Transcripts For KTVU The Eleven OClock News On KTVU FOX 2 20240707

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working on these tracks tonight to try to get everything back up and running. you can't see it. but the train is actually sitting about 500 ft. from here. it still needs to be moved. but there's a second track that is right next to the damaged track , and that's what they hope will get trains back up and running for tomorrow's commute. amid the sweltering heat sky, foxx captures this san francisco bound bart train at a standstill the last two cars of a 10 car train derailed passengers on the ground, shaken anxiety like it bumped fell during the evening commute tuesday between the concord and pleasant hill. bart stations, josh ranagan describes a wild ride basically the old bar went flying right and went up in the air. and then, like everyone was freaking out was like a roller coaster or something, you know, officials say 50 passengers were on board . some pulled the emergency door release. others were rescued by firefighters, many reaching safety through a hole in the fence. few taken away on stretchers. no one was seriously hurt, but passengers were anxious and taken by bus to nearby bart stations. they took us to place in here and they say everybody has to get off the bar. and take bus. and then they said, i was going to take us all the way to ideologue and then they just drop over us here and they said you had to go back and learn. so i just go. my brother. see if you can pick me up. i don't want to go back again. the cause of the incident now under investigation. the initial assessment hot weather was to blame, bending a rail causing cars to come off. the tracks can definitely manipulate tracks, so it's definitely something we'll be looking at. we saw mangled metal damage and debris all left behind. bart says work to fix it all is underway. derailments are rare for transit systems, but they do happen and this we're having no major injuries and not any damage to the opposite track is very good news, and we just want to make sure that we do a proper investigation and then get this out of the way as soon as possible so that we can resume train service. now barnes says one of the big problems here is the tracks are 50 or more years old, and they do have a priority project to try to replace a lot of those old tracks and that is one of the things they're going to be doing in this particular section. they also are going to haul off that 10 car train so they can assess and inspect every part of that to try to understand if more than just heat played a role in the derailment. today now, ask for tomorrow in the morning commute they're planning on using that single track so you will be able to travel through here. but since it is just one track, you want to expect some delays for now reporting live in concord, brooks jarocz. ktvu fox to lose brooks real quick. i know it's supposed to be another hard day tomorrow. not as hot as today. do you get the understanding here that bart officials had to go inspect other portions of track elsewhere? you know, especially those inland cities. great great point. i have not asked that. i know that they are highly focused on this particular section, but it may beg the question if they should look at that, you go broke straight. lotta activity behind you. there is going to be a busy night for those crews. brooks jarocz live in the east bay. brooks. thank you. well tonight, mandatory evacuation orders have been lifted in the hills of redwood city were two brush fires broke out this afternoon. those fires threatened some homes and knocked out power to thousands. we get more now from ktvu lamonica. peters was headed out on the ride and heard a bunch of explosions. and then a few minutes later, there was smoke, and i'm like, probably not a good time to go away from home, so, yeah, hanging around here ever since under scorching hot temperatures, fire crews for multiple agencies fought to blazes in san mateo county on tuesday about 2 24 this afternoon public safety communications in redwood city. received multiple 911 calls of fire up in the edward area of san mateo county, and it turned out to be at least two fires. one is called the edgewood fire, and one was called the colton fireworks. yeah the edgewood fire spread across about 25 acres, san mateo county sheriffs and cal fire soon issued an evacuation order going door to door asking nearby neighbors to leave as soon as possible. many residents followed the order taking their pets with them. at first, it was a recommended evacuation. and then the sheriff's office came through and said that was mandatory evacuation. and so we. started that's when we started moving the horses out. so we got water form because we don't know where we're going. i was in the car waiting for my mom and she had to grab the cats and the fire department came to the door and ask to sleep. evacuees were directed to the local veteran center, where the red cross was on hand to assist people. cal fire says one firefighter was taken to stanford hospital, but the condition is unknown. the mandatory evacuations were lifted about eight o'clock tonight just after eight o'clock. firefighters say there have been no injuries reported and no damage property and they'll continue working to contain this fire throughout the night. lamonica peters ktvu, fox two news and pg and e says it's working right now to restore power to 9100 customers in the area. of those two fires. as well as thousands of customers elsewhere in santa clara county . the utility says more than 8000 customers are currently without power and sonoma county . that number is 2500 customers . alameda county has 1300 customers in the dark. and let's bring it over to chief meteorologist bill martin on the record temperatures that we had out there today and bill. i know . he said. he's going to cool down tomorrow, but not by a lot, huh? at least inland, but not as much as we'd like to see. as a matter of fact, temperatures are generally going to be a few degrees cooler in the