Psychology goals to change habits with a goal of losing weight and keeping it off for good. And. Dot com. Supporting the great listen and Story Corps mission to preserve and share humanity's stories in order to build connections between people and create a more just and compassionate world Ancestry dot com slash n.p.r. This is. 91.5 really Fort Collins. 88.5 Steamboat Springs. 90.9. $190.00 and. 90.7 Breckenridge. Colorado. To help. And hundreds of other Colorado non-profits. Giving on one site you can even do it in advance. Make your contribution right now at. Sea without lifting a finger to. Go google home or other smart home device to. See the latest news from the radio station you trust is here for you whenever you want it. 2 2 Good morning welcome to News on the b.b.c. World Service is me. And James Copnall live from London. You know. That the plan is hurtling towards the point of no return and humanity has to end its war on a way to do that but. I've been saying that the diction. If you. Will the Prime Minister's resignation appease the protests as we bring you the story of the Norwegian pensioner convicted of spying in Russia. Can you do me a favor next time you travel to Russia yes what. Can you send some money for me to school. I ruin now I have a little message there's a lot of stories lined up for your decision of Newsday But 1st a news bulletin. Hello Ron justing green with the b.b.c. News the United Nations Secretary General Antonio good Tara says blame the lack of political will in many governments for the failure to limit climate change speaking to the b.b.c. Ahead of the international climate conference in Madrid mystically terrace expressed particular concern about continued subsidies for coal it essentially in East Asia in South Asia and Southeast Asia I've been talking to the leaders of all these countries to China to Japan to India to Indonesia to Vietnam and several others that still have a list of new power plants to be built and I've been asking them that it is necessary to stop this process so they need to find the Netaji mix to end this addiction to coal that if maintained will completely undermine all our efforts to reach governor $32050.00 Malta's prime minister Jersey Miska has bowed to intense public pressure to step down and the huge scandals surrounding it fascination of the investigative journalist Daphne car on a guillotine he said he would hand over power next month after his governing Labor Party chooses a new leader Mexico's president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has said reducing crime a top priority has evolved his 1st year in office he was addressing thousands of his supporters in Mexico City's central square well grounds reports on the podium as he's known in Mexico listed which he said with the achievements of his 1st 12 months in education for example he said a further $24000.00 grants had been awarded to underprivileged young people to attend university however he said it would take another year for what he calls the 4th transformation of Mexico to take shape. His speech came shortly after the number of dead in the northern Mexican state of course rose to 21 suspected members of the c.d.n. Cantero attacked the headquarters of the municipal government on Saturday and police responded with heavy gunfire Well groans reporting Australia's foreign minister Emery's pain has expressed deep concern for the Chinese born Australian writer and pro-democracy campaigner Young Hoon June who was detained in China she said Mr Young face increased isolation including restrictions on communications with friends and family the list is in Sydney lawyers for Yang hen June have claimed Chinese security officials were trying to force him to confess to unspecified allegations of spying that could carry the death penalty Australia's foreign minister Emirates plane has said camber had repeatedly asked China to explain the charges against him Beijing however has told Australia not to interfere Mr Yang a form of Chinese diplomats was detained this year before being arrested in August on suspicion of endangering China's national security you're listening to wild news from the b.b.c. . President Trump has refused to send a lawyer to face questions from members of the House of Representatives conducting the impeachment inquiry against him a lawyer for the president said in the latter that the White House wasn't convinced the president would receive a fair hearing on Wednesday this fall as weeks of vocal protests from the Republicans in Congress have accused Democrats of failing to follow Jeep process and which in pensioner convicted of spying in Russia has told the b.b.c. He felt pressured into acting as a courier for no widget intelligence food a bag has just returned home after complex negotiations saw him included in a spy swap He served 2 years of a 14 year sentence linked to information about Russia's nuclear submarines the former Norwegian border guard says he was the right person to do the job it's not information that Norman needs these submarines. But used the correct people to do it are not prepared put trained for it no ways parliament has opened an inquiry into why a civilian was used to carry out espionage the French Interior Ministry says 3 emergency workers were killed when their helicopter crashed late on Sunday in the southern city of must say they were on a mission over the French Riviera hit by a 2nd consecutive weekend of flooding juicer claimed the lives of 2 other people slept away while tending now animals but as well as opposition leader. Says the Congress is investigating media allegations the group of opposition lawmakers that offer their support to a businessman linked to the government of President Nicolas Maduro Mr the head of the Venezuelan Congress said the 9 M.P.'s would be suspended local media allege they wrote letters to support a businessman accused of corruption involving state backed food distribution program one says he suspect they received money in return b.b.c. News. Thank you very much today for everybody welcome to New Day with James Carville and this morning we will be starting with a big talking point you'll be hearing a lot about this today climate change conference opens in Madrid will be live in a moment but also here about the implications of the resignation of the prime minister in Iraq and we'll tell you about the civilian who was recruited into espionage from Norway. Just the United Nations Conference on Climate Change is opening today in the Spanish city of Madrid I mean it's