You're a child of the king fact you're a child of the King of Kings and if you are a child of the king you know what that makes you a gifted child and that's what we're looking at in Romans Chapter 12 were the out of the 7 primary gifts the motivational gifts that Paul gives us here we're on number 6 we've looked at preaching service teaching xor Taishan giving And today we come to the gift of the leading or the gift of leadership in Romans Chapter 12 verse 8 it says He who exhorts and acts or takes him He who gives and when liberality and he who leads with diligence now in the Old King James the original King James It says He who rules now this word leads here comes from a Greek word and it is translated can be translated rule or lead or to stand over or to preside it is a gift that means somebody is out in front leading a group of people it means it involves administration and it also involves organization and so we're going to look at the gift of leadership today now. In the Bible there are certain people that exemplify these gifts the prophet was Peter the servant was Tennessee the teacher was Luke the exhorter was Paul the giver was Matthew and today we have a dual role of leadership one from the New Testament one from the old in the New Testament it's James and you're going to say some of the great principles of leadership in the pistol of James wrote and in the Old Testament there is a man who almost to the tee exemplifies leadership and his name is Nehemiah So we're going to be looking at some verses and James and some verses in the book of Nehemiah as we as we chart this wonderful and exciting gift now as I said you don't have to be a preacher to have this gift watts of light people have this gift and as with all of the gifts you may be especially gifted in one of these areas but you have to serve God in all of them everybody leads somebody. But particular people certain people have this gift of leading Now let's look at the characteristics of leaders number one a leader has a desire to put his faith in action he doesn't just talk about it he does it in Jane's Chapter one Verse 221 of the great verses that James wrote was Be ye do worse of the word and not hearers only the saving yourselves so we are not to just hear we're not just to be so good sermon less nurse you're not to just sit here week after week and take in the the notes about spiritual gifts you are to let God speak to you to your mind and to your heart and your to figure out what it is that God is especially empowered you to do be a doer of the word and not here's only number 2. A leader is diligent to evidence genuine faith by obeying God's word we're all to be obedient but a leader especially must be obedient in James Chapter one Verse is $23.00 to $25.00 right after that be doers of the word verse he says for if anyone is a hero of the word and not a do or he is like a man observing him self and his natural face in a mirror for him serves himself he goes away and immediately forgets what kind of man he was you know people do that every week they come in here and they look deeply into the word the mirror of God's word and they hear it preached and they see it black ink on white paper and they go away it went in one ear and right out the other and they forget what God said about them so we need to become obedient children all of us who are a leader are not number 3. A leader of voids confusion. By seeking the wisdom of God You know we get we need wisdom we'll need wisdom but leaders particularly need wisdom so they can they can lead people down the right path in Jane's chapter 3 verses 16 and 17 it says for where in b. And self-seeking exist confusion and every evil thing are there we we see that in our country I mean you know our nation and our our government leaders and we're not talking about secular leaders here we're talking about Christian leaders we're talking about church leadership in the church but the leaders in our nation are as confused as a termite and Yoyo they don't know up from down and that's what happens when there's envy and strive and every evil thing but then he goes on and says But the wisdom that is from above is 1st listen to how you described it this wisdom is pure and peaceable gentle willing to yield full of mercy and good fruits without partiality and without hypocrisy and so if we want to be if we want to walk with God And when we're going to need his wisdom and keep us from living in chaotic times number 4. Another characteristic of a leader is he has the ability to visualize final results now I want you to go over to the book of Nehemiah let's let's look over there for a minute it's kind of back in the middle of the of the Old Testament. And let's look and see what this says now me a mile lived in a time when never Knesset or had come in and destroyed the temple of God and the City of Jerusalem and the Jews had been in captivity for 70 years and Nehemiah was a man in fact he was a light human he wasn't a prophet he was a Langman and he. Got a burden on his heart when he found out the conditions of his homeland and I want you to notice this characteristic about a leader number 4 is the ability to visualize final results notice the vision that that God gave to Nehemiah let's look at chapter one it says the words of Nehemiah the son of how it came to pass in the month of Kislev in the 20th year as I was in Shushi and the the Citadel or the Palace it says in verse 2 then hand and I want to my brother in came with men from Judah and I asked them conquer concerning the Jews who had escaped who had survived the captivity and concerning Jerusalem now listen to what he was told listen to how this breaks in the heart. And they said to me the survivors who are left from the captivity in the province are there in great distress and reproach the wall of Jerusalem is also broken down and its gay are burned with fire now just imagine if you. Were you were off somewhere you were on a trip or you were on a you were