The Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stepped down on Thursday Israel's attorney general charged Netanyahu with bribery and corruption and b.r.s. Daniel Estrin reports from Tel Aviv the centrist party of Benny Gunn says Netanyahu is unfit to remain in office it's demanding Ateneo resign immediately from several ministerial positions he holds alongside the prime ministership He's the acting minister of labor agriculture and health by law government ministers must resign if they face indictment but a prime minister may stay in office N.P.R.'s Daniel Estrin reporting from Tel Aviv You're listening to n.p.r. News support for n.p.r. Comes from n.p.r. Stations other contributors include c. 3 dot a i c 3 died a Eyes software enables organizations to use artificial intelligence enterprise scale solving previously unsolvable business problems learn more at c 3 died a guy. From k. Where news and Little Rock Good morning I'm Sara Kellogg light rain is likely to day along with a high near 54 degrees. A judge in Washington d.c. Has temporarily halted the 1st federal execution in 16 years as k.r.s. Michael headliner port's The case stems from the murder of an Arkansas family Damie Levy was to be executed on December 9th but u.s. District Judge 10 year. Said in her rolling but the public is not served by short circuiting legitimate judicial process death row inmates are challenging the procedures the government planes to use in execution it's. Said It's better that every effort is made to ensure the most serious type of punishment is imposed lawfully u.s. Attorney General William Barr announced in Chalabi that Lee was the 1st federal inmate scheduled to die in diggin in formal moratorium since a punch to execution in Oklahoma in 2014 will be a member of a white supremacist group was convicted by a jury in Arkansas of killing a family of 3 including an 8 year old girl prosecutors said the 1906 killings in Russellville were part of a plot to set up a whites only nation in the Pacific Northwest cohere play in case your way are news Little Rock School District Superintendent Michael Portillo teachers who were absent from school during a one day strike last week will face disciplinary action the Arkansas Times reports Porson a letter to all staff thing employees who did not call in sick and did not show up for work last Thursday will receive a letter detailing the specific action being taken poor mentioned in the letter that possible reduction in pay and benefits could result from a quote no call no show event the letter also mentions that employees who did call in sick that participated in demonstrations will also face disciplinary action out of the district's roughly 800 teachers 491 called in 6 and sick and 116 where no call no shows on last Thursday's strike. The Arkansas Cinema Society has announced a new series movies on Main Street to screen independent films at downtown Main Street theaters throughout Arkansas. Executive director and founder Kathryn Tucker said the new program will screen independent films at single screen theaters in towns where screening events do not usually take place Tuckers at her goals for Arkansas communities to see independent films not normally shown in movie theaters with a live audience Damie Levy was movies on Main Street launches that now go for it cinema 16 on November 23rd doors open at 6 30 pm and the screening begins at 7 the screening of The Independent Arkansas made film antiquities a q. And a with 6 film makers and an after party are covered with a $5.00 ticket. Today showers are likely before noon afterwards that the chance of showers as well the chance of a thunderstorm the while being near 53 degrees and the chance of precipitation is 70 percent I'm sorry this is news. This is Morning Edition from n.p.r. News I'm David Greene in Culver City California and I'm Steve Inskeep in Washington d.c. Good morning a decorated officer in the United States military a noted expert on Ukraine once hired by president trumps White House of veteran United States diplomat and an official who contributed $11000000.00 to the president's inauguration those are 4 of the witnesses who told a largely consistent story in recent days President Trump's phone call to Ukraine's president last summer the phone call in which he asked for investigations of Democrats was part of a lengthy effort My worst fear of how are you Korean policy could play out was playing out this was a very distinct experience in my fear of standing like this in my foreign service career he was being involved in a domestic political errand and we were being involved in national security foreign policy and those 2 things the gist of it again everyone was in the loop we just heard Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Venkman diplomat David Holmes Russia expert Fiona Hill and u.s. Ambassador Gordon Sunland they and others spoke before the House Intelligence Committee the apparent next step is for all this information to go to the House Judiciary Committee to consider whether the president should be impeached Republican Congressman Mike Johnson of Louisiana is a member of the Judiciary Committee and is on the line from Shreveport Congressman good morning. Steve great to be with you and welcome back to you have previously said a few days ago that you saw nothing here that rises to the level of impeachment so we know what you don't see but now that there's all this testimony can you tell me in affirmative terms what you do see what exactly do you believe the president was trying to do here. Well look here's what we've had Stephen and quick summary 2 weeks now of open hearings 12 witnesses and no bombshell there there's been no testimony affirming bribery or torsion there's been a whole lot of readily admitted a presumption and assumption that opinion and it's all about a phone call with a transcript that every single American can read for themselves so I think that the Democrats launched the impeachment exercise based on what everyone knows now is an anonymous complaint by a whistleblower followed by an ad hoc process determined by committees that don't even have historic jurisdiction over it let me know how we have this moment let's talk about this though Congressman because you've said that you have poked a number of holes in the Democratic case and I understand that but what I want to know is what was the president trying to do it's not a matter of opinion what he said on the phone call with Ukraine's president we have sworn testimony from a variety of very credible witnesses including people who have supported the president the past that backed that up as part of a lengthy campaign of what was the president trying to do. I think the president was trying to root out corruption and I've seen our Democrat colleagues try to