untypical evidence of a growing awareness that action needs to be taken to calm but climate change on the eve of the conference the u.n. Secretary general told you could terrorists as about how to the news warned that the wild has reached a point of no return as it faces the perils of climate change he said he wanted to see more action from those from these talks particularly from the world's most polluting countries who Bond a lot of coal I've been saying that we have seen the addiction to cool and it's essentially in East Asia in South Asia and Southeast Asia I've been talking to the leaders of all these countries to China to Japan to India to Indonesia to Vietnam and several others that still have a list of new power plants to be built and I've been asking them that it is necessary to stop this process so they need to find the Netaji mix to end this addiction to coal that if maintained completely undermine all our efforts to reach governor 12050 conference in Spain had originally been shadowed to take place in Chile so what happened and how the climate issues affected people across Spain the b.b.c. Trivia area has been finding out in Madrid they love caffeine and I am joined by astonished John. Mario pretty good why is it happening in the dream it's happening in Madrid because he was supposed to be held in Chile but there's been a lot of protests going on in Chile over the past few weeks against the government also has to be near the president being here has decided it was a bit risky to hold the conference in such a situation why did Spain want to host the conference I think the prime minister will but better trying to please the socialist he wants to project an image of Spain as a progressive country. He's worried about current issues that affect our society globally and obviously climate change is the main global issue that affects us all now but you know before coming here we also went to the venue off the big conference and 25000 delegates around 200 countries it's massive I mean the best of the minutes to get from one end to the other but what we also know despite a lot of signboards close to the Metro station which that 75 percent of Spain is close to does not typical personally the southeast part of Spain is already a desert if you go to cities like Al media which is in the southeast and we can feel the terror in the southeast of the police is already practically a test because they don't get enough rain and it's been going on for a long time and this desertification is only going to get worse so we're told by scientists when the rains it's a rain more but where it doesn't rain it's rain even less here and I notice there's a lot of traffic at central Madrid back in Delhi traffic and of course corrupt burning issues to a lot of small in my in my home and that becomes a very visible problem that we are facing what do you witness you know what Madrid very recently there's been a change in politics here in Madrid last year we had a left wing government and the man she developed a system called Mother sent trial which is like a restriction traffic in the middle of Madrid it's a very big area in. Which you couldn't go with your car unless you went into a public parking and that system which was to put in place maybe you know how both was working now what's happened is that there's been a change so now the right is to I feel before a lot of conservatives have recovered. And the new man has decided to get rid of my boots and saying that they want to develop another system to lower pollution but pollution levels have gone up again do you think we can deal audience is getting out is it just journalists and politicians talking about you know I think people yes obviously people can because if it affects your daily life and if it affects your family's I mean. My kids will probably see a completely different planet to the one I have seen I probably have visited places that if my kids go there in 4050 years time and probably be completely different I mean they're talking about rising sea levels that's another big concern here is rain many cities coastal cities will have big trouble with rising sea we've kind of flash flooding it's been the extremely big problem here on Late 2018 there was a huge flash flood in Majorca kind the island next to in. Our lives. It was like something from Armageddon there was torrent of water rushing down the mountains and mud rocks cars everywhere people died. This year in the region off Alicante unbalance here they had terrible flash floods again the worst in a 140 years so obviously all of that. Is a concern for the people because they did it affect your your life. Did they have it was reporting that in the run up to this climate conference we can speak now to Michael Shellenberger an advocate of policy to deal with life woman he's a Time magazine hero of the environment he's researched the science of climate change 20 years and says that in recent months environmental journalists and advocates have made a number of apocalyptic predictions about the impacts of climate change he joins us now live apocalyptic predictions and wrong ones is not the case. Unfortunately in particular I have a 14 year old daughter and her friends are very concerned to write this piece because they're literally being told that billions of people will die. So they were told that we only have 10 years and it's very scary for for people for young people in particular and I thought it was important to just point out that there's absolutely no science to support any of that there's no there is no scientific body that has made such claims in fact it's on scientific to make any claims around holes in the future from climate change and people should people should not do that it's not scientific and it's not right but the science says that life is likely to get a lot hotter at the very least. Yeah I think the way to think about it is global warming creates stressors that makes it increases. Environmental stressors that creates societal structures and we have to manage I think this idea I think that things will don't understand is hard to understand for people it's just that the impacts of climate change will be largely determined by human behavior so that makes it very very hard to predict but it also is very empowering and so the Bangladeshis are not doomed to be flooded and live underwater they could be like the Dutch you know 3rd of the Netherlands is a little sea level when some parts of it are 7 meters below sea level so you will rise median sea level rise