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Are this many cats that get stuck in trees. What would you do if you saw someone drug ingging a drink . Were always telling girls and women to be careful with their drink but this, wow firefighters in china are pretty darned remarkable because they rescue people from some precarious situations. This is a rescue in a very tight place, this little 5yearold girl was chasing a cat in the evening, ended up getting stuck between these two walls, and look how tiny this space is. Hear her terrified cries. Imagine shes stuck there and its dark. Who knows how long she was there before anybody came in with a flashlight. Exactly. She must have fallen down because everybodys working from above. Thats scary, all the junk and stuff thats falling down too. This moment here is remarkable because this firefighter has figured out how to wedge his own body in this tiny little space to put a harness around her so that they then can lift her. You can see this moment here as the firefighter covers this little girls face so she doesnt get any scratches as they try to lift her out they effectively get her from this space. Oh shes so cute with her little pony tail. I know. Poor thing. Remarkably she only had minor injuries to her leg. Talk about a road rage incident this car up ahead stopping at a green light. Watch how long the driver with the dash cam waits before he reacts to this car that is not moving at a green light. 12 seconds before he gives the courtesy horn to the driver in the silver hyundai above. The driver with the dash cam claiming that that guy was texting while at this light. We believe this is in california where it is illegal to be texting while driving. Get off your phone. Do you have a problem . Yeah i do. Get off the phone. Dont be [ bleep ]. They get to the next red light and the physical threats start. Get out of the car. The dude who was sitting at a green light for an extended period of time is mad because someone called him out on it . Most normal people would be like sorry, and keep going. Hes out of the car at this point and ready to fight. Get off the car . Thats what i thought. Youre on camera. Clear shot of his face and license plate, a lot of rage for no reason. You work here. This is going to go to your manager tomorrow bro. This guy with the dash cam unengaged. Road rage not limited to the United States as we know this in plymouth, uk a guy on his motorcycle initially riding in the bus lane. It is legal to ride your motorcycle in the bus lane. Then he goes around this little Traffic Circle and the black car doesnt stay in its lane it kind of straddles the lane and then works its way more to the left in front of the motorcyclist. The biker speeds by on the right, but look oh the car comes racing up beside him and it gets physical fast. [ bleep ] you [ bleep ]. Two guys get out and start roughing up this motorcyclist for what i dont know. It was their fault in the first place. When they stop at the light, you do see the motorcyclist give the bumper a little thump there with his boot. They struggle for a while on the ground. You do hear other bystanders try and break the fight up pull the guys off. Eventually the biker gets back to his feet the camera is out of shape but it appears he was uninjured but poor taste. Were feeding baby ducks. Nothing so fun having a nice day in the park. The mom, dad and ducklings came over but so did a hawk. Oh no the hawk is having a picnic in the park too. In the circle of life the hawks got to eat, thearentsll there but the couple is like we got to do something. They started following the hawk and as you can see the hawk eventually just lets the duckling go. Look at the duckling hes so confused. What just happened to me . I think hes a bit dazed. There is blood under its eye. You see that right there. Oh this is so sad. The adventure is not over for the duck or the hawk because the hawk comes back a second time. Run, little duckling. Did you see that a third smaller bird that said no way, leave the duckling alone. It was another bird that interfered not the human that stopped the hawk from taking the duckling. The humans saw that the parents were farther down this little stream so they picked the little creature up and put it closer to its family. They went back and had their chicken sandwiches. We have a different duck rescue in this next video. The duck is in the trough and the person who posts the video i have to get the creature out of here. I might have to put my phone down to have two hands. He eventually catches up with the duck. A cute little guy. So he takes the bird to the neighbors house, kind of dumps it over there. Were going to