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Park. Plus when you see a fall like that, theres only one way. Youll be asking herself where do you get a gun that shoots hot dogs . And why is it at a baseball game . This very short video comes to us from manchester and its an Armed Robbery in broad daylight on the high street. These guys have smashed through the window with a sledgehammer they grab some jewelry. You can see the getaway drivers on the bike. He stole it. As people suddenly realize whats going on people start to trying to stop them as they get them on video, as they then make their getaway. This happened just minutes after a bomb threat was called in in a local mart. Police are unsure whether the two are connected. I bet they are connected so they could distract authorities so they had time to pull this off in broad daylight. I just wish those bystanders would have reacted a little quicker. People said what else did you want us to do . We got them on video. We didnt know if they were armed. But police are looking for these guys. We head over to russia this time literal. Hes got bare cheeks. Bare face. Just lying on the road here in this Housing Estate in russia just screaming for this woman, at that time yan no knows if its a real woman. Then hes off rushing down the street mooning everybody. The police try to stop his legs there but it doesnt last very long. He loses his footing. Thats going to hurt in the morning. He ends up in intensive tyre just not quite sure on what some sort of poison or something. Quite peculiar to come out of russia. Any time there is a major weather event, news cameras like to get out there. The man you see here is a factory owner nearby and hes affected by the floods. Hes giving an interview. Wow. The wall classes right behind the interview subject and the journalist. Thankfully nobody was injured. Watch again, you see that crack in the wall . Whoa. It causes a huge tidal wave. Had they been standing just a few feet over to the right, they could have been swept into this river. Thats crazy. Close call. This journalist trying to get the best shot they can to show the story of this flood literally became the story. Many of us are very intrigued by weather. When we see it here on the show were shocked. This guy in england standing in the doorway of his house in nothing but his pajama pants. There is a hailstorm and he is just blown away. [ bleep ] [ bleep ] [ bleep ]. We got this one from our friends over at juken video. We dont do well with weather in the u. K. Actually the hottest day of the year just happened in u. K. If we get too hot, we die. If its too cold we freeze. This guy is like well i can die happy, i guess. Hes so excited to see hail. We see it on the discovery channel, now we see it in person. Hell tell his grandchildren about that. By now the world has seen this video of this homeless man amazingly playing the piano. We now know that he is a 51yearold marine veteran, donald gould, and the video went crazy viral. It got millions of views, so much attention. The same people that recorded that video went back and interviewed him the next day. Youre playing again today . I play about every day trying to make tips. I was a drum major in high School Started out great. Then went to the marine corps, played clarinet and all over the world. He was also in Spring Arbor University in michigan where he studied music. He was unable to finish his education because he and his wife started a family so he needed to get a job. How long have you been homeless . Ive been homeless six or seven years off and on. We also learned in 1998 his wife died and that put him in a downward spiral. He ended up developing a Substance Abuse problem. His child was taken away when he was three years old, and hes basically been living on the streets ever since. So this one viral video could be a new beginning. Whats happening now as we know a little bit more about it . The amazing thing is people are coming together. In fact the people who recorded this video also set up a page where theyre trying to raise 50,000 to try to help get him off the street. I really hope it works out. Amazing things happen when people feel loved. You have an amazing gift for this world. Theres nothing like summertime fun, getting in the water and cooling off. This video from go pro in italy. A kayaker and his pals going on their third run down this gorgeous river. Whitewater everywhere it just makes you feel cooler watching it. The great thing about this video, we not only get the angle of the guy were riding with, we also get his buddys angle and its going to play a really Important Role in this moment right here. Oh oh. Yes, our kayaker gets into some trouble. He says he missed the boot which means he didnt keep the bow of his boat from going under water. Basically hes caught in what looks like a washing machine. He is going under, flipping over going under, barely coming up for air at different moments. Wow, thats crazy. That looks awful because it looks like someone is actually holding him and dipping him in the water. He got himself out, he could try again. Yes. He got himself upright and the river basically just spit him out. This next video is going to make you feel like youre into this summertime fun. In arizona were going cliff jumping. Our camera is now justthere right this moment. He sent this video to us to showcase his summertime fun. Watch as he makes us feel we are walking up to the edge of this cliff, right here to the edge of this waterfall. Should we jump . Sure. Yeah oh wow. I love the sound as he hits the water. I feel like my ears are popping. A group of tourists have gathered to watch someone get