predicted by i.p.c.c. Is that half a meter point 6 meters so that unmanageable some people have said well it's unmanageable if you don't manage it right but I think that's you know somehow we're all going to become helpless victims of our environment is it's just incorrect it's just wrong it's a wrong impression to leave people with you would agree presumably that action is needed and the danger of this approach surely is that people are not as a species are not acting quickly enough to deal with global warming and I mess people are sufficiently concerned that simply won't be enough action if we scale back so to the extent of the warnings we give people perhaps they simply won't be a necessary reaction. But there's not even any evidence to support that assumption or that claim I mean I consider myself a climate change activist I have been for 20 years I've been writing about it for 15 every viewed all the social scientific research on this and in fact we don't see any correlation between episodes of apocalyptic statements and claims and tangible changes that actually affect climate change in fact if you just look at Britain any States right now we're in the process of switching from coal to natural gas which has half of the emissions as coal we're building nuclear plants things are being done for economic reasons energy security reasons and to some extent air pollution reasons it hasn't been motivated by these apocalyptic claims mostly what happens is that people after the apocalyptic. People go back to being rather cynical about the problem maybe more cynical and skeptical of the science I don't think it's the stable I think it's like a sugar rush among kids it doesn't last. For that Michael thank you very much indeed for talking to. Newsday continues on the b.b.c. World Service is selling to suggest and with James Copnall Let's go to Iraq where the prime minister's resignation doesn't assuage the protesters demands for change and is likely to prompt weeks of wrangling over he success so they have set fire to the Iranian consulate in the southern city of Najaf for the 2nd time in a wreak just hours after the Iraqi parliament accepted the resignation of the prime minister Abdul Mahdi. Speak to journalist. Who is joining us from Bill good to have you on what's the latest what's going on there this morning what's happening. Oh thank you for having me to be honest since last week till today is this the projects in southern Iraq have been very. Let's say violence since the protesters have started to attack their running consulate in not just province and also some other governments are building in the car. Province. And these attacks continuing this morning well. From last like let's say from yesterday it's a it's a day like this situation is kind of bad old less a quieter than last week but we can say that there's still a lot of them in Mission music and the tear gas canister use it by security forces against the protesters in the streets and is this because of the prime minister's resignation or rather how has that been received well the prime minister is ignition have been no welcome but justice but a lot of protests as well all the protests as almost the demands for the full change of the government in the full change of the regime that started to be in power after the u.s. Invasion of 2003 and that has a lot of influence which from Iran and they didn't want to like they want to change all the British the regime and the government not only the Prime Minister but you just explain to us because you know we are mostly an international audience we just peeping into Iraq what is the issue between Iraq and Iran what's problems with the protesters have with Iran. Well the protests like the problem with Iran is that Iran 1st of all has a lot of trade deal and a lot of. Let's say militias we talking about more than $65.00 militias units on the ground in Iraq. Although Lisita country. We Steve that the trade deal between Iraq and Iran in the. In 200-1000 was $12000000000.00 and it's expanding and increasing to $20000000000.00 by the end of 2020 people are fed up that it walk is spending a lot of money for trading with Iran while of the scenes and spending a lot of money or militias who which. Seem timed to the u.s. Over Iraq have unemployed and mostly have no job to get him like can help themselves to live a better life that's really interesting and also very complicated what happens now with the deal between Bill and Baghdad concerning the delivery of cottage oil in exchange for the 2020 federal budget. To love and to. Actually do is the deal that been signed it 2 or 3 days ago between no bill in Baghdad regarding 2020. It deal and then the deal is basically is that it Baghdad will receive 250000 barrels of oil a day from the Kurdistan region from or below to and return back that will hand over to awfully 6 percent of the federal budget to pay out to the Kurdistan regional government in northern Iraq and that's and that's the deal that's close on his no government has made the scene deal into like 2019 but fail to stick to the applied old handing over 200000 bottles and out looking forward to around it by January of 2020 very complicated interesting and obviously a story that we'll keep an eye on as a journalist luck of voters picking Plus from Bill. He's there on the b.b.c. World Service with Alan Kissinger and James Copnall also Alastair also has the sports Yes Thank you James we'll start with Brendan Rodgers who is revealed as I release clause in his contract that would allow him to join a bigger club of the Leicester but insists his focus is still on lest at the moment the got him into a 6th straight Premier League win collect She game Nacho watered his 1st goal of the season in the 94th minute in a 21 win over Everson it took a lengthy v.a.r. Check though to overrule the assistance offside decision elsewhere in the Premier League Austin's interim manager for the young buck believes they can still finish in the top 4 his 1st game as interim boss ended in a 2 all draw at Norwich now thanks largely to 2 Pierre Emerick above me and goals and Uganda's Joshua chapter guy says he can't believe the year he's had after taking yet another road world record he took 6 seconds off Kenya's Leonard Commons previous best in the 10 kilometers mark which it stood for 9 years check to guy is already the 10000 meter world champion and the world cross-country champion and he ran the distance in a need time of 26 minutes 38 seconds out of service thank you more from him in 25 minutes time