Athian way. Ktvu Jana Katsuyama is live at the scene where their residents and family received a briefing today. Jana . Reporter julie, you can see behind me the fencing and these keep out signs. Just on the other side of the fence it drops down the hill. What happens about three weeks ago the concrete started to buckle and then gave way. Collapsing down the way. You can see all of this debris and the light post that came down leaving a big mess and a lot of concerns about what could happen next. They blocked off what used to be a road and parking lot, but heavy rains have washed away the hillside behind the Bay Park Retirement Community in pinole. A massive collapse that has crept up to the edge of the building, which houses some 80 seniors. Nearby homeowners are concerned about the danger of more erosion. I just walked up here to see how it might affect my house. I live just a couple of blocks away. Reporter the problem started three weeks ago. One resident Steven Harris took these photos showing the concrete road beginning to buckle and crack before it finally collapsed. James vanderson came to see it for himself. He says 50 people showed up for an hourlong meeting on tuesday with the staff. They were told the main residential building is safe for now. Im relieved we dont need to move my dad again. He doesnt like moving. Reporter the Bay Park Retirement Community is one of 306 centers operated nationwide by the holiday retirement company. Spokesman brian fox says they are working to address the problem. We are working with the city of pinoles Building Department and have hired on our own structural and geological engineers to afess the situation and determine how we can get this resolved quickly. Reporter fawkes says the engineers will be monitoring the hillside. As a precaution, bay park has closed the back of their structure. We have closed our activity and exercise rooms and a portion of our dining room, which is located in the back of the building because we want to make sure residents are not in there in case there is any movement. Reporter with more rain in the forecast, they have implemented an evacuation plan, which they say if the hillside continues to collapse, they will immediately relocate the residents to nearby facilities or hotels. Reporting live in pinole tonight Jana Katsuyama ktvu fox 2 news. The San Jose City council has made it at this hour to vote on a controversial tenant protection ordinance limiting no cause evictions. Its a hot button issue due to the high cost of housing. The proposal is being debated including Financial Assistance for renters evicted. Another measure would require landlords to provide one of 12 specific reasons for an eviction. Property owners say that could make it harder for them to get rid of problem tenants, but tenants argue many people have been forced out of their homes by greed. He didnt give me a reason. There is nothing on the paperwork that gives a reason. None of the boxes are checked off. She cant get more money, so what she is doing now is evicting me so she can get more money. Reporter the group of about 20 tenant advocates took a stand to pressure city hall today by going on a Hunger Strike outside city hall. The council has been meeting tonight for more than six hours and we are still waiting for that vote. We are learning more tonight about the suspect arrested in fresno after a shooting rampage today left three people dead. [ music ] this is the suspect 39yearold Kori Ali Muhammad in a rap video posted on youtube. Tonight fresnos police chief Said Muhammad was not motivated by terrorism when he shot and killed three people at random on city streets. But by judging on his post on social media, he was motivated by a hatred of white people encouraging, black warriors to mount up against white devils. All three victims were white men. Police are calling it a hate crime. They say muhammad also shouted akbar. And we do not believe this is a terroristrelated crime. Based on the information we have been provided in our investigation and what it has shown this is solely based on race. Two of the men were shot outside catholic charities. A third man was a pg e employee riding in a company truck. Muhammad has also been linked to a fourth killing the shooting of a motel Security Guard in fresno last week. The family of a berkeley couple found dead in their apartment of Carbon Monoxide poisoning is now suing the owner of the building. Roger and valerie morage were found dead in january. Investigators say the source of the Carbon Monoxide still hasnt been identified. But now rogers mother has filed a wrongful death suit against the owner of the building. The suit claims Carbon Monoxide detectors should have been installed on the second floor of the apartment where the two were found. Not just on the first floor. New at 10 00 tonight a vigil in San Francisco focusing attention on a lack of gay rights in russia. Lgbt activists say gay men are being