So I should try to strive to do all that I can to make sure that he school or if I'm and I try to take this road radio program to do and be be a part of that if you made a decision Archie just want to send me an encouraging note and all I love to hear from you you can send it to David Evans or the good news program Post Office Box 768 Huntsville Arkansas 7740 again that is the good news program Post Office Box 768 Huntsville Arkansas 7740 Well just so on are that Kerman allow us to use their equipment in studios to. Record this program and then. Allows us to have this airtime to broadcast the good news and also summary looking at. Are you satisfied with the problem we probably are with where we are so in our spiritual disciplines and growth Bible knowledge. And one of the ways to look at it would be am I striving and I learning am I trying to find or am I ministering. Sacrificially at times to be able to do that if not you're satisfied. Are you satisfied with the material things you have and remember the things that we've been given we've been given our lines on we've been given opportunities and we've been given resources that are gifts from John and we will give an account of how we had ceased those may we use it on or. Until next time your once complex You've been listening to the good news programme hosted by Dr David Evans you could reach Dr Evans via the good news program at 8762 East wagon wheel road in Springdale Arkansas 72762 or by e-mail at k. 9 d r 72762 at yahoo dot com The good news program is a production of Mount Pleasant Missionary Baptist Church of high was the Arkansas and 790 8 am k. You are and you're listening to Kermit k u r m Rogers Springdale Bentonville k u r e m f a o m 100.3 Gravatt South was sunny side of springs our church programs continue now with the Downtown Church of Christ broadcast the Bible speaks the. The. The the the the in the. Well good morning and welcome to another broadcast of The Bible speaks My name is Warren King an evangelist with the Downtown Church of Christ in Rogers Arkansas and I will be your host for today's program the Bible speaks is part of the evangelist effort of the Downtown Church of Christ which meets at the corner of 2nd and Chestnut streets in Rogers the downtown church meets on Sunday mornings for Bible classes at $945.00 and we have Bible classes for all ages our regular assemblies on Sunday are at $1035.00 on Sunday mornings and at 6 o'clock on Sunday evenings and we would encourage you to come and visit with us any time that you can do you think it's right for a Christian to fight with the truth is Christians must fight if they want to be right with God as Paul commanded Timothy fight the good fight of faith while we could have a discussion about Christians fighting physically standing up to the bully on the playground for example or a Christian serving in the armed forces there is no question about the importance of fighting the spiritual battle we are all in gauged in it and your eternal welfare hangs on the outcome Recently I had the privilege of bringing a lesson to the downtown church on this important topic and so we invite you to join us this morning for a sermon in titled Let's fight if these are Chapter 2 in verse 12 we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities and against powers against the rulers of the darkness of this age and against the spiritual host of wickedness and they haven't really places. Our battle is obviously not a physical battle but it is a spiritual battle and I think maybe for that reason a lot of this bill take the battle seriously we don't see it as a real battle you know a real battle involves guns and bullets and nods and blood but the spiritual battle I'm not feeling hurt I'm not feeling particularly strained and so maybe I don't feel like I'm involved in a battle but the reality is you are and the Question of the hour is How are you feeling are you doing in a spiritual battle are you being successful in your struggle against the Prince of pallet things in the powers in the rulers of the darkness of this say are you being successful by the grace of God are doing even though you know it's possible to be losing this battle and not even knowing it like a Laodiceans of Revelation Chapter 3 you say that I am rich and that you have become wealthy and have need of nothing and you do not even know you do not even know that you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked he says Your be in beaten by Satan and you don't even know it. It's got a scary thing isn't that we can be losing this spiritual battle badly and not even know it and so when I ask the question how are you doing in this spiritual battle that may not be as easy to answer as we think the enemy that we fight of course is Satan 1st Peter chapter 5 and verse 8 your adversary the devil as a roaring lion goes about seeking whom he may devour that's who the fight is with you know what he's very good at what he does do not sell say in short he has been an adversary of God since the beginning of time and he has been our ad this area ever since we've been on the planet. He's described by Jesus and John Jack or 18 in verse 44 as a murderer and a liar. And so he lives when he tells you that it's Ok to have premarital sex the devil lies to you when he says that the Bible is just an ancient book it's just a bunch of Fables it's just a bunch of stories full of contradictions science has this prove the Bible over and over college students get that all the time in their college classes it's a lie say to been very good at spreading net lied been very successful in getting people to believe that one. We can just go on and on looking at the many lies in our society that Satan has propagated. And that even Christians if we're not careful can buy into not Jesus says he's a murderer and a liar the Book of Revelation chapter 12 and verse 9 calls him a deceiver that great dragon was cast out that