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Trump was back in Campaign Mode tonight. The president made an unapologetic speech in front of thousands of supporters. Police used tear gas to try to disperse protesters, thousands of anti trump demonstrators gathered for the rally. Witnesses say it was mostly peaceful until some in the crowd tried to break through barricades at the end of the arena and Police Responded police resorted to tear gas. Our reporter has more on that speech. He was pausing to allow the crowd to cheer to him. And the rally was paid for the president ial campaign and was not an official visit. It was campaign to point out, the president praising his supporters. You were there at the start and you have been here every day. And mocking his opponents. There are not people outside protesting, not many. He repeated his campaign promises. We are totally committed to fighting for our agenda, we will notstop until the job is done. But the delivery has not been easy. The president repeated his call for unity, compassion, and understanding. A wound was inflicted upon one member a wound inflicted on one member of our community is a wound inflicted on us all. Then the president went off the script, sending his reaction, and talking about his enemies. [ indiscernible ] the president also discussed immigration, railing against sanctuary cities and repeating campaign promises. We are building a wall on the southern border, and we are throwing criminals out of the country, or putting them in jail fast. A familiar scene, make America Great again, drain the swamp, calling democrats obstructionists and releasing criticism and he criticized his own party. Your job is to represent american families, people, workers, it is your job. A political analyst said that he deflected blame from himself, to congress. He noted that the republican senators were not at the rally. He singled out senator john mccain who had voted against the Senate Health care bill. We were a single vote way. He has to understand the congressional portion of the government in the senate are very important to his success. You do not make friends by knocking someone over the head and then calling them a day later and asking for support on this bill or that bill. It does not work like that. I dont believe any president has accomplished as much as i have in seven months. We will make America Great again thank you, arizona, god bless you he did not pardon sheriff joe arpaio, who was convicted for traffic patrols. And we are seeing supporters and protesters lingering outside of the rally in phoenix. We will keep a close eye on that in the next hour or so. And work is underway to remove a statue of christopher columbus. A group began a campaign to remove that statue from the lobby at city hall before events in charlottesville. The group said that columbus represents the genocide he represents the genocide of native americans and should be moved off the property. He represents a symbol of whites the primacy in my community. There is public art that people have a variety of opinions on. If you are opening the indoors box to talk about one statue, you probably need to look at everything. The statue was donated to the city by the italianamerican immunity in 1958. Barbara lee held a town hall meeting in oakland, she spoke out against immigration policies from the president. We must resist what this administration is doing and we must move forward and say no, we are going to make this a country of liberty and justice for all and we will make sure that his agenda does not pass. The commerce woman went on to say that building a wall is not the answer, instead she says republicans should work with democrats. She also called for peaceful protests this weekend, in response to schedule rallies. And henry lee said that they are worried about Public Safety and potential for violence. East bay political leaders were addressing the media, in advance of a planned rally. The berkeley mayors is violent and hateful speech will not be tolerated in the city. This is not freedom of speech, it is bigotry and it is racism, it is xenophobia and there is no place for any of that in burglary there is no room for it in berkeley or anywhere else in our city. People were urged to not attend the rally for their own safety. And they are trying to avoid a a repeat of the deadly incident in charlotte spill. No car will be allowed to park along the perimeter. We cannot talk about specific tactics that we are using at this point, because we are continuing to plan for any possibility that could occur. It is a fluid thing and things are changing daily. There are hundreds of people who have said that they plan to counter protest the right wing rally. One member of the coalition criticized the mayor for encouraging people to stay away from the downtown area. People are running scared, worried about what is going to happen. The fast the fascists have one in that case. And a transgender woman spoke up. She represents a group called no to marxism. We are being told that we have something to do, there are horrible things that went on and White Supremacy is not allowed here, we do not want racism at work hateful people. We do not want by people. Do not come to my rally if you intend violence. There are alternative