rounded up in the russian republican and subjected to inhumane treatment. Ktvus amber lee is live in the city with the message of those attending the event, amber . Reporter julie, the protest vigil was held here in front of the russian consulate. Supporters say they want to set a message to send a message to russia and around the world. Attachment pleas for the world to listen. A message from San Francisco to moscow. Its a part of russia, right . Russia has been a terrible place for lgbt people for a while now. Reporter a resolution was passed unanimously by the board of supervisors, condemning the mistreatment of gay men. Amnesty International Say more than 100 men suspected of being gay have been abducted, tortured, and some even killed. The panel of the United Nations confirming this has all happened. So yes we have to speak up and raise our voices to demand they stop immediately. The russian government is responsible for what has been done. Reporter david bogaceck came here a year and a half ago. Hes a transgender who couldnt make the transition in his own country. He had to choose between his profession and who he truly is. It was not possible to combine my identity and my profession in ukraine. Reporter at the rally, people wore arm bands with a pink triangle, the symbol they used to identify gays. These activists say they cannot stay silent. Anything that anybody is doing to anybody in the Lbgt Community anywhere were going to come up and stand out to them. Being terrorized in that way, certainly. We are lucky here. Bullying knows no boundaries. We need to let these russians know theyre going the wrong way. Reporter i asked organizers how people here can help. Organizers say participate in protest and support groups such as human rights rights rights now and support the group. Former president george h. W. Bush is recovering in a hospital from another battle with pneumonia. The president s spokesperson says he was admitted last friday for a persistent cough. President bush is in good spirits gaining strength. The president was also hospitalized back in january for more than two weeks also for treatment of pneumonia. Today is tax day meaning you only have until midnight to get your taxes filed. The deadline was extended because the 15th fell on a saturday. Monday was a federal holiday in washington, d. C. Still despite three extra days people told us tonight they couldnt get the task completed to file on time. I am filing the extension. It is difficult to file on the internet. Most post offices closed at their usual time tonight, but you can still file online until midnight. Accusations of discrimination. At 10 30, a performer claimed to be repeatedly left waiting by drivers for the lyft ride sharing service. And i am a paying passenger. A driver does not have the choice to drive by me. And we are tracking some more rain in the forecast believe it or not with a nice day today. Showers will come back into it on wednesday. We will tell you about the timing on that. We are going to defend our workers, protect our jobs. And finally put america first. Up next, buy american and hire american. President trumps latest executive order aims to protect american jobs. But it could come with a cost. Youre not taking these. Hey, hey, hey youre not taking those. Whoa, whoa youre not taking that. Come with me. Youre not taking that. Youre not taking that. Youre not taking that. Mom, im taking the subaru. Dont be late. Even when were not there to keep them safe, our Subaru Outback will be. vo love. Its what makes a subaru, a subaru. President trump went to wisconsin today on a mission to protect american workers. A fallout is being felt all the way in Silicon Valley. John roberts tells us this comes as the president s plans for tax reform are hitting a speed bump in congress. Reporter it is one of the central reasons President Trump won manufacturing states like wisconsin. His Campaign Promise to protect and create american jobs. I am proud to announce we are about to take bold new steps to follow through on my pledge to buy american and hire american. Reporter after touring an icon of wisconsin manufacturing, snapon tools, the president signed an executive order to review the system of h1 visas, insisting Many Companies particularly in hightech are abusing the system to bring in immigrants who will work for lower wages. The president wants to make sure they are awarded to the highest skilled immigrants. While many workers applaud the move, the president s critics are calling out the president s use of immigrant workers at their properties and manufacturing trumpbranded goods in china. Directing that people buy american and hire american. Well maybe you could start with your own businesses. Im rather confident, my friends, if you turn it over, you will see the inscription made on the back of the executive order. Reporter as millions ofamericans filed their taxes today, President Trump announced his tax reform