There you cannot come so obviously the understanding of the religious leaders were blinded from what you issue it was trying to impart in th verse $37.00 Listen to this this is what it's all about this is really what the Feast of Tabernacles was all about in many ways in the last day and I want you to know today is the 7th day of the feast it is known as the last day of the celebration and then back in the Torah in the Old Testament there is an 8th day which will begin tonight when we have our final service is a holy convocation But Jesus said in the last day the Great day of the feast and you are in it right now ladies and gentlemen you are in the Great day of the feast if you will understand it well Jesus stood in cried on this day saying if any man thirst let him come on to me and drink he that believe it on me as the Scripture has said out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water but this poky of the Spirit which they that believe on Him should receive for the Holy Ghost was not yet given because that Jesus was not yet glorified Now Jesus was glorified on the cross about 6 months later in the spring feast a Passover and when he was glorified 50 days later in Penta cost Pente being 50 the Holy Spirit was given and the whole new paradigm of man's existence on this earth changed because no longer was God just among them externally but God gave the spirit his spirit his eternal spirit. To them so that the Eternal Spirit of God would do well in them so that they would have the intelligence of God the wisdom of God the knowledge of God the power of God the everything of God the gifting of God So the Spirit of God was given to the people after the resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ and that's when the Church Age began what a paradigm shift from legalism in tradition from Moses and all the religious leaders to the time that Jesus shows up during the feast of tabernacles to day the 7th day the Great day of the feast and he makes a declaration that everything is going to change because not you're going to get more educated you're going to go to the schools and all these things no I'm going to give to the world and everyone who believes in Me Jesus said I'm giving them the Spirit of God and the Spirit of God is going to dwell in them and is going to seal them for ever and is going to be their counselor and their instructor and their guide and their teacher and their power and their strength and their intelligence and their ability and the Spirit of God is what Jesus introduced during the feast of tabernacles now gentleman. We're 2000 years down the road we are 2000 years down the road and we are on the Great day of the feast and I believe that God wants to give as a gift and this is what So we amazing about Tabernacles this was Father God's party he invites his people up and yes we bring a gift to him but he has something in mind and what did he have in mind 2000 years ago to give eternal treasure eternal riches in the Baptism of the Holy Spirit so the same spirit that raised up Jesus from death will bring us into eternal life whether we live or die we are the children of the resurrection because the eternal Spirit of God dwells within us and yet it's not just for that day when we might die and then be resurrected but the Spirit of God is in us now to accomplish the things that God wants to get accomplished and to work a work on the inside of us that is intrinsic in full of value your inner part ladies and gentlemen is where your eternal soul is and God has given eternity to your soul through the Holy Spirit so that the spirit of the Living God will keep you into eternity your flesh is going back to the the ground from which it came your flesh is going to be eaten up by the elements of the earth your flesh is going to decay in corrupt and die but your eternal soul. God has given you the baptism of the Spirit of God and I believe today that the Lord Jesus is wanting to give to people that have been religious their whole life but they've never been baptized in the Holy Spirit they have never known because they heard about Pentecostals or charismatics and they said well we don't want to be Pentecostal or charismatic those people hang from chandelier those people talk about. Doco whatever so they're got late those people are nuts we don't want all that stuff but listen we're not talking about the religion of Pentecostals or the religion of Charismatics we're talking about a very private intimate relationship that you have with God through His Son Jesus Christ by the shedding of his blood the grace of God the mercy of God that God would give you the Holy Spirit and you don't know when God Spirit comes into you what are we going to do put him in a box and say Ok Holy Spirit you could come so far and you could do so much but that's it no the Holy Spirit is to be unlimited in your life in my life to do whatever he wants to do it's not ours anymore remember you and I have been bought with a price we are not our own but we've been bought with the blood of Jesus and if that is true that God owns you and then God put His Spirit in you that means God wants to work through you by a spirit in the very unique person that he made you to be there's only one of you never will be another one and so this is a moment maybe you've been going to church your whole life and being filled with the Holy Spirit does not necessitate your going to jump up on your chair and swing from a chandelier but God is going to do something to bring out of you the unique . Treasure of who you are to allow you to express God like nobody else can I mean thank God we're not a bunch of robots fashioned after some person and yet we all are being conformed into the likeness of Christ but we're unique and different and I will express and God can express himself through me and God can express himself through you imagine if God Almighty by the Spirit of truth not some weird spirit but the Spirit of truth would begin to manifest through you and people all over the world the expression of God and maybe somebody today is just you know tired of religion you're thirsty and driving well look up to the sky it's beginning to rain it is the great day of the Feast of Tabernacles and Jesus is standing up today in John Chapter 7 and he's saying if anyone thirst ladies and gentlemen do you thirst are you thirsty are you drawn by is your soul in a drought are you bored with religion are you tired