dismiss that explanation but but look here are the facts if you look at the totality of the circumstances if you look at the full context of what was going on and of course the president of the United States has the benefit of all that being the whole field and serving in it together he made a commitment to drain the swamp Here's the newly elected president a lengthy and Ukraine who made the same same campaign promise to his people and the president is having a frank discussion with him that he has a fiduciary obligation as commander in chief the president of our country to ensure that the treasure of American taxpayers is not misspent overseas but and when you say that treasure is not misspent overseas are you admitting then that the president was linking the holdup of military aid to getting an investigation of his political rival Joe Biden is that why he was doing that no not not at all I don't I don't. Because I don't think that's in the in the record of the fact here what is on the record in fact of all the witnesses that have been paraded before the American people now Ambassador silent as the only one who had a direct conversation with the president and he famously said he asked the president directly what do you want from Ukraine the president's response was clear quote he said I want nothing I want no quid pro quo I want the landscape to be the right thing well let's remember us that are exactly correct about that Congressman but of course as you also know President Trump made that statement on September 9 after as Democrats have pointed out the lid was blowing up on this when it was becoming apparent that the effort was exposed he was saying something very different earlier and Sandlin said it was his presumption his understanding 2 plus 2 equals 4 that what he needed to do was get investigations of Democrats for the president in order to have military aid relief for Ukraine. Yes and that's what he said was his presumption but he was off the air directly in the hearing by one of the Republican. Party nobody has told you that that aid was tied to the investigation in fact wrecked ambassadors that that's correct we also have the Ukraine foreign minister who came out Thursday of last week with its statement saying that there was no link between funding and the any any investigation I think Congressman if I can just interrupt I'm sorry I think I hear you saying that the current president's conduct was understandable appropriate within bounds of course the president has said it was perfect given that should the president seek more investigations of political opponents from more countries No I don't believe that's what he was doing I think that's a mischaracterization of some nation of the fact that Italy asked for an investigation of Joe Biden according to the White House Call that is a fact and everyone can hear it. Well yeah but but why in this context not because he's a potential rival in 2020 but because of all of the corruption involved in the 26000 election and look this is very clear and this is something every American knows the president continues to do and has always been frustrated by what happened in 2016 to talk about it all the time he tweets about it constantly he has for years this is in his mind the mens rea of the intent behind what the president was doing is trying to root that out of course he wants to make sure that happen in the future we all do that's what many of the witnesses that yesterday and what what the president believed was that Ukraine had involvement and we had Ukrainian officials writing up against the president and all of that now whether anybody agrees that there are reasonable conclusion on the part of the president you know that may be debatable but in his mind that's what this is about I think about his work on be clear the president of the American people to the president is already ready to go on he's publicly called for China to investigate Joe Biden and I'd like to take this conduct to the next level if I might congressman and this does seem to me to be a plausible scenario because it's something that we've just talked about that you say does not rise to the level of impeachment it's Ok let's say that this president or a future president calls up the attorney general of the state of Louisiana gets a phone call he says listen we give Louisiana lots of federal aid it's a good relationship you guys don't always reciprocate but we give you lots of federal aid I would like you to do us a favor though I need you to investigate Congressman Mike Johnson will that be appropriate Congressman Mike Johnson. No I don't I don't think it would and I don't think that's what happened here again if you look at it is not exactly has had facts or it's exactly the same facts how is one you know not the other is fine. To use your example if I had been engaged or there was allegation or concern that I had been engaged in meddling with an election with putting my son on the board of a Louisiana. Committee or some sort of corporation that was notoriously corrupt where he was going to make $85000.00 a month or whatever it was there may be concern about that it shouldn't be just the president it should be that the attorney general should be every point that's a good point sure that actually shouldn't that normally be left to ordinary law enforcement officials rather than a political figure like the president it's very unusual the president demands the investigation of a specific United States citizen isn't it well well this goes back to the President the President Trump is a hands on he is in this one instance let's remember he was not handled on or any other aspect of corruption go ahead Ok so not only is he the president of the United States he is also the commander in chief of the u.s. Military the Department of Defense as an affirmative obligation of the federal law to ensure anti-corruption measures are in place before we send military aid over speak the president preside over all of that of course he is the person whom the attorney general response to an answer to that he can delegate a lot of it's authority but he has a personal interest in it as well his personal interest is the integrity of our election process I want to root out corruption I think that it's a landscape that I think it was appropriate the phrase that he has a personal interest as Want To which I think a lot of your critics would perhaps agree Congressman thank you so much really appreciate it thank you Steve Mike Johnson is a Republican congressman from Louisiana who joined us from Shreveport N.P.R.'s congressional correspondent Tim Mack was listening in Tim what do you hear there well you know one of the major arguments here by the congressman and by a lot of Republicans is that the president was trying to root out corruption