serpent of old called the Devil and Satan who deceives the whole world. He's a temper in Matthew Chapter 4 in verse 3 he's the one who attempts us and he does that by a lying to us by deceiving us as the Hebrew writer described it the pleasures of sin say no whole set out to be pleasurable the whole set out to be something that is enjoyable and the reality is most of the time it is in the short term otherwise it wouldn't be tempting to you now would the lie it is that it's a good way to live your life it's Ok to engage in sand not that big a deal you're not going to die and all of that and it's a pleasurable things a why nots it's how Satan tries to get you to leave God to alienate yourself from God And again he's been very successful because we have all sinned we have all fallen short of what God would have us to be. Satan tries to bring you down in a lot of different ways and temptation is not just the desire for all these pleasurable things temptation can sometimes present itself in the form of fear if Satan can instill fear in me it's been very successful as in John Chapter 12 you find the example there in John Chapter 12 and in verse 42 speaking of some of the Jewish rulers they believed on him but because of the fair slaves they would not confess. One because they would be put out of the synagogue they would be disfellowshipped they would be cut off from Jewish society if they acknowledge Jesus to be the Son of God The Pharaoh sees would see to that and so because of the fear sees they would not confess Him They love the praise of min more than the praise of Gong any time you have felt fear intimidation peer pressure to go along with the crowd instead of standing up and saying what's right are doing watch right Satan has been successful in causing fear you are harmed sometimes Satan uses discouragement to bring us down have you ever been discouraged because that Satan working in your heart make no mistake about that 1st chapter 19 in verse 10 the example of a lie Joe is jazz a bell had put out the contract on him and he fled south all the way down to Mount Sinai and a lie just said to God He said I have been very Selous for the Lord God of hosts and for the children of Israel and they have forsaken your covenant they've torn down your altars and they have killed your prophets with the sword and I alone have left and now they are seeking my life Alija understood discouragement been there. Ever been discouraged by the hardships. That Satan working on you if you ever been discouraged by your brothers and sisters and cries ever felt like your brothers and sisters in Christ didn't do your writings. Because that's a workin on You Tube How many Christians about an old through the years get mad at Brother So and so are they got mad at sister so and so and so they left the Lord never made sense to mean that a lot of rather than do that discouraged by their own brethren and so they just walk away exactly what Satan would want you to do when you're discouraged by your brethren have you ever been distracted distracted by the tense all of the toys of this world and 2nd Timothy Chapter forward in verse 10 2nd Timothy Chapter 4 in verse 10 Demas Paul writes has forsaken me having love this present world the world has all kinds of distractions out there all kinds of tinsel and toys that can can distract us from the things that are really important Have you ever been distracted by the cares and the responsibilities of life that can begin to weigh down on you and cause you to lose sight of what's really important in life kind of like Martha the sister of Mary oh Lord why don't you tell her to come help me and Jesus says No Mary has chosen the good part Martha and you need to do the same some things in life that are important and there are some things in life that are not and you and I need to have the wisdom to know the difference let's not be distracted by the trivialities of this one. Things that might be harmless at a knob themselves but when they get in the way of our service to little or don't let those things destroy your spiritual because that's the devil working with you make no mistake about that and apathy apathy Revelation 3 once again in the church at Laodicea we read a few moments ago from verse 17 that church that said I have become rich and wealthy and I have need of nothing to that same church in verse 16 he said you are lukewarm. And because you're a luke warm he said I will vomit you out of my mouth you're not hot you're not cold you just add to fit your apathetic look about the things of God and God says I can't stand that will not fellowship that if you've ever been apathetic about the things of God because if you hand that's the devil work in you Christians in some parts of this world in this planet can't afford to be apathetic in fact they are no apathetic Christians in many countries did you know that. Because in many countries if you can find a Christian there there there at the hazard of their own lives they live their lives in jeopardy every day because they are Christians in that kind of environment you don't find apathetic Christians because the apathetic Christians walked away a long time ago it's only in an influence assigning a wealthy society a society that's based in ease like the one in which we live in an apathetic Christian can continue to play the game if you don't want to be that person that person who has deceived themselves into thinking that they are actually on God's side when the reality is they are not again that's the devil work in India if you're an apathetic person don't want to be that person that's the nature of the enemy though that's the nature of Satan that's the nature of this fight that we fight which brings us to perhaps the most important part of this lesson and that is so how do you win this battle. Can you fight this good find and be successful in the finding of him I remember that Jesus told pilot in John