plan is coming soon. We are working to put together a tax reform plan to make our industry more competitive. And also to provide a level Playing Field for our workers. Reporter but potential problems lie ahead. Democrats and some republicans say they wont sign on to tax reform until they see how it will affect the president s taxes. Again, calling on him to release his tax returns. Democratic Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi in a statement saying, every president since gerald ford, democrat, republican has released his tax returns to the public. Who does President Trump owe . America needs to know. All roads lead back to the president s tax returns. A message from the white house, dont hold your breath. I think the president has been very clear from the campaign. The American People understood it when they elected him in november. Reporter at the white house John Roberts Fox news. Many Silicon Valley companies rely on the h1b visa program for skilled tech workers. Coming up on the 11 00 news, the potential impacts on those bay Area Businesses. Legislation to reform the bail bond industry is moving forward in sacramento. A bill passing the Assembly Public Safety Committee today. It would allow a judge to determine which suspects are potentially dangerous and should stay in jail. All the others would be released on their own to await trial. The east bay assemblyman who wrote the bill says the current bail bond favors people with money and victimizes the poor who must remain behind bars if they cant afford to pay the bail money. A marin county jail judge sentenced three drifters to jail today for committing a crime spree in 2015. Morrison lampley who investigators say was the shooter received the harshest sentence. 100 years to life in prison. Lila alligood on the right received 50 years to life. And sean angold who testified against the other two got 15 years to life. Ktvus rob roth was in the san rafael courtroom for todays emotional hearing. Reporter inside a marin county courtroom heart wrenching expressions of grief, pain, and anger. You became coldblooded murderers. And so now prepare to pay for it. Reporter Lokita Carter was addressing the three people admitted of killing her husband steve carter. Morrison lampley, lila alligood, and sean angold whom the judge asked us not to photograph today pleaded guilty to shooting carter as he was walking his dog on a hiking trail in 2015. The dog was also shot, but survived. The grief and the pain and the trauma that your actions have caused me personally have been just too much to bare. Reporter the three killers looked down at the table while carter spoke. Alligood cried. They killed steve carter two days after shooting to death audrey carey in golden gate park. Carey was visiting San Francisco from canada. The three drifters had first befriended her. One of her killers alligood who was 18 years old at the time of the crimes read an apology. I am so sorry. I know the pain that i have caused. It is something i think every single day. Reporter Lokita Carter was unmoved. It left me with nothing. It pretty much left me with nothing. Reporter after the statements, the judge handed down previously agreed upon sentences. Morrison lampley who was said to be the gunman 100 years to life in prison. Lila alligood 50 years to life, and sean angold who testified against the other two received 15 years to life. No punishment however harsh could ever really do justice to these crimes that were committed. The crimes are not forgivable. Reporter the three former drifters are now headed off to prison. But as the relative of steve carter said those sentences are nothing compared to what the relatives of the victims must face for the rest of their lives. In marin county rob roth ktvu fox 2 news. Today San Francisco mayor ed lee nominated an attorney to fill a vay venosi on vacancy. Robert hirsch spent most of his career in Mediation Services and also served as a fact finder for the city. He is filling a vacancy left by former president chief. We had a little shower activity this morning. We had a little bit yesterday as well and on sunday. But thats it. These are the numbers today. We should begin to dry out. We do have rain in the forecast tomorrow night at about this time and ten and then into midnight. Tomorrow is a nice day after some morning low clouds and fog. Here is the system right here. That thing is going to swing through the bay area, moving very slowly. It looks close, but it will swing through late and bring us showers north. Dont worry about that. Those are false returns on the radar there, but it brings us showers north, probably around 8 00, 9 00 tomorrow night and then the tail will swing through the central bay area around midnight. It is a nonevent. Thats how it looks right now. What that means, tomorrow will be a nice day starting off with some clouds. Maybe a Little Valley fog because you would have moisture at surface and the high