of the routine Holy Spirit Of The Living God will take you and bring you into a life experience in the kingdom of God somebody take it up from here well you know pastor of my mind went back when you were talking over here is that late seventy's early eighty's the I got my son in the Catholic charismatic growing old and interesting and you know there was a big conference that went on in Ann Arbor Michigan and there were thousands upon thousands attending a conference an interesting Alina in the very beginning a young man came up and to one of the leaders and said I've got a word from the Lord about this conference and he was kind of like mocking him a little bit but the guy he said will give me the word and the essence of the word was the body of my son has been broken. And you look at it in that there literally are thousands of Christian denominations in the world today and there's no unity per say and what I see happening on here is that what we've done we've supplanted our religion and our thoughts and taken away the words from the Holy Spirit. And it's only through the Holy Spirit that we're going to have unity again now I've got nothing against denominations per se but they have we have a tendency to become segregated and my way is the right way where in reality it is the Spirit of God who directs and guys in Leeds show you can have your religion but make sure that it's in conformance to what the Holy Spirit is telling us to go ahead and do it as we go and do it on our own we can go down one of those bunny pass very easily and do things that we shouldn't be doing so let's get back on the path again of praying and understanding and seeking God's wisdom through His Holy Spirit so we can get ourselves back in the water and do what we have to do well amen to that and I'm thinking maybe today listen this is this is this message is going from the micro or to the to the macro it's going from the big to the penetrating someone's heart today and what God wants you to know maybe you're sitting there or maybe even listening to these broadcast for a while who knows what the condition is but you've been wondering like the people and let me just read verse 40 and it says in John 740 many of the people therefore when they heard this saying about the Holy Spirit said of a truth this is the prophet others said this is the Christ but some said Shall Christ come out of Galilee has not the scripture said the Christ comes out the seat of David and out of the town of Bethlehem where David was so sometimes people's indoctrination confuses them how could this be cries of he didn't follow this pattern here well he did actually but they didn't understand the movements of God and sometimes we get scriptures in our in our head that we don't understand them we're not interpret in them well and so these people were totally missing the reality of the Messiah because their tradition blinded them and so maybe today. In verse 43 so there was a division among the people because of him and some of them would have taken him but no man laid hands on him then came the officers of the chief priest and Ferris's and they said unto them Why have you not brought him the officers answer never man spoke like this man then answered the fairest sees are you also deceived have any of the rulers or the Farriss believed on Him But these people who knows not the law are cursed boy they're angry and they could Demas said unto them in this is the nigga Demas a came to Jesus by night being one of them does our law judge any man before it hear him and know what he do is they answered and said on him are you also of Galilee search and look for out of Galilee rises no profit in every man went into his own house so Jesus brought a great division a schism among the people they were divided over who he was maybe it's time for you to make a decision today because if Jesus is the Way the Truth and the life which we believe he is and you need to know it you need to know in your heart by faith who else are going to follow you to follow Buddha you going to follow Confucius you going to follow Mohammad who going to follow your professor down the street who are you going to follow that would be God like to you yes shoe is him he is the one Ok so when we get that he has something for you today it's called eternal life going to church does not promise you eternal life listen to me going to church being a pastor in a church does not guarantee you eternal life saying you believe in Jesus does not guarantee eternal life the devil's b. To leave in Jesus so then what is the guarantee of eternal life it's the Holy Spirit. In Hebrews he is the eternal spirit what is Jesus offering to the believers those who believe on me out of their belly shall flow rivers of living water the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit is the seal and the proof of eternal life and the way we know we have the genuine Holy Spirit is by the fruit that we bear According to go Chapter 5 according to the conduct the transformation that is going on within us the change the reformation of our inner parts yes when we get born again we are turned inside out and upside down a renovation is be giving it has begun it's a reformation he's changing everything our thoughts our paradigms our belief systems our patterns our cycles because the way he bought us is not the way we're supposed to be and so if he just left us in our condition and just gave us something to occupy our time along the way that's not his intent the Holy Spirit comes into your life to revolutionise it to change it and the proof is that you're becoming more and more like Jesus the firstborn son the patterns on folks you can go to church you could read the Bible that's what the Farriss were doing and all the people were under their sway of teaching and preaching and you know doing all the ritualistic traditional things but the people were dead in their sins in their trespasses they had not received the atonement through the blood of the lamb and even after that the believers who received that God said it's imperative that I get you the Holy Spirit why because there isn't is eternal life there in His eternal life. Anything Yeah telling you right now. Jesus is the tradition breaker I mean you look back what you read in John Chapter 7 I'm seeing it like he came in these guys are having a religious party they were doing it there are many but they're religious party and Jesus went in there