Chapter 18 when pilot asked him if he was a king he said yeah I am a king but my kingdom is not of this world. He said if my kingdom was of this world my servants would fight that's John Chapter 18 in verse 36 if my kingdom was of this where all my servants would fight but my kingdom is not of this world important lesson there about the nature of the kingdom I understand that but also the nature of the battle that we fight and the nature of the defense that we need to offer up there been a lot of individuals through the centuries who have mistakenly thought that Christianity can be won at the point of a sword. And Christianity was never designed to be one that way and so whether it's the Branch Davidian is in the city of Waco some 20 years ago or so. But stock themselves with the armament thinking that it was going to be a physical battle that they were going to win or whether it's the individual who bombs an abortion clinic thinking they are doing God's work if you kill the doctor who's performing the abortions What have you done for the cause of cries and the reality is in doing that you might even be killing the young woman who has gotten pregnant and who feels like she has no other way out except to have an abortion and she just hasn't been taught better and you think killing her. Glorifies God You see that's never been the way that Christianity has spread it has never been the way that Christianity has gained a foothold this battle is not one at a point of a sword 2nd Corinthians Chapter 10 and in verse 4 2nd Corinthians 10 and in verse 4 where Paul writes to the church at Corinth the weapons of our warfare are not carnal. The weapons of our warfare are we engaged in a warfare yes we are make no mistake about it but the weapon is that we use are not carnal that is they are not worldly they are not fleshly weapons. And while that has application to guns and knives and bombs and all of that we don't win Christianity like that it also has application in a lot of other areas and in fact what Paul was actually writing about here were the carnal weapons of personal attacks name calling ad hominem as it is properly called the ad hominem attacks even illustrates it later on a few verses later they are in 2nd Corinthians Chapter 10 and inversed in his letters they say are weighty and powerful speaking about Paul himself his letters are weighty and powerful but his bodily presence is weak and his speech is contemptible. And what kind of argument is that. Ad hominem when you attack to the individual you make fun of the individual that is proof positive that you've run out of arguments or that you've lost on the intellectual level you've lost the argument and so what is left is that to say well you're just fat and stupid and you don't know what you're talking about and so there. That's the way a lot of folks fight that battle the enemies of Christ quite often will employ ad hominem The sad thing is that sometimes Christians think that that's the way to win the battle for Christ and that's never the way to win the battle that is as much a carnal weapon as a gun or a knife and that is not how Christianity is spread it's not how we win the fight. You know we might be intimidated by Satan's messengers but we don't need to use intimidation against the messengers of Satan because that's not how Satan will be defeated. We push back against Satan again 1st Peter chapter 5 in verse 9 after Peter writes and verse 8 that your adversary the devil as a roaring lion goes about seeking whom they may devour in verse 9 he says now resist him. Push back against him. Do not just roll over and play dead and let Satan have his way you push back against him Well how do you push back preacher 2nd Timothy Chapter 2 2nd Timothy Chapter 2 in verse 3 endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ no one and gauged in warfare and tangles himself with the affairs of this life so that he might please the one who has enlisted him as a soldier so we have to endure. We have to stay strong you cannot give up on this fight but once again how how do you go about staying strong How do you go about not being entailed in the things of this world how can you in a practical way be successful in his will we do that by taking up the whole armor of God in this takes us back full circle to chapter 6 if Asians Chapter 6 read a few moments ago from verse 12 our wrestling is not against flesh and blood but against the prince power of these and powers in the rulers of darkness of this Age Against the spiritual host of wickedness in the heavenly places and so now this take up in verse 13. In verse 13 so take up the whole armor of God you know God has provided you with a suit of armor. He hands but you've got to put it on you've got to wear the arm. That cattle are vest that calves are helmet does you no good if you leave it back in the barracks you have got to put it on if you want to be successful in a spiritual fight take up the whole armor of God that you might be able to withstand in the evil day and having done all to stand he says if you want to be successful in overcoming the devil if you want to survive the spiritual battle then put on the armor of God Gird your waist with truth now as we read through these pieces of armaments want you to pick up on one thing it's very important point and that is that every one of the things is tied inexplicably to the Word of God You cannot separate the armor of God from the Word of God in every one of these cases God's word is inherent in the armor and what you look at is being guarded with truth. What is truth in John 17 and in verse 17 Jesus tells us as he's praying to his father he says Father Your word is truth your word is truth God is the ultimate source of truth and if you want to have your waist girded with truth. Then you have got to spend time with God's word because God's Word is Truth All right number 2 put on the breastplate of righteousness righteousness