Balloons get lighter and lighter. Plus a girl with a secret strolls oornd around hollywood. Well reveal what it is. The pingpong shot that will make your head spin. Oh drop it. Walk away ontario, Canada Police want to know if you recognize these people. Its a couple. Theyve requested a taxi. There is the gentleman. Gets into the backseat right here in the front seat the female passenger gets next to the driver. This videos 8 1 2 minutes long and the first 6 minutes of the video everythings pretty normal. The passengers dont seem to say very much if anything at all. Watch what happens as the taxi driver pulls over to where they requested. That is a knife. Monster knife. A big monster knife. Notice the taxi driver. He doesnt stick around and ask what they want. He gets out. Takes his hand forces the passengers hand away jumps out of the car and run as way. Thats not a knife. Thats a machete. Huge. Its a big knife. There, you see him running away in the back window. The taxi driver did get minor injuries to his hand but escaped with his life. The passengers got away with cash a debit terminal machine and the drivers bag with some personal items. Police in this area say, this is the second time that people have been caught in video in recent weeks robbing a taxi driver. Now this video i have from scotland a lot more comical. Theyre being called possibly scotlands two dumbest criminals. They broke into a vegan restaurant. But watch what theyre doing while theyre there. Does this look familiar from any movie weve seen . Let me remain you, robert denear yo taxi driver. Talking to me . Thats what the guys doing with the knife in his hand. You talking to me . They were in there for five hours. Again, in there for five hours. And they only got away with 3. 88 in cash and change and some vegan treats. These are the final seconds of an otherwise lovely balloon flight. Okay. Balloons are quite slow and graceful. That big thud not a good sign or sound. Another big thud. You kind of hear it dragging through the grasp. If you watch closely, notice the balloon basket just start to lean over as the camera goes dark. You hear more rustling. The balloon landing in the tree. The basket on the ground. This happened in the philippines. The photographers been photo photographiching events. When it goes on the side is that how you crawl out . The four people in the basket were all on top of each other. He said their heads were so close to the burners, one of the pilots had to reach up and turn that burner off. No real injury other than scratches and stuff. But he did learn one thing very important, he says dont go balloon flying on friday 13th. There you go. Isnt this a good thing as a photographer though . He did capture a pretty crazy moment that resulted in no injuries. Right. He did put on his blog he turned the video portion of the camera on before this happened and did get other beautiful images from his flight. He posted them on his website openart. Photography. Guys l. A. Is more than traffic and the smog. Its full of absolutely beautiful places. This guy took a day in l. A. To capture all of the beautiful things it has to offer that most of us dont ever get to see. I like his transitions are very cool the way he pans over and its like Something Else awesome. Its very quick. One of my favorite exhibits in l. A. The urban lights. Hes doing something that could have easily been traditionally shot. Its just a bunch of features. The dynamic way he shot it all of the transitions and stuff make this really interesting. Look at that. This is brilliant. Its beautifully shot. The colors the angles the style, its all clever and fun. Just makes me miss home because california does have a loot of variety beyond hollywood. Posted to youtube from the people behind this truck. For no reason that they know of decided to torment them and torture them. Every time he turns and moves into the lane. They dont know why. In fact on the phone with patrol. We have a red truck in front of us and he keeps swerving. Doing it right now. Did it twice. Almost rearended a silver suv. This is so infuriating, right . Because youre just trying to get to where youre going. We even reached out to the owners of this company, the guy that this guy drives for, they refused to even comment on it. We have a second video this one comes from russia. If you keep an eye up ahead, youre going to see a truck. You see him there on righthand side. This thiss trying to exit. The trucks trying to move over no the high weigh. Indicating hes merging perfectly, all of this room no problem. Last second decides, no, that way oh uhoh. Why . I see damage. Yeah. I blame the dash cam owner, i do. You see Something Like that up ahead moving so slow, youve got to give it extra room. You have to almost anticipate this guy doesnt know where he wants to go instead of speeding up. Heres the thing, thats a double right lane. He really didnt have to swerve all the way back over to the right. Theres still another right lane they could take to get off the freeway. I blame the driver. These dudes take hockey one step further. Divers under water, playing a hockey tournament upside down. See the creative technique behind the puck. Plus a drone goes shopping. Find out what this tiny machine delivers. Ththisis l litittltle e guguy y isis a aboboutut to make his first deposit. Wed like to open a savings account for him. Yes yes. Great thanksks t to o momom m and dad and their safe drdrivivining g bobonunus check from allstate. Ohoh. Lolookok a at t ththisis. Safe driving bonus. Are yoyou u a a sasafefe d dririvever . Luluckcky y