on a somewhere else and word got to you that somehow your hometown this area of southwest Missouri or north east Oklahoma or or North West Arkansas had been destroyed by some kind of bomb that we've been under attack and and everywhere you look in this 3 state area it was nothing but devastation it looked like it looked like World War 2 in Europe were buildings and cities were just absolutely decimated that would break your heart and it broke Nehemias heart but he began when he got this bird he got this vision he got this burden for his people and for his homeland and he said he said I need to do something about this and he began to visualize the final result now that leads us to number 5 a leader has the ability to assign the right tasks to the right people now he went to the king and he said the King looked at him and he said you know you look so sad and it wasn't good for the cup bearer to be sad and he said what's wrong with you and he told me what had happened and he said I need Ok to go back and do rebuild the rubble of my place my hometown and the king he respected Nehemiah so much he allowed me to go and so Nehemiah kicked into action he began to be a leader he began to gather some people around him and notice in Nehemiah 4. Nehemiah Chapter 4 verse 13 he said there for opposition men behind the lower parts of the wall. At the opening at the openings and I set the people according to their families with their swords and their spears and their boat and so he began to organize he that's what a leader does he's an administrator He's an organizer and he got this following got these people and he organized them by families and they begin to be around and they begin to to rebuild the walls that had been broken down and so he be he was a he was a good at giving. Passing out tasks to those who followed him look at number 6 a leader requires loyalty from coworkers he requires loyalty from coworkers go to chapter 5 and look at verse 16. Nehemiah $516.00 now of our preaching through Nehemiah we get in all the details of this but we're not we're just looking at Nehemiah as an example of the gift of leadership so we're just looking at isolated verses but notice in the chapter 5 or 16 the amount said indeed I also continued the work on the wall he would just say and do this he was doing it too he said Indeed I also continue to do the work on the wall and then he says all my servants were gathered there for the work they were they were all they were attain they were his workers his followers were loyal to the task and to the burden and to the vision number 7. This is such a an important characteristic of a leader a leader has the ability to endure distractions and give a godly plan of action Notice in verse 2 Chapter 2 verses one to 6. The Am I a 2 and it came to pass in the month of nigh san in the 20th year of King artic Xerxes when the wine was before him and I took the wine and gave it to the king now I had never been sad in his presence before and therefore the king said to me why is your face sad since you're not sick this is nothing but sorrow of heart so I became dreadfully afraid and he said Ok May the King Live Forever Why should my face not be sad when the city is the place of my father's tombs lies waste and its gates are burned with fire then the king said to me what do you request so I pray to the God of heaven and I said to the king if it pleases the king and if your servant is found favor in your side I ask that you send to me Judah to the city of my father's tombs that I may rebuild it see what a passion and what a burden am I had then in verse 6 notice this then the king said to me and the queen also sitting beside him how long will your journey be and when will you return so it please the King to send me an honest set him time and let me tell you something when there are you attempt to do anything for God you're going to find people that are going to try to distract you notice down in verse 10 chapter 2 verse 10. When Sam balanced the Hora night and Tobiah the Ammonite Now these are these are ungodly Gentile tribes who are the enemies of the Jewish people well they hear about this and it says the they heard of it and they were deeply disturbed that a man had come to see the well being of the children of Israel and from that point on from from the time that he started until the time that he finished. Ammon the sand ballad into bya they were always in the way trying to stop Nehemiah and the work of God but the characteristic is the ability to endure distractions and give a godly plan of action let's look at number 8 it's much like the leader must have the ability to overcome negative reaction and opposition go to chapter 4. Chapter 4 verse one but it so happened when Sam Ballard heard that we were rebuilding the wall that he was furious and very indignant and he mocked the Jews and he spoke before his brethren in the army of some area and they said what are these feeble Jews new ing will they fortify themselves will they offer sacrifices were they completed in a day will they receive the stone from the heaps of the revolution stones that are burned now to buy the Ammonite was beside him and he said whatever they build even if a fox goes up on it he will break down their stone wall other words nothing they can build will be substantial I mean after all there are Jews and then he says in verse 4. Hero our God for we are despised return their reproach on their own heads and give them as plunder to the land of captivity do not cover the iniquity do not let their sin be blotted out from before you for they have provoked you to anger before the builders so we built the wall and the entire wall was joined together up to half its high for the people had a mind to work you have a mind to work what your work. What your gift what do you do what do you do personally that contributes to the work of God in the kingdom of God in 1st Baptist Church southwest city but your contribution you need to ask yourself