that means just being right with God That's the breastplate that you where Let me ask you this how do you know what's right in God's eyes how would you know that. You have to go to God's word. God's word tells you what's right what's wrong if you want your breastplate to be protected with righteousness then you've got to know the difference between right and wrong spend time with God's Word to figure out what that is having shot your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace not just with the Gospel there's God's word again but with the preparation of the gospel of peace prepare with the gospel as Jesus was being tempted by Satan he kept coming back saying it is written it is written it is written He didn't say wait a minute Satan timeout let me go check the can coordinate let me call the rabbi and figure out what the right answer is and I'll get back to you. Now sometimes we got to do things like that you know as we're in the learning process but that's part of the preparation Ok let's get prepared to win the fight book or the 5 cones that means us spend time with the Word of God Again the preparation of the gospel of peace there are 16 above all take the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one that shield of Fain. How do you develop a faith like that Romans $1017.00 faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God spend time with the Word of God If you want to grow a strong faith a faith that can protect you against the wiles of Satan. Spend time with the Word of God in verse 17 take the helmet of salvation. When he writes to the Thessalonians and 1st that's alone in Chapter 5 he calls it the helmet of the hope of salvation. That's the idea here the helmet of salvation the helmet of the hope of salvation as a helmet to protect your head kind of important right enough in a battle you want your head to be protected when he says take the helmet of the hope of salvation the hope of everlasting life what that says is spend time looking at the goal keep your eye on the goal now let me ask you one more time how do you know about heaven how do you know that there is a place that God has prepared for his people because God of were tells you about God's word has revealed it to loans we would know about heaven except God He told us about it and so spend time with God's Word to Bordeaux find your hope of heaven so that it can become that anchor of The Soul as the Hebrew writer puts it take the helmet of the hope of salvation and take the sword of the Spirit which is he says the Word of God Take the word of God and use it as a sword offensively this battle is not all defensive it is also often seen press the fights have those conversations have those discussions with people in the world press it on the off incident so that the borders of God's kingdom can be separated and oh yes in verse 18 praying all wings praying always it's interesting he doesn't identify prayer with any particular piece of armor and I think maybe the reason for that is because that's the one thing that is all encompassing if you want all the other pieces of armament to work when the battle is engaged you need God's help to be there with you and he will be if you've got to pray. You've got to ask for his help in this battle just as David knew that it was God's strength that would help him to defeat the giant we've got to know that it's God's strength not my own wisdom not my own willpower not my great moral courage no it's God's help that will ultimately help me to win this battle and prayer is what provides that for him I believe that's why Jesus told his Apostles in the garden of gets in any watch and pray pray that you enter not into temptation the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak Jesus understood the power of prayer when it comes to overcoming Satan in this battle and close out with a passage from Revelation Chapter 19 because in Revelation 19 we have such a beautiful description of our commander in chief and if you're engaged in this spiritual battle which you will be for the remainder of your life don't ever ever lose sight of who is leading the charge from Revelation Chapter 19 in verse 11 John writes I saw heaven opened up and behold a white horse he who sat upon him was called faithful and true and in righteousness he judges and makes war his eyes were like a flame of fire on his head were many crowns he had a name written that no one knew except he himself he was close with the road dipped in blood and his name is called the Word of God The armies in heaven clothed in final linen white and clean followed him on white horses out of his mouth goes a sharp sword that sort of the Spirit which is the Word of God out of his mouth goes a sharp sword that with that he should strike the nations know to strike in the nations with his word his powerful and mighty were. He himself will rule them with a rod of iron he himself treads the wine press of the fierceness and the wrath of Almighty God and he has on his robe in upon his spot a name that is written the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords there is not a king that has ever lived or ever will live that will be more powerful than Jesus Christ so the question is whose side are you on. Stay strong you follow the Lord your arm yourself with his armament you stay focused on the eternal goal and pray always for God's help and you can do this with God's help you can do this you have been listening to a recent sermon presented to the Downtown Church of Christ in Rogers Arkansas intitled let's fight without a question Christians are required to fight the spiritual battle and God has provided us with all the tools we need to be successful in that fight and so how are you doing are you staying strong are you resisting the devil as Peter writes Remember your eternal welfare hangs in the balance and that makes this the most important fight that you will ever fight if we