inland spots, but significantly cooler around the bay. look at the overnight low forecast. these temperatures are going to be in the mid sixties and even mid seventies and antioch's there you go. i mean that that's what you wake up within the anti ox you know, tomorrow. is going to be a pretty darn hot day. probably have a live camera shot out there we can take and well, you can see there. if you take a peek at it. you can see there's no fog. the winds are light. that's the upshot to this whole heat is that the winds are light enough that we're not dealing with fire winds, not red flag warnings, things like that. but we do have a low humidity and high temperature cooler tomorrow. not as hard as it was today, but still hot inland for the next three or four days. i'll see you back here with the full forecast in just a few minutes. bill thank you. firefighters all across the bay area dealt with a number of smaller fires and fairfield where it was 100 and five today there was a two alarm grassfire near travis air force base at western street and horizon drive. this happened at about 4 30 this afternoon that fire was under control within an hour. good news. their crews in san jose today, also putting out a small fire that broke out at a homeless camp. that fire was reported in the area of shallenberger road in oakland road around 10 30 this morning and firefighters here we're also able to bring this fire under control relatively quickly by about noon today. in alameda county crews spent the morning battling to brush fires along the altamont past prompted the closure of lanes on eastbound interstate 5 80. both of those fires were quickly under control. san francisco police looking for a person who shot and killed a man in the marina. district officers say they were called to a report of a shooting at francisco and scott streets about 10 30 sunday night. this is video here from the scene. from citizen app. officers say a man with a gunshot wound was taken to the hospital where he later died. the victim has been identified as 30 year old 32 year old samuel st pierre of placer county. so far, no arrests have been made. and anyone with information about the case is asked to contact san francisco police also in the city police looking for a driver who hit and killed a pedestrian officers say the pedestrian was crossing south van ness at 16th street about 4 30 this morning. that's when the car ran a red light and hit the person who was pronounced dead at the scene and anyone with information about this case also asked to contact police. young children in the bay area now able to get vaccinated against covid-19, but it's not easy for many parents to find appointments, sufficient number of armed officers wearing body armor. to isolate distracted, neutralize the subject also ahead, texas. cities accused police in your body of mishandling their response to the school shooting when you can't sleep... try zzzquil pure zzz's gummies. they help you fall asleep 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an hour, waiting for additional weapons back up and a key to the room. that across, says was never locked. the gloves are off the mayor. don mclaughlin firing back, accusing mccraw of continuing to quote, live leak, mislead and mistaken formacion in order to distance his own troopers and rangers from the response. carl mccall has an agenda and it's not to present a full report on what happened, but as the investigation into the baldy tragedy continues lawmakers on capitol hill tuesday signaled they have reached an agreement on a bipartisan gun violence bill. we've made some serious progress with 14 republicans voting alongside 48 democrats and two independents to push the bill through a procedural vote. if passed, it was strengthened background checks for the youngest americans. trying to buy guns mandate more sellers to conduct background checks, increased punishments for gun traffickers and more this is a breakthrough. senate majority leader chuck schumer expects lawmakers to vote on the bill on thursday. it needs 68 something analysts predict will happen, as it has already obtained 64 during tuesday's procedural vote. in washington. i'm kevin corke fox news. while there was more drama on capitol hill today, a state election officials from the states of georgia and arizona testified about former president trump's efforts to try to get them to undermine the 2020 election. the january 6th committee spent much of today during its public hearing outlining trump's efforts to pressure states to overturn biden's win. among those testifying was a former election worker in georgia. quandry ashamed. moss said that she feared for her safety, and she told the committee today that her life was turned upside down due to trump's false accusations of voter fraud in the election. felt horrible. i felt like it was all my fault now. people are lying and spreading rumors and lies and attacking my mom. republicans here i mean time. arizona republican house speaker rusty bowers testified that he received a call from trump's lawyer at the time rudy giuliani, right after the election. our said that giuliani questioned his loyalty to the republican party and pressured him to find votes that did not exist. the next public hearing by the committee is set for thursday, starting at noon our time. a nine person crew from stephen colbert cbs late night show were arrested thursday night on capitol hill. colbert says the late show staff had been filming outside the office of house minority leader kevin mccarthy. capitol police also said the crew did not have proper i d to be there. we spoke with tmz's harvey levin about it. in a weird way. this could be a rating bonanza for stephen colbert. because everybody now is gonna want to see this. um and, um and that, my guess is they're going to market the #### out of it. and people are gonna tune in and they're gonna watch and it will have a 2nd and 3rd life on social. video of what the tmz crew are what the late show crew was shooting at the time of the arrest has yet to be released. it's