fired. What they caught on video that was unexpected. Plus things get a little heated. Hot chicks hot dogs put them together and you get this video. A new meaning to hot dogs and buns. Im looking forward to it. Is this what its like . Ckcks s anand d momosqsquiuitotoeses t too. K9k9 a advdvanantitixx® i ii. I. Fofor r ththe e loloveve o of f dodogg™. Wewe s snanap p itit. Wewe s statackck i it. T. Wewe s smomoososh h itit. Wewe l lovove e itit. Hersheys s mamakekes s itit a a s smore. Yoyou u mamakeke i it t spspececiaial. L. Hehersrsheheyys s isis m minine,e, y youoursrs our chocolate. Sosoilil i is s ththe e fofounundadatitionon for healthy plants just l likike e gugumsms a arere t thehe foundation for healthy teeth. Nenew w cocolglgatate e tototatal l momoututhwhwash for gum health. Itit k kilillsls g gerermsms a andnd f forormsms a protective shield fofor r 4545 ststrorongngerer g gumums. S. Fofor r ngiecocolglgatate e tototatal l momoututhwhwasash. H. This group of tourists have gathered on the top of Edinburg Castle to watch a top gun get fired. They caught something they werent expecting. Waiting till the exact second. Its 1 00. Time to fire that gun. They shot a bird . Well no he flies away. A seagull at the very last second flies in and takes the run of the 1 00 burst. Hes okay its just the result of the sound. The seagull was just fine. Nero the dog is out in the park. Nero has a little buddy here this crow who has decided nero is about the tastiestlooking dog hes ever seen especially that tail. He goes back comes back in gets closer takes a chunk out of him. The funny thing is he seems to be okay with it. They kind of seem to be playing at the park because a second later, nero decides to get him back. Hes with his buddy, just hanging out in the park together. Heres to a happy fourth of july hot chicks and hot dogs put them together and you get this video. Are you serious . Ladies why put yourself in a position like this to create such a ridiculous statement. Where do you get a gun that shoots hot dogs . And why are they at a baseball game . Theyre also throwing water balloons at each other, apparently . It looks ridiculous. It really is. This is just gratuitous. I bet this is incredibly popular on line. Im kind of looking forward to july 4th now. Is this what its like . Yours will be nothing like this. Go to our website and click, or you can see it on our mobile app. Hes a predator on the track hunting down his quarry. This time though, kasey kane at shark week. I have no idea what its going to be like down there. Ive watched a lot of shark shows over the years, so to go down there and really see what its all about will be fun. Hes used to driving at 200 miles an hour next to 40 others only inches away from a wall, but this is an entirely different kind of rush. Im not super scared but im definitely unsure of whats going to happen. He goes down there way dive crew. Hes got a little bit of bait to draw in the sharks. Hes staying very still. They circle around him like he circles around daytona. I will point this out, though the dive master wearing a wet suit. Kasey isnt, though. He is a thrill seeker. Obviously, if youre a nascar driver you love the thrill but this is thrilling in a whole new way. This is a fun way to do shark week though get celebrities down here with the sharks. Shark week starts sunday july 5th. And you can see it at daytona this sunday. There is some chaos going on in the streets of columbia. This woman felt that her scooter was being towed for no reason at all. See how she takes justice into her own hands. Maybe the cops are agreeing with her situation. Plus the simple things you need to get a hot bod. A onepound weight tennis ball a rock a jump rope. See how she puts each item to use next. I never thought of a rock for workouts. Mymythths s ouout t ththerere e ababout a a rereveversrse e momortrtgagagege soso i i w wanant t yoyouu toto k knonow w ththe e fafactcts. S. A a rereveversrse e momortgagagege i is insured byby t the f fedal yoyou u cacan n geget t tataxxfrfree money frfromom t thehe e eququitity y inin your home; yoyou u cacan n ususe e ththe e momoneney to papay y ofoff f yoyourur c cururrerent mortgage, ifif y youou h havave e onone;e; ththe e reremamaininining g momoneney y can bebe u usesed d fofor r ananytythihing; ththererees s nono m mononththlyly momortrtgagagege p payaymementnts,s, anand d yoyou u ststilill l owown n your home cacallll t tododayay t to o geget t your frfreeee g guiuidede a andnd d dvdvd. Ititss e expxplalainins s hohoww a a gogovevernrnmementntiinsnsurured reverse e momortrtgagagege w wororks. Ththererees s nono o oblbligigatatioion. Onone e rereveversrse e momortrtgagagege is a a ququicickeken n loloanans s cocompmpany. Ththeieir r lilicecensnseded e expxperts can ananswswerer a allll y youour r ququestions. Cacallll t to o fifindnd o outut w what a great sosolulutitionon t thihis s cacan n be. Dodonnt t wawaitit. C. Calall l now mmy y rorougugh h anand d bubumpmpy skin closed captioning provided by d d dadailily,y, it reduces bumps 72 . Ggolold d bobondnd. Fofor r sosomeme w womomenen a a period means stop. But with pamprin a period means go pain relievers onlnlyy relieve pain. Mumultltiisysympmptotom m papampmprin relieves all your symptoms. Soso t thehereress n noo stopping you. Period. Prprototecect t yoyourur s smimilele against plaque. New act® advanced wiwithth p plalaquque e guguarardd™ hehelplps s prprevevenent t plplaqaque and gingivititisis kikilllls s 9999 ofof b bacacteteria for a 12 houour r shshieield ofof p prorotetectctioion. N. Nenew w acactt® a advdvananced. Rebecca zamolo is a friend. Right this minute has had quite a few of her