that that was the basis for his request and of course Democrats would say that if that were the case he would have taken other steps that the president in his transcript and that the White House released does not ask about corruption measures does not ask about perhaps corruption legislation that the Ukrainian government capacity asked about the thing in which he had to quote Congressman. Johnson a personal interest although Congressman Johnson to be fair went on to say his personal interest was rooting out corruption but go on right and so that that's one key argument of Republicans Republicans have also argued that this because the aide was ultimately released and the investigation did not ultimately occur than no misconduct happened but as you pointed out in the conversation the context of the president's conversation with ambassadors and the ultimate release of the aide is that before that occurred the House decided that it would be investigating this matter and a whistleblower complaint had already begun circulating in among the White House and in the intelligence community office so that was really interesting and another point that the congressman made was about how the president is the commander in chief and that he has a responsibility as commander in chief to ensure that no no military aid is provided to a foreign country. That has corruption issues but his but the president's Department of Defense had already attested to the Ukrainian government had dealt with it had met various anti-corruption thresholds this spring and I guess we should note it is normal for a president to leave law enforcement matters to law enforcement people to avoid just this appearance of impropriety in fact sometimes the attorney general as we learned with both Jeff Sessions and Loretta Lynch It can be conversation controversial even for the attorney general to be involved in matters that appear political in this way right and as we heard through testimony this week there is a formal channel for the Justice Department to request assistance from foreign governments Ok That's N.P.R.'s congressional correspondent Tim Mak the next step for the impeachment process may be the House Judiciary Committee we'll keep covering it on n.p.r. News. It's 819 You're listening to Morning Edition on k u a r 89 point one the state of Texas has announced plans to assume control of its largest school district in Houston unfortunate truth is some of the schools that we have are not good enough for my kids or your kids or the kids that are in the local school board and teachers' union have filed a federal lawsuit to stop the takeover that story is coming up in about 15 minutes on. Support for comes from the Little Rock water reclamation authority from toys to diapers to medicine and hair there are many items resident should never flushed down the drain don't flush that think twice about what is flushed and help prevent clogs backups and other costly repairs that affect our shared sewer system and our monthly bills learn more about the Little Rock water reclamation authority and items that should never go down the drain l. R. W. R. a Dot com slash don't flush that. Next time on Ask Me Another were in San Antonio Texas with Texas troubadour Robert Earl Keen and he walks us through his 1st forays into music and his Americana podcast then it's Tex Mex time as we play a game about unconventional guacamole recipes so join me Ophira Eisenberg on Ask me another the answer to life's fun here questions Saturdays at 11 am on. The next fresh air. To the hummingbird. There's a new posthumous Leonard Cohen album called Thanks for the dance we'll hear from his son Adam Cohen who produced the new album most of the tracks were recorded during sessions for Cohen's last album you want to darker which Adam also produced joined us. And that's today at 11 internet 7 on. Support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from Sony Pictures with a beautiful day in the neighborhood directed by Mariel Heller and starring Tom Hanks the journalist learns about empathy and kindness after being assigned a profile of Mr Rogers only in theaters November 22nd. From little passports a monthly subscription service for kids each package includes games souvenirs and activities from a new country designed to spark curiosity and cultures around the globe at little passports dot com slash radio and from Progressive Insurance with the name your price tool offering a range of coverage and price options to choose from now that's progressive more it progressive dot com or 1800 progressive. It's Morning Edition from n.p.r. News I'm David Greene and I'm Steve Inskeep good morning for all of his admitted stumbles on the debate stage former Vice President Joe Biden remains at or near the top in just about all polls for the Democratic presidential nomination that appears to be because of overwhelming support from black voters his rivals want that support to the question is how as well as if they can get it to n.p.r. Reporters have been pursuing those questions we begin with N.P.R.'s s. Muhammad Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren know they need a black voters to get the nomination and the most realistic path they see is through young black voters the younger generation of today is the most progressive generation of young people in the history of this country the sitter's was speaking Thursday on the campus of Morehouse a historically black college in Atlanta 22 year old India Hutchison was in the crowd she admires the Vermont senator for his consistency maybe some good ideas or a little radical but I feel like her castle point rather than the feeling he's the most genuine that's Charleston for the Georgia Tech student who skipped class to listen to Sanders in the middle of the day the 2016 election shook Ford he was old enough to vote but he didn't this time he says he'll vote for any Democrat against Donald Trump but he hopes that Democrat is not Joe Biden young people here agreed Biden is not progressive enough look at his hesitation to legalize marijuana they say it's outdated a few hours later Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren took the stage at Clark Atlanta University racism still whispers the convenient blog to some white people that if your life has problems you should blame them people who don't look like you and if this is story 3 black university there were also young Biden skeptics Joe Barton I am amazed to see a bear that's 20 year old James Di Byron is just old they're always tired. Moderate think there is no hold for it says Biden speaks to his grandmother not to people like him Sidney Pascal says the former vice president relies too often on his ties to President Obama it was nothing like that here but right now I. Think the best gal says