have the downtown church can help you and your fight against Satan we would encourage you to contact as Remember we are here to serve. Oh. Well again this is Warren King and evangelist for the Downtown Church of Christ in Rogers Arkansas and I hope you've been fitted from today's program I'd like to invite you to the assemblage of the downtown church we meet on Sunday mornings for Bible classes at 945 and we have Bible classes for all ages our worship similes on Sunday or at 1035 on Sunday morning at 6 o'clock on Sunday evening and also invite you to look at our website the website address is downtown c o c dot net audio clips of recent sermons preached at the Downtown Church are available for a free download on the website and you will also find there the latest issues of the downtown gospel beacon which is a weekly publication of the downtown church. We invite your comments or questions about today's broadcast and they write us at p.o. Box 447 Rogers Arkansas 72757 or they call this area code 796363575 this information and more is available on the Web site and again that website address is downtown singles scene dot net If you would like a home Bible study or 3 bible correspondence course please contact us the look forward to hearing from you but again thank you for joining us for today's program and make it a point this week to let the Bible see. Our church programs continue now with signpost to heaven our church programs continue now with signpost to heaven presented by Jim Weaver local attorney and ordained minister here is Tim Weaver Good morning and welcome in again to the signpost to heaven broadcast please join me in asking God's blessing on his word and a plenty to those that hear and understand well we ask you to look to him to take what we're about to read from your holy book apply it to our lives so that we may become better christians better workers for you in the harvest of souls that we may be come or the to be called the Sons and Daughters of God so that when this life is over we may go home to be with you as you have so I just sleep promised and to us. Like to read today beginning in numbers the 14th chapter and beginning at the 29th verse your carcasses show fall in the wilderness and all that were numbered of you according to your whole number from 20 years old and upward shall have have which have Margaret against me. Starting off with a curse from God that those that had murmured against him should die if we murmur against God If we don't do the god's will and we question God's will then too we will incur the wrath of God Maybe not to the point that he will kill us immediately and he didn't offer to kill these people here immediately but he told them that they would wander for 40 years ahead and really will get that part here in a moment but that they would surely die and not be welcome into the promised land that he had promised them and if we are not orderly of his promise to us we will not enter into the promised land that he has prepared for us when this life is over if we murmur against God and if we don't trust in God If we don't we willing to obey and listen to him. Going on to reap that was issued will not come into the land concerning which I swear to make your will you do up there in say Caleb the son of just so him and Joshua the son and none but the earlier ones which he said shall be pray them I will bring in 2 and a shell know the land which ye have despised. But as for you your carcasses shall fall in the wilderness and your children shall wander in the wilderness 40 years and bear your. Whoredom until your carcasses be wasted in the wilderness after the number of the days in which he searched the land even 40 days each day for a year shall you bear your iniquities even 40 years and he shall know when I breach of promise. I Lord hath said I will surely do it and to this evil congregation that they have gathered together against me in the wilderness and they shall be consumed and there they shall die and the man which Moses in to search the length was returned and made all. The congregation to murmur against him by bringing up a slander upon the land even those men that did bring up the evil report unto the land died by the plague before the Lord and Joshua the son a nun and Caleb this. Which were of the men that went up to search the land lived still and Moses told those to all the children of Israel and the people Marmer greatly and they rose up early in the morning and get them up and to the top of the mountain saying low we be here and will go up unto the place which the Lord has promised for we have sinned and Moses said wherefore Now do you transgress the common with the Lord but it shall not prosper go not for the Lord is not among you. That are not smitten before your enemies for the amount of cuts and the Canaanites and there before the you and you shall fall by the sword because you have turned away from the Lord therefore the Lord will not be with you but they presume to go up unto the hilltop never the less the Ark of the covenant of the Lord and Moses departed not out of the camp but the amount guides came down and the Canaanites which dwelt in the hill and smote them and discomforted them even to. Hear the people thought. They could murmur against God and get away with it that they could murmur against his promise and. They would not be punished but God said you won't me allowed to go into the land of the promise because you've broken your part of the promise by murmuring against me. And he said You're wandering the world Innes for 40 years and then you will after 40 years you of all perished and your children will be acceptable in the kingdom. Because of a punishment is put upon your head for murmuring against God How often do re Marmer How often do we question God's will in our lives if we question God's will we're not doing what he would have us to do where he wants us to respect him and to understand His