dew points. Tomorrow morning theres the coastal fog and the valley fog probably. Here is that system. And then 7 00 tomorrow night it starts to show up and then bang right there at about 11 00. North bay, 12 00, 1 00 a. M. Central bay. Nonevent. Tomorrow is like a heck of a nice day. When we come back we will talk about the warm up right around the corner. The manager of San Franciscos giant bruce bouche is recovering tonight. The giants released a statement saying he underwent the surgery after feeling discomfort. The team says the surgery was successful. He now plans to rest at his home in san diego before rejoining the giants in colorado on friday. Bench coach ron royce will manage the giants for the next two games in kansas city. A bay area entertainer with two tales about using the lyft ride sharing program. He is often passed by and then charged for having to cancel. On a night they really needed a win. Later in sports, mark will have locker room reaction after the sharks evened the playoff series with edmonton at two wins a piece. But first the gunshots and search for the suspect who killed a 74yearold man at random. Then posted it online. The hunt for a killer in the midwest ended in pennsylvania today when the suspect was cornered by police and then turned the gun on himself. Steve stephens was accused of killing a 74yearold man at random in cleveland, then posting a video of the killing on facebook. Police say an employee at a Mcdonalds Drivethru window in erie, pennsylvania recognized stephens this morning and called police. State troopers responded and used a pit maneuver to stop his car after a after a brief chase. Stephens then used a handgun to shoot himself. We dont believe he had any accomplices. Our concern is he was somewhere over the last several days whether somebody was harboring him, under a bridge somewhere. Reporter police say stephens was having trouble with his girlfriend and was burden by significant gambling debt. A woman wanted in a string of thefts across Northern California is now under arrest. Police say parker from sacramento stole thousands of dollars worth of makeup from Walgreens Stores in vacaville and concord. But police are still looking for 23yearold sierra mathis who is also a suspect in the robberies. Its believed shes in the sacramento area and has been seen in a maroon chevy impala. Concord police also say the two women are connected to other theft investigations in both california and nevada. More fallout over allegations of Sexual Harassment by the foremen dean of uc berkeley law school. They agree today pay a settlement to the former executive who resigned as dean last year after surell repeatedly accused him of hugging and kissing her. Last week he agree today pay 100,000 in the case. The university is allowing him to remain as a tenure member of the faculty after a sabbatical. California lawmakers are considering prohibiting pet stores from selling dogs, cat, and rabbits bred for sale. But they would be allowed to sell dogs from rescue groups or shelters. Animal activists gathered at the capitol to support the measure. An estimated 1,200 animals are euthanized in shelters every single day in california. You can walk into a retail accomplishment and buy a puppy and that puppy comes from a puppy mill born in the midwest and then shipped out to california for profit. At the same time we have many animals living in our animal shelters that go unclaimed, unadopted, and they are put to death. The measure would penalize breeders and limit choices for people who want pets. The bill passed the Business Professions Committee today and and they now head through the appropriations committee. Coming up, allegations of repeated discrimination involving lyft. One mans story of being passed by over and over while in character. And plus disabled parts for thousands of people who are likely dead. The audit of the dmv. Coming up on the 11 00 news, the bay Area Business with the rich history is calling it quits. The deli pulling the plug on their last four locations. New at 10 00, a San Francisco drag queen is accusing lyft drivers of discrimination, but only when he is in character. The man says the Ride Sharing Company sometimes will refuse to pick him up when he is dressed in drag. Ktvus Paul Chambers is live in the city with the mans story and how lyft responded. Paul . Reporter frank and julie, lyft says they are aware of the incident and theyre looking into it. Now Christopher King also known as queen dilly dally performs at the bar behind us. When lyft drivers pass her up, she claims thats leaving her in a dangerous situation. Christopher gate is a bay area drag queen. He says when dress like this, lyft drivers pass by even though she ordered the ride. When it comes down to standing in a crown on the sidewalk it is always different. I can wave them down and they will drive by. You know as a guy, the rides are perfect. I can just go on the street like that. And i