lilittttlele fella. Ononlyly a allllststatate gives you two safe driving bobonunus s chchececksks a a y year for driving safe. Sesee e hohow w mumuchch more an allstate agent can do for you. Cacallll 8 8777766444433100. Lilikeke i in n momostst families, dads always the last to know. Ththatatss w whyhy a accccididenent t foforgrgiviveness wawas s ththe e fifirsrst t ththining g he asked for when he switched to allstate. Michael james mimiddddlele n namame. E. Not good. Geget t acaccicidedentnt forgiveness from allstate and kekeepep y youour r rarates from going up just because of an accident. Fifindnd o outut h howow a local allstate agent cacan n hehelplp b betetter protect your family. Call one right now. Plplusus, drdriviverers s whwho o swswitched saved an average of 498 a year jujustst a a f fewew m morore ways the good hands are dodoining g momorere t than ever before. Sesee e whwhatat t thehe personal service of an allstate agent cacan n dodo f foror y youou. Call 8776443100 its videos like these that make me realize guys never truly grow up. These guys are having fun to trying to rescue a downed helicopter. The toy helicopter caught by a gust of wind flew on to the rooftop you see on the right hand part of the screen. Next day they launch a bigger drone. That drone has a rope attached to it with a magnet at the bottom. This is a rescue attempt. And they retrieve the toy. Yes, they can, because its mall and light. The videos their third attempt. Watch what happens when they get it. Yes whoo oh my gosh, it absolutely worked gingerly they have to fly this back to the other roof. Theres a beautiful shot of the helicopter flying over the gap between the buildings. No chopper, left behind. Whoo beautiful moment of success shown in that juken video. Also in this one, this guy also had a drone and put it to some good use. It was cold. He didnt want to go out shopping. So if you look off into the distance see that little while drone . Here it comes, flying back. What . Its a bag of goodies. Doing a bit of shopping because its too cold to go outside. What do you think they bought . Candy. Cigarettes. [ laughter ] who isnt fascinated by hypnotism . Can someone control your mind . Well mr. P. In texas posted this video on line and also enlisted the help of his son, known as x. And then look at x and watch what happens. Her eyes close. She falls back. He catches her with his right arm. She falls to his knee. Finally, when shes on his knee a strange mans knee but you dont know the hell i am. She wakes up right, realizes shes on this dudes knee. Doesnt know who he is. She does look a little confused. And then he tells her to sit back down. And she does. Right now. But is it possible . To find out we actually have mr. Via skype right this minute. Welcome to the show. Dont look directly into his eyes. Be careful. Everywhere you go people are fascinated by this idea of hypnotism, someone can control your mind. Do you control peoples minds. Not really. Its suggest ability. Ill be the skeptic. How do we dont know this girls an actress or that good getting a girl to sit on your knee. I have videos from new york to california on youtube. If i had that much money to pay people to act like that i would have my own show or something. Some videos you get pretty racy mr. P. I do have to say rated g and up. You say that you can actually hypnotize people via skype. Yeah. Can we challenge you to attempt . Im up to it. Be nice. I want the rrated version. Do me a favor, put your feet on the floor. Uhhuh. Hands out in front of you like this. Turn your palms up. Turn them over. Look at your palms, close our eyes. I want you imagine that i just put a hundred big helium filled balloons on your left wrist and just feel how they start pulling and tugging. On your right wrist, imagine that a 50pound bowling ball and its getting heavier and heavier. With every breath in the balloons get lighter and lighter. And when i say one let the balloons go and let the bowling ball and securely into that comfortable, relaxing bed. On three. Feel the relaxation go. Two, drifting deeper. One. We saw the move here. We saw the move here. Yeah. Was it really . I also do hypnosis for therapeutic reasons. Anyone to see what it is that were talking about, head over to rightthisminute. Com, click on todays show or you can see it on our mobile app. This is something you just dont see every day. Divers under water playing a hockey tournament upside down. This is great. The crazy thing, going the wrong way. Youre going, whats go on. The goals 49 feet apart, triangular holes they cut in there. Three guys per team the game lasts a max 15 minutes but its over first time somebody scores a goal. They are actually playing. I thought theyre doing this for fun, heying check this out, but theyre playing if a tournament. The home side won in this in tournament. Of course. We all know they its underwater upside down ice hockey. A lot easier to follow hockey. He is the ridiculous librarian. Goes around punking people and its great. The library. The ridiculous thing, whos ever met a confrontational librarian. About to bowl a perfect game in the worlds fastest time. See if he can do it on right this minute. Hihi. Iim m hehenrnry y wiwinknkler. And i know there are many myths out there ababouout t a a rereveversrse e momortgage soso i i w wanant t yoyou u toto k know the facts. Ththerere e arare e cucurrrrently no credit score oror i incncomome e rereququirements to qualify. Yoyou u cacan n geget t tataxfree money from the equity in your home. Yoyou u cacan n ususe e ththe e momoney to pay off your current