and I said he stirred things up and he stirred things up because he was really saying hey guys there's a new thing happening in the earth and if you really want to part of me you have to come out of this traditional mindset of yours come in to partake with me and we know because when John says in the book of John I am the vine you are the branches and without me you can do nothing I mean he provoked their minds I mean he could even comprehend what he was sane so he stirred up and they're trying to do it in their natural reasoning and with the word they go what is this man we're not comfortable with this new thing you know and that's what the Lord is do it is doing a new thing that we can't comprehend in our natural mind in our carnal mind we can't even do it because it's not even a formula anymore I mean it's a new thing so we have to go with the flow in the faith that what he's doing to trust him because he brings us into new places we've got to lick go of all those natural mindsets I mean if you're a person trying to seek deep things through the ill intellectual mining and let your mind grow through all this knowledge you're not really going to get puffed up and really what it is not bearing the good fruit and I could see this quite clearly I like what Jesus is doing I like what the Holy Spirit is doing today it's moving things out of its complacency it's moving things out of the normal tradition of our mindsets and you know we go into places you might be going to church you go man it's the same old same old man it's the same old same old then that's a warning sign that's like a red flag and you pretty get out of something you're in a rut man you've got to get out of that valley says you know I'm not getting fed I'm not doing anything because I'm relying just on the pastor the one by the pope to be me know Jesus is looking for that intimate relationship and one thing I found out about this whole feast that we're celebrating someone said it's all about the wedding. It's all about the union between a bride in a bridegroom we're betroth to him men and we're preparing ourselves for making ourselves ready by get this nourishment we where should he not the old flesh we're shutting out those things by the conviction the Holy Spirit we want to make ourselves we're gathering in the oil we're allowed to permeate ourselves people are searching I met people they're searching for the truth they're hungering they're thirsty but you know what Jesus said I am the bread of life when the father when he Jesus said in the prayer give us this day our daily bread in other words he say give us this light because back in Genesis called the day light give us this day of revelation of who you are in this moment in time in this last day because the nourishment of my spirit to nurse my from my spirit to my soul and to my body. And we're gathering it and you could see the evidence of people's lives that they have tapped in they will have to search here and search their search or they have searched by the Holy Spirit the Communion and the relationship that's all about a bride and like you said Alan it's about the love that we're tapping into about the love of the Father in simplicity of how much he loves us and give form not to religious sex but conformed to His Love to the through His Son and to that relationship I'm telling you everybody out there is longing for a deeper relationship and the one relationship we should have is through Jesus Christ to the Father through the Holy Spirit and we see the beauty of that pastor lives being changed men gentlemen anything yes Alan go ahead speak into that good word Michel one of the biggest thing that I noticed the past 2 years that I was looking for a formula instead of a relationship and that understanding has opened my mind in special here at Tabernacles about it's all about the wedding and how much that we have a father you know in Jesus Christ that an. We have a relationship with Him That is just incredible he loves us while we're still ugly you know he loves us yeah and that's not going to change but we don't want to be outside the door when it closes yeah while there you go outside the door when it closes faster can. Just one more thought on that I had brought up earlier when that young man got up and spoke that word that the body of my son has been broken every speaker changed their theme changed their what they were going to talk about and began to talk about you internee bringing the body back in the Oneness again you know and I'm thinking about 911 what this country did how they came together as one and the churches would begin to be flooded people were bringing donuts and sandwiches to the police department to the fire department to all those people working it and that lasted about 3 months and then right back to normal again you know and isn't the church doing the same thing we came together as one after some different events and really wanted to become one and build that unity and then they own back at our own ways again doing their own thing and never staying together as one. We really need there's one thing that's unify will unify the church completely and that's the Bible and that's the Holy Spirit interpret ing it for us not always the thinking is all the commentaries I bring up a lot of good ideas and thoughts but you need to find out exactly what the Holy Spirit is telling you and showing you what to do and how to begin to function as a true christian his way not all way not one of the nomination and was going to be telling you because you need to do what God is telling you to go and do. The word in the spirit according to the epistles of John are one you know sometimes people say well I'm so filled with the Holy Spirit I don't need the word and sometimes feels I've got so much word I don't need the spirit or they don't recognize their need for the other but both work together perfectly so the Holy Spirit has to illuminated this word to a person's spirit to bring impartation for transformation there's no doubt in their scriptures we read and we go gee what does this scripture mean and I'll give you an example for example Romans chapter 8 there is a incredible passage in verse 28 Romans 828 I mean this is the Apostle Paul teaching the body of Christ and he comes up with this incredible thought that you never hear really preach too much but this is the New Testament what does this mean Romans 828 begins with and we know we know