would get my ride. Reporter it all started a few years ago when he was dressed in character and tried to get a ride from lathe driver. The driver kept going and the company charged him a fee. This cancellation was because i was in drag and im paying the 2 fee. They do not condone discrimination. Reporter they also released this statement saying, no one using our service should ever feel discriminated against because of who they are. What is being described by the passenger in this case is completely inappropriate and against our values as a company. We take that very seriously. We ask anyone facing discrimination of any kind to report those incidents to our Critical Response line so they can be properly investigated. She posted the issue she is facing on her facebook page. As we looked through it, several people are saying similar incidents have happened to them, so we put it to the test. No problem and off he went. I used that. Reporter he changed his lyft profile. They clearly see it is is queen dilly dally. At this time no problem. Off she went. How was the ride . The lyft driver was interesting because he is new. He just moved here from india and doesnt know what a drag queen is. This doesnt happen all the time, but often enough she needed to speak out. She wants lyft to explain to her personally why it happened and put the drivers through a sensitivity training. Im a paying passenger. And they do not have the choice to not pick me up because of how im dressed. Reporter now she says she would like lyft to add another option that says a driver passes by you so they could be reported. As for lyft theyre looking forward to talking to her to get to the bottom of this incident. Frank and julie . Paul chambers in the city tonight. Thank you, paul. A new report from the office of californias auditor says the dmv needs to do a better job of screening applicants for disabled parking permits. The report says the state is giving out permits to people who dont provide enough medical information to prove they actually have a disability. They say three out of every four approved applications didnt adequately describe the disability and almost one in five included a medical providers signature that didnt match the one on file with the Licensing Health board. We spoke to some people today who say their need is very real. It is hard to get around my knee. It is very stiff. It is hard to find close parking. Those here who really need it, they should really get it. The review also said the dmv has failed to cancel plaque cards for more than 20,000 people who have died. Mark zuckerberg kicked off the companys f8 Development Conference today in san jose. Ktvus jesse gary was there he as talked about augmented reality. Reporter facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg got down to business with the estimated 4,000 developers attending f8. Everyone just loves developing here. It is hard to find spaces where people can connect. Reporter the connection that draws attendees from all over the globe is zuckerbergs tenure road map that will take us to what we call augmented reality. Facebook has stored some of the coding on this pathway into the future to make the journey shorter and better. They are making a lot of that available to the public. The developers who arent just working for facebook could take that code and work with it to help advance them. Reporter a gamer using special goggles or glasses could complete games on an empty table or blank wall. Just think of how many things where she in our lives that dont need to be physical. We are all about extending the physical world online. And so augmented reality is going to help us mix the digital and the physical and in all new ways. Thatll make our physical reality better. Reporter another feature is the newly launched facebook spaces. They let you invite friends into your own Virtual Reality world and celebrate a birthday even though everyone is in a different location. I have tried it before with other settings. This one is perfect, the best one ive tried so far. Reporter this game also has applications beyond the Virtual World and into the real world for problems. Uc berkeley developer. To create a social atmosphere for people who might not be able to leave their home because of a medical disability for instance or who might be elderly and doesnt have the transportation means or anything like that. Reporter augmented reality still years away, but it is another step by the tech and the unending quest to improve the human conditions. We are still bringing a difference of ideas to solve the challenges. Reporter the conference wraps up tomorrow, the keynote at 10 00 in the morning. Outside the Convention Center downtown san jose im jesse gary ktvu fox 2 news. Quarterly sales from Johnson Johnson took a toll today. They had their biggest oneday loss in a year. Overall the dow fell 113 points, nasdaq down by seven and s p 500 was down by six. The new front