she likes that Warren is talking directly to her generation plus she puts the Massachusetts senator on a higher pedestal because she's a woman I think that kind others feel more in is trying to reach the black community to young black women in Atlanta she spoke about black washer women who went on strike in the late 1900 for higher wages but all these candidates are struggling to recreate the Obama coalition which included both old and young black voters for n.p.r. News I'm a small holiday in Atlanta and I'm Scott Petro with Joe Biden in South Carolina it's the 1st primary state where African-American voters play an outsized role Biden has a commanding lead here overall and among black voters Karen Dudley Co breath from Greenville came to Biden's there's a town hall because I love Vice President Biden that has a lot to do with his 8 years as Barack Obama's vice president because of the things that he's done as vice president his state his shit over the years and his ability to be a lot of other black voters say that's why they're back invited to and in Greenwood he talked about that association a lot sometimes poignantly like reflecting on how he worked as a public defender in Wilmington shortly after race riots then 40 years later he was on the city's train platform headed to the 2009 and now curation waiting for an African-American man to pick me up who is on a train coming from Philadelphia Pennsylvania other associations were a bit more awkward I work with a guy who is not an African-American our His name is Brock Obama hugging the Obama administration so close has. It's downsides especially in an era of super charged progressive activism only teen a woman named Sylvia asked Biden a pointed question via translator because of the deportations were so high under the Obama administration it is hard for me as an immigrant to trust you when she and several activists kept pressing Biden chanting and holding signs he was blunt we should go for chump Biden says he's surprised at how many Democrats now criticize Obama's record I mean I won't jack where y'all come from you know to me Biden's bet that black voters will keep warding his 8 years in Obama's side Scott d'être n.p.r. News Greenwood South Carolina so we like to think of ourselves as a highly mobile society but these days Americans are staying put more than ever before and this has consequences for families communities and the economy as N.P.R.'s Scott Horsley reports fewer than one out of 10 Americans packed up and moved last year that's the lowest rate of mobility since the Census Bureau started keeping track more than 7 decades ago in the 1980 s. People are about twice as likely to move as they are now I continue to be surprised every years these numbers come out and they go down lower Brookings Demographer William Fry's says the decline in mobility is particularly striking a decade after the great recession when people are no longer stuck in houses they can't sell most people who do move each year stay in the same county for us as these local moves are often driven by family circumstances typically younger adults move the most but when the younger adults are stuck in places that are taking their time to get married and having children and buying homes that has a lot to do with this professional movers have noticed the downturn and no wonder Scott Michael who has the American Moving and Storage Association says any change of address is stressful and it's not all about the move it's all about finding a new friend the see your family and your children finding a new grocery store everything changes when you move in you need to deal with all of those different things people who move long distances typically do so for job related. Reasons so that drop probably reflects larger changes in the labor market maybe technology's enabling more people to work remotely without the hassle of relocation or maybe workers just don't think it's worth it to pack up and move cross-country for a job economist Avigail was Nick says it's too soon to say whether this long term decline in mobility is a problem my concern is less that workers are making mistakes by not taking advantage of opportunities that are out there against areas more that somehow these opportunities are either fewer and farther between or they've become more difficult to access or take advantage of overtime was Nick began study mobility when she was a professor at the University of Notre Dame in Indiana earlier this year though she took a new job 500 miles away with the Federal Reserve Bank in Minneapolis in other words she's now part of a steadily shrinking pool of Footloose workers so now I've lived it and it's super hard that's caused me to reflect on that a little bit throughout this country's history movers have shaped the United States we may have to adjust to a population that's more likely to stay home Scott Horsley n.p.r. News Washington this is n.p.r. News some states have mandated active shooter drills and not everyone thinks that they're helpful for children especially those with anxiety or developmental disorders despite people being super careful they still get at best a nerd and have it worse pretty traumatized the value of active shooter drills at school class and Alice of this week's impeachment hearings this afternoon on All Things Considered from n.p.r. News and that is today from 3 to 630 on in case I am. Support for a are comes from Arkansas Community Foundation which offers tools to make charitable giving easy flexible and efficient during this holiday season of giving and all year long the foundation has tools to create endowments that impact the community for ever or to create donor advised funds that meet a midi it essential needs. Community Foundation smart giving to improve communities learn more at a r.c.f. Dot org slash smart giving. Live from n.p.r. News in Washington I mean he held President Trump called into Fox and Friends this morning during the course of an hour long interview he said he doesn't expect to be impeached but if he is he welcomes a Senate trial I want to cry you know I can get you number one issue never ever impeached much of this week's inquiry testimony centered on the role of Trump's personal attorney Rudy Giuliani Trump told Fox The reason he had the former New York City mayor deal with Ukraine is because Giuliani is a great crime fighter witnesses this week laid out evidence that Democrats could use in a quid pro quo case related to a pressure campaign against Ukraine later today Trump is holding a v.p. Meeting with industry representatives and public health advocates the White House says the policymaking process is not stalled despite reports the president was backing off plans to impose a federal ban on flavored East cigarettes young Thai people today greeted Pope