that all things work together for good to them that love God to them who are the called according to purpose for whom he did for no he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his son that he might be the 1st born among many brethren Moreover whom he did predestinate them he also called him who he called them he also justified and whom he justified Demi also glorified which Paul say near that God has a son his name is Jesus yes. And that every believer. Needs to understand that God's intent is to conform us into the what it means the image of his son what is conforming to inwardly transform until there's a new form to conform into the image of Jesus now is that work going on in your life gentlemen you know this the ritual that goes on every Sunday morning is that people gather together in a building and usually it begins with a few good mornings and then immediately the music begins whether it be a song a hymn whatever it is with the purposeful intent of getting the people warmed up getting them inspired and then after the music comes in some congregations you just sit down quietly or others may have prophetic words or utterances and so on depends of the Spirit of God is in control these meetings and then the preacher comes and he preaches and he's looking at the congregation they look as bored and as tired and as dead and his job now is to labor with all the strength and get them alive and well so they can go out for another week until they meet again next week and they come back together again and go through the ritual and tradition folks were not looking for that God is not looking for that what we're finding during the feast of Tabernacles is people are bringing their hearts they're bringing their gifts they're bringing their joy they're gathering together with anticipation and what's going to happen and I'm going to tell you why it's happening this is not ridiculing anybody just the reality of what's happening through observation. We're going to step out of this environment after tonight I mean Daniel 2nd from Australia is going to be speaking for the 3rd time and he's going to knock it out of the universe I guarantee you this could be a dynamic ending to a 8 day festival and the Monday is going to come and we're going to start coming down from the mountain and people are going to go back to where they came from and we're going to go back and what we're going to discover is what I tasted just a little bit of yesterday when I had to get out there and do all the stuff the tension that's in the world. We're going to step up Monday morning and it's everything we stepped out of is going to be there and I'm telling you that the influences in the world are getting stronger and stronger so that people they leave the church building on Sunday morning they go back into the work environment and there is pressure and the pressure is growing around the world I believe that the people that came up to celebrate the feast all over the world by the way beginning in Jerusalem Israel they've all been celebrating I believe people that have honored the Lord during this feast are becoming pressure proof because when we go down the mountain and the world is there and the pressure is mounting in Bible prophecy is being fulfilled and in time events are manifesting everywhere eventually that pressure is going to start breaking many bottles you put a bottle under enough pressure it's going to break and a lot of people have not become pressure prove that Sunday morning fix is not enough that 5 minutes in the Bible is not enough that one minute prayer thank you for my food today is not enough and people are going to begin to understand that the pressure that's going on in this world it's called The Great Tribulation tribulation means pressure the pressure that is coming from anti-Christ demonic forces on this earth are so intense but God has separated a people to impart and downloading them something of intrinsic value that will be able to resist the pressure and it's not going to be easy what we are moving into in the days ahead is not going to be easy for you your of marriage your family everything is about to come under the intense pressure whether it's economic whether it's health whether it's relationships everything is about to be tested by the pressure and I fear godly fear for. God's people who every Sunday drag themselves into church go through the motions wait for the pastor to bring a message so they could pick up their heads and say oh that was good only to go back to their problems at home get ready to go back into the world on Monday deal with the traffic deal with the issues deal with these things and maybe they'll make it to Wednesday and Wednesday they'll be a Bible study will gather together again for a refueling and we'll get a little raw And then 3rd day will come in for a day will come on Saturday we'll all watch t.v. And get corrupted by all the garbage on television or whatever the people do and you most Sunday will come back through the motions again and will do this week after week year after year and here's the danger if all of that is not bringing about the transformation if your life is not changing if you're not sensing growth if the Spirit of God is not bringing you into supernatural divine connections or abilities to do certain things if your life is not led by the Spirit of God What do you just kind of wandering. Is this a dangerous place is this is this to the heart of a word here no it's not not at all I have to say that I too at the end of the feast have experienced because you've been so. Full of happiness and joy that you've fellowship with with brothers and sisters that you don't see every day and then when it was time to say goodbye it was kind of disheartening because you know you're going to come down the mountain and sure enough it happens you get consumed by the cares of this world and it chokes the word it you don't remember the the impact that you had the days prior unless you're protected yet to protect yet be on guard because what does the enemy do you come in steal kill and destroy that precious oil that was put inside you he wants it taken away and that it is such a true word and I hear that you know that Monday it's almost like punching in a time card at work all right Sunday you know that type of format like you said Pastor Vincent and I think we've got to still what we have to do we have to get to the walk in spirit and rise