not clear if the video was actually confiscated by police. discovery bay is a popular place to enjoy the water when the temperatures rise, but right now people are told the thing twice, plus. shops in union square, hoping to pick up the pace once again, i look at how live music brought some extra foot traffic to the heart of the city. and we had a couple of record highs today. temperatures tomorrow slightly cooler, but still pretty hot inland. we'll see you back here with the full forecast. tonight or investigating an armed robbery that led to a shooting around 5 45. tonight officers were called to the area of hartford road near rutherford drive. they say several armed people try to rob for residents who had just parked their vehicle. a neighbor who witnessed the robbery, then exchanged gunfire with some of those suspects. no one was wounded, but there would be robert took off in police were not able to find them. ktvu viewers sent us this video of the investigation, which had that roadway closed for hours. oakland police are investigating a homicide officers say they received a report at about two o'clock this afternoon of a man shot on wood street and 34th not far. underneath interstate 80 80. the man was taken to the hospital, where he was later pronounced dead. police have not said whether they have identified a suspect area of parents with young children are now able to vaccinate their child against covid-19. doctors at east bay pediatrics in berkeley and dorinda started administering shots today and they say they expected to give out hundreds of the first doses . moderna's vaccine in two doses for children six months to six years old and pfizer's vaccine. is a three dose series of shots for children between the ages of six months and four years old. new at 11, a key bill to increase student success in california. community colleges moves to the senate education committee tomorrow. lawmakers say the bill requires community colleges to recognize high school coursework. instead of relying on placement tests. the bill unanimously passed the assembly last month. just. problem the union square alliance partnered with the french consul general in san francisco to bring some live music to the square was part of a worldwide event today celebrating music and it's ktvu amberleigh explains plenty of union square merchants hope to see more foot traffic return. union square in san francisco, hosted make music day with a live band on this first day of summer, first time to be here and san francisco just arrived like ah three hours ago. so nice . it's part of the effort to help area businesses get back into the rhythm they once enjoyed before the pandemic events to bring foot traffic into the area. the first time that we met them. the first contact was then walking in the front door, and that's what we're excited to start to see. comeback lauren ellis own ck contemporary. an art gallery in the heart of union square, she says business started picking up about a month ago as the pandemic has evolved music at union square and any special or added attractions much needed and welcomed. we're seeing people that are traveling from out of town and that are here for conventions, and those are the signs that really start to show an improvement because that's really what we've been lacking for so long. how was your day? anything funny or unusual happened this week. restaurante owner near richmond , kalani says business is still down 30% compared to pre covid. but he says he's optimistic. since the beginning of this year, people have booked work related gatherings. i still get guests that come in, you know, saying that they moved out to the east bay or north coast, but their dentist is still here. and they come into the city and they make a day trip out of it. union square alliance says it is planning other attractions, including a summer music series, which starts this saturday. it will feature local musicians performing here every saturday afternoon through september. we want to bring more artists down here. we want to bring sculpture. we want to bring music and we want to bring different offerings. what we're seeing is experiences are really that thing that is bringing people back. downtown the union square alliances business overall in this area is about half of what it was before covid , but that there is reason for optimism that foot traffic will resume to pre pandemic levels over time in san francisco, amberleigh ktvu, fox two news. it was a hot one today. very noticeable. had those records. sfo had a record at 98 degrees, and then santa san jose airport had a record check that that was it 100 and two degrees so very, very hot out there. temperatures tomorrow. still hot inland cooler around the bay and coast . it's already a little cooler, a bit of an onshore flow. checking out these numbers that are significant for this time of year. the inland valleys now they have dropped our heat advisory for the general bay area, but these inland valleys heat advisory is on for tomorrow, so the heat is going to keep coming. in the inland spots, and that keeps fire danger on the radar. right so that's kind of the thing you have to think about. it's not gonna be his nasty hot as it was today, but it's still going to be hot as you look out on san francisco. we've had pretty good air quality not seeing a spare the air day for tomorrow like we had today. but also you can just noticing how crystal clear it is. so we've had the winds. you know, there's been a lot of wind lately. and the winds today we're kind of north northwest north northwest with maybe a little bit of east, but it was cleaning out things pretty nicely. so the air quality pretty good. winds light right now that helps for fire. danger winds remain relatively light out of the north for the next 12 hours or so. but then tomorrow afternoon, they come out of the out of the west so we can see delta breezes start to move up through the delta and up in sacramento. generally a good direction for firefighters, but still it's win nonetheless, um and it's going