 6 starting in verse 22 he says the light of the body is the law and we found out the eye is the conscience now if therefore the conscience which there is but it's a conscience be clear then your whole body shall be full of light but in 23 says if you're conscious be foggy with sin or evil the whole body shall be full of darkness and therefore that light that sin which you think is great that is in you be darkness how great is that darkens In other words that deception is great so what it is it's God's wants to clear our conscience and I know for a fact walking around with with with it with a sink conscious there's no fun in that there's no happiness in that you're groping all day long your eyes are looking down the ground even though it's sunny outside there's a dark cloud over your mind and there's no happiness your smile turns into a frown you're attitude changes your personality goes down hill your just go introvert and there's no fun you go into a cave of lifestyle and that's what the devil wants. Pastor Kay We're going to get to that thought in just a moment let's take our next call Good morning welcome to the broadcast you're on the air Good morning your 1st caller today in that up about the 2 different ways that he feels that. Preaching is coming out his understanding was confusing I ended up. Lots of times control people off I feel and at one time I believed in one way just because I believe that way doesn't mean I believe that way now but when you talk about. Born again in the end you talk about falling away or say. Well there's a group out there that right now are teaching once saved always saved and that you can't backslide and I think that is part of where he was going so between those too. Once saved always saved and. Ax fighting Can you explain the difference between the us to live and I'll sure that's that's a long conversation but I think the generality to once saved always saved is were saved by grace through faith and there's a beginning of salvation there's a working out of salvation and then there is salvation to be revealed in the last times and so when is a person actually saved Well when you look at the definition of the word saved it means to be made whole it means to be made whole Think about that that means your whole spirit soul and body have been reconnected and you have become a true worshipper and you've been created to worship the Almighty God and there is no stain upon your soul anymore because the blood of Christ is cleansed you your conscience is clear you're not carrying any secret sin you're not living in the darkness you're not hiding from anybody you've let it all out in the open and this is before God by the way this is your soul standing before God which is going to mean more than anything the idea that I went to church and I believed in Jesus and I got saved by grace through faith at the altar one day does not necessitate anything really all it does is necessitate the beginning of a work to be done I mean you get you get let's say you're a baseball player you're an athlete and you get selected to be on the team they see potential in you you get on the team well if used stop performing in the sense of you know you just don't go along with the program so to speak then what's eventually going to happen you're going to get benched and sometimes you get demoted you get off the team so it's God's work of salvation is so powerful it's so rich it's God's workmanship in our lives when we allow him. But if there are areas in our lives that we kind of quench the Spirit of God in and say you know I don't want you to deal with that issue in my life I don't want to I don't want to give up this in my life I don't want to go that far I don't want to take up my cross I don't want to forgive this person I don't want to do what the Word of God says to do that's against my emotions or my feelings in the way that I think about things if we don't give God's word complete and total government over our lives it we won't have the power to literally become saved and that's just the beginning of a conversation let's take our next call Good morning God bless you welcome to the broadcast you're on the air back to is it endure to that year and she say Hey I want to ask you a question and you're right on and I'm going to give you more place if you'll give me you called in and you called in about 2 weeks ago and I was talking about something and you brought up Saul and I immediately thought you were talking about the other Saul the Old Testament but you were talking about the new Saul of the New Covenant were you that turned to a pal and you got no yes I am so sorry for that I want to apologize that's been in my head since that would the day we did that I thought that you were going to make an excuse for Saul and yet you are bringing up an amazing point so forgive me for that and I totally apologize. But I understand that. Mr Trump my president your press if they don't like it or not. God. Is don't fall. Oh no Rudin you say you're going to do it if you know and solace that refer to himself which he turned into pall which wrote most of the Bible he said you're going to do this right shit. You know prisoner of the Lord. Yeah you referred him cept it's a prediction there God said you're going to do it