above that and that takes work that takes attention that takes in awareness and so you find yourself in a condition if you're falling down in that valley that means hey you got a good start conditioning to the place because God is calling us especially the day that we're in you know we have to get like you said pressure proof rise up to be the overcomer is the overcomers I love that word you know that it's in our spirit I mean overcome is get the victory I saw pester kin when he was preaching he had a pair and I can choose on overcomers in the Greek word means Nikkei Nike right get the victory I mean he was doing it and it is an awareness that we have to have past events and you can hear what the Spirit of God is saying today we can't fall into that rut we can't be overwhelmed by the cares of the world the kingdom of God is what righteousness peace and joy in the Holy Spirit and walking in the spirit we're learning. To walk the spirit but also getting the place were maintaining that 247 right isn't it sad when people get more excitement out of a football game or a baseball game than they do when they go to church and you know there's a problem with that we get more excited we get more into as a patient we're going to go see the newest movie in town right but where is the joyful sound in the camp of the Lord where is the shout of praise of God's people gathering together on a Sunday morning or on a Wednesday night or in a time a Bible study there should be a gathering together or people who are pressed into Jesus and the Word of God in the Holy Spirit every moment of their lives they don't need to go to church they have this inner reality going on but they understand that it's the will of God to gather together but they don't need to be built up and pulled up and come out of their drudgery they are already in the spirit so that when we come together it is what we have been experiencing for the last 7 days now people run into trouble there are problems there needs to be counseling there is a 5 fold ministry the Apostle prophet Avenger's pastor and teacher the God employs to every life to bring them up to help them out we all need that but it's not about I'm dragging myself in because I'm so bored and I'm not you know aware of what's going on your thoughts and I would like to ask you 1st what's going on in your spirit right now. Joy I'm happy to you 2 years ago I really wasn't because I was more concerned about is my name written in the book of life you know even though I've been a Christian for many years I've spoken. But yet. The war old drag me down. Well now I know there's a big difference because I have the confidence you know I have this year and I know I have insurance from God and joy inside your spirit but one thing he did he reconnected he reconnect you reconnected with the Father and the vine and that's what the chance for Mason a man Pastor can yes go in is because I realize that my father does love me yeah and that's a key because I grew up without a father and now I realize that yes he does love me and that gives me the confidence to be myself not what I do or how I look like and he has a purpose for your life now you know any purpose to that thing now all things are working together for good he's raising you up and he's putting glory His glory on the inside of you and as you go about his business that is your calling and whatever may come your way yes all right. The. One of the strongest weapons of the enemy and I've seen it work in talking about all these things we talked about is complacency. Everybody would say don't rock the boat just let it be as it is all play out the way it should and when we got nothing but problems since we've done not because people sit back and say oh yeah you can preach all you want as long as it conforms to what I believe and what I you know what I know about what my religion is tell me to go ahead and do complacency will get you in nothing but trouble it's you know the oh how many times we've used this proverbial thing about the frog in the pot as it heats up you know it's that is too late for the frog to get out of it's going to being cooked and that's what's happening to all of us because we're complacent about our lives well somebody will take care of it somebody will do something. And literally dispirited got a scream in at us wake up come out of where you are because you're going to run yourself into mayhem and disaster that you will not be able to get out of and that's what is happening in the church today that we're too complacent we sit back somebody else will take care of it or God is speaking to these individuals to begin to do what they have to go ahead and do and that even the definition of complacency over here is a feeling of smug or uncritical satisfaction with oneself or one's achievements and that that's what we're doing on critical satisfaction towards ourselves that is huge that is huge somebody today I just want you to hear again the call the cry of the of the Father of Jesus during the feast of tabernacles on this day 2000 years ago approximately he stands up on the last day the Great day of the feast that's today it began last night when the sunset in the economy of our calendar today and yes shua cries out if anybody's thirsty come on to me and out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water and this he spoke of the Spirit for the Holy Ghost had not yet been given but he's a vailable today would you be willing to exchange your religion for The Spirit of God Would you be willing to exchange your unbelief for the Spirit of God. Would you be willing to exchange your doctrinal influences for the Spirit of God because when the Spirit comes the real genuine Holy Spirit of God he's going to take you into the word and show you things you've never heard of before he's going to bring you into something dynamic and wonderful and adventurous and your journey in the spirit you know that is the New Testament is filled with walk by the Spirit be led of the spirit live in the spirit everything is the spirit and yet we're given the Word of God in the Spirit loves the word and the word loves the spirit you can read the word without the Spirit and you'll never get the illumination the understanding you'll never be able to perceive by the Spirit what the intent of that word is but boy you get the spirit and the word working together in your life you're going to change you're going to grow you're going to