how did you have to have been in charge of one of the world's leading central banks well to find out what Mark Carney the governor of the Bank of England is going to do next Underwood was a bit is business just in Hong Kong I've been speaking to him and I'm afraid I haven't and so on but he has issued a statement in the United Nations has said that when he leaves his job as Bank of England governor at the end of January he's going to become the United Nations special envoy on climate action and climate finance he's going to be replacing Michael Bloomberg the billionaire who used to be the mayor of New York who is had to step down from the job because he's running for he appears to be seeking the Democratic nomination to run for president of the United States. It's so basically he's done he's had 7 years at the Bank of England and he's going on to this this job it's interesting actually he's doing as a pro bono In other words he's only going to get as a. What token salary is symbolic salary of $1.00 a year which when you consider the past the past 2 years he's been earning just under $1200000.00 to run the Bank of England I suppose he must have saved up an awful lot of money to be able to do a job in effect for free markets lots of Bank of England governor has he been. I think he's been quite well respected. He's in a way the 1st foreigner to be the the the head of the Bank of England though technically he is but he's got British and Irish This is an ship although probably identifies most as being Canadian because he was previously governor of the of the Canadian Central Bank it's. Been his job for 7 years he was due to step down earlier but then bricks that came along and he was basically asked to stay omed to try and steady the Bank of England through the BRICs a process of course Bracks it was supposed to happen. Early last year and then it was delayed until October so I suppose probably he's given up by now and decided and the government has decided that it's time for fine for him to move on but on also he's one of the few Central Bank heads perhaps to take climate change and the effect on the finance industry and accounting and so on seriously and part of this job will be to basically continue that to try to try to encourage companies to take the risks of climate change seriously when they do their financial reporting and root thank you very much one dollar a day would you were. A Norwegian pensioner convicted of spying in Moscow says he felt pressured into acting as a courier for Norwegian intelligence fraud a burglar was caught passing on payment for secrets about Russia's atomic submarine fleet has just returned home after complex negotiations led him to being included in a spy swap. Between Russia and the few I knew his arrest caused controversy in no way where many criticized the use of a civilian in risky espionage operations especially when tensions between NATO and Russia are so high Sarah Rainsford met Friday in Oslo stop her to the matter before the borderline and period the message from Mr Putin and his writing and said Oh so you're free Fred a bag is describing the moment when he was standing on the Russian Buddha about to be freed in a spy swap they included 2 Russians convicted of espionage in Europe were Phillips think of a smiling home he was really happy but for the bag was no ordinary secret agents he's a pensioner and exporter God and his 14 year sentence in Moscow caused a scandal but cold but that wasn't very good for you not for me that's what a bank saved almost 2 years in the end. We met in and also the hotel where he's been readjusting said life on the outside is one that maybe we would like to call to the world yes indeed So as we step back office Mr Baggs tells me this whole story began with an approach from an old friend who worked for Norwegian intelligence one day he offered her the can you do me a favor next time you travel through Russia Yes What what is it can you send some money for me to or other similar school plecos I ruined I have a little message I trust him really that it was safe yes very angry today at 1st the food bank wasn't wire it's his hometown is right on Norway's border with Russia and people crossing often carry cash were entirely innocent transactions only missed a bag now knows the money he sent with the papers secrets on Russia's atomic stop by means I begin to be a little scared. So I begin to ask this man I mean for before I go to Moscow about what's this all about you know are kind of telling you but it's very important for the 4 of us to do what your very good Norwegian He now knows that Russia's at this based. We're on to him from the very start but in December 27th Fed a bag agreed to one last trip to. Thank you for. All seriousness you list is the gate that's now boarding for the flight to Moscow and it's here that Fred of accidents waiting for his last trip his last delivery of cash has told me that even if he's not here he thought about going back through passport control and abandoning the visit altogether but for some reason he handed his boarding card over and boarded the flight to Moscow. It's the last time it's very important for us and I do wish you could have said no you wait and I do a favor for the context is important here relations between Russia and the West had collapsed after Russia annexed Crimea in 2040. Since then NATO has been keen to show its strength. So it's a very strong message to any potential adversary out this promotional video was for the alliances biggest exercise in decades protested last year in the way. It seems this new tension with Russia has brought an increase in intelligence gathering since credible courts other than his town of agents tried to recruit them to a Cold War practice that many assume had ended but it's one Mr Begg suggested to me that it's wasn't a whole new ways idea because it's not information only Norman needs a book these submarines I have no problem to understand nor be also helping USA or America we have to do it against Russia it's a new me very strong again and dangerous but used the correct people to do it are not prepared put trained for it I am very open I. Expose me for. Food. Anyone should be it's now 2 weeks since nobody's Prime minister welcome for the bag back they know what the prisoner swap took diplomats months of tough negotiations no one from the foreign ministry or security service would agree to talk to May although a parliamentary inquiry into the case has been launched. Reporting You're listening to news. Distribution of the