Francis with cheers as he arrived at a mass at Bangkok's Cathedral of the assumption was Francis is wrapping up his trip to the majority Buddhist Thailand and today Next he heads to Japan where he will visit the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and he plans to make an appeal for the global abolition of nuclear weapons you are listening to n.p.r. News. From k. U.a.r. News in Little Rock Good morning I'm Sara Kellogg showers are likely to fail in with a high near 53 to Greece. The u.s. Department of Agriculture is awarding roughly 3 and a half $1000000.00 to help fight feral hogs in Arkansas K.R.'s Dino Breen explains fans of Arkansas Razorbacks football will know that hogs are well capable of causing grief but for conservationists and farmers the struggle is all too real the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission estimates feral hogs are responsible for $19000000.00 in annual damage to row crops in the state and roughly one and a half $1000000000.00 in damage nationwide a news release from the u.s.d.a. Says the department is committing more than $3400000.00 to help launch 4 pilot programs aimed at controlling the feral hog population in Arkansas 2 subsets of the u.s.d.a. Along with the state Agriculture Department and partner organizations will work to reduce one populations and minimize the invasive species environmental and economic damage the 3 year long projects are aimed at for regions of the state that have been especially hard hit by feral swine This comes after the state legislature passed a law earlier this year strengthening penalties for transporting feral hogs and establishing a $3000000.00 feral hogs eradication fund with the State Natural Resources Commission feral hogs number around 4 or 5000000 across the country and while the projects are aimed at the West North South West and southeast parts of Arkansas it's estimated that every county in the state now has a feral hogs population dyno brain k way our news. The mayor of North Little Rock is recovering after an emergency appendectomy a news release says Mayor Joe Smith had the procedure done on Wednesday while in San Antonio for the National League of Cities and will City summit Smith has served as mayor since 2012 and announced in September he would not be seeking reelection Smith is expected to make a full recovery I'm sorry this is. Support for k u a r comes from the University of Arkansas Clinton School of Public Service the Clinton School of Public Service is now accepting applications for its online degree cohort Clinton school online is billed for public service professionals looking to advance their careers without relocating for disrupting their personal lives the deadline to apply is December 1st More information can be found at Clinton School s.y.s. Dot edu or by calling the office of admissions at 501-683-5228 support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from the financial services firm of Raymond James offering personalized wealth management advice and banking and capital markets expertise along with a legacy of putting clients financial wellbeing 1st learn more at Raymond James dot com from Whole Foods Market offering colors and flavors of the season with seasonal produce holiday desserts and Chef created menus Whole Foods Market color the classics and from the listeners who support this n.p.r. Station. It's Morning Edition from n.p.r. News I'm Steve Inskeep in Washington d.c. And I'm David Greene in Culver City California Israel's longest serving Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is now its 1st to be indicted while in office he says the charges are a political plot and he plans to stay in office that's in Yahoo is accused of bribery fraud also breach of trust this is all an indictment announced by the country's attorney general yesterday that he now has already fighting for survival after 2 inconclusive elections in recent months and possibly another vote coming in the spring let's turn to N.P.R.'s Daniel Estrin who's in Tel Aviv Dana good morning good morning to you so tell us more about what the prime minister is accused of here well the most serious charges bribery he's accused of offering regulatory favors that benefited a telecoms executive and in exchange getting positive coverage in that executives news website and then he's also accused of discussing a similar deal to help the newspaper publisher another one and exchange for positive press and he's also charged with doing favors for a Hollywood producer and getting cigars and champagne in return the attorney general in Israel says he's pressing charges because he's confident that on Yahoo will likely be convicted and this is unprecedented this this kind of indictment is never happened before in Israel yes it's the 1st time in Israeli history that a prime minister has been indicted while in office there was another situation kind of like this his predecessor it will only it was indicted but in that case resigned before the charges were final and in the end he was convicted and jailed Ok so this is an indictment that certainly doesn't mean automatically Netanyahu leaves office what is his strategy that he's building to hang on well his tactic now is to deal idjit in my eyes the entire corruption investigation into him he gave a televised address last night and he said the investigation was tainted he used that word half a dozen times at least he said it was a politically motivated attempt at a coup against the. The right wing prime minister his main rival the centrist Benny Gantz said no this is no coup attempt this is Netanyahu trying to barricade himself into power and so he's trying to shore up his base by firing them up and saying this is an unfair investigation into me so I mean Netanyahu knows how to win elections he's won his share but the last 2 have been really close for him to to form a parliamentary coalition you say he's trying to fire up his base what are you hearing so far I mean are his supporters still with him have are they going to stay with him his core base I think still is with him you go on his Facebook and you see that he's responding to many Israelis who are writing notes of support but it does look like Israel may be headed to a 3rd election after 2 inconclusive elections this year and so there are questions legal questions out about whether Netanyahu will be able to run for reelection and then there are the politics involved so will his own party dump him and decide that another candidate will do better than him in a new election I spoke to a Likud Party official in Netanya his party who says I think this investigation was an injustice on the other hand how can a turnout continue to govern the country while he's got this corruption trial ahead of him. All right N.P.R.'s Daniel Estrin reporting