that do you have a mind do you have a heart to do the work and they says in. Verse 7 Now what happened when Sam ballot Tobiah the Arabs the Ammonites the same sign people that are the enemies of the Jews today sang people. The Arabs the Ammonites the ass heard that the walls of Jerusalem were being restored and the gaps were beginning to be closed that they became very angry. The more the work goes on the angrier they are. Verse 8 and all the of them conspired together to be to come and attack Jerusalem and create confusion. Notice for some I love this the never the lessons of the Bible metal be good to just preach a sermon on Nevertheless it's such a powerful word in spite of all they could do. Nevertheless we made our prayer to our God and because of that we set a watch against them they and night they were vigilant in the face of this opposition whenever you stand for God Listen to me because some of you go in through this right now whenever and you're going to you're going to be listen in America today if you're a child of God you're going to find yourself going against the tide all the time all the time and you better just make up your mind that you're going to stand on the Word of God you're not going to flange you're not going to waffle you're not going to back it up you're not going to apologize you're just going to believe what God has said in an hour and when you do you're going to have opposition you're going to have some enemies there will be some people that don't like you but you need to be a leader and take a stand number $91.00 characteristic of a leader motivated to see task completed in an orderly fashion now flip over to chapter 6 let's just let's just look at the end of this thing here the 1st 6 chapters are about getting the garden. Facing the opposition crying out to God recruiting the workers and getting to the task of rebuilding the walls of the city that knows what happens in chapter 6 verse 15. So the wall was Spanish on the 25th day of a little in 52 they said they did it they did 52 weeks they went back. In the face of opposition and they rebuilt those walls and we need to we and they did it in an orderly fashion because he had these he had these people these families he had these teams around the walls working on it day and night and then the last thing number 10 the 10th characteristic of leadership but have the ability to assume leadership when none exists if Nehemiah didn't do this who was going to do it he was God's chosen just like Moses just like Noah just like other great men of God over the years he was chosen and he obeyed God's call and he stepped up and he was used in a mighty way as a leader for God All right let's look at the cautions we say in the positives now let's look at some cautions for leaders. One of them is becoming to project conscious becoming to project conscious you have found out early in my ministry as a young Southern Baptist preacher that you know I didn't know I didn't come from a Christian home I didn't come from a background of going to church and when I became a Southern Baptist you know I was just like I was a newbie. And I just realized that most men when they sent you the calendar and you put it on the wall I mean this calendar it had all kinds of days this day and that day and this special event and that project and this program and this thing and that thing I mean it would make you busy and I realize you don't want I'm not going to follow the s.b.c. Calender. I'm just going to preach a book just going to preach the Word of God And so but but a leader any leader can get to project counters conscious notice in Psalm 127 verse one it says unless the Lord builds the house unless the Lord builds the house not the convention not the not not the not not any other organizational structure but the if the Lord builds the house they labor in vain to build it if we don't follow ham if we don't if we don't obey the word if we don't we're not filled with the Spirit of God as we do His work it is just for nothing is for nothing. Number 2. We need to be cautious about using people as ray sources. In 1st Peter 5 1st 2 and 3 Peter is talking to shepherds here and he says shepherd the flock of God which is among you serving as overseers not by compulsion but willingly not for dishonest gain but eagerly nor is being lords over those entrusted to you but being examples to the flock you know what we live in a world were we love thing and we use people God want to just be turned around he wants us to love people and use things and he puts tools in our hands but those are the things that we have the tools that we that we hold they are never more important than the people that we minister to. Number 3 failing to give proper instruction and praise. And we tell you something. This is why we. Last year j. . Gift certificates to our Sunday School teachers to buy a new Bible their own personal study bible because we appreciate this that's why I'm always bragging on the I wanna workers the people who grab the vans and the people who cook the meals and the people who who lead the the children in the they're there they're absolutely wonderful and we give them praise for what they do and God sees what they do and we need to be grateful we need to have a grateful heart not only to God but we need to have a grateful heart about each other. Because we're brothers and sisters in the family of God Number 4 a caution building loyalty with favoritism you know a leader has the you know we're not supposed to have favorites but we're human but as a pastor you can't do it you just can't do it you know we've had people as church and you know some We've met we've gone through divorces and you know what I do as a pastor I can't take sides in that no matter who's at fault because a marriage is a $5050.00 proposition it's always problems on both sides but as a pastor I have to be neutral you may not be neutral as a parent and that's Ok but as a pastor I have to be neutral and caution