to come in again on thursday, and so that sets us up with generalized cooling kind of slow cooling, not rapid cooling by any sense of the imagination. so current temperatures they're running way ahead of they were last night. i mean temperatures still in the seventies out there overnight low and i could be as warm as 74 degrees. so when you wake up in anti octa morrow morning, it's game on. i mean, it's going to be hot all day. remember the deal with the pets and the elderly and your kids and drink plenty of fluids. you're working out in the heat. this is much more tolerable, right? not 100 and five in fairfield. but still, it's is nasty, hot, and it's gonna stay that way. mid nineties low nineties right through the five day period cools off a little bit on saturday and sunday in the inland spots, but still fire danger is top of the order right now. summer is here. all right, bill. thank you. health officials in contra costa county. warning people to stay away from the blue green algae blooms around discovery bay. they say large blooms of algae were discovered in several locations in and around that area contact with a toxin produced by the blooms can make people and pets very sick. and the giants and braves combined for wow. 22 runs in a while, back and forth game in atlanta. back and forth game in atlanta. joe fonzi shows when our daughter and her kids moved in with us... our bargain detergent couldn't keep up. turns out it's mostly water. so, we switched back to tide. one wash, stains are gone. [daughter] slurping don't pay for water. pay for clean. it's got to be tide. when you really need to sleep. you reach for the really good stuff. zzzquil ultra helps you sleep better and longer when you need it most. its non-habit forming and powered by the makers of nyquil. hello again, everyone. if you're having playoff basketball withdrawal, it's time to turn your attention to baseball season. this is what fans in atlanta do. and spencer strider is on the mound for the braves, whether they can for a mustache themselves yet or not, has got a good one. he's down one. nothing facing the giants. austin wins with two on in the second, making a four. nothing game has wins, drive will stay fair and make it covid the left field fence. that's a three run shot. boston wins the braves turn in the third. it's a 42 game. matt olsen remember him as fans. he comes up with two on against anthony. funny that one way out . it's a three run shot for olson, his ninth of the year. he later hit his 10th. 5 to 4 atlanta, but this was a game in which the lead flip flop multiple times top of the sixth. now the giants have the bases loaded for mike. extreme ski with one out, collin mchugh was brought him the faces. stransky here's how he was greeted. that's a two run double, but bigger inning was avoided by the braves when luiz gonzalez was thrown out as a plate trying to score from first guys took the lead, though at 8 to 7, and then they added on in the seventh, chuck peterson returning to the side of his world series title last year, will take him acute deep that gave the giants at 9 to 7 lead homer number 15 for peterson. neither team was finished. giants got three in the ninth of braves got, too but the giants held on for 12 10 win their eighth win in their last 11. advantage montreal expos jersey at the hottest start of a night game in oakland coliseum history 92 degrees, he pointed to of those on ice seattle in front to nothing in the seventh here comes to more on the shot by julio rodriguez. jesse winkler up next goodbye, and here comes eugenio suarez. that's three home runs on four pitches given up by the boston pruitt. seven, nothing mariners but here's the feel good moment for the night for the a's nick allen at 23 old rookie third round draft pick five years ago gets into a marco gonzalez pitch that is career home run number one for alan. doesn't matter what the final score is. you hit your first major league homer. you'll always remember it and have a souvenir for life, then went back down. the final result is the age lose eight to their 16th lost in their last 18 games. tonight at check this out time we present something that makes you wonder if these are grown adults. this isn't a sport certainly not a recommended activity. and yes, these are grown men. like today. i don't know what's in the water and luxembourg. they call this pan slapping challenge as in with the frying pan with a nice, you know, armor helmet. you got to keep your arms straight. and if we have time here, here's how you win. here it is. live. four out on it. hey, all y'all. what's going down? my opinion of you. what's with the fake glasses? as an actual glasses wearer, this is offensive. it's like non-disabled people who park in handicapped spaces. i was in and out in three minutes, young lady, and it was your stye medication i was picking up. that's a lot of bracelets there, buddy. just ignore them. they're being sheep. [ doorbell rings ] if i'd listened to what other people said, i'd never have rocked my '90s frosted tips. we've got pictures. no, we don't. you're an original, son. when they made you, they broke the mold. what's good, l.d.? yo, will. luke, um, there's no easy way to ask this. are you in a boy band? so, we're gonna go hang at the pier. you in? sounds cool, but i don't know if i can. that's right. we got a big day planned.

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Stanford , California , United States , Georgia , Alameda County , Oakland , Marina District , Texas , Pleasant Hill , Redwood City , Santa Clara County , Boston , Massachusetts , Washington , Edgewood , Seattle , San Francisco , Arizona , Sonoma County , Montreal , Quebec , Canada , Altamont , San Mateo County , Capitol Hill , District Of Columbia , Americans , Marco Gonzalez , Chuck Schumer , Harvey Levin , Luiz Gonzalez , Cross Wason , Lauren Ellis , Holmes Mike , Chuck Peterson , Eugenio Suarez , Atlanta Joe , Julio Rodriguez , Lamonica Peters , Collin Mchugh , Carl Mccall , Don Mclaughlin ,

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