b.b.c. World Service in the Us supported by new offering a personalized weight loss program that uses psychology in small goals to help lose weight and keep it off for good learn more at noon and 0000 am dot com. Providing solutions for the modern workforce and the people who support them learn more at Kronos dot com slash our swagger. Very good morning to you welcome to News Day from the b.b.c. World Service with me. And James called the. View on the United Nations Climate Change Conference I've been in today and also we get expert analysis on Friday's London Bridge to talk to people. Higher prices. The future a sustainability in the fashion industry this news. B.b.c. News for just being green multis prime minister just have miscarriages belt intense public pressure to step down of the huge scandal surrounding the assassination of the investigative journalist Daphne Quranic he said it would hundreds of power next month after his governing Labor Party chooses a new leader United Nations Secretary General Antonio good terrorists has blamed a lack of political will in many governments for the failure as a limit climate change speaking to the b.b.c. Mr terrorists as the world's biggest polluters needed to increase their ambition to address the crisis Mexico's president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has said reducing crime remains his top priority as he marks his 1st year in office he was addressing thousands of his supporters in Mexico City's central square the president said his strategy had been to address the underlying social problems leading people into crime Australia's Prime Minister Scott Morrison has announced a new high level taskforce to counter the threat of foreign interference in the country Mr Morrison told reporters that the domestic intelligence agency with had the task force to detect disrupt and prosecute anyone trying to subvert Australia's democracy institutions or way of life. Australia's foreign minister Mary's pain has expressed deep concern for the Chinese born Australian writer and pro-democracy campaign at Yankee in June his detained in China she said Mr Yang was subjected to daily interrogation while being shackled and was facing increasing isolation President Trump has refused to send a lawyer to face questions from members of the House of Representatives conducting the impeachment inquiry against him a lawyer for the president at the White House wasn't convinced that President Trump would receive a fair hearing and a Norwegian pensioner convicted of spying in Russia was told the b.b.c. Felt pressured into acting as a courier for a Norwegian intelligence for De Burgh has returned home b.b.c. News. Thank you Justin everybody welcome to News and James Copnall with in this half hour we'll speak to a Kenyan climate change activist ahead of the major global warming summit rate hike get a climate change case study from the fashion industry heal but it did you do to from a strange. Thing at the British prime minister Boris Johnson as told the b.b.c. Does of empty for people jailed for terror of fences and released early will have the license conditions reviewed the Ministry of Justice launched the urgent review after Friday his attack on London Bridge where a convicted terrorist was who served half his time before being let out kill 2 people I asked Alan Bennett was a counterterrorism expert on who worked on the police investigation into the 2007 Glasgow airport attack and the IRA's 1984 Brighton attack what he made of the latest incident it's looking like it was one of the people are described as Lone Wolf I'm sure complacency is no in their heads over the security services and police and they will still be looking very very closely at any associates people from the same gang that intend to do something similar to eliminate the possibility . Well I mean again you know I think you get a very completion of the police in this he said to think any differently and not just from the media tonight another question from the same media has been detained under the prevention of terrorism legislation so now I'm sure that no stone is being left unturned Are you surprised though that 74 terror suspects were released early. Well I'm not surprised I mean I'm sure the public you know are concerned about that but again balance between people's rights and them the protection of the public and. There's a lot of big decisions to be made I know it doesn't surprise me that people are ending their sentences under no back here in the community it's certainly a very very large challenge for them to something longer sentences necessarily mean that these people will not commit crimes later is there any evidence to support that line of thought well I think the evidence is very very mixed on that I mean obviously if you're not in prison then you can't commit the offense is to stay very very obvious and that is the temptation of the longer sentences because what definitely does is keep the terrorists off the streets but again it has to be balanced against people's human rights so if you can push just a little bit more some people argue that the longer you are in prison if you maintain those ideas and the no drug because it's possible that you could recruit new people who then go ahead to commit atrocities crimes Yes Well I think the whole issue of radicalization with an question is a very very big one and one that certainly I think needs more resources and and more work I think it's been proved that you know prisons can be made of radicalization and there's a big issue about you know the people with terrorists together the mingling with the general prison population very very difficult in this. Democratic civil society to keep people in song with think confinement. How much money to ring when these conflicts are released it varies on each individual's risk assessment and how dangerous the considered to be when they go the speediest positions on them in terms of the probation with g.p.s. Tags living in beer horse those sometimes find from seeing former associates and I'm his methods effective Well you know obviously the 5th or the killing is in the eating in this case not but them I'm sure just like every other initiative that stick in it has its excesses and Fort Smith has its failures this is just not District it isn't true of general claim and then there are also reports swirling around that had applied for some sort of drug Bickel ization program in prison and yes what have you heard about that well you know he was very keen on being subject to