for leaders is is building a loyalty with favoritism and that verse we read while ago it says do all things without partiality. We gotta love the folks number 5 caution be an example for others to follow that's where all of this. But particularly for leaders 1st Timothy for 12 Paul writes The young preacher Timothy says Let no one despise your youth always just a young man and he said be an example. You don't have to be curmudgeonly to be a later you don't have to be old in the tooth to be able to be an example he said be an example to the believers how in Word in conduct in love in spirit in faith and in purity be an example your Sunday school teacher being an example if you're a parent being an example in your home whatever you do wherever you work be an example because people are looking at you number 6 caution overlooking serious character flaws and workers I know churches make a lot of mistakes in this area where you know if somebody's living in moral impurity you can't you can't put them in places of leadership you just can't do it you you know I know I know people say well you know but but you know no I don't know now does that mean anybody who's ever San can't be in leadership now because that would that would be that would that were included all of us but I mean when you're a leader you're you have repented of that you've admitted that you failed and you now you're you're on the right course now you can be used but when somebody is currently living in immorality or for a living and in a sand that the the Bible does not condone. Can they come to church here sure they can can they be a member of the church they can under certain circumstances unless it is a sand that the Bible teaches should be disciplined but they certainly can't be a leader. They certainly cannot and I think where leaders make a fail is because we we overlook sometimes we need we need workers we need people we need a well we'll just pretend we don't know that you can't do it number 7 another caution losing interest before completing a task losing interest before completing a task elation 69 says and let us not grow weary while doing good for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart and takes up I know I know something about that losing heart I've lost heart before in 45 years of pastoral ministry I can remember at least 3 times I've lost heart. And every time I had to go to God's word God had to reveal to me and remind me that this was his work I was his child and I had his call upon my life and I could I had to let him heal my broken heart. We got to all and I know it's hard it's it's hard maybe today to be a Christian I'm not saying it's harder than it's ever been we don't even know what the 1st century Christians went through. But tell you what you know in our lifetime . We grew up most of us my age at least grew up in the fifty's some of you in the forty's in the thirty's and the thirty's was the pressure and I know that forty's that was World War 2 That was bad the fifty's man that was that was we were cruising in the fifty's. And we got so used to that. That we thought that America was always going to be like that. Let me tell you something friend it I like that now but you know what inspired of the difficulties and the darkness in our nation you've got to stay the course you got to stay the course you've got to keep on keeping on All right let's look at the at the challenges for leaders are 7 of them. Number one orderliness orderliness. Every aspect of life. Is to be subject to God's order God is an orderly God and He wants us to do things decently and in order and a leader is going to take and I tell you almost every church that I've gone into and I've started 2 churches and that was I love that because man you can start at ground 0 and build like it was supposed to be but every other church that I've gone into There was always that churches also had always been in crisis mode. And it was I always felt that I could it was it was my responsibility to help pull the pieces back together and put that church back on its feet again and leaders knew that it's we need ordinal is number 2 and mission is have to have a mission even a leader has to be a self-starter. You can't have somebody always have a come on let's go let's go let's do this no a leader has to be out front. No delay in taking action you know we call it the South get or. Get are done let's do it number 3 responsibility a leader should be responsible for all aspects of a project or a group endeavor and you know what. I just do not like the committee. I've never liked it. It's it had a good beginning because a committee was a group of people that were committed but a committee has as it's fallen on hard on I like the word taint we're attain and we're you know what Jane stands for the acronym together everyone accomplishes more we can do far more together than we can ever do by ourselves. Did you know President Truman. President Truman will always be known as the one who dropped the bombs on. Hiroshima and Nagasaki. I mean man he would you talk about politically incorrect I mean he'd be crucified today but you know he had a little plaque on his desk and you know what it said President Truman was a good leader he won the right party but he was a good leader. Here's what he said and that was back that was back when that party won that bad. If you don't like that. President Truman had a plaque on his desk and here's where said the buck stops here a leader has to say that the buck stops here number 4 humility a leader must have humility you can't demand a following you can't be domineering you can't be dictatorial you just have to with humility recruit people draw people in by loving them and believing in them number 5 the size of mis the size save this able to make a decision quickly even in the face of criticism now I'm going to I told you while ago this is not about secular leadership but I want to say something here and I feel led to say it so I'm