from Tel Aviv Dana thanks so much You're welcome. The school district in Houston Texas faces an unprecedented move Texas officials announced a complete takeover of one of the largest school districts in America they announced this even though the district came very close to earning an a grade in the latest state report card so why take it over Houston Public Media as Laura eyes and see as the story this year veteran educator Carrie petty started a new job teaching digital media in Houston but during his 1st week he learned the state could take over the entire district which has over 200000 students and I was . I will have taken a flashback on New Orleans and back home in Detroit we have been in Detroit Public Schools Betty has taught in New Orleans in Michigan and saw States intervene there in Houston this threat has loomed over the nation's 7th largest district for over 2 years but it touches petty school weekly high directly so when class started he heard even more about it as we've been in a frenzy that is the I'll be opening up with closing was going to sell their little bit as I'm as I they do does and teachers have an as I say a state law says if even one school fails state standards for 5 or more years the Texas Education Commissioner must close the campus or replace the entire district elected board and Wheatley high a historically black school that's produced members of Congress prominent athletes and celebrities has failed 7 times in a row that light will stay focused on as we can by sit back Petty says their anxiety hasn't come down since commissioner might Morat announced this month he plans to oust the 9 member school board and appoint outside managers one reason we only highs chronic low performance something we're at hinted at this fall and the unfortunate truth is some of the schools that we have are not good enough for my kids or your kids or the kids that are in a morass says another reason for his decision state investigators found widespread misconduct among board members that's a major reason why the Houston business community backs the takeover Here's Bob Harvey with the Greater Houston partnership addressing members we think the Houston Independent School District board so long term failure to consistently support all of our schools all of our kids warrants a new leadership that a child state but some teachers and advocates say Houston voters have already fixed that problem when they elect. For new board members this November they made it clear at a recent community meeting at Lehigh they want to choose their own representatives your take Bill control of our local school district from the people who don't have a voice Michelle Williams has taught for 20 years she asked Who will hold appointed managers accountable what if we don't like they owe them what process we say Texas education administrators promise new managers will get robust training and support and they'll reflect Houston's diverse community that hasn't convinced Williams I don't see how it's going to work yet I see in our future in the district getting worse because the teachers who are committed the parents who work who made it may not say because of this sanction the Houston School Board and the teachers' union are trying to stop the takeover in court in a joint federal lawsuit their attorneys claim it disenfranchises Hispanic and black voters in the district the union has also called the takeover a way to privatized public education with more charter schools still teachers like Carrie Petit say they plan to focus on their students walk out here every day I'll still be here today every day so I'm not going anywhere but he wants answers like what would his state board put at the top of their agenda for n.p.r. News I'm Lauren in Houston. Listening to Morning Edition on k r 89 point one It's 840 this is n.p.r. News. This is Morning Edition on k r 89.1842. For decades N.P.R.'s Susan Stamberg has managed to sneak her family's controversial Pepto this small pink and very relevant to be on the air in time for Thanksgiving get ready to jot down the recipe Susan story is coming up in about 10 minutes on. Right now it's 49 degrees but some light range and showers are likely to day to continue with the high living in our 53 degrees. County folks this is Dave Smith host of Ozark Highlands radio and this week's show will be featuring the lovely voice and fine musicianship far own Pam sets or Mark Jones has found an old recording of another local girl who gained fame as one of America's greatest ballad singers and guest host already at water waxes poetic discussion about songs of undying love this week all those are columns radio Friday night at 8 and Saturday night at 5 on 89 point one. Stephanie Rinko always said she never wanted to live on life support she would say . To shoot me don't ever let me get to that point. But what we want when we're healthy can be different from what we want when we're sick. Life or death and our future selves this week on Hidden Brain Sunday morning at 11 on k USA Our. Chef Lydia Bastiaan it shares the ingredients for her favorite comfort food dishes from Italy and tomato juice the swordfish in the sun it's beautiful learn when to choose a red wine over a white wine for an ideal wine pairing it's about avoiding unpleasant combinations and what makes your hometown special it's all in the next travel with Rick Steves Saturday morning at 689 point one k u a r. Good morning I'm David Greene some paintings looks so inviting you just want to curl up inside the frame writer for the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts the guests can book a night in a recreating of Edward Hopper's Western motel everything from the painting is there even the warm light streaming through the window one guest told The New York Times she had always wanted to sleep in a museum now I should say the room does go on display for visitors during the day so 8 am check out Ari It's Morning Edition support for n.p.r. Comes from this station then from Zoom Zoom offers cloud video conferencing online meetings and a video conference room solution in one platform featuring digital video and audio with screen sharing account registration and more at Zoom dot us from Fidelity Investments taking a personalized approach to helping clients grow preserve and manage their wealth learn more at fidelity dot com slash wealth fidelity brokerage services l.l.c. . And from the listeners who support this n.p.r. Station This is Morning Edition from n.p.r. News I'm David Greene and I'm Steve Inskeep our friends at Planet Money spend a lot of time reporting on banking just not always this kind this is a story about human reproduction Alexi Horowitz Gazi from our Planet Money podcast has covered every bank from the Federal Reserve to the Bank of America and