very seriously the tickle isolation program of course my analysis is no b.s. That a complete bluff through the authorities and them again it looks as if that was rather than a cry for some sort of help and thus my composition not too long ago with Alan bonnet a counterterrorism expert. To be hearing plenty about climate change in the program we want to give you a case study sustainability has become a buzzword in the fashion industry from using recycled materials to building carbon neutral store was part of this is slow fashion that's using local artisans to but she's handmade garments is seen as by better for the environment and fairer to producers in fact the opposite sector is now thought to be the 2nd largest employer in the developing world after agriculture. The u.s. The biggest clothing market globally has traditionally favored fast fashion which produces large volumes at low cost to sell cheaply such can the designers using higher priced artisan produce clothes succeed. Reports from New York. It's. A Rory James models a pair of cars has heels She's designed for a luxury brand rather Valley's I'm out her beauty in Brooklyn and every last space with high ceilings whitewashed walls and large potted plants artfully scattered on concrete floors the shoes are made from a mix of materials such as feathers and bowing beads to wrap the and many of her designs are handmade by artisans in Africa why did you decide to produce in Africa rather than traditional garment manufacturing like China and India and Bangladesh for me it was never a question about should I like design issues and then produce them in China it was more like Where can I find these amazing artisans around the world that I can work with to help you know bring them more business I learned everything that I know about shoes from people in Africa this is. Hair. Like sharing a room is 1st collection in 2014 was made by 12 artists and in a South African watch shop but today she works with more than 300 artisans mainly in Morocco South Africa Kenya and Ethiopia. If you remember before you develop it sleep over it is detail in Harlem I meet luxury men's wear designer I need. Has just received a delivery of fabrics that 100 died in Nigeria he says Japan is the cool market for his brand post-imperial where high quality clothes produced by artisans using traditional production techniques have more value middle America just wants the shirt that's $5.00 but how do we change the perception on the value of clothing is the challenge for us going forward we consume so I guess if you are buying that cost 100 dollars every. 2 years and that is almost the same price of all the $10.00 shirts that you buy from. Alice in the streets of So Ho a bustling shopping area downtown Manhattan socially conscious clothing is appealing to shop is the main draw. I don't think you really matter to me what I'm buying is for my preference my case for expression. I like socially conscious friends I mean it's not like a deal breaker but it's definitely a factor I consider. Attitudes changing it's the Fashion Institute of Technology I meet can trial who lectures on fashion business management taking her class to where to look at fab scrap a company that was textiles for businesses in New York over the 7 years and has tools had at i t she's seen a marked change in people's views towards the state ability in fashion we're getting to this tipping point in terms of sustainable fashion and more and more now we're not just hearing about it on the fringe we're hearing about it from everywhere business of fashion and Wall Street Journal New York Times everybody is really talking about the connections between the fashion industry and what kind of change and emissions and pollution on one hand fast fashion isn't going anywhere and many ways companies are really trying to get on this fast fashion model on the other hand though I do see a big movement toward slow fashion where we look for the designer we've know the materials that we're getting we have a connection back to the clothing that we're making. I have here on it. And students are gathered around a counter listening to the founder of fab scrap to talk about different aspects of sustainability in fashion these students are part of generations that and according to research by the McKinsey can. Felting company a Buddhist this Dane will fashion movement is partly driven by the growing spending power of this group of 16 to 21 year old shoppers with that shows a 3rd of consumers worldwide are now making purchasing decisions based on socially conscious values and our distance around the world are playing a key part as the fashion business is in prey social and environmental sustainability. German took way reporting from New York this is news day it's 18 minutes to the top of the hour we have a news bulletin coming up at the top of. Your names executive director when you go in Yuma once African governments to make it hard for people to get tested and treated for HIV People often novice about these laws include manual searches injecting drug users sex workers and even prisoners Mr New must poke to b.b.c. Africa's health correspondent. As you know we're not doing very well on prevention precisely because of stigma discrimination criminalized station the denial of human rights but think that he had enough it's about women and girls and stigma is keeping many people as we are losing that part of the stigma because so many people especially young people who are having positive want to come out to seek treatment because they are going to be judged because it is still seen largely as seen now 20 twentieth's just around the corner and the un had this ambitious goal of ensuring that 90 percent of people who know their status 90 percent Aaron treatment and 90 percent have achieved viral suppression through how how is Africa fairing Nobody said we are not on track. For that goal which was a goal for 2020 because we know now that the people living with HIV 79 percent have tested so that's not a 90 and out of that 79 percent only 78 percent cheat mint and over those who aren't cheats meant only 86 percent of the suppressed one then undetectable level so we are not on target and in 1990 target how with I can say and with pride that was made the fastest progress in all these areas particularly our region is done and solve that now for the biggest butt in of which I V's you know our region but we are also the region that is walking hardest to fight we're not doing very well in some countries we could do better take