go release him. There are so many action cams throughout and a good thing because we get some incredible footage. Imagine the amount of testing its gone through to get it into production must be amazing. No amount of testing can prepare them for life. This video from the wing of a light aircraft flown by travis mccray. Touch and go touching down and lifting off. He has a garmin on the left wing and about to make a bit of a hard landing. Thats just the camera rolling down the runway not the plane. That is not the plane. That is his garmin detached by the hard impact and went rolling down the runway. This turns out to be a great commercial for the action camera. Not only does it keep on ticking but 15 minutes it keeps on ticking. Gopros have sur vufd a lot. This is garmin saying we can take it too. Speaking of gopro this next video, the guys in aussie like to test flight their remote controlled planes. They have a lot of fans in particular this one hawk that goes out and victimizes their plane. Really quloes approaches but later on they get some other cameras, better cameras on there and watch what this bird does. S got to be exhausting for this poor bird defending its neighborhood every day from these electric marauders coming through. Hes not just doing close pass he starts actually grabbing at it. Its just some inyebl footage of a beautiful animal doing what it does best. Hes using a sharp blade to shave your friend. The tutorial that puts friendship to the test. I feel like maybe i would try a dish testfferent test. This dude is out for a neighborhood ride on his longboard. See who decides to join him on his run. His first deposit. Wed like to open a savings account for him. Yes yes. Great thanksks t to o momom m and dad and their safe drdrivivining g bobonunus check from allstate. Ohoh. Lolookok a at t ththisis. Safe driving bonus. Are yoyou u a a sasafefe d dririvever . Luluckcky y lilittttlele fella. Ononlyly a allllststatate gives you two safe driving bobonunus s chchececksks a a y year for driving safe. Sesee e hohow w mumuchch more an allstate agent can do for you. Cacallll 8 8777766444433100. Lilikeke i in n momostst families, dads always the last to know. Ththatatss w whyhy a accccididenent t foforgrgiviveness wawas s ththe e fifirsrst t ththining g he asked for when he switched to allstate. Michael james mimiddddlele n namame. E. Not good. Geget t acaccicidedentnt forgiveness from allstate and kekeepep y youour r rarates from going up just because of an accident. Fifindnd o outut h howow a local allstate agent cacan n hehelplp b betetter protect your family. Call one right now. Plplusus, drdriviverers s whwho o swswitched saved an average of 498 a year jujustst a a f fewew m morore ways the good hands are dodoining g momorere t than ever before. Sesee e whwhatat t thehe personal service of an allstate agent cacan n dodo f foror y youou. Call 8776443100 here in the Pacific Northwest we have a big problem, high up in our giant trees. Sophie. Cats. Wait a minute. What . Come here buddy. Yes, the two guys who get 90 of the calls in this area to rescue cats in washiton are sean fears and otto, they are brotherinlaws and have their own animal cat rescue. This is called treetop cat rescue and it is no easy task. Theyve done rescues 15 stories up. Cat needs assistance. I cant believe theres a whole business dedicated to cat rescues in trees, nevermind an entire show to go along with it. Take a look at some of the stuff they have to go through to get the cats down. Hi ralph. Sean is coming to help you. I can tell a skittish cat. As i get close to him hes looking everywhere but right at me. I need to be really careful as i get close to him. They need their a game every day. This could be dangerous. To tell us all about it tom otto right this minute via skype. Welcome to the show. Thanks for having us having me. The first question i think all of us have is how many cat rescues can you guys go on in a single year . Last year we had 250 cats we rescued. We rescued one par lot last year and i think you showed it on your show. Yes. Were always astonished there are this many cats that get stuck in trees. How did you originally get started in this . Were both arborists, climbing trees for a long time and started getting calls about rescuing cats and next thing you know were rescuing a lot of cats but were happy to help. What happens if you dont rescue the cat . Im of the mind if the cat is thirsty enough and hungry enough it will come down. Am i wrong . Its hard to say but we do know some cats can climb down on their own and some cats they just dont. Weve seen your videos. What does is this show going to be like . How do you make this into