in the fight against tobacco. Coming up they help focus on certain products they say are marketed to children. And weve got some showers to talk about as we head into your bay area wednesday. And a warm up around the corner. And also a new fallout from last summers devastating soberanes fire in Monterey County. The felony charges that were just filed. Late word over their rights in san jose. The vote coming up after the break. Youre going to be hanging out in here. So if you need anything, text me. Do you play . Use the chase mobile app to send money in just a tap, to friends at more banks then ever before. You got next . Chase. Helping you master whats now and whats next. We have an update now on the San Jose City Council Meeting where Council Members are considering new policies for evictions tonight. Within the last 30 minutes, Council Members approved a new policy to protect renters. After hours of contentious debate, the policy passed in a 65 vote. It requires landlords to provide a valid reason before evicting tenants. The council is now discussing additional protection including Financial Assistance for renters who are evicted under the ellis act. Authorities are searching for a small plane headed to the bay area when it disappeared with two people on board. The plane left the truckee tahoe airport just before 4 00 yesterday afternoon. It was on its way to the pet petaluma municipal airport. Because of bad weather they were not able to start the search until today. This is a picture now of that fourseat plane that is missing. The plane does have an emergency transmitter, but no satellite hits have come in. United Airlines Says no one at the airline will lose their job over that viral video of a passenger being dragged off a plane. On a Conference Call about Quarterly Earnings today, the ceo once again apologized for the incident and said it would never happen again. The airline expects to finish a review of its policy on overbooked flights later on this month. The three chicago airport officers who removed the passengers have all been suspended. The owner of the concrete Company Faces felony charges in connection with the death of a bulldozer operator who was killed during the soberanes fire last year. Prosecutors in Monterey County says the owner is at fault for failing to ensure 35yearold Robert Reagan wore a seat belt at all times while operating the bulldozer. He was helping to create fire lines when the bulldozer tipped over an embankment. Prosecutors felt reagans fault reagans employer for failing to report the accident in a timely fashion. Today marks 111 years since the deadly 1906 deadly San Francisco earthquake and fire. The city leaders and Community Activists all gathered at exactly 5 12 this morning on carney street. Sirens sounded and there was a moment of silence. We came out to celebration, you know, the continued resilience of San Francisco and show our support for the people who have come before us and current First Responders and city officials. The San Francisco History Association is planning to create a lasting memorial for the 1906 quake victims. 6,000 of the 22,000 needed for the project has been raised so far. Landmark Health Policies in the bay area. Coming up next the proposed ban on flavored Tobacco Products and why city council is pushing for a change. Also our chief meteorologist bill martin is tracking the weather. Hes back with the full forecast after the break. Have assembled. Spiderman. Black widow. Captain america. And eddie . So, whats the plan . Breaking out the guardians, pal. Come celebrate the allnew guardians of the galaxymission breakout during the summer of heroes, only at disneyland resort. Hero up new at 10 00, the city of oakland has passed a resolution to encourage businesses to create socalled sanctuary workplaces. That city councilman was the one who proposed that resolution and it was met with applause at tonights Council Meeting, which was attended by dozens of immigrant workers and supporters. Although it is not binding, but the resolution sends a message to hotels in particular, which are known to employee undocumented workers. And we want to urge local employers to not voluntarily share personal information with i. C. E. The workplace resolution was passed by a unanimous vote. Oakland is already a sanctuary city, meaning they have vowed not to cooperate with federal immigration officials who are looking to deport people who are in this country illegally. More than 400,000 americans die each year from tobacco related diseases. Bay area officials are trying to bring down those numbers as ktvus Tara Moriarty reports, new landmark legislation is being considered in San Francisco that would ban the sale of flavored Tobacco Products. Their antibig tobacco. Big tobacco is a predator. Reporter Supervisor Malia Cohen introducing new legislation. A full restriction on the sale of flavored tobacco including menthol products she felt says it is package