learn so much now the world Pastor Michael you brought up an excellent point along with the complacency that's unbelievable that that's so true Jesus taught about the parable of the soils that in the very 1st place the sower sowed seed and it was by the wayside and he said this is where the demonic spirits come to snatch the word out of the heart to snatch the word. And then he said there was some word that was sown upon stony ground in the stone the offenses in the heart that resentments the bitterness of life on forgiveness and so it produces for a moment and then it withers away there is no depth and then he said the cares of the world some soil in the in the we wrap themselves around the word in choke it because they're concerned about the deceitful this of riches or the cares of this life and all these things the cares of this world how many people are carrying the cares of this world or their living for the deceitful ness of riches that somehow riches and wealth and money is going to give me the life that I really want folks this life is a vapor it's a vapor it truly is a very per wealth riches are not what God said Jesus said Seek ye 1st the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these other things will be given to you what you're going to eat drink and put on he's going to take care of your needs there is a destroying element in the world and all the people that come up to the Feast of Tabernacles are tasting the glory of God and we're coming back down and I am convinced for every individual that has touched this phase to honor God it was all about him that they are going to find a new strength they're going to mount up with wings as eagles the storms of life are going to come the pressure is going to increase but they are going to walk right through because there is a download going on there is a spiritual strength going on on the inside of them the Apostles and the early church they suffered great persecution they went to prison they were beaten they were persecuted they were scattered to the ends of the earth the 1st believers in the book of Acts. But man they went out with joy they had blood dripping down their back after their beating in prison but they were singing the songs of Zion they went through a shipwreck at sea but man they found out that all things work together for good for those who love God Life is not going to be easy and I'm telling you when this moment closes in the Feast of Tabernacles and the reality of this world begins to swirl around again and you're walking in this world and you're walking through things in here in northwest Arkansas it's a little bit easier than Los Angeles California I'll guarantee you that or in New York City or in some big city where Christians have to walk through an environment that is like Sodom and Gomorrah especially New York City my God Those people want to kill babies in full term they want to you know arrest people find people to want to $50000.00 for speaking the truth it's a crazy place to go you're a saint in areas like that man that's tough but it's coming all over the world in our shelter has to be in place Amen amen and we've got to be protected from the storm and I heard the word shipwrecked I hear things that start minute to my spirit because of being raised on the ocean pastor Vincit And when you see that word shipwrecked all I saw was these vessels you know the word says that we're vessels vessels of honor of vessels of dishonor but we're vessels traveling on the sea of life and the there the word of warning is watch out for these heavy winds of worry these heavy winds of anxiety these heavy winds of fear that will come and bring the stress. To your vessel There's nothing worse than those things that will break apart your vessel your ship and lot of times we have found our vessels breaking apart because of these things now if you really look at this sometimes it's a good thing and let me tell you why I'm saying it's a good thing it's Father's God allowing these winds of worry stress anxiety fear to come upon you because he wants to remove those things that are blocking you and all these cares of the world that are blocking you from coming to an easy rest to worship to love the father of creation he just wants to turn your life upside down and many of our lives have been turned upside down and we've tried to hang on to those things that he's taken apart and all we're doing is finding that they're heavy weights and we're sinking under the weight and the pressure and we find ourselves going under the water and trying to catch our breath and we're struggling and we're struggling and we're struggling for nothing and we're getting tired and worn out. In Father God All they want to do is break that up and tear from you so you may walk up with this easiness of life in him was no stress there's no worry there's no anxieties fear becoming worship and to have this thing called Rest all the beauty of rest. You've got understand something we are sons and daughters we are pioneering into the new frontier he's calling us and you've got to have that burning torch within you and saying yes there must be more I am a pioneer I am looking for the new frontier I am a man I am a woman I want to go where no man has gone before in the spirit I won't be driven by the wind of a spirit where my sails are strong and the spirit wind of his Holy Spirit has blown me it to new waters and the travelling is pure and holy and I'm getting to that island of the promise land where the fruit is good in the milk and honey and it's all have to do because he loves us. People lik go of the weights and cares of this life let go let go don't let your mind being confusion let it go in the name of Jesus your tired your restless because you're struggling Jesus is. My yoke is easy and my burden is light come to me and I'll give you rock. How do you feel like getting born again right and. I want to get in again you know the humility of our hearts is everything Pastor Ken Allen what I'm hearing right now is to the people of that maybe listen to receive the Holy Spirit today it was during the feast of tabernacles that Jesus Christ went to that feast and offered to the all who believe the Holy Spirit and I guarantee you this if you receive the Holy Spirit as the eternal seal of God that Spirit of God inside of you will be your pressure proof in the days that lie ahead if you walk in these days with religion with knowledge with