mortgage ifif y youou h havave e onone. E. The remaining money can be used for anything. Ththererees s nono m mononthly mortgage payments. Anand d yoyou u ststilill l own your home cacallll t tododayay t to o gegett your free guide and dvd. Itit e expxplalainins s hohow a governmentinsured reverse mortgage works. Ththererees s nono o oblbligation. Onone e rereveversrse e momortrtgage is a quicken loans company. Ththeieir r lilicecensnseded experts can answer all your questions. Cacallll t to o fifindnd o out what a great solution this can be. Dodonnt t wawaitit, cacall now [ birds chirping ] [ inhales, exhales ] [ announcer ] cigarettes are not just dangerous when theyre smoked. [ rat squeaking ] theyre dangerous long after. Cigarette butts are toxic. They release chemicals that poison our water. And harm wildlife. And millions. Are polluting our environment. [ sniffing ] [ seagulls squawking ] closed captioning provided by [ [ fefemamalele a annnnououncer ] helping your kids get fewer cavities can take enthusiasm. Or just act kids scoobydoo rinse. It tastes grgreat and helps reduce cavities up to 40 . Soso i itts s aall good. Aactct k kidids. S. Yoyourur w warart t wiwillll g go o awaway. Yoyourur w warart t wiwillll g go o awawayay. Female annnnououncncerer you could try Home Remedies toto r rememovove e yoyourur w warartsts bubut t wawartrtststicick k woworkrks. S. Bubuy y atat d drurugsgstotoreress or wartstick. Com. Ususe e ononlyly a as s didirerectcteded. Fellows are back with a prank. I have to be honest this might be my favorite. Excuse me. Yeah. Do you have your library card . I dont. Get the [ bleep ] out of my library angry librarians are one thing. The ridiculous librarian. Hes playing the librarian, in utah goes around punking people and its great. I have to ask you to leave. Are you serious . Yeah. Its way too loud. Distracting. This one as well listening to her music. You can hear this right now . Yeah. R. Kelly. R. Kelly . Yeah. R. Kelly. Yeah. Thats r. Kelly. Ridiculous thing, whos ever met a confrontational librarian. Read a book. He goes for the last one, super awkward by almost doing nothing. Yeah. Proceed. This guy starts freaking out. What happens going on . Im the librarian. Im here to make sure that you are ready to learn that you excel to the highest you that you can be. Now proceed. They always talk about Southern Hospitality and how friendly they are but these people in utah react to him in such friendly manner. They do. A lot of people capitulate to his authority. He is the librarian, so they stop doing what theyre doing. You work for me now. You know you use the term extreme sports youre thinking paragliding, wakeboarding. But bowling, pingpong, they can be extreme as well. Tom dougherty will show us how extreme it can really be. Hes a pro. Hes going to use the new ball to bowl a perfect game in what he claims the worlds fastest time. Watch this. Hes going to use four balls and 12 lanes to do it. First, one. Boom there it goes. Strike. So cool he doesnt bother watching the pins explode. Turns his back. Off to lane two. Resets. Boom there it goes. On and on. Unedited. He has a nice curve in his ball like it just goes right into the center strike. I dont think hes putting his fingers in the hole. Not sure how hes doing it. Lane after lane pins drop like bodies hitting the floor. In all, mr. Dougherty bowled his perfect game in 1 50. 99. Impressive. The next feat of sports extremity, were not going to the Grammar Police for that one, going to pingpong. Table tennis if youre in the pros. In the juken video, guy in the blue shirt, keep your eyes on him, drop it. Drop it and walk away as they say, he got served. The guy says its the first time hes ever done a behind the back thing. Looks like it came naturally. A walk that makes them talk. His head turn there drawing so much attention. Luckily nobody was nearby when this happened. All right. Puppys play time. Back in november this woman decided to go without pants. Get her body painted and walk around new york in november i might add. See if anybody noticed. Shes back at it this time shes in los angeles. When i first heard this shes in l. A. I wondered how many people would notice . This posted on whatever. Com channel. Lets see if people notice. Pants these days are so tight sometimes they look like naked pants. I dont think as many notice as you would think. Only possible to notice from the back. Anyone knows jeans dont fit that well. I love that you noticed the boy, he was about 5 or 6, is head turned. He can figure out a good art project. Right here some guy has noticed and decided to give a good follow. She drew this guys attention right here. Hes taking a picture of look let me take a picture of this ad. Wait let me get that booty. Wow dude that was creepy. Dont do that guys. Dont be creepy like that. No. Look im fine with it because i like a booty as much as anybody. What if this social experiment what are we trying to do or a question look its a girls booty. I think the artist trying to put together my painting is so good it looks like clothes. Thats our show. Well see you for the next rtm. Lowes presents how to put your foot in your mouth. Man. Wish my yard looked like yours. Hey, the grass is always greener on the other side of the. Sorry now get the black deckerĀ® 20volt trimmer for 79 at lowes. Live from new york city its the Wendy Williams show. Today shes the youngest best actress nominee ever and cue zain wallis is here. Plus wendy is bringing you all of todays juiciest hot topics. Now, heres wendy u

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