like candy, gum, candy, soda targeting teens. Because they taste good and they mask the flavor of tobacco and they make it easier for people to experiment with tobacco to become lifelong users. Thank god. The city and county of San Francisco have the heart, the soul, and the the guts to take a bold innovative step towards regulating Menthol Cigarettes and other flavor products city wide. The proposed law would hit close to home. Her grandmother kerry died in 2007. One of the last parting words at the hospital was to remind me and my sisters to never start smoking. So needless to say, this legislation is incredibly personal to me. Reporter cohen says Research Shows Big Tobacco Companies advertise the flavored Tobacco Products and lure neighborhoods with populations including African American teens, the homeless, as well as those in the Lbgt Community. Reporter where they experience high levels of stress and discrimination will relate to home phobia as homophobia. The doctors spoke today about the dangers of smoking. Either you listen to them now or you listen to them later when they are treating you at ten times the expense with your life at stake. Reporter the ban has six co sponsors, enough to pass the legislation. It would go into effect in 2018. In San Francisco Tara Moriarty fox 2 news. San Francisco Police have announced an arrest in a hit andrun accident that badly injured an 86yearold woman. John wiper of verona parks surrendered to police yesterday. Investigators think she was the woman he hit between union and filbert streets nearly two weeks ago. He was booked on felony hit and run and reckless driving. Were told the victim is recovering, but still hospitalized. All right, here we go with a nice weather pattern headed our way. This afternoon was pretty nice. We start off with the showers this morning and the sun came out. Wow, it felt like spring. In fact it is spring and it has not felt like that recently, but we will feel it big time. Except at the evening once this sunsets, they will slide through the bay area, well to the north bay. Thats going to bring a few scattered showers as far south asthma as far south as marin county. Thats after 11 00 to 12 00 tomorrow night. Thats good. Then this next one, its a bad boy out here. Thatll go right up over the top, so we are in good shape as we move into the upcoming weekend. Its a warm up basically warming up today. Radar is clean. You are just seeing some, what do we call that just returns right now. Thats not rain, but im not sure what that is. That might be something on the radar or the way they would have them set. Winds are blowing right now and then you can see the whole radar thing and the cone you saw on the radar. And so we would set the intensity of the radar and the change if you will and it will kick out way more stuff than what will be there. They have it set pretty high right now. Thats the simplistic explanation. Here is the forecast model for tomorrow morning. 7 00 a. M. , youll see the system up here and you see the coastal fog and maybe a little bit of valley fog. Thats tomorrow morning. And then tomorrow afternoon, right . So partly cloudy, mostly cloudy, partly sunny. Thats your wednesday. Until wednesday night 7 00 they start showing up in hillsburg. And then midnight it will show up, you know, actually it will downgrade us, showing up maybe in San Francisco. And then cia is gone in the morning hours. We shouldnt even pretend it will not happen unless youre doing concrete or something. This is a nonevent thursday afternoon where it looks good. Friday morning looks great. The weekend looks great. Temperatures are getting near 80. Theres the fog back to the coast tomorrow morning and maybe some coastal fog. Yellows are 70s, so youre going to see a lot of upper 60s and the low 70s tomorrow. It will be a nice day. 70 in antioch, morgan hill. 70 in san jose. Your fiveday forecast, there it is. You can see some of the evening showers. I even took out the icon and a little bit of rain showers. Its a nonevent. As we get into this part of it, it will light up and be beautiful. Youll notice with your allergies you have a couple of days of no allergies for the earl for the aler days of no allergies for the allergy sufferers. Over the next couple of days youll notice the change. I think it will go 82. Well get up to 80. Come back tomorrow well have an 80. Thanks, bill. Coming up on the 11 00 news, chilling new information about the alleged gunman accused of killing three people in fresno today. The rap videos where he expressed a hatred of white people. But first the giants will go extra innings in kansas. Mark will show us the winning hits. He says all the bay area people came winners tonight. Its a great night for bay area sports fans and the sharks during the playoffs. Weve got to start with the sharks. You got it. Everything frank was whining about on the early show of the anemic power play. It is all of a thing from the past as they awaken from the slumber. The multigoal eruption down in the tank. Theres a guy who knows a Little Something about post season performance. Jerry rice is trying to get it bumped up. The sharks had it right up the faceoff. 