events planned for sunday. Henry lee, fox news. Fire crews were watching for hotspots tonight, after fully containing a 2acre fire. It burned across open space at the camp park. An Evacuation Order immediately went out to dozens of homes on the edge of the camp park. People with respiratory problems were told to close windows due to the smoke. And the flames put up a big plume of smoke that could be seen for several miles. The fire did have a huge plume of smoke throughout the area, it did cause a lot of interest in what was going on locally. The fire was fully contained at 7 30 tonight, there are no reports of injuries and in vista getters are trying to determine how the fire had started. Concern parents packed a School Board Meeting tonight, they say the population explosion is going to werent a Second High School and the money to make it happen. And School Leaders came together to address overcrowding. The meeting is still going on right now, and there is no disagreement that a New High School is needed. The board is scheduled to vote on how much money will be allocated , to build a New High School. It is an overflowing crowd at the School Board Meeting. Parents are passionate, making sure children will not be in overcrowded classrooms as the district dot dont the district is grappling population growth issues. I am looking at 5000 kids here, that is too many. The only conference of high school, with 2500 students currently enrolled. The number is estimated to double in the next coming years. And last june, a bond measure was passed to fund new School Campuses and modernizing existing campuses. Some funding has already been allocated to build a new school and a new science building. We have a lot of elementary children coming in. We have middle schools that are going to be growing at a very fast rate. We must prioritize the money in the bond program. To the original proposal is to spend 100 million for a New High School, parents say that is insufficient funding and overcrowding could lead to accidents, and it is an overall safety issue. I have a neighbor who moved because of this issue. His son was in ninth grade, already in high school, and concerned with the overcrowding that exists right now. I cannot imagine what it will be like for my 10yearold. They are looking at new spots for the high school, and the option was unpopular with parents and with neighbors of the school. Our neighborhood cannot handle more traffic, congestion, more buildings going up. We need to build this school and quit trying to expand here. We love this neighborhood. I do not wish to move. That we have considered moving. The district spokeswoman tells me the earliest this high school will be built is in 2021. And that would accommodate 1000 students. The eventual goal is to enroll 2500 students at the New High School. Amber, thank you. A call to eye doctors after the Solar Eclipse, how serious it is for people who look at the sun. It is warming up. Today, it warmed as much as 15 degrees in some places. And it is going to get even warmer through the rest of the week. And a new home for a family touched by tragedy, strangers have stepped forward after three people were killed in an apartment. Stay with us, we will be right back. In the south bay tonight, a generous gift this evening one week after a fire ripped through a mobile home, killing a pair of children. A couple has stepped forward, offering the family a new home. And Catherine Smith is in san jose with an act of kindness from strangers. The family lost a home. They also lost a tenyearold daughter and an uncle. The family is trying to make sense of what happened here. And Community Members are stepping up in a big way. A growing memorial outside the home where this family used to live, they were devastated by the loss of a 10yearold daughter, the mother shared her pain. [ indiscernible ] [ speaking Foreign Language ] she would go to work and come back home. The died when a fire broke out inside the mobile home at the golden wheel, it was last tuesday. The parents came from vietnam. The mother works on an assembly line. We have a sixyearold, and a nineyearold. We cannot imagine this happening to our children. Todd and his wife owned the largest manufactured home retailer in thearea. They heard of the fire and immediately wished to help. They found out there was no insurance on the home. Currently they have nowhere to live. I asked what they were going to do, they said that they were going to be homeless. This is a picture of the interior of the home. They are donating a brand new and manufactured home, and it is a way to get back. My mom would always say it in the enemy is. [ speaking Foreign Language ] always remember where you came from. The threebedroom home is valued at 200,000. And they say it is the least they can do. [ indiscernible ] [ speaking Foreign Language ] we lost a beautiful uncle, and an angel. There are people who are lost. But we have shown how much we love them. The family given a sense of hope and comfort after deep pain and sorrow, the Community Coming together after a deep time of need. We are coming together to see how strong we are. Not only did the enemies community. All different races, all different families can come together and do some good together. Reporter a billionaire gave 