going to say it. Our president embodies the society yes he's a man who love the game has a game doesn't matter you've got to understand that he has made decisions that no president in the past has had the courage to make. Do you know how long do you know how many presidents in 10 did. On moving the nation our embassy in asked real from from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Talk talk talk talk talk present from just said we're going to. This I mean he's perfect no I would somebody take his phone away from me. But I want to tell you something the man is decisive and he acts and let me tell you something before you say you should be talking about that let me tell you you better be grateful for him because he is a defender of your Christian freedom. And let me tell you something we're only about election or 2 away and you're going to see that Christians have no freedom in this country. We are dealing with things today in our churches and in our schools that we have never faced before and the liberal media and the left wing government and everything that has its everything about God and His word is stacking up against us so he's decisive and as a leader in church leaders we must be decisive as well even in the face of criticism number 6 determination knowing the goal is worthy. The prize must be paid to get the job that you know what this is more important in America far more important in America is the kingdom of God. Did you hear me let me let me I didn't hear anything let me say that again far more important that America is the kingdom of God. And this is worth God's work and God's Kingdom God's Son is worth paying the price for he paid the price for us. He gave his very life. That you and I might be saved and we need to be determined to carry this out to the very end and then number 7 loyalty loyalty to God loyalty he's going to let somebody attack. The God who breathe and your nostrils the breath of life and make your living so are you going to are you going to let people decide that that God when He said he made them male and female are you going to are are you going to follow after this crowd that says you know it did you know that abortion and homosexuality are 2 clenched fists in the face of God and. It's a it's a mockery of God The very ones who say they don't believe in God yet they shake their fist puny fist in his face. He made us. And he had a purpose for us and when people attack our God we must be loyal to him loyal to his word loyal to his son and we need to be loyal to others we need to support our brothers and sisters in Christ who are fighting for this because not all that call themselves Christians are I can tell you within the vicinity of where we're sitting right now there are churches who believe it's Ok to be homosexual there are churches in this area that believe it's Ok to get an abortion but for those who believe this book and for those who stand on unflinchingly uncompromisingly on the Word of God we must be loyal to this. Well let's look at the last thing Jesus. As always he's the Roe He's the role model he was the role model as as a proclaimer of truth prophet he was a the model servant didn't come to be served but to serve and give his life a ransom for many He's the greatest teacher who ever lived he exhorted us to live godly in Christ Jesus he is the one who who who gave exemplified giving because he gave the greatest thing he gave himself and then he's the greatest leader. Who ever lived he said in in a 122 Paul said about Jesus He's the one who orders all things in his church this is his church this is not my church this is not your church this is God's church I don't even know when it started 140 some years ago no no no work started some little building somewhere in this area but from the very get go this church was God's Church. And whenever it ceases to be God's church then it's no longer a church. But he's the head of the church where the body members in particular he gave the Great Commission in Matthew 20 of his and all 40 is given to be in heaven on earth go make disciples baptizing them in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit and teaching them what to observe all things that I've come and did you we can't teach anybody anything or lead anybody anywhere if we're not obeying him. And then the last thing 1st create the ins $1440.00 says each of us are to order our lives 7 in a Christ like way God does all things decently and in order and not only should we do things his work in an orderly fashion we should have our lives in order. There's a lot of disorder in in God's churches today. You know what it is you know you know why because people's lives are in disorder. And to the degree listen. I don't know if I can ever say anything more important when I'm going to say to the degree that you this obey this book and you don't live your life for Jesus you will fail in this life. That's why I feel so you don't want yesterday. I think I think my. I made a statement and I've always made the statement of people who look at me like what. I would rather do a funeral any day as a wedding. People go why Pastor weddings are fun weddings are joyful funerals are sad somebody died but you know what we all die we're all going to die but it weddings you know you get you got a 5 am Lawless you know you've got the you've got the daddy's mom and you've got the mom as the girl's mom and they're they don't sometimes like each other and you know you're doing trying to do this thing you got a maid on the night before and do the practice all it's been you know it just. But it been roles rather you got them tapping. And they maybe for the 1st time in a long time. They're thinking about eternity. They're thinking about it and. Hopefully people will grasp that you just get one shot at this it's time people it's it's time to find out what your spiritual gift is there is no place for stragglers. You could some of you are doing anything. And you know I see the