15 seconds in. We are talking about rice bouncing. Justin brown would shoot and score. Redirecting the crowd comes alive. Two goals tonight, power play, they had four tonight with a great passing. Logan couture and his first goal in this series the one timer up for sure. 20 after one. He also had two goals here tonight. 2 02 into the second. Again the power play situation. And welcome to the show patty marleau. His first his first goal. The assist by brent who gets in on the scoring act and the on slot ensues. Seven finals. Martin jones bit way, 23 23 saves in the shutout. Game five up in canada. The sharks have previously been 215 for power play situations. And that is a remedy for you tonight with this. I felt those shots that would go through and they would need to block place. They will get a few passes down, you know, a couple of places will be tight. And just good to capitalize for sure. We wanted to get one early. Not too many in the building of the plane even more when you need to leave early. He made a great tip for that one and they went into it. Reporter thats when he was excited. The sharks, they do put on a great show here tonight. The giants, a great memory in kansas city. Hark coming back for their world series win in 2014. Trying to create some new ones tonight. Matt bumm surveying the scene of his game seven heroics. Thinking his best days are not behind him. Looking like his old self. Sharp again. He went seven innings, allowed just one run and did not get a decision in the giants win. They were trailing 10 in the 6th when hunter pence comes through. Shot to right, would get a that tieing run. Pence coming around with a bat and had a couple of hits tonight. Nick doubled. Just eludes the grass for lorenzo cain who has himself a single. Hundley scores, which turned out to be the gamewinning run. Mark melancon with his third save for the giants and they win it 21. It was a nice bounceback night for the oakland as as they come on with a happy in the end story against texas. If you went out for a potty break in the 6th inning you missed every run scored in the game. As trailing 20 in the bottom of the 6th. Adam rosales will see a lot of playing time on the disabled list. And a tworun jack. It is tied 22. Hugh jarvis go ahead run on a sacrifice fly by khris davis. And then ryan healy with a little dunker scores yande yonder elon elonso for his save. He had a little bit of a shocker going on in the nba playoffs with the no. 1 seed back east. The Boston Celtics are hosting the first two games against chicago. Not happening for them. They now find themselves in a 2 0 hole with scotty piffin taking them into thosiester years. On the jimmy butter who led the bulls with 22 points tonight. They continue the momentum. Graja rondo with five steals tonight, nearly a triple double. Again on the break back to chicago they go with the bulls up as the no. 8 seed two games to none. Bucs in toronto trying to make it happen. Yanis will come through and they call him the greek. He will pop that three for the bucs to tie it up with 2 02 left, 24 points from milwaukee. Raptors though regain the lead up by two at 12 seconds. Weve got the big. Kyle lowry, he steps on back with a tough shot, 106100. Toronto win it is to even the series 11. All right, lets come back west in los angeles. Ducks, clips even things up with utah. Chris paul had ten assists tonight. Deandre jordan played a twoman game with him studying the tone early. No rudy golbert for the jazz to stop that nonsense. And again late in the game, paul will get it to Blake Griffith to pop it late. 1 25 left. Series two is all tied up 11. Meanwhile kevin durant is questionable for tomorrow nights game at the oracle. Warriors tried to finish a 20 lead over the blazers. Coming up, it is frank and julie at it frank and julie tonight. Tonight, we are learning disturbing new details about the accused gunman and what police said motivated the killings. Some chilling new information about the accused killer linked to a fourth homicide. Hello everyone im frank somerville. Im julie haener. Terrorism was not the motive. But the suspects own post on social media paints a disturbing portrait of a man motivated by hate. [ music ] reporter this is the suspect 39yearold Kori Ali Muhammad in a rap video posted to youtube. In this song and his post on social media, he expressed a hatred of white people, encouraging, black warriors to mound up against white devils. Althea victims all three victims were white men. Two were shot outside catholic charities. A third man was a pg e employee riding in a company trudge we also learned he may have made that riding in a companys vehicle, we also learned

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