a tv show . Every rescue is a little different, every cat is a little different, every tree is a little different. I think were trying to capture a lot of that different material and make it into a great show. What is the most dangerous thing you experienced doing this . Climbing a tree is inherently dangerous. The more dangerous part of it is the cat might be way out on a branch and might not want us to touch it. Its trying to figure out what the cats temperament is so we can get the cat and go down safely. Tree top cat rescues, saturday at 9 00 8 00 central on animal planet. Tory klein in maui out for a neighborhood ride on his longboard, has his gopro to capture the action saying hi to the neighborhood kids and neighborhood dog. Theres cookie. Whats up cookie . Hey, cookie. Cute looking dog. Super cool name he continues on his neighborhood run, gets a little bit of speed around this big sweeper here a little smile, hi neighbor. Oh what . Oh that was cookie. He hit cookie. Cookie came blasting out into the street and cut cory off. [ bleep ]. That makes me so sad. Its ox cory and cookie are just fine. Are you okay . Are you okay . Im sorry. Everyone is apologetic the dog is just fine so was cory. Is it broke . No. These guys are out on their tubes in austin texas. I got to give it to him, he tries to hold the cooler hang onto the tube and hold onto the cam camera, doesnt work well. Oh no. There goes his tube. Gets a bit of a bruise here. Hes like out, that hurt. Hung onto the beer though. And the camera. He eventually catches up with the tube as well. Awesome tutorial on youtube using a water stone to sharpen a knife. Pretty awesome. The question is how do you know if the knife is really sharp . . Cut a tin can or tomato. You rub your thumb. No dont do that. I do sideways. No, no no shave your friend. Cool. These guys want to show you just how sharp their knives are by shaving this guys arm. Arm hair . Yes, you take the tip of the knife and gently graze it against your skin if it cuts the hair easily without any friction or recitation you have a nice and sharpened knife. If the hair curls over the knife you sucked at it. Little ones just tick tick tick tick. I feel maybe i would try a dish test to see if my knife was sharp. Not so close to the adams apple. Maybe not next to the artery. Pretty good. Hmm. Theyve created their own station dedicated to theater called tspn. See if this station captures your interest. Im on the edge of my seat wondering whats going to happen. Plus a shocking announcement from a familiar face. Im pregnant what . Tch your diet, excercise. And may take an omega3 supplement, such as fish oil. Bubut t whwhenen i it t cocomemes s to omega3s, its the epa and dha ththatat r reaealllly y mamatttterer for heart health. Nonot t alall l omomegegaa3 3 susupppplements are the same. Inintrtrododucucining g babayeyer r pro ultra omega3 from ththe e hehearart t hehealalthth e experts at bayer. Wiwithth t twowo t timimeses t thehe c concentration of epa and dha asas t thehe l leaeadidingng o omemega3 supplement. Plplusus, ititss t thehe o onlnly brand with progel technology prprovovenen t to o rereduducece f fish burps. Nenew w babayeyer r prpro o ulultrtra omega3. M closed captioning provided by gold bond rough bumpy skin therapy. Uusesed d dadailily,y, it reduces bumps 72 . Ggolold d bobondnd. Wwhehen n i i hahaveve a an n ececzema flareup, i start to scratch. The more i s scrcratatch the worse it gets. [[ f fememalale e anannouncer ] gold bond Eczema Relief cream rrelelieieveves s 5 symptoms of eczema. Gogoldld b bonond d rerealally works. Fofor r soso o onlnly y rerelieve ans stop but with pamprin, a period means go pain relieieveversrs o onlnly relieve pain. Mumultltiisysympmptotom m papamprin relieves all your symptoms. Soso t thehereress n no o ststopping you. Pepeririodod. All right lets take a selfie. Im pregnant. What . Im just kidding. Im not, but this girl is. And thats how she told her husband. Guess what . What . Im pregnant. What . What . Yep. Are you really . Yep. Oh this couple is in annapolis and she decided while theyre taking their photo by the water that shes going to reveal to her husband im pregnant. No. I know. I had no clue they were here to pick out a bulldog puppy. This is an awesome surprise. Adam is celebrating his ninth anniversary with his wife and surprising her. Three years ago they lost their bulldog so shes been wanting a new one. He decided this was the perfect occasion and at this moment she is going to be pulling up to what she thinks is her husbands coworkers house because he had to pick some stuff up. Instead its breeders house. Shes getting a new puppy. Happy anniversary. Lets go