up Concha like South Africa we're seeing that every 10 sure is in the law especially among young women and young men and there are many factors here one of them will force the stigma I myself lost my brother stigma I speak of all of this with with strong feelings that many on people don't want to be found out and so even when they start to treatment they fall off later once they discover once they meet at that clinic somebody who knows them is still coming in this quest for us to deliver these services to their where they are in the ways that work for them and their new innovations in this area for us this like self testing that's a game changer for young people for gay people for 6 well because I report that was launched a few days ago by the way show that despite new here Cherry infections nobody coming down by 40 percent is still. And increase in new infections especially among populations now other than criminalizing these laws that make it hard for people like sex. To access he checks and services what are the ways do you think is appropriate for governments to reach out to these population governments need also to put more resources into quality teaching the data knowing very When who is at risk where we seem growth of this epidemic that's important they repeal of laws that drive them underground that's that's important but there's also a need to design services that work for them. Done well there are some groups in civil society groups but I believe they have support from the government who are rolling out harm reduction programs that is the way forward needs executive director when you knew my ending that interview with the b.b.c. . So you say on the b.b.c. With James Copnall in London our top stories on the World Service ahead of the international climate conference in Madrid the u.n. Secretary general has blamed a lack of political will in many governments for the failure to limit carbon emissions and motors prime ministers agreed to step down following intense criticism over his handling of the investigation into the murder of a prominent journalist. As a sports Yes thanks trains are going to start in the Premier League recollect c.n.r. Chair made a huge impact on his 1st appearance of this Premier League season the Materia forward scoring in the 94th minute to move his left side clear into 2nd place in the table as they beat Everton by 2 goals to one hears him out shows manager Brendan Rodgers as a wonderful demonstration of someone who trained so hard every single day he's a traitor's up she remarked nervously. Him and there's a number of other guys that don't play so much. They allow this team to develop and play to the level that I was beaten because they give everything in training and Rodgers also strongly hinted that's a clause in his contract that would allow him to leave Leicester if a big club was interested in employing him saying there was probably exit clauses in most managers contracts he did add though his focus was all on Lester that result but also bad news for ever since Marcos Silva his side 2 points about the drops and he again was forced to answer questions about his future after yet another defeat the Arsenal can say can manage it for the young but has singled out America Bohmian for price after they twice came from behind a 22 draw at knowledge the bone striker schooled both That's hard OTOH I did to do that twice there was people on the bench for it you're going to change the fellas it's a I don't even like no no no one has the mental strength people so it is and he did so proud of him referring to retaken penalty which he scored elsewhere Manchester United drew 22 with Aston Villa wolves against Sheffield Yasid that ended one whole Lino Messi was boss lowness hero as so often he is he made the breakthrough in the 86th minute against athletic and went red in a one nil win that takes boss above Raul Madrid at the top of league on goal difference in Italy eventis a shock home draw to suss Waller that means into Malema now top the league there to Africa where the Confederation Cup is on the y. Africa secondary club torment giving Sally so Yusef his 1st game in charge of a new ranges they were able to hold off in form f.c. Pyramids losing $31.00 parents and fellow Egyptians mastery the only away winners in the opening round of group remember we were talking about Ben West. Friday morning here on New Day that game and that goal us now way from football just were chucked. Guys broken the 10 kilometer road Rice world record which had stood for almost 10 years the can then took 6 seconds off the mark running the distance in 26 minutes 38 seconds that record had been held by Kenya's Comal and Lewis Hamilton's refused to answer questions about whether he's met with Ferrari Formula One executives with a view to joining Ferrari and 2021 well champion one at yesterday's season ending Abu Dhabi chrome pray he has one year remaining on his contract with mists eighty's when talk about Ferrari will happily though talk about next year with Mercedes these guys are going to be They've been doing a fantastic job to get the 2nd half of the season so we have to do is that anticipate that they could have a better start next year but I think we've lost so much as I think this is probably been the big issue growth I would say for us as a team and so I think. Possessing good a good position and South Africa is that bowlers have beaten England 5448 in England's final tall much England though still take the series 21. For us I suspect I just as a little messy was passed on as heroes a short cut on his keep a long time now it's called the living breath of Aboriginal traditions and you exhibition promises to change the way Australians consider the nation's most well known musical instrument the did you do. A new interactive display is open to the queen's the museum and gives visitors the chance to gain a fresh insight into the famous wind instrument that is thousands of years old and has immense cultural and spiritual importance the B.B.C.'s film is in Sydney Why is it so important. Well I think that the jury do is well and truly the sound of Australia it tells the stories of Aboriginal ancestors from many many many years ago and it is as you say the living breath of indigenous traditions that apostates through Don storytelling and music now the didgeridoo is a long wooden Chub it's often a tree trunk or a branch that's been hollowed out by might see it's usually plays just the one notes but it is capable of a spectacular range of different sounds and that's