commandments and to obey his commandments without murmur Without question we are to obey God in all that he does and all that he asks of us. Yes not a great amount of things but he asked us to turn our hearts toward him and to love him 1st and foremost and to obey his commandments but if we reject His commandments we will not be acceptable and to his kingdom here the people that had come out of Egypt were turned aside and not allowed to enter into the promised land that they had been promised of Moses in Egypt because of their sins and if we commit sins in our lives and don't you see forgiveness for them we too will be turned aside from the promised land that he has prepared for each of us in His heavenly kingdom and promised under those that worship Him and obey him. But if we don't obey him and don't worship him we're not worthy to be acceptable into his kingdom and we will be such sched side from it at the great judgement and we we've turned aside and pushed into outer darkness away from those that have truly accepted His commandments and done his commandments and here the people thought well we'll just say we've sinned and we'll go and and God will protect us and we'll still get what God has promised us and they went down in a bunch in the morning and they climbed the hill where the enemy was and God was not with them and the enemy smote them and the enemy chased them and harassed them and killed many of them. We too if we turn to God again need to really truly turn to God and obey his commandments for most of us forewarned them before they went up into the mountain that God was not going to be with them God would forgive them of their stance but he was not going to go forth and fight for them to give them the kingdom that he had now took it away from them that he had made them a new promise that they would wander in the wilderness and that they would all die but that their children would Herit he still was giving them. A lot to exist for 40 years but rather than take the life that God had give them that they wander for 40 years they went up and squandered that by attacking the enemy without the power of God They thought they could rule the terms of how their salvation would go by saying we are sinners and will go up there and we'll win now because we've admitted to God were centers it doesn't work that way we have to be accepted of God in our sins have to be covered in the blood of the lamp we don't get to choose always when God pours back his righteousness on us and what he gives us when he pours that righteousness back on us he didn't offer to say if you from this will admit your sense I will take you on into the kingdom that I've promised I won't. But he hell fast to his promise and if we continue to sin think that we are going to continue to be able to be forgiven we may find that God's forgiveness is not fully what we expected to be we may not be acceptable to God in all things we have the blessing of God in our lives that we've had previous God does. Reject this he will accept us back in Turkey name if we truly ask of him to say for his forgiveness but we have to act in a manner that is truly. In honor of the act of asking for forgiveness here they said we'll just ask him in the admitting were sinners and then we'll go do whatever we want. That's not what God ask of them that was not following God's commandments that was simply compounding their sin it was simply taking up on their lives more sin and they were now disobeying God again for Moses told them don't go up there you're going to lose you're going to be defeated with because God doesn't go with you so if we take it upon ourselves to go do something we think God has told us to do and we have refused without God telling us to do it again we may be out of the will of God Again they thought we would just go up there and God or God will help us and we will win. But they didn't understand that by going up there again they were in committing sin they were again committing trespass against the will of God So we need in all things when we receive God's commandment to know that is God's commandment be able to recognize it as God's commandment and do what he says and don't say well we didn't do it last time but we're going to do it this time because we think we can now receive forgiveness for not having done it last time if God has commanded is not to do it again God has a time in a season for all things he may want to talk to a particular individual on a particular day when he's been to eling in their heart and if we don't go and Dr that person that they like God asked us to we may lose the opportunity to ever be able to talk to that person again with the blessing of God over us to help guide our words that we might help someone else find him for later on we may be out of the will of God to go and talk to that person we need to take to them words that we think are good but that are not blessed of the Father and are not assisted by the son we we may be not doing a work that is of God We need to keep our actions in the will of God so that when we're in this life we do God's will and we will receive our reward of his kingdom and to receive in the roared of death and. Separation from God that we will be acceptable under God as His children are pushed out into the wilderness to die. Each of us has a duty to obey God when He speaks to us and not try to dictate the terms of God how we're going to do something or when we're going to do something God is our father but we ask you to look down and help us to understand when you speak to us that we should follow your commandments and it was should obey your language and that we should not take it up on our own selves to do things our will but by that I will that we should be acceptable unto your kingdom when this life is over and that we not try to force our way in there at we think you are a large man if you like to write to us today you may write to sign