now has gone looking for the origins of the sperm bank. One of the biggest sperm banks in the world is based in a little city in Denmark called our hoops. Just past the reception desk there's a row of donor cabins outfitted with touch screen computers and erotic magazines the little red light comes on when each donor cabin is occupied and that's where I meet donor Nicholas if you spend a lot of time in this room and not out of they don't like it when you stay school long because it times out you know have never given Mark are you donating today our already did in the funeral is a recent college graduate donates a few times a week for up to $75.00 a deposit each time is donation goes from a little coffee in the donor cabin to a lab in the back where it gets tested and divvied up into Stross like permits Clyde and her lab technicians then freeze the straws in liquid nitrogen and it's off to Stuart it looks totally frozen and it's making all these his things have until eventually somebody picks you know rips profile from Cryos his online catalog which includes things like his hobbies academic interests it's mostly pictures of babies there Chris ended as these prized stallions they have enough donations in storage for tens of thousands of potential babies waiting to be packed in coolers and shipped around the world but sperm banking hasn't always been such a high tech far ranging enterprise Rene all knowing is a sociologist at Yale who has written extensively on the fertility industry for most of the 20th century sperm donation was a fresh donation meaning basically from the donor in one room at a doctor's clinic to the patient and another all milling says the 1st generation of frozen sperm banks started in the early seventy's when they were marketed as a kind of insurance for men undergoing best sec Timmy's or cancer treatment who might want to have children later on but to remain in the industry there really wasn't a great market for their services until after several women contract it HIV from fresh sperm donations in the eighty's. Fertility doctors recommended against its use from then on anyone seeking donor sperm on the medical market would need frozen sperm which was quarantined and retested later on to make sure it was virus free they had to turn to these sperm banks who had all the infrastructure for freezing sperm and testing donors and shipping the sperm out and as laws and social norms around same sex parenting and single motherhood have shifted so too as sperm banking's customer base Cross says that 75 percent of its customers are now single women and same sex couples all milling says the u.s. Sperm industry has grown dramatically in part because it remains vastly under regulated which has raised a host of ethical concerns sometimes sperm donors will have 50 offspring or 150 and in part that's because these sperm banks are businesses and they are collecting sperm from people they spend a lot of money screening at the same time all milling points out countless families might not have otherwise gotten started if it weren't for the sperm banks and the broader market for sex sells that sells with the sea Black Sea Horowitz Gazi n.p.r. News. Support for Planet Money comes from his Cox Hiscox tailors its policies to fit the unique needs of each small business quotes and information on insurance policies are available at Hiscox dot com Hiscox business insurance experts. This is n.p.r. News. It's a 50 year listening to Morning Edition on k r 890 point one today showers are likely before noon after work so the chance of showers as the chance of a thunderstorm Hildie near 53 degrees the chance of precipitation is 70 percent tonight there's a 40 percent chance of rain otherwise cloudy skies are expected the low will be near a $42.00 tomorrow partly sunny skies are predicted the Hile be near 51 degrees tomorrow night triggering mostly clear skies and a low around 36 on Sunday sunny skies are in the forecast the Hile be near 59 looking a Monday we should see mostly sunny skies and a high near the details this is taking away our. Global plastic you'll I'm Bob Hersh on in this is science update. Back to the future to Marty McFly fuels his Delorean by stuffing garbage into a Mr Fusion energy reactor while that science fiction garbage powered transport may really be in our future had a meeting of the American Chemical Society researchers announced that they have developed a small reactor that can convert the plastic trash that's littering our oceans into gasoline and diesel fuel the project is the brainchild of sail boat captain James Holmes an organic chemist Swaminathan Romesh of eco fuel technologies Romesh says the machine sets off a chemical reaction that efficiently breaks down plastic into fuel no further refining is needed a big money saver so you produce the proof and used to run us. And Ramesh says a larger version could power a small city without the need for a costly power plant I'm Bob Hirsch on for the Science Society support for programming is provided by you A.M.'s we're top of Orthopedic Surgeons are his all for advanced orthopedic treatments and more especially here than anywhere else in the state learn more about the you are worth bt clinic said you are. It's Morning Edition from n.p.r. News I'm Steve Inskeep And I'm David Greene. Family friendly Mr Rogers is the subject of a new movie a beautiful day in the neighborhood as Tim grieving reports it was a family affair behind the camera as well. Like many kids over the past 15 years to help her siblings Mario Nate and Emily grow up watching Mister Rogers' Neighborhood on p.b.s. I remember getting to a point as the oldest where I kind of became a little too cynical and jaded for Mr Rogers but I remember you guys still liking it they were also busy putting on their own shows with Mario the eldest calling the shots I think it's pretty fair to say that I was pretty bossy and I used to make an 8 and all the other kids in the neighborhood act out little plays and stuff it's weird that I didn't realize I should be a director earlier in my life but grew up in the Bay Area and a house full of creativity mom's an art teacher dad's a chiropractor but he does have artistic aspirations This is Nate Heller the middle child he was a clown and that was how he would our mother apparently it was she saw him juggling on the street and thought he was a was a little hot nugget. Mario became an actor then a director she made the diary of a teenage girl in 20152018 can you ever forgive me and she brought Nate a musician who's always played in bands along for the ride it was a really selfish move on my own part because I was afraid that I didn't know how to describe what I needed from a composer and music is really hard to find that common language about there's no hesitation to tell me