because the rhythmic variation of those sounds can make the instrument sound so Mary Kate is full of rich tone that in many ways seems to evoke the breadth of the land itself and that is particularly important to indigenous people who do revere the lands they do revere the so that's the instrument there did you do what about this exhibition. Well it's trade it's interactive and Danes to give visit is a new appreciation of the social and the cultural importance of this famous wooden instrument it dates back as you say many many hundreds of years to on him land in Australia as Northern Territory this exhibition is being curated with one of Australia's leading indigenous civil thorax is on the d jury due now the Queensland Museum in the city of Brisbane says it's the 1st exhibition of its type here in Australia and the museum's chief executive is Dr Jim Thompson and he hopes that visitors will appreciate the instruments cultural value as you step in Saudi exhibition you also hear and see all the sounds of the instruments it's a very immersive experience and be transported to our own land in the Northern Territory home of the only people and you can master DJALU Gurruwiwi the jolly and then young people of the didgeridoo. Not just musical instruments that's actually instruments instruments of healing and spiritual laws. This exhibition brings a lot of things instruments in an environment of sound story moving images and treasured objects and tells the story from the creation of the instrument through its role in ceremony diplomacy and every dialogue Queens or museum chief executive talk to Jim Thompson so many tourists try to play the didgeridoo what about our intrepid b.b.c. Correspondent you can have a go easy to play very hard to master the distinctive drug and hypnotic patterns that are associated with the de jury do a created by something called circular braving certainly not very easy this is breathing through the nose at the same time as pushing in from the mouth so great in the hands of x. But not so good in the hands of tourists and other people like I was in our folks from Washington. Cyber Monday was today Monday the follows block Friday yeah yeah Monday follows Friday Black Friday is Friday and it's intended to seek online bugging consumers in developed countries but e-commerce is struggling in Africa the recent decision by the continent's biggest Internet retailer Jamia to close its operations in Tanzania and Cameroon highlights the difficulties and counted across the continent DIMIA how struggle to cope with problems such as customers without easy to track addresses or even bank accounts forcing the fund to operate a cash on delivery service Russell Padmore has been finding out more with 100 was an African Comus on a list theme vestment group blue cape ventures in Cape Cod the markets that Junior have dog Some of them are not to be containing folks that have the actual economic capacity to Spain and on an online purchase the g.d.p. Per capita for Tanzania is just over a 1000 u.s. Dollars per year E.-Commerce in Africa is really all 49 countries with 49 different states of rooms but also consumers all still wanting to hoot on the street to the store and then buy the goods so they see significant trust factor of one also has to be very cognizant of the fact that a marketplace such as junior e's holding stock you know where off and that is capital intensive I think Jim is just trying to make sure that they thought that the markets where these actual growth that printing this is coming around because you need in face unique challenges in Africa they're not really the same thing e-commerce companies in Europe or North America Africa is it very different not to want Amazon or anybody would go through. In the Us So you know economists is really nice and in Africa we dealing with factors such as customer trust we dealing with factors such as by a month Junior actually has a division. Which actually enables consumers to do cash on delivery by months to glisten the trust factor but for me the biggest factor that nobody is talking about is that junior when they listed they said that they have this huge growth opportunity but nobody actually took the time to go look at the markets that they dog or so off to the dens on a They're only offering that service in 12 markets so the question now becomes all they're going to accept more of those delivery seems so on usual but the company's forced to operate like that in Africa launch early because consumers pretty Junius about getting fake goods online and there's that worry among consumers hence cash on delivery the problem with cash on delivery is there is still not a guarantee you that the purchase is actually going to work but it also raises additional challenges in the Saints that the person that does not suddenly delivering your goods is also holding cash so they become targets full potential crime. Not ease Hendrik. He was speaking to Russell Padmore Yeah I was a little casual delivered by the way the case is like a puzzle working in some places working extremely well it's really well your son but I'm going around the yeah you pay money using a person to think it's to leave it to you anyway this is New Day. With James called. This is key u.n.c. 91.5 really Fort Collins k d n c 90.9 Mintern Vale k m p b 90.7 Breckenridge k e n c 90.7 s. Just park and k r n c 88.5 Steamboat Springs. This holiday season Coloradans have a unique opportunity to support non-profits that are important to them just like a u.n.c. And Colorado Kids Day on December 10th you can schedule your get to k.u.n.c. In advance so you don't miss out and Colorado gives dot org to get started today I think you. When you have to hop out of the car in the middle of an important story just fire up the k.u.n.c. App on your mobile device you won't miss a beat download it for your i Phone i Pad or Android check it out at u.n.c. Dot org slash listen. Well service it's 5 o'clock g.m.t. This is all of a calm way with the newsroom the u.n. Chief warns that the world is fast approaching the point of no return on climate change and governments need to do more if we go on with business as usual and reach 3.4 to 3.9 degrees every inch of increase in temperature these will be end Rick of nice double that's not the world I want for my granddaughters also on the news room multis Prime Minister finally bows to pressure to resign over the murder of a prominent journalist but not until next month angering protesters.

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