doctrine but absent of the Holy Spirit you're not you're going to get crushed I tell you you're going to get crushed but if you receive through your simple faith the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit will drive you like he did Jesus into the wilderness for 40 days and 40 nights the Holy Spirit will lead you into the Word of God so that you can be reeducated in the in the divine knowledge of Scripture and the Word of God will become your meat and it will become your drink it will become everything to you and you will partake of the fullness. With the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit will not lie dormant in you the Holy Spirit is an active force of God Almighty it's God's Spirit receive him the gift he's a free gift and Pastor again it's what Jesus offered to the people today a few 1000 years ago during the feast of tabernacles. It's so true when you I'm thinking back years ago in New York state and and California they were to leaders and medicine whatever they came up with became the standard for the country to go ahead and follow but is that standard what they developed then still the same no it keeps changing they keep coming up a new theories new ideas new methods of treatment all the way through and so you if you were standing if you were fixed on what they 1st taught you a way out a step now is not the same today with the Bible with religions coming up with all different ideologies No no that way was not right this is the way and this is the way and that's changes and not changes one perfect examples that that you would you talk about many times is the Rapture. Well that's really only one really strong scripture to people use on that in the rapture is that going to be in 1st us alone is 4 and there's plenty of other aspects of the Bible when you begin the reader to contradict that and show that no that's not what was being said there. So we need to be able to go ahead and delve back into the Bible because the Bible does not contradict itself but fulfills and gives complete understanding to all the other Scriptures that are in it and that's what we need to go ahead and do we just can't go on the latest whim and say whoa this is this is it this is the way to go no use the Bible because the Bible will fill it will not contradict itself that's what we need to begin to do we just can't go on and when that comes in know when that comes in you know Alan what I just heard Pastor can say is that the church the aecl Assia we God's people are the true innovators and the true Progressive's see the false counterfeit Progressive's today the left they claim to be the progressives were they progressed our society to abortion homosexuality socialism anti christ anti God blasphemy on television what progressive ness have they brought the nations into the people of God had the intelligence of God We are the innovators but we've just all been in our little clip private clubs or little churches waiting to go to heaven one day without effecting the earth what a time for a baptism of the Holy Spirit globally around the world a download of God's Spirit that will raise up a people in the earth at this time to become the innovators and entrepreneurs of the advancement and the progressive movement of the Kingdom of God which is righteousness peace and joy in the Holy Spirit after all these years that you know like 2 years ago. I was pretty down that I can't do anything you know that I'm not good enough or whatever but what I've learned is that when God's word he means what he says and says what he means and we have a choice of how we want to go and I think of the disciples you know in the boat and storming all that and Jesus is asleep and I'm thinking man you know. I understand what the how the disciple felt that Jesus you're supposed to do this you know you're supposed to do something about it but I'm thinking now that you know I'm supposed to do something about it because he quit me with His word with his spirit and I have no excuse I should become the storm to the devil you know what a revelation right there I am equipped Jesus or God in creations gave Adam the dominion over the land and that authority is still with me or on me and I need to do some body Yeah so Jesus is in the ship and they're saying Jesus you're supposed to do something he says oh ye of little faith why don't you do it so that is the transfer of the mantle of what he did when he was in the earth given to the believers that they would do the same thing and the enemy knows something the enemy of the soul of the Eck lasy a knows if I could divide them I can conquer them if I could scatter the people of God and confuse them and get them all messed up in their thinking so that they are fighting themselves they will never do a thing in this earth and Satan could continue to run ran shot but the Spirit of God. Alan the Spirit of God that comes in to you to can to Michael to me the Spirit of God to the colonel who's sitting over there right now leaning back the Spirit of God and everybody listening the Spirit of God comes into us there is a unique unity in that itself that we can actually converse and resonate and talk in grow in our understanding rather than debate and divide because then we have the word to refer to by the Spirit of God And so in the end times do you think maybe the Feast of Tabernacles is a feast of unity and in gathering a calling of God's people to gather together under the sun ship of Jesus Christ at the cross where the blood atonement has been made absolutely do it God's way or we're going to fail Yeah you know I've. Gone through a lifetime the failing because I didn't do it God's way I didn't understand his ways and he definitely has his way how he was done and what we think now how our body feel but or man's you know tradition or Dr Who whomever but God Truth Holy Spirit the download that's why I came I wanted to download. It did you get it yes I did. All right so you know the unique thing about Alan I just want to I think this is amazing Maybe a number of you saw the movie Silence it was about missionaries that would go to Japan and that Japan was one of the most difficult places to evangelize on the war on the world to convert people and Alan you are full blooded Japanese and yet you're born again filled with the Holy Spirit and growing in the grace of God what an amazing thing maybe God will turn you loose in Japan one day to go teach your people about