5 million to the victims in the coyote creek flooding. That individual is also donating to help the family and they are waiting to start clean up. The hope is to build the new home within the next several weeks. A remarkable thing to do. And the family, where are they staying in the meantime . They are staying with other family members. I talked with them today, you can see that they are still enduring pain and heartache. But they are very grateful for the new home and they are going to have a formal announcement tomorrow with the city of san jose. Berkeley police are now invest getting a reported Sexual Assault that happened inside a dormitory. It happened early this morning. The victim and suspect are both students who are familiar with one another. The suspect has not been identified and police have not said which hall the attack happened in. A santa rosa man was on the radar of federal immigration officials weeks before it womans death. And he was never picked up despite a previous arrest for domestic violence. He is accused of killing his 42yearold girlfriend, veronica. Candles sit by her front door. Neighbors say they never thought anything like this could happen. She was quiet. She kept to herself. We were not expecting this. Neighbors may have been surprised. She was on the radar of federal immigration and customs enforcement. He was one of the people asked to be notified upon release. Santa rosa Police Arrested him for domestic battery after he had beaten the same girlfriend he would later be charged with killing. After he was booked, he asked the Sheriff Department to contact him when she the Sheriff Department complied but ice never picked him up. We did notify the release date and time. Sometimes they pick people up, sometimes they do not. He returned to her apartment. 16 days later, she was dead. He has confessed to killing her. The sheriff says despite the death got ramirez does not believe any agency dropped the ball. We cannot turn this to what ice did or did not do. They could not legally hold him. He made a brief court appearance. Marcos is due back in court on thursday, where he will be likely formally charged with murder. Ice provided a statement tonight. The sonoma sheriff notified them on the 16 minutes before releasing estrada. And they said there was insufficient time to pick him up. The vast majority of calls from the county over the last six months have failed to provide adequate time for agents to respond, and they continued saying this case underscores why immigration detainers are a crucial enforcement tool, and it is highly problematic and tragic when jurisdictions choose not to comply. We are checking on high temperatures from today, 90 degrees in fairfield and in antioch. There is fog along the coast. These are the high temperatures from today. Tomorrow, not the same. The general trend is for a warm up as we go into the next several days, and into the bay area we can specifically. Thunder and lightning had been occurring along the western slope of the Sierra Nevada s. Is moving up to areas up and around reading and trinity. You get some thundershowers in the northeastern part of the state. Most of this is going around us and to the north of us. We are set up with a day tomorrow that is a lot like today with fog in the morning, and temperatures that are going to be very similar with 60 degree temperatures and 70 degree temperatures, for the bay area wednesday forecast. Here is the fog forecast for the morning. Look at the red, 90degree temperatures show up in a lot of the far inland bay valley areas. And when i come back, we will talk about the heat that is coming our way. More fallout after a crash involving a naval destroyer, a change in command as some of the missing sailors are identified. Also a blockbuster trade involving the biggest stars in the nba. And Isaiah Thomas coming up later in sports. New information tonight about the charges a pair of suspects are facing. More on that coming up next. Stay with us, we will be right back. Vo whenever a craving hits, vo jacks got your back. Jack somebody craving my smoky jack burger . Vo the smoky jack burger combo for 4. 99. Vo hickorysmoked bacon, smoked cheddar cheese, vo all on an artisan poppyseed bun. Vo plus fries and a refreshing drink. Vo all for just 4. 99. Man thanks, jack jack youre welcome. Vo the new smoky jack burger combo for just 4. 99. Vo only at jack in the box. A driver that Highway Patrol on a highspeed chase this afternoon, we were over the scene as half a dozen cars chased a pickup with a white camper shell. The chase hit speeds over 100 miles per hour. It came to an end when the driver stopped near the lake. And a pair of people took off on foot. One suspect was detained quickly. He was eventually caught with the ship he was caught by sheriff officers. And they were charged with possession of stolen property and resisting arrest. The pentagon is releasing plans to remove an admiral from the seventh fleet base in japan. Joseph is expected to be formally removedtomorrow. And an oil tanker collided with a naval described 10 sailors were found today. The pentagon is halting Naval Operations worldwide. Lawmakers on capitol hill are now demanding answers. Congress is going to look at this as well. Is it human error . Our training issues around