post to heaven to 16 West Cherry Street Rogers Arkansas 7 to 756 That address again a signpost to heaven 216 West Cherry Street Rogers Arkansas 72756 May the blessing of the Lord be upon each of you and may He God your way so that you're always in his well you've just heard a signpost to heaven presented each Sunday morning at $930.00 by Tim Weaver local attorney and ordained minister tell your friends and neighbors about the special program heard every Sunday morning on Kerman and tune in again next Sunday at 934 signpost to heaven. Good morning ladies and gentlemen this is been an exhibit a pastor of New i ministries great to be with you today on joining with 2 wonderful men of God To my left is Pastor Ken Wagner to my right as Pastor Michel Villar And good morning gentlemen how are you good morning Pastor good morning Northwest Arkansas 2. Oh good is his microphone and Colonel I don't know if I heard Pastor can or not. Ok pastor can say it again praise the Lord. You can leave me out of this on it's already begun redlining all you saints out there and then a man said this Sunday morning what an amazing amazing day this is we're going to share some amazing things but 1st of all I want to commend the Pastor Tim that is on right before us and I love his message about Joshua and how he is the son of Nun and nobody ever knew in the in the Bible Belt that Joshua didn't have a mother and father because he had none yet he was the son of Nun and so he must have been part of the milk is a direct priesthood. Well anyways beside that I want to give a hip hip hooray to those of you the supported us this month I walked into the studio I saw the wonderful face of our friend a hope and there we were to give a 1000 dollars to make sure that we could continue on broadcasting and the message that you are going to hear this morning. I think this is going to knock it out of the ballpark this colonel were about to step into something that is so beyond normal now we do that a lot but this is real a dimension ill. Will unbelievable mathematically impossible for what just happened this morning that we're going to talk about without any blemish in your embellishing this is absolutely amazing you're excited here is good all right so again the interest and saints of God You need to get this right as well Ok and I assure you that last night the only thing that I ate may have been a little suspect was yogurt it was a chocolate flavored yogurt but that was it there was no no Twinkies to cupcakes ding dongs any crazy stuff that would make you think crazy thoughts Ok this is a real deal and I need to sober up a little bit and I need to share this because I don't know the meaning of it I'll be excess of be very honest with you I do not understand the meaning of this and I'm just trying to put things in order and maybe what I'm going to do is give a little background before getting to where I want to share this with you and I want to read to you a prophecy that was written on October 28th 2019 now whatever you feel about prophecy whatever you think about it listen carefully because what happened less than an hour ago. Is good it's going to it's going to pique your interest it's good it's going to bring you into a frequency that you need to know so just give this a chance Ok the Bible says in 1st that's lonely in Chapter 5 do not despise prophesied again and so let me read to you a prophecy and I'm just going to let it lay forth as it will and here's how the prophecy reads and again I need to address let me say this before even getting into this. These words these messages these ideas are not coming you have to trust this they are not coming from preprogramed mental thinking about gloom and doom although these messages are inspired in the direction of judgment they are inspired in the direction of what warning and I believe that God has been warning our nation for a very long time about certain events and certain things and most certainly you and I would agree today that we are witnessing chaos and confusion within our society you know there are things that temperate there are things that allow us to escape for the moment some of the realities that are going on all around us none the less there is confusion there is chaos from every direction in every realm every fabric of our society and so there is a reason for that chaos there is a reason for it. I want to read to you a prophecy called the millstone prophecy the millstone prophecy and I'm just going to lead up to what happened this morning and when you hear what happened this morning I think you're going to be as absolutely overwhelmingly amazed as I am that there is something beyond normality going on here the millstone prophecy reads this way like a millstone around the neck and cast into the sea so shall America be plunged into the depths of horror oh America you have not provoked ISIS or other terror organizations around the world but you have provoked me say of the Lord I have heard of all the ugly things you have done yet I have come down to you to see if what I have heard was true and you like the sons of Sodom and Gomorra have testified against yourselves that you are cruel and defiant and lewd therefore I am releasing a millstone from the heavens and binding you to it say if the Lord and you shall drown in the violence of your evil ways you have offended my heart like your harlot mother who was so denied my presence in exchange for the glory of nations and I tell you now that your glory shall be turned into shame and disgrace your nation shall we be mown the loss of many you ask how we offended you or what evil have we done you have offended the little ones and their blood testifies against you you have murdered and slaughtered the most innocent and have made booty of the children and have given them over to the perverse actions of the most perverse people within your society I have used your enemies within your. Gates to expose