this grace that you have found and may your testimony go all over the world rather God bless your heart all right I think we're just about wrapping it up let's get some final thoughts pastor can complacency should be replaced with innovation innovation from the thoughts and wisdom of the Holy Spirit guiding and directing us in everything and we need to do things his way. Yeah you know what we're breaking bread is one loaf it's being broken again here in our voices I praise God for the moment we're in past events that Hallelujah Amen to that and now what we want to do is inform you that tonight at $630.00 at our Ministry Center that there is going to be another gathering the final gathering according to the Scriptures we're going to gather together one more time we're going to be spending a very rich evening we have been with the saint now event with people for this will be 8 days now and we're going to be sharing things but Daniel Seka is going to be minister. And we're going to do a little tag teaming along the way this meeting tonight is at $630.00 and I would encourage you. If you are ready to receive the genuine baptism of the Holy Spirit step into the Feast of Tabernacles maybe you haven't been there all week step into it tonight come into the environment and hear Jesus say if you're thirsty and you believe in me come on to me and I'm going to give you something do you want the Holy Spirit of God in your life he will take you places you have never dreamed he's done and for every man in this room he has done it for us in ways that are so beyond belief what the Holy Spirit not religion what the Holy Spirit has done to bring about a transformation in our lives and we are leaning totally on the Holy Spirit's influence in our lives and power to guide us direct us protect us inspire us ignite us in everything else he does the annoying thing I want to encourage you to night come out 6 30 pm to our worship center in Bella Vista it's right across the street from the new road department on Highway 279 it's right in between the funeral home and the Boys and Girls Club Yes So make sure before you get to the funeral home you come to church. So this is important if you're thirsty and dry look up to the skies beginning to rain Jesus wants to give you something honor him for his feast and instead exam Your I've been joined today by some wonderful men Alan pastor can pester Michael brothers that's who we are we love you we hope to see tonight at 630 Here's a little commercial tell you exactly where we are with the address and all God bless everybody shall miss you Aloha. Hello ladies and gentlemen this is Vinson exam thank you for tuning in every Wednesday and Sunday right here on Kermit radio it has been a great joy and a privilege to minister the Gospel of Jesus Christ over these airwaves we plan on being here for the entire year broadcasting the events that we see coming upon our nation and around the world our job is to equip every single saint of God to be prepared for the days that lie ahead we are not projecting a spirit of fear but preparation we believe this is an important time we also want to encourage people to live an abundant life in Jesus Christ this will be the greatest year in many people's lives I am asking that you will help us financially as we move through this year to get the word out I'm looking for partners to join with me this year in paying our bills every month right here on this current radio program and if that is one of you please contact me at area code 858-864-8712 or text me at 858648712 thank you very much for your support and God bless you and if you are ready to send an offering or a gift to the ministry send it to peel Box 100 Decatur Arkansas 7 to 7 to 2 once again p.o. Box 100 Decatur Arkansas 7 to 7 to 2 May God bless you good morning ladies and gentlemen this is Vincent exam here pastor of New Wine ministries and I would like to cordially invite you to come out every Sunday afternoon at 2 pm every Saturday evening at 5 30 pm every Thursday evening at 7 pm for one of our worship services over at New Wine ministries The address is 2 to 6 to Forest Hills Boulevard in Bella Vista Arkansas once again 2 to 6 to Forest Hills Boulevard in Bella Vista Arkansas you won't be disappointed you are going to meet a great group of people until we meet you face to face this is Pastor Vince God bless you. We remind our church audiences that Kermit's programs are streamed live on the Internet to hear these broadcast on a computer our smart phone log on to our website k u r e m dot net and the listen now icon for the stream or the f.m. Stream I'm in the shop at Les Jacobs Ford Castle Missouri Clifton joins me here and Mike let's talk about winterizing cars getting these are the ickle is ready to go for the cold weather that's only coming yes sir Kermit people to get there and free checked the tires checked the brakes checked you know make sure everything's in tip top shape and you never know what's going to happen now when you guys bring a car in here and you check the end of phrase you're also going to check the hoses aren't you yes or we're going to check to make sure it's somewhere in the neighborhood of 20 below or you know or better and we're going to check the belts and holes makes everything tip top shape out there and if people have slick tires maybe they need some new tires. To fill up here with a new set of tires Yes there we have a lot of great. It now the kind of if you're going to buy tires you're going in the winter you don't want to get stuck but I would say Mike always good to visit with you and I know that your crew here is is busy of people coming in with a lot of very sore is need yes sir Kermit they are we are really busy right now at this time of year just remember one same drive a little saved this is Dave and our coach of the diamond relation to the police trace back baseball k u r e m Roger Spring Hill and Kane you are am f.m. Gravatt southwest side. This is Pastor Rob Graham and I would like to welcome my radio listeners this morning to the worship service of 1st Baptist Church of Southwest City Missouri is our mission to proclaim the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. To the 3 state area it would be our joy to minister to you through the preaching of God's word please feel free to attend any of our services we meet at 10 45 am and 6 pm on Sunday 7 pm on Wednesday please stay tuned for today's message . That.