that need to be addressed . Are there outside intrusions . The crash is the fourth serious accident in the pacific this year, in the navy. A 30yearold man was taken into custody late in june, on suspicion of assaulting a woman in a car. Officers learned that police were investigating a similar case from 2015, in which he was a suspect. He has been booked on Sexual Assault and kidnapping charges. A babysitter and her boyfriend were accused of assault, an investigation following a mother with suspicions. A thief seen running up to a driveway and pulling mail out of the box. And a surge in phone calls for doctors hearing from patients who are worried about eyesight. More on that coming up next. Stay with us, we will be right back. Millions watched the total Solar Eclipse yesterday, but only six people got this view. Astronauts took a picture of the Solar Eclipse from 250 miles above the earth. And you can see the shadow of the moon passing across the planet, leaving a portion of the land both and a portion of the land below was left in darkness. Thousands may be experiencing problems with their eyes one day after the Solar Eclipse. And spectators may have taken off protective glasses in some areas. Even local doctors are getting some worried calls. There are patients who may have eye damage and others that are simply worried. The bay area had a mostly cloudy eclipse. That did provide some protection. The show came and went, but for those who looked too long may be experiencing pain. People improvised, or even knowing better, squinted at the eclipse. It is irresistible. It is such a rare occasion. The retina could be temporarily burned. Anyone who had sore or watery eyes may have sunburned eyes that will heal. If you see the yellowing of the center of the retina, and the darkening around it, it is more serious. Lasting damage from extinct it could be lasting damage from sustainedexposure. The middle of an image may seem to be missing. This office and others are getting calls. Some may be looking and the sun came out. But they are still looking. Clouds did provide a measure of protection. With ultraviolet damage, even with clouds, it will not be the solar retinopathy that would be concerned about with the Solar Eclipse. Most patients have not experienced any damage. But they can be reassured that they are normal. Some have come in for their eyes to be checked. Symptoms could include blurring of vision, sensitivity to light, and blind spots. A babysitter and her boyfriend are behind bars, basing felony charges. They are accused of sexually assaulting a 4yearold girl. And torres was babysitting the little girl, and the mother went to police when she became suspicious that her daughter was sexually assaulted. We have not identified any other victims. But because of the services that she was offering, we want to make sure there were no other victims. Police want to hear from anyone who has information or knows who those suspects are. And offduty firefighter was shot to death in hand and offduty firefighter, jake walter was laid to rest. A Memorial Service was held at 1 00. The man accused of killing him and wounding a second firefighter faced a judge for the first time today. Jesse was in court for the hearing today. All over has a history of convictions for violent crimes, which resulted in the sentence of 170 years up to life. And we look at our video, he entered the hall of justice with an orange jail jumpsuit and shackles. Despite argument against restraints, the doctor said the accused is classified of he is classified level four, the highest security risk. And a high escape risk. He shot a pair of officers. Jake walter died a short time later. His friend was booted. And the Prosecutor Says while the crime is being investigated by the police, this shooting was not provoked. What you have in this case our young men who came down to san jose to enjoy themselves, without provocation, they were approached by an individual who fired a gun and he killed walter and severely injured his friend. Officials are talking to witnesses to see if something may have led to this shooting. The bail hearing is scheduled for september 14th at 1 30. There is a memorial for jake walter coming saturday at 11 00 in the morning. It is going to be held at the Oakland Center on lakeside drive. New information about the south bay extension, whether the new service is starting soon. And a thief stealing mail from a mailbox that is not her own. We are tracking the warmth coming back into the bay area forecast, we will tell you how hot it will get, coming up. A 9yearold was thus a tract of an amber alert. We have more on what the chp said happens tonight. Food. Water. Internet. We need it to live. But what we dont need are su like extra monthly fees. I see you, fee, played by legendary actress anjelica huston. You got me, mark. Internet for one everyday simple price and no extra monthly fees. Food. Water. Internet. We need it to live. For all the streaming and the shopping and the newsing, but most of all. For the this. Internet for one everyday simple price and no extra monthly fees. A nineyearold boy has been found safe and sound after an amber alert was issued. The Highway Patrol tweeted out the he was found safely and his father was shot by police during a confrontation, he