if you like it or not and if we have to endure the. Such Jeremiah kept to which I would like for you to do explaining to me one is sure don't do as they're cutting down a tree and I will let it I got so much and that's how a lot due to. I don't know I appreciate your so I am what you're good about. You're not right in there and when you do it's asked me to write a novel. And I write or will thank you and again accept my apology he had called in a couple of weeks ago and I just totally misunderstood what he said and I hit the silent button and so I'm so glad that call went through with now the conscience is clear my conscience. But it was actually a lawyer when I knew what he did and I said oh my gosh I blew it. In there but there's a queue for the call Yeah this is a veteran's I'm all right so listen we're talking at their you know once saved always saved what the heck is that you know let me just put it this way and this is where again we step out and for 5 minutes we bring something up and people listening go wow he's really you know attacking these these pet peeve doctrines the once saved always saved concept is unbiblical Ok the mean whatever people are saying when they say once you're saved you're always saved it's unbiblical we prove that in the scriptures and we're not scholars believe me we're not experts but we do know how to read We've been reading the book we have no personal agenda to protect anything that we want to just protect we're just wanting the truth of God's word to get out there's no such thing as once saved always saved but that particular doctrine runs together with there's a Preacher Bill ational rapture. So when you take the preacher be a lay should all Rapture doctrine which is basically the Great Tribulation is coming the greatest of all that has ever been will ever be again but before that great tribulation comes the church is going to disappear it's going to be caught up into heaven that doctrine the way that they are teaching it 1st that's alone eons for 1st Corinthians 15 Revelation is not consistent it's not a true doctrine it is a doctrine literally that runs with once saved always saved What's the connection between the 2 both the pre Tribulation all Rapture doctrine which does not exist in the New Testament it's not there and if you ever want to have a conversation we can sit down for hours and go through it it's very clear when you really look at the Word of God from a just simple desire to know the truth not to protect to know the truth both of those doctrines basically are saying to people human beings don't have to worry about a day of trouble because when the big day of trouble comes you're not going to be here which is so inconsistent with the last 2000 years of the Church Age and the history that the church has had to go through only the Americanised gospel teaches people that you're not going to have to be here to go through hard times we have found that to be false and many people that have taught it are waking up because they were asked why do you teach that they said well it's always been taught but they never really looked at it but now they're hearing another view and they're reading their Bibles and because of the honesty of their hearts they're saying you know what we better give up on this kind of teaching because this is foolishness because it's undermining. The the the ability of Christians to get strong to get ready to go through what they're going through and then they once saved always saved doctrine is the same pastor can I'm going to go back again to the things that they were just talking about on speech and that's hypothetically you know I really am thankful for you that God has given you such a gift of clarity of thought and be able to speak and talk and you can do it with and a beautiful meaningful way in step by step and that's really a gift that I know that when I was going through getting my associate degree in college it was mandatory to take a speech course about 7075 percent of the students that was the last course they had to take because everyone was afraid of it and when you think about it is that you are now asked to go and express your thoughts in a concise manner and speak it forth and most people are afraid I can't do that I'm going to make a mistake I'm going to get you and as such they get tensed up and they lose their thought pattern and lose their train of thought and it becomes like a mishmash but that did happen with a number of people but they realized it and by the end of the course they were able to go through it logical thought patterns you know and when God gives us that ability and talent when we realize it that we have the scriptures laid out for us how we can speak on a particular subject plenty of different thoughts and ideas we're ready for a debate team. As God brings us forth in his walk you know and that's something that we have to consider and the other component of it is also that God has told us we're wrong to pressure a foreigner court he's going to go ahead through His Holy Spirit give us everything that we need to say so why worry about it and Pastor Michel you know go ahead you want to just months ago which please I want to say about that once saved always saved I call it in previous years one of the saying