what you would not and you shall see the covers ripped off and the nakedness of your shame exposed the leaders of America make their boast in their power and intelligence and are nothing short of the Babylonians in their day who boasted of their power I will make the land dark and show my power say if the Lord for I am not to respect or of persons and I hold no man in admiration except the man who does my will from the heart I will 1st bunny into 3 cities to the millstone and plunge them into darkness say if the Lord Los Angeles New York and Washington d.c. Your pride has deceived you and now you are days away from experiencing the madness that you have sown to the ends of the earth I called you to repentance but you would not look listen the sound of a millstone coming from the skies plunging the nation into the depths of the sea darkness silence a new era begins in the purpose of God that was a prophecy written on the 28th of October 200-1000 just a few days ago then there were these scriptures I wanted to share these with you I'm just going to read them out of the New King James Version of the Bible. Job 2134 The wicked are reserved for the day of doom they shall be brought out on the Day of Wrath Proverbs $164.00 the Lord has made all for himself yes even the wicked for the day of doom and Jeremiah 1117 for the Lord of hosts who planted you has pronounced doom against you for the evil of the house of Israel and of the house of Judah which they have done against themselves to provoke me to anger in offering incense to bale Jeremiah 171718 Do not be a terror to me you are my hope in the day of doom said the prophet Jeremiah let them be ashamed to persecute me but do not let me be put to shame let them be dismayed but do not let me be dismayed bring on them the day of doom and destroy them with double destruction Jeremiah 1915 thus saith the Lord of Hosts the God of Israel Behold I will bring on this city and on all her towns all the Duma that I have personality and against it because they have stiffened their necks that they might not hear my words Jeremiah 2613 now therefore amend your ways and your doings and obey the voice of the Lord your God Then the Lord will relent concerning the Duma that he has pronounced against you Jeremiah 2619. Did Hezekiah king of Judah and all Judah ever put him to death did he not fear the Lord and seek the Lord's favor and the Lord relented concerning the doom which he had pronounced against them but we are doing great evil against our selves Jeremiah 3517 Therefore thus says the Lord God of hosts the God of Israel Behold I will bring on Judah and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem all the Duma that I a person ounce against them because I have spoken to them but they have not heard I have called to them but they have not answered Jeremiah 3631 I will punish him his family and his servants for their iniquity and I will bring on them on the end habitants of Jerusalem and on the men of Judah all the doom that I a pronounced against them but they did not heed Jeremiah 40 verse 2 and the captain of the guard took Jeremiah and said to him the Lord your God is pronounced this doom on this place Jeremiah 512 and I will send widowers to Babylon who shall winnow her and empty her land for in the day of doom they shall be against her all around it is equal Chapter 7 verse 7 Doom has come to you you who dwell in the land the time has come a day of trouble is near and not every joy sing in the mountains and finally easy kill 710 behold the day behold it has come Doom has gone out the rod has blossomed pride has budded and woe to you who put far off the day of doom I want to go to Isaiah Chapter 13 there has been a tremendous amount of doom pronounced. Hence this nation not only from this pulpit not only from this pastor who was not speaking and am not speaking out of the imagination of my own heart every time I pray every time I fast every time I seek God for wisdom and direction and guidance every time I say Lord I don't want to be preprogramed in a certain mindset because I'm going to minister your word I want your annoying teen I want your words and every single time it keeps coming up the other way and this morning while I was walking in prayer I said Father I want to be tuned in to your frequency I do not want to be in a frequency of deception I desire because earlier in the morning I received what I'm about to share with you right now I received this word and I heard him say in my spirit you are tuned into the very center of my frequency and so I am going to confidently release what God said and then I'm going to share with you something mathematically impossible absolutely beyond any mathematical equation could have happened the way it happened this morning and we need to pay attention to it so this morning when I was in prayer seeking the Lord seeking direction where do you want to go today what do you want to minister Father God empty me out no preprogrammed ideas no thoughts whatever you want to do and the Lord put a number in my spirit and I and I and I thought it was interesting the number that came into my mind because I kind of many years ago had 2 nuns come up to me when I was working as a waiter in lawyer California and said Vincent do you know God's telephone number and I said no what is it they said it's Jeremiah 333 call on to me and I will answer the and show you great and mighty things that you have not known so the numbers 333333 have always had meaning to me for many many years and recently I've been seeing that number again 333 and I thought well I'm going to call into the Lord he's going to answer me he's going to show me great and mighty things that I have not known fenced in things secret things he's going to bring out of the darkness into the light the mysteries in the secrets and so that number is there and so I'm praying this morn.

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