in and take a look at something. Heather no this is not heathers. Shes getting a new puppy and she gets to pick from the litter. Look how cute. Oh my gosh theyre gorgeous. Look at all of them. Its just a special dog. Yes they are. Are you surprised . Yes, really. Are you really . Yes, thank you. See if you can find a television station to match your interest. You know what doesnt exist a 24hour station dedicated to theater. Marcus demarcus is going to make his decision. It didnt exist until now. Give you a lot of thought talking it over with my family im going to bring mytallette talents to juilliard. Its tspn clever, very nice. Welcome to stage center here on the worldwide leader in theater, thespn. Modeled after espn sportscenter but full of the stage information that you want. Marcus demarcus out of westin mass. Stunned recruiters taking his buttery smooth baritone to the Theater Program at juilliard. Its fantastic, the graphics just the way we talk about athletes but this guy a theater guy. Kenny had his scholarship revoked after testing positive for stage presence enhancing drugs. Oh my gosh in the News Presence enhancing drugs. Right here is where kenny blows his blocking. Hes supposed to spin stage left but instead spins stage right. Like a football play. Of course if you talk about stage in the thespn way, talk about your fantasy team. How does mcclass i cans injury team affect my hamlet fantasy cast . Ill go with alan james from the soho playground which makes him my off broadway pick of the week. Its a touch screen board theyre sliding their names. And scene. Er this er thistheyre on a date. See what he does that makes a patron take action. Let them deal with it and wait, wait. Esesururanancece w wasas b bororn online. Which means fewer costs, which saves money. Their custstomomerer e expxpererience is virtually paperless whwhicich h sasaveves s papapeper,r, which saves money. Ththeyey h havave e smsmarart t ononline tools so you only pay fofor r whwhatatss r rigightht f for you which saves money. Ththeyey s setettltle e clclaiaimsms quickly whwhicich h sasaveves s titimeme, which saves money. They dririveve a an n alalllhyhybrbrid claims fleet whwhicich h sasaveves s gagas,s, which saves money. Ththeyey w werere e bobornrn o onlnline, and built to save money, whwhicich h memeanans s whwhenen they save, you save. Bebecacaususe e ththatatss h howow it should work in the modern world. Esesururanancece. Babackckeded b by allstate. Click or call. Make other people up. That really is art. I have a social experiment that will leave a bad taste in your mouth which is an ironic way. Lot of date rape drugs can be added to drinks dont change the taste, odor or flavor which can be a way so many girls are taken advantage of. The guy decided to put together a social experiment in a bar with two actors and a number of hidden cameras, when this girl leaves to go to the bathroom the guy here pulls a small thing out of his pocket and he starts pouring it into the drink in full view of a number of patrons. Immediately people start noticing. This guy in the gray sweater. Dude what is that . Hey, chill bro. This fellow in the blue and yellow stripes notices whats going on asks directly. Its a rufi. She comes back and she starts having the effect of the drug saying she doesnt feel quite right and saying this out loud and hes just like oh its just a strong girlie drink. The guy doesnt say anything . The guy in the stripes doesnt say a thing. The guy in the gray that knows right at the the beginning what was going on walks away. Remember the guy with the yellow and blue stripes . Watch what he does as the guy walks away with this girl. He fist bumps the guy as if to say well done. Dont worry, this last example as she walks away and our guy reaches into his pocket and starts leaning over to put stuff into the drink, this guy immediately sees whats going on and hes having none of it. What are you doing . Just trying to relax, just chill. I dont think thats the right thing to do. Its none of your business. Well [ bleep ] you, its not my business. Ive just seen what you have done. When she comes back im going to let her know what youve done and call the cops. Im not letting you take advantage of this girl ill tell you what youve done and calling the cops on you right now. Doing everything right. Part of a social experiment the camera there the camera there, the camera there. Even when he asks the girl are you ill he says yes he still makes sure shes okay. It shows people should not be scared to take action. Thats our show. Well see you for the next right this minute. music hey let me help with that. 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