all time oh S.A.'s once saved always saved that I want to throw out a scripture that always brought a little tilt to that so-called you know scale of once saved always saved it's in Revelation chapter 3 verse 5 it says here that he that overcomes the same shall be clothed in white Rayment and I will not blah blah to out his name out of the book of life now that means if your name was in the book of life that he could blot it out because there's no overcoming of the sin I mean if you're in your sin you've defiled yourself you could confirm blot the name out of the book of life it's in Deuteronomy and I can't find it but it is in the book of Deuteronomy So you have Old Testament and New Testament to bring a balance that there could be a blotting out of your name in the Book of Life then when we ask why should I become a Christian well that's put there so we can be held accountable the stood the doctrine of once saved always saved in that rapture brings that ease of complacency to the once as well God's going to take everything I'm going to be at ease in and then the doctrine of the teaching you're always going to be a sinner brings this like I'm never going to change but yet I'm a call myself a Christian and what that does to the unbelieving world brings a confusion about really what the standard of life style should be Ok I'm going to you know if you're smoking as a Christian well then the unbelievers going to keep on smoking there's no change so there's just a dilemma going on of going around the mountain and really that is just a delusional concept by the devil you know so what we want to do is remember yes right now in the season that we live. We're we're in a season where the the main thought about the season is that Christ was born and he was born the savior of the world now when you sir or madam or any one of us here or anybody else except the gospel message what is it it's not just a book it's not just a doctrine or something to that effect it's it's a story of what God has done just like when you read the book of Genesis it's the story of how everything began God created there is a God there is a God that put the sun the moon the stars created this earth created the universe decorated the skies for us there is a real God We know him by so many different names and ideas we look up at the Creation the stars in the magnificence of creation we saw this is a good God he's a powerful god he's an amazing God and yet he's condescended because He created us mankind in his image and likeness and he loves us and we have sinned and we have been stained by sin so God worked to bring forth the salvation not just of getting people to heaven not just saying well the curse of death is going to end which it has the power of death has been broken through Christ but the purpose of Christ being born as a savior was to bring back the original intent the design of the soul of man and through the Holy Spirit and through the work of the cross of God can't even begin to restore our soul if we don't 1st of all come to him. And our coming to him is coming through his son an in tone that was made for us so that we have access back to God That's the whole journey the beginning of everything is just coming back to God but then life for you begins a working out a change a salvation there are people in prison right now that have a mindset that's not the mindset of God There are people in prison right now that have a mindset that is the mindset of God The gospel has awakened something in them there are people in hospitals there are people that are strong out on drugs and alcohol there are people that are caught up in this that and the other thing it's an ugly world out there you know it and I know it it's an ugly world in many ways because of what's happening to men's hearts but there is a salvation for every person on this planet. And if we knew what was coming down the pike if we knew the events that the Bible predicts are about to happen in this world that is going to reduce the population to half if we understood 56000000 people die every year around this world those are the numbers 56000000 people have died this year in another year will begin and more 56000000 now yes people are being born into it but life is a very. And the essence of everything is the condition of your soul now let's say the thief on the cross received Christ he believed he died that day he didn't have a lot of room to work things out but he came to a pure confession and he was in Paradise that day. Your time and my time is in God's hands and this cleansing this washing this working what is God after in you he wants your soul beautiful again he wants that same Christ that was born in Bethleham 2000 years ago to be born again in you as Pastor Michael brought up he wants to be born again he wants his nature his character his divine nature to be sewn into the soil of your heart so that you like a pregnant woman could bring forth a man child in your life this is what God is after and this is the season to receive that salvation there is one savior of the world and he's beautiful he's back if a saint and he wants to be born again and make an introduction into our hearts religion is not the answer I happen to believe there's a religious Jesus that has no power to