if something I've done totally say. A lot of times what I do does totally suck the 1st time but obviously we're both precious about what we do but I think that layer of sort of dancing around your true feelings is kind of stripped away with the way that we work together. Their younger sister Emily is a stand up comedian who writes and produces on the h. You know series Barry she was confused when her sister chose to make a movie about Mr Rogers because she usually likes making movies about women but then she saw the movie which cast Mr Rogers as a supporting character and the complicated life of a cynical journalist played by Matthew Reese It's a lot more interesting and less corny than you might expect it to be I think my sister's really interested in what makes people complicated I was really struck by how many questions that are on everyone's minds right now that it seems to answer in a way that doesn't flatten that out. A teller wrote a score that pays homage and expands on the jazz combo music from Mr Rogers' Neighborhood You can also spot him in the background of one scene playing in a wedding band but big sister Margot Heller says he's in the fabric of the movie in an even deeper way one of the things that I feel like was driving me with this movie that was really important was showing images of men on screen that are things we don't tend to see showing a father and a son expressing their emotions and dealing with the hard pain of being alive saying things like I'm sorry and I love you and maybe even crying. Part of why that resonated with me is because I grew up in a household of feeling men who weren't afraid to cry our dad is a very sensitive guy and Nate is a very sensitive man so working with my brother on this project meant a lot because it felt like we were also tapping into this sort of idea of masculinity that I feel like we don't get to see in movies as much Heller's that his dad blubber during a beautiful day in the neighborhood of fellas don't be afraid to do the same for n.p.r. News I'm Tim grabbing. Ok on this Friday before Thanksgiving for more years than we can. Sound in fact more years than some of us would like to count N.P.R.'s Susan Stamberg manages to sneak in her family's controversial recipe for a staple of the holiday table at least in her family this year is no exception although Susan is going to try to disguise her mission our special correspondent is not a fan of transparency as you will now hear did you ever stand in a bad Mr Teka. Salut Lee It's one of the most exciting feelings when you're in waiters and in water and all you have around you are cranberries he's got to be president and c.e.o. Of ocean spray right a booster enthusiastic he says he feels like a kid again standing in a sea of crimson up to his hips in berries and cold water by the shack has been an ocean spray since 2017 long enough to explain the company's name which really does not make much sense not all Krim berries grow near oceans Mr Chacko says a company founder named it every time he stood near the beach the spray of the ocean always triggered emotions of refreshment now almost 90 years later the farmer own co-operative has 2000 employees and was a 2000000000 dollar business sales have flattened in the last 5 years Chaco says but they're working to bump it up going for younger buyers trying to globalize climate change has been an issue big frosts hit some farmers hard our cranberries part of your annual Thanksgiving dinner all it always is notice the deft change of subject it's a wonderful wonderful fruit if you love tart and if you don't have their incredible number of recipes do you have a favorite recipe for cranberry sauce yes the one my wife makes me as a little bit of cinnamon and not Meg Well Mr Checa there's a recipe that I give here we go year on the radio and it may surprise you to hear with the ingredients are well of course there are raw cranberries right to Cap's of them but then here come the funny things there's a small onion. There's 3 quarters cup sour cream there's half a cup of sugar and this is the kicker and this is the one that intrigues or maybe yes repels listeners the most to table. Horseradish. Susan what are you inviting me over for Thanksgiving he likes it he says he'll put mama Stamberg cranberry relish in their recipe book oh wow maybe because I forgot to tell him it's the color of Pepto Bismo shocking pink but delicious I promise full recipe at npr dot org If you don't want to wait for the book. Very happy Thanksgiving to you. C.e.o. Of Ocean Spray I'm Susan Stamberg n.p.r. News and you know Mr Jacko I have been doing that recipe I'd say for the last 104 years and we have probably earned you a good deal of money over the years it occurs to me that it might be time for you to make a nice generous contribution to. Stop. Morning Edition from n.p.r. News our theme music was inspired by b.j. Lederman I'm Steve Inskeep And I'm David Greene and I'm sorry you're listening to. Support u.a.r. Comes from listeners and from Jefferson regional committed to delivering personalized medical care himself Arkansas Jefferson regional treats people like family always taking the time to give a warm greeting to look people straight in the eye and to take the time to listen and make them feel ready for more information and to see what makes Jefferson regional special go to Jr m c dot org That's j r m c o r g Jefferson regional your life our commitment. This is 89 point one k u a r Little Rock a listener supported service of you a little rock in partnership with. The. Next. Hours are likely before noon afterwards a chance of showers and storms the high will be near 53 degrees and the chance of precipitation is 70 percent tonight there's a 40 percent chance of rain it's 9 o'clock. Impeachment was not the only big story this week but it's so big that we figure it's worth reviewing and clarifying what happened and what's next from w a n u and n.p.r. In Washington this is one. Day there I'm Joshua Johnson today on one a it's the Friday news round up today we focus on just a few big story the biggest one is impeachment witnesses testified that President Trump essentially bribed Ukraine's president asking for political favors in exchange for military aid in its war with Russia Republican lawmakers questioned the witnesses recollections argued that Mr Trump was just doing his job and denounce the inquiry itself meanwhile 10 Democratic candidates debated in Atlanta facing questions about impeachment We'd love to hear from you so comment on our Facebook page or tweet us at one at a. Live from n.p.r. News in Washington I'm Corba Coleman President Trump says he wants to see a trial in the impeachment inquiry but in an interview he says that House Democrats should never have opened the process it began when whistle blew.