was taken to the hospital. The suspect is accused of killing his wife in santa maria and running off with their son. Home security video may help police to capture a thief, mail was stolen on a couple hot there was mail stolen, the thief was seen driving down the street. The suspect has blonde hair. Anyone with information about this case is asked to call police right away. And you may have to wait longer for the south bay station to open. Those openings were pushed back until june of next year. And the holdup comes from safety testing and changes being made in fremont. It is being converted from the end of the line station to the through station. And even with the delay, the projects are still on budget. And customers have been refunded after the being victims of the fake account scandal. And the refund included customer accounts from 20,932,016. Wells fargo will likely pay out hundreds of millions more in settlements. Stocks surged on wall street. Nasdaq rose 84, and investors apparently like reports that the Trump Administration has found Common Ground with lawmakers on how to approach tax reform. And the ceo of chevron is going to resign. Watson will step down as the Company Seeks to make changes. And shares have fallen 10 since the beginning of this year. The vicechairman is expected to take watsons place. The assistant coach has made pro football history, the first openly gay coach in the nfl. She worked with the Wide Receivers this summer before accepting a fulltime coaching job. The second woman to be hired as a fulltime assistant coach. Protecting lake tahoe for generations to come. And our chief meteorologist dialing in the forecast, find out when the warmup is coming our way. Did you know slow internet can actually hold your business back . Say goodbye to slow downloads, slow backups, slow everything. Comcast business offers blazing fast and reliable internet thats up to 16 times faster than slow internet from the phone company. Say hello to faster downloads with internet speeds up to 250 megabits per second. Get fast internet and add phone and tv now for only 34. 90 more per month. Call today. Comcast business. Built for business. Comcast business. Its time for the biggest sale oit senses and automaticallyep adjusts on both sides. The new 360 smart bed is part of our biggest sale of the year where all beds are on sale. And right now save 50 on the labor Day Limited Edition bed. Plus free home delivery. Ends saturday Four Brothers are under arrest, accused of stealing highend mountain bikes lake tahoe, with 125,000. Mugshots were tweeted of each of those brothers who are facing felony charges of grand theft, terminal conspiracy and possession of stolen property. They had stolen bikes in tahoe city, squaw valley, and carson city. And detectives identified the car and Police Arrested them on saturday. Police executed search warrants in San Francisco. They recovered 70,000 in stolen bikes. Lawmakers came together at the lake tahoe summit. This year, the focus is on restoration and fighting the effects of climate change. Lake tahoe, a recreational paradise with growing Environmental Concerns including rising take there were growing issues including temperatures. The hot summer days are now 28 dayslonger. Wildfires are also a big threat. John and tom agreed thinning out the trees is essential. We may differ on policies and means. Democrats and republicans from multiple states pledged a commitment to preserving lake tahoe as a delicate national treasure. We are in agreement, we agreement, we need to be concerned about limit change. That means tackling the issue of water clarity and combating algae. Having republicans work with democrats, finding where we agree, and moving forward to save this lake. Elected officials agree on at least one thing, this lake is a jewel that is facing persistent environmental challenges. Governor brown was in San Francisco the governor talked about investing in infrastructure. He also criticized lawmakers in washington dc for what he called a lack of leadership. He called on them to create jobs and focus on other issues. We have the money, we have the brains, the workers, the leaders. They are arguing, they are not arguing about you and how to make your life better, how to protect america andjobs. We can do this, and we are doing it in california. He also talked about investing in education and getting people ready for the workforce. The fog was out this morning, it will clear out with high temperatures similar to tomorrow. We did talk about that earlier. We are tracking some of this moisture coming up from california. It is streaming in with thunderstorms up around kirkwood, and north toward klamath falls. You can see much of the activity has died down in the mountains. And it is very typical for this time of year to have thunderstorms. These are the current temperatures running ahead of where they were yesterday. There is fog right now in San Francisco, pushing in, and clouds pushing in over the camera. San francisco looks like this tomorrow. In the morning hours, it will be cloudy, as expected. Lunchtime, lunchtime, partly sunny with some breaks. And late in the day, it looks pretty much the same. Today looks a lot like tomorrow, and tomorrow looks a lot like today. Tomorrow will warm up a little bit. By the weekend, we do see upper 90s. The lower the low Pressure Center is getting out of here. We noticed the warming today and continue to notice warming into the bay area with temperatures as high as upper 90s. 94 degrees tomorrow. 