videos on our show. This one could be the funniest. Beat beatrice has some tips. Five ways to get a hot bod like hers. A jump rope a rock simple things that we can get our hands on pretty easily. There is something others might forget about. Fingers. Fingers, yeah i always forget my fingers. Im glad she reminded me. I always want stronger fingers. Im curious what the heck she does with a rock though. Ive never thought of a rock for workouts. Oh kristin, im so glad you asked. The rock is for cardio. You throw the rock behind you without looking and then you run to find it. Thats your cardio. We also have the very underutilized reverse plank. I knew i could hold this one for days. You would totally beat me at this one. I totally could. I would win. You got to admit, rebecca does a good deadpan character. Sometimes you just got to take things into your own hands when you dont agree with whats happening. Really there is a big issue in columbia with tow trucks towing motorcycles and scooters around town for no real apparent reason is the claim on the internet so this woman felt that her scooter was being towed for no reason at all. And decided, nope she got up on it and starts doing the rope thats been tied inward . I love how the guy knows it isnt going to end well. Actually youll be surprised because she continues to do this. It looks like at least one other officer is watching this go down and may even be recording this on his own cell phone. Hes eventually able to drag her scooter off the flatbed and then proceeds to put on her helmet and ride away. This is maybe not supposed to be happening, because maybe the cops are agreeing with her situation. Or the Police Officers just felt this isnt worth getting into a physical confrontation over. Not enough power in that scooter to do that and also not enough power in this atv to do this. Dad apparently is trying to load an 800pound atv onto this trailer, and you see that they set up a ramp . Im already going to say its got plenty of power to get up on this ramp. When they pan over you see theyre looking what looks like a power tool to ramp up the ramp a bit . Its a very thin board. I feel like this guy is going to go right to the ground. He got to the truck, and you can see that i think that probably hurt his daddy parts. Hes setting up a romantic date for his girlfriend amy. A lovely backyard screening of Jurassic Park. Find out what this scene is really about. Ananytytimime. E. Ananyoyonene. Spsprereadad t thehe d delelicicioiousus t tasaste you know and love. Hehersrsheheyys s isis m minine,e, yoyoururs,s, ouour r chchococololatate e spsprereadads. S. Seseririououslsly . Y . Youurere n notot a at t alalll concerned . About what now . Ohoh, i i dodonnt t knknowow. The apocalypse . Wewerre e fifinene. I bundled d rerentntererss with my Car Insurance througugh h prprogogreressssivivee for just six bucks more a month. Wowordrd. Ththererees s loloototererss rurunning wild out there. Cocoveverered d fofor r ththefeft. T. Okay. Ththatatss a a t tididalal w wave of fire. Cocoveverered d fofor r fifirere. Whwhatatm gonna get sosomemeththing to eat. Ththe e boboyys s kikindnd o off a drama queen. Jujustst w waiait. T. Whwhererees s mymy b bururriritoto . . [ chuckles ] woworsrst t apapococalalypypsese ever. Prprototecectitingng y youou t tilill l the end. Nonow,w, t thahatts s prprogogreressssivive. Wanted to be yay, well done you did it its summertime. Lots of people taking time off of work to travel to cool places. Our social media manager, heather hurd just traveled to new york city maybe the worlds most spectacular city, and she went to one world observatory and captured these two spectacular videos. Its time lapsed. Its like the arteries moving around inside the body. When you see the life of the city like that it completely separates you and sucks you in at the same time. She used a phone camera a go pro . What did she use . She captured these videos from her iphone. This is manhattan. You can see the Empire State Building in the background. Look at the bottom of your screen. The traffic dont you just wish that traffic in new york actually did flow like that . This is ryan and he is setting up a lovely backyard screening of Jurassic Park with his girlfriend amy. Hes got the table, hes got the blanket, hes got surround sound, even. This is so cute. Do you like the setup . The truth is there is no Jurassic Park screaming. Aim amy grant, i want to take you by surprise. Rumor rumor has it there is a man named ryan that wants to propose very soon. This is me telling you you should join me. Hes trying to use all the things she is into to distract her from ryan. Ive seen you shower and lavish your love on this guy, Ryan Oconnell, and he doesnt deserve a quarter of it. But you love him so well. I dont understand. If i could just get a fraction of that love from you, i would be happy for life. So please before Ryan Oconnell proposes please keep in mind that im available and i want to be yours. Thank you. So the video ends and he finally gets on one knee. Yes are you serious . This is my favorite part where she jumps on him and knocks him over. Isnt that cute . Theyre sweet. Its so adorable. I love it. I love you so much. Thats our show. Well see you for the next rtm. Live from new york city, its the wendy williams. Today, kick start your week with a super sized dose of juicy hot topics. And from all the rage to outrageous, wendy and her fashion experts take on the red carpet at last nights bet awards. Plus its a trendy at wendy with unbelievable Group Discounts on the summers hottest must haves. Now heres wendy [ cheers and applause ]

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