sanctify but I also believe there's a genuine Jesus that knows how to set the captives free gentlemen we've simply run out of time we've got to go it was a pleasure being with everybody today we're going to have to say goodbye We'll see you Wednesday right here on current radio at 11 o'clock in the am shallow memory body there's a message coming up 2 o'clock this afternoon come on out to new y ministry church will see you there Aloha. Hello ladies and gentlemen this is Vince an exhibit thank you for tuning in every Wednesday and Sunday right here on Kermit radio it has been a great joy and a privilege to minister the Gospel of Jesus Christ over these airwaves we plan on being here for the entire year broadcasting the events that we see coming upon our nation and around the world our job is to equip every single saint of God to be prepared for the days that lie ahead we are not projecting a spirit of fear but preparation we believe this is an important time we also want to encourage people to live an abundant life in Jesus Christ this will be the greatest year in many people's lives I am asking that you will help us financially as we move through this year to get the word out I'm looking for partners to join with me this year in paying our bills every month right here on this current radio program and if that is one of you please contact me at area code 858-864-8712 or text me at 858-864-8712 thank you very much for your support and God bless you and if you are ready to send an offering or a gift to the ministry send it to p.o. Box 100 Decatur Arkansas 7 to 7 to 2 once again p. O. Box 100 Decatur Arkansas 7 to 72 to make God bless you. Good morning ladies and gentlemen this is Vincent exam here pastor of New Wine ministries and I would like to cordially invite you to come out every Sunday afternoon at 2 pm every Saturday evening at 5 30 pm every Thursday evening at 7 pm for one of our worship services over at New Wine ministries The address is 2 to 6 to Forest Hills Boulevard in Bella Vista Arkansas once again 2 to 6 to Forest Hills Boulevard in Bella Vista Arkansas you won't be disappointed you're going to meet a great group of people until we meet you face to face this is Pastor Vince God bless you we remind our church audiences that Kermit's programs are streamed live on the Internet to hear these broadcast on a computer our smart phone log on to our website. And the list when I come on. Stream or f.m. Stream my neighbor said women's basketball coach the diversity of Arkansas and you're listening to the k u r e m a m $790.00 Roger spring bellman will pay and k u r e m f a 100.3 grab at southwest city in Salem for a good morning welcome to today's worship service from central United Methodist Church of Rogers this broadcast is one of the many ways we see to connect people to Christ we're glad you've chosen to join us this morning and we pray God's blessing to be upon you central offers Sunday school for all ages at 915 and 3 Sunday morning worship services to traditional services at 815-1015 in the chapel at contemporary style service at 1030 in the sanctuary we're located at the corner of 26 Street and New Hope Road just wanted a half miles east of 540 and exit 83 just look for the Dome are welcome. As we gather to worship Jesus together my name is Matthew I'm one of the pastors here and as we get started I want to share a few announcements with you the 1st thing we want to mention is that the attendants paths on the inside out here we want to invite you to pick those up. Fill them out pass them down the road so that everyone has a chance to see to do that that helps us in our ministry both to our our members and regular tenders as well as our 1st time guests and if you happen to be one of those this morning this is your 1st time with us we were glad that you're here and want to bite you after the service to just go into the atrium for a moment the large space behind us there's a desk out there we call information central If someone is there who will have some information to give you as well as a gift from us to say thank you for being with us you can do that after the service. You received a bulletin on the way and there are some announcements in here as well as our printed prayer list on the inside of that I mentioned that a little bit later in the service but the big thing to remember this morning is that in service for the poinsettia orders and you've got still the separate teams to return this but why not fill it out now in place in the offering plate when it comes around a little bit later Mark that offer to do list and you'll have peace of mind that it's all done we've got this leading up to Christmas Day We've got several things going on that you'll you'll find. In the bulletin with as announcements and whatnot but one reminds you that on Christmas Eve we're going to have 3 canalize worship services and then the last Sunday of the month the end of the year we'll have one combined service in the sanctuary Wesley service in there so just to keep your mind on that I'm going to miss in the Christmas lunch in the offering moments but that's coming up as well so with that amount I want to touch you to listen to music that will prepare a heart for shit.

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