same people I got a few minutes or so I'm just going to say this. I see the same people from our church at the funeral visitations same people at the funerals. Same people cook the meals same people sing in the choir same people that work in I wanna same people teach Sunday school. And the rest. Just sit and watch. You know what. There's something you could do. You could be a greater you can I can I can visualize some of you out there but you have a great smile and you have a winsome personality and I can see you being a greeter out there. Some of you could be an usher. And you know what the biggest reason why Joni's heard that people don't want to men don't want to be an usher is their friend they're going to have to pray. Well you know what if you want to be an asher and you don't want to pray you don't have to pray I'm going to call on you to pray that's fine I have no problem with that but you can still be an usher and I know the man that can pray in the ones that don't want to that's not an issue you. Will learn to pry one of these days. I tell you what about it almost Her me off Christie and the I was that my wife Victor Babs church in Tulsa Oklahoma and our pastor one day I was just a teenage kid not as a rebel in my heart I was off as a goose and I was dating the prettiest girl at that church and nobody liked me they got you know that losers they Darla. And one day I'm stayin in there with her just minding my own business in the bell bottoms. And my long hair and my why die. And he asked me to Friday. I thought Lord I'm going to die right here. 48 years later your pastor so don't tell me God can't use you. If you'll just report for duty and so I got I know you gifted me I think this is my gift now God I'm open to do what you want with me I'm pleading with you to do that just let God have you. And you serve him and I promise you he'll use you. Stand with me in prayer. Heavenly Father. God there's more talent. And more giftedness in this room than what any of us ever could imagine. Lord I don't know why. For years so many in this church has left it to a handful of people. To do almost all the work. But Lord that has to stop. Because a lot of the people that are leaders of this church about my age. Will run around forever. So what's going to happen in this church. That's a future. Who's going to pick up the mantle. Who's going to take the ball and run with it. Or help people to step up and. Say I want to be that man of God I want to be that woman of God. I can't do much but what I can do I will do. For the glory of God. Help us not to do what we usually do help us not to just let this go in one ear and out the other walk out on band and bat on broken. But our Lord to say. Dear God I'm not. And I want to serve you show me how lowered in Jesus name a man. By Jesus. Have you. Had. You know I've been to I've been doing this warm enough that I I know. I know. When I've lost my joy. And I know when people in my church have lost their joy and they just they're going through the motions just going through the motions and it's not like it used to be. You can reclaim your joy they did. When he said he gets got it inside restore my salvation he said restore the joy of myself. So rich that will pass around already why. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if you like me or not. You got to love me. Jesus say but if you don't like me that's Ok. But when God gives me a word for you. You need to listen. To other I love these people. Each and every want to know who love them infinitely more. Lord I know that there's not a there's not a public visible coming to the altar thing going on. But Lord you're starring hearts right now. Your spirit is moving I can sense it. And Lord I pray you'll give those that are have heard your voice. Give them the courage to make that. Surrender. To you right now the Say Yes I want to I want you to show me my gift. And then I want to use it for your glory. Tune in again next week at 11 o'clock am for the Live service at the 1st Baptist Church of southwest city you're listening to this library cast of the 1st Baptist Church of southwest city on Kermit k u r m 100.3 f.m. Gravatt southwest city in Siloam Springs We now join back up with our sister station Kermit am 790. A Latin quid pro quo doesn't exactly direct translation but I think what she's trying to get at is a simplification of the allegations here a new c.b.s. Battleground tracker has Joe Biden at the top of the pack of Democratic presidential candidates when looking at early contests with Elizabeth Warren just behind c.b.s. Is Steve Dorsey Biden and Warren together earned more than half of the support of voters in early contests Senator Bernie Sanders meanwhile is holding a strong 3rd place but South Bend Indiana Mayor Pete booted judge joins Sanders and Biden as part of a clear top tier in Iowa he's also gain momentum in New Hampshire and according to a new Des Moines Register poll Buddha is the clear front runner in Iowa as former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg considers a run he's apologizing for his controversial stop and frisk policing policy it allowed City police officers to stop and search anyone suspected of a crime I now see that we could and should have acted sooner and acted faster to cut the stops. I wish we had I'm sorry that we didn't then assiduously is dealing with flooding again c.b.s. Is to be in a castle Franco for the 3rd time this week Venice was hit by an exceptional tide which peaked at nearly 5 feet and more than 70 percent of the city was under water again Square had to be closed to the public again and the doors of its famous Basilica remain shut as did many stores and museums local interests get around wearing high rubber boots or hip waders Sabina Castle Franco c.b.s. News the c.b.s. News. C.b.s. This morning join Tom. And kill I'm very glad to. See us this morning we. Hope packages for a living a gas powered Mercedes-Benz sprinter delivers transport people just.