91 degrees in pittsburgh. These numbers are higher than they were earlier today. Tomorrow, wednesday, a lot like today, a little warmer and then we get even warmer. Lower 60s at the coast, and in the five day forecast, you see temperatures hovering. Then they pop up on saturday and on sunday. This is when the fire danger become something that we will be looking at very seriously. And in the next 72 hours, we have a mild pattern. We had that fire today, and it could have been catastrophic. The Oakland Hills fire was in october. Fire station i usually dont worry until the end of october. And the northeast wind, it is so common in september and in october. Even if you did have wet ground, we probably would not have issues until the end of october. Coming up, the generosity of a couple offering help to a family touched by tragically. Coming up, a couple offering help to a family touched by tragedy. It is always fun to talk about big trades. I cannot imagine a better one. And another says he does not want to play with lebron james anymore. Irving is no longer a cleveland cavalier. And lebron james said i have nothing but respect. A great three year ride. Irving gets his wish. He said he was tired of playing under a shadow. Now youd have to say, he has three years left on his contract. And this will be a great move for boston. And thomas and crowder, the big key in this may make it go their way in the long run, they will make it the number one pick. And it will be a very high pick, with kyrie irving now as a boston celtic. And the dodgers winning again today, they only need to go 2010 to break a record for the most victories in one season. And the giants lost again. And it has gone just that way. It was Irish Heritage night. The kilts were out. No luck of the irish tonight in San Francisco. And jeff did pitch well. And hernandez place for the giants because defense. Yes, a pretty flyball allows milwaukee to take a lead. Not happy, happy, but in the fifth, theyve got a man on and crawford is ready, ticket to ride, over the San Francisco lead. Seventh, tying it up, and travis is putting the brewers ahead again. He sends one down the right field line. And tying run for the eighth. And a pretty good throw from perez. It stays 43. And if it is not one thing, it is another. And powell, he played in the 60s and 70s and got a barbecue spot at the camden yard. The other luke powell, no relation, having some meets today. And went out for the threerun first inning, a two run shot off ubaldo jimenez. And a 30 lead, the athletics bullpen again giving cause for concern, making it very close. Manny machado goes deep for his 27 of the year, a two run shot. And a little insurance in the top of the ninth inning. A 64 lead, the bullpen does not give it up. And a very important part of the line reporting to camp this week, he did not show today, yet. But there is hope that he will make it happen. I think you can see it exemplified by the workout video. The contract will not be renegotiated. And he is showing up, and talked about the fact that they kept holding him back. We want to work together. We want to joke together. It is about more than just football. We want to be with him. I am not going any further on this subject. Jack is not taking a lot of guff. He does not want to talk about a guy that is not here yet. You can tell he is not happy about the absence. And check this out. Worth seeing. He was invited to take batting practice. He hit it 335 feet out. Granted that is aluminum. We are in the great Jackie Robinson number. And samuel with a two run home run, that is not the big that is not a big deal. He has a bigleague slip of the bat. Mexico 80 over venezuela. And the best third baseman in the major league, nolan arenado, that is not only a great play, but look at the core control, and the throw right on the money, a pretty good play. Here is a great one. You wish this guy was your center fielder, with a beautiful play for the Miami Marlins up and over. Look at that ball caught right in the heel of the glove. He is fortunate to make that catch. And a smile right here. All worth checking out for tuesday night. It is 11 00 and it is time for more news. A new threebedroom home donated by strangers, a bay area family touched by tragedy. A southbay family loses everything in a fire that killed family members and a friend. Hello and thank you for joining us. Now a san jose couple has made a very generous offer to replace the mobile home destroyed by that fire. Our reporter is in san jose with the incredible act of kindness. It is an incredible act of kindness and this community is still traumatized over what happened. You can see the overwhelming amount of flowers, here at this home. This family lost their home, a 10 yearold daughter, and an uncle. Community members are doing what they can to help heal